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目的对湖南产地4种豆类蔬菜的氨基酸组成及含量进行分析评价,为豆类蔬菜合理利用提供依据。方法采用Kjeltee 2300自动凯氏定氮仪对湖南产地4种豆类蔬菜的蛋白质进行测定,采用曼默博尔A300全自动氨基酸分析仪进行氨基酸成分分析;采用氨基酸评分法对豆类营养价值进行了评价。结果豆类中氨基酸除了黑豆不含蛋氨酸外,其余均含17种氨基酸;黑豆中的蛋白质含量、氨基酸含量以及必需氨基酸含量均最高,分别为35.60 g/100 g、31.75 g/100 g、9.20 g/100 g;3种豆类蔬菜的必需氨基酸中赖氨酸含量最高,分别为花豆(1.39 g/100 g)、芸豆(0.92 g/100 g)、豇豆(1.07 g/100 g),黑豆的必需氨基酸中赖氨酸含量居第二(1.91 g/100 g),略低于亮氨酸;芸豆中赖氨酸含量(44.88 mg/g蛋白)低于WHO/FAO模式(55 mg/g蛋白),其余3种豆类蔬菜的赖氨酸含量均高于或者接近WHO/FAO模式(55 mg/g蛋白)和卵清蛋白模式(55 mg/g蛋白),分别为花豆(72.40 mg/g蛋白)、豇豆(53.77 mg/g蛋白)、黑豆(53.65 mg/g蛋白);4种豆类蔬菜的限制氨基酸均为异亮氨酸或缬氨酸或色氨酸。结论豆类蔬菜中赖氨酸含量优异,具有较高的营养价值;可以通过与富含异亮氨酸、缬氨酸、色氨酸的食物等进行结合食用,构建合理膳食,提高食用价值。  相似文献   

目的对区域内的5类农产品中的9种必需氨基酸进行检测,为制定食品营养成分表提供数据,为人们合理营养提供参考。方法抽取郑州市、周口市和郸城县3个检测点,分别在农贸市场、超市、批发市场等采集72份样品,进行定量检测。结果 9种氨基酸的检测结果分析,蟹类、虾类和鱼类中富含9种氨基酸;其中赖氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、蛋氨酸含量最高超过1.0 g/100 g;蔬菜富含异亮氨酸、色氨酸、缬氨酸等,新鲜蔬菜不含蛋氨酸;谷物类富含异亮氨酸、色氨酸、苯丙氨酸、缬氨酸、组氨酸、亮氨酸等,谷物类富含各种氨基酸,但不同种类样品数值相差悬殊。结论品种多样,荤素搭配,合理营养、促进健康。  相似文献   

人体的蛋白质是由氨基酸构成的,在20种氨基酸中,有些可以在体内根据需要自行合成,叫做非必需氨基酸;成人有8种不能自身合成,称为必需氨基酸,它们是:色氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苯丙氨酸、苏氨酸、缬氨酸,另有一种叫组氨酸,是1岁以内婴儿的必需氨基酸。 近年来发现,有些氨基酸虽然人体能够合成。但其合成能力有限或在某些  相似文献   

目的对聚合草叶蛋白提取率进行比较及氨基酸组分分析与评分。方法用TCA-丙酮沉淀法、SDS法、酚法对干叶和鲜叶中粗蛋白进行提取,计算蛋白提取物的纯度;按照GB/T 5009.124-2003方法进行氨基酸组分分析,按FAO方法进行氨基酸评分,并用Pensflorida方法测定EAAI。结果酚法提取聚合草叶片总蛋白的得率最高(鲜叶84.7%、干叶62.51%),SDS法次之(湿叶70.06%、干叶55.67%),TCA-丙酮沉淀法最差(湿叶51.76%,干叶46.45%),且酚法蛋白提取物的纯度较高(鲜叶64.4%、干叶51.46%)。经氨基酸组分分析得知聚合草叶蛋白中必需氨基酸含量由高到低依次为:亮氨酸(1.72)、缬氨酸(1.16)、赖氨酸(1.09)、苯丙氨酸(1.01)、苏氨酸(0.94)、异亮氨酸(0.79)、色氨酸(0.28)、蛋氨酸(0.21)。结论鲜叶中粗蛋白得率较高,蛋白提取率及提取蛋白的纯度酚法均最高。  相似文献   

克山病患者及健康人血清游离氨基酸与蛋白质含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相有章  杜波 《营养学报》1992,14(2):155-158
对克山病病区健康人35例、克山病人38例的17种血清游离氨基酸与蛋白质含量进行了分析,并以非病区健康人31例作对照,发现病区居民血清游离氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸、非必需氨基酸及血清蛋白质显著降低。病区健康人苏氨酸、脯氨酸、胱氨酸、异亮氨酸、酪氨酸及色氨酸降低;克山病人苏氨酸、脯氨酸、丙氨酸、胱氨酸、缬氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、酪氨酸、赖氨酸、组氨酸及色氨酸降低。结果表明,病区居民血中处于低氨基酸低蛋白状态,此可能是克山病发病的重要条件之一。  相似文献   

6种食用菌蛋白质与氨基酸的含量分析及评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的]测定冬菇、姬松茸、干枞菌、云耳、银耳、岩耳6种食用菌的氨基酸含量,探讨6种食用菌的营养价值。[方法]通过测定蛋白质和氨基酸的含量,计算出必需氨基酸的比值并与人体必需氨基酸的要求模式比较来评价蛋白质质量。[结果]6种食用菌中氨基酸总和、必需氨基酸总和、蛋白质含量的排序一致,由大至小顺序是姬松茸、冬菇、干枞菌、云耳、银耳和岩耳,每种食用菌中,谷氨酸含量最高,天冬氨酸其次,含硫氨基酸含量低。与WHO/FAO评分模式比较,6种食用菌的必需氨基酸接近人体必需氨基酸的要求模式。[结论]6种食用菌蛋白质含量丰富,必需氨基酸基本齐全,必需氨基酸模式与人体必需氨基酸的要求模式接近,是质优蛋白质食品;6种食用菌蛋白质的赖氨酸、亮氨酸和苯丙+酪氨酸含量较为丰富,与其他食物搭配互补食用,可提高营养价值。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨海洛因依赖大鼠海马必需氨基酸含量变化与学习记忆功能的关系。[方法]按剂量逐日递增原则,首日每次剂量为3mg/kg,1日2次,连续9d皮下注射海洛因建立海洛因依赖SD大鼠模型;对照组以同样方式注射等量生理盐水。用Morris水迷宫检测两组大鼠学习记忆功能,另取大鼠海马用氨基酸自动分析仪测定必需氨基酸含量。[结果]海洛因依赖大鼠第Ⅲ象限活动时间和第Ⅲ象限游泳距离占总游泳距离百分比均较对照组明显降低(P﹤0.05),并且依赖大鼠海马缬氨酸的含量显著高于对照组(P﹤0.05);苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸、异亮氨酸、蛋氨酸和苏氨酸5种必需氨基酸中的几种虽为微量或含量在组间比较差异无统计学意义(P﹥0.05),但均表现出增加的趋势。[结论]大鼠海马几种必需氨基酸含量的改变可能与海洛因依赖造成的学习记忆损害有关。  相似文献   

目的了解丽水市食用菌中32种杀虫剂和14种杀菌剂的残留水平,为食用菌的质量安全监管提供依据。方法 2018年4月-2019年6月随机从丽水市多个农贸市场和超市采集食用菌(香菇、杏鲍菇、金针菇、茶树菇、木耳、银耳、鸡腿菇和其他食用菌)共29份,采用气相色谱-质谱法检测农药残留。结果 29份食用菌检出农药残留样品7份,总检出率为24.1%,检出浓度为0.011 0 mg/kg~0.165 mg/kg。香菇、茶树菇、木耳、银耳和平菇均有农药残留检出,香菇中农药残留检出率高达60.0%,其次是茶树菇、木耳和银耳,均为50.0%。从农药种类来看,检出二硫代氨基甲酸酯4份,检出率为13.8%,检出浓度为0.062 2 mg/kg~0.165 mg/kg;检出氯氟氰菊酯3份,检出率为10.3%,检出浓度为0.011 0 mg/kg~0.012 8 mg/kg;嘧霉胺和多菌灵各有1份样品检出,检出浓度均为0.020 0 mg/kg。其他种类的农药未检出。结论丽水市香菇、木耳、银耳、茶树菇和平菇均有部分农药残留,需加强对食用菌业合理用药的指导与监管。  相似文献   

小菜蛾血淋巴游离氨基酸含量测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过高效液相色谱(HPLC)对感染球孢白僵菌后小菜蛾血淋巴游离氨基酸含量进行测定,结果表明小菜蛾幼虫血淋巴中含有17种游离氨基酸,其中蛋氨酸、苏氨酸、赖氨酸、精氨酸、苯丙氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸的总浓度较高,为主要氨基酸。小菜蛾幼虫体内具有虫生真菌菌株营养生长所必需的氨基酸。  相似文献   

米-黄豆饲料添补蛋氨酸对大鼠生长效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以80%的米与6%黄豆供应约10%蛋白质的饲料,由微生物法分析,其必需氨基酸百分含量如下:精氨酸0.61,组氨酸0.23,异亮氨酸0.53, 亮氨酸0.70,赖氨酸0.29,蛋氨酸0.09,苯丙氨酸0.47,苏氨酸0.36,色氨酸0.11,缬氨酸0.47。 以此基本饲料饲养大鼠,两周平均增加体重29.0g,按Rose推荐的大鼠需要量计算,第一限制氨基酸为蛋氨酸,但添补0.3,0.6,0.9,1.8%DL-蛋氨酸,对大鼠生长均无良好影响。添加1.8%DL-蛋氨酸组体重由对照组的29.0g降至7.0g。 加入1.5%DL-蛋氨酸至基本饲料中引起大鼠生长抑制,添补次限制氨基酸赖氨酸至接近Rose需要量时有部分克服作用,但添补组氨酸、 吡哆醇却未发现相似效应。 过量蛋氨酸和其他各实验组对肝重量的影响与体重有关,各组肝氮、肝脏含水量、血液血红蛋白含量均未见显著性变化。  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the antiatherosclerotic effects of 3 edible mushrooms, Pleurotus eryngii (Eringi), Grifola frondosa (Maitake), and Hypsizygus marmoreus (Bunashimeji), in atherosclerosis-susceptible C57BL/6J, apolipoprotein E–deficient (apoE−/−) mice. Male apoE−/− mice (6 weeks of age) were fed a normal diet (cholesterol concentration <66 mg/100 g) or a normal diet containing 3% dried Eringi, Maitake, or Bunashimeji mushroom powder for 10 weeks. Food intake, body weight, serum total cholesterol (TC), and serum triacylglycerols (TG) were measured periodically during the experimental period. At the end of the experiment (at 16 weeks of age), the atherosclerotic lesion area was measured in cross-sections of the aortic root. Serum TC concentrations in the Bunashimeji group were significantly lower than that in the control group at 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 weeks of age. Serum TC concentrations in the Eringi, and Maitake groups were significantly lower than that in the control group only at 12 weeks of age. There was no significant difference in the serum TG concentrations in all groups during the experimental period. The atherosclerotic lesions were significantly decreased in the Eringi, Maitake, and Bunashimeji groups than that in the control group at the end of the experiment. Dietary supplementation with the Bunashimeji mushroom powder had the strongest antiatherosclerotic effect among 3 mushrooms. In conclusion, supplementation of the 3 edible mushrooms prevents the development of atherosclerosis, even normal diet. Antiatherosclerotic effect is partly via lowering of serum TC concentrations; further mechanisms should be investigated.  相似文献   

The fatty acid and amino acid compositions of 11 mushroom species commonly consumed were collected from the East Black Sea region of Turkey and analyzed. All species were characterized by a high content of linoleic acid (C18:2n-6) and glutamic acid. The highest content of linoleic acid (78.0%) and glutamic acid (29.4 μg/mg dry weight [d.w.]) was found in Agaricus arvensis and the lowest in Cantharellus tubaeformis, 19.8% and 10.9 μg/mg d.w., respectively. The average content of amino acids for all species was 148 μg/mg d.w. Overall, these results demonstrate that the 11 different kinds of wild edible mushrooms gathered from the region represent substantial sources of fatty acids and amino acids that are essential in the diet of humans. Quality of the mushroom protein compares favorably with the FAO/WHO Standard. The present study demonstrates that macrofungi from the East Black Sea region (Turkey) are a good source of many nutrients essential to human well-being.  相似文献   

赵莹  王玮  刘存卫 《实用预防医学》2022,29(12):1477-1483
目的 对陕西省9个代表性品种的荞麦进行氨基酸组成成分分析,比较不同品种荞麦的氨基酸组成,并做出营养评价,为荞麦的合理膳食提供选择依据。方法 选取陕西地区9种代表性荞麦品种,研磨成粉,运用全自动氨基酸分析仪对荞麦全粉的氨基酸成分进行检测分析,采用模糊识别法、氨基酸评分(amino acid score, AAS)法、化学评分(chemistry score, CS)法及氨基酸比值系数(ratio coefficient of amino acid, RCAA)法从不同角度对不同品种的荞麦进行蛋白质营养价值的评价。结果 9个品种的荞麦样品中均检出18种氨基酸,氨基酸总量(total amino acids, TAA)介于9.237 g/100 g~16.287 g/100 g之间,必需氨基酸/氨基酸总量(essential amino acids/total amino acids, EAA/TAA)的值在0.348~0.375之间,各品种的功能性氨基酸和呈味氨基酸含量均有差异,色氨酸含量为28.197 mg/g~44.521 mg/g,高于全蛋蛋白模式(17 mg/g)。9个品种的第一限...  相似文献   

The fatty acid and amino acid compositions of 11 mushroom species commonly consumed were collected from the East Black Sea region of Turkey and analyzed. All species were characterized by a high content of linoleic acid (C18:2n-6) and glutamic acid. The highest content of linoleic acid (78.0%) and glutamic acid (29.4 μg/mg dry weight [d.w.]) was found in Agaricus arvensis and the lowest in Cantharellus tubaeformis, 19.8% and 10.9 μg/mg d.w., respectively. The average content of amino acids for all species was 148 μg/mg d.w. Overall, these results demonstrate that the 11 different kinds of wild edible mushrooms gathered from the region represent substantial sources of fatty acids and amino acids that are essential in the diet of humans. Quality of the mushroom protein compares favorably with the FAO/WHO Standard. The present study demonstrates that macrofungi from the East Black Sea region (Turkey) are a good source of many nutrients essential to human well-being.  相似文献   

Intestinal mucin synthesis is sensitive to dietary threonine supply, which suggests that the gut's requirement for threonine may comprise a significant proportion of the whole body requirement. We used a continuously perfused gut loop model and intraluminal flooding dose technique in 6 young pigs to study the acute effects of varying luminal availability of threonine on intestinal protein and mucin syntheses. A complete amino acid mixture containing 0, 21, or 56 mg threonine/g total amino acids (whole body requirement ratio is approximately 28 mg/g) was continuously perfused in isolated loops for 120 min, including a 30-min (3)H-phenylalanine flooding dose. We measured fractional synthesis rates of total mucosal protein and mucin by analyzing (3)H-phenylalanine incorporation. Fractional rates of total mucosal protein synthesis were higher in loops perfused with solutions containing threonine at 56 mg/g (66 +/- 4%/d) compared with 0 mg/g (42 +/- 9%/d) and 21 mg/g (53 +/- 6%/d) (P < 0.05). For mucin, fractional rates of synthesis differed between 0 mg/g (323 +/- 72%/d), 21 mg/g (347 +/- 49%/d), and 56 mg/g (414 +/- 31%/d) (P < 0.05). In addition, total proline and threonine concentrations in the protein hydrolysates increased with luminal threonine concentration (P < 0.05), indicating an increase in threonine- and proline-rich proteins. De novo synthesis of mucosal and mucin proteins is acutely sensitive to luminal threonine concentration, which demonstrates the importance of dietary amino acid supply to gut protein metabolism.  相似文献   

A total of 18 wild edible mushrooms of Cantharellus species were collected from northwestern Himalayan region of India. The basic composition (moisture, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, crude fat, ash, nitrogen and protein) and amino acid contents (by high-performance liquid chromatography) of these wild edible mushrooms were determined. The macronutrient profile in general revealed that the wild mushrooms were rich sources of protein and carbohydrates, and had low amounts of fat. Total phenolics and antioxidant activity from water and methanolic extracts of these mushrooms were also determined. These wild mushrooms also had significant amount of phenol content and antioxidant capacity. Studies also provide the precise antioxidant status of 18 indigenous species of mushrooms, which can serve as a useful database for the selection of mushrooms for the function of preparation of mushroom-based nutraceutics.  相似文献   

两种贵州野生食用菌和香菇营养成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对贵州野生牛肝菌、野生多汁乳菇、香菇进行营养成分分析。方法:用凯氏法测定3种食用菌中蛋白质(总氮)含量;用氨基酸分析仪测定3种食用菌中的氨基酸,用原子吸收光谱法测定3种食用菌中的矿物元素。结果:3种食用菌的蛋白质含量香菇>野生牛肝菌>野生多汁乳菇;氨基酸含量野生牛肝菌>野生多汁乳菇>香菇,其中人体必需氨基酸的含量占总氨基酸含量分别为32%、31%、23%。3种食用菌都含有多种矿物元素,其中野生牛肝菌中铁、磷、铜均倍量高于野生多汁乳菇和香菇。结论:贵州野生牛肝菌、野生多汁乳菇是富含各种营养物质、不逊于香菇的食用菌,具有开发价值。  相似文献   

赵世文  林佶  魏蓉 《职业与健康》2009,25(17):1823-1825
目的了解昆明市常见野生蘑菇中汞的含量,为进一步研究食用菌提供科学的依据。方法采用冷原子吸收光谱法对该市32种野生食用蘑菇进行汞含量的测定,参照国家蘑菇限量标准对不同种类蘑菇中的汞含量进行比较,对其安全性进行初步评价,并对汞含量超标的原因进行初步分析。结果共采集野生蘑菇样品192个,合格率为85.94%。超标率14.06%,其中汞含量最高的是铜绿菌(0.95mg/kg),超标9.5倍。结论昆明市32种常见野生蘑菇平均含汞量为0.05mg/kg,低于国家标准。  相似文献   

The amino acid composition of the whole body (edible parts), flesh and exoskeleton of the female common West African fresh water crab Sudananautes africanus africanus was determined on a dry weight basis. The total essential amino acids ranged from 349.8 mg/g to 387.3 mg/g crude protein or from 48.5% to 49.8% of the total amino acid. Both the total amino acid and the total essential amino acid showed no significant differences among the samples at P<0.05. The amino acid score showed that lysine ranged from 0.9 to 1.2, making it a good food fortifier. The predicted protein efficiency ratio was 2.6-3.4, showing that the quality of protein was high. The carbohydrate content was high (57.5-59.1 g/100 g) but the protein was lower (15.7-18.6 g/100 g). The low level of the crude fibre in the flesh will make it good to serve as a food complement.  相似文献   

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