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Outpatient sleep recording during antiepileptic drug monotherapy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of sleep and sleep deprivation on epilepsy are well known, but the effects of seizures and antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) on sleep have been less well studied. We recorded nocturnal sleep in 17 patients receiving antiepileptic monotherapy with ambulatory cassette EEG devices. Twelve patients had complex partial seizures and five had tonic-clonic convulsions. Two patients' seizures were largely nocturnal, and no seizures occurred during sleep recording. Five patients each were taking phenytoin (PHT), carbamazepine (CBZ), and valproate (VPA), and two were taking clonazepam (CZP), all with therapeutic serum levels and no toxic symptoms. Total sleep time was reduced, wakefulness increased, and sleep latency prolonged in partial seizures as compared with generalized epilepsy. REM sleep was reduced and its latency decreased in partial seizure patients. Both groups had decreased slow wave sleep; that of partial seizure patients was decreased more markedly. PHT increased sleep latency and decreased sleep time, and CBZ increased awakening and diminished slow wave and REM sleep. Patients taking VPA had slight reduction in slow wave sleep; those taking CPZ had decreased sleep and REM latencies. Epilepsy may affect nocturnal sleep, and the effects of partial and generalized seizure disorders may be different. AEDs may also have differential effects on nighttime sleep. These may prove important in the long-term management of epileptic patients.  相似文献   

Drug-induced osteopenia has been reported in institutionalized children on chronic antiepileptic drug therapy. The aim of this study was to assess longitudinally bone mineral status in pediatric outpatients on antiepileptic drug monotherapy. The study group consisted of 30 ambulatory children on a normal diet: 15 on valproic acid, 11 on carbamazepine, and 4 on phenobarbital monotherapy. Bone mineral density, serum active vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D), and certain biochemical markers of bone formation (calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, intact parathyroid hormone, osteocalcin, calcitonin, and urinary calcium to serum creatinine and urinary phosphorus to serum creatinine ratios) were studied at the beginning of antiepileptic drug monotherapy and at the end of 2 years of treatment. Age- and sex-specific Z-scores of bone mineral density were measured at anterior-posterior L2-L4 by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Drug-induced osteopenia was defined in only two patients (one on carbamazepine and the other on phenobarbital monotherapy), with Z-scores of bone mineral density less than -1.5. Serum levels of active vitamin D and biochemical markers were not significantly correlated with the Z-scores of bone mineral density. We detected a frequency of antiepileptic drug-induced osteopenia of 6.7% in pediatric outpatients after 2 years of monotherapy. However, osteopenia was not attributed to a defect in serum active vitamin D production owing to hyperparathyroidism in children on antiepileptic drug monotherapy.  相似文献   

目的研究不同的常用抗癫痫药物对中青年女性骨代谢的影响。方法通过测量各组受试者的血清钙、25-羟基维生素D、碱性磷酸酶、甲状旁腺激素、胰岛素生长因子-1、胰岛素结合蛋白-3、骨密度等,分析长期单药服用不同抗癫痫药物如苯妥英钠(PHT)、卡马西平(CBZ)、丙戊酸钠(VPA)、左乙拉西坦(LEV)等对受试者骨代谢的影响。结果服用CBZ、PHT和VPA的受试者血清钙浓度低于服用LEV的受试者(P=0.002);服用PHT的受试者的ALP浓度显著高于服用CBZ、LEV和VPA的受试者(P=0.000);与LEV组相比,PHT组血清IGF-1水平降低(P=0.03);与LEV组相比,PHT组血清的IGFBP-3浓度显著降低(P=0.000)。结论抗癫痫药物会影响骨代谢,导致患者血清钙下降、骨量减低。LEV较其他抗癫痫药物对骨代谢的影响较小,但仍能造成患者碱性磷酸酶含量下降等。抗癫痫药物对中青年女性的骨代谢会产生一定影响,在临床用药过程中需监测相关指标。  相似文献   

Antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy with either phenytoin or carbamazepine has been associated with generalized slowing of EEG background rhythms. These effects have been seen in groups of patients undergoing D manipulation, although the background slowing has been highly variable from patient to patient. Background slowing may represent an objective physiologic measure of drug impact on cerebral function and could be useful in monitoring for AED neurotoxicity in individual patients. This would require an intraindividual analysis of AED effects on EEG background rhythms. The present study was designed to develop a methodology for intraindividual analysis of EEG background changes and to apply this methodology to patients beginning or ending chronic AED therapy.EEG recordings were obtained under controlled conditions in 31 healthy subjects and were repeated after an interval of 12–16 weeks. EEG background rhythms from each record were analyzed using the fast Fourier transform, and test-retest differences for several quantitative measures were calculated from each subject's paired recordings. EEG recordings were also obtained in 6 patients beginning or ending chronic AED therapy. Test-retest differences for each patient's quantitative EEG measures were statistically compared with the distributions of test-retest measures obtained from the healthy controls.AED therapy was associated with an increase in absolute delta and/or theta power and a slowing of the dominant posterior rhythm; however, these EEG background changes varied widely in degree from patient to patient. Intraindividual analysis revealed that 5 patients had statistically significant slowing relative to the control group on at least 1 of the 9 target quantitative EEG measures, as well as a composite measure. Statistically significant slowing was also seen as a group effect. The results suggest that among patients undergoing chronic therapy with phenytoin or carbamazepine there are widely different degrees of EEG background slowing, often significantly beyond that expected on the basis of test-retest variability. Intraindividual analysis of the EEG background may be a practical objective measure of a patients unique response to chronic AED therapy.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of seizures and encephalopathy in eclampsia remains obscure even today. There are only a few reports on EEG findings in eclampsia. This is a report of the interictal EEG changes in 8 patients with eclampsia who were evaluated prospectively. The major EEG changes observed were (1) slowing of the background activity (generalized slowing in 4 patients and focal slowing in 3 patients) and (2) intermittent spike and sharp wave transients (5 patients). These abnormalities had disappeared in all except 2 patients when the EEG was repeated on the seventh day. A comparison is drawn between eclampsia and hypertensive encephalopathy for the clinical, EEG and CT/MRI findings. The pathogenesis of seizures and encephalopathy could be similar in these two conditions. It is worth while considering then; EEG changes while planning the treatment of eclampsia.  相似文献   

Purpose: Long‐term therapy with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) has been associated with metabolic consequences that lead to an increase in risk of atherosclerosis in patients with epilepsy. We compared the long‐term effects of monotherapy using different categories of AEDs on markers of vascular risk and the atherosclerotic process. Methods: One hundred sixty adult patients who were receiving AED monotherapy, including two enzyme‐inducers (carbamazepine, CBZ; and phenytoin, PHT), an enzyme‐inhibitor (valproic acid, VPA), and a noninducer (lamotrigine, LTG) for more than 2 years, and 60 controls were enrolled in this study. All study participants received measurement of common carotid artery (CCA) intima media thickness (IMT) by B‐mode ultrasonography to assess the extent of atherosclerosis. Other measurements included body mass index, and serum lipid profile or levels of total homocysteine (tHcy), folate, uric acid, fasting blood sugar, high sensitivity C‐reactive protein (hs‐CRP), or thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Key Findings: Long‐term monotherapy with older‐generation AEDs, including CBZ, PHT, and VPA, caused significantly increased CCA IMT in patients with epilepsy. After adjustment for the confounding effects of age and gender, the CCA IMT was found to be positively correlated with the duration of AED therapy. Patients with epilepsy who were taking enzyme‐inducing AED monotherapy (CBZ, PHT) manifested disturbances of cholesterol, tHcy or folate metabolism, and elevation of the inflammation marker, hs‐CRP. On the other hand, patients on enzyme‐inhibiting AED monotherapy (VPA) exhibited an increase in the levels of uric acid and tHcy, and elevation of the oxidative marker, TBARS. However, no significant alterations in the markers of vascular risk or CCA IMT were observed in patients who received long‐term LTG monotherapy. Significance: Patients with epilepsy who were receiving long‐term monotherapy with CBZ, PHT, or VPA exhibited altered circulatory markers of vascular risk that may contribute to the acceleration of the atherosclerotic process, which is significantly associated the duration of AED monotherapy. This information offers a guide for the choice of drug in patients with epilepsy who require long‐term AED therapy, particularly in aged and high‐risk individuals.  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficacy of antiepileptic drug (AED) monotherapy, we studied 147 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) aged 15 or older who had been undergoing treatment at our hospital for at least five consecutive years. We divided the treatment time into Period I which included one year beginning six months after the initial diagnosis, and Period II which was the two years from January, 1987 to December, 1989. The efficacy of therapy was evaluated for the two periods based on the following standards: effective, if seizures had been controlled, and ineffective, if at least one seizure had occurred during each period. Patients in whom monotherapy was effective increased by a factor of 1.7 over the period of observation, from 38 cases (28%) in Period I to 65 cases (44%) in Period II. The total number of effectively treated cases (including those on polytherapy) also rose from 58 cases (40%) in Period I to 79 cases (54%) in Period II. The average number of AEDs used was reduced from 3.0 +/- 1.3 at the time of initial diagnosis to 1.8 +/- 0.8 in Period I and 1.6 +/- 0.8 in Period II. When compared with the 68 ineffectively treated cases, significant background factors for the 65 effectively treated cases on monotherapy included: higher age at ictal onset, fewer histories of any previous treatment at initial diagnosis, or of encephalitis or febrile seizures, fewer psychological impairments such as cognitive degeneration or personality disorders, lower frequency of seizures, fewer histories of secondary generalization or automatism, and a higher rate of normal findings of background EEG and cerebral CT.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Antiepileptic drugs, particularly cytochrome P450 enzyme inducers, are associated with disorders of bone metabolism. We studied premenopausal women with epilepsy receiving antiepileptic drug monotherapy (phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproate, and lamotrigine). Subjects completed exercise and nutrition questionnaires and bone mineral density studies. Serum was analyzed for indices of bone metabolism including calcium, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, parathyroid hormone, insulin growth factor I, insulin binding protein III, and bone formation markers, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, and osteocalcin. Urine was analyzed for cross-linked N-telopeptide of type I collagen, a bone resorption marker. Calcium concentrations were significantly less in subjects receiving carbamazepine, phenytoin, and valproate than in those receiving lamotrigine (p = 0.008). Insulin growth factor-I was significantly reduced in subjects receiving phenytoin compared with those receiving lamotrigine (p = 0.017). Subjects receiving phenytoin had significantly greater levels of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (p = 0.007). Our results demonstrate that phenytoin is associated with changes in bone metabolism and increased bone turnover. The lower calcium concentrations in subjects taking carbamazepine or valproate compared with those taking other antiepileptic drugs suggest that these antiepileptic drugs may have long-term effects. Subjects receiving lamotrigine had no significant reductions in calcium or increases in markers of bone turnover, suggesting this agent is less likely to have long-term adverse effects on bone.  相似文献   

Topiramate was assessed in an open-label trial as broad-spectrum antiepileptic monotherapy, independently from the epilepsy type or syndrome. Adults and children aged 2 years and older, who were diagnosed with epilepsy within the last 5 years, treatment-naive or failing prior treatment with one antiepileptic drug (AED), received individually adjusted doses of topiramate, after escalation to 100mg/day over 4 weeks (maximum 400mg/day) or 3mg/kg/day over 6 weeks (maximum 9 mg/kg/day), respectively. Patients were followed for >or=7 months and optionally up to a maximum of 13 months. Data were analysed for all patients (n=692), as well as for focal (n=421) and generalized epilepsies (n=148). The median topiramate dose used was 125 mg/day in adults and 3.3mg/kg/day in children (or=50% reduction in mean monthly seizure frequency. Patients with focal and generalized epilepsies alike responded to treatment (73.9 and 83.8% with at least 50% seizure reduction): 39.4% of patients with focal epilepsy and 61.5% of those with generalized epilepsy were seizure-free. The mean monthly seizure frequency was significantly reduced versus baseline at all visits (p<0.001). Similar response rates were obtained from the 237 patients completing the 1-year observation period. During the mandatory 7-month period of study, 8.8% of patients reported insufficient tolerability as a reason for dropout. The most frequent adverse event was paraesthesia. Our results support findings that emerge from controlled studies that topiramate is effective and well tolerated when used as initial or second monotherapy. They also suggest that in a naturalistic setting, overall good retention on treatment and seizure freedom are observed at low doses in a broad spectrum of epilepsies.  相似文献   

Kim JY  Lee HW 《Epilepsia》2007,48(7):1366-1370
PURPOSE: Women with epilepsy (WWE) tend to have hormonal and metabolic abnormalities, raising concerns about an increased risk of cardiovascular disorders. This study was performed to determine whether epilepsy itself and/or antiepileptic drug (AED) medication cause metabolic abnormalities. METHODS: WWE in premenopausal state aged 18 to 45 years old, currently on AED monotherapy for more than six months, were recruited for this study. The subjects checked their oral temperature each morning, and tested serum levels for lipid profiles, insulin, glucose, and leptin. A HOMA-index was used as a marker for insulin resistance. RESULTS: Of the 54 total patients, 18 women were diagnosed with primary generalized epilepsy (PGE) and the other 36 were diagnosed with localization-related epilepsy (LRE). Among the subjects, 19 women were on carbamazepine (CBZ), 12 on valproate (VPA), 12 on lamotrigine (LTG), and 11 on topiramate (TPM). Body mass index increased and HDL-cholesterol decreased in patients on VPA monotherapy compared with CBZ, LTG, or TPM (p=0.046 and 0.002). Metabolic syndrome was more frequently associated with VPA-treated patients (41.7%) than CBZ (5.3%), LTG (0%), or TPM group (0%) (p=0.005). There were no differences in hormonal and metabolic indices between PGE and LRE groups. CONCLUSIONS: WWE on VPA monotherapy are more obese and more frequently suffer from metabolic syndrome. LTG or TPM may be safer when prescribed to the patients with high risk of cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) can affect bone metabolism, but the exact mechanisms or differences in individual drugs are still unknown. The purpose of this study was to prospectively investigate the alterations in bone mineral density (BMD) and markers of bone metabolism induced by different AEDs in Koreans with epilepsy. Subjects included 33 drug-naïve, newly diagnosed patients with epilepsy aged between 18 and 50. BMD at right calcaneus and various markers for bone metabolism were measured before and after 6 months of AED monotherapy including carbamazepine, valproic acid, and lamotrigine. Carbamazepine caused a significant decrease in BMD, which was accompanied by a decrease in the level of vitamin D (25-OHD3). BMD and vitamin D were not affected by 6 months of valproic acid or lamotrigine therapy. Interestingly, valproic acid and lamotrigine, but not carbamazepine, significantly increased osteocalcin, a marker of bone formation. All AEDs almost doubled the parathyroid hormone level, whereas urinary Pyrilinks, a marker of bone resorption, was not affected by those AEDs. These findings suggest that carbamazepine, a hepatic enzyme-inducing drug, decreases BMD.  相似文献   

Objects Since alkaline urine is a risk factor for urolithiasis, the relationship between antiepileptic drugs and urinary pH was retrospectively studied in epilepsy patients treated with antiepileptic drug monotherapy for more than 1 month.Methods A total of 913 urinary samples from antiepileptic drug-treated patients were compared with 780 age-matched control samples, and with 112 samples from epilepsy patients who had not been treated with antiepileptic drugs. The antiepileptic drugs administered were carbamazepine, valproate, phenobarbital, zonisamide, sulthiame, and phenytoin.Conclusions The proportion of the acid urine in the valproate-treated patients was lower than that in controls. The proportion of the alkaline urine in the valproate-treated patients was higher than that in controls. This effect was independent of age, sex, and the serum valproate concentration. There was no significant difference in urinary pH among the epilepsy patients treated with other antiepileptic drugs, the epilepsy patients who had not been treated with antiepileptic drugs, and the controls.  相似文献   

Interictal EEG and the Diagnosis of Epilepsy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary:  The interictal EEG provides information that aids in diagnosis and management of epilepsy. One must remember that the EEG is merely a tool, and its usefulness depends largely upon the skill of the individual who wields it. Like all diagnostic tests, it has significant limitations and cannot substitute for a careful history and exercise of good judgment. Nonetheless, in skilled hands, it provides unique and vital information in many patients, and enhances our understanding of their condition.  相似文献   

In clinical practice, after diagnosis and when treatment has begun, it is important to predict as soon as possible which children will become seizure-free and which are likely to develop medically intractable seizures. This article summarizes factors predicting seizure remission in childhood-onset epilepsy treated with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Sustained seizure remission can be expected in over 90% of idiopathic epilepsies of childhood and in neurologically normal children with epilepsy having infrequent seizures showing early remission after starting treatment with AEDs. Even in the presence of symptomatic etiology of epilepsy--focal seizures and syndromes; high seizure frequency prior to or during treatment; seizure clustering; and poor or delayed response to first adequate drug therapy--up to 60% of children with treated epilepsy are able to enter long-term remission. However, remission can be expected in only 30% or less of those with catastrophic epilepsies of childhood.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The ABCB1 3435C-->T single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) or a three-SNP haplotype containing 3435C-->T has been implicated in multidrug resistance in epilepsy in three retrospective case-control studies, but a further three have failed to replicate the association. We aimed to determine the effect of the ABCB1 gene on epilepsy drug response, using a unique large cohort of epilepsy patients with prospectively measured seizure and drug response outcomes. METHODS: The ABCB1 3435C-->T polymorphism and three-SNP haplotype, plus a comprehensive set of tag SNPs across ABCB1 and adjacent ABCB4, were genotyped in a cohort of 503 epilepsy patients with prospectively measured seizure and drug response outcomes. Clinical, demographic, and genetic data were analysed. Treatment outcome was measured in terms of time to 12-month remission, time to first seizure, and time to drug withdrawal due to inadequate seizure control or side-effects. Randomly selected genome-wide HapMap SNPs (n=129) were genotyped in all patients for genomic control. FINDINGS: Number of seizures before treatment was the dominant feature predicting seizure outcome after starting antiepileptic drug therapy, measured by both time to first seizure (hazard ratio 1.34, 95% CI 1.21-1.49, p<0.0001) and time to 12-month remission (0.83, 0.73-0.94, p=0.003). There was no association of the ABCB1 3435C-->T polymorphism, the three-SNP haplotype, or any gene-wide tag SNP with time to first seizure after starting drug therapy, time to 12-month remission, or time to drug withdrawal due to unacceptable side-effects or to lack of seizure control. INTERPRETATION: We found no evidence that ABCB1 common variation influences either seizure or drug withdrawal outcomes after initiation of antiepileptic drug therapy.  相似文献   

Interictal sharp EEG transients in neonatal seizures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study describes the differences between several quantifiable variables that characterize interictal sharp EEG transients (SETS) recorded from neurologically ill neonates with proven electrographic seizures and a comparison group of apparently neurologically well babies with no known seizures. The abundance (number of sharp EEG transients per ten minutes), waveform morphology, repetitive behavior, and spatial distribution of SETS provide interpretive guidelines that help discriminate between these two patient populations.  相似文献   

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