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建立和使用健康档案提高社区卫生服务质量   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
目的为了探讨提高社区卫生服务质量的途径和方法。方法从社区卫生工作的实际出发,参照国内文献,分析建立健康档案的意义、内容、基本要求以及存在的现状.寻求科学管理和有效利用的方法。结果健康档案内容和格式应标准化,管理和利用应计算机化与网络化。结论建立和用活健康档案是提高社区卫生服务质量的基础途径。  相似文献   



The Primary Community Care Network (PCCN) Demonstration Project, launched by the Bureau of National Health Insurance (BNHI) in 2003, is still in progress. Partnership structures in PCCNs represent both contractual clinic-to-clinic and clinic-to-hospital member relationships of organizational aspects. The partnership structures are the formal relationships between individuals and the total network. Their organizational design aims to ensure effective communication, coordination, and integration across the total network. Previous studies have focused largely on how contractual integration among the partnerships works and on its effects. Few studies, however, have tried to understand partnership disengagement in PCCNs. This study explores why some partnerships in PCCNs disengage.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer mortality continues to be a significant problem in the United States. Pap Test screening programs have been effective in attracting high risk women, but the impact of these programs on subsequent health care has seldom been explored. This follow up study examined the impact of a cervical cancer screening and education program on preventive health behaviors of New Hampshire women in the 24 months following the screening program. A mailed survey was sent to a random sample of 750 women from program participants to evaluate both their recent preventive health care practices and to identify perceived barriers to obtaining preventive health services. Of these, 71.1 percent responded. Survey responses of the original program participants were linked to each subject's previous answers to the same questions asked 24 months earlier. A comparison group was derived by asking follow up study participants to identify a female acquaintance within five years of her age. Seventy-four percent of the comparison group responded. Survey responses of original program participants were then compared to those of the comparison group.Results indicate that women who participated in the original Project received significantly more preventive health care services in the two years since the Project than in the two years prior to it. Women in the comparison group received more Paps and clinical breast examinations than women in the participant group, perhaps because all participants had received a Pap test two years before. Having a regular health care provider was the most significant characteristic associated with obtaining indicated preventive services. An important contribution of community screening programs may be to encourage women to establish a regular source of care.Patricia Carney is a predoctoral candidate, School of Nursing University of Washington in Seattle, Washington; Allen Dietrich is an associate professor, department of community and family medicine at Dartmouth Medical School, and Daniel Freeman is a professor, department of community and family medicine at Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover, New Hampshire.This research was supported by Grant # 250-81 of the Hitchcock Foundation, a component of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.  相似文献   

This paper explores issues concerning the development of linkages across the interface between acute and community aged care services in a small regional Australian city. It addresses a participatory action research project that took place over a 2 year period involving an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). Aged Care Assessment Teams are multidisciplinary teams whose members mediate between hospitals and the aged care system in the community and have a key role in developing networks and linkages between various service providers in the field. In an age of economic rationalist-inspired reform agendas in health and community care, rural infrastructures have been compromised to such a degree that the role of rural ACAT in developing linkages between sectors has never been more important. This paper takes up this issue and addresses the project findings, which highlight a field characterised by ineffective linkages within and between the various sectors, a lack of understanding of the operation of the rural aged care system among nurses working in regional hospitals, and the efficacy of ACAT working collaboratively with nurses to create new and more effective linkages in aged care.  相似文献   

As a result of policy changes and developments on the demand side, the importance of technology in primary health care will grow fast. An approach to the implementation of new technologies in primary health care is presented in this article. First we describe the main problems in Dutch primary health care. The second step is to identify new technologies which are becoming available. Subsequently, the interface between these problems and their possible technological resolution has to be found. The fact that a technological innovation appears to be a solution is not sufficient reason for introducing it. There are all kinds of reasons why an innovation that has proved useful in the hospital situation, for example, might be of doubtful use in primary health care. Accordingly, the next step is to assess whether a technological solution to a problem in primary health care is indeed an improvement. To acknowledge the particular situation of primary health care, a scheme has been developed that may be used to determine criteria of evaluation.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on how empowerment can lead to an improvement in the health status of an individual, group, or community. There is a broad body of literature on empowerment, and this review has been designed to identify material, particularly case studies, that can be included within the following 'empowerment domains': Participation; Community-based organizations; Local leadership; Resource mobilization; Asking 'why'; Assessment of problems; Links with other people and organizations; Role of outside agents; and Programme management. The paper discusses the results of the literature review and provides examples, from both developed and developing countries, of how each of the 'empowerment domains' has led to an improvement in health outcomes. The results of the review should be of interest to the planners and practitioners of health, population and nutrition programmes that have a particular focus on empowerment.  相似文献   

The objective of this pilot project was to determine whether engaging critical care unit staff in designing and implementing enhancements to the practice environment would positively impact the clinical environment and staff outcomes. The project used a one-group pre-post test design and a participatory action process. Significant changes in the practice environment were observed in the priority areas identified by the unit staff. Results indicated that team collaboration and respectful work relationships improved following interventions.  相似文献   



The objectives were to evaluate the safety and acceptability of outpatient medical abortion in selected women without a pretreatment ultrasound or pelvic examination.

Study design

We conducted a prospective case-series study to estimate the incidence of serious adverse events (death, life-threatening event, hospitalization, transfusion or any other medical problem that we judged to be significant), surgical completion of the abortion and satisfaction in women provided with medical abortion without a pretreatment ultrasound or pelvic examination. We enrolled 406 women requesting medical abortion in Moldova, Mexico and the United States. To be eligible, a woman must have been certain that her last menstrual period started within the prior 56 days, have had regular menses before the pregnancy, not have used hormonal contraceptives in the prior 2 months (in the United States and Mexico) or 3 months (in Moldova), have no risk factors for or symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, and not have had an ultrasound or pelvic exam in this pregnancy. One site also excluded women with uterine enlargement on abdominal palpation. Each participant received mifepristone (200 mg orally) and misoprostol (400 mcg sublingually in Moldova; 800 mcg buccally at all other sites) and was followed until complete abortion, defined as requiring no further treatment.


Of the 365 (90%) participants who provided sufficient follow-up information for analysis, 347 (95%) had complete abortion without additional treatment, 5 (1%) had surgical aspiration, and 10 (3%) had extra misoprostol. Three participants (1%) had serious adverse events; these included two hospital admissions for heavy bleeding managed with aspiration and one diagnosis of persistent gestational sac 19 days after enrollment. Most (317, 90%) participants were pleased with omitting the pretreatment ultrasound and pelvic exam.


In this study, medical abortion without screening ultrasound or pelvic exam resulted in no serious adverse events that were likely to have been prevented by those tests and was highly acceptable.


Screening for medical abortion without exam or ultrasound shows promise as a means for increasing access to this service. More research is needed to develop screening criteria that are more inclusive and simpler for clinical use.  相似文献   

Within the literature, the formation of therapeutic relationships between professionals, older people and others significant to them in their lives has been considered as central to current care philosophies. Furthermore, relationships between staff, residents and their families have emerged within the literature as fundamental to the experiences of life within the community of a care home. This paper reports part of a wider study that explored relationships between residents, families and staff. The aim of this paper is to contribute to an understanding of the factors that may be significant in the formation of relationships in care homes, and how this may support the development of community. Three case studies of care homes were undertaken using a constructivist approach. Constructivist methodology seeks to share multiple perceptions between participants with the aim of creating a joint construction. This process supported the development of shared meanings as views and ideas were shared between participants using interviews, participant observation and focus groups. The key factors influencing relationships that emerged were leadership, continuity of staff, personal philosophy of staff and contribution of residents and families. This paper suggests that considering how the style of leadership influences the organisation of care may be a useful starting point in developing community within care homes.  相似文献   

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