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微笑是人类最甜美、最动人的表情,在日常生活和人际交往中具有重要作用。在教学过程中,教师的微笑尤为重要。实践证明,教师的微笑是打动学生心灵最美好的表情,是教育学生最好的手段。教师的微笑传递着对学生的“爱”,可提高学生学习的兴趣。教师的微笑是热爱学生的外在表现,没有爱的教育犹如荒漠。教师面带微笑走进教室是与学生进行沟通的首要条件。在教学过程中,如果教师面孔冷漠、威严,不苟言笑,学生就会感到拘束,形成一种紧张的、消极的、甚至是对抗性的学习环境,这会抑制大脑皮质的兴奋度,对学生的心理和学业带来不良影响。当我们用一颗赤诚的心去爱学生,以真诚的微笑面对学生时,他便将“爱”悄悄地带给了学生,会使学生感到和蔼可亲,能使学生消除陌生感,缩短与我们的距离,对所教的学科感兴趣,将点燃学生智慧的火花,学生的思维之门也会为之大开,接受信息的灵感度会随之提高,学习该课程的兴趣会不断增强。  相似文献   

情和钱不是对立的,有情不必排斥钱,我们完全可以将未来的自己定位为有情有义的有钱人,并为之开启自己的梦想。大胆追求,努力拼搏,用智慧和汗水实现自己的梦想。或许是命运的不幸会暂时将缤纷多彩的梦撞碎;或许是天地的无  相似文献   

随着艾滋病的流行,艾滋瘸感染者和患者人数的不断增加,艾滋病对社会经济的影响也越来越来明显,正确评估艾滋病流行对社会经济的影响就显得十分必要.本文就如何在人口统计学预测的基础上借助一定的经济学模型来定量刻画艾滋病对宏观经济的影响程度做了详细的研究,为今后进一步研究艾滋病对社会经济的影响提供理论参考.  相似文献   

金牛宝宝☆性格小提示尽管生来慢性子,但无论他们慢到何种程度,改变还是一直在继续的,所以牛牛们在很多事情上都需要爸妈的耐心引导.在引导中,更要注意牛牛的内心很敏感,还经常伴着与生俱来的距离感,即使是细微的变化也会产生影响,所以从小培养他们对人的信任也很重要.其实,牛牛的能力一般都很强:主动关心别人、良好的自我管理、不错的动手能力,所以只要给予充裕的思考时间、有规律的生活、安静舒适的环境,牛牛们自然会健康地成长.……  相似文献   

清怡  Fish  肖岩 《家庭育儿》2007,(10):80-83
70%以上的准妈妈,孕期会遭遇痔疮的烦恼;几乎是所有的准妈妈在孕期前3个月或轻或重都会产生恶心呕吐的状况,严重的甚至会持续更长时间;一旦怀孕后,准妈妈常常有昏昏欲睡的感觉,很容易疲惫。痔疮、疲劳、孕吐,是准妈妈孕期非常棘手的三大问题,让孕妈妈想说轻松不容易。  相似文献   

构建以人为本的就医环境建设的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着社会的发展和科学技术的进步,随着医学模式的变化,构建医院以人为本的就医环境是我们医院管理工作者实践科学发展观的一项重要任务.我院有50多年的历史,由于多种原因,发展比较缓慢,近几年来在省政府的支持下,经过全院几届领导和职工的努力,现已成为开放床位650张,职工800多人,科室齐全、设备先进、环境优美的医疗、教学、科研取得很大发展的三级综合性教学医院.  相似文献   

她一定是软的、慢的、柔的,像白云或棉絮那样的质地轻薄。结婚后搬去和公婆同住。一栋老式的楼里,住的都是多年的老邻居,见证着彼此的家事、儿女的成长以及所有林林总总散播的飞短流长。故而这样的环境,名声就是脸面,叛逆与出轨的边缘化行为别想得到大众认  相似文献   

良好的饮食习惯是健康的关键,保持良好的性欲和性能力同样与饮食有关。不论是中国还是欧美的医学专家都承认:吃不一定会提高性技巧,但肯定会起到助性的作用。男性很在乎自己的性能好坏,却很少注意到自己的性福其实就毁在饮食上。  相似文献   

学校(包括托幼机构)食堂是特殊的食品加工经营场所,其卫生状况的好坏直接影响师生的身体健康,对维持学校正常的教学秩序和社会稳定有着重要的意义.学校食堂卫生目前已成为公共卫生的重要课题,是卫生监督管理的重点.笔者于2006年2~5月,对南京市下关区学校食堂的卫生状况进行了专项调查.  相似文献   

N年前我还是小姑娘的时候,虽然不属于纤细的那种体形,倒也婀娜有致,该肥的肥,该瘦的瘦。26岁那年刚生完孩子从医院回家洗澡,站在浴室镜子前看到已经肥胖变形的身体,真是有一种欲哭无泪的感觉,那个青春的躯体已经不复存在,生育的代价就是把自己从一个玲珑有致的少女变成了一个一身横肉的悍妇!心里的痛真是无  相似文献   

创伤急救一体化的实践与探索   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
论述了创伤救治新理念,阐述了创伤急救从传统模式向现代模式转变,即急诊科创伤急救模式由“全科型”向“专业化”转变、创伤医师培养模式由“通科型”向“专业型”转变。通过我院急诊科在创伤急救的快速临床反应机制、急诊创伤重点救治机制、创伤急救院内衔接机制和协调机制、急诊创伤病房规范化管理机制及创伤急救小组运作机制的实践,探讨了构建基于“三环理论”急诊科创伤急救一体化模式。  相似文献   

本文通过对常德市区娱乐场所噪声的三年研究,对14个娱乐场所174个监测点的数据统计结果、8个娱乐场所的辐射噪声声级监测结果和市区噪声污染分布进行分析。通过主观试验进行了节目噪声的烦扰度调查,绘出了噪声污染分布图和辐射噪声对邻近居民工作和休息很干扰百分数的关系图。通过现场调查对降低娱乐场所噪声的可能方法提出了自己的意见,为噪声控制提供参考。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The evolution of virulence in host-parasite relationships has been the subject of several publications. In the case of HIV virulence, some authors suggest that the evolution of HIV virulence correlates with the rate of acquisition of new sexual partners. In contrast some other authors argue that the level of HIV virulence is independent of the sexual activity of the host population. METHODS: Provide a mathematical model for the study of the potential influence of human sexual behaviour on the evolution of virulence of HIV is provided. RESULTS: The results indicated that, when the probability of acquisition of infection is a function both of the sexual activity and of the virulence level of HIV strains, the evolution of HIV virulence correlates positively with the rate of acquisition of new sexual partners. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that in the case of a host population with a low (high) rate of exchange of sexual partners the evolution of HIV virulence is such that the less (more) virulent strain prevails.  相似文献   

The experience gained in developing the system of targets for a number of urban multi-profile hospitals suggests an opportunity for using a programme-target method in the management of an inpatient facility. The Samashko All-Union Research Institute of Social Hygiene, Public Health Economics and Management has developed a system of programme-target management, consisting of relatively autonomous blocks: the identification of actually existing hospital problems; the elaboration of the conception of hospital development; the building of a tree of targets; the projecting of structures for hospital management; the elaboration and implementation of programmes. The identification of problems is based on the analysis of factographic tree of hospital targets. The analysis of the problem situation and possible ways of solving the problems allow to elaborate the conception of hospital development. In order to simplify the procedure for the building of a tree of targets the subdivision of targets into the targets-results, targets-processes and targets-objects is being introduced. On the basis of tree of targets the structure of management is being projected and programmes are being developed. The uniformity of methods used in this system makes it possible to presuppose the possibility of applying them at any institution and at any level of public health management.  相似文献   

In the course of abdominal ultrasonography of patients suffering from malignant lymphoma the authors observed frequently morphological alteration of the splenic vein in the hilus of spleen. Three conditions were determined which when occurring simultaneously created cases of dilated vein in the hilus of spleen. The incidence rate of dilated vein of the hilus of spleen has been determined in patient group with lymphoma and "healthy" control group. It was studied whether in cases with morphological alteration of the vein in the hilus of spleen the occurrence of abdominal nodal manifestations or the alteration of the sonographic structure of the spleen were detectable at a higher rate in the group of patients suffering from lymphoma. On the basis of the results the authors are of the opinion that when the sonographic signs of the dilated splenic vein of the hilus of spleen are present the negative result of sonography must be considered more carefully than usual and other more sensitive diagnostic methods must be applied for the detection of the abdominal manifestations of lymphoma.  相似文献   

The second stage of the efficacy assessment of the postgraduate education of the heads of women's consultation clinics was analyzed. They underwent training at the Central Order of V.I. Lenin Institute of Advanced Training of Physicians according to the experimental cycle of the problem-target programme which was developed on the basis of the claims raised for heads of women's consultation clinics. Postgraduate students were characterized according to their length of service and the posts occupied. The second stage of the efficacy assessment of advanced education involved the analysis of the introduction of new forms and methods of work in women's consultation clinics. The analysis was carried out by means of introduction charts used at the students' places of work, special assessment criteria being applied. The study findings were grouped by the type of activity of the clinic's heads. The conclusions were very specific and indicated the necessity of improving the work of this out-patient chain of the obstetric and gynecologic service.  相似文献   

提速列车舒适度相关因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:通过对提速列车舒适度调查,找出影响旅客列车舒适度的相关因素。方法:通过对微小气候的监测了解列车车厢内空气质量;通过问卷调查了解舒适度。结果:影响旅客列车舒适度的因素有照度、车速、风速、CO2浓度;其中舒适度与照度、车速呈正相关,与风速、CO2浓度呈负相关。结论:提速后列车应加强采光照明、控制风速和CO2浓度,以提高乘客舒适度。  相似文献   

A discussion of four aspects of the legislation and of the medical ethics of the transplants is presented: the concept of death, the donation of organs, the selection of receivers and the future of the therapeutic transplants. The prominent paragraphs of the General Law of Health of the country about cerebral death, the two legal forms and organs donors' ethics, the criteria and more frequent problems for the selection of receivers, and the character of medical technology of transition of the therapeutic transplants are included.  相似文献   

本文在分析中国边远地区医疗废物管理和处置现状基础上,从医疗废物收集、隔离包装、贮存、运输、处置等方面阐述了中国边远地区医疗废物管理和处置存在的问题及需求,并根据中国边远地区医疗废物产生和排放特性,针对边远地区运输距离远、处置技术缺乏、环境风险大、不易监督等特点,从其全过程管理角度出发,提出了可适用的医疗废物处置技术及管理模式。  相似文献   

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