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目的 探讨雌激素水平与绝经后妇女腱鞘炎的关系.方法 选取74例绝经妇女,其中32例为腱鞘炎患者(A组),42例同期健康体检的绝经妇女为对照组(B组);42例正常行经的健康体检妇女为正常对照组(C组).均进行雌激素水平测定,并进行相关性分析.结果 A组与B组之间,雌激素(E2)水平分别为(89.7066±126.7458)pmol/L和(45.6768±30.6342)pmol/L,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A组与C组雌激素水平分别为(89.7066±126.7458)pmol/L和(626.7384±361.5348)pmol/L,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 绝经后妇女腱鞘炎发病与雌激素水平变化无明显关系.  相似文献   

目的探讨绝经后妇女雌激素水平与Hoher监测ST-T改变的相关性。方法选取无器质性疾病的绝经后妇女60例,将Hoher监测全程未见ST-T改变的18例患者作为对照组,将监测中出现ST-T改变的患者按照心肌缺血程度分为三组:①监测过程ST—T改变在12h以内;②监测过程ST-T改变超过12h但在24h以内;③监测全程均有ST—T改变。对每一组的雌激素水平进行统计学分析。结果随着雌激素水平的降低24h中出现ST—T改变的几率逐渐增多。结论绝经后妇女ST-T改变受体内雌激素水平的影响。  相似文献   

绝经后妇女雌激素水平与腹主动脉粥样硬化的关系   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
目的:研究绝经后妇女雌激素水平与腹主动脉钙化的关系,寻求干预动脉粥样硬化的可能性。方法:使用渡边弘美计算方法,收集了137例绝经后妇女腹部CT扫描中3126帧图像资料,测量腹主动脉钙化体积,并与患者近期的血雌二醇(estradiol,E2)、睾酮(testosterone,T)、促卵泡激素(follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH)、促黄体生成素(follicle—luteinizinghormone hormone,FLH)比较。结果:137例绝经后妇女中,63例CT图像上出现腹主动脉钙化,钙化率(incidences of calcified lesion,ICL)为45.9%,平均每位患者的平均钙化体积(mean calcified volume,MCV)为(0.68&;#177;0.32)cm^3。按绝经年限分组后,6-15年组和&;gt;16年组的ICL和MCV均明显大于绝经年限&;lt;5年组(ICL依次为50.8%,65.7%和21.4%;X^2分别为7.856和13.669,P分别为&;lt;0.02和0.01)。63例有钙化者按钙化体积分组后,体积大组(≥l.5cm^3,21例)和体积小组(&;lt;l.5cm^3,35例)的E2和T均明显低于无钙化组(74例),而前者的FSH和LH则明显高于后者(t=2.047—2.407.P均&;lt;0.05)。结论:绝经后妇女雌激素水平与动脉粥样硬化的发生和进展密切相关。  相似文献   

绝经后妇女雌激素水平与血糖及血脂变化的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 探讨绝经后妇女雌激素水平与血脂及血糖变化的规律。方法 70例绝经期妇女分为高血脂及糖耐量异常组(A组)和无高血脂及糖耐量异常组(B组),35例正常行经妇女为对照组(C组);均进行血脂、血糖及性激素水平测定,并进行相关性分析。结果 A组雌激素水平显著低于B组和C组,而卵泡刺激素、黄体生成素显著高于B组和C组。总胆固醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇及血糖与血清雌二醇呈直线负相关。结论 绝经后妇女血脂及糖耐量异常与血清雌二醇水平降低密切相关。  相似文献   

1998年3月一1998年7月对20例绝经后妇女服用17-B-雌二醇后测定血管内皮因子的变化,报告如下。l对象与方法1.1对象年龄55-68岁,平均(61+17)岁。入选标准:①绝经后妇女卵巢切除的患者且停经>l年;②雌激素<40Pg/L,促卵泡生成素>40IU/L;③未接受雌激素或其它激素治疗。并排除先心病、肺心病、风心病、心肌梗死及严重肝、肾功能损害者。1.2方法1.2.1实验设计及用药全组患者入院后常规治疗,口服17卡一雌H醇[诺更宁,诺和诺德(天津)生物技术有限公司提供]前3天,停用一切药物(若有心绞痛发作,可合化硝酸甘油)8:OO…  相似文献   

胆固醇酯转运蛋白的研究方法与临床意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胆固醇酯转运蛋白(CETP)是一种重要的脂质转运蛋白,在胆固醇逆向转运中起关键作用,与动脉粥捍硬化的发生和发展密切相关。本文简要介绍了CETP的生物化学特征、CETP活性与质量及基因多态性的研究方法以及CETP研究的临床意义。  相似文献   

胆固醇酯转运蛋白的研究方法与临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胆固醇酯转运蛋白 (CETP)是一种重要的脂质转运蛋白 ,在胆固醇逆向转运中起关键作用 ,与动脉粥样硬化的发生和发展密切相关。本文简要介绍了CETP的生物化学特征、CETP活性与质量及基因多态性的研究方法以及CETP研究的临床意义。  相似文献   

目的通过调查绝经后妇女日常膳食中各种植物雌激素成分摄入量及骨密度分布情况,分析植物雌激素摄入量与绝经后妇女骨密度的关系,为绝经后骨质疏松的预测及其有效的个体化膳食提供参考依据。方法选取符合调查要求的南昌市160例绝经后妇女,通过食物频率问卷(FFQ)、3 d饮食称重记录、24 h膳食回顾,收集研究对象人口学特征和膳食资料,计算食物中各种植物雌激素的含量。通过双能X线吸收法测量受试者腰椎L2-4和髋部骨密度(BMD)。结果总植物雌激素低、中、高摄入组的腰椎BMD及股骨BMD比较差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05...  相似文献   

白琳 《中国临床康复》2004,8(12):2210-2211
目的:分析绝经期妇女抑郁和焦虑的临床特征,寻求进行干预的可能性。方法:109例绝经期妇女在体检时接受了Zung编制的抑郁自评量表(SDS)和焦虑自评量表(SAS)的测评,并与她们的绝经年限及雌激素水平进行比较。结果:109例受试者中SDS标准分≥50分者67例(61.5%),标准分均值为(46.84&;#177;10.96)分,明显高于正常人常模(41.88&;#177;8.55,t=2.586,P&;lt;0.02)。SAS标准分≥50分者69例(63.3%,),标准分均值(44.62&;#177;10.31),明显高于正常人常模(40.06&;#177;10.52。t=2.347,P&;lt;0.05)。109例受试者按绝经年限分组后,≤3年组的SDS和SAS标准分明显高于3-8年和&;gt;8年组(t=2.196-2.365,P均&;lt;0.05)。在按雌激素不同浓度分组比较中,低雌二醇组(&;lt;100 pmol/L,68例)的SDS和SAS标准分明显高于雌二醇组(≥100 pmol/L,41例)(t=2.218和2.156,P均&;lt;0.05),而高睾酮组(≥30mmol/L)、高促卵泡素组(≥30μg/L)和高促黄体生成素组(&;gt;140μg/L)的SDS和SAS标准分明显高于浓度低各组(t=2.197—2.295,P均&;lt;0.05)。结论:绝经期妇女的抑郁和焦虑情绪表现的与绝经年限和雌激素水平密切相关。  相似文献   

目的分析新生儿血清胆固醇酯转运蛋白(CETP)浓度与LDL组成的关系,以及对血脂、脂蛋白水平的影响。方法采用ELISA法测定40例脐带血CETP浓度,并与80例健康成人比较;用序列超速离心法分离LDL后再用常规方法分析其中TG、CE含量。结果新生儿CETP呈偏态分布、中位数0.20 mg/L,范围(0.11~0.49)mg/L,均值(0.25±0.11)mg/L,明显低于成人(2.19±2.04)mg/L(P<0.0001);男女间无显著差异[(0.26±0.10)mg/L vs(0.22±0.16)mg/L,P>0.05]。新生儿血脂、脂蛋白浓度均低于成人,LDL-CE/LDL-TG比值也明显低于成人(1.5 vs 4.7)。结论新生儿血清CETP浓度仅是成人的九分之一,低CETP水平可能是新生儿LDL-CE/LDL-TG比值低的主要原因。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: CETP plays an important role in HDL metabolism and in the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. METHODS: The relationship between the changes of endogenous estrogen and the concentration of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) in the serum of Chinese women was investigated. Serum concentrations of estradiol (E(2)), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), CETP and lipid profile were determined in 196 Chinese women (52 premenopausal with ages ranging from 18 to 40 years, 57 perimenopausal from 41 to 60 years, and 87 postmenopausal from 61 to 81 years). RESULTS: Serum CETP concentration was significantly lower in postmenopausal women compared with those in perimenopausal and premenopausal women (1.39+/-1.06, 2.36+/-1.50 and 2.31+/-1.25 mg/l, respectively, P<0.0001). Even in the women around the menopausal, CETP concentration in postmenopause was significantly lower than that in premenopause (1.93+/-1.33 vs. 3.42+/-1.35 mg/l, P<0.01). In addition, CETP concentration had a highly positive correlation with serum concentration of E(2) (r=0.243, P<0.001), while negative correlation of CETP concentration with serum concentration of FSH was found (r=-0.273, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Estrogen may affect the concentration of CETP.  相似文献   

目的分析胆固醇酯转运蛋白(CETP)血浆水平及其TaqⅠB基因多态性与2型糖尿病(T2DM)的关系。方法采用聚合酶链反应限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)技术检测103例健康对照组、102例T2DM患者CETP第一内含子TaqⅠB多态性基因型,ELISA方法检测血浆CETP浓度,探讨了其对血脂、脂蛋白和apo水平的影响。结果T2DM组血浆CETP水平明显高于对照组;两组CETPTaqⅠB多态性基因型和等位基因频率分布差异无显著性意义,与性别、家族史、吸烟史及体质指数(BMI)无明显相关性。对照组CETPTaqⅠB等位基因型与血脂水平之间无明显关联性,但T2DM组不同基因型间HDL-C与apoAⅠ水平差异有统计学意义,B1等位基因频率与低HDL-C血症密切相关。结论CETP水平、CETPTaqⅠB基因多态性与T2DM脂代谢存在一定的相关性,可能是糖尿病脂代谢异常的重要遗传因素。  相似文献   

Summary. Plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity and distribution of red blood cell (RBC) cholesterol among plasma lipoproteins during incubation of blood were determined in 14 distance runners and 10 sedentary men. Mean plasma CETP activity was similar in the runners (31% 10 μl-1 18 h-1) and the sedentary men (32% 10 μl-1 18 h-1). There was significantly (P<0.05) greater accumulation of cell cholesterol in the HDL fraction (runners: 0.33 mmol 1--1; sedentary men: 0.23 mmol l-1) which comprised a significantly (P<0.05) larger proportion of the total amount of cell cholesterol lost to plasma (runners: 89%; sedentary men: 64%) in incubated blood from the runners. The results of this study suggest that in distance runners, high HDL concentrations are not accompanied by reduced plasma CETP levels but in conjunction with low triglyceride-rich lipoprotein levels in plasma, may promote preferential distribution of cell cholesterol into the ‘antiatherogenic’ HDL fraction.  相似文献   

Summary The evidence that apolipoproteins are found in the cerebrospinal fluid and low-density lipoprotein receptor is found in the brain suggests that the brain may have an active lipid transport system. In plasma, cholesteryl ester transfer protein mediates the exchange and net transfer of cholesteryl ester and triglycerides among lipoproteins. Cholesteryl ester transfer activity was measured in the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of ten neurologically normal subjects. Cholesteryl ester transfer activity was readily detectable in cerebrospinal fluid (7.4±13% cholesteryl ester was transferred per 20 μl), and this activity was completely abolished with specific antibody against the plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein. The concentration of cholesteryl ester transfer activity in the cerebrospinal fluid was about 12% of that found in plasma, whereas the concentration of albumin in cerebrospinal fluid was only about 0.6% of that in plasma, suggesting direct synthesis of cholesteryl ester transfer protein within the brain. Cholesteryl ester transfer activity was found in conditioned medium from human neuroblastoma and neuroglioma cells and sheep choroid plexus. The data suggest that cholesteryl ester transfer protein is synthesized and secreted in the brain. This protein could play an important role in the transport and redistribution of lipids within the central nervous system. Deceased January 1991  相似文献   

王保东  谭晓华  杨磊 《临床荟萃》2012,27(5):390-392
目的 探讨胆固醇酯转运蛋白基因的rs3764261多态性与血脂水平的相关性.方法 应用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱( MALDI-TOF MS)技术进行rs3764261多态性的检测,Hardy-Weinberg平衡进行群体遗传平衡检验,logistic回归分析基因型对血脂异常发病风险的大小.结果 遗传平衡检验(x2=3.958,P>0.05),符合遗传平衡定律,样本群体具有代表性;男性的总胆固醇(TC)低于女性(P<0.01),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)也低于女性(P<0.01),甘油三酯(TG)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)明显高于女性(均P<0.01);在女性群体中,rs3764261位点GT和TT基因型的低HDL-C血症发病率为GG基因型的0.503倍(P<0.05).结论 在我国汉族女性人群中rs3764261位点多态性与低高密度脂蛋白血症相关.  相似文献   

抗胆固醇酯转运蛋白单克隆抗体的制备及其应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 自行制备胆固醇酯转运蛋白 (CETP)单克隆抗体 (McAb) ,建立人血清CETP的酶联免疫吸附测定法 (ELISA) ,并调查中国人群CETP参考值。方法 应用杂交瘤技术制备CETPMcAb。用棋盘试验确定ELISA法的反应条件 ;进行灵敏度、精密度、回收率、特异性试验。结果 制备出一株特异性好、反应性强的CETPMcAb。筛选出ELISA法最佳反应条件 ,样品稀释2 0 0 0倍 ,可检测 0 2 8~ 4 5 2mg/L的血清CETP水平 ;平均批内CV 4 9% ,平均批间CV 10 2 % ;平均回收率为 92 5 %~ 97 2 % ;特异性高。检测结果同国外试验室ELISA法高度相关。 112 8例参考人群血清CETP浓度为 1 84± 1 5 5mg/L ,女性高于男性 ,随着年龄增高 ,CETP浓度降低。冠心病患者CETP浓度为 2 66± 2 0 8mg/L ,较相应对照组显著升高 (P <0 0 1)。结论 该法具有方便、快速、准确、特异等优点 ,对了解CETP在动脉粥样硬化发生中的作用有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Abstract In an earlier study we demonstrated that the transfer of cholesteryl ester (CET) estimated as the net mass of CE lost from HDL to the apoB-containing lipoproteins (VLDL + LDL) during incubation of plasma is accelerated in normolipidaemic patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Recombination experiments with isolated lipoprotein fractions employing this same mass transfer assay indicated that this disturbance resulted from dysfunction of VLDL and not from changes in the activity of CE transfer protein (CETP). In this study, we sought first to determine whether CET estimated with an isotopic method that measures the transfer of radiolabelled CE from exogenous HDL from non-diabetic controls to endogenous VLDL + LDL was also increased in IDDM and, if so, the extent to which this disturbance was affected by glycaemic control, VLDL and CETP. As observed with the mass transfer assay, the rate of transfer of the HDL-CE label to VLDL + LDL was also significantly accelerated in IDDM plasma (IDDM: k = 0·256±0·07; control: k = 0·092±0·05; mean±SD; P < 0·001). Fasting glucose and fructosamine correlated with both isotopic transfer (k) (r= 0·54, P= 0·009; r= 0·57, P= 0·005, respectively) and the mass of CE transferred at 2 h (r= 0·55, P= 0·006; r= 0·59, P= 0·004, respectively). Recombination experiments revealed that isotopic CET was accelerated when: (a) IDDM VLDL were combined with controls HDL and d > 1·21 fractions; and (b) IDDM d > 1·21 plasma fractions containing CETP were combined with controls VLDL + LDL and HDL. While CETP concentrations in a subset of the study group were higher in the diabetic than in the non-diabetic controls, the difference was not statistically significant (IDDM 2·25±0·97 vs. control 1·58±0·58 μg ml-1; mean±SD; P<0·1). These findings indicate that dysfunction of VLDL and increased CETP concentrations both contribute to the pathological acceleration of isotopic transfer in IDDM plasma and that the magnitude of this proatherogenic defect correlates closely with glycaemic control.  相似文献   

Zhang C  Niu D  Li K  Yang Y  Liu X  Zhuang Y  Zhang J  Wang J 《Clinical biochemistry》2008,41(13):1107-1109


To investigate the distribution characteristics of serum CETP levels in childhood.

Design and methods

CETP was measured in 912 healthy children and 40 cord blood with an ELISA.


CETP was skewed in children with a median of 2.48 (2.5-97.5 percentiles: 0.56-6.96) mg/L. CETP in cords was much lower than in children, and was lower in younger children (< 1 year) than in elder children.


CETP is lowest at birth and sharply rises to maximum levels in infancy.  相似文献   

《Annals of medicine》2013,45(3):316-322
Alcohol use is known to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which is at least in part mediated by the alcohol-induced reduction in plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity and mass. We have shown that the high plasma HDL concentration reduces the CETP-mediated net mass transfer of cholesteryl esters from HDL to very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or even reverses the direction of transfer in plasma incubations. Therefore, we studied the effect of lipoprotein composition on lipid net mass transfers in 14 male alcohol abusers and nine male control subjects by incubating plasma for up to 2 h. The cholesteryl ester net mass transfer in the alcohol abusers was mainly predicted by the VLDL and LDL lipid composition in multiple linear regression, while the HDL composition was the main factor in the controls. The observed difference in the effect of the lipoprotein composition on cholesteryl ester net mass transfer support our previous finding in rabbits that CETP binding to lipoproteins may differ during ethanol oxidation. The results suggest that ethanol oxidation induces alterations which may affect the binding of CETP to lipoproteins.  相似文献   

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