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A case of giant solitary trichoepithelioma of the perianal region is described. Following excision the lesion recurred with a similar histological appearance. This is the first report, to our knowledge, of recurrence of such a lesion.  相似文献   

报告1例发生于肛周的巨大乳房外Paget病.患者女,62岁.肛周瘙痒性红色斑块10年余,病程中无其他消耗性症状及排便习惯改变.体格检查中肛门指检无特殊;皮肤科检查见肛周鲜红斑块,直径达20 cm左右,累及肛门口和会阴区,质硬,表面附白色分泌物.皮损组织病理学和免疫组化提示肛周Paget病,血液肿瘤标志物和结肠镜检查未发现结直肠癌证据.  相似文献   

Genital involvement in porokeratosis (PK) is a rare occurrence even in disseminated forms. We encountered three patients who had porokeratosis affecting only the genital area. Two of them were male with involvement of the penis and scrotum and only the scrotum respectively. The lady with vulvar involvement is a hitherto unreported instance of porokeratosis confined to female genitalia. None of the cases were very easy to diagnose clinically but biopsies proved confirmatory. The male patients were advised light electrocautery under local anesthesia while the female patient underwent surgical excision. No malignant change has been reported in them till date.  相似文献   

Cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy (CCV) is an idiopathic microangiopathy involving the superficial blood vessels that was initially reported in a 54-year-old male. We recently have identified this rarely reported entity in three Caucasian males. The first patient was a 59-year-old male with diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia who presented with multiple, red, blanchable, asymptomatic telangiectasias covering the extensor surface of the forearms, the lower abdomen and parts of the chest. The second patient was a 62-year-old male with psoriasis and extensive arthritis who presented with prominent telangiectasias on the left lateral distal thigh with mild overlying epidermal atrophy. The third patient was an 80-year-old male with atrial fibrillation who presented with blanching, telangiectatic areas on the abdomen, thighs and back. Histologically, the skin lesions showed ectatic superficial small blood vessels with laminated, hyalinized concretions around vessels that were highlighted with periodic acid-Schiff staining following diastase digestion and reactive by immunohistochemical staining with an antibody to collagen type IV. CCV is a rare and poorly understood entity with distinct histopathological features that may clinically resemble generalized essential telangiectasia (GET), yet which may affect a different demographic population than GET. Awareness of this uncommon entity may further help to elucidate its etiology.  相似文献   

炎症性白癜风   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报告3例炎症性白癜风.患者1男2女,年龄21~37岁.3例患者均有典型的色素脱失斑.其周同有轻度隆起的炎性红斑.皮损组织病理榆查显爪表皮湿疹样改变或呈银屑病样增生,基底细胞液化变性,黑素细胞减少,真皮上部有淋巴细胞、组织细胞和噬黑素细胞浸润.临床上,该病需与色素减退性蕈样肉芽肿鉴别.  相似文献   

Mucinous cutaneous adnexal tumors are an uncommon occurrence. We describe three cases of mucinous hidradenoma characterized by diffuse and prominent mucinous cell proliferation and discuss the relevant literature. The patients (two men and one woman) ranged in age from 32 to 72 years. The lesions were completely excised, and all patients were alive without evidence of disease (follow-up interval 3-4 years). Case 1 presented as a 1.3-cm eyelid nodule and histology showed a mucinous apocrine hidradenoma with a proliferation of mucinous cells and apocrine glands. Case 2, from the shoulder of a 40-year-old man, was a 2.5-cm well-circumscribed nodule composed of hyperplastic villoglandular proliferation of mucinous cells with focal squamous whorls and focal columnar glandular cells showing decapitation secretion. The tumor was also interpretated as a mucinous hidradenoma, most likely of follicular-apocrine origin. Case 3 was a 3.0-cm scalp nodule. The histology showed a mucinous clear-cell hidradenoma composed of numerous mucinous glands amidst small squamous cells with clear cytoplasm and a hyalinized fibrovascular stroma.  相似文献   

Skin tags are skin-colored, pedunculated tumors with a smooth surface. Histologically are composed by loose collagen fibers and dilated capillaries. Giant skin tags are reported rarely in the literature. We present the case of two giant skin tags on labium majus. To our knowledge, these are the largest skin tags reported.  相似文献   

Three cases of persistent erythema multiforme, two of unknown aetiology and one precipitated by influenza are reported. Lesions were widespread, mostly atypical in appearance and regressed in response to immunosuppressants (systemic steroids and/or azathioprine) or, in one case, to dapsone. One patient developed erythroderma responding eventually to etretinate. Histology in all patients was consistent with the mixed, epidermodermal pattern of erythema multiforme. There were no significant laboratory abnormalities nor marked symptomatology apart from itching. The persistent form appears to belong to the spectrum of erythema multiforme being heterogeneous with respect to inducing stimuli, including viral antigens, neoplastic or inflammatory disease or unknown causes. Whenever it is possible, treatment should be adjusted depending on the causative agent.  相似文献   

报告3例甲氨蝶呤(MTX)导致的重症药疹.2例为女性患儿,年龄分别为6岁和9岁,1例为40岁男性患者,潜伏期分别为4、18、2 d,均先表现为手掌、足跖红色斑疹,2例后来发展为重症多形红斑型药疹,1例发展为中毒性表皮坏死松解症,均伴黏膜损害和骨髓抑制.给予糖皮质激素及对症治疗后,2例死亡,1例治愈.  相似文献   

We report a case of Brooke-Spiegler syndrome, a rare autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations of the cylindromatosis gene (CYLD) tumor suppressor gene resulting in multiple cylindromas and trichoepitheliomas. Treatment of these patients can involve surgical excision, laser therapy, or topical applications of aspirin derivatives.  相似文献   

Systemic sclerosis is unusual in childhood. We describe three children who presented with diffuse hidebound skin associated with gastrointestinal and pulmonary abnormalities. Cardiac and renal dysfunctions, which are often encountered in these patients, were notably absent in our cases.  相似文献   

香菇皮炎又名鞭挞样皮炎,主要临床表现为条索状、线状的鞭挞样红斑,大部分患者伴瘙痒,有香菇食用史。本文报道3例香菇皮炎,患者1发病前曾两次食用未煮熟的香菇。患者2发病前48小时因聚会曾食用大量凉拌金针菇,患者3发病前1天食用大量未熟透的烧烤香菇。  相似文献   

砷角化病3例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道3例银屑病患者长期口服中药(含有雄黄)引起的砷角化病。3例患者临床表现相似,均为掌趾部位的点状角化。皮肤变黑,色素沉着斑片上可见“雨滴”样色素脱失。  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumor is an uncommon mesenchymal neoplasm that can arise in both pleural and extrapleural locations. Composed of spindled cells intimately admixed with collagen bundles arranged in a "patternless pattern," this heterogeneous tumor can mimic a variety of benign and malignant mesenchymal neoplasms. We present the histological and immunohistochemical findings of two primary cutaneous solitary fibrous tumors, discuss the differential diagnosis, and review the literature. Although solitary fibrous tumors in cutaneous and subcutaneous regions are extremely rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of primary spindle cell neoplasms of the skin.  相似文献   

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