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目的 总结左侧心脏瓣膜置换术后远期出现孤立性重度三尖瓣关闭不全患者的腔镜辅助不停跳三尖瓣手术治疗经验。方法 11例心脏瓣膜疾病患者行左心瓣置换术后远期发生重度三尖瓣关闭不全并右心衰竭,8例出现心脏恶病质综合征及肝肾功能不全,予行再次三尖瓣手术,包括人工瓣环成形术2例,行三尖瓣置换术9例,其中置换生物瓣5例,双在叶机械瓣4例;在腔镜辅助下行心脏不停跳再次手术5例,常规再次心脏停搏手术6例。结果 2例围术期死亡,均为停跳组瓣膜置换病人。术后心包引流液量心脏不停跳组明显少于停跳组(P<0.05)。停跳组术后严重低心排血量综合征4例,不停跳组1例。两组术后1月复查超声心动图,右心房、室均明显缩小,三尖瓣无或少量反流,两组间无明显差异。获长期随访5例、随访时间25~86月、心功能Ⅱ级3例、Ⅲ级2例。结论 左心瓣膜置换术后远期孤立性重度三尖瓣关闭不全合并右心衰的再次手术死亡率高、合理掌握手术指征、手术时机、积极开展微创不停跳手术和良好的围术期治疗是手术成功的关键。对于终末期病例,手术死亡率高,应积极开展针对右心系统的心脏超声及磁共振检测指标,综合评估手术风险,常规换瓣手术指征需慎重,必要时可考虑微创经皮导管瓣膜植入术。  相似文献   

We herein report a 36-year-old man who underwent surgical resection for myxoma. Preoperative two-dimensional echocardiography demonstrated a mass in the right ventricle. Intraoperatively, the tumor was found to derive from an anterior papillary muscle of the tricuspid valve. The tumor was successfully excised and the tricuspid valve was repaired with chordoplasty and annuloplasty. A histopathological examination revealed myxoma and a 2-year follow-up has shown no evidence of recurrence or tricuspid valve regurgitation.  相似文献   

矫正型大动脉转位形态三尖瓣置换术及中远期结果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨矫正型大动脉转位(cTGA)患者行形态三尖瓣置换术的手术适应证及其术后中远期结果。方法1997年9月至2007年9月,阜外心血管病医院收治cTGA患者18例,男15例,女3例;年龄16~51岁(33.3±12.8岁),体重47~90 kg(60.9±14.7 kg)。单纯形态三尖瓣关闭不全10例,合并室间隔缺损3例,合并室间隔缺损及肺动脉瓣狭窄2例,室间隔缺损修补术后形态三尖瓣关闭不全2例,形态三尖瓣置换术后机械瓣功能不良1例。术前形态右心室射血分数为56.2%±11.6%,心功能分级(NYHA)Ⅱ级12例,Ⅲ级6例。18例cTGA患者均施行形态三尖瓣置换术。术后随访患者的心功能、形态右心室射血分数等指标。结果手术死亡1例,死于术后低心排血量综合征。术后发生瓣周漏2例,分别于术后7 d和30 d行瓣周漏修补术后治愈。随访16例,随访时间57.0±40.7个月;随访时形态右心室射血分数与术前比较差异无统计学意义(52.8%±9.2%vs.56.2%±11.6%;t=2.062,P〉0.05),心功能分级(NYHA)Ⅰ~Ⅱ级12例,Ⅲ级4例,与术前比较心功能分级Ⅲ级者所占百分比差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.532,P〉0.05)。结论cTGA形态三尖瓣置换术能防止形态三尖瓣关闭不全对形态右心室功能的进一步损害;其中远期结果满意;随访期间,形态右心室功能基本正常。  相似文献   

A case with Ebstein's anomaly associated with large left to right atrial shunt was operated upon. The patient did not demonstrate any tricuspid insufficiency in spite of the downward displacement of the septal and posterior leaflets of tricuspid valve. The surgical closure of the atrial septal defect relieved the impending heart failure. The pulmonary congestion disappeared but the cardiomegaly persisted after the operation.  相似文献   

Double outlet right ventricle (DORV) may be divided into subsets according to the position and commitment of the ventricular septal defect (VSD) to the great arteries. In DORV with subaortic VSD, an intraventricular tunnel repair is the recommended operation. The current hospital mortality is 5% with an actuarial survival of 83% at 15 years. DORV with doubly committed VSD should also be repaired with an intraventricular tunnel, and the surgical results are similar to those for DORV and subaortic VSD. In DORV with subpulmonary VSD, an intraventricular tunnel repair is advisable when the distance from the tricuspid to the pulmonary valve exceeds the distance from tricuspid to aortic valve. Otherwise, a spiral intraventricular tunnel or an arterial switch procedure should be considered. In DORV with doubly committed VSD, the results of surgical treatment have been less good, and alternative forms of surgical treatment require further evaluation. The surgical treatment of DORV with pulmonary stenosis and the surgical details of the intraventricular tunnel repair are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨风湿性心脏病(风心病)左心瓣膜置换术后晚期重度三尖瓣关闭不全(TR)的发生机制、手术指征、手术方法和疗效.方法 风心病左心瓣膜置换术后5~16年出现重度TR病人37例,均有不同程度的右心衰竭表现,左室射血分数(LVE)0.52±0.05,肺动脉收缩压(37.6±7.8)mm Hg.经右胸前外侧切口或正中切口再次手术行三尖瓣置换(TVR)25例,改良DeVega环缩术4例,带环成形术8例.结果 术后住院死亡4例,其中死于呼吸衰竭2例、多脏器功能衰竭和肾功能衰竭各1例.随访2个月~10年,死于右心衰竭3例,严重心律失常1例;生存的25例临床症状均有明显改善.结论 左心瓣膜置换术后晚期重度TR与肺动脉高压持续存在、风湿性三尖瓣病变、初次未作三尖瓣环缩术或方法不确实等有密切关系.左心功能良好、右室收缩功能无严重损害,无严重肺动脉高压是再次手术的指征,并主张尽早行TR纠正术.保留全瓣结构行三尖瓣置换有助于提高手术疗效.影响术后长期疗效仍是右室收缩功能.  相似文献   

Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum is difficult to manage, and the surgical procedures are associated with high mortality and morbidity. The lesion is morphologically heterogeneous, with varying degrees of right ventricular and tricuspid valve hypoplasia. Aberrations of the coronary circulation are common. A single approach is impractical because the wide spectrum of right heart morphology makes a uniform surgical approach impossible. Anatomical criteria, such as the degree of tricuspid valve or right ventricular hypoplasia or whether a right ventricular infundibulum is present, have been used to assign the infants to single-ventricular or biventricular repair tracks. If the patient is considered a candidate for biventricular repair, right ventricular decompression, either alone or combined with a systemic-pulmonary artery shunt, is performed, whereas only a systemic-pulmonary artery shunt is performed in a candidate for single-ventricular repair. Several authors reported that the Z-value of the tricuspid valve diameter could be a guide to the initial procedure; however, poor interobserver reproducibility and wide normal ranges are serious limitations. Definitive operations, including biventricular repair, one-and-a-half ventricular repair, or Fontan-type operation, are performed to eliminate cyanosis. The most important problem when planning a strategy for a definitive repair is the fact that right ventricular growth and its contribution to pulmonary flow is difficult to predict before the operation. The management protocol should be determined by the precisely estimated morphology of the right ventricle and tricuspid valve, and the adequacy of the protocol should be analyzed based on surgical outcomes. This review was submitted at the invitation of the editorial committee.  相似文献   

应用彩色多普勒对二尖瓣置换术后三尖瓣功能的远期随访   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的应用彩色多普勒超声评价二尖瓣置换术后远期三尖瓣功能及形态变化。方法对接受二尖瓣置换术的903例病人术后三尖瓣功能进行了2~9年,平均(3.6±2.4)年的跟踪观察。所有病例术前均有不同程度的三尖瓣环扩大或关闭不全,其中未行三尖瓣成形术者201例;行Kay或改良DeVega成形术者686例;三尖瓣成形术同时加成形环者16例。结果未行三尖瓣成形术者术后2~3年有46例出现三尖瓣重度关闭不全;行Kay或改良DeVega成形术者,术后3~5年150例出现中重度三尖瓣关闭不全;三尖瓣成形术同时加成形环者仅1例术后2年出现三尖瓣轻-中度关闭不全。结论二尖瓣置换术后远期三尖瓣功能性关闭不全与三尖瓣环扩大、右心功能损害和严重肺动脉高压有关,三尖瓣环扩大是其重要的原因。对二尖瓣置换术者,手术中一旦发现有三尖瓣环扩大,即使无三尖瓣关闭不全,亦应行三尖瓣成形术,重度三尖瓣关闭不全、瓣环明显扩大者最好在环缩术的同时加成形环。  相似文献   

目的探讨左心IE与右心IE两者临床表现及治疗上的差异。方法对中山大学第二附属医院2000年1月~2004年12月住院的32例IE病人分成左心IE组、右心IE组进行回顾性对照分析。结果左心IE中内科治疗15例,其中治愈4例;外科治疗10例并全部治愈,其中行瓣膜置换术9例,瓣膜修复整形术1例;右心IE中内科治疗2例,其中治愈1例;外科治疗5例,其中行三尖瓣置换术4例,三尖瓣膜修复整形术1例;手术治疗5例中治愈4例,1例因术后多器官功能障碍综合症死亡。结论右心IE与左心IE临床表现不同,突出表现在肺部病变:右心IE表现为急性肺炎或肺栓塞的临床症状;左心IE表现为瓣膜功能障碍。对于IE瓣膜病变的手术方式应根据瓣膜损坏程度来决定,左心IE以瓣膜置换为主,右心IE尽量争取瓣膜修复整形。  相似文献   

Background Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve is a complex malformation. Historically, because valve replacement yielded poor results, surgical treatment has focused on valvuloplasties with or without associated procedures. An individualised combination of surgical procedures was practised over three years and forms the subject of this presentation. Method Between November 1995 and September 1999, 7 patients with Ebstein’s anomaly underwent surgical repair (age 3.5 to 40 years). Cyanosis with severe tricuspid regurgitation was present in all. Surgical repair, individualised according to the morphology of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle to provide maximum possible symptom free survival, included, (1) Tricuspid valve: Replacement (n=1); Repair (Carpentier type n=1, Unicuspid repair n=5), (2) Atrial septal defect: left open (n=1), closed partially (n=1), closed compeletely (n=5), and (3) Bidirectional Cavopulmonary Shunt (BCPS)-4 Results There was no hospital death. Intraoperative transoesophageal echocardiography showed only mild tricuspid regurgitation in all, following repair. There were no late deaths at a mean follow up of 29 months. All but one patient were in functional Class 1 New York Heart Association(NYHA). Complications included a thrombus in the right ventricular cavity six months postoperatively in one patient. Conclusion Individualisation of surgical management in Ebstein’s anomaly provides optimal results.  相似文献   

Severe tricuspid regurgitation may produce significant morbidity and mortality if not corrected, but commonly used methods of intraoperative assessment may be unreliable. Tricuspid regurgitation was evaluated by a new intraoperative technique, Doppler color flow mapping, in 85 patients before and after cardiopulmonary bypass. Regurgitation grade by intraoperative color Doppler mapping correlated well with right ventricular angiography (kappa value = 0.92, p less than 0.01; n = 8) and with preoperative color Doppler studies (kappa = 0.71, p less than 0.05; n = 51). The right atrial V wave correlated poorly with the severity of tricuspid regurgitation intraoperatively, both before (r = 0.30) and after (r = -0.05, p = no significant difference) cardiopulmonary bypass. Advanced (3+ or 4+) tricuspid regurgitation was found in 40% (21) of 52 patients requiring mitral valve repair or replacement. Tricuspid annuloplasty with a prosthetic ring provided a significant (greater than or equal to 2 grade) reduction in regurgitation severity in 94% (17/18; p less than 0.05). Without repair, tricuspid regurgitation decreased to a similar degree after mitral valve operations in 14% (5/36); only one of the five patients had advanced tricuspid regurgitation prepump. Fluid filling of the arrested right ventricle after the surgical procedure did not predict regurgitation severity (false negative rate 50%, 2/4; false positive rate 22%, 2/9). Regurgitation grade remained unchanged after the initial postpump study, up to 60 weeks postoperatively. In conclusion, color Doppler flow mapping provides more accurate intraoperative assessment of tricuspid regurgitation than the right atrial V wave or fluid filling of the right ventricle. This semiquantitative technique aids in the selection of patients appropriate for surgical repair of the tricuspid valve and is useful in judging the adequacy of tricuspid valve repair before chest closure. Advanced (3+ or 4+) tricuspid regurgitation is a common occurrence in patients undergoing mitral valve repair or replacement and rarely responds to conservative (nonoperative) management. Ring annuloplasty provides a highly effective and durable reduction in tricuspid regurgitation.  相似文献   

二尖瓣置换术后远期功能性三尖瓣关闭不全的外科治疗   总被引:34,自引:5,他引:29  
目的:报告二尖瓣置换(MVR)术后远期三尖瓣关闭不全(TR)外科治疗的结果及作用,方法:37例MVR术后中重度IR病人,其中人工二尖瓣为生物瓣者13,机械瓣24例,有11例行内科保守治疗,26例行外科手术治疗,手术类型,MVR加三尖瓣置换2例,MVR加三法瓣成形11例,三尖瓣置换3例,三尖瓣成型10例,三尖瓣成形术包括改良Kay形成形12例,改良DeVega成形术7例,加成形环的三尖瓣成形术2例,结果:11例内科治疗者,7个月-7.5年后76例死亡,病死率为54.5%,26例手术治疗者,术后早期病死2例,病死率为7.7%,随访个月-10.5年,晚期死亡例,仍中度TR2例,结论:MVR术后远期TR的产生与不可逆的左心损害或(和)严重肺动脉高压有关,对重度TR伴有临床症状、左心功能基本正常者,行三尖瓣成形或三尖瓣置换术可取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

先天性三尖瓣发育不全的外科治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报告11例先天性三肖瓣发庆膛全外科治疗病例。方法:中度低温体外循环下经右房行三泊瓣成形术8例中DeVega6例,Kay2例,三尖瓣替换术3例中高位替换2例,原位替换1例。结果:11例病均痊愈出院。  相似文献   

Surgical treatment of Ebstein's malformation: report of 108 cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wu Q  Zhang H  Xu J 《中华外科杂志》1999,37(11):663-665
OBJECTIVE: To review retrospectively the experience of surgical treatment of Ebstein's malformation in 108 patients. METHODS: One hundred and eight patients with Ebsteins malformation underwent surgical correction, including tricuspid valve annuloplasty in 83 patients (73.4%) and tricuspid valve replacement in 30 (5 with redo-operation). Concomitant procedure included division of the abnormal accessory conduction pathway in 8 patients. RESULTS: The overall hospital mortality was 8.8%. The hospital mortality rate was 10.4% before 1990 and 5.5% after that time. There was a significant difference between the two periods (P < 0.05). The main causes of death were low cardiac output, arrhythmias and right heart failure. The mean follow-up time was 6.3 years. The heart function improved to be NYHA class I or II in 92% of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Early surgical intervention is recommended for patients with Ebstein's malformation, especially for those with symptoms and cardiac enlargement. Tricuspid valve repair should be performed if anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve well developed. However, tricuspid valve replacement is advocated if anterior leaflet is dysplastic or its origin displaced.  相似文献   

Two patients with Ebstein's anomaly and severe cardiac impairment underwent surgical repair with tricuspid valve replacement and closure of associated congenital septal defects. No attempt was made to plicate the atrialized right ventricle. Good cardiac function was obtained at the end of the procedure, with uniform contractions of the whole right ventricle. Both patients are leading normal and active lives 38 and 32 months after operation.We believe that successful repair is achieved chiefly by placing a competent tricuspid valve on its true anatomical position, leaving the underlying atrialized portion of the ventricular wall undisturbed. That portion will contract and work synchronously with the rest of the right ventricle.  相似文献   

Infectious endocarditis (IE), a complication that is both cardiac and infectious, occurs frequently and is associated with a heavy burden of morbidity and mortality in chronic hemodialysis patients (CHD). About 2–6% of chronic hemodialysis patients develop IE and the incidence is 50–60 times higher among CHD patients than in the general population. The left heart is the most frequent location of IE in CHD and the different published series report a prevalence of left valve involvement varying from 80% to 100%. Valvular and perivalvular abnormalities, alteration of the immune system, and bacteremia associated with repeated manipulation of the vascular access, particularly central venous catheters, comprise the main factors explaining the left heart IE in CHD patients. While left-sided IE develops in altered valves in a high-pressure system, right-sided IE on the contrary, generally develops in healthy valves in a low-pressure system. Right-sided IE is rare, with its incidence varying from 0% to 26% depending on the study, and the tricuspid valve is the main location. Might the massive influx of pathogenic and virulent germs via the central venous catheter to the right heart, with the tricuspid being the first contact valve, have a role in the physiopathology of IE in CHD, thus facilitating bacterial adhesion? While the physiopathology of left-sided IE entails multiple and convincing mechanisms, it is not the case for right-sided IE, for which the physiopathological mechanism is only partially understood and remains shrouded in mystery.  相似文献   

Because the pulmonary vascular resistance is very elevated at birth, severe tricuspid regurgitation is poorly tolerated and even life-threatening in the newborn. The etiology may be tricuspid valve papillary muscle rupture or the more ominous Ebstein's anomaly, with its associated dysfunctional right ventricle. After the diagnosis is established and the patient is supported with prostaglandin infusion and nitric oxide, definitive surgical management is undertaken with the expectation of excellent outcomes for isolated tricuspid valve regurgitation. For neonates with Ebstein's anomaly, therapy is tailored to the severity of the malformation and the degree of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, assessed in the context of declining pulmonary vascular resistance. The surgical approach may involve ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus, placement of a systemic to pulmonary shunt, establishment of functional tricuspid atresia, or tricuspid valve repair. With the application of these various approaches, the outlook for neonatal Ebstein's anomaly has improved remarkably.  相似文献   

Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation is a well‐established therapy to support patients with end‐stage heart failure. However, the operative procedure is associated with severe trauma. Third generation LVADs like the HeartWare assist device (HeartWare, Inc., Framingham, MA, USA) are characterized by enhanced technology despite smaller size. These devices offer new minimally invasive surgical options. Tricuspid regurgitation requiring valve repair is frequent in patients with the need for mechanical circulatory support as it is strongly associated with ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathy. We report on HeartWare LVAD implantation and simultaneous tricuspid valve reconstruction through minimally invasive access by partial upper sternotomy to the fifth left intercostal space. Four male patients (mean age 51.72 ± 11.95 years) suffering from chronic heart failure due to dilative (three patients) and ischemic (one patient) cardiomyopathy and also exhibiting concomitant tricuspid valve insufficiency due to annular dilation underwent VAD implantation and tricuspid valve annuloplasty. Extracorporeal circulation was established via the ascending aorta, superior vena cava, and right atrium. In all four cases the LVAD implantation and tricuspid valve repair via partial median sternotomy was successful. During the operative procedure, no conversion to full sternotomy was necessary. One patient needed postoperative re‐exploration because of pericardial effusion. No postoperative focal neurologic injury was observed. New generation VADs are advantageous because of the possibility of minimally invasive implantation procedure which can therefore minimize surgical trauma. Concomitant tricuspid valve reconstruction can also be performed simultaneously through partial upper sternotomy. Nevertheless, minimally invasive LVAD implantation is a challenging operative technique.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old boy had previously received right temporal lobectomy under the diagnosis of a malignant brain tumor. About one month after lobectomy, ventriculo-peritoneum shunt and ventriculo-atrium shunt were placed because hydrocephalus was progressed. The patient subsequently had a high fever probably due to wound infection of the shunt operation. Several blood cultures demonstrated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). Several sensitive antibiotics were administered for about 30 days, however these drugs were not effective. According to echocardiography, moderate tricuspid regurgitation and a large vegetation at the tricuspid valve were detected and isolated tricuspid valve endocarditis was diagnosed. Surgical intervention was necessary because of recurrent pulmonary emboli. After tricuspid valve replacement with a Bj?rk-Shiley mechanical valve (31 mm), fever subsided and the patient was discharged on the 38th postoperative day. It is concluded that the surgical indications of the tricuspid valve endocarditis are as follows: 1. recurrent pulmonary emboli, 2. refractory right heart failure, 3. resistance against antibiotics.  相似文献   

Functional tricuspid regurgitation secondary to mitral valve disease can not be attributed to the dilatation of the tricuspid annulus alone. Furthermore, geometrical changes of the right ventricle lead to tethering of the tricuspid valve leaflets and thereby to an incomplete leaflet coaptation. With this pathologic entity, conventional isolated tricuspid valve annuloplasty will presumably result in significant residual tricuspid regurgitation. The surgical goal should be the reduction of tricuspid annulus dilatation and annihilation of tethering forces on the tricuspid leaflets. In combination with conventional tricuspid valve annuloplasty, right ventricular reduction surgery, as demonstrated, may be effective in reaching these goals and hereby avoiding residual tricuspid regurgitation in this patient population.  相似文献   

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