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冉幸  俞明 《上海口腔医学》2018,27(5):504-507
目的: 调查分析上海市嘉定区家庭医师对妊娠期口腔疾病治疗问题的认识。方法: 采用问卷方式调查嘉定区家庭医师对妊娠期口腔保健知识的掌握度和口腔疾病治疗相关问题的认识,采用SPSS20.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果: 203名家庭医师参与问卷调查,共回收有效问卷192份。受调查者对于妊娠期口腔治疗安全期的知晓率为70.3%,知道口腔疾病可能导致不良妊娠结局的比例为90.1%,告知服务对象孕前进行口腔检查和治疗的比例为90.6%,认为孕期出现口腔疾病需要及时就诊的比例为93.8%。认为孕妇可以接受龋齿充填、冠修复、龈上洁治、根管治疗、龈下刮治和拔牙的比例分别为91.9%、60.4%、51.0%、40.1%和31.8%,认为孕妇可以接受口腔局麻以及牙科X线检查的比例为55.2%和31.8%,家庭医师的年龄、学历和技术职称是影响观点的主要因素(P值均<0.05)。结论: 嘉定区家庭医师对妊娠期口腔保健知识知晓度较高,但对妊娠期口腔疾病治疗相关问题的看法存在差异,认为孕妇可以接受局麻和牙科X线片检查的医师多具备较高学历和高技术职称。  相似文献   

目的:通过问卷调查,了解家长对学龄前儿童口腔不良习惯的认知情况及其相关影响因素,为科普宣教提供参考依据。方法:使用自行设计的调查问卷,对247名初诊患儿家长进行基本信息和口腔不良习惯相关问题调查,采用SPSS 26.0软件包对计数资料采用描述性统计,影响儿童家长对口腔不良习惯认知情况的相关因素采用logistic回归分析。结果:在247名学龄前儿童家长中,家长带孩子去医院就诊的原因中,因口腔不良习惯就诊占17.4%,口腔不良习惯发生率为44%。家长对口腔不良习惯的认知不高,不到一半的家长(46.6%)知晓口腔不良习惯,其中82.6%的家长认为不良习惯影响孩子牙、颌、面发育以及心理健康,影响面形(62.1%)、牙列整齐(34.7%)、咀嚼功能(48.4%)、心理健康(21.1%)。78.3%的家长认为口腔不良习惯需要纠正,69.6%认为需要去医院治疗,30.4%认为只要孩子停止放弃口腔不良习惯就可以;61.7%的家长发现孩子有不良习惯会及时就医。家长获取口腔不良习惯相关知识的途径,医院宣教占61.5%。不同特征的家长对口腔不良习惯认知有所不同,logistic回归分析结果显示,家长学历是...  相似文献   

肖文  陈曦  汪俊 《上海口腔医学》2018,27(4):390-395
目的: 调查上海地区口腔医师对牙髓再生治疗认知及应用状况。方法: 采用多级、整群、随机抽样方法: ,从上海城区和郊区各随机抽取5个区,选取区内三级医院、牙防所、二级医院、民营医院诊所及私人诊所,以及3家口腔特色三级甲等医院的儿童口腔、牙体牙髓病及口腔综合医师,对每个调查单位内的所有相关口腔医师进行问卷调查。采用SAS 9.13软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果: 共调查三级医院13家,牙防所8家,二级医院15家,民营医院及私人诊所20家,以及3家口腔特色三级甲等医院。调查相关口腔医师834人,回收有效问卷588份(70.5%)。知晓牙髓再生治疗者占总调查人数的68.2%,其中应用牙髓再生治疗者占20%。继续教育学习班是上海地区口腔医师学习牙髓再生治疗的主要途径(33.3%),且对牙髓再生治疗感兴趣(85.8%)。对操作流程不熟悉是未应用的最主要原因(41.5%)。结论: 受教育程度较高的中青年牙体牙髓病及儿童口腔专业医师对牙髓再生治疗认知和应用率均较高,且对牙髓再生治疗继续教育学习班更感兴趣。应增加牙髓再生治疗继续教育学习班并增加实训课内容,以解决应用过程中对流程不熟悉的瓶颈。  相似文献   

目的: 调查上海市儿童口腔健康认知、行为及其口腔健康现状,分析影响儿童口腔健康的因素。方法: 采用儿童口腔健康调查问卷和中文版儿童口腔健康相关生存质量量表(child oral health impact profile,COHIP),对上海市城区2018年12月—2019年2月期间的387名小学生进行问卷调查。采用SPSS 24.0软件包,通过描述性、单因素和多因素分析法对结果进行统计学分析。结果: 上海市城区6~9岁儿童的口腔健康认知情况总体较好,但口腔健康行为一般。387名儿童中,患龋率为57.4%,口腔健康状况一般。相关性分析和回归分析显示,儿童口腔健康行为与口腔健康认知呈正相关(r=0.260,P<0.05),与口腔健康状况的积极影响和消极影响呈负相关 (r=-0.333,-0.181,P<0.05);而儿童口腔健康认知对口腔健康状况的影响无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论: 儿童口腔健康行为习惯越好,对口腔健康状况的积极影响越大。对儿童开展口腔健康教育时,应注重口腔健康行为模式培养,以达到促进口腔健康的目的。  相似文献   

目的:了解患儿家长对儿童牙间隙丧失认知的差异性及其影响因素,为针对性开展儿童口腔保健宣教提供参考依据,以降低错畸形发病率。方法:使用自行设计的调查问卷,对36例接受牙间隙丧失治疗的患儿家长进行基本信息和间隙丧失相关问题调查,采用SPSS 22.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:家长比较关注孩子常见的口腔问题,口腔预防保健意识比较薄弱,对治疗的重视程度高于预防。家长对间隙丧失造成错的认知度比较低(27.78%),与龋齿(75.00%)和乳牙早失(63.89%)造成错的认知度相比,差异有统计学意义。间隙丧失总体认知度为61.11%。不同的家长对间隙丧失总体认知度不同,50岁以上的家长认知度较低(14.29%),高学历的家长认知度较高(82.35%);不同性别、职业和家庭月收入组相比,认知度差异无统计学意义。家长比较重视孩子的基本口腔健康,本次就诊与上次就诊间隔3个月内者较多(63.89%);前来就诊的目的主要是因龋齿或龋齿引发的牙疼(63.89%)。家长不了解间隙丧失的危害性者较多(72.22%),不知道间隙丧失需要治疗者较多(58.33%)。家长主要通过就诊时医师宣教了解到间隙丧失需要治疗(72.22%);出现间隙丧失后主动就诊者较少(22.22%),大多数通过就诊时医师建议前来就诊(72.22%)。大多数家长能接受医师关于间隙丧失的治疗建议(77.78%)。结论:需要加强口腔保健宣教力度、覆盖度和深度,加强口腔预防保健意识,尤其要对特殊体征的家长进行牙间隙重要性的宣教,保护好乳牙,预防乳牙龋和乳牙早失,避免牙间隙丧失,使完整的乳牙列形成正常的恒牙列。  相似文献   

目的: 了解口腔专业人员对临床研究的知识、态度、行为及临床研究培训的需求,探讨影响临床研究知识水平的相关因素。方法: 采用自行设计的问卷,对国家口腔疾病临床研究中心(上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院)及其协同创新网络成员单位的口腔专业人员进行在线调查,内容包括调查对象的基本情况,对临床研究的知识、态度、行为及培训需求。采用SAS 9.4软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果: 281名口腔专业人员参与调查,大部分调查对象对临床研究持积极态度,80%的调查对象曾经有开展临床研究的想法,但最终实施者较少(22.8%)。制约口腔专业人员开展临床研究的三大主要原因为时间少(68.3%)、团队不足(63.7%)及缺少经费支持(60.9%)。调查对象临床研究知识平均分为(13.72±7.20)分(总分38分),经多元线性回归,医院类型、近5年主持或参与临床研究情况、近1次项目是否有流行病或统计学专家参与是调查对象知识水平高低的相关因素。结论: 口腔专业人员对临床研究态度积极,但行为与知识水平较为薄弱。加强临床研究的顶层设计离不开临床医师临床研究能力的培养。国家临床医学研究中心应发挥“国家队”使命,加快建立专业化、常态化、规模化的临床研究培训模式,为协同创新网络单位提供培训机会。  相似文献   

目的 了解口腔专科医院药品不良反应上报情况以及药品不良反应发生的特点和规律,为口腔临床安全用药提供参考。方法 对四川大学华西口腔医院2014—2016年上报的52例药品不良反应报告进行分析,分别按患者性别、年龄,药品不良反应相关的药品种类、临床表现等进行回顾性统计。结果 报告的52例药品不良反应中,男性和女性比例为1:1.36;发生的药品不良反应共涉及8类,其中抗菌药物相关药品不良反应的比例最高[24例,占46.15%(24/52)],其次为营养药物和抗肿瘤用药;头孢菌素类是药品不良反应相关的主要抗菌药物[20例,占83.33%(20/24)]。相比于其他给药途径,静脉滴注更易发生药品不良反应[49例,占94.23%(49/52)]。药品不良反应的临床表现以皮疹、瘙痒等皮肤及其附件损害为主,其次为消化系统以及心血管系统损害。结论 口腔专科医院应不断加强药品不良反应监测意识,完善相关报告分析制度。  相似文献   

目的:了解广州市花都区妊娠妇女口腔健康知识的认知状况,为孕期口腔健康教育策略制订提供相关信息。方法:采用系统抽样方法在广州市花都区妇幼保健院抽取521名产检妇女作为问卷调查对象。问卷内容包括人口统计学资料、基本口腔健康知识的认知、妊娠期和婴幼儿口腔健康知识的认知。结果:广州市花都区妊娠妇女基本口腔健康知识得分均值为9.65(总分16),其中龋病知识5.52(总分8)、牙周病知识4.12(总分8);孕期口腔健康知识平均得分3.91(总分7);婴幼儿相关口腔健康知识3.04(总分6)。受教育水平较高者3类口腔健康知识得分均较高(P<0.05),收入较高者婴幼儿相关口腔健康知识得分较高(P<0.05)。不同年龄基本口腔健康知识和孕期口腔健康知识得分有显著性差异(P<0.05),以大龄孕妇得分最低。结论:广州市花都区妊娠妇女口腔健康知识的认知急需改善,尤其是牙周病知识、孕期和婴幼儿口腔健康知识。受教育水平较低、低收入人群和大龄孕妇是重点教育对象。  相似文献   

目的 调查北京市口腔医生对口腔癌认知情况及接诊情况的现状。方法 采用方便抽样的方式,在北京市口腔医生中开展口腔癌相关知识的掌握及接诊疑似口腔癌患者的诊断、处置措施的问卷调查。结果 完成问卷调查共1183份,受调查者中男性390名(33.0%),女性793名(67.0%),年龄为20~76岁。有64.2%的受调查者在临床工作中接诊过疑似口腔癌的患者,28.5%的受调查者独立诊断过口腔癌。对于口腔癌和癌前病变的图片,医生识别准确率低,分别有1.9%和9.7%完全识别。93.7%的受调查者认为自己有必要进一步接受口腔癌相关培训。结论 不同专业背景的北京市口腔医生对口腔癌的认知程度有差异。开展教育项目,尤其是口腔癌的继续教育是必要的。  相似文献   

北京市口腔执业医师人力资源现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:分析2012年北京市口腔医疗机构及口腔医师人力资源现状,为相关部门合理配置口腔卫生人力资源,优化口腔医疗服务体系提供参考。方法获取2012年在北京医师协会注册的口腔执业医师及助理执业医师数据,采用Excel 2007软件录入数据,进行统计分析。结果2012年在北京医师协会注册的口腔执业医师及口腔助理执业医师共5059人,46.52%的口腔医师在政府办医疗机构执业,口腔医师与人口比为1∶4061。67.9%的口腔医师在东城区、西城区、海淀区和朝阳区执业。结论北京市口腔医师人力资源年龄结构较合理,口腔医师人数、职称及学历结构存在区县分布不均衡现象。  相似文献   

Abstract – Objectives: There is a high frequency of dental trauma cases in China, where tooth avulsion is one of the most serious scenarios. The knowledge of how to take care of an avulsion is of great importance to the outcome of such an injury. This knowledge among dentists in Beijing, China has never been tested before. The purpose of this study was to evaluate professional experience and knowledge of emergency management of dentists working in urban and suburban areas of Beijing, China. Material and Methods: A two‐part questionnaire was distributed to 175 urban and 99 suburban dentists in Beijing. The first part contained personal and professional information of the participating dentists. The second part evaluated dentists’ knowledge about the emergency management of avulsed teeth. Data were entered into a SPSS database and analyzed using the chi‐square test and Fisher’s exact test for each question. Results: All dentists had a college or above degree. Almost five times as many urban dentists compared to suburban dentists presented with a Master or PhD degree. The knowledge levels of the participants presenting with correct answer in the respective knowledge areas were; storage medium (15.8%) intra‐canal medication (45.0%), type of splint (45.1%) and splinting period (10.2%). Significantly more urban dentists (50.6%) compared to suburban dentists (34.8%) (P = 0.016), used calcium hydroxide paste as an intracanal medicament, and significantly more urban dentists (51.3%) than suburban dentists (34.1%) chosed a flexible splint (P = 0.008). Conclusion: The results revealed an uneven pattern of knowledge between urban and suburban dentists regarding the emergency management of avulsed teeth. The study highlighted Chinese dentists’ need for continuing education in order to improve current knowledge in emergency management of avulsed teeth.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the quality of real-life treatment practices to dentists' perceptions of treatment rendered. SETTING: One administrative unit of the Finnish public oral health service. METHODS: The original oral health records of a randomly selected sample of young adults who received treatment during 1994-1996 provided data on actual clinical examinations (n=208), radiographs (n=312), and root canal treatment courses (n=148) carried out by 50 dentists. Dentists' perceptions of the treatment rendered were obtained through a structured questionnaire completed during their working hours in 1996. OUTCOME MEASURES: Criteria for assessing the quality of treatment practices were based on Finnish health legislation, authoritative instructions, and consensus reports. RESULTS: Based on responses, 77% of the dentists followed the prevailing instructions on oral health record keeping (82%, if partial agreement included). Most dentists (88% fully agreed, 95% at least partly) perceived that their knowledge gained through continuing education was being applied in practice; no one answered no. A gap was found between dentists' perception of the treatment rendered and everyday treatment practices as recorded on patient documents. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, dentists' perception of the quality of their treatment practices exceeded that found in patient documents. This gap deserves consideration while planning research, education, or quality-improvement projects that relate to dentists' opinions.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Aim : To evaluate the knowledge, adoption, and diffusion rate of the 2007 International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines among practicing military dental professionals, 1 year after publication. Methods : Fifty-four military dental professionals in the Medical Corps of the Israel Defense Forces participated in the study and completed a questionnaire, consisting of demographic questions, and multiple choice questions that presented critical points that a military dentist should know when treating a tooth injury. Results : Seven dentists (13%) graduated in the summer of 2007 after publication of the current guidelines. Military instructions (37%) and the official guidelines published in Dental Traumatology (25.9%) were the most common sources of updating the current guidelines. Twenty-six percentage of the participants were not updated with the new guidelines at all. Based on the current guidelines, the overall correct answer response rate for the 10 questions was 71.7%. Tetracycline, as an antimicrobial agent of choice in avulsion, yielded the lowest percentage of correct answers (20.4%), with duration of splinting after root fracture, the next most incorrectly answered question (50.0%). Conclusions : High level of knowledge regarding the 2007 guidelines was found among Israeli military dentists, 1 year after publication. However, knowledge regarding several issues (e.g., medication, splinting) should be reinforced.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate Nigerian dentists' perception of amalgam safety and to highlight the dentists' attitude toward amalgam. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of all dentists in Southeastern Nigeria was done using a self-administered, structured questionnaire. RESULTS: The report recorded a 90.9% response rate. More specialists (95.7%) than general dentists (74.5%) agreed to the safety of amalgam. Furthermore, more patients seen by the general dentists (85.1%) than by specialists (34.88%) agreed with amalgam safety. Undergraduates' education (82.9%) was the highest source of awareness of the amalgam controversy, followed by inquires (64.3%), colleagues (47.1%), TV/radio (41.4%), conferences (27.1%) and continuing dental education (15.7%). About 37% of respondents knew all the signs and symptoms of amalgam toxicity, while 47.1% of respondents knew that the lung is the fastest route for mercury absorption. About 81.0% of dentists do not support an amalgam ban and 84.3% would not even recommend an alternative to amalgam. Amalgam is well accepted by both dentists and patients in the studied population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare knowledge regarding preventive measures and reported dental fear, of children treated by certified pediatric dentists (CPDs) to those treated by general practitioners (GPs). A questionnaire was given to 300 children, 150 were treated by GPs and the others by CPDs. Children treated by CPDs provided more correct answers to questions about prevention of oral disease (p < 0.001). However, the percentage of children that showed good knowledge was small (14%-82%), and the differences between the two groups on the various questions was only 7%-20%. Children treated by CPDs reported more frequently that they were not afraid of dental treatments (75.3% vs. 39.3%), loved their dentists (50% vs. 31.5%) and received prizes (85.3% vs. 32.7%). These findings suggest that CPDs invest more effort in communication and education of their patients concerning preventive dentistry. There is a need to improve these skills of GPs and CPDs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to describe Danish dentists' knowledge of, attitudes towards and management of procedural pain during paediatric dental care, and to assess the importance of demographic characteristics, structural factors, perceived stress during administration of local analgesia and the dentists' own tolerance towards procedural dental pain. DESIGN: A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted in Denmark in May 2001. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The subjects were a random sample of 30% of Danish dentists treating children. Usable information was obtained from 327 (80.3%) of the dentists in the sample. RESULTS: One-quarter of the respondents answered that a 3-5-year-old child could report pain only with uncertainty. More than 80% of the dentists stated that they never compromised on painlessness. Very few agreed to the statement that children forget pain faster than adults. One-third agreed to, or were neutral to, the statement that all restorative care in primary teeth could be performed painlessly using N2O-O2 sedation alone. The majority of the respondents reported using three or more methods to assess the effect of their pain control methods. Almost 90% reported using local analgesia for restorative work 'always' or 'often'. A similar proportion reported using topical analgesia before injection 'always' or 'often'. Administering a mandibular block to preschool children was the procedure perceived as the most stressful (33.6%) pain control method. Demographic factors (gender), structural factors (always working alone and treating 3-5-year-old children daily), perceived stress during the administration of a mandibular block in preschool children and the dentists' own willingness to accept potentially painful dental treatment without local analgesia were associated with knowledge of, attitudes towards and management of procedural dental pain in children. CONCLUSIONS: Danish dentists treating children demonstrate concern about procedural dental pain in children. Factors amenable to change via training and reorganization into larger clinical units seem to determine their knowledge of, attitudes towards and management of procedural dental pain in children.  相似文献   

通过调查中国北京地区和日本横滨地区青少年对错(牙合)畸形的认知情况,探讨不同地区青少年对正畸治疗的理解和认识差异.方法对中国北京地区5500名青少年和日本横滨地区4646名青少年进行关于错(牙合)畸形认知情况的问卷调查,并进行χ<'2>检验.结果北京地区回收问卷3964份(72.1%),横滨地区回收问卷3291份(70.8%).北京地区已行正畸治疗的青少年为753例(19.0%),横滨地区为467例(14.2%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).79.2%已行正畸治疗的横滨青少年认为做正畸治疗好,比北京(66.0%)高.不同年龄段横滨青少年对正畸治疗需较长时间的了解程度均高于同年龄段北京青少年.与北京青少年(494名,65.7%)相比,更高比例的横滨青少年(370名,78.6%)认为(牙合)畸形会对面部健康带来不利影响.结论横滨地区行正畸治疗的青少年比例比北京地区小,但更多的横滨青少年认为做正畸治疗好,高于北京青少年.横滨青少年对正畸治疗的认知程度高于北京,且横滨青少年更注重错牙(牙合)畸形对面部健康的影响.  相似文献   

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