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To determine the immunohistochemical staining profile of endometrial stromal cells, we analyzed a series of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded normal endometrial tissues, stromal nodules, and stromal sarcomas for immunoreactivity with a panel of eight antibodies. Normal proliferative-phase (five cases) and secretory-phase (five cases) endometrial stromal cells showed the following immunopositivity: vimentin 10 of 10, muscle-specific actin (MSA) 10 of 10, alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha sm) 10 of 10, desmin nine of 10, cytokeratin (AE1/AE3 and CAM 5.2) zero of 10, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) zero of 10, and S-100 protein zero of 10. Antibodies to vimentin, MSA, and alpha sm stained a greater number of proliferative-phase stromal cells as compared with secretory-phase cells. Only rare stromal cells were immunoreactive for desmin, except for one case in which predecidual cells were diffusely positive. Both endometrial stromal nodules reacted with antibodies to MSA, alpha sm, and desmin, and one was vimentin positive. Each was unreactive for epithelial markers and S-100 protein. The 12 endometrial stromal sarcomas had the following immunopositivity: vimentin 11 of 12, MSA 10 of 12, alpha sm 10 of 12, desmin seven of 12, AE1/AE3 one of 12, CAM 5.2 two of 12, EMA zero of 12, and S-100 protein zero of 12. The antibodies to MSA and alpha sm usually stained a greater number of cells than did the desmin antibody. Three stromal sarcomas had sex cord-like areas, one of which exhibited focal CAM 5.2 positivity. These immunohistochemical findings for normal and neoplastic endometrial stromal cells indicate smooth muscle differentiation and are similar to those of smooth muscle neoplasms and myofibroblastic cells.  相似文献   

目的 探讨淋巴细胞对子宫内膜蜕膜化及胚胎着床的影响。 方法 分离育龄妇女增殖晚期子宫内膜间质细胞 ,加入雌二醇 (E2 )、孕酮 (P)使蜕膜化后 ,加入人非孕及早孕外周血淋巴细胞与小鼠第 4天胚胎共培养 ,观察间质细胞及胚胎的孵化、粘附、扩展生长情况 ,并测定培养液中泌乳素 (PRL)含量。 结果 早孕淋巴细胞对子宫内膜蜕膜化有明显促进作用 ,特异性促进PRL分泌 (P <0 .0 5 )。淋巴细胞能促进胚胎在子宫内膜间质细胞的孵化、粘附、扩展性生长 ,早孕组胚胎扩展生长率显著高于非孕组 (P <0 .0 5 )。 结论 早孕淋巴细胞可能通过促进E2 、P激素调节蜕膜化的子宫内膜分泌PRL而促进胚胎着床。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONA carcinoid tumor occurring in the endometrium has been documented in the literature, but there is no report in regard to carcinoid tumor metastasis to endometrium.PRESENTATION OF CASEWe report a case of a malignant carcinoid metastasis to an endometrial polyp. Patient underwent hysteroscopy, and polypectomy. The pathology demonstrated an endometrial polyp containing a 4 mm x 5 mm nodule of metastatic carcinoid tumor, consistent with metastasis from patient's known pulmonary carcinoid. The tumor was morphologically similar to the tumors of the right lung, with similar immune-profile.DISCUSSIONThis patient presented with a suspicious pelvic ultrasound. Due to her age, the first priority was to exclude uterine cancer. The endometrial polyp, which was found, had a small focus of metastatic carcinoid tumor. To the best of our knowledge, this finding has not been previously recorded in the literature. Our patient also had a history of metastatic carcinoid tumor to breast. This finding is also very uncommon.CONCLUSIONThis is the first case in the literature described a malignant carcinoid metastasis to an endometrial polyp.  相似文献   

We describe a 59-year-old Japanese woman with a large mass of her liver encasing cystic components. Radiologic imaging showed the mass to be hypervascular, and surgical resection disclosed a white tumor. The solid portion was immunohistochemically characterized as a smooth muscle tumor. The cystic components were multilocular and lined with columnar epithelium, consistent with a hepatobiliary cystadenoma. The epithelium strongly stained for CA19-9. The subepithelial space was occupied by collagenous connective tissue interspersed with a small number of spindle-shaped cells. The cystic lesions lacked the mesenchymal stroma between the epithelium and connective tissue layer. There have been no previous reports of a hepatic smooth muscle tumor encasing a hepatobiliary cystadenoma. Because of the pathogenesis of the cystadenoma, it is possible to assume that the smooth muscle tumor also arose from the cells composing the biliary duct in association with the development of the cystadenoma.  相似文献   

We present the results of a clinicopathologic study of 109 patients with endometrial stromal sarcoma and eight patients with endometrial stromal nodule. Of the 109 patients with endometrial stromal sarcoma, follow-up was obtained on 93 (85%). The stage distribution of the patients with stromal sarcoma and the number of patients with follow-up (numerator) compared to the total number of patients in each stage (denominator) are: Stage 1, 73/85; Stage II, 3/6; Stage III, 11/11; Stage IV, 6/7. Stage II patients are considered separately in the analysis. Thirty-six percent of the Stage I patients experienced one or more relapses. Of these, six (23%) died of disease from 11 to 360 months from diagnosis (median, 79 months). Nine (35%) were alive with disease. Of the eleven Stage III patients, eight had one or more relapses and of these, six died of disease. Of the six Stage IV patients, five had one or more relapses and of these, three died of disease. The outcome differences between Stages I, III, and IV are statistically significant (p less than .01). Microscopic features evaluated included the mitotic index (MI = number of mitoses/10 high-power fields) and cytologic atypia. Forty-five percent of Stage I patients who had both rare mitotic figures and minimal atypia had one or more relapses and of these, two (13%) died of disease at 85 and 360 months, respectively. Thus, neither MI nor cytologic atypia were predictive of tumor recurrence for patients with Stage I tumors.  相似文献   

Androgen and prostatic stroma   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Aim: To investigate the effect of androgen on the proliferation, differentiation and regression of canine prostatic stromal cells in vivo and human stromal cells in vitro. Methods: Twenty-two dogs, including 15 normal prostate dogs and 7 prostatic hyperplasia dogs, had their serum concentration of testosterone and estrodiol determined by radioimmunoassay before and after castration. The expression of androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor (ER) in the prostate were analysed by immunohistochemistry and semi-quantitative RT-PCR before and after castration. Light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and TUNEL assay were carried out successively before and after castration to evaluate the prostatic histomorphology. In vitro serum-free cell cultures from human prostatic stroma were established and exposed to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The proliferation of the cell culture was detected by MTT assay. The expression of TGFβ, bFGF, AR, and smooth muscle cell (SMC) specific proteins (myosin and/or sm  相似文献   

目的观察乳腺间质肉瘤的超声特征。方法回顾性分析11例乳腺间质肉瘤的超声特征,其临床、超声、病理各项资料齐全,病理组织学诊断均由手术切除标本获得。结果 11例乳腺间质肉瘤中,纤维肉瘤3例,成骨肉瘤3例,血管肉瘤2例,平滑肌肉瘤、横纹肌肉瘤、多形性肉瘤各1例。超声测量肿瘤最大径2.3~3.8cm。7例位于右乳,4例位于左乳。超声表现:实性或囊实性,低或混合回声,形态不规则或分叶状,边界不清,血流丰富(n=6);实性,低回声,形态规则,边界清,血流少或丰富(n=3);实性,低回声,形态规则,边界清、内见多个粗大钙化伴后方声影,血流无或少(n=2)。结论乳腺间质肉瘤的术前诊断困难,对于术后复发、生长快、血流丰富的实性或囊实性乳腺肿块应考虑到乳腺间质肉瘤。  相似文献   

Hepatobiliary cystadenoma with mesenchymal stroma.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
In a detailed review of cystic hepatobiliary neoplasms, we identified a subset of 50 cases in which tumors were characterized by the presence of a mesenchymal cell layer interposed between an inner epithelial lining and an outer connective tissue layer. We have recently seen three such patients, making a total of 53 patients reported in the English literature. All of the patients were female, 44 of whom, with an average age of 41 years, had benign tumors. The average age of the remaining nine patients was 57 years and these patients had malignant tumors. In seven patients, the malignancy arose from the epithelial layer, but in two patients sarcomatous changes were identified in the mesenchymal tissues. The older age of the patients with malignant tumors with adequate serial biopsies in two cases supported the thesis that malignant transformation may occur in the benign tumors. Moreover the location of the tumor in one of our patients in whom the resected tumor was associated with anomalous right hepatic ducts and portal veins supported the theory that these tumors develop embryologically from nests of primitive hepatobiliary endodermal and mesodermal cells. Although surgical treatment was performed in all patients, 25% of the patients with benign hepatobiliary cystadenoma with mesenchymal stroma (CMS), and 33% of the patients with malignant CMS had tumor recurrence after primary resection. Ninety per cent of these patients had an incomplete resection at the time of their initial operations. Forty-four per cent of the patients with malignant CMS died after a mean follow-up of 17 months. We conclude that CMS (Edmonson's tumor) occurs uniquely in young female patients, develops from nests of primitive embryonal cells, has the potential for malignant transformation, and should be completely resected at primary operation to avoid recurrence.  相似文献   

There is evidence to suggest that control mechanisms, either growth-stimulatory, inhibitory or inductive, may play a role in carcinogenesis. To test the hypothesis that treatment of rat urinary bladder with carcinogen induces alterations in the stroma which result in modified epithelial-stromal interactions, experiments were conducted using a rat model specifically designed for the study. Following exposure of Fischer F344 rats in drinking water to the urinary bladder carcinogen, N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BHBN) for four weeks, bladders were removed and subjected to a brief detergent treatment to completely remove epithelium. The bladders without epithelium ("stroma" bladder) were heterotopically transplanted to syngeneic recipients. Four days later, the denuded mucosa surface was resurfaced with intraluminal instillation of urothelial cells, either untreated or treated with BHBN for six weeks (6w-BHBN) or 10 weeks (10w-BHBN). Examination at 12 weeks posttransplant of the "stroma" bladders that had received 6w-BHBN urothelial cells showed a higher tumor incidence of carcinoma in the BHBN-exposed "stroma" bladders as compared with the incidence in the carcinogen-unexposed "stroma" bladders (p less than 0.05). Examination at 18 weeks posttransplant showed 100% incidence of tumors in all "stroma" bladders irrespective of the lengths of BHBN exposure of urothelial cells. However, among the bladders that had received 6w-BHBN urothelial cells, carcinogen-exposed "stroma" bladders proved to be better "soil" for neoplastic cells to proliferate; the mean tumor volume as well as the mean total tumor volume per bladder were significantly higher than in the control "stroma" bladders (p less than 0.01 for each comparison). Similarly, among the bladders that had been resurfaced with 10w-BHBN urothelial cells, the mean total tumor volume per bladder was greater in the carcinogen-treated "stroma" bladders than in the controls (p less than 0.05). No proliferative or neoplastic changes were observed in the BHBN exposed "stroma" bladders which had been resurfaced with normal urothelial cells. Our data indicate that neoplastic growth of carcinogen treated urothelium is enhanced when such cells interact with the stroma which has also been exposed to carcinogen.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to study the origin of the stromal component of human mammary carcinoma. Tissues from 30 proved breast carcinomas were studied. Under a light microscope with special stains, an increased connective tissue component was seen in carcinoma. Gluteraldehyde-fixed tissue was examined under an electron microscope. The stroma appeared to be composed of fibroblastic, myofibroblastic, histiocytic and primitive mesenchymal cells. Elastic fibers were intimately intermingled with collagen and reticulin and seen in close association with carcinoma cells. In some areas they were seen inside the carcinoma cells with discontinuous cytoplasmic membrane, as if they were formed by the cancer cells. This observation suggests that breast carcinoma cells play an important role in the production of elastic fibers in association with stromal cells and also stimulate the proliferation of the stromal cellular component.  相似文献   

Using the surgically separated epithelium and muscle preparation of the guinea pig seminal vesicle, quantitative determinations were made of the hormonal sensitivities of three components of male accessory sex organ fibromuscular stroma. The parameters measured were epithelial collagen, muscle tissue cell number, and muscle tissue collagen. Epithelial collagen increased approximately tenfold between one week of age and adulthood. This growth was completely prevented by castration and was sustained at normal levels of maintenance of prepubertal castrates with dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Castration of adult animals reduced epithelial collagen 40%; such reductions were prevented by DHT treatment. Estrogen treatment of adult castrates, either alone or in combination with DHT, had no anabolic effect on the epithelium. In all of these studies, changes in epithelial collagen correlated with changes in epithelial wet weight, DNA content, and RNA/DNA. From 1 week of age to adulthood, growth of seminal vesicle muscle involved marked increases in wet weight, DNA content, RNA/DNA, and collagen content. Increments in all parameters were prevented by prepubertal castration and were sustained at normal levels in castrates by DHT treatment. However, in adult animals, muscle DNA content and collagen levels were insensitive to castration and androgen replacement; only tissue weight and cell size (RNA/DNA) were androgen sensitive. Estrogen treatment of adult castrates caused supranormal increases in muscle DNA and collagen; changes in collagen were irreversible. The effects of simultaneous treatment of DHT and estrogen did not differ from those of DHT alone. Therefore, normal postnatal development of the stromal components, epithelial collagen, muscle cells, and muscle collagen was androgen dependent, but in adult animals, only epithelial collagen retained androgenic sensitivity. Estrogen induced supranormal and irreversible growths in the muscle.  相似文献   

脂肪基质血管片段(SVF)是脂肪组织经分解并去掉上清后得到的底层细胞团,SVF含有多种细胞群,包括脂肪来源干细胞(ADSC),内皮祖细胞,免疫细胞,平滑肌细胞,周细胞和其他基质成分。SVF在临床中有诸多应用研究,如脂肪移植,糖尿病,促进组织再生血管化等。脂肪组织的分离方法决定了SVF的数量和质量,本文对目前SVF分离技...  相似文献   

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