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十二经脉在腕、踝关节附近原穴的变化,可推断脏腑经络的生理功能状态,也能诊断脏腑经络的病变,进而对疾病的预后转归有重要的指导意义;原穴的配伍是以原穴配合相应的特定穴治疗疾病的方法。原穴调理相应的脏腑。特定穴依具一定的功能以加强疗效。具有选穴少、见效快的特点,对于治疗急、重症,效果肯定。应用原穴配伍为针刺治疗急、重症提供了一条途径。 相似文献
肾经原穴临证体会 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
诸晓英 《浙江中医药大学学报》1997,21(5):41-42
太溪穴为肾经之原穴,是人身元气旺盛与聚集之处,通过针灸不同补泻手法和准确的审因配穴能起到调正阴阳,疏通经脉之作用。并列晚年期综合征,慢性肠炎,咽炎,腰痛案例以佐证。 相似文献
通过对人体经络原穴进行阶跃脉冲响应的测量并解析出穴位特征值,将中医经穴理论的研究推向新的阶段.通过对人体原穴的量化检测,发现已经存在或者还在潜伏着的疾病,对临床的诊断和治疗具有重要的意义。 相似文献
再论俞原穴及其配伍方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
王富春教授在特定穴理论方面颇有研究,在20世纪80年代,王富春教授根据其临床经验在前人对特定穴理论论述基础上,富有创新性的提出了"俞原配穴治疗脏病"、"合募配穴治疗腑病"、"郄会配穴治疗急症"等方法,并发表在《辽宁中医杂志》上.经过多年临床观察,这几种新的配穴方法以其取穴少、痛苦小、疗效高,为针灸界同仁所认同.其中"俞原配穴"法在治疗脏病方面疗效独特,根据本人所学针灸理论,再次对"俞原配穴"法论述如下: 相似文献
不同时辰电针十二经原穴对正常人血浆cAMP,cGMP及其比值的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用12×12拉丁方实验设计,分别在酉、戌、亥、子、丑、寅、卯、辰、已、午、未和申时电针正常人的十二经原穴。结果发现,电针十二原穴对cAMP、cGMP及其比值影响的差异不明显;不同时辰电针十二经原穴对正常人的cAMP、cGMP及其比值有着效应差异;不同青年人的针灸效应之间具有一定的差异性。 相似文献
目的:观察电针不同原穴对急性心肌缺血家兔心率变异性的影响,探讨不同原穴针刺效应的特异性。方法56只家兔随机分为正常对照组、模型对照组、电针“神门”组、电针“太冲”组、电针“大陵”组、电针“太溪”组和电针非经穴组,每组8只;经股静脉一次性注射垂体后叶素复制急性心肌缺血家兔模型,采用Biopac 生物信号采集系统检测心电信号,分析各组家兔各时间段心率变异性参数。结果急性心肌缺血模型复制后家兔的心率明显下降、R-R间期(R-R interval,RRI)、总变异性(Total variability,TV)及低频/高频(Low frequency/high frequency,LF/HF)明显升高,与正常对照组家兔比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);“神门”组、“大陵”组及“太冲”组的HR、RRI、TV及LF/HF与模型组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);而“太溪”组及非经穴组的HR、RRI、TV及LF/HF与模型组家兔比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论神门和心包经原穴大陵对急性心肌缺血家兔心率变异性的调整作用较为明显,心包经同名经肝经原穴太冲有一定的调整作用,心经同名经肾经原穴太溪对心率变异性的调整作用不明显。 相似文献
“五脏有疾当取之十二原。”纪青山教授从脏腑辨证出发,通过针刺与痛经相关的肝、脾、肾三脏原气留止部位,即:足厥阴肝经原穴太冲,足太阴脾经原穴太白,足少阴肾经原穴太溪,3穴配合以疏理气机,调养气血,滋补肝肾,使气血化生有源,经血充足,运行畅通。缓解及根治由肝、脾、肾三脏病变所导致“不荣则痛”及其经络病变所引起“不通则痛”的痛经,加之配合局部取穴,使周围经络气血运行通畅。二者相合,治疗原发性痛经,收效满意。 相似文献
试论五输穴与原穴脉气循行流注的一致性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
五输穴从四肢末端走向肘膝关节的向心性循行与十二经脉的半离心半向心的循行方向不同,同时原穴是脏腑原气经过和留止的部位,原气如何布散于原穴之中?而且六阴经的以输代原,表明了原穴与五输穴之间具有一定的内在联系。因此,本文试就此问题进行探讨,希望方家不吝赐教。1五输穴向心性循行与十二经脉半向心半离心循行的不同性经络理论是针灸学乃至中医学的基础,经络“内属于腑脏,外络于肢节”的周身联系,使人体成为一个有机的整体;同时,其“决死生,处百病,调虚实”的功能作用,使之成为中医学的重要内容。对于十二经脉的循行流注,后世皆遵从《灵… 相似文献
The Back-Shu points are the specific points where qi of the five zang and six fu organs flows to the back and lumbar region. They are located on the first line 相似文献
王金全 《中医杂志(英文版)》2004,24(4):289-290
The acupoint Yanglingquan (GB 34) has the effects of normalizing the functions of the liver and gallbladder, clearing away damp-heat, and strengthening the muscles and tendons. In clinic, it is commonly used for treating hemiplegia, paralysis, pain and numbness in the lower limbs, swelling and pain in the knee, 相似文献
The authors have, in recent years, obtained quite good therapeutic results in their acupuncture treatment of mental diseases, heat syndromes and cerebrovascular diseases through treating mainly the Du Channel with the methods of resuscitating and regulating the mind, and clearing and activating the channels and collaterals. The illustrative cases are reported below. 相似文献
Introduction Triple puncture, first appeared in Miraculous Pivot (灵枢), is an ancient method of acupuncture, which has been used to treat relatively small and deep disorders caused by pathogenic wind by puncturing the center of the affected area with one needle and the surrounding areas with two other needles. 相似文献
目的:探讨甲状腺大部切除的手术方法.方法:回顾性总结我院1996年2月~2005年2月所作的157例甲状腺大部切除手术.结果:无手术死亡及甲状腺危象发生,无甲状腺功能低下发生.手术并发症4例,发生率0.6%.结论:手术时间短,损伤小,并发症少,恢复快,临床效果好. 相似文献
史国屏 《中医杂志(英文版)》2002,22(4):291-293
Taichong (LR 3) is a yuan (source) point of the Liver Channel of Foot Taiyin. Having the effects of relieving the depressed liver, and regulating the circulation of qi to relieve pain, this point is widely used in clinic with quite satisfactory therapeutic effects. The following is a report of example cases. 相似文献
胡燕芬 《中医杂志(英文版)》2003,23(4):275-277
Xuanzhong (GB 39), also called Juegu, belongs tothe Gallbladder Channel of Foot Shaoyang, and it isan Influential Point of the marrow. 相似文献
滕殿君 《中医杂志(英文版)》2003,23(1):45-46
Jiuwei (CV 15) is a point mainly used to treat epigastric pain, regurgitation, dysphagia, epilepsy, palpitation, vexation, cough and dyspnea. 相似文献
The authors of this article have successfully treated various cases of urinary dysfunction by means of acupuncture. Some of the cases are reported in the following. 相似文献
Yongquan (KI 1) is a jing (well) point of the Kidney Meridian of Foot-Shaoyin. As this point is widely used for treatment of acute or chronic diseases, it has drawn attentions from physicians both in the ancient and in the present times. If this point is taken accurately and the differentiation of disease is made properly, both the needling and the external drug application can achieve satisfactory therapeutic results. 相似文献