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Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is an endemic disease in Switzerland, with about 110-120 reported human cases each year. Endemic areas are found throughout the country. However, the viruses circulating in Switzerland have not been characterized so far. In this study, the complete envelope (E) protein sequences and phylogenetic classification of 72 TBE viruses found in Ixodes ricinus ticks sampled at 39 foci throughout Switzerland were analyzed. All isolates belonged to the European subtype and were highly related (mean pairwise sequence identity of 97.8% at the nucleotide and 99.6% at the amino acid level of the E protein). Sixty-four isolates were characterized in vitro with respect to their plaque phenotype. More than half (57.8%) of isolates produced a mixture of plaques of different sizes, reflecting a heterogeneous population of virus variants. Isolates consistently forming plaques of small size were associated with recently detected endemic foci with no or only sporadic reports of clinical cases. All of six virus isolates investigated in an in vivo mouse model were highly neurovirulent (100% mortality) but exhibited a relatively low level of neuroinvasiveness, with mouse survival rates ranging from 50% to 100%. Therefore, TBE viruses circulating in Switzerland belong to the European subtype and are closely related. In vitro and in vivo surrogates suggest a high proportion of isolates with a relatively low level of virulence, which is in agreement with a hypothesized high proportion of subclinical or mild TBE infections.  相似文献   

Summary Using the Southern blot technique and a32P-labelled DNA copy of RNA TBEV as a probe, we studied the state of proviral DNA sequences in nuclear DNA of cells persistently infected (p.i.) with TBEV. Integration of virus-specific DNA sequences in DNA of p.i. was demonstrated. Discrete bands were observed, suggesting the existence of limited and specific intergration sites in host cellular DNA.With 1 Figure  相似文献   

Agar gel precipitation test with cross-adsorbed immune sera was used for the antigenic differentiation of strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). Fifty strains of the Far East TBEV serotype and 46 strains of the Siberian (Aina) TBEV serotype were isolated from Ixodes persulcatus, which is the main vector of the above TBEV subtypes in the Asian and European parts of Russia. The fragment of the envelope protein gene was sequenced for TBEV strains. Sequences of new-group strains of the Siberian subtypes isolated from 3 patients with chronic TBE and from brain tissues of 4 deceased patients were determined. Lethal TBE outcomes were registered in Siberia (Irkutsk Region and Krasnoyarsk Territory) and in Russia's European part (Yaroslavl Region).  相似文献   

Three white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) isolates of different virulence were identified in our previous study, the high-virulent strain WSSV-CN01, the moderate-virulent strain WSSV-CN02 and the low-virulent strain WSSV-CN03. In this study, the genomes of these three WSSV isolates were sequenced, annotated and compared. The genome sizes for WSSV-CN01, WSSV-CN02, and WSSV-CN03 are 309,286, 294,261, and 284,148 bp, bearing 177, 164, and 154 putative protein-coding genes, respectively. The genomic variations including insertions, deletions, and substitutions were investigated. Thirty four genes show >20% variation in their sequences in WSSV-CN02 or WSSV-CN03, in comparison with WSSV-CN01, including six envelope protein genes (wsv237/vp41A, wsv238/vp52A, wsv338/vp62, wsv339/vp39, wsv077/vp36A, and wsv242/vp41B), and two immediate-early genes (wsv108 and wsv178). The genomic variations among WSSV isolates of different virulence, especially those in the coding regions, certainly provide new insight into the understanding of the molecular basis of WSSV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Screening of immunomodulating properties of 45 tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus strains isolated in the southern part of the Soviet Far East was carried out. TBE virus strains were found to have different effects on the immune responsiveness of host splenocytes. Over 90% of the strains isolated from hematothermals could inhibit the immune response of the host to a heterologous antigen (sheep erythrocytes); similar properties were found in 5 strains isolated from ticks. At the same time, most strains isolated from the vectors were unable to modulate the immune response of antibody-producing cells and 3 strains even had immunostimulating properties. The existence of significant correlation (r = -0.57; p < 0.01) between the immunomodulating activity of a strain and peripheral virulence of the virus for white mice indicates that the immunomodulation parameter may be used as another pathogenetic marker. This marker and that of the peripheral activity served the basis for creation, by means of the mathematical method of discrimination analysis, of a new pathogenetic characteristic--a single marker of strain virulence.  相似文献   

Summary The structure and properties of infectious and formaldehyde-treated particles of tick-borne encephalitis virus, concentrated and purified by chromatography on macroporous glass, were studied.In addition to complete virions, such preparations contain some incomplete forms that differ in density, morphology and protein composition (incomplete forms do not contain nucleocapsid protein).The physico-chemical analysis of complete virions showed that formaldehyde treatment causes a) the formation of glycoprotein dimers and b) a portion of nucleocapsid protein to become tightly cross-linked with viral RNA.Formaldehyde treatment of incomplete forms resulted only in the formation of a small amount of glycoprotein dimers.Incomplete forms and glycoprotein extracted from inactivated preparations had protective and antigenic activity.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Study of virulence for white mice and Syrian hamsters of 115 tick-borne encephalitis virus strains isolated in Maritime Territory showed virulence to be a complex biological manifestation of pathogenic properties of tick-borne encephalitis virus. The virulent properties of strains may have individual manifestations in each species of specific causative agent hosts and susceptible experimental biological models.  相似文献   

Antigenic structure of tick-borne encephalitis virus proteins was studied by ELISA with monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to E and NS1 glycoproteins of strain Sofyin. Envelope proteins appeared to be conservative which corresponded to previously determined nucleotide sequences of E gene fragments and deduced primary structures of the corresponding E protein. Five of six studied MAb to NS1 nonstructural glycoprotein of strain Sofyin reacted with this protein of all studied strains. The only exception was MAb 17C3 which discriminates West Siberian strains from Far Eastern strain Sofyin.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the envelope protein of the Kamiyama 1 strain of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus and a passaged mutant (Kamiyama 2 strain) were determined. Two amino acid differences, Ser-Phe at residue 364 and Asn-Ile at residue 367, distinguished Kamiyama 2 from Kamiyama 1. Six neutralization-resistant variants were selected from these two strains using a JE species-specific monoclonal antibody with neutralization and hemagglutination-inhibition reactivities. All variants had a single amino acid substitution at residue 52 and significantly reduced reactivity with other JE species-specific monoclonal antibodies. The variants derived from Kamiyama 2 strain showed reduced virulence in 3-week-old mice after peripheral inoculation but were as virulent as the parent virus when inoculated intracranially. These variants also showed altered early virus-cell interaction but not replication and reproduction in Vero cells. These findings indicate that the mutations at residues 52, 364, and 367 affect early virus-cell interaction in Vero cells and virulence in mice.  相似文献   

Viruses of the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) antigenic complex within the family Flaviviridae cause a variety of diseases, including uncomplicated febrile illness, meningoencephalitis, and hemorrhagic fever. Different domesticated animals or wildlife species often act as reservoir hosts and ixodid ticks serve as vectors. Although TBE is a serious problem in Latvia, the knowledge concerning TBE virus (TBEV) strains circulating in the country is most limited. Only two strains (Latvia-1-96 isolated from a TBE patient, and RK1424 originating from an Ixodes persulcatus tick), which belonged to the Siberian and the Far Eastern subtypes of TBEV, respectively, have previously been characterized. In the present study, we concentrated on the western and central regions of Latvia, with predominantly Ixodes ricinus ticks. Five virus strains were isolated from serum samples of patients with clinical symptoms of an acute TBE infection. Nucleotide sequences encoding the envelope (E) protein of TBEV, which were recovered from the five TBEV isolates, showed the highest level of identity to the corresponding sequences of the prototype strain Neudoerfl and other European strains of the Western TBEV subtype characterized previously. Accordingly, phylogenetic analysis placed the new Latvian isolates within the Western genetic lineage of TBEV. Taken together with earlier observations, the results proved that all three TBEV subtypes are co-circulating in Latvia and indicated that the genetic diversity of TBEV within certain geographical areas is much more complex than previously believed.  相似文献   

A set of monoclonal antibodies with specificity for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was used for subtyping this antigen in sera from indigenous natives, blood donors, and drug users in Western Siberia with a modified commercial enzyme immunoassay kit for HBsAg detection. Three subtypes of HBsAg in a ratio of 36 (78%) ayw2:8 ayw3varB (18%):2 (4%) adw2 were found in 46 (100%) HBsAg-positive sera of different aboriginal populations of Western Siberia: the Tundra Nenets, Northern Khanty, Southern Altaians, and Kazakhs. Four subtypes of HBsAg in a ratio of 81 (57%) ayw2:58 (15 ayw3varA and 43 ayw3varB; 44%):2 (1%) adw2 were detected in 141 (100%) samples of blood donors from ten cities of Western Siberia. Three subtypes of HBsAg in a ratio of 34 ayw3:(both variants, 33 ayw3varA and 1 ayw3varB; 97.1%):1 (2.9%) ayw2 were found in blood of 35 injection drug users in Novosibirsk.  相似文献   

Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is an arthropod-borne virus, which is transmitted to vertebrates by the bite of infected ticks. TBEV plays an important role in human morbidity in Europe and in Estonia in particular. All three known TBEV subtypes, Western (W-TBEV), Far-Eastern (FE-TBEV), and Siberian (S-TBEV), co-circulate in Estonia. In the present study, we collected ticks in the eastern part of the country where one of the TBEV vectors, Ixodes persulcatus, is prevalent. In total, 8 TBEV strains were isolated and characterized by partial sequencing of the surface E glycoprotein gene. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all 8 strains belonged to the S-TBEV subtype and clustered geographically with Baltic TBEV strains from Estonia, Latvia, and Finland. Analysis of amino acid sequences revealed a new signature amino acid, Asn, at position 175 for Baltic strains from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and the European part of Russia, and Ala at position 313 for Siberian strains from Novosibirsk, Tomsk, and Irkutsk within the S-TBEV subtype. According to these findings, discrimination of Baltic and Siberian lineages within the S-TBEV subtype is possible. These data support geographic clustering of Baltic TBEV strains within the S-TBEV subtype in contrast to the previous postulation that TBEV strains could not be distinguished according to place and time of isolation. Both signature amino acids, 175 and 313, are located close to each other at one side of the E protein dimer molecule. Protein structure modeling showed that at position 175, the Baltic strains of S-TBEV had lost one hydrogen bond with Asp181, thus making the nearby 177–179 loop more flexible at the molecule surface. At position 313, the Siberian strains of S-TBEV had a substitution of non-polar Thr to polar Ala. Geometrical analysis of the molecular surface around amino acid 313 hinted at the presence of a cleft between this residue and a loop formed by residues 308–311, which has been suggested as a putative flavivirus receptor-binding site. This substitution may influence the binding properties of the cleft formed by signature amino acid 313 and the receptor-binding loop.  相似文献   

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