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Isometric unilateral elbow extension training was conducted for 10 weeks (3 times per week) on 12 young adult men to investigate
the effects of equivolume exercise programs with different combinations of intensity and duration on the morphological and
functional aspects of the triceps brachii muscle. One group of 6 subjects trained by developing maximal voluntary contraction
(MVC) for 6 s per set with 12 sets per session (100%G), while the other group of 6 subjects trained at 60% of MVC for 30 s
per set with 4 sets per session (60%G). Training significantly increased the muscle volume ( V
m), fascicle pennation angle of the triceps brachii, and torque output during concentric and eccentric elbow extensions at
three constant velocities of 0.52, 1.57, and 3.14 rad·s –1 as well as under the training condition, with no significant differences in the relative gains between the two programs.
However, 100%G showed significantly greater V
m than 60%G after training, when V
m before training was normalized. Thus, only 60%G significantly increased the ratio of torque to V
m developed in the eccentric actions at the three velocities and concentric action at 1.57 rad·s –1. The present results indicate that isometric training programs of medium resistance/long duration and high resistance/short
duration produce different effects on V
m and dynamic strength relative to V
m, even if the training volume is equalized between the two protocols.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
The strain and elongation of the vastus lateralis (VL) tendon, tendon plus aponeurosis, and aponeurosis were examined during maximal voluntary contractions on a Biodex-dynamometer (knee angle 115°, hip angle 140°) in 12 sprinters. Following a warm-up phase, the subjects were instructed to perform a gradual maximal knee extension and hold it for about 3 s. The kinematics of the leg were recorded using a Vicon 512 system with eight cameras operating at 120 Hz. Ultrasonography images were taken simultaneously from the VL myotendinous junction and the mid lateral part of the VL muscle belly. During the maximal isometric knee extensions, the knee joint rotated (13.6±5.9°), leading to an overestimation of the elongation of the tendinous tissues. After correcting for this, the maximal elongation of the VL tendon examined at the myotendinous junction was lower ( P<0.05) than the maximal elongation of the VL tendon plus aponeurosis examined at the muscle belly (15 vs. 27 mm, respectively). The maximal estimated strains of the tendon, tendon plus aponeurosis, and aponeurosis showed no statistical differences (8±2%, 8±1%, and 7±2%, respectively, P>0.05). It is concluded that the strains of the human VL tendon, VL tendon plus aponeurosis, and VL aponeurosis, as estimated in vivo by two dimensional ultrasound during maximal isometric contractions, do not differ from each other. The displacement measured at a cross point in the VL muscle belly is significantly greater than that measured at the VL myotendinous junction. 相似文献
The effect of the tendon's viscoelastic properties on the dynamic performance of three different load-moving muscles was determined.
The frequency response models of the cat's medial gastrocnemius (MG), extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and tibialis anterior
(TA) with and without their tendons were derived under sinusoidal shortening-lengthening, manipulated by orderly recruitment
and derecruitment of motor units together with firing rate increase and decrease. The passive load sizes applied to the muscles
were approximately 30%–40% of each muscle's maximal isometric force. It was shown that the tendon has a moderate effect on
the dynamic response of muscles while moving loads of fixed mass. The MG and EDL without their tendons show a decrease in
high frequency gain (2–5 dB) and increasing phase lag angles (7°–9°). In contrast, the TA without its tendon shows an increase
in high frequency gain (2 dB) and decreasing phase lag angles (20°) compared with the same muscle with the tendon. It was
concluded that tendon's viscoelastic properties have a moderate effect during load-moving contractions, influencing the dynamic
performance of different muscles in a different manner. 相似文献
The objectives of this study were to determine whether the occurrence of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) for the vastus lateralis muscle was associated with elevated intramuscular pressure (IMP); and to assess, whether high eccentric forces occurred at an increased muscle length (as determined by joint angle). Therefore, peak knee extension torque, peak IMP of the vastus lateralis muscle, and the joint angle at which peak torque (JAPT) occurred were determined in eight male subjects during repetitive eccentric and concentric activities until fatigue occurred. Peak torque was significantly higher for eccentric compared to concentric activity ( P < 0.01) and declined significantly for both activities ( P < 0.01) throughout the protocols. When comparing the start (prior to fatigue) to the end (fatigue state), mean torque for eccentric activity declined from 191 to 147 (N · m) and for concentric activity declined from 166 to 104 (N · m). In contrast, peak IMP was not significantly different between the types of activity and did not change significantly with time. At the start and the end, the mean IMP remained constant for eccentric activity at 54 mmHg (7.2 kPa) but for concentric activity was 78 mmHg (10.4 kPa) and 96 mmHg (12.8 kPa), respectively. All the subjects, however, experienced DOMS of the vastus lateralis muscle exclusively for the eccentric activity leg. The JAPT was not different between activity types and did not change significantly with time; however, a significant interaction between activity type and time was observed ( P = 0.01). For eccentric activity JAPT (0° = fully extended leg) was 81° (1.38 rad) and 79° (1.34 rad) and for concentric activity was 76° (1.29 rad) and 83° (1.41 rad) at the start and the end, respectively. From our studies we concluded that during eccentric activity the magnitude of IMP for the vastus lateralis muscle did not reflect the high muscles forces; therefore it would appear that IMP was not an etiologic indicator of DOMS, and that JAPT measurements did not offer an explanation for the high forces which were associated with eccentric activity. 相似文献
Human first dorsal interosseous muscle was stimulated tetanically using several levels of percutaneous electrical current which produced forces in the muscle-tendon complex of between 30% and 100% of maximum. During the tetanus the muscle was subjected to a small fast stretch. The ratio of the force response to the displacement of the muscle-tendon complex gave a measure of the stiffness of the total complex. An adaptation of the method of Morgan (1977) allowed the stiffness to be separated into two components the stiffness of the muscle fibres and the stiffness of the tendon. The results showed that at full activation the stiffness of the muscle fibres and the tendon are approximately the same. The normalised stiffness values obtained in the experiments compared well with animal data. 相似文献
Aims: The interaction between fascicle and tendinous tissue of human vastus lateralis muscle was investigated during varying intensity stretch–shortening cycle (SSC) jumps performed on a sledge apparatus. Methods: Eight subjects performed single leg squat (SJ) and drop jumps (DJ) from a constant dropping height but to different rebound heights. The fascicle length of the vastus lateralis muscle (VL) was determined from real‐time ultrasonography during the movement. Tendon length changes were calculated by subtracting the horizontal part of the fascicle length from the muscle–tendon unit (MTU) length. Simultaneously, kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic data were recorded from leg muscles. In addition, the in vivo patella tendon force was measured from one subject during the trials. Results: In all DJs, where MTU was stretched prior to shortening, the fascicle and tendinous tissue of the VL also underwent a SSC. The fascicle lengths decreased and the recoil of tendinous tissue increased with increased rebound intensities ( P < 0.05). The force–velocity curves obtained from the MTU showed the expected force–velocity relationship for SSC activities, demonstrating performance enhancement. However, the increased MTU power during the shortening phase of the movement was due primarily to the enhancement of the tendon compartment. Conclusion: The results of this study show that, at higher rebound intensities, the fascicle is controlled during the braking phase in a distinct manner so that the effective recoil of the tendon is possible during the final push‐off phase. In addition, the results suggest that the behaviour of fascicle length change depends on the muscle in question in addition to the movement intensity. 相似文献
In classic concentric/eccentric exercise, the same absolute load is applied in concentric and eccentric actions, which infers a smaller relative eccentric load. We compared the effects of 6 weeks of classic concentric/eccentric quadriceps strength training (CON/ECC, 11 subjects) to eccentric overload training (CON/ECC+, 14 subjects) in athletes accustomed to regular strength training. The parameters determined included functional tests, quadriceps and fibre cross-sectional area (CSA), fibre type distribution by ATPase staining, localisation of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform mRNAs by situ hybridization and the steady-state levels of 48 marker mRNAs (RT-PCR) in vastus lateralis biopsies taken before and after training. Both training forms had anabolic effects with significant increases in quadriceps CSA, maximal strength, ribosomal RNA content and the levels of mRNAs involved in growth and regeneration. Only the CON/ECC+ training led to significantly increased height in a squat jump test. This was accompanied by significant increases in IIX fibre CSA, in the percentage of type IIA fibres expressing MHC IIx mRNA, in the level of mRNAs preferentially expressed in fast, glycolytic fibres, and in post-exercise capillary lactate. The enhanced eccentric load apparently led to a subtly faster gene expression pattern and induced a shift towards a faster muscle phenotype plus associated adaptations that make a muscle better suited for fast, explosive movements. 相似文献
Aim: This investigation determined the effects of 84 days of bedrest on the composition of myosin heavy chain (MHC) in single skeletal muscle fibres with and without a resistance‐training countermeasure programme. Methods: Muscle biopsies were obtained from the m. vastus lateralis (VL) and m. soleus (SOL) before and after 84 days of bedrest. While control (BR) subjects (VL n = 9; SOL n = 3) refrained from exercise, BRE subjects (VL n = 8; SOL n = 3) performed knee extensor and plantar flexor resistance exercise every third day. Approximately 110 fibres per sample were analysed for MHC composition using SDS‐PAGE. Results: BR–VL had 16 and 14% decreases ( P < 0.05) in MHC I and IIa fibres, respectively. There were 10% increases ( P < 0.05) in MHC I/IIa, IIa/IIx, I/IIa/IIx, and a ~30% increase ( P < 0.05) in total hybrid fibres. BRE‐VL showed a 15% reduction ( P < 0.05) in MHC I fibres, no change in MHC IIa fibres, and a 13% increase ( P < 0.05) in total hybrids. BR–SOL had a 19% decrease ( P < 0.05) in MHC I fibres with a 22% increase in total hybrids. BRE–SOL showed no change in MHC composition across all fibre types. Conclusion: These data suggest that the exercise countermeasures programme prevented MHC shifts in the SOL and mitigated MHC shifts in the VL. Furthermore, in the VL it appears that the resistance training programme employed in this investigation during bedrest, emphasized the use of MHC IIa phenotype muscle fibres. 相似文献
Skeletal muscle contractions are caused to release myokines by muscle fiber. This study investigated the myogenic regulatory factors, as MHC I, IIA, IIX, Myo-D, MRF4, Murf, Atrogin-1, Decorin, Myonection, and IL-15 mRNA expression in the response of eccentric vs concentric contraction. Eighteen healthy men were randomly divided into two eccentric and concentric groups, each of 9 persons. Isokinetic contraction protocols included maximal single-leg eccentric or concentric knee extension tasks at 60°/s with the dominant leg. Contractions consisted of a maximum of 12 sets of 10 reps, and the rest time between each set was 30 s. The baseline biopsy was performed 4 weeks before the study, and post-test biopsies were taken immediately after exercise protocols from the vastus lateralis muscle. The gene expression levels were evaluated using Real-Time PCR methods. The eccentric group showed a significantly lower RPE score than the concentric group (P?≤?0.05). A significant difference in MyoD, MRF4, Myonection, and Decorin mRNA, were observed following eccentric or concentric contractions (P?≤?0.05). The MHC I, MHC IIA, IL-15 mRNA has been changed significantly compared to the pre-exercise in the concentric group (P?≤?0.05). While only MHC IIX and Atrogin-1 mRNA changed significantly in the eccentric group (P?≤?0.05). Additionally, the results showed a significant difference in MyoD, MRF4, IL-15, and Decorin at the follow-up values between eccentric or concentric groups (P?≤?0.05). Our findings highlight the growing importance of elucidating the different responses of muscle growth factors associated with a myogenic activity such as MHC IIA, Decorin, IL-15, Myonectin, Decorin, MuRF1, and MHC IIX mRNA in following various types of exercise. 相似文献
Intense exercise affects the immune system. This study examines effects of three consecutive days of 1 h high-intensity exercise
on lymphocyte counts, oxidative DNA damage, and apoptosis in young untrained ( n = 8, 23.8 ± 3.2 years; UT) and endurance-trained ( n = 8, 21.1 ± 3.7 years; TR) subjects. The subjects performed cycle ergometer exercise at 75%
_boxclose_2 \dot{V}{\text{O}}_{2\max } 1 h daily for three consecutive days (exercise session). Blood samples were collected before exercise on the first day of
the exercise session (day 1, D1) and at 24 h after the session (day 4, D4). Total lymphocyte counts, a lymphocyte oxidative
DNA damage index using Comet assay with human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase, oxidative stress markers, and apoptosis markers
were measured. Lymphocyte counts at D1 in TR were significantly lower than in UT. Lymphocyte counts in TR changed little at
D4 (from 1,988 ± 475 to 1,854 ± 363 cell/μl), but the lymphocyte counts in UT decreased significantly at D4 (from 2,583 ± 564
to 1,911 ± 528 cell/μl, P < 0.05). Lymphocyte oxidative DNA damage increased concomitantly with exercise sessions in both the groups (UT, from 31.3 ± 17.5
to 48.9 ± 15.7%; TR, from 21.9 ± 5.2 to 62.1 ± 12.5%, P < 0.05). Although no change was found in apoptosis markers over time, Annexin-V + cells decreased in TR (effect size D = 0.8 is large). Three consecutive days of 1 h exercise decreased lymphocyte counts with increased lymphocyte oxidative DNA
damage in UT. Lymphocyte counts remained unchanged irrespective of increased oxidative DNA damage in TR. Decreased lymphocyte
apoptosis might prevent the decrease of lymphocytes in TR. 相似文献
The aim was to determine whether eccentric strengthening changed the muscle architecture of human biceps femoris and consequently,
knee range of motion. Twenty-two subjects were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The experimental group
completed an eccentric strengthening programme for 8 weeks. Outcome measures included hamstring muscle strength (one repetition
maximum), the passive knee extension test (PKE) (knee joint angle at which the onset of passive tension occurs), fascicle
length (FL) and pennation angle (PA). One repetition maximum increased by 34% ( P < 0.01), the PKE test revealed a 5% increase in joint range of motion ( P = 0.01), FL increased by 34% ( P = 0.01) and PA did not change ( P = 0.38). This is the first report of an increase in FL in the biceps femoris following eccentric resistance training. In
addition, the results might imply that this fascicle lengthening could lead to an increase in the range of motion of the knee.
Clinical implications for rehabilitation and injury prevention are discussed. 相似文献
The present study was designed to investigate interactions between running economy and mechanics before, during, and after
an individually run marathon. Seven experienced triathletes performed a 5-min submaximal running test on a treadmill at an
individual constant marathon speed. Heart rate was monitored and the expired respiratory gas was analyzed. Blood samples were
drawn to analyze serum creatine kinase activity (S-CK), skeletal troponin I (sTnI), and blood lactate (B-La). A video analysis
was performed (200 frames · s −1) to investigate running mechanics. A kinematic arm was used to determine the external work of each subject. The results of
the present study demonstrate that after the marathon, a standardized 5-min submaximal running test resulted in an increase
in oxygen consumption, ventilation, and heart rate ( P < 0.05), with a simultaneous decrease in the oxygen difference (%) between inspired and expired air, and respiratory exchange
ratio ( P < 0.05). B-La did not change during the marathon, while sTnI and S-CK values increased ( P < 0.05), peaking 2 h and 2 days after the marathon, respectively. With regard to the running kinematics, a minor increase in
stride frequency and a similar decrease in stride length were observed ( P < 0.01). These results demonstrate clearly that weakened running economy cannot be explained by changes in running mechanics.
Therefore, it is suggested that the increased physiological loading is due to several mechanisms: increased utilization of
fat as an energy substrate, increased demands of body temperature regulation, and possible muscle damage.
Accepted: 20 March 2000 相似文献
The effects of different knee joint angles and fatigue on the neuromuscular control of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO)
and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles were investigated in 17 (11 men, 6 women) young subjects. The electromyogram (EMG) activities
and the force generation capacities were monitored before and after a fatigue protocol at three different knee joint angles,
90°, 150°, 175° of knee extension, on three occasions. In response to randomly triggered light signals, the subjects performed
three isometric maximal voluntary contraction (IMVC) that lasted for 4 to 8 s. This was then followed by the fatigue protocol
which consisted of six bursts of contractions fixed at 30 s on and 10 s off. Immediately after the exercise to fatigue, the
subjects performed another three IMVC in response to the light signals. Repeated measures ANOVA were performed to examine
the effects of fatigue at these three positions on the electromechanical delay (EMD), median frequency ( f
med), peak force ( F
peak) and root mean square (rms)-EMG: F
peak quotient of VMO and VL. The results revealed a significant effect of the three knee joint angles on the EMD before the fatigue
( P < 0.05). The fatigue protocol induced a significant decrease in F
peak at all the three positions ( P < 0.01). However, the fatigue induced a significant decrease of f
med at only 90° and 150° of knee extension ( P < 0.01). This occurred in parallel with the lengthening of EMD at these two joint angles ( P < 0.01 and P < 0.05). The effects of fatigue on the f
med and EMD were not significant between VMO and VL at all three angles. The insignificant difference in f
med and EMD between VMO and VL at the three knee positions before and after fatigue indicated that no preferential onset activation
between VMO and VL had occurred.
Accepted: 1 September 2000 相似文献
Summary The characteristics of vibration-induced illusory joint movements were studied in healthy human subjects. Unseen by the subject, constant frequency vibration trains applied to the distal tendon of the Triceps or Biceps induced an almost constant velocity illusory movement of the elbow whose direction corresponded to that of a joint rotation stretching the vibrated muscle. Vibration trains of the same duration and frequency applied alternatively to the Biceps and Triceps evoked alternating flexion-extension illusory movements.During successive application of vibration trains at frequencies from 10 to 120 Hz, the perceived velocity of the illusory movements increased progressively from 10 to 70–80 Hz, then decreased from 80 to 120 Hz. The maximal perceived velocity was three times higher during alternating vibration of the Biceps and Triceps than during single muscle stimulation.Unit activity from 15 muscle spindle primary endings and five secondary endings located in Tibialis anterior and Extensor digitorum longus muscles were recorded using microneurography in order to study their responses to tendon vibration and passive and active movements of the ankle.Primary endings were all activated by low amplitude tendon vibration (0.2–0.5 mm) previously used to induce illusory movements of the elbow. The discharge of some was phase-locked with the vibration cycle up to 120 Hz, while others responded one-to-one to the vibration cycle up to 30–50 Hz, then fired in a sub-harmonic manner at higher frequencies. Secondary endings were much less sensitive to low amplitude tendon vibration.Primary and secondary ending responses to ramp and sinusoïdal movements of the ankle joint were compared. During the movement, the primary ending discharge frequency was almost constant, while the secondary ending activity progressively increased. During ankle movements the primary ending discharge appeared mainly related to velocity, while some secondary activities seemed related to both movement velocity and joint angle position.Muscle spindle sensory ending responses to active and passive ankle movements stretching the receptor-bearing muscle (plantar flexion) were qualitatively and quantitatively similar. During passive reverse movements (dorsiflexion) most of the sensory endings stopped firing when their muscle shortened. Active muscle shortening (isotonic contraction) modulated differently the muscle spindle sensory ending discharge, which could stop completely, decrease or some times increase during active ankle dorsiflexion. During isometric contraction most of the muscle spindle sensory endings were activated.The characteristics of the vibration-induced illusory movements and the muscle spindle responses to tendon vibration and to active and passive joint movements strengthened the possibility of the contribution of primary endings to kinaesthesia, as suggested by several previous works. Moreover, the present results led us to attribute to proprioception in the muscle stretched during joint movement a predominant, but not exclusive, role in this kind of perception. 相似文献
Summary In order to determine the influence of an extensive history of participation in high intensity activity on muscle fiber type, fiber size, and metabolic profile, elite ice hockey players were selected for investigation from three different leagues. Biopsy samples from the vastus lateralis muscle were obtained from different groups of players prior to and following the season and compared with control subjects. No significant differences were found in the percentage (49.6 vs. 43.8%) or the size of the ST fibers between the elite athletes and the control group, nor was there any significant alteration following the season of play in these variables. For the FT fiber subgroups, a reduction in the FTb (12.2 vs. 3.9%) and an increase in FTa (38.0 to 45.2%) fiber populations occurred over the season. Similarly, increases in fiber area were observed for both FT subgroups pre to post season. Of the enzymes studied only 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase was elevated in the post season measures, while total phosphorylase and phosphofructokinase were significantly lower. The metabolic pattern exhibited does not appear to be substantially different from what would be expected from an untrained group of similar fiber distribution.This study was supported by grants from National Health and Welfare and the National Research Council 相似文献
Tendon remodeling relies on extracellular matrix (ECM) restructuring by the matrix metallopeptidases (MMPs). The aim of this study was to investigate MMP-2 activity in different regions of the calcaneal tendon (CT) after resistance training (RT) in ovariectomized rats. Wistar adult female rats were grouped into sedentary (Sed-Intact), ovariectomized sedentary (Sed-Ovx), acute exercise (AcuteEx-Intact), ovariectomized acute exercise (AcuteEx-Ovx), resistance trained (ChronicEx-Intact), and ovariectomized resistance trained (ChronicEx-Ovx) ( n = 10 each group). The RT protocol required the animals to climb a 1.1-m vertical ladder with weights attached to their tail. The sessions were performed once every 3 days with 4–9 climbs and 8–12 dynamic movements per scaling. The acute groups performed one session and the chronic groups underwent 12 weeks of RT. There was an increase in total MMP-2 activity in Sed-Ovx, AcuteEx-Intact, and ChronicEx-Intact compared with that in Sed-Intact in the proximal region of CT. AcuteEx-Ovx exhibited higher total MMP-2 than Sed-Ovx and AcuteEx-Intact in the distal region of CT. Chronic-Ovx presented lower total MMP-2 activity than Sed-Ovx and Chronic-Intact in the distal region of tendon. The active MMP-2 was higher for the AcuteEx-Ovx than Sed-Ovx and AcuteEx-Intact in proximal region of tendon. There was higher active MMP-2 in the distal region of tendon in the Acute-Ovx than in the Sed-Ovx and AcuteEx-Intact. Ovariectomy and resistance exercise modulate MMP-2 activity according to specific tendon region, indicating a differentiated tissue remodeling. 相似文献
AIM: This investigation determined the effects of 84 days of bedrest on the composition of myosin heavy chain (MHC) in single skeletal muscle fibres with and without a resistance-training countermeasure programme. METHODS: Muscle biopsies were obtained from the m. vastus lateralis (VL) and m. soleus (SOL) before and after 84 days of bedrest. While control (BR) subjects (VL n = 9; SOL n = 3) refrained from exercise, BRE subjects (VL n = 8; SOL n = 3) performed knee extensor and plantar flexor resistance exercise every third day. Approximately 110 fibres per sample were analysed for MHC composition using SDS-PAGE. RESULTS: BR-VL had 16 and 14% decreases (P < 0.05) in MHC I and IIa fibres, respectively. There were 10% increases (P < 0.05) in MHC I/IIa, IIa/IIx, I/IIa/IIx, and a approximately 30% increase (P < 0.05) in total hybrid fibres. BRE-VL showed a 15% reduction (P < 0.05) in MHC I fibres, no change in MHC IIa fibres, and a 13% increase (P < 0.05) in total hybrids. BR-SOL had a 19% decrease (P < 0.05) in MHC I fibres with a 22% increase in total hybrids. BRE-SOL showed no change in MHC composition across all fibre types. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that the exercise countermeasures programme prevented MHC shifts in the SOL and mitigated MHC shifts in the VL. Furthermore, in the VL it appears that the resistance training programme employed in this investigation during bedrest, emphasized the use of MHC IIa phenotype muscle fibres. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in the elastic properties of tendons in humans in relation to fatigue
of knee extensor muscles. The muscle fatigue test (MFT) consisted of maximal isometric contractions performed 50 times. The
decline in peak moment was 43.6 (SD 19.5)%. After MFT, the muscle thickness and pennation angle of the vastus lateralis muscle
(VL) significantly increased 1.5 (SD 0.7) mm (5%) and 1.7 (SD 1.8)° (11%), respectively. Before and after MFT, the elongation
( l) of the tendon and aponeurosis of VL was directly measured by ultrasonography, while the subjects performed ramp isometric
knee extensions up to maximal voluntary contraction . The l tended to be greater after MFT than before MFT. This difference in the l was statistically significant ( P < 0.05) at force developments beyond 220 N. Furthermore, the compliance increased significantly from 2.0 (SD 0.6) · 10 −2 mm · N −1 before MFT to 2.6 (SD 0.7) · 10 −2 mm · N −1 after MFT (22.7%). In addition, the electromechanical delay was significantly increased from 60.6 (SD 5.9) ms before to 70.0 (SD 4.4) ms
after MFT. These results suggested that the repeated muscle contractions made the tendon structures more compliant.
Accepted: 15 August 2000 相似文献
The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of eccentric training on the activity of mitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes, oxidative stress, muscle damage, and inflammation of skeletal muscle. Eighteen male mice (CF1) weighing 30-35 g were randomly divided into 3 groups (N = 6): untrained, trained eccentric running (16°; TER), and trained running (0°) (TR), and were submitted to an 8-week training program. TER increased muscle oxidative capacity (succinate dehydrogenase and complexes I and II) in a manner similar to TR, and TER did not decrease oxidative damage (xylenol and creatine phosphate) but increased antioxidant enzyme activity (superoxide dismutase and catalase) similar to TR. Muscle damage (creatine kinase) and inflammation (myeloperoxidase) were not reduced by TER. In conclusion, we suggest that TER improves mitochondrial function but does not reduce oxidative stress, muscle damage, or inflammation induced by eccentric contractions. 相似文献
Summary One-leg exercise of 5 weeks duration in 10 healthy middleaged women resulted in a significant increment of muscle force in
the exercising leg and in a less, but at some angular velocities also significant, increase in the nonexercising leg. The
thickness of subcutaneous tissue measured by ultrasound and skinfold caliper decreased, while muslce thickness increased in
the exercising leg only. The increased thickness of muscle tissue was associated with an increase in the relative number and
relative fiber area of type II fibers in the exercising leg. The mean fiber area of type IIB fibers increased significantly
as well as the activity of lactate dehydrogenase and myokinase. The decrease of thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue was
not associated with a significant decrease in fat cell size and was probably due to geometrical factors secondary to hypertrophy
of the underlying muscle. It is concluded that the relationship between lean and fat components of the human thigh is significantly
influenced by changes in the activity of the thigh skeletal muscles, but a local dynamic strength training program can hardly
be used for local emptying of the fat depot over the exercising muscles. 相似文献