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工商管理学院前身是沈阳药科大学医药企业管理教研室,始建于1982年。1986年独立建系,并开始招收医药企业管理本科专业学生,年招生规模60人。1995年正式建院,本科专业发展到三个,即工商管理、国际经济与贸易和市场营销专业。现在校生已达400多人。与此同时,学院积极开展研究生教育,从1994年开始招收药事管理方向的硕士研究生,并已设立硕士学科点,从2000年开始,招收药事管理方向博士研究生。学院在完成繁重教学任务的同时,积极开展科学研究,获奖论文及成果20多项,出版专著和教材10余部工商管理学院  相似文献   

时佳琪  胡明 《中国药事》2024,38(2):237-244
目的:系统梳理药事管理学科在我国高等院校中所对应的本硕博学位授权类型,并纵向比较药事管理学科在硕士和博士层面研究方向的增设情况,了解药事管理学科的高层次人才培养趋势,进而为药事管理学科高等院校人才培养提供参考建议。方法:主要采用文献研究法和资料分析法。登录中国高等教育学生信息网和中国研究生招生信息网等教育部网站,以及各院校官网,整理归纳药事管理学科的学位设置情况以及研究方向增设情况,并进行统计分析。结果:开设药事管理本科专业的高等院校逐年增多;药事管理专业硕士博士培养逐渐规模化与体系化。结论:建议规范药事管理硕士博士招生专业的名称;推动药事管理与“互联网+”的结合。  相似文献   

程红霞  黄泰康 《中国药业》2008,17(12):11-12
目的探究我国药事管理专业研究生就业取向及趋势。方法对我国3所大学药事管理专业研究生进行问卷调查及统计分析。结果与结论我国药事管理研究生毕业取向受到家境的影响,多数人选择从事公务员和事业单位,其次是进入跨国企业工作。我国药学类院校应积极探索药事管理人才培养模式,构建新型药事管理专业教学体系,培养新型的药事管理专业人才。  相似文献   

关于药事管理学科建设和研究生培养的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常云成  叶桦 《中国药事》2007,21(5):351-355
通过对我国药事管理研究生专业设置的现状分析,借鉴美国的有关实践,结合我国的国情,提出药事管理学科建设和药事管理研究生培养的一些建议。  相似文献   

介绍美国药事管理专业硕士研究生教育的基本情况.提及目前美国药事管理的研究方向、课程设置、入学和毕业条件等,并根据我国药事管理专业目前面临的情况,提出一些针对性的建议,期望引起国内药事管理研究生教育人员的重视,促进该专业在我国的发展。  相似文献   

1 加强药事管理教学的必要性 《药事管理学》是研究现代药事管理活动的基本规律和方法的科学,是一门实践性很强的应用学科。它研究内容包括对药事法规、药品质量、药事组织、药学经济、药品生产、经营企业和医疗单位的药品管理、药学实践中的行为科学管理、新药管理、药学情报评价和管理等。许多国家都非常重视这门学科,在本世纪初,一些发达国家的药学院校就开设了这门课程,或设置药事管理专业,并招收研究生。我国高等药学院校现已开设《药事管理学》课,并把这门课程作为必修专业课,有的院校还设置了药事管理专业。但中等药学专业…  相似文献   

<正>由西安交通大学药学院杨世民教授主编的《中国药事管理学科发展30年》日前由中国医药科技出版社出版发行。该书从药事管理学教学、科研、师资队伍建设、学术交流、专业设置、研究生培养、药事管理专业委员会工作等方面,采用文字、图表、照片等形式,总结了中国药事管理学科30年的发展概况。全书分为六个部分:学科的形成与发展,学术交流和科学研究,国内院校药事管理学科简介,推动学科发展的人物,药事管理学科的社会影响,我国药事管理学科发展建议及展望。书后列有学科发展的大事记。  相似文献   

杨世民 《药学教育》2005,21(3):26-29
对西安交通大学医学院药学系招收培养的7届19名药事管理硕士研究生工作进行了总结。从八个方面做了介绍:采用讨论、师生互动的方式上课;注重获取文献、信息能力的培养;加强调研能力培养;举办研究生学术报告会;带领学生参加学术会议;总结工作、撰写论文,培养初步科研能力;参加教师有关研究工作及学术活动;重视实践活动及工作能力的培养。实践证明,上述举措对药事管理研究生的培养收到了明显的效果,毕业生在工作岗位上发挥了较好的作用。  相似文献   

我国研究生恢复招生与改革开放同步走过了30年,研究生教育持续发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就。我国的研究生教育在发展和改革中不断提高和进步。随着改革开放我国经济的迅猛发展,社会各行业对高层次人才的需求增多,国家加大了研究生培养的力度,研究生招生数量急剧膨胀,也对我国研究生的教育提出了严峻挑战。研究生的整体素质下滑,包括其专业素质、思想道德素质、  相似文献   

胡明 《中国药事》2014,(10):1083-1092
目的分析国家自科基金和国家社科基金中药事管理领域立项课题,为药事管理学科科研发展提供参考。方法采用内容分析法,系统检索国家自然科学基金网络信息系统和国家社会科学基金项目数据库中建库至2014年药事管理领域立项课题,采用Excel统计立项类型、学科分类、研究主题、课题负责人基本情况、所属院校、专业分布等。结果共检索得到国家自科基金药事管理立项课题49项,社科基金立项36项。药事管理立项课题最早出现于2005年和2000年,至2014年分别有26个院校和29个院校获得资助。课题负责人性别分布基本均衡,青年项目和面上(一般)项目平均年龄33岁和45岁,主要从事专业为卫生管理与政策,其次为药事管理学、法学及其他医学相关专业。药事管理学科教研人员共获得12项自科基金,8项社科基金,占总立项数的23.5%。结论药事管理领域科研人员两大基金申请在不断增长,与公共卫生及社会科学存在交叉和竞争,课题研究主题重合度较高。建议根据基金特点和自身特长有的放矢地积极申请自科或社科基金;扎实积累科研成果,适当选择研究主题,精心准备科研标书;加强领域内合作与领域间交流。  相似文献   

Objective. To investigate Syrian pharmacy students’ intentions and attitudes toward postgraduate study, and to determine and evaluate the factors that influence their preferences.Methods. A questionnaire was developed and used to collect data from final-year bachelor of pharmacy (BPharm) students at Damascus University.Results. Of the 265 students who responded to the survey, approximately 50% intended to work, 25% intended to pursue further study, and 25% were undecided. Personal fulfillment was the factor that most influenced students’ intentions concerning future education. Men were more concerned over their financial future, while women’s intentions were more influenced by scientific issues. The 3 most preferred pharmaceutical areas of further study were biochemistry and laboratory diagnosis, pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical industry, and clinical pharmacy. More students favored pursuing graduate school abroad rather than in Syria. The majority of those who intended to enroll in local graduate programs were interested in academic programs while less than a fifth favored residency programs.Conclusions. The graduate programs in Syria do not appear to satisfy pharmacy students'' ambitions or have the capacity to accommodate the growing demand associated with the rapid increase in the number of pharmacy graduates in the country. Consequently, a majority of students prefer to pursue postgraduate study abroad.  相似文献   

Objective. To analyze the ethnic and racial diversity of faculty in pharmacy, medicine, and dentistry in the United States and suggest how the pipeline for pharmacy academe can be diversified.Methods. A retrospective analysis of the representativeness of faculty at schools and colleges of pharmacy was compared to that in schools and colleges of medicine and dentistry. The range of ethnic and racial diversity across top schools of pharmacy, historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), and newer schools of pharmacy was evaluated for both faculty and students for the year 2019-2020. The ethnic and racial diversity in residency and fellowship programs along with graduation rates provided insight into the available pipeline for future pharmacy faculty.Results. Faculty in pharmacy, medicine, and dentistry demonstrated similarly low representation of underrepresented minorities (URMs) compared to their composition within the US population. Dentistry had the largest percentage of URMs (13.9%), compared with 8.5% in pharmacy and 7.1% in medicine. Five HBCUs contributed 32.8% of all Black faculty, yet their graduates had comparatively low residency match rates. The ratio of URM students to non-URM students in post-PharmD and graduate training programs is lower than the ratio of URM students to non-URM students in pharmacy programs.Conclusion. Lack of access to postgraduate residency or fellowship training programs is a major barrier to progression to pharmacy academe and impacts URMs more significantly. Barriers to advanced training must be removed or decreased to create the needed diverse faculty candidates for pharmacy academe. Without intervention, students in pharmacy programs will be primarily trained by non-URM faculty, which may impact how graduates provide care in an increasingly diverse patient population.  相似文献   

This article summarizes detailed facts obtained from the questionnaire conducted in 2010 at about 14 National Universities on the topic of "Research programs and advanced educational programs for undergraduate students". The contents of the questionnaire included: (1) Research programs based on the coalition of university and hospital and/or community pharmacy, other Graduate Schools, such as School of Medicine etc., and the University Hospital, (2) Educational systems for the achievement of research programs and their research outcomes, (3) Research programs based on pharmacist practices, (4) Ongoing advanced educational programs for undergraduate students, taking advantage of the coalition with Graduate School, School of Medicine (and Dentistry), and University Hospital. Some of the advanced educational programs outlined in this questionnaire will be carried out by our group in the coming years and the educational benefits together with associated problems shall as well be clarified. This approach will be informative for the development of the leader-oriented pharmacist programs for the college of Pharmacy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the scope of drug information educational programs offered by formalized DICs and colleges of pharmacy to pharmacy students. Data were collected from surveys mailed October and December 1982 to 120 institutions known to be active in disseminating drug information as well as the 72 colleges of pharmacy located in the United States and Puerto Rico. A total of 109 questionnaires (91 percent response rate) were returned from the DICs, and 67 questionnaires (93 percent response rate) were returned from colleges of pharmacy. Seventy-four of the DICS and 63 colleges of pharmacy indicated that they provide required and/or elective didactic or experiential drug information training for pharmacy students. These experiences were offered predominantly to fifth year baccalaureate candidates and PharmD candidates. Thirty-two colleges reported that drug information training is a required component of baccalaureate externship-clerkship experiences although most students receive fewer than 40 hours of training. Forty-seven DICs and 20 colleges are affiliated with ASHP approved residency programs. The amount of drug information exposure each resident obtains was highly variable. This survey indicates that many of today's pharmacy students may not be receiving sufficient drug information training to respond to the drug information needs of other health professionals and the lay public.  相似文献   

This paper describes the status of the bachelor’s degree in clinical pharmacy education in China, with particular focus on educational institutions, programs, and curricula. The authors conducted a systematic literature review of clinical pharmacy education articles published from 2006 to 2011. To ensure the completeness of the investigation, an e-mail was sent or telephone call made directly to the colleges whose curriculum information could not be obtained by the above methodology. Twenty-three colleges offered a program in clinical pharmacy education in 2011. The colleges award either a bachelor of science or a bachelor of medicine degree with programs ranging from 4 to 5 years in duration. The 5-year BS degree program was most popular. Although the number of clinical pharmacy programs in China has steadily increased, more graduates and standardization of curricula are needed to meet the country’s steadily expanding need for quality health care.  相似文献   

临床药学本硕连读六年制的实践和科研模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文悦  翟所迪 《中国药房》2008,19(13):1028-1029
目的:通过系统的培养和实践,帮助学生获得和提高临床药学专科方向的知识和能力。方法:在学生进入研究生阶段初期进行专科定位,采用临床导师制、多角度训练、定期组织学习等培养手段,设置药学实践、临床实践、专科化的科研课题等培养课程。结果:学生们不仅熟悉了医院药剂科的常规工作,而且具备为临床提供药学服务的知识和技能,同时能运用临床药学科研的方法学建立课题或解决临床问题。结论:临床药学本硕连读六年制的培养模式在实践和科研两方面的探索取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Cooperation in education and research in medical and pharmaceutical sciences between Kobe Pharmaceutical University and Kobe University was started in 2008 for training professionals in drug development and rational pharmacotherapy. Initially, we started a two-year pharmacy residency program. Our pharmacy residents can attend lectures at our universities, and they also help pharmacist preceptors educate undergraduate pharmacy students in practical training. As curricula for cooperative education of pharmacy, nursing and medical students, we developed two new elective subjects (early exposure to clinical training for first year students and IPW (inter-professional work) seminar for fifth year pharmacy students) to learn about the roles of health care professionals in a medical team. Cooperative research between faculty members and graduate students is also in progress. For faculty and staff developments, invited lectures by clinical pharmacy and medical professors from the United States on the clinical education system in pharmacy and medicine in the United States have been held. This systematic cooperation will contribute to the promotion of a new curriculum for inter-professional education in the health-science fields.  相似文献   

Objectives. To identify reasons for inclusion of international practice experiences in pharmacy curricula and to understand the related structure, benefits, and challenges related to the programs.Methods. A convenience sample of 20 colleges and schools of pharmacy in the United States with international pharmacy education programs was used. Telephone interviews were conducted by 2 study investigators.Results. University values and strategic planning were among key driving forces in the development of programs. Global awareness and cultural competency requirements added impetus to program development. Participants’ advice for creating an international practice experience program included an emphasis on the value of working with university health professions programs and established travel programs.Conclusion. Despite challenges, colleges and schools of pharmacy value the importance of international pharmacy education for pharmacy students as it increases global awareness of health needs and cultural competencies.  相似文献   

Objective. To develop and implement a flexible-credit elective course to empower student pharmacists to develop lifelong leadership skills and provide teaching practice opportunities for graduate students.Design. An elective course focusing on leadership development for second- and third-year doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) students was designed and taught by 4 graduate students under the mentorship of 2 faculty members. Student pharmacists could enroll in a 1-, 2-, or 3-credit-hour version of the course.Assessment. Attainment of course objectives was measured using student pharmacist reflection papers and continuing professional development portfolios. Additionally, self-assessments of graduate students and faculty members delivering the course were conducted. In their responses on course evaluations, student pharmacists indicated they found the course a valuable learning experience. Graduate students found course development to be challenging but useful in developing faculty skills.Conclusion. This flexible-credit elective course taught by graduate students was an innovative way to offer formal leadership instruction using limited college resources.  相似文献   

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