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Intersegmental synchronization of spontaneous activity of dorsal horn neurons in the cat spinal cord
Manjarrez E Jiménez I Rudomin P 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2003,148(3):401-413
Extracellular recordings of neuronal activity made in the lumbosacral spinal segments of the anesthetized cat have disclosed
the existence of a set of neurons in Rexed's laminae III–VI that discharged in a highly synchronized manner during the occurrence
of spontaneous negative cord dorsum potentials (nCDPs) and responded to stimulation of low-threshold cutaneous fibers (<1.5×T) with mono- and polysynaptic latencies. The cross-correlation between the spontaneous discharges of pairs of synchronic neurons
was highest when they were close to each other, and decreased with increasing longitudinal separation. Simultaneous recordings
of nCDPs from several segments in preparations with the peripheral nerves intact have disclosed the existence of synchronized
spontaneous nCDPs in segments S1–L4. These potentials lasted between 25 and 70 ms and were usually larger in segments L7–L5,
where they attained amplitudes between 50 and 150 μV. The transection of the intact ipsilateral hindlimb cutaneous and muscle
nerves, or the section of the dorsal columns between the L5 and L6, or between the L6 and L7 segments in preparations with
already transected nerves, had very small effects on the intersegmental synchronization of the spontaneous nCDPs and on the
power spectra of the cord dorsum potentials recorded in the lumbosacral enlargement. In contrast, sectioning the ipsilateral
dorsal horn and the dorsolateral funiculus at these segmental levels strongly decoupled the spontaneous nCDPs generated rostrally
from those generated caudally to the lesion and reduced the magnitude of the power spectra throughout the whole frequency
range. These results indicate that the lumbosacral intersegmental synchronization between the spontaneous nCDPs does not require
sensory inputs and is most likely mediated by intra- and intersegmental connections. It is suggested that the occurrence of
spontaneous synchronized nCDPs is due to the activation of tightly coupled arrays of neurons, each comprising one or several
spinal segments. This system of neurons could be involved in the modulation of the information transmitted by cutaneous and
muscle afferents to functionally related, but rostrocaudally distributed spinal interneurons and motoneurons, as well as in
the selection of sensory inputs during the execution of voluntary movements or during locomotion.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
Dr. E. Carstens D. Klumpp M. Zimmermann 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1980,38(4):425-430
Summary Inhibition of spinal dorsal horn neuronal responses to noxious (50 °C) skin heating by stimulation of the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) was quantitatively investigated in cats anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and nitrous oxide. Systematic variation of the interval between onset of PAG stimulation (PAGS) and onset of noxious skin heating revealed that a marked reduction of spinal unit heat-evoked discharges occured immediately upon onset of PAGS, and ceased immediately at offset of PAGS with a post-stimulation excitatory rebound. Stimulation at sites in both ventral and dorsal PAG produced inhibition, the strength of which increased sometimes in a linear manner with increasing strength of PAGS. Thresholds for the generation of descending inhibition were higher in dorsal than ventral PAG. PAGS also inhibited spinal unit responses to non-noxious skin stimulation (brushing of hairs). Descending inhibition from PAG is considered as a possible mechanism for analgesia produced by stimulation of PAG and other brainstem structures.The work was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Zi 110) 相似文献
S. Pretel M. J. Guinan E. Carstens 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1988,72(1):51-62
Summary Responses of single lumbar dorsal horn units to noxious radiant heating (50° C, 10 s) of glabrous footpad skin were recorded in cats anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and 70% nitrous oxide. The heat-evoked responses of 37/40 units were reduced during electrical stimulation (100 ms trains, 100 Hz, 3/s, 25–600 A) in the medullary nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) and/or in laterally adjacent regions of the medullary reticular formation (MRF). Inhibition was elicited by stimulation in widespread areas of the medulla, but with greatest efficacy at ventrolateral sites. The magnitude of inhibition increased with graded increases in medullary stimulation intensity. Mean current intensities at threshold for inhibition or to produce 50% inhibition were higher for NRM than for MRF sites. Units' responses to graded noxious heat stimuli increased linearly from threshold (42–43° C) to 52° C. During NRM (5 units) or ipsilateral MRF stimulation (7 units), responses were inhibited such that the mean temperature-response functions were shifted toward higher temperatures with increased thresholds (1.5° and 1° C, respectively) and reduced slopes (to 60% of control). Contralateral MRF stimulation had a similar effect in 4 units. Inhibitory effects of NRM and MRF stimulation were reduced (by >25%) or abolished in 4/6 and 5/12 units, respectively, following systemic administration of the serotonin antagonist methysergide. Inhibitory effects from NRM, ipsi- and contralateral MRF were reduced or abolished in 2/9, 4/8 and 6/9 cases, respectively, following systemic administration of the noradrenergic antagonist phentolamine. These results confirm and extend previous studies of medullospinal inhibition and the role of monoamines, and are discussed in terms of analgesic mechanisms. 相似文献
Worsley MA Todd AJ King AE 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2005,160(3):360-367
Dorsal horn neurons that express the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK-1R) play an important role in nociceptive processing. The targetting of NK-1R neurons by serotoninergic (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) axons would provide a straightforward means to exert an inhibitory analgesic effect at spinal level. This study used single cell electrophysiology to analyse and correlate the responses of rat deep DH neurons in vitro to both 5-HT and the NK-1R agonist [Sar9,Met(O2)11]-substance P (SP). Subsequently a combination of immunocytochemistry and confocal imaging was applied to biocytin-filled laminae III–VI neurons to reveal putative 5-HT innervation in this neuronal sample. A population of neurons was identified in which 5-HT (50 µM) significantly attenuated the dorsal root-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potential and [Sar9,Met(O2)11]-SP (2 µM) induced a direct tetrodotoxin-resistant depolarisation. Immunolabelling revealed that all of these neurons were inhibited by 5-HT, including those that were excited by [Sar9,Met(O2)11]-SP, were overlaid by a plexus of 5-HT immunoreactive fibres and in some instances, closely apposed putative contacts with somata and proximal dendrites identified although their incidence was low. Inhibition by 5-HT of deep DH neurons directly responsive to SP may account at least in part for monoamine-induced modulation of nociceptive processing in the spinal cord. 相似文献
J. -M. Edeline B. Hars C. Maho E. Hennevin 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1994,97(3):373-386
We investigated the relationships between cortical arousal and cholinergic facilitation of evoked responses in the auditory cortex. The basal forebrain (BF) was stimulated unilaterally, while cluster recordings were obtained simultaneously from both auditory cortices in urethane-anesthetized rats. The global electroencephalogram (EEG; large frontoparietal derivation) and the local EEG (from the auditory cortex) were recorded. The BF was stimulated at two intensities, a lower one which did not desynchronize the EEG and a higher one which did. Twenty pairing trials were delivered, during which a tone was presented 50 ms after the end of the BF stimulation. At low intensity, the pairing procedure led to a transient increase in the ipsilateral tone-evoked responses. At high intensity, the pairing increased the ipsilateral evoked responses up to 15 min after pairing. Such effects were not observed for the contralateral recordings. Systemic atropine injection prevented the facilitations observed ipsilaterally. BF stimulations alone did not induce any increased evoked response either at low or at high intensity. These results show (1) that a tone, presented while the cortex is activated by cholinergic neurons of the BF, evokes enhanced cortical responses, and (2) that the duration of this facilitation is dependent on the stimulation intensity. These results are discussed in the context of neural mechanisms involved in general arousal and cortical plasticity. 相似文献
Long-term enhancement of evoked potentials in cat somatosensory cortex produced by co-activation of the basal forebrain and cutaneous receptors 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
D. D. Rasmusson R. W. Dykes 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1988,70(2):276-286
Summary Averaged evoked potentials from primary somatosensory cortex (SEPs) were recorded before and after pairing the peripheral stimuli with electrical activation of the basal forebrain (BF) in anesthetized cats. Four pulses at 400 Hz were delivered to the BF 120 ms before each cutaneous stimulus and 10 to 660 such pairings were found to produce an enlargement of the SEP in 10 of 11 animals. The average increase in amplitude of the initial peak of the SEP was 69%. The SEP remained enhanced in five of six animals that were tested an hour or more after the pairing, and in one case the SEP was tested 4.5 h after pairing without diminution. The effective BF sites were located in the substantia innominata and at the rostral pole of the globus pallidus, regions known to contain many cholinergic cell bodies. Enhancement occurred consistently only if stimulation of the BF site elicited a positive wave in the cortex at a latency of 11 to 18 ms. Repeated BF stimulation without cutaneous input did not produce a change in subsequent SEPs. The long-term changes described here may be involved in experimentally- and naturally-induced cortical reorganization. 相似文献
F. Cervero H. -G. Schaible R. F. Schmidt 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1991,83(3):675-678
Summary In ten cats, single unit electrical activity was recorded in the lumbosacral spinal cord from neurones driven by stimulation of afferent fibres from the ipsilateral knee joint. Tonic descending inhibition (TDI) on the responses of these cells was measured as increases in resting and evoked activity of the neurones following reversible spinalization of the animals with a cold block at upper lumbar level. Acute inflammation of the knee joint was induced in five of the cats by the injection of kaolin and carrageenan into the joint. TDI was observed in 25 of 33 neurones recorded in normal animals (76%) and in 36 of 40 (90%) neurones recorded in animals with acute knee joint inflammation. In both kinds of preparation TDI was more pronounced in neurones recorded in the deep dorsal horn and in the ventral horn than in those recorded in the superficial dorsal horn. There was a tendency in the whole sample for TDI to be greater in neurones with input from inflamed knees. We conclude that the spinal processing of afferent information from joints is under tonic descending influences and that the amount of TDI can be altered during acute arthritis.Department of Physiology, University of Bristol Medical School, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TD, U.K. 相似文献
Tanimoto T Takeda M Matsumoto S 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2002,145(4):468-479
The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that vagal afferent (VA) inputs modify the tooth pulp (TP) stimulation-evoked activity of the first cervical dorsal horn (C1) neurons via the activation of endogenous noradrenergic and serotonergic systems. In 30 anesthetized rats, the activity of 56 C1 spinal neurons and the amplitude in a digastric muscle electromyogram (dEMG, n=30) increased proportionally during TP stimulation at an intensity of 1-3.5 times the threshold for the jaw-opening reflex (JOR). The activity in 46 of these C1 neurons (82.1%) was suppressed by VA stimulation (1.0 mAx0.1 ms, 50 Hz for 30 s) of the right vagus nerve. The suppressive effects of VA stimulation on C1 spinal neuron activity were significantly reduced after intravenous administration of either the alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonist phenoxybenzamine (POB, 2.0 mg/kg and 4.0 mg/kg) or the 5-hydroxytryptamine-3 (5-HT(3)) receptor antagonist ICS 205-930 (1.0 mg/kg and 2.0 mg/kg). But the 5-HT(1/2) receptor antagonist methysergide (1.0 mg/kg and 2.0 mg/kg) had no significant effect on VA stimulation-induced inhibition of the C1 spinal neuron activity. These results suggest that VA stimulation inhibits nociceptive transmission in the C1 spinal neuron activity via the activation of both noradrenergic and serotonergic (5-HT(3)) descending inhibitory systems. 相似文献
Differential activation of spinal dorsal horn units by subcutaneous formalin injection in the cat: an electrophysiological study 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
J. Chen Natsu Koyama 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1998,118(1):14-18
In our previous report we found that subcutaneous (s.c.) formalin injection into the cutaneous receptive field (RF) of dorsal
horn wide-dynamic-range (WDR) units and nociceptive primary afferent units resulted in a tonic, long-lasting increase in firing.
However, s.c. formalin injection only resulted in a short-lasting increase in firing of non-nociceptive primary afferent units.
In the present study, by using extracellular single-unit recording techniques we further studied effects of s.c. formalin
on response properties of identified superficial-layer nociceptive-specific (NS) units and deeper-layer, low-threshold mechanoreceptive
(LTM) units of L7 dorsal horn in urethane-chloralose-anesthetized cats. s.c. formalin injection into the RF of NS units resulted in a tonic,
long-lasting increase in firing (7.08 ± 0.42 spikes/s, n = 5), for more than 1 h, compared with the spontaneous background (1.42 ± 0.03 spikes/s, n = 5). Formalin injection into the RF of LTM units also resulted in an increase in firing; however, the duration was short-lasting,
for 25–520 s (152.92 ± 46.73 s, n = 12). The present study demonstrated that s.c. injection of dilute formalin solution resulted in activation of not only
nociceptive but also non-nociceptive dorsal horn units, suggesting that tissue injury caused by s.c. formalin results in vigorous
injury discharges of peripheral nerve terminals, which subsequently leads to activation of primary afferent neurons and secondary
dorsal horn neurons.
Received: 28 August 1996 / Accepted: 2 January 1997 相似文献
Wilson C. J. Chang H. T. Kitai S. T. 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1983,51(2):227-235
Summary Excitatory postsynaptic potentials evoked in rat neostriatal spiny projections neurons were followed by a long (100–300 ms) period of membrane hyperpolarization, followed in turn by a late depolarization. Concomitant with these changes in membrane potential were inhibition and subsequent excitation of spontaneous firing and excitatory activity evoked from substantia nigra and cerebral peduncle, but not from cortical stimulating sites. Thalamic-evoked excitatory activity was sometimes sensitive and sometimes insensitive to this inhibition, which has previously been believed to result from intrinsic inhibitory synaptic activity among neostriatal neurons. In intracellular recordings from neostriatal neurons in urethane anesthetized rats this longlasting inhibitory response (1) exhibited alterations with intracellularly applied steady currents comparable to those of the EPSP, (2) failed to respond to intracellular injection of chloride ions, (3) was associated with either a decrease or no detectable change in the input conductance of the neurons, and (4) was abolished after lesions that interrupted polysynaptic pathways to neostriatum through intracortical and intrathalamic synaptic circuits. These findings indicate that the long lasting inhibitory portion of the responses of neostriatal neurons arises from a phasic inhibition of tonically active corticostriatal and thalamostriatal neurons and a concurrent decrease in the excitability of polysynaptic pathways converging on neostriatal neurons.A preliminary report of these findings was presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, October 1981. Supported by grants NS 17294 (to C.J. Wilson) and NS 14866 (to S.T. Kitai) from the National Institutes of Health 相似文献
Dr. S. Shiosaka M. Tohyama H. Takagi Y. Takahashi Y. Saitoh T. Sakumoto H. Nakagawa N. Shimizu 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1980,39(4):377-388
Summary The ascending and descending components of the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) were investigated by means of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) with a sensitive substrate. The HRP was injected iontophoretically into the MFB at various levels from the anterior commissure to the posterior hypothalamus. In order to prevent the diffusion of HRP to other brain areas, a double micropipette system was used. The descending components of the MFB are derived from (1) the anterior cingulate area, infra- or prelimbic area, and sulcal cortex, (2) the lateral septal nucleus and diagonal band, (3) the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, (4) the paraventricular nucleus (5) the substantia innominata, (6) the amygdaloid complex (AM), (7) the ventromedial (VM) and dorsomedial (DM) hypothalamic nuclei, (8) the entopeduncular nucleus and (9) nucleus periventricularis stellatocellularis. The ascending components of the MFB originate in: (1) the medial preoptic nucleus, (2) the nucleus periventricularis stellatocellularis and rotundocellularis, (3) the posterior hypothalamic nucleus, (4) the parafascicular nucleus, (5) the ventral premammillary nucleus, (6) the substantia grisea periventricularis, (7) the lateral habenular nucleus, (8) the VM and DM, (9) the paratenial nucleus, (10) the AM and (11) the arcuate nucleus.Abbreviations used in Figures and Tables a
nucleus accumbens
- abl
nucleus amygdaloideus basalis, pars lateralis
- abm
nucleus amygdaloideus basalis, pars medialis
- ac
nucleus amygdaloideus centralis
- AC
anterior cingulate area
- al
nucleus amygdaloideus lateralis
- am
nucleus amygdaloideus medialis
- ar
nucleus arcuatus
- CC
tractus corporis callosi
commissura supraoptica dorsalis, pars ventralis
- DB
diagonal band
- DM
nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami
- EP
nucleus entopeduncularis
- ha
nucleus anterior hypothalami
- hl
nucleus lateralis hypothalami
- hp
nucleus posterior hypothalami
- IL
infralimbic area of frontal cortex
- lh
nucleus habenulae lateralis
- LH1
medial forebrain bundle (MFB) at the level of commissura anterior
- LH2
lateral preoptic area
- LH3
MFB at the level of the nucleus anterior hypothalami
- LH4
MFB at the level of the nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami
- LH5
MFB at the level of the nucleus posterior hypothalami
medial forebrain bundle
- pf
nucleus parafascicularis
- PL
prelimbic area of frontal cortex
- pol
nucleus preopticus lateralis
- pom
nucleus preopticus medialis
- posc
nucleus preopticus, pars suprachiasmatica
- pt
nucleus parataenialis
- pv
nucleus premamillaris ventralis
- PV
nucleus paraventricularis
- pvs
nucleus periventricularis stellatocellularis
- pvr
nucleus periventricularis rotundocellularis
- SC
sulcal cortex
substantia grisea periventricularis
- SI
substantia innominata
- SL
lateral septal nucleus
- ST
bed nucleus of stria terminalis
- sum
nucleus supramamillaris
- TO
tractus opticus
- tmm
nucleus medialis thalami, pars medialis
- VM
nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami
The nomenclature used in this paper is according to König and Klippel's Stereotaxic Atlas (1967). 相似文献
Responses of 361 single units recorded extracellularly in various medial telencephalic loci (?2.5 mm from midline) to stimulation in behaviorally-verified, intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) sites were studied in rats lightly anesthetized with halothane. Trains of 100 Hz stimulation in ICSS sites at behaviorally effective intensities produced widespread effects on telencephalic neurons; 78% showed a short-term response (duration <1.5 sec), a long-term response (duration several sec), or both. Most areas had no single predominant type of response and showed a mixture of ON and OFF short-term responses. Exceptional regions were the superficial layers of cortex, predominantly ON responses, and the lateral septal region, predominantly OFF responses. The responses in most regions were similar to barpressing ICSS in that they directly depended on pulse frequency, i.e., 100 Hz stimulation produced a stronger response than 50 or 25 Hz. The septal region was high in frequency dependent response whereas the globus pallidus and olfactory nuclei were low. Short-term OFF responses were more often frequency dependent than ON responses, particularly those associated with short-latency (?20 msec) spike discharges. Stimulation in two ICSS sites tested on the same neuron produced more mutual OFF responses than mutual ON responses. The results indicate that ICSS has pervasive influences in the telencephalon. Of these influences, the inhibitory types appear to be most consistently related to ICSS behavior. 相似文献
W. M. Steedman V. Molony A. Iggo 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1985,58(1):171-182
Summary The morphology, background activity and responses to stimulation of primary afferent inputs of small neurones in the superficial dorsal horn which could only be excited from the skin by noxious stimulation were investigated by intracellular recording and ionophoresis of HRP. Neurones which gave similar responses to afferent stimulation were morphologically heterogeneous with respect to dendritic tree geometry and axonal projection, but were located around the lamina I/II border. Cutaneous excitatory receptive fields responding to noxious stimulation were generally small; most neurones had more extensive inhibitory fields responding to innocuous mechanical stimulation, in many cases overlapping the excitatory fields. Generally, stimulation of the excitatory field resulted in depolarization of the neurone and increased action potential firing, and stimulation of the inhibitory field resulted in hyperpolarization. Electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves revealed the existence of converging excitatory inputs carried by different fibre groups, and all neurones received an inhibitory input activated at low threshold. Excitatory responses were short-lived and occurred consistently in response to repeated stimulation. Central delay measurements gave evidence of a number of A monosynaptic inputs but only one A monosynaptic input; inhibitory inputs along A fibres were polysynaptic. The constant latency and regularity of the C response suggested monosynaptic connections. Low intensity stimulation of inhibitory inputs elicited a short-lived i.p.s.p. which increased in amplitude with increasing stimulus strength until it disappeared into a more prolonged hyperpolarization. This was associated with inhibition of background action potentials, and increased in duration with increasing stimulus strength up to C levels, indicating an A and C component. It is suggested that the level of excitability of these neurones depends on the relative amounts of concurrent noxious and innocuous stimulation, and that the resultant output, which is conveyed mainly to other neurones within the spinal cord, could modulate reflex action at the spinal level as well as affecting components of ascending sensory pathways.Supported by grant no. 11853/1.5 from the Wellcome Trust 相似文献
R. P. Vertes B. Fass 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1988,73(1):23-31
Summary The distribution of anterogradely-labeled fibers and retrogradely-labeled cell bodies in the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) was mapped after injections of wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) into various structures of the basal forebrain in adult rats. WGA-HRP injections into the medial septum/vertical limb of the diagonal band nucleus resulted in: 1) dense anterograde labeling in the rostral, intermediate, and central subnuclei; and 2) retrograde labeling in the apical and central subnuclei. Injections into the lateral septum produced: 1) no anterograde labeling in the IPN; and 2) retrograde labeling which was dense in the apical subnucleus, moderate in the central and lateral subnuclei, and light in the intermediate subnucleus. Injections into the horizontal limb of the diagonal band nucleus resulted in: 1) anterograde labeling which was most pronounced in the central, rostral, and intermediate subnuclei; and 2) retrograde labeling which was strongest in the apical, central, and lateral subnuclei. After injections into the substantia innominata-magnocellular preoptic nucleus, there was: 1) dense anterograde labeling in the rostral and central subnuclei and moderate anterograde labeling in the intermediate subnucleus; and 2) essentially no retrograde cell labeling in the IPN. These findings demonstrate that the IPN receives inputs from, and projects to specific portions of the basal forebrain. The rostral and central subnuclei are the primary targets of inputs from the basal forebrain to the IPN, and the apical subnucleus is the primary source of IPN projections to the basal forebrain. 相似文献
D. R. Belov O. V. Getmanenko S. F. Kolodyazhanyi I. E. Kanunikov 《Neuroscience and behavioral physiology》2009,39(3):261-268
Baseline EEG traces were recorded from the right occipital area with the eyes closed in 15 subjects. Rhythmic stimulation with bright, diffuse flashes of light was applied through the closed eyelids at specific points in the alpha-wave phase (trigger photic stimulation). Ten versions of stimulation were used, with application at different phases for 1 min at each phase. Responses occurring in conditions of stimulation in different phases were compared using the mean alpha wave amplitude in each version and the wave shape in terms of the level of asymmetry of the leading and trailing fronts. When flashes were delivered at the middle of the descending front of the potential (positivization), changes in wave shape were most marked and were very different from those seen in the other nine stimulation phases. This effect was most marked in subjects with low-amplitude alpha rhythms. These results suggest that the individual level of the alpha rhythm in a given subject and the dynamics of the wave shape can be explained by the characteristics of the structure of the system of recurrent-lateral inhibition. Translated from Rossiiskii Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 94, No. 2, pp. 152–162, February, 2008. 相似文献
目的观察在去卵巢后海马CA1区锥体细胞和基底前脑外侧隔核神经元线粒体超微结构的变化情况。方法雌性SD大鼠8只,随机分为正常对照组(4只)和OVX组(4只)。采用去卵巢(ovariectomized,OVX)SD大鼠模型,OVX组行双侧卵巢切除术,术后第12天,常规固定、包埋,透射电镜观察海马CA1区锥体细胞和基底前脑外侧隔核神经元线粒体结构。结果与正常对照组相比,OVX组海马CA1区锥体细胞部分线粒体肿胀较明显,嵴出现断裂和脱落,部分线粒体空泡化;但基底前脑线粒体基本正常。结论大鼠去势12d后,其海马易感区神经元线粒体超微结构发生改变,并可能引起神经元退变,为女性更年期后老年性痴呆易感性增加提供了有益的线索。 相似文献
雌激素对去卵巢大鼠基底前脑NOS及Nestin阳性神经元的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目的 观察雌激素替代对去卵巢大鼠基底前脑一氧化氮合酶(NOS)及巢蛋白(Nestin)阳性神经元的影响。方法 将28只健康成年雄性SD大鼠随机分为4个处理组:去势24 h雌激素替代组、去势2周雌激素替代组、去势植物油替代组及假手术组。用组织化学及免疫组织化学染色方法观察基底前脑的内侧隔核(MS)、斜角带垂直支(vDB)及水平支(hDB)的NOS和Nestin阳性神经元数的变化。结果 去势行植物油替代可使MS、vDB的NOS阳性神经元数明显下降(P<0.01);去势24 h或2周行雌激素替代均可使以上亚区的NOS阳性神经元数明显升高至正常水平(P<0.01)。去势行植物油替代或雌激素替代对hDB的:Nestin阳性神经元数的影响趋势与NOS阳性神经元的相似(P<0.01),但对MS及vDB的Nestin阳性神经元数影响不大(P>0.05)。结论 去卵巢行雌激素替代可选择性地使基底前脑不同亚区NOS、Nestin阳性神经元数升高,这可能与雌激素高调了NOS和Nestin的表达有关。 相似文献