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建立和完善老年人健康保健体制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对建立和完善老年人医疗保险制度和医疗服务体系进行探讨,建议将65岁以上老年人纳入社会医疗保险,并根据老年人的特点扩大社会医疗保险的范围;开展社区卫生服务是解决老年卫生保健的根本途径。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和信息技术与信息产业的快速发展,我国医疗器械市场扩容日益递增,从互联网上获取最新的行业信息和数据,网络广告宣传、网上展销会、招标采购电子商务化、电子商务租赁、电子商务交易等等信息的出现,医疗器械传统的招标采购方式也即将全程电子商务化。  相似文献   

传承红色基因是医学院校的重要使命,将红色基因和红色文化内容深度融入医学院校思政课实践教学,既丰富了医学院校思想政治教育的内涵,又拓展了对医学生党史国史教育的时间和空间,具有重要的教育意义和时代价值。国内诸多医学院校已经进行了系列探索,例如潍坊医学院,已经开辟了思政课实践教学基地,实施红色基因教育现场教学;组织了思政育人成果展演,实施红色基因教育体验式教学;开展了特殊主题教育活动,实施红色基因教育仪式教学。新时代新发展,医学院校还可进一步探索筹建三维仿真实践中心,解决课外实践覆盖难问题;打造实践基地项目团队,解决现场教学深入难问题;开辟校内互联网红色网站,全面传递红色基因教育正能量。  相似文献   

计算机辅助手术和治疗(IGST)是一个新兴的多学科交叉的研究领域,近年来取得了飞速的发展.作为该领域顶级会议之一的国际计算机辅助放射学及手术大会(CARS2003)于2003年6月25至28日在英国伦敦伊丽莎白二世国际会议中心隆重举行了第17届会议.本文将对这次大会作一回顾和总结,内容包括科学论文方面的评论和产品展览方面的情况.  相似文献   

通过研究福建省医药会展业行业现状、深入访谈参与医药会展业的相关利益方,了解各方对医药会展的态度和发展前景的看法,并对福建省医药会展业进行SWOT分析。针对福建省医药会展业发展内部存在问题及外部面临挑战提出对策建议。  相似文献   

BackgroundOur study aimed to evaluate to what extent Zero2 Expo''s ‘Birthing a Better Future’, a co‐created multimedia exhibition, was effective in raising awareness on the importance of the first 1001 days of life and explore what refinements would help to optimize the impact of future exhibitions.MethodsWe conducted a mixed‐methods evaluation of the exhibition delivered in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Through convenience sampling, 14 participants were selected to participate in 12 structured interviews and 19 participants completed a questionnaire. Interviews were thematically analysed alongside quantitative analysis of questionnaire responses through Likert scales.ResultsThe majority (78.6%, n = 11/14) of participants who completed the questionnaire either agreed or strongly agreed that the exhibition raised their awareness about the first 1001 days of life. This was supported by the analysis of interviews. The use of art was found to provoke an emotional engagement from participants. Participants felt that the length of the written pieces and location of the exhibition were important factors for designers to consider in future exhibitions.ConclusionThis study demonstrated that multimedia exhibitions, combining science with art, may be an effective way to raise awareness of public health messages. Engaging with key stakeholders will be an essential step in order to improve future public health exhibitions.Public ContributionWhen designing the study, the public reviewed the study tools, which were refined based on their feedback. At every phase of the study, members of the public who are artists co‐created the exhibition content.  相似文献   

影响高校开设体育保健课的原因及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对目前高校体育保健课现状的调查,对影响高校体育保健课开设的原因进行分析.同时提出了促进该课程在高校开展的一些对策与建议.  相似文献   

通过对目前高校体育保健课现状的调查,对影响高校体育保健课开设的原因进行分析。同时提出了促进该课程在高校开展的一些对策与建议。  相似文献   

在社区中开展艾滋病健康教育的效果调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探索社区预防控制艾滋病的有效方式。方法作为深圳市科技局“预防控制艾滋病社区干预模式研究”科研项目的预调查,采用深圳市健康教育所制作的15块艾滋病图片展板,结合播放预防艾滋病知识录像带、散发宣传单等,选取宝安区某2个镇共6个展点进行图片展活动,活动前后半个月随机抽样进行艾滋病基本知识问卷调查。结果图片展后人群对艾滋病基本知识的掌握普遍比活动前好,正确回答率普遍上升,其中对使用安全套的保护意义、艾滋病的可预防性和与艾滋病感染者或病人性接触的危险性三项基本知识的正确回答率上升具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论采用以图片展为主的形式在社区人群中开展艾滋病健康教育对提高社区人群艾滋病基本知识具有较好的效果。  相似文献   

目的了解兰州市在开展烟包健康警示图片展览后,人群对烟草危害认知的改变情况。方法在兰州市烟包健康警示图案片展览期间,采用统一的调查问卷、随机抽样方法拦截访问调查参观展览的市民。结果本研究共调查210人,吸烟者占45%。观看展览前,非吸烟者对吸烟导致阳痿、二手烟导致成人肺癌、新生儿低出生体重的知晓率高于吸烟者(P〈0.05),分别为36.21%、86.21%、36.21%。观看展览后,被调查者对吸烟和二手烟导致相关疾病的认知率明显提高(P〈0.01)。结论开展烟包健康警示图片展览对于市民认知烟草烟雾危害健康相关知识是非常必要和有效的。  相似文献   

《21世纪健康生活方式展览》的效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解观众对健康知识的需求状况及其对《21世纪健康生活方式展览》的评价和意见,以评价展览效果,为今后的健康教育工作提供依据。方法 采用自填式问卷进行现场调查。结果 972名调查对象中,85.9%认为健康是第一位的;79.3%认为展板内容很丰富、很全面;86.0%喜欢展板的设计风格;96.6%认为参观展览对自己有帮助;98.5%认为自己今后会或会试着按照展览中介导的健康生活方式去做。结论 本次展览受到广大群众欢迎,参观群众从中获取了丰富的健康知识,展览不仅有力地向广大观众倡导了健康生活方式,而且对参观的知识、信念和行为等方面产生了积极影响。  相似文献   

The Biennial of Illustrations, Bratislava (BIB) presents an international exhibition of illustrated children's books to the public. This biennial exhibition is an outgrowth of an international co-publishing project in the Socialist countries. The development of this project of 20 years' duration is described in this article. Plans for the future of this project suggest that this collaborative endeavour will endure.  相似文献   

目的:了解图片展对小学生社会生活的安全知识和态度的影响。方法:以703名小学生为研究对象,于参观小学生社会生活的安全知识图片展前后,对学生进行有关社会生活安全知识和态度的不记名问卷调查。结果:教育后学生社会生活安全的基本知识平均得分由教育前的15.2分提高到29.5分(满分33分),两者相比,差异有显著性。教育后对社会生活安全相关问题的正向态度率均明显高于教育前。电视录象、展览会、教育工作者是学生最希望获得社会生活安全知识的途径。结论:在小学生中开展有关社会生活安全的健康教育不仅必要而且可行和有效,对增加学生社会生活安全的基本知识、树立与社会生活安全有关的正确态度都有积极的影响。  相似文献   

Medical equipment displayed at the "Healthcare-2003" exhibition, that was most representative in the recent years, is surveyed in the paper including the most novel medical devices and apparatuses as well as X-Ray, radiological, intensive-care and neonatal equipment. Besides, outfit for diagnostics, ophthalmology and dentistry, laboratory medical equipment, medical instruments, technological medical equipment and portable medical devices were demonstrated at the exhibition. Therefore, considering the diversity of medical equipment displayed, any medical facility in Russia would be able to choose the devices it needs.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(6):S46-S60
Stigma reduction efforts in Vietnam have been encumbered by contradictory and dynamic views of people living with HIV and the epidemic over the past two decades. World AIDS Day 2010 saw the launch of Pain and Hope, a museum exhibition showcasing the lives and experiences of Vietnamese people living with AIDS at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology (VME). Between December 2010 and May 2011, a random sample of visitors completed exit surveys regarding their attitudes towards the exhibition and Vietnamese living with HIV/AIDS. The survey sought to determine what kind of visitors the museum and exhibition attracted, and the stigma-related impacts of this kind of exposure and parasocial contact. Of 2500 Vietnamese visitors randomly selected, 852 completed the computer surveys (response rate of 34.1%), 92.3% of whom had seen Pain and Hope. We found two sub-strata or types of visitors attending the exhibition, with varying demographic characteristics, HIV-related knowledge, some differences in stigma ideation, and clear differences in intended behaviours specifically attributable to the exhibition. Social desirability biases notwithstanding, there has emerged a diptych typology of visitors to the VME, for whom the experience of the exhibition is likely interacting with divergent prior knowledge, experiences, interests and motivations.  相似文献   

The Latino population in the United States is quickly growing, and its unintended pregnancy rate is increasing. To decrease unintended pregnancies, couples must mutually agree on family planning. Communication between partners is one key factor identified in successful family planning for couples. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine sexual communication and its associations with sexual relationship power, general communication, and views on family planning. The Actor–Partner Interdependence Model was used to analyze dyadic influences of the chosen variables. Forty immigrant Latino couples were recruited from prenatal care clinics. The study results were grouped according to the three types of power structures: exhibition of men’s traditional machismo values, exhibition of women’s increased power in their relationships, and exhibition of men’s and women’s own empowerment with sexual communication. There was a negative association between men’s views on family planning and women’s sexual communication (exhibition of machismo values); a negative association between women’s sexual relationship power and their partners’ sexual communication (exhibition of women’s increased power); and positive associations between men’s and women’s general communication and sexual communication (exhibition of men’s and women’s own empowerment). Dyadic influences of sexual communication and associated variables need to be incorporated into interventions to facilitate family planning for couples.  相似文献   

为有效解决新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊轻症患者的隔离救治问题,在武汉建设了16家方舱医院,这对于全面推进武汉市疫情防控工作发挥了积极作用。由于方舱医院是由会展中心、体育场馆内等场所临时改造而成,存在木质易燃材料众多、供电线路暴露等情况,其消防、治安、饮食等方面的安全防控压力巨大。全面加强方舱医院安全防控工作,对积极开展医疗救治工作具有重要意义。通过对方舱医院安全防控工作的梳理,总结提炼方舱医院安全防控工作的经验,并提出思考。  相似文献   

根据会展旅游垃圾的特性,论述了国内外资源化利用的新技术及其可行性,并结合我国城市垃圾处理的实际情况,提出了会展旅游垃圾资源化的循环经济发展模式.  相似文献   

Information is an important and even essential step in the prevention process. An exhibition, which traditionally favours a visual approach, is a way of providing information for the public at large. The exhibition, the first to be produced under the auspices of the Claude Verdan foundation, tackles the issue in a general way. The aim is to: make people aware and encourage prevention in the work environment; situate the hand in a preventive context; show the importance of the hand as a work-tool; present the quantitative and qualitative extent of diseases and accidents of the hand; make the interest and difficulties in collecting information known (especially about professional diseases and workers not affiliated to the CNA); stimulate continuing search of information about prevention in the work environment. The exhibition presents certain aspects of the history of prevention in the working world, Swiss institutions involved, notions of epidemiology of professional diseases and accidents of the hand (obtained from the CNA files), as well as different types of available prevention. The material used is light (posters, slides, video) and thus transportable, and so can be widely used for the people concerned at their place of work....  相似文献   

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