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自体骨听骨链重建听力疗效的远期观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自体骨听骨链重建听力疗效的远期观察何英1刘晓晖1赵趁芬1李苏卫1王希军1△我科自1991年以来,用自体骨作听骨链重建材料应用于中耳炎患者,现将其中随访资料完整的病例总结如下。1资料与方法1.1临床资料本组60例63耳中,男31例,女29例,年龄9~3...  相似文献   

听力重建手术顾名思义是用手术方法对各种原因引起听力损失的重建,传统意义上讲主要针对传导性聋。导致中耳传导障碍的原因很多,其中特别是化脓性和非化脓性中耳炎的发病率较高,所以临床上传导性聋在各种耳聋中最为常见,也是近百年来经久不衰的话题。近年来国内已有数篇文章就此进行了多方面的论述,本文仍针对这一类型传导性聋的听力重建作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

慢性中耳炎活动期听力重建的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 :探讨慢性化脓性中耳炎活动期听力重建的可能性。方法 :对 34例慢性中耳炎患者于活动期行鼓室探查 ,取出锤、砧骨 ,开放鼓峡 ,行鼓室成形术。其中 ,2 3例用自体听骨重建听骨链 (自体听骨组 ) ,1 1例用人工钛听骨重建听骨链 (人工钛听骨组 )。结果 :34例术后 3个月平均气导听力提高 1 5~ 30dBHL。术后 1年 ,自体听骨组 2 3例中 ,6例听力下降至术前水平 ,其中 1例穿孔 ;人工钛听骨组 1 1例中 ,1例听力明显下降 ,移植物完整 ,位置正常。 34例听力提高 (1 5dB以上 )率为 79.4 % (2 7/ 34) ,其中人工钛听骨组听力提高率为 90 .9% (1 0 /1 1 ) ,未见排斥 ;自体听骨组为 73.9% (1 7/ 2 3)。人工钛听骨组听力提高明显优于自体听骨组 ,差异有极显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1 )。结论 :慢性化脓性中耳炎活动期行鼓室成形听力重建是可行的 ;彻底开放鼓峡 ,清除上鼓室、鼓窦入口病灶 ,选择良好的听骨赝复物 ,是手术取得成功的关键  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同材料和类型听骨赝复物应用于胆脂瘤中耳炎听力重建的疗效.方法 对142例(142耳)胆脂瘤中耳炎患者分别用钛合金(64例)和羟基磷灰石(78例)作为听骨赝复物行开放式鼓室成形及听力重建术,两组再分别分为部分听骨赝复物亚组和全听骨赝复物亚组,随访12个月,比较两组0.5、1、2、4 kHz纯音平均听阈、平均气骨导差和听力重建成功率.结果钛合金组和羟基磷灰石组气导平均昕阈分别降低11.88、11.41 dB,气骨导差分别缩小7.80、6.98 dB,手术成功率分别为54.69%、44.87%,前者较后者效果略优,但无统计学差异.从4 kHz平均听阈及气骨导差看,钛合金组的部分和全听骨赝复物亚组手术成功率(分别为63.33%和61.76%)高于总体.部分听骨赝复物亚组术后听力学结果优于全听骨赝复物亚组.结论 开放式鼓室成形术伴一期听力重建术治疗胆脂瘤型中耳炎,应用钛合金和羟基磷灰石听骨雁复物对术后听力康复均有效,前者对于4kHz听力的提高可能更有效.  相似文献   

慢性中耳炎是听骨链中断最常见的原因。砧骨因位于鼓窦入口且血运较差,最易受侵犯,而且破坏通常较锤骨严重。Rupa等曾对113块胆脂瘤听骨进行研究,破坏最明显的部位是砧骨长突,且砧骨长突与镫骨的连接较为薄弱,受外伤后容易脱位,发生骨折。另外,有时听骨链被病变包裹固定,如果不取出砧骨难以彻底清除病变,  相似文献   

迷路瘘管和听力重建术(附7例报告)张庆泉,毛成艳,邢建萍对有迷路瘘管的慢性化脓性中耳炎患者的手术治疗时,是否可以行Ⅰ期听力重建,是一个有争议的问题。我们在修补迷路瘘管时,根据情况对7例病人行Ⅰ期听力重建术,取得了较满意的效果,现报告如下。1临床资料1...  相似文献   

目的:对传统的鼓室成形术即Wullstein术式做进一步改进。方法:采用自体耳廓基底部软骨剪成1-1.5mm细条状,紧贴听小骨及鼓环成栅栏状排列,外覆以外耳道转移皮瓣及残余鼓膜,治疗慢性化脓性中耳炎鼓膜穿孔40例(42耳)。结果:随访半年1-8年未见胆脂瘤复发及其它并发症发生,移植鼓膜全部愈合。纯音听力提高30-40dB和/或骨、气导差小于10dB 共41耳(97.62%),听力无明显提高者1耳(2.38%)。结论:改进的术式便于手术操作,取材方便,对提高鼓室成形术的质量及成功率具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同类型听骨赝复体应用于慢性中耳炎听力重建的疗效。方法:143例(143耳)慢性中耳炎患者分别用钛合金人工听骨(A组,52例)、羟基磷灰石人工听骨(B组,47例)和自体骨(C组,44例)在开放式鼓室成形术中重建听力。随访24个月以上,比较3组术后并发症及0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0kHz纯音平均听阈、平均气骨导差和听力重建成功率。结果:术后12个月,3组气导平均听阈、平均气骨导差均较术前缩小(均P<0.05),A组重建成功率(78.7%)略优于B、C组(68.1%、70.4%),差异无统计学意义。术后24个月,B、C组气导平均听阈、平均气骨导差与术后12个月比较,均差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);B、C组重建成功率(48.9%、45.5%)均低于A组(76.9%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:应用钛合金人工听骨在开放式鼓室成形术中行Ⅰ期听力重建,对提高听力更有效,稳定性强,并发症少。  相似文献   

慢性化脓性中耳炎骨导听力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对530例单耳慢性化脓性中耳炎患者的骨导听力损失情况进行总结和回顾性分析,探讨慢性化脓性中耳炎对耳蜗的损害.530例患者均未接受过耳科手术治疗,对侧耳为正常耳(作对照耳),其中男328例,女202例;年龄10~56岁,平均34岁;病程3个月~50年,平均20.19年.所有病例均采用Mad-sen—OB 822纯音测听仪在隔声室对患耳和正常耳进行听力测试,并对骨导听阈的平均值进行统计学处理,对影响骨导听力的因素做相关分析.所有患者中有334例(63.01%)发生骨导听力损害.0.5~4 kHz每个频率的骨导听力均有损失,主要损害在2~4 kHz的骨导听力损害程度与年龄、病程和病变程度有关.慢性化脓性中耳炎可以导致耳蜗损害,并以蜗底损害为著.  相似文献   

Objective: In the year 2000, the Otological Society of Japan proposed a new criteria to assess the levels of hearing known as Criteria 2000. However, these criteria are intended to assess pure tone threshold after tympanoplasty and the results do not necessarily reflect the hearing condition from the patient’s perspective. Thus, it is essential to study the relationship between the subjective evaluation of post-operative hearing based on the patient’s own assessment and the objective assessment by audiometry. Methods: The present study is a questionnaire-based survey on the levels of post-operative hearing in 460 patients whose degree of satisfaction with their levels of hearing was assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS). The hearing level was assessed based on the Criteria 2000 established by the Otological Society of Japan. Results: The post-operative results indicated a success rate of 78.7%. According to the questionnaire-based survey, 64.4% patients considered their hearing as “improved”. The average VAS score was the highest in the “improved” group and gradually decreased when in the “deteriorated” group. The highest success rate was obtained in patients who assessed their hearing as “improved” and the lowest rate was seen in those who assessed their hearing as “deteriorated”. On the other hand, the success rate in the three groups, “slightly improved”, “unchanged”, and “slightly deteriorated”, was almost similar and did not relate to the objective audiometry findings. Therefore, except for the “improved” and deteriorated” groups, there is no relation between the subjective self-assessment and the objective post-operative hearing. Conclusion: A bi-directional approach, one from an audiological (objective) and one from the patient’s perspective (subjective), especially using VAS, is quite useful for the post-operative assessment of hearing.  相似文献   

目的比较慢性化脓性中耳炎(包括胆脂瘤型和非胆脂瘤型)的二次手术和初次手术的听力变化,分析二次鼓室成形术提高听力的可能。方法回顾2006~2011年因慢性化脓性中耳炎在我院由通讯作者完成的二次鼓室成形修复手术(非分期手术)且有完整听力随访资料的患者共16例,选择作者同期完成的初次手术患者按照相似病史和年龄、相同性别和术式(单纯鼓室成形术或鼓室成形并开放式乳突根治术)的16例进行配对病例对照研究。用术后平均气骨导差ABG≤20 dB和手术前后气导差值ACG≥10 dB为标准,比较两组手术前后听力变化和听力提高成功率,同时观察手术并发症如感染和面瘫情况。结果7对病例行单纯鼓室成形术,9对病例行鼓室成形并开放式乳突根治术,二次手术组术后平均ABG≤20 dB比例为43.8%,初次手术组比例为68.8%,卡方检验P=0.289,无统计学差异。二次手术组手术前后ACG≥10 dB比例为62.5%,初次手术组比例为50%,卡方检验P=0.754,无统计学差异。二次手术组中术后ABG≤20 dB且ACG≥10 dB比例为31.3%,初次手术组比例为43.8%,卡方检验P=0.687,无统计学差异。两组均无面瘫和感染记录。结论慢性化脓性中耳炎术后复发或听力差可行二次鼓室成形术,二次手术的听力提高比例虽比初次手术低,但无统计学差异。所以,中耳炎二次手术在清除病灶的同时也可以积极争取保存或提高听力。  相似文献   

Summary Different techniques and materials used in the surgery of chronic otitis media have been evaluated in a large clinical experience at Semmelweis University, Budapest. Data from 1572 operations performed during the last 5 years (1983–1988) are summarized. In the 870 non-cholesteatomatous processes (55.3%), mastoidectomies and tympanoplasties were performed, with the latter primarily using temporalis fascia and cortical bone. Out of the 250 cholesteatoma cases (15.9%), one-fourth was solved by a primary wall-up technique followed by a second stage revision and tympanoplasty within 1.5 years later.Presented at the First European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Cervico-Facial Surgery, Paris, 26–29 September 1988  相似文献   

IntroductionAcquired middle ear cholesteatoma can be classified as primary or secondary. Although both can result in hearing loss, it is still controversial whether there is an association between the type of cholesteatoma and the degree of hearing loss.ObjectiveTo analyze the association between hearing loss and the type of acquired cholesteatoma, and the status of the ossicular chain.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional historical cohort study involving patients diagnosed with acquired cholesteatoma who were surgically treated. Air and bone conduction thresholds, air–bone gaps and the status of the ossicular chain were analyzed for both types of cholesteatoma.ResultsEighty patients aged 5–57 were included in the study. Fifty-one patients had primary cholesteatoma and 29 had secondary cholesteatoma. Both types of cholesteatoma determined greater air–bone gaps at 0.5 kHz. Secondary cholesteatoma determined greater hearing loss in all analyzed frequencies and higher air conduction and air–bone gap means.ConclusionThere was association between hearing loss and the type of cholesteatoma. Secondary cholesteatoma resulted in greater hearing impairment.  相似文献   

Atticoantral disease is very common in this part of the world. The clinical presentation and the otomicroscopic examination of the ear may just reveal the tip of the iceberg as to the extent of disease. Often we have found that minimal disease with good hearing have extensive mastoid involvement.  相似文献   

Treatment of cholesteatoma and retraction pockets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Treatment of retraction pockets (RP) and cholesteatomas depends on their nature and evolvement and the size of mastoid pneumatization. RP are secondary to vacillating middle ear negative pressure. Treatment when necessary consists of placing a ventilating tube, excision of the RP or both. In most children and adults, cholesteatoma is derived from RP (or atelectasis) of the tympanic membrane, where it can be termed retraction pocket cholesteatoma or secondary cholesteatoma. This type of cholesteatoma is associated with a non-pneumatized mastoid coupled by negative pressure. Approximately one-third of children's cholesteatomas present clinically behind an intact drum despite a pneumatized mastoid. Pathogenetically this type may be congenital or metaplastic and should be best termed primary cholesteatoma. Central perforations associated with cholesteatoma are probably derived from continuous tympanic membrane destruction by infection in cases of RP cholesteatomas or due to a primary cholesteatoma bursting out from the tympanic cavity. Canal-up surgery of cholesteatoma fails in 60% of cases at Tel Aviv University because of the inherent tendency of the tympanic membrane to retract once again. Residual disease was found in our cases to be a lesser cause for failure. Treatment depends on the type of cholesteatoma, emphasizing small radicals in sclerotic mastoids. When a pneumatized mastoid is encountered, a posterior tympanotomy should be considered.Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, Nigata, Japan; September 1992  相似文献   

Chronic otitis media may be due to chronic mucosal disease or cholesteatoma. Differentiating the two is usually achieved by clinical examination. The computed tomography (CT) scan is the standard imaging technique for the temporal bone, but its exact role in the preoperative assessment of patients with chronic otitis media is controversial. In this retrospective study we compared preoperative CT results with operative findings in 50 patients who had scan between January 2003 and December 2007. We analyzed the clinical presentation and checked if CT scan confirmed or excluded the presence of cholesteatoma and if this was affected by previous surgery. We concluded that CT scan could not be relied on to differentiate cholesteatoma from chronic mucosal disease. It should be used selectively in the preoperative preparation only if complications of the disease suspected.  相似文献   



Otitis media is the most common otological condition during childhood which compromises sound conduction in the middle ear. In chronic cases, it is estimated that the degree to which hearing is compromised is directly proportional to the damage caused to the middle ear's structures. It means that hearing thresholds may be influenced by factors such as the size and location of the tympanic perforation, the presence of ossicular chain erosion or disarticulation as well as the presence of cholesteatoma and its growth patterns. The goals of this study were to compare air conduction, bone conduction thresholds and air-bone gaps of children and teenagers between those with chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma and those without cholesteatoma. To compare air-bone gap values for different cholesteatoma growth patterns. To verify the relationship between the number of perforated quadrants and the size of the air-bone gap. To compare air-bone gap values between tympanic perforations in posterior quadrants with those in anterior quadrants.


A transversal study involving 202 children and teenagers (287 ears), aged between 6 and 18, with chronic suppurative otitis media with and without cholesteatoma, submitted to digital videotoscopy and pure tone audiometry (PTA) was conducted.

Results and conclusions

Air conduction, bone conduction thresholds and air-bone gaps in children and teenagers with CCOM are significantly greater. There were no significative differences between air-bone gaps in epitympanic and posterior mesotympanic cholesteatomas. In NCCOM, the gap value is positively correlated with the number of quadrants with tympanic perforation. There was no significative difference between the air-bone gaps in tympanic perforations affecting the posterior and anterior quadrants.  相似文献   

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