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Abstract –  Dental services in sports competitions in the Games sponsored by the International Olympic Committee are mandatory. In every Central American, Pan American and Olympic Summer Games, as well as Winter Games, the Organizing Committee has to take all the necessary measures to assure dental services to all competitors. In all Olympic villages, as part of the medical services, a dental clinic is set up to treat any dental emergency that may arise during the Games. Almost every participating country in the Games has its own medical team and some may include a dentist. The major responsibilities of the team dentist as a member of the national sports delegation include: (i) education of the sports delegation about different oral and dental diseases and the illustration of possible problems that athletes or other personnel may encounter during the Games, (ii) adequate training and management of orofacial trauma during the competition, (iii) knowledge about the rules and regulations of the specific sport that the dentist is working, (iv) understanding of the anti-doping control regulations and procedures, (v) necessary skills to fabricate a custom-made and properly fitted mouthguard to all participants in contact or collision sports of the delegation. This study illustrates the dental services and occurrence of orofacial injury at the Central American and Caribbean Sports Games of the Puerto Rican Delegation for the past 20 years. A total of 2107 participants made up the six different delegations at these Games. Of these 279 or 13.2% were seen for different dental conditions. The incidence of acute or emergency orofacial conditions was 18 cases or 6% of the total participants. The most frequent injury was lip contusion with four cases and the sport that experienced more injuries was basketball with three cases.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the occurrence of dental hard and soft tissue injuries during participation in contact sports, and the awareness and use of mouthguards in a young adult sample of semi-professional or amateur boxers and tae kwon do participants in Turkey. The samples consisted of 274 young adults [174 male (63.5%) and 100 female (36.5%)] aged between 17 and 27 years of which 185 (67.5%) were tae kwon do practitioners, and 89 (32.5%) were boxers. The participants answered a standard questionnaire. All answers were evaluated and then statistical analyses were performed. Of the total sample, 61 of the subjects (22.3%) suffered dental trauma. Of these sufferers, 32 (17.3%) were boxers and 29 (32.6%) were tae kwon do practitioners. It was found that 19 (6.9%) athletes lost their teeth post-trauma. Of the 54 subjects (19.7%) suffering soft tissue injuries, 44 were female (81.5%), while only 10 were male (18.5%), of which 40 (74.1%) were tae kwon do practitioners and 14 (25.9%) were boxers. Of the total sample of 274 subjects, 228 (83.2%) were well informed about mouthguard usage. Of the total sample, 153 (55.8%) of the subjects used mouthguards, all of which were boil-and-bite type. The results of our study indicate that dentists and sports authorities in Turkey should promote the use of mouthguards in contact sports such as tae kwon do and boxing, which have a serious risk for dental and oral soft tissue trauma and tooth loss.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of mouthguard users in Erzurum, Turkey. The participants' appreciation in the use of protective devices, such as mouthguards, during sport activities was also evaluated. In this study, a 10-item questionnaire was distributed to 50 coaches and a 10-item questionnaire was distributed to 768 university athletes of three different sport modalities (basketball, soccer and volleyball) in the Atatürk University Sport Competitions. The Sport Competitions are composed of 20 faculty, except the faculty of dentistry. The result of the coaches' questionnaires indicated that none of the athletes used mouthguards while participating in sports. Of the coaches, 64% had seen orofacial trauma in their athletes during sport activities and 76% believed that mouthguards prevented oral injuries. Of the coaches, 76% reported that university athletes should use mouthguards in sport activities. The result of the university athletes' questionnaires revealed that the mouthguard utilization rate was 0%. Of all players, 78.1% were males (age 17–29) and 21.9% were females (age 18–23). Of all players, 7.31% had suffered from one or more type of oral injury while not wearing mouthguards. The results indicate that in Turkey, the use of mouthguards is rare in sports. It should be a combined duty of dentists, sports physicians, and coaches to encourage the use of mouthguards during training and sport activities. Doctors and dentists need to recommend a more intensive education of students in sports medicine and sports dentistry.  相似文献   

Abstract – The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the occurrence of oral and dental injuries in young Israeli population engaged in diverse sport activities. The participants' awareness of the use of protective devices, such as mouthguards, during sport activities was also evaluated. A population of 943 young adults, 95% males and 5% females (ages 18–19), was surveyed. A questionnaire was distributed relating to the type of sport activity practised, past oral and dental injuries over their lifetime, specifying the time and type of sports in which the injury occurred and the use and awareness of the protective devices. Of the total population examined, 850 (90%) were active in at least one type of sport, either as professionals or as amateurs. The analysis included the population that regularly participated in at least one sporting activity. The most commonly practised sports were soccer (54% of all active participants) and basketball (50%). The total number of dental and oral injuries experienced during all sport activities was 229, affecting 27% of the participants of whom 73 (9%) suffered dental injuries. Most dental injuries occurred during the basketball and soccer training sessions and matches reaching 42 and 41% of the total number of injuries, respectively, and affected 7.2 and 6.6% of the basketball and soccer players. Traumatic dental injuries in other sports occurred in less than 7% of the participants in these activities. Only 27% of the participants were aware of the protective devices, such as a mouthguards, and only 3% actually used these devices. These results point to the high risk of potential dental and oral injury during sport activities, the little knowledge about the benefits of using mouthguards and their limited utilization. The importance of public health education to increase the awareness of protective measures and devices and their actual use in Israel is the main focus. It should be a combined duty of dentists and sports physicians and of the coaches to encourage the use of protective devices during training and games.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The objective of the present study was to measure the occurrence of orofacial and cerebral injuries in different sports and to survey the awareness of athletes and officials concerning the use of mouthguards during sport activities. Two hundred and sixty-seven professional athletes and 63 officials participating in soccer, handball, basketball and ice hockey were interviewed. The frequency of orofacial and cerebral trauma during sport practice was recorded and the reason for using and not using mouthguards was assessed. A great difference in orofacial and cerebral injuries was found when comparing the different kinds of sports and comparing athletes with or without mouthguards. 45% of the players had suffered injuries when not wearing mouthguards. Most injuries were found in ice hockey, (59%), whereas only 24% of the soccer players suffered injuries when not wearing mouthguards. Sixty-eight percentage of the players wearing mouthguards had never suffered any orofacial and cerebral injuries. Two hundred and twenty-four athletes (84%) did not use a mouthguard despite general acceptance by 150 athletes (56%). Although the awareness of mouthguards among officials was very high (59%), only 25% of them would support the funding of mouthguards and 5% would enforce regulations. Athletes as well as coaches should be informed about the high risk of oral injuries when performing contact sports. Doctors and dentists need to recommend a more intensive education of students in sports medicine and sports dentistry, and to increase their willingness to become a team dentist.  相似文献   

Abstract  – The purpose of this study was to evaluate the type and prevalence of dental injuries referred to Ankara University, School of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics, Turkey. One hundred and forty-seven patients with 234 traumatized teeth presented during 18-month interval. Of the 147 patients, 85 were boys and 62 were girls. The most frequent trauma occurred in the age of 11 years. The maxillary central incisors were found to be the most affected tooth in both primary and permanent dentition injuries. The maxillary arch is involved in a higher percentage of trauma cases (95.72%). The most common cause of injuries are falls (67.34%). In the primary dentition, the most common type of injury is extrusive luxation (38.23%) and in the permanent dentition, it is fracture of enamel–dentin without pulpal involvement (50.5%). From 147 patients, only 82 presented to our clinic within 1 h and 10 days after the injury time. It reveals that there is a need to inform the public of what they should do in cases of dental trauma, and how important it is to contact a dentist immediately.  相似文献   

Abstract –  An epidemiological survey was carried out among the ice hockey players of Turkish Premier Ice Hockey League. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of dental trauma in youth and adult ice hockey players, as well as to check if the players were aware of mouthguards and had used any. The players were interviewed to determine the occurrence of dental trauma during ice hockey and mouthguard usage level. Results revealed that awareness of Turkish ice hockey players to dental trauma is neglected while the majority of players also demonstrated limited utilization of mouthguard.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Squash belongs to sporting activities with medium risk of causing dental trauma. Because of high velocity, close body contact and the use of rackets the injury potential in squash has increased. The aim of this work was to conduct a comparative study between Switzerland, Germany and France on a number of issues: the frequency of dental and facial injuries in squash, athletes' habits of wearing mouthguards, as well as the general level of information about emergency measures after a dental trauma and the resulting consequences. Using a standardized questionnaire a total of 653 individuals, 600 squash players and their 53 coaches, were interviewed. In each of the three countries 200 players belonging to four different divisions (juniors, amateurs, semi-professionals and professionals) were surveyed. Of these 653 interviewees 133 (20.4%) have already observed a dental injury; 27 (4.5%) have experienced a dental trauma themselves. Less than half of all interviewed players and coaches (47.6%) were aware of the possibility of replanting avulsed teeth. Just 5.1% were familiar with the tooth rescue kit. Only one individual wore a mouthguard. The results show that the area of squash requires more information about prevention through sports associations, coaches and dentists.  相似文献   

佩戴运动牙托可以缓冲外力,降低颌面部损伤的风险.运动牙托种类较多,其中个性化定制运动牙托具有较好的保护作用和较高的舒适度而备受欢迎.个性化定制运动牙托的膜片加热后可发生延展,随后发生厚度变化,尤以切牙区膜片的厚度变化更能影响其保护性能;因此,笔者就影响个性化定制运动牙托膜片切牙区的厚度变化的膜片硬度、膜片形状和膜片表面设计等膜片因素,工作模厚度和工作模摆放角度等工作模因素,加压方法,夹持托盘形状、夹持方式和夹持托盘与工作模底座的距离等夹持因素,加压时间等的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

Abstract  – A stratified epidemiological survey was carried out among the best French rugby players to assess the prevalence of trauma to the lower or middle part of the face (TLMPF) and the frequency at which the mouthguards (MGs) were worn. The 1140 randomized players (elite 1, elite 2 and national 1 clubs) filled in the same form anonymously. The variables were first subjected to univariate analysis (Chi-square, anova ). Secondly, they were included in a multivariate model (logistic regression). Some 29.57% of players had already been affected by a TLMPF. The risk increased for the oldest forward players. It also increased with the number of yearly competitions and number of hours of weekly training. Some 64.3% of players used a MG. The frequency at which it was worn increased with the number of yearly competitions, for those who had experinced a previous trauma and for the pack players who had been playing for a long time.  相似文献   

Abstract  – The objective of the present work was to study the occurrence of dental trauma in different sports, as well as to check if athletes used mouthguard during sport activities, and knew the siginificance of its utilization. The professional and semi-professional athletes who practised contact sports were interviewed, and were analyzed to determine the occurrence of dental trauma during sport practice, as well as if the athletes used a mouthguard and knew its indication. Results showed a high rate of dental trauma in athletes compared to the general population. The majority of athletes also demonstrated little utilization of mouthguard, in spite of the information about usage during sports practices and a general knowledge of its uses.  相似文献   

Custom-made mouthguards are widely used by athletes during training and sporting events for the prevention of oral injuries. However, even though the prevalence of dental injuries in children in the primary or mixed dentition stages is high, few reports have focused on mouthguard use for such cases due to the difficulties associated with adapting them as teeth are lost and replaced. This report presents a case of a Japanese boy in the mixed dentition stage with a custom-made mouthguard. For fabrication, self-curing acrylic resin was used to fill portions of a working model to keep space for the later eruption of permanent teeth. However, adjustment was necessary when gingival swelling occurred in association with maxillary canine eruption, after which refabrication was necessary. Regular management of a custom-made mouthguard by the attending dentist is important for children in the mixed dentition period, especially during maxillary canine eruption, which causes drastic dentition changes. In the present case, custom-made mouthguards were fully effective based on the prediction of changes in the dentition and with regular dental management.  相似文献   

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