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Approximately 5% of the ribosomes translating the gag gene of murine leukemia viruses read through the UAG terminator and translate the in-frame pol gene to produce the gag-pol fusion polyprotein, the sole source of the pol gene products. We show that a pseudoknot located eight nucleotides 3' of the UAG codon in the Moloney murine leukemia virus is required for read-through. This requirement is markedly different from that known to be involved in other cases of read-through but surprisingly similar to some stimulatory sequences known to promote ribosomal frameshifting.  相似文献   

Murine leukemia virus (MuLV) encodes two independent pathways for expression of the gag gene. One pathway results in processing and cleavage of the precursor Pr65gag to yield the internal capsid proteins of the virion and is analogous to gag polyprotein precursors for all classes of retroviruses. The other pathway, which is not encoded by several other classes of retroviruses, begins with a glycosylated polyprotein gPr80gag . gPr80gag is synthesized independently of Pr65gag; it contains Pr65gag peptides and additional amino-terminal protein. It is modified by further addition of carbohydrate, exported to the cell surface, and released from the cell but does not appear in virus particles. To investigate the role of glycosylated gag in MuLV infection, two mutants of Moloney MuLV (M-MuLV) deficient for synthesis of gPr80gag but able to synthesize Pr65gag were constructed. The mutants were obtained by substitution into a molecular clone of M-MuLV DNA by DNA from two acutely transforming viruses, Ableson MuLV (Ab-MuLV) and Moloney murine sarcoma virus (M-MSV). Both Ab-MuLV and M-MSV are derived from M-MuLV and they express M-MuLV gag sequences, but some strains do not synthesize glycosylated gag protein. For Ab-MuLV, a 177-base-pair Pst I fragment from the P90 strain containing the initiation codon for Pr65gag was substituted for the equivalent fragment in M-MuLV DNA. For M-MSV, 1.5 kilobases at the 5' end of the genome was substituted. Transfection of the recombined DNAs onto NIH-3T3 cells produced infectious M-MuLV, although the infected cells did not produce gPr80gag. Therefore glycosylated gag is not absolutely required for MuLV replication. Deletion of the glycosylated gag pathway did not significantly reduce the level of virus production, although a minor difference in XC plaque morphology was observed.  相似文献   

Retroviral Gag proteins perform important functions in viral assembly, but are also involved in other steps in the viral life cycle. Conventional mutational analysis has yielded considerable information about domains essential for these functions, yet many regions of gag remain uncharacterized. We used genetic footprinting, a technique that permits the generation and simultaneous analysis of large numbers of mutations, to perform a near-saturation mutagenesis and functional analysis of 639 nucleotides in the gag region of Moloney murine leukemia virus. We report here the resulting functional map defined by eight footprints representing regions of Moloney murine leukemia virus gag, some previously uncharacterized, that are essential for replication. We found that significant portions of matrix and p12 proteins were tolerant of insertions, in contrast to the N-terminal half of capsid, which was not. We analyzed 30 mutants from our library by using conventional methods to validate the footprints. Six of these mutants were characterized in detail, identifying the precise stage at which their replication is blocked. In addition to providing the most comprehensive functional map of a retroviral gag gene, our study demonstrates the abundance of information that can be gleaned by genetic footprinting of viral sequences.  相似文献   

Two species of glutamine tRNA were isolated from mouse liver and their nucleotide sequences were determined. The minor glutamine tRNA(tRNA(UmUGGln)) that possesses UmUG (where Um stands for 2'-O-methyluridine) as the anticodon sequence was found to have suppressor activity for the UAG termination codon of tobacco mosaic virus RNA in a rabbit reticulocyte in vitro translation system. The amount of this suppressor glutamine tRNA in mouse liver was 1-2% of the amount of the major glutamine tRNA(tRNA(CUGGln)) that has the CUG anticodon sequence, but it was markedly increased in NIH 3T3 cells infected with Moloney murine leukemia virus and in Ehrlich ascites cells. These results support the hypothesis that tRNA(UmUGGln) actually functions in vivo as a suppressor tRNA that recognizes the UAG termination codon located at the gag-pol gene junction of Moloney murine leukemia virus and results in the synthesis of the virus-encoded protease.  相似文献   

AIM: To explore the relation between B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus insertion site 1 (Bmi-1) expression and the clinicopathological features of gastric carcinoma (GC).METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of Bmi-1 and ki-67. Doublelabeling staining was used to display the distribution of Bcl-2^+/ki-67 cells in 162 cases of GC and its matched normal mucosa and precancerous lesion.RESULTS: The positive rate of Bmi-1 expression in GC(52.5%) was significantly higher than that in normal gastric mucosa (21.6%, X^2 = 33.088, P 〈 0.05). The Bmi-1 expression in GC was closely related with the Lauren's and Borrmann's classification and clinicalstage (X^2 = 4.400, 6.122 and 11.190, respectively, P〈 0.05). The expression of ki-67 was related to the Borrmann's classification (X^2 = 13.380, P 〈 0.05).Bcl-2 expression was correlated with the Lauren's classification (Z2 = 4.725, P 〈 0.05), and the Bmi-1 expression both in GC (rk = 0.157, P 〈 0.05) and inintestinal metaplasia (rk = 0.270, P 〈 0.05).CONCLUSION: Abnormal Bmi-1 expression in GCmay be involved in cell proliferation, apoptosis andcancerization. This marker can objectively indicate theclinicopathological characteristics of GC.  相似文献   

A 60,000-dalton polypeptide (p60) has been identified in the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) pseudotype of Moloney sarcoma virus [MSV(FeLV)]. This polypeptide is present in the purified virus complex in concentrations greater than either the murine p30 or the feline p27. Purified p60 crossreacts immunologically with murine p30 group antiserum and contains several interspecies determinants, whereas the group specific determinant of FeLV p27 is not detected. Comparison of peptide fingerprints of p60 and murine p30 show many peptides in common. Limited digestion of p60 with either trypsin or chymotrypsin produced p30-35 and p20 peptides which retain the MuLV p30 group and interspecies antigenic activities. The p30 produced by both enzymes comigrates in polyacrylamide gels with the murine p30 of MSV(FeLV), thus suggesting that p60 may be an uncleaved precursor to p30.  相似文献   

A preleukemic state in mice inoculated with Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV) was characterized. Six to 10 weeks after neonatal inoculation, animals developed mild splenomegaly and generalized hematopoietic hyperplasia. The hyperplasia was evident from myeloid and erythroid progenitor assays. A nonleukemogenic variant, Mo+PyF101 Mo-MuLV, did not induce the hyperplasia; this suggests that the hyperplasia is a necessary event in Mo-MuLV leukemogenesis. Another variant, MF-MuLV, which contains the long terminal repeat of Friend MuLV and causes erythroid leukemia instead of T-cell lymphoma, also induced the preleukemic hyperplasia. A model for Mo-MuLV leukemogenesis is presented in which two infection events are necessary: the first leads to generalized hematopoietic hyperplasia, and the second results in site-specific insertion and long terminal repeat activation of cellular protooncogenes.  相似文献   

Several hammerhead ribozymes targeted to different sites within the retroviral packaging (psi) sequences of the Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV) and the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) were designed and shown to cleave target RNA in vitro at the chosen sites. The engineered ribozymes, as well as antisense sequence complementary to the Mo-MLV psi packaging region, were cloned into the 3' untranslated region of the neomycin-resistance gene (neo). This was coupled to the simian virus 40 early promoter within the pSV2neo vector. For the ribozymes against the Mo-MLV psi site, the constructs were transfected into Mo-MLV-infected and virus-producing mouse NIH 3T3 cells. With the exception of one of the single ribozymes (the one least effective in cutting target RNA in vitro), all of the constructs effectively (70-80%) suppressed retrovirus production. These results demonstrate a direct correlation between in vitro cleavage and in vivo ribozyme-mediated virus suppression. In addition, a ribozyme targeted to the HIV-1 psi packaging site was engineered into the same vector and transfected into the human T-cell line SupT1. The transfectants were cloned and then challenged with HIV-1. When compared to vector-transfected control cells, a significant reduction in HIV-1 production was observed as measured by p24 and syncytia formation assays. This study demonstrates a feasible approach to the suppression of retrovirus replication by targeting the psi packaging site with hammerhead ribozymes.  相似文献   

An infectious recombinant polyomavirus was constructed in which a regulatory region of its genome, the B enhancer region (nucleotides 5128-5265) has been replaced with the 72- or 73-base-pair repeat enhancer from the Moloney murine leukemia virus genome. We show that this recombinant polyomavirus displays a strong tissue specificity for the pancreas of mice. This organ was not permissive for either the parental polyomavirus, which is predominantly kidney and salivary gland specific, or the Moloney murine leukemia virus, which is lymphotropic. This result indicated that tissue specificity can be achieved by a combination of apparently modular elements. Some of the implications of a modular mechanism of tissue specificity are considered.  相似文献   

A highly efficient method for the generation of insertion mutations is described. The procedure involves the use of a 220-base-pair (bp) EcoRI fragment bearing the SuIII+ suppressor tRNA gene as an insertional mutagen. The plasmid DNA to be mutagenized is linearized by a variety of means, and the suppressor fragment is ligated into the site of cleavage. Successful insertion mutants can be readily detected in Escherichia coli carrying lac- amber mutations on MacConkey lactose plates; virtually 100% of the red colonies contain insertions of the fragment. Subsequent removal of the SuIII+ gene and recyclization leaves a 12-bp insertion if the original cleavage was blunt-ended and a 9-bp insertion if the original cleavage generated 3-bp cohesive termini. This technique, as well as conventional linker mutagenesis with decamer and dodecamer linkers, was used to generate a large library of insertion mutations in cloned DNA copies of the genome of Moloney murine leukemia virus. A number of viable mutants were isolated bearing 9-, 10-, and 12-bp insertions in various domains of the genome. The map positions of the viable mutations suggest that the viral long terminal repeats and portions of the gag and env genes are quite insensitive to alteration. Although most of the mutations were stable for many passages, some of the mutants lost the inserted DNA; we presume that the insertion was somewhat deleterious in these mutants and that continued passage of the virus selected for overgrowth by a revertant.  相似文献   

The amino- and carboxyl-terminal amino acid sequences of proteins (p10, p12, p15, and p30) coded by the gag gene of Rauscher and AKR murine leukemia viruses were determined. Among these proteins, p15 from both viruses appears to have a blocked amino end. Proline was found to be the common NH(2) terminus of both p30s and both p12s, and alanine of both p10s. The amino-terminal sequences of p30s are identical, as are those of p10s, while the p12 sequences are clearly distinctive but also show substantial homology. The carboxyl-terminal amino acids of both viral p30s and p12s are leucine and phenylalanine, respectively. Rauscher leukemia virus p15 has tyrosine as the carboxyl terminus while AKR virus p15 has phenylalanine in this position. The compositional and sequence data provide definite chemical criteria for the identification of analogous gag gene products and for the comparison of viral proteins isolated in different laboratories. On the basis of amino acid sequences and the previously proposed H-p15-p12-p30-p10-COOH peptide sequence in the precursor polyprotein, a model for cleavage sites involved in the post-translational processing of the precursor coded for by the gag gene is proposed.  相似文献   

Several murine leukemia viruses (MuLV) replicate efficiently in the thymus (T+) of the mouse, whereas others are unable to replicate (T-) in this organ. To map the region of the viral genome harboring the sequences responsible for this thymotropic phenotype, we constructed viral DNA recombinants in vitro between cloned infectious viral DNAs from T- BALB/c N-tropic MuLV and from T+ BALB/c B-tropic MuLV or AKR Gross passage A MuLV. (N- and B-tropic refer to the Fv-1 host range of MuLV.) Infectious recombinant MuLVs, recovered from murine cells microinjected with these recombinant DNAs, were injected into newborn mice to test their ability to replicate in the thymus. We found that the long terminal repeat from the T+ BALB/c B-tropic or AKR Gross passage A MuLV genome was sufficient to allow replication of recombinant MuLVs in the thymus. Our sequence data suggested that the U3 tandem direct repeat was responsible for this effect. These results suggest a new role for the U3 long terminal repeat in the replication of MuLV in specific differentiated target cells.  相似文献   

Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV) induces T-cell lymphoma when inoculated into neonatal mice. This is a multistep process. Early events observed in infected mice include generalized hematopoietic hyperplasia in the spleen and appearance of mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) recombinants; end-stage tumors are characterized by insertional proviral activation of protooncogenes. We previously showed that an Mo-MuLV enhancer variant, Mo+PyF101 Mo-MuLV, has greatly reduced leukemogenicity and is deficient in induction of preleukemic hyperplasia. In this report, we have examined Mo+PyF101 Mo-MuLV-inoculated mice for the presence of MCF recombinants. In contrast to wild-type Mo-MuLV-inoculated mice, Mo+PyF101 Mo-MuLV-inoculated mice did not generate detectable MCF recombinants. This failure was at least partly due to an inability of the MCF virus to propagate in vivo, since a molecularly cloned infectious Mo+PyF101 MCF virus did not replicate, even when inoculated as a Mo+PyF101 Mo-MuLV pseudotype. These results show that the leukemogenic defect of Mo+PyF101 Mo-MuLV is associated with its inability to generate MCF recombinants capable of replication in vivo. This, in turn, is consistent with the view that MCF recombinants play a significant role in Mo-MuLV-induced disease and, in particular, may play a role early in the disease process.  相似文献   

Summary Myosin isoform expression was analyzed in experimental rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and immunofluorescence techniques. Tumors induced by inoculating newborn rats with Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MSV) were examined 30–90 days after birth. Nine tumors and two lymph node metastases were studied by direct, indirect, and double immunofluorescence assays using a panel of five anti-myosin mAbs. The mAb BF-45 was specifically reactive with embryonic myosin heavy chain (MHC), mAb BF-34 was specific for a neonatal MHC epitope, mAb BF-B6 was directed against an epitope present in both embryonic and neonatal MHC, and mAbs BF-F3 and BF-32 detected epitopes present in adult MHC isoforms. Anti-desmin antibodies were also used for comparison. The results of this study show that: (1) the majority of neoplastic cells stained for desmin while only a minority of neoplastic cells were labeled by anti-myosin antibodies; (2) myosin positive tumor cells contained predominantly embryonic and neonatal MHC types but rare RMS cells reacted exclusively with anti-adult myosin antibodies; and (3) adult and embryonic MHC phenotypes were occasionally detected within the same tumor cell especially in RMS with the longest latencies. Together these results would suggest that the mechanism(s) regulating MHC gene expression in skeletal muscle cells can be altered by the transforming activity of Mo-MSV.Supported in part by grants from CNR (Special Project MPR, SP3, grant no. 83.02823.56; Special Project Oncology, grants no. 84.00495.44 and no. 85.02093.44), Ministero Pubblica Istruzione, and Associazione Italiana Ricerca Cancro  相似文献   

Rapid thymomas induced by Abelson murine leukemia virus.   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) is derived from the thymotropic Moloney leukemia virus. However, injection of mice with A-MuLV by conventional routes results in rapidly arising peripheral and bone marrow lymphomas, not thymomas or T cell tumors. In this study thymomas have been induced by intrathymic injection of A-MuLV into BALB/c and C57BL/Ka mice. In both strains thymomas arose with short latent periods, comparable with the latencies of nonthymic tumors induced by intraperitoneal injection of A-MuLV and significantly shorter than those of thymomas induced by intrathymic injection of Moloney leukemia virus. Cells of the BALB/c thymomas were predominantly Thy-1-; those of C57BL/Ka thymomas were predominantly Thy-1+. Tissue culture lines were established and cloned. Some of these expressed low amounts of Thy-1 and one also expressed Lyt-1. Virus from cloned lines transformed 3T3 cells in vitro and induced Abelson disease in vivo when injected intraperitoneally into neonates. The A-MuLV p120 protein has been precipitated from metabolically labeled cell lysates of one cloned Thy-1+ line. These results show that A-MuLV can transform cells in the T lymphocyte lineage.  相似文献   

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