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李雅卿 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》1991,9(3):234-236
按全国人体寄生虫分布调查实施方案细则的要求和方法,于1989年4—5月在济南市章邱县,对4个村1岁以上的居民进行肠道寄生虫感染的调查。4个村受检人数2063,男964,女1099,共 相似文献
江苏省人群寄生虫感染情况调查 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
按全国人体寄生虫分布调查实施细则要求,调查全省32个县、市120个点,共查63699人,其寄生虫总感染率为63.5%,多虫感染占43.3%。查见原虫9种,蠕虫13种。各种寄生虫感染率分别为:溶组织内阿米巴0.9%、结肠内阿米巴2.7%、哈氏内阿米巴2.2%、微小内蜒阿米巴0.5%、布氏嗜碘阿米巴0.2%、贾第虫2.4%、结肠小袋纤毛虫1例、迈氏唇鞭毛虫0.01%、人芽囊原虫2例、蛔虫32.5%、鞭虫27.3%、钩虫21.8%、蛲虫23.1%、东方毛圆线虫0.01%、缩小三齿线虫2例、粪类圆线虫2例、艾氏毛圆线虫2例、华支睾吸虫0.5%、姜片虫0.4%、带绦虫2例、微小膜壳绦虫0.04%。提示我省寄生虫感染是较为严重的。蛔虫、钩虫、鞭虫、溶组织内阿米巴感染率以女性为高,贾第虫以儿童为主,提示加强全民防治的同时,更要重视重点人群的防治。 相似文献
1988-1989年按全国人体寄生虫分布调查实施细则的要求和方法,对全省23个县100个点52146人进行人体寄生虫分布抽样调查,总感染率为80.2%。共查见20种人体寄生虫,感染1、2、3、4和5种寄生虫的人数分别占总人数的47.9%、26.4%、5.2%、0.7%及0.1%。有12个县人群感染率达80%以上。结果表明,全省人群寄生虫感染情况较为严重,不仅查见的虫种多,而且分布范围广泛,必须加强全省人群寄生虫病的防治工作。 相似文献
湖北省人群寄生虫感染情况的调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
按全国人体寄生虫分布调查实施细则的要求和方法对咸宁、汉川、红安和安陆4县(市)14个点7125人作人体寄生虫感染情况的调查,另外,对3641名学龄前儿童作蛲虫感染情况的调查;随机检查农村妇女阴道毛滴虫1232人;对安陆市769名城关居民作人体蠕形螨感染情况调查。共检出寄生虫19种。其中蛔虫、钩虫、鞭虫、蛲虫、姜片虫、华支睾吸虫、并殖吸虫、棘口科吸虫、东方毛圆线虫、带绦虫、微小膜壳绦虫、溶组织内阿米巴、结肠内阿米巴、贾第虫、布氏嗜碘阿米巴、微小内蜒阿米巴、人毛滴虫、阴道毛滴虫和人蠕形螨的感染率依次为27%、2%、20.3%、7.1%、1.7%、0.3%、0.1%、0.2%、0.06%、0.2%、0.03%、0.2%、2.3%、0.2%、0.02%、0.2%、0.04%、7.3%和22.8%。所查见的虫种除蛔虫、鞭虫和阿米巴原虫等较常见的虫种外,还查见了棘口科吸虫、微小膜壳绦虫、毛圆线虫和贾第虫等较少见的虫种。在地理分布上,以山区和湖区为主的咸宁市和汉川县查见的虫种较多,而以平原丘陵为主的安陆市和红安县查到虫种较少。 相似文献
本文对河南省老年人感染寄生虫的调查资料进行了分析,在39个县(市)164个点的5421人中,共查见人体寄生虫22种,总感染率为56.2%,以蛔虫、鞭虫、钩虫、蛲虫、溶组织内阿米巴、贾第虫感染较为普遍,且感染率亦较高,就这6种寄生虫的感染情况进行了分析,并对河南老年人今后的寄生虫病防治工作提出了建议。 相似文献
山西省晋中地区人群寄生虫感染情况的调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文报道山西省晋中地区人群寄生虫分布调查结果。从榆次、平遥、左权和昔阳4个县(市),11个点,调查5750人,其中寄生虫感染者2778例,感染率为48.3%。经标准化人口处理后的感染率为47.2%。男、女感染率分别为48.5%(1375/2835)和48.1%(1403/2915)。15岁以下和16岁以上年龄组的感染率分别为59.4%(1155/1946)和42.7%(1623/3804)。本次共查出原虫10种,蠕虫6种,未查见吸虫。蛔虫、鞭虫、蛲虫、钩虫、猪肉绦虫、微小膜壳绦虫、结肠内阿米巴、哈氏内阿米巴、微小内蜒阿米巴、溶组织内阿米巴、布氏嗜碘阿米巴、贾第虫、人毛滴虫、人酵母菌、迈氏唇鞭毛虫和等孢子球虫的感染率依次为25%、2.2%、5.6%、0.02%、0.02%、0.05%、4.5%、4.6%、6.4%、0.3%、1.1%、3.8%、5.8%、1.6%、0.04%和0.02%。 相似文献
哈尔滨市城乡居民寄生虫感染情况的调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本次按全国人体寄生虫分布调查实施细则的要求和方法对我市郊区4个乡和一个城市居民委员会进行检查,共检查2526人,阳性者471人,感染率为18.7%。查见10种人体寄生虫, 即华支睾吸虫、蛔虫、蛲虫(儿童),鞭虫、带绦虫、结肠内阿米巴、微小内蜒阿米巴、溶组织内阿米巴、贾第虫和人酵母菌。其感染率依次为8.8%、6.5%、7.1%、0.9%、0.04%、0.04%、0.1%、0。04%、O.2%和1.2%。华支睾吸虫的感染率朝鲜族显著高于汉族(P<0.05),15岁以上组显著高于14岁以下组(P<0.05),农村显著高于城市(P<0.01)。蛔虫的感染率朝鲜族高于汉族(P<0.05),15岁以上组与14岁以下组间无显著性差异(P>0.05),农村高于城市(P<0.05)。 相似文献
为摸清我县肠道寄生虫感染情况 ,以制定防治措施 ,根据山东省人体重要寄生虫病调查实施细则要求 ,对我县三个乡镇的三个自然村进行了调查 ,并抽取了 1976,1986和 1996年的调查资料进行了对比 ,现分析如下。1 对象与方法1.1 调查对象 :根据山东省人体重要寄生虫病调查实施细则要求 ,2 0 0 2年 5月将我县乡镇按经济水平分上、中、下三类 ,按分层整群随机抽样原则 ,抽取 3个乡镇的 3个自然村 ,每个自然村调查 5 0 0人以上。1.2 调查方法 :采用改良加藤氏厚涂片法检查粪便中肝吸虫卵及其它肠道寄生虫卵。分别抽取了 1976,1986和 1996年肠道寄… 相似文献
按照《全国人体重要寄生虫病现状调查实施细则》规定,于2002年6~10月对北京市5 区(县) 7 912人肠道寄生虫感染情况进行了调查。结果表明总感染率为2.9%,较1988~1989年第一次调查的总感染率(34.8%)明显下降(x2=3 227.45,P<0.05)。表明肠道寄生虫感染已不是威胁北京市人民健康的主要危险因素,但在经济相对落后的区(县)仍应重视预防控制工作。 相似文献
浙江省第二次人体寄生虫虫种分布抽样调查 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
目的 为查明浙江省人体寄生虫感染新情况 ,于 1998~ 1999年开展了第二次虫种分布抽样调查。 方法 根据《抽样调查国家标准》,在原 2 8县按片区比例随机抽取 10县 30个点 ,按《全国人体寄生虫虫种分布调查方案》进行了调查。 结果 共调查 15 6 98人。总感染率为 2 2 .84% ,较 1989年下降 71.5 1%。查见 17种寄生虫 ,较 1989年减少 9种。 结论 由于社会经济发展 ,并采取以集体化疗为主的综合性防治措施 ,浙江省人体寄生虫感染已较大幅度地降低。 相似文献
目的了解消化内镜操作医务人员发生职业伤害的情况及其相关的危险因素。方法采用自制式调查问卷对广东省内10所医院的消化内镜中心180名医务人员进行现场调查。回收172份,回收率95.5%,有效问卷168份,有效率达97.7%。结果造成消化内镜医务人员职业伤害的危险因素最常见的是注意力高度集中,精神压力大、长时间注视消化内镜视频终端、连续站立工作、肌群肌腱活动频繁、负重过度、工作中处于弯腰或被迫体位等不良姿势等;职业伤害的前5位分别为视觉疲劳、肩痛、腰痛、视力下降、四肢酸痛(77.4%、60.7%、58.9%、55.4%、50.0%)等;不同工作年限的消化内镜操作人员暴露于伤害危险因素的程度不同(P〈0.05)。结论消化内镜操作医务人员同样会面对各种职业危险因素的影响和危害,及时发现危险因素.减少伤害是消化内镜操作者及医院管理者应加以关注。 相似文献
Using a validated postal questionnaire, we investigated the frequency of 24 gastrointestinal symptoms during the previous 3 months in a cohort of 110 young adult patients (54 males and 56 females, mean age 37.2 ± 4.7 years) with onset of Type 1 diabetes mellitus at <16 years of age. They were compared with 210 age- and sex-matched controls (104 males and 106 females). The main difference in the frequency of various symptoms between the two groups was a significant increase among the diabetic patients in upper gastrointestinal symptoms, such as loss of appetite (17.8% vs 3.6%, p < 0.001), early satiety (26.8% vs 6.1%, p < 0.001), nausea (22.7% vs 9.1%, p < 0.01) and vomiting (12.2% vs 3.0%, p < 0.01). No difference was noted in the frequency of symptoms from the lower gastrointestinal tract, apart from a significant increase in the feeling of incomplete defaecation (28.6% vs 17.0%, p < 0.04) in the diabetic patients. Patients with levels of haemoglobin A1c in the highest quartile had significantly more gastrointestinal symptoms than other diabetic patients. Further, the prevalence of symptoms was higher in females than in males. In conclusion, long-term Type 1 diabetes is accompanied by a markedly increased frequency of upper gastrointestinal symptoms, mainly in females and patients with poor metabolic control. 相似文献
Cellular senescence is a biologically irreversible state of cell-growth arrest that occurs following either a replicative or an oncogenic stimulus. This phenomenon occurs as a response to the presence of premalignant cells and appears to be an important anticancer mechanism that keeps these transformed cells at bay. Many exogenous and endogenous triggers for senescence have been recognized to act via genomic or epigenomic pathways. The most common stimulus for senescence is progressive loss of telomeric DNA, which results in the loss of chromosomal stability and eventual unregulated growth and malignancy. Senescence is activated through an interaction between the p16 and p53 tumor-suppressor genes. Senescent cells can be identified in vitro because they express senescence-associated β-galactosidase, a marker of increased lysosomal activity. Cellular senescence plays an integral role in the prevention and development of both benign and malignant gastrointestinal diseases. The senescence cascade and the cell-cycle checkpoints that dictate the progression and maintenance of senescence are important in all types of gastrointestinal cancers, including pancreatic, liver, gastric, colon, and esophageal cancers. Understanding the pathogenic mechanisms involved in cellular senescence is important for the development of agents targeted toward the treatment of gastrointestinal tumors. 相似文献
胃肠起搏治疗肠易激综合征疗效观察 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
背景:肠易激综合征(IBS)是临床常见消化系统疾病,业已证实胃肠动力障碍是其病因之一。胃肠起搏是近年兴起的治疗胃肠动力障碍性疾病的新方法,但其疗效尚不明确。目的:评价胃肠起搏治疗IBS的疗效。方法:60例符合罗马Ⅱ标准的IBS患者随机分为2组,治疗组予胃肠起搏治疗,每周5天,每天50min.疗程4周;对照组服用谷维素20mg tid,疗程4周。治疗前后进行胃肠道症状评分。结果:胃肠起搏治疗对IBS患者腹痛和(或)腹部不适程度和频度、腹胀程度和频度以及排便次数和粪便性状的改善具有显著疗效(P〈0.05),但对异常排便疗效不明显(P〉0.05)。结论:胃肠起搏能明显改善IBS患者的胃肠道症状,是一种较好的治疗方法。 相似文献
Konstantinos Christopoulos Vasiliki Benetou Elena Riza Nikos Pantazis 《European journal of ageing》2022,19(4):1549
With pet ownership on the rise, millions of individuals are exposed to this environmental exposure. Although the subject has been largely studied, more evidence is needed to clarify the potential association of pet ownership with human health. The aim of this research is to study the potential association of pet exposure (any pet, cat, dog, bird, fish) with all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality of older ( 50 years) European residents. To this end, a total of 23,274 participants from the Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) were employed (median follow-up 119 months). All-cause mortality (5163 events), as well as cardiovascular (CVD) (1832 events), and cancer mortality (1346 events) were examined using Cox Proportional Hazards models for their relation with pet exposure at baseline. Stratified analyses were also performed by gender and for single or multi-person households. No significant association was observed for any of the pets with all-cause mortality on the whole sample and the fully adjusted models. In stratified analyses, bird exposure significantly increased the risk of all-cause mortality in women [Hazard Ratio ; 95% CI 1.04–1.44] as well as women living alone ; 95% CI 1.02–1.85). Cause-specific models revealed an increased risk of death for women bird owners for causes other than cancer and CVD ; 95% CI 1.05–1.99). In conclusion, bird ownership may be negatively associated with survival of older women in Europe. 相似文献