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A comparative study of DNA ploidy in 115 fresh-frozen breast carcinomas by image analysis versus flow cytometry. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
BACKGROUND. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of cellular DNA content may be clinically useful in the prognostic evaluation of certain types of malignant tumors, including breast carcinoma. Flow cytometric (FCM) analysis has been the most frequently used procedure for DNA analysis, but it requires a reasonably large tissue sample. Computer-based image analysis (IA) now allows imprint, cytospin, and needle aspiration smear preparations and other small tissue samples to be used. METHODS. To resolve concern about the diagnostic efficacy of small tissue samples in the use of IA, the authors performed a comparative study of FCM analysis and IA using 115 fresh-frozen breast carcinomas. Feulgen-stained imprint preparations for IA and single-cell suspensions from the same fresh-frozen tissue for FCM analysis were used, and the respective histograms were compared. RESULTS. The results were concordant in 90.4% (104 of 115) of the cases, but 11 specimens yielded discordant data. IA provided histograms with a somewhat lower resolution and a relatively high coefficient of variation for the G0/G1 peak, thus rendering occasional tumors, which were near-diploid aneuploid by FCM analysis (four cases), not amenable to diagnosis by aneuploid characterization. In three additional cases, FCM analysis showed aneuploid hyperdiploid (two cases) and multiploid (one case) histograms, but IA only demonstrated a diploid peak. Conversely, in four other cases, aneuploid peaks were recognized only by IA. CONCLUSIONS. Computerized IA has significant advantages over FCM analysis, including lower cost, the ability to analyze very small specimens, the capability of detecting rare high ploidy cells, the capacity to classify cellular populations according to specific morphologic type, and the fact that no destructive enzyme or chemical digestion is required for specimen preparation, thereby preserving the integrity of fragile cells. 相似文献
Use of DNA image cytometry in addition to flow cytometry for the study of patients with advanced ovarian cancer 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
C J Rodenburg J J Ploem-Zaaijer C J Cornelisse W E Mesker J Hermans P A Heintz J S Ploem G J Fleuren 《Cancer research》1987,47(15):3938-3941
Forty-five patients with advanced ovarian cancer were studied with both DNA flow cytometry (FCM) and automatic DNA image cytometry carried out with the Leiden Television Analysis System (Leytas). There was a significant difference in survival between the diploid and nondiploid cases as determined by FCM. Furthermore, the presence of nuclei with a high DNA content (defined as a DNA content higher than 5C) as determined by Leytas indicated a poor prognosis. When the combined results of FCM and Leytas were taken into account, three different groups of patients could be distinguished. The group of patients with a diploid malignancy (n = 12) had a median survival of more than 60 months. The group of patients (n = 11) with a nondiploid tumor having fewer than 100 nuclei with a high DNA content per 1600 microscope fields formed an intermediate group (median survival, 42 months), whereas the median survival of the remaining patients (n = 22), who had a nondiploid malignancy combined with more than 100 of these nuclei per 1600 microscope fields, was only 15 months. In addition, comparison of the clinical parameters by means of a multivariate analysis (Cox regression model) showed that the combined results of FCM and DNA image cytometry had the largest influence on survival. It is concluded that DNA image cytometry appears to be supplementary to FCM for the study of DNA ploidy abnormalities and that the combined results of these methods have a major influence on the clinical outcome. 相似文献
Independent prognostic value of ploidy in colorectal cancer. A prospective study using image cytometry 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
X Albe P Vassilakos K Helfer-Guarnori J C Givel N de Quay L Suardet J F Eliason N Odartchenko 《Cancer》1990,66(6):1168-1175
In a prospective study, the DNA content of Feulgen-stained nuclei obtained from fresh samples of 211 colorectal adenocarcinomas was evaluated by means of image analysis. The DNA histogram classification took into account aneuploidy and S-phase fraction for diploid cases. No significant relationship was found between ploidy and sex, age, preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), size of the tumor, histologic differentiation, or Dukes' stage. Aneuploidy was more frequently encountered in distal tumors. Preoperative CEA, histologic differentiation, Dukes' stage, and ploidy were individually associated with overall survival. In Dukes' A, B, and C tumors, patients with normal and elevated CEA had no significant difference in overall survival. A relationship was apparent between disease-free survival and site, histologic differentiation, Dukes' stage, and ploidy. Multivariate overall survival analysis did not reveal independent prognostic significance of ploidy when all Dukes' stages were considered. In contrast, Dukes' stage, differentiation, and ploidy were good indicators of higher risk of colorectal cancer-related death in patients undergoing curative surgery. Dukes' stage and ploidy were also indicators for recurrence. Thus, routine histopathologic characteristics should be used in combination with quantitative cytologic features for the definition of a relevant prognostic index in colorectal cancer. 相似文献
T E Witzig N J Gonchoroff T Therneau D T Gilbertson L E Wold C Grant J Grande J A Katzmann D L Ahmann J N Ingle 《Cancer》1991,68(8):1781-1788
The DNA content was analyzed in paraffin-embedded material from 167 patients with node-positive breast cancer to learn whether specimen sonication and multiparameter ploidy analysis (MPPA) (using DNA content and light scatter) could improve the strength of ploidy as a prognostic variable. Sonicated specimens were found to have fewer aggregates, a lower percentage of cells in S-phase (%S) and G2M phase than the corresponding nonsonicated specimens. The results using MPPA predicted the prognosis better because they allowed detection of small aneuploid peaks in histograms classified as diploid or tetraploid using DNA content alone. Ploidy was a significant univariate factor, and patients with tetraploid tumors had the best survival. In the multivariate analysis, if other routine factors were examined preferentially, ploidy and %S did not provide additional prognostic information for survival. This study of paraffin-embedded breast cancers suggested that sonication and MPPA may improve the ploidy analysis in certain cases and that tetraploidy may be a favorable ploidy pattern in this group. 相似文献
Anton Zellner Jürgen Meixensberger Wolfgang Roggendorf Michael Janka Holger Hoehn Klaus Roosen 《International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer》1998,79(2):116-120
Although various DNA flow-cytometric studies have been performed on meningiomas, the role of DNA ploidy and the S-phase fraction (SPF) in predicting biological tumor behavior remains unresolved. Discrepant results in earlier studies might be due to different preparing, staining and measuring techniques; different quality standards; and lack of sophisticated computer software. In this study, high-resolution DNA flow cytometry using the DNA-specific dye DAPI (4′, 6′-diamidino-2-phenylindol) was performed on stored frozen tissue from 128 microsurgically resected meningiomas and 7 hemangiopericytomas, including 17 recurrent meningiomas and 4 recurrent hemangiopericytomas. The computer software Multicycle 2.5 was used to determine the ploidy level and to perform cell-cycle analysis. DNA aneuploidy and SPF were significantly higher in atypical, anaplastic and recurrent meningiomas and correlated well with histopathological features such as focal necrosis, infiltration of dura mater and mitotic activity. Among 128 meningiomas, 42 had additional DNA aneuploid stem lines. No association between hypo- and hyperploidy and either histological subtype or clinical outcome was found. In 7 hemangiopericytomas, SPF was significantly higher compared to the benign meningioma group, while only 1 tumor was aneuploid. In all 42 DNA aneuploid tumors, cell-cycle analysis was performed separately for the euploid and aneuploid stem lines. The proliferation parameters (SPF, G2/M phase) were significantly higher in the DNA aneuploid stem lines. DNA ploidy and SPF are thus useful indicators of different biological behavior within identical histological subgroups in meningiomas. Int. J. Cancer (Pred. Oncol.) 79:116–120, 1998.© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Moureau-Zabotto L Bouchet C Cesari D Uzan S Lefranc JP Antoine M Genestie C Deniaud-Alexandre E Bernaudin JF Touboul E Fleury-Feith J 《Breast cancer research and treatment》2005,91(1):61-71
Purpose. To assess the significance of S-phase fraction (SPF) and DNA ploidy evaluated by DNA flow cytometry as prognostic markers in stage I or II breast cancer.Patients and methods. A series of 271 patients, treated by surgery, radiotherapy ± systemic therapy was analyzed (median follow up: 64 months). Standardized flow cytometry cell preparation from frozen samples and consensus rules for data interpretation were followed. Three SPF classes were defined on the basis of tertiles after adjustment for ploidy. Four groups were defined based on combinations of DNA ploidy (DIP: diploid; ANEUP: aneuploid) and SPF: DIP and low SPF (DL, n=37), DIP and medium or high SPF (DMH, n=76), ANEUP and low SPF (AL, n=24), ANEUP and medium or high SPF (AMH, n=68). Local control rate (LCR), disease-free survival (DFS), metastasis-free survival (MFS), and overall survival (OS) were correlated with DNA ploidy, SPF, DL to AMH groups, T and N stages, SBR grading, age, and hormonal status on univariate and multivariate analysis (Cox model).Results. On univariate analysis, DFS and LCR were higher for DIP tumours. High SPF values were associated with shorter DFS. LCR, MFS, DFS, and OS rates were significantly different with an increasingly poorer prognosis from DL to AMH. On multivariate analysis, groups DL to AMH, histological node involvement and T stage were independently associated with MFS, and DFS. In N(–) patients, DL to AMH remained independent for MFS and DFS. For SBR III tumours, MFS and OS were significantly different in DL to AMH groups. These results strongly support the use of combined evaluation of DNA ploidy and SPF as independent parameters in clinical trials for N(–) stage I and II breast cancer. 相似文献
DNA倍体分析在胸腹水诊断中的价值 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨流式细胞术(FCM)DNA倍体分析对恶性胸腔积液及腹水的诊断价值.方法以57例患者的胸水或腹水作流式细胞术DNA倍体分析和脱落细胞学检测,比较二者之间的敏感性和特异性.结果FCM、脱落细胞学检测在良恶性胸腔积液或腹水中的阳性率分别为6.67%,62.96%;3.33%,48.15%.二种方法均有非常显著性差异(P<0.01).FCM、脱落细胞学检测在恶性胸腔积液或腹水中敏感性分别为62.96%,48.15%,二者无显著性差异(P>0.05).特异性分别为93.33%,96.67%,二者无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论流式细胞术分析胸腔积液及腹水细胞的DNA异倍体,对于恶性肿瘤的细胞学诊断有重大意义. 相似文献
Prognostic value of steroid hormone receptors: multivariate analysis of systemically untreated patients with node negative primary breast cancer 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
S M Thorpe C Rose B B Rasmussen H T Mouridsen T Bayer N Keiding 《Cancer research》1987,47(22):6126-6133
The value of estrogen and progesterone receptor (ER and PgR, respectively) determinations in predicting the recurrence-free survival (RFS) has been evaluated in a group of 807 node negative breast cancer patients. All of these patients are enrolled in the Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group (DBCG) 77-1a and 82-a protocols for low risk patients, and none of them have received systemic adjuvant therapy. At a median observation time of 50 months and in an evaluation of the total patient population as an entity, ER+ patients had only a marginally significant (P = 0.07) longer RFS than ER- patients while PgR+ patients experienced a significant advantage (P = 0.02). Among patients subgrouped according to menopausal status, both ER and PgR statuses were found to be significant prognostic factors for predicting RFS in the premenopausal women (less than 50 years) but not in peri- or postmenopausal women. Using Cox's multivariate analysis, nuclear pleomorphy was found to be the only significant prognostic variable, while the value of PgR status as a prognostic factor approached significance (P = 0.065). Although knowledge of ER status did not significantly improve distinction between patients with good and poor prognoses in the relatively small subgroup of premenopausal patients (n = 120) when PgR status was known, ER+PgR- patients have a lower risk of recurrence or death than ER-PgR- patients. Using a log-likelihood model, significant and distinct cut-off limits for the definition of receptor positivity were found for premenopausal patients: these were 5 fmol/mg cytosol protein for ER and 10 fmol/mg cytosol protein for PgR. These cut-off levels may reflect the ability of the ligand binding assay method used to discriminate between tissues with and without receptor proteins. Qualitative assessment of receptor status was as valuable as quantitative expression of receptor concentrations in predicting the RFS of the natural course of the disease among node negative premenopausal patients. 相似文献
Prognostic value of DNA flow cytometry in stomach cancer: a 5-year prospective study 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lee KH Lee JS Lee JH Kim SW Suh C Kim WK Kim SH Min YI Kim BS Park KC Lee MS Sun HS 《British journal of cancer》1999,79(11-12):1727-1735
The role of DNA flow cytometry in the prediction of prognosis for patients with stomach cancer remains to be defined. Thus we studied prospectively the role of DNA flow cytometry as a prognosis indicator in stomach cancer patients in a high-incidence area. Between November 1990 and December 1992, primary stomach cancer tissues were obtained from the surgical specimens from 217 patients (148 male, 69 female). DNA flow cytometric analyses of DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction were performed and the results were correlated with patient survival. The median age of the patients was 55 years (range 24-78). Aneuploid cell population was found in 114 of 217 samples (53%). Tumour S-phase fraction was obtained in 96 of 103 diploid tumours (93%) and 61 of 114 aneuploid tumours (54%). After median follow-up of 66.1 months, the patients with tumours with an S-phase fraction over 17% had significantly worse survival rates than patients with tumours with S-phase fractions of lower than 8% or 8-17% (45% vs 59% and 63% of patients surviving, P = 0.007). Tumour ploidy status did not correlate with patient survival. Multivariate analyses showed that the TNM stage remained the most important prognostic indicator. The tumour S-phase fraction was also an independent prognostic indicator (relative risk 2.300, 95% CI, 1.252-4.223). Tumour S-phase fraction obtained by DNA flow cytometry is an independent prognostic indicator for the survival of the patients with stomach cancer. 相似文献
The regional lymph node control and survival impact of axillary dissection in breast cancer has been the subject of multiple randomized trials, with various results. This study reviews and conducts a meta‐analysis of contemporary trials of axillary dissection in patients with early stage breast cancer.METHODS:
A systematic MEDLINE review identified 3 randomized trials published between January 2000 and January 2007 of axillary dissection versus no dissection in clinically lymph node negative early stage breast cancer patients. A fourth trial of axillary radiotherapy versus no axillary treatment was also identified and included in this review. Meta‐analyses were performed for survival, axillary recurrence, metastatic disease, and ipsilateral breast recurrence.RESULTS:
All trials reported a higher rate of axillary recurrence (1.5%‐3%, median follow‐up 5‐15 years) in the absence of axillary dissection or radiotherapy. Overall survival was similar with and without definitive axillary treatment in 3 of the 4 trials, with an increased rate of nonbreast cancer‐related death in the observation arm of the fourth trial. Meta‐analyses found no significant difference in overall survival (odds ratio [OR] 1.55; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.74‐3.24), metastases (OR 0.91; 95% CI, 0.65‐1.29), or ipsilateral breast recurrence (OR 1.11; 95% CI, 0.68‐1.83) associated with axillary treatment. A significantly lower rate of axillary recurrence was seen after lymphadenectomy (OR 0.28; 95% CI, 0.11‐0.73, P<.01).CONCLUSIONS:
Axillary dissection does not confer a survival benefit in the setting of early stage clinically lymph node negative breast cancer. Although the rate of axillary failure was increased in the absence of dissection, the absolute risk was found to be extremely low. Cancer 2009. © 2009 American Cancer Society. 相似文献11.
The relation of flow cytometry to clinical and biologic characteristics in women with node negative primary breast cancer 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
H B Muss T E Kute L D Case L R Smith C Booher R Long L Kammire B Gregory J K Brockschmidt 《Cancer》1989,64(9):1894-1900
Flow cytometry (FC) analysis including DNA index (ploidy status) and cell kinetics (%S and %S + G2/M) was done on frozen tissue of the primary lesions of 101 women with node negative (N-) breast cancer who were studied prospectively. Currently, 19% (19/101) of the patients have recurred. No significant relations have been found between recurrence or survival and age, estrogen/progesterone receptor status, tumor size, and tumor type. The DNA index (ploidy) was not related to any clinical variable, time to recurrence, or survival. Aneuploid tumors did, however, have significantly higher %S phase activity. Patients with %S activity less than or equal to the median value were significantly different from those patients with %S above the median. They were older and had a higher frequency of ER/PR positive and well- or moderately differentiated tumors. Patients with %S + G2/M greater than the median value showed shorter time to recurrence (P = .055) and shorter survival (P = .006), whereas %S alone was significantly associated only with survival. Multivariate analysis showed that neither DNA index nor cell kinetics was significantly associated with time to relapse. DNA index was not significantly associated with survival; %S was of borderline significance whereas %S + %G2/M was a significant independent predictor of survival. Although FC data may provide independent information related to survival in N-women, additional research in a larger number of patients is needed to define its precise role in patient management. 相似文献
R Ponzone N Biglia F Maggiorotto F Kubatzki O Elia G De Rosa P Sismondi 《European journal of surgical oncology》2003,29(9):703-706
AIMS: Negative sentinel node may predict tumour-free axillary nodes in breast cancer. We report the performance of sentinel node dissection at our Institution.METHODS: We analysed data from 212 consecutive women with primary invasive breast tumours less than 3 cm in diameter and no axillary lymphadenopathy who underwent radioguided sentinel node dissection by means of 99mTc-colloidal albumin between 1999 and 2002. Completion axillary node dissection was performed if sentinel nodes contained metastases or if no sentinel nodes were identified.RESULTS: Sentinel nodes were identified in 207/212 of the patients. Fifty-seven patients had tumour-positive sentinel nodes. Only tumour diameter showed significant association with sentinel node status (p<0.000). Per-operative histologic evaluation had a sensitivity of 67.3% and a negative predictive value of 90.4%. No subset of sentinel node positive patients was identified for whom axillary node dissection could be safely avoided. No recurrences were detected at a median follow-up of 15 months.CONCLUSION: Radioguided sentinel node dissection offers a reliable way to assess nodal status in most breast cancer patients. In our experience, both preoperative lymphoscintigraphy and intraoperative histologic evaluation add useful information to the procedure. 相似文献
DNA flow cytometric analysis of primary operable breast cancer. Relation of ploidy and S-phase fraction to outcome of patients in NSABP B-04 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
B Fisher N Gunduz J Costantino E R Fisher C Redmond E P Mamounas R Siderits 《Cancer》1991,68(7):1465-1475
Between 1971 and 1974, 1665 women with primary operable breast cancer were randomized into a National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) trial (B-04) conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of several different regimens of surgical and radiation therapy. No systemic therapy was given. Cells from archival paraffin-embedded tumor tissue taken from 398 patients were analyzed for ploidy and S-phase fraction (SPF) using flow cytometry. Characteristics and outcome of patients with satisfactory DNA histograms were comparable to those from whom no satisfactory cytometric studies were available. In patients with diploid tumors (43%), the mean SPF was 3.4% +/- 2.3%; in the aneuploid population (57%), the SPF was 7.9% +/- 6.3%. Only 29.9% +/- 17.3% of cells in aneuploid tumors were aneuploid. Diploid tumors were more likely than aneuploid tumors to be of good nuclear grade (P less than 0.001) and smaller size (P equals 0.03). More tumors with high SPF were of poor nuclear grade than were tumors with low SPF (P equals 0.002). No significant difference in 10-year disease-free survival (P equals 0.3) or survival (P equals 0.1) was found between women with diploid or aneuploid tumors. Patients with low SPF tumors had a 13% better disease-free survival (P equals 0.0006) than those with a high SPF and a 14% better survival (P equals 0.007) at 10 years than patients with high SPF tumors. After adjustment for clinical tumor size, the difference in both disease-free survival and survival between patients with high and low SPF tumors was only 10% (P equals 0.04 and 0.08, respectively). Although SPF was found to be of independent prognostic significance for disease-free survival and marginal significance for survival, it did not detect patients with such a good prognosis as to preclude their receiving chemotherapy. The overall survival of patients with low SPF was only 53% at 10 years. These findings and those of others indicate that additional studies are necessary before tumor ploidy and SPF can be used to select patients who should or should not receive systemic therapy. 相似文献
Olle Stål Claes Klintenberg Gunnar Franzen Björn Risberg Siw Arvidsson Kaj Bjelkenkrantz Lambert Skoog Bo Nordenskjöld 《Breast cancer research and treatment》1986,7(1):15-22
Summary 332 primary invasive breast carcinomas were analysed by static cytofluorometry and flow cytometry. The ploidy distributions were similar, and 54% of the tumors were judged DNA aneuploid by both methods.The coefficient of variation of the G0–G1 peaks ranged from 2.0 to 8% with both techniques, but the mean was somewhat lower with flow cytometry — 4.1%, compared to 4.9% for the static measurements.The proportion of S-phase cells was possible to estimate from 80% of the flow histograms and 70% of the static histograms. S-phase was not estimated from the static histograms if less than 150 tumor cells were measured. With 160 tumors S-phase was measured by both methods. The range was 0 to 27% with the static measurements and 0.7 to 25% with flow cytometry. Corresponding mean values were 7.6% and 8.2%, which are similar to thymidine labeling index results with breast cancers reported in some studies. A close correlation was obtained (r = 0.927) comparing S-phase fractions estimated from aneuploid tumors with flow cytometry and static cytofluorometry if more than 200 cells were measured with the latter. The proportion of S-phase cells was significantly lower for the diploid tumors.We conclude that both techniques can be useful for the estimation of DNA ploidy and replication in human breast cancer. 相似文献
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) issued a Clinical Alert on node negative breast cancer in May 1988. Based on findings of clinical studies, the Alert advised that adjuvant hormonal or cytotoxic chemotherapy could have a meaningful impact on the natural history of patients with node negative breast cancer. Prior to the Alert, the majority of women diagnosed with node negative breast cancer did not receive adjuvant treatment. To determine which patients with node negative breast cancer can potentially benefit from adjuvant treatment, a number of biological variables need to be considered: menopausal status, tumor size, histopathology, nuclear grade, and steroid hormone receptor status. Recently two new prognostic indicators--S phase index (SPI) and ploidy--have been incorporated into the clinical setting. This article explains these indicators and provides patient education information. 相似文献
PURPOSE: This study attempted to determine the prognostic value of DNA flow cytometry in the treatment of patients with locally recurrent, conservatively treated breast cancer. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Of 433 patients with clinical stage I and II breast cancer treated with conservative surgery and radiotherapy at Yale-New Haven Hospital before January 1985, 50 patients experienced an ipsilateral breast relapse as a first site of treatment failure. Using standard flow-cytometric techniques, DNA ploidy, DNA index, and S-phase fraction (SPF) were measured for 38 of the 50 (76%) paraffin-embedded specimens available for analysis. RESULTS: At a median postrecurrence follow-up of 5.8 years, the 5-year and disease-free survival rates following ipsilateral breast treatment failure were 48% and 54%, respectively. Sixty-three percent of the recurrent tumors were DNA diploid and 37% were aneuploid. Both DNA ploidy and SPF were statistically significant prognostic indicators for 5-year survival and disease-free survival after local recurrence. The 5-year survival rate of the DNA diploid population was 64%, compared with 15% in the aneuploid population (P < .02). Patients with low SPF (< 12%) experienced an 83% 5-year survival rate, compared with a 24% 5-year survival rate in patients with high SPF (> or = 12%) (P < .03). Ploidy and SPF were combined to define the categories of favorable (diploid, low SPF) and unfavorable (diploid, high SPF or any aneuploid subgroups). Patients in the favorable category experienced an 89% 5-year postrecurrence survival rate and a 100% disease-free survival rate, whereas patients in the unfavorable category had a 24% 5-year survival rate and a 32% disease-free survival rate (P < .01). The flow cytometry as a factor correlated with other clinical parameters previously shown to be of prognostic significance in this patient population. In a multivariate analysis, flow cytometry was a statistically significant and independent prognostic factor for disease-free survival following local recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: DNA ploidy and SPF as measured by currently available flow-cytometric techniques show promise as a tool in determining prognosis for the patient with locally recurrent breast cancer. Implications of these findings with respect to issues of adjuvant systemic therapy at the time of local recurrence are discussed. 相似文献
Prognostic value of mitotic counts in axillary node negative breast cancer patients with predominantly well-differentiated tumours. 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
W E Fiets F E Bellot H Struikmans M A Blankenstein J W R Nortier 《European journal of surgical oncology》2005,31(2):128-133
AIMS: In axillary node negative (ANN) breast cancer patients additional prognostic markers are needed to decide whether adjuvant systemic treatment might be useful. METHODS: In the present study, the prognostic relevance of mitotic counts and Bloom-Richardson grade (BR-grade) was evaluated in 164 ANN breast cancer patients. No adjuvant systemic treatment was given to any of these patients. Mitotic counts were determined twice, in routine practice and in revision. RESULTS: A substantial reproducibility of mitotic counts was found, provided that the cut-off value chosen was high enough. After a median follow-up of 10 years, mitotic counts had no prognostic significance for survival at any cut-off value. A trend towards a significant worse survival was found for patients with Bloom-Richardson grade II or III in comparison with grade I. CONCLUSIONS: Based on data in the literature a positive association between both mitotic counts and BR-grade and survival in ANN breast cancer may exist, but the extent of this putative association and its clinical relevance can be argued, particularly in a group of patients with predominantly well differentiated tumours. 相似文献
Twenty-two patients who previously responded to first-line hormonal therapy were evaluated for factors which would predict for response to second hormonal manipulation. Investigations performed at progression after initial hormone response included immunocytochemical estimation of estrogen and progesterone receptors as well as flow cytometric analysis of tumor ploidy. Approximately 50% of patients were found still to be estrogen receptor positive at relapse from first-line hormone treatment. Progesterone receptor had, however, usually become negative. Nine of the 22 patients responded to second-line hormonal therapy. Second hormone responses occurred with equal frequency among hormone receptor-positive and hormone receptor-negative patients. Tumor ploidy, as determined by flow cytometric study did, however, predict for response. Eight of 12 patients with diploid tumors responded to second-line hormone therapy whereas only one of ten with aneuploid tumors responded. Flow cytometric analysis appears to be a promising technique for prediction of second hormone response after relapse from first-line hormone manipulation. 相似文献
L Moureau-Zabotto C Bouchet D Cesari S Uzan J P Lefranc M Antoine C Genestie E Deniaud-Alexandre J F Bernaudin E Touboul J Fleury-Feith 《Cancer radiothérapie》2005,9(8):575-586
PURPOSE: To assess the significance of S-phase fraction (SPF) and DNA ploidy evaluated by DNA flow cytometry as prognostic markers in stage I or II breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A series of 271 patients, treated by surgery, radiotherapy+/-systemic therapy was analysed (median follow up: 64 months). Standardized flow cytometry cell preparation from frozen samples and consensus rules for data interpretation were followed. Three SPF classes were defined on the basis of tertiles after adjustment for ploidy. Four groups were defined based on combinations of DNA ploidy (DIP: diploid; ANEUP: aneuploid) and SPF: DIP and low SPF (DL, N=37), DIP and medium or high SPF (DMH, N=76), ANEUP and low SPF (AL, N=24), ANEUP and medium or high SPF (AMH, N=68). Local control rate (LCR), disease-free survival (DFS), metastasis-free survival (MFS), and overall survival (OS) were correlated with DNA ploidy, SPF, DL to AMH groups, T and N stages, SBR grading, age, and hormonal status on univariate and multivariate analysis (Cox model). RESULTS: On univariate analysis, DFS and LCR were higher for DIP tumours. High SPF values were associated with shorter DFS. LCR, MFS, DFS, and OS rates were significantly different with an increasingly poorer prognosis from DL to AMH. On multivariate analysis, groups DL to AMH, histological node involvement and T stage were independently associated with MFS, and DFS. In N- patients, DL to AMH remained independent for MFS and DFS. For SBR III tumours, MFS and OS were significantly different in DL to AMH groups. These results strongly support the use of combined evaluation of DNA ploidy and SPF as independent parameters in clinical trials for N- stage I and II breast cancer. 相似文献