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目的 研制一种适合舰船环境条件下使用的伤病员生命体征支持与监护系统,满足伤病员现场急救和转运的需要.方法 采用单片机技术、射流技术、微电子技术、电磁兼容技术、综合集成技术,将生命支持功能和生命体征监护功能有机结合.结果 该系统在对伤病员进行心电、血氧、体温、脉率、血压监护功能的同时根据需要可进行间歇正压供氧和加压输液,并能够对生命体征数据进行存储、回放,对异常数据进行判断和报警.结论 该系统体积小,操作简单,智能化程度高,适合船用的同时,兼顾车栽和机载,在伤病员现场急救和转运过程中起到至关重要的作用.  相似文献   

临床医学信号实时动态监测分析系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述一临床医学信号实时动态监测分析系统的实现方案。此临床医学信号实时动态分析系统采用低负荷基本生命体征长时间连续检测方法,以病区为基本单元,实现了以病人为中心的病人临床信息网络,能够连接和控制病床前监护设备和急救设备。该系统能够和军队医院信息管理系统互联互通,共享信息,在医院应用中取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

一种老年人移动健康监护系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:设计一种老年人移动监护系统,实现移动心率检测,跌倒检测,紧急情况自动电话呼叫与GPS定位,减少突发事件对老年人的健康威胁。方法:采用分层的体系结构,第一层为传感器层,用于采集并实时分析ECG信号以及加速度数据,第二层为手持终端,用于汇集各传感器数据,综合判断并实现数据远程传输、呼叫以及定位,第三层位于远程服务器,实现数据库管理,数据显示等。结果:分层的体系结构有利于系统功能的扩展,有利于传感器单元的可穿戴性。结论:基于无线传感器网络与GPRS网络的移动健康监护系统能够有效实时地对老年人的健康与安全状况进行监护,对老年人生命安全保障具有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于GPRS的远程心电监护系统的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
心电信号的远程监测在远程医疗中非常重要。文章使用GPRS技术,将采集到的心电数据通过GPRS网络传输到已接入Internet网的监护中心服务器上供医护人员分析,并将诊断结果反馈给用户。实验结果表明该系统能实现心电信号的远程、动态监测,心电信号在远程传输过程中无失真。  相似文献   

文章设计了一个基于智能手机和移动网络的远程医疗监控系统。系统能实现多生理参数采集、采集仪器微型化、实时监控、远程数据传输、主动报警、生理数据分析处理、GPS定位患者位置等功能。智能手机除了作为信号的接收和中转平台,还能对生理参数进行处理分析,利用心电信号检测出呼吸暂停情况。系统集单片机开发、蓝牙传输、Android和Web平台开发、小波变换、移动通信等技术于一体,进一步推动基于智能手机的远程移动医疗的发展。  相似文献   

背景:远程医疗监护系统可以传输医疗信息,实现动态生理监护。 目的:设计一种基于GPS和GPRS的远程医疗监护报警系统。 方法:系统由中心站和多个用户机组成。运用医疗信息监测技术、移动通信技术、嵌入式技术以及GPS技术,由定位传输模块把采集终端实时采集的患者生理信息,连同患者的位置信息一起发送到GSM移动通讯网,供医生进行及时诊断和处理,实现生理参数的远程实时监测与报警。 结果与结论:该系统构建了家庭、社区、医院的三位一体远程医疗信息传输、医疗救治平台,第一时间将患者的医疗信息和位置信息传送到医疗中心,由专家协助诊断并提供救治指导和援助。该系统可用于院前急救、院外监护以及远程医疗与紧急救助,不仅适用于医院、装配在救护车里,也可以用于家庭,对慢性病患者进行有效的院外监测和跟踪。 关键词:远程医疗;移动监护;GPS定位;GPRS通信; Google地球 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2012.13.011  相似文献   

为实现心电信号的实时监护,该文提出了具有运动监护和病理监护功能的多模式便携心电监护系统。该设计采用高性能、低成本、低功耗的嵌入式ARM内核作为控制微处理器,实现了模拟信号预处理、心电信号采集分析以及多模式监护信息传输、定位、预警等功能。设计便携轻巧、价格低、抗干扰能力强,适用于家用心电监护和辅助诊断医护工具,市场应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

为实现住院患者连续生命体征监测,研制了随行生理参数监护系统SensEcho。该系统由随行生理参数监测终端、无线组网和数据传输单元、中央监护系统三部分组成。其中随行生理参数监测终端为一件柔性背心,内嵌有呼吸感应体积描记传感器和织物心电电极,实现心电、呼吸、体位和体动等基本生理参数的穿戴式低负荷监测;无线生理信号传输单元为基于WiFi技术的组网系统,能够实现病区内多个患者的移动监护,并设计有多重数据续传和数据完整性保障机制;中央监护系统实现所有随行生理参数监测终端数据的显示和患者集中管理,设计有后台数据服务器和算法服务器,支持医疗大数据深度挖掘分析应用。为验证系统性能,我们开展了生理参数检测算法有效性和受试者可靠性测试,以及无线组网和数据传输可靠性测试。测试结果显示,系统无论在基本生理参数监测还是无线数据传输方面都能达到可靠性要求。该系统在医疗领域的应用有望开启个体化连续生命体征监护医疗新模式,为疾病诊断提供基于连续动态生理数据分析的精准信息。  相似文献   

介绍一种新型的生命体征信号采集设备,该设备由传感单元和软件组成。使用时将传感单元放置于卧床枕头正下方,以收集人体睡眠时的体震信号,并通过无线方式传输至软件进行存储和分析,从而实现对心率和呼吸率两种生命体征的长期连续监测。通过使用人工测算、已上市的监护产品及本设备采集8位受试者的心率和呼吸率指标,初步验证该设备的监测指标有一定的准确性。  相似文献   

背景:及时了解疾病状况,对及时诊治具有尤其重要的意义。 目的:为解决院外监护和院前急救的数据传输问题,设计一种基于3G网络的移动监护信息传输定位系统。 方法:通过定位传输模块把插件式监护仪实时采集的患者生理信息,连同患者的位置信息一起发送到3G移动通讯网,在具有实IP的PC机上编写服务器程序接收患者信息实现移动监护功能;通过无线传输协议的制定和软件设计,解决传输过程中丢包、错包问题。 结果与结论:通过该装置实现了患者实时监护信息及位置信息的远程无线传输和显示。该系统运行稳定,费用低廉,具有较高的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper describes a wearable mobihealth care system aiming at providing long-term continuous monitoring of vital signs for high-risk cardiovascular patients. We use a portable patient unit (PPU) and a wearable shirt (WS) to monitor electrocardiogram (ECG), respiration (acquired with respiratory inductive plethysmography, RIP), and activity. Owing to integrating fabric sensors and electrodes endowed with electro-physical properties into the WS, long-term continuous monitoring can be realized without making patients feel uncomfortable and restricting their mobility. The PPU analyzes physiological signals in real time and determines whether the patient is in danger or needs external help. The PPU will alert the patient and an emergency call will be automatically established with a medical service center (MSC) when life-threatening arrhythmias or falls are detected. With advanced gpsOne technology, the patient can be located and rescued immediately whether he/she is indoors or outdoors in case of emergency.  相似文献   

Chronic respiratory diseases are one of the most prevalent health problems in the world. Treatment for these kind of afflictions often take place at home, where the continuous care of a medical specialist is frequently beyond the economical means of the patient, therefore having to rely on informal caregivers (family, friends, etc.). Unfortunately, these treatments require a deep involvement on their part, which results in a heavy burden on the caregivers’ routine and usually end up deteriorating their quality of life. In recent years, mHealth and eHealth applications have gained a wide interest in academia due to new capabilities enabled by the latest advancements in mobile technologies and wireless communication infrastructure. These innovations have resulted in several applications that have successfully managed to improve automatic patient monitoring and treatment and to bridge the distance between patients, caregivers and medical specialists. We therefore seek to move this trend forward by now pushing these capabilities into the field of respiratory therapies in order to assist patients with chronic respiratory diseases with their treatment, and to improve both their own and their caregivers’ quality of life. This paper presents a cloud-based mobile system to support and improve homecare for respiratory diseases. The platform described uses vital signs monitoring as a way of sharing data between hospitals, caregivers and patients. Using an iterative research approach and the user’s direct feedback, we show how mobile technologies can improve a respiratory therapy and a family’s quality of life.  相似文献   

While health care facilities recognize the need for dedicated picture archiving and communication system (PACS) staff at the time of the initial implementation of PACS, they often do not plan accordingly for ongoing or increasing PACS support needs as a PACS matures. This article reviews trends in a health care system’s PACS support data over 4 years to show how PACS support needs evolve over time. PACS support items were logged and categorized over this period and were used by the health care system to become more proactive in system support and adjust staffing levels accordingly. This article details how PACS support needs change over the life of a PACS installation and can be used as a model for health care facilities planning for future PACS support needs.  相似文献   

The lack of evidence to support formal annual screening of all older people does not weaken arguments for a preventive and anticipatory component to primary care. A number of short screening schedules for use by nurses or volunteers or for self-completion by patients have been developed. Patients 'failing' the screening stage are then fully assessed. This paper describes the design and pilot study of a brief anticipatory care system which can be integrated into routine general practice as the first stage of the twostage process. It was found that only about 28 of the 102 patients screened required follow up and in general the doctors found the system easy to administer during normal surgery sessions.  相似文献   

肿瘤脊柱转移是前列腺癌常见的并发症之一,脊柱转移瘤引起的骨相关事件(SRE)严重影响患者生活质量,增加死亡风险。临床上对于前列腺癌脊柱转移的治疗尚无统一标准。本文简述了放疗、外科手术及护理、骨靶向制剂在前列腺癌脊柱转移瘤治疗上的进展。笔者认为脊柱转移瘤的治疗策略应当是个体化、多学科联合。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo explore the similarities and differences in the needs of young adults with T1D during life transitions.MethodsData obtained for this paper was based on three qualitative studies carried out in Denmark and Australia. In total, 33 Individual interviews and two focus groups (n = 46) were conducted. Data was analysed using thematic analysis.ResultsThe most pertinent themes related to the importance of support from peers with diabetes and healthcare professionals to help young adults adjust to independent living. The main difference experienced by Australian and Danish young adults related to the willingness and barriers in clinical attendance during this transitional period.ConclusionsClinical care for young adults with diabetes can be better adapted to support this population as they transition through significant milestones by engagement on the young adults' terms and encouraging young adults to seek out peer support. It is vital that clinical care is tailored to support them in order to ensure the best transition into adulthood with diabetes.Practice implicationsClinicians need to adopt a person-centred approach when engaging with young adults with diabetes. Considerations need to be made around external factors related to life events in young adulthood that may influence diabetes care.  相似文献   

Palliative care means providing support and care for patients with life-threatening or debilitating illness so that they can live their life as comfortably as possible. The fact that cure is no longer a reality does not mean that care cannot be made available. Partial maxillectomy defect presents a prosthodontic challenge in terms of re-establishing oronasal separation. Such defect has direct effect on cosmetic, function and psychology of the patient. This article describes step by step clinical and laboratory procedures involved in the rehabilitation of a hemimaxillectomy patient, using a definitive closed hollow bulb obturator, which improved his physical, emotional, functional, social and spiritual needs.  相似文献   

《Genetics in medicine》2020,22(3):557-565
PurposeTo evaluate the implementation of the first statewide newborn screening (NBS) program for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in Australia. Processes that hinder and support clinical development, translation, and sustainability of the first primary genetic screening program in Australia are appraised.MethodsThe study prospectively describes the course (timelines, health processes, and preliminary clinical outcomes) for SMA screen-positive newborns from 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019 in New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, Australia.ResultsIn the first year of the program, 103,903 newborns were screened. Ten newborns screened positive for SMA. Genetic confirmation of SMA occurred in 9/10 (90%) of infants. Clinical signs of SMA evolved in 4/9 (44%) within 4 weeks of life, heralded by hypotonia and weakness initially recognized in the neck. Median time to implementing a care plan (including commencement of disease-modifying therapies) was 26.5 days (16–37 days) from birth.ConclusionNBS is essential for early and equitable identification of patients with SMA. Expedient diagnosis and management are vital, as disease latency appears brief in some cases. NBS shows significant clinical utility to support early parental decision making, improve access to specialist neuromuscular expertise, and facilitate initiation of personalized therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The majority of people with AIDS are cared for at home by their families. Home care will become even more important in coming years as more HIV-infected people develop AIDS. This paper describes the Rwanda Home Care Model developed in Rwanda by the Rwanda Red Cross with support from the Norwegian Red Cross. In this model, Red Cross volunteers go to the homes of people who are chronically ill from AIDS where they provide education and emotional support to infected individuals and their families. This program operates outside of the health care system and sends volunteers to homes regardless of whether or not individuals have sought health care. The program started September 1990 and has trained 66 volunteers, of which half remain active. In 1992 and 1993, active volunteers reported making 810 home visits to families caring for a chronically ill person and teaching 18,834 people about AIDS. The community-based approach has proved to be sustainable, capable of reaching target audiences over wide geographic areas, and reduces community fears and prejudices about AIDS. Volunteers in the Rwanda Home Care Model reach as many people as possible with minimal support and improve the quality of life of people living with AIDS and their families living with the problems. Sections describe the program design and addressing the HIV/AIDS stigma.  相似文献   

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