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加强高等医学院校人文素质教育之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人文素质教育是我国高等医学教育的重要组成部分,加强高等医学院校人文素质教育也是当今世界卫生发展和医学教育的现实需要,针对目前医学院校专业课程重,人文素质教育薄弱状况,积极探讨加强高等医学院校人文素质教育的有效途径,具有深刻的现实意义.  相似文献   

浅谈长学制医学教育中的人文素质教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着医学模式的转换和卫生需求的不断增长,社会对医务工作者的人文素养要求越来越高。本文就加强医学生人文素质教育的重要性进行了探讨,总结了北京协和医学院90年办学历史中在医学生人文素质培养中进行的探索,同时对未来长学制医学教育中人文素质教育存在的问题提出了思考。  相似文献   

在医学教育中加强人文素质教育是促进医学生全面发展的必然要求,也是顺应医学模式转变及构建和谐社会的必然要求.手术学是一门从理论向实践过渡以实践教学为主的学科,针对目前医学生手术操作能力和技能较以往有不同程度下降的问题,在手术学教学环节中,加强扎实外科基本功训练的同时,融入人文素质教育,让医学教育的人文性和科学性更有机地结合,是培养合格医学人才的重要途径.  相似文献   

人文素质教育与生理学教学的结合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王倩  朱永香 《医学信息》2010,23(1):44-45
本文介绍了人文素质教育与医学教育的关系,探讨了融人文素质教育于生理学教学的方法和途径.以期培养出具有良好的综合素质和完善的人格品质的医学生。体、评价内容、评价方式等方面进行了新的尝试,力图提高学生职业核心能力,使其更适应未来职业岗位的不断发展需要。  相似文献   

人文教育在人体解剖学教学中的实践体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了人文教育在人体解剖学教学中的应用.医学科学发展模式的改变迫切需要提高医务工作者的人文素质,而传统的基础医学教育重视学生专业知识的掌握,而忽视学生的人文素质教育.我室在解剖学教学中融人人文素质教育,以适应当前医学教育的发展,培养学生以人为本的工作理念,提高了学生的人文素质,取得了良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

基于遗体捐献的医学生人文素质教育模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前在加大遗体捐献宣传的同时,如何真正作到使遗体得到应有的尊重,已成为人们实现捐献遗体愿望的一个重要因素[1].因此针对遗体捐献工作,在医学生中积极地进行人文素质教育,促进人文社科教育与医学教育的交叉融合,有其必要性和紧迫性.经过近几年的实践,本教研室建立了一套较完整的医学生人文素质教育模式,既加强了学生的人文精神培养,也促进了遗体捐献工作的顺利实施,使教学工作稳步进行.  相似文献   

本世纪以来,医疗教育受到严峻的挑战,传统医学教育在指导思想上、教育理论上和实践中人文精神存在不足.这是由于长期以来我国的医学教育过分注重医学生的专业知识教育而忽视人文素质教育,专业知识与人文精神分离的结果。因此,本文着重从医学文化的角度去思考医学的本质和目的,探讨在医学教育中加强人文精神的培养。  相似文献   

前我国医患关系的日益恶化显现出医学生人文素质教育的不足,传统的医学人文教学方式已不再适用,迫切需要找到相应的解决方法,遗体捐献体现的精神对医学生学习医学人文知识有很强的促进作用,而医学生人文素质的提高又能够有效的带动遗体捐献率,两者的相辅相成为医学教育发展开辟了一条新的路径。  相似文献   

手术学教学中素质教育的探讨   总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2  
在全面贯彻和实施素质教育方针政策的指引下,以提高民族素质和创新能力为重点的医学教育改革不断深入发展,大力推进医学院校大学生的素质教育。目前,医学院校招生规模一再扩大,医学教育实现跨越式发展,积极提倡和鼓励大学生动手能力。尤其在医学院校手术学教学中的素质培养具有非常重要的意义,它将为医学人才及青年医生的发展奠定良好的基础,对提高中华民族的素质起到积极的推动作用。本文就手术学教学中的素质教育问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

浅谈将医学人文教育融入组织学与胚胎学实验教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学人文教育是指在医学教育过程中通过多种途径对医学生进行人文教育,提高医学生文化品位、审美情趣、人文素质和科学素质并使之形成良好的医学职业道德并在未来的医学职业生涯中能够对患者进行人文关怀[1],因而理想的医学教育应是自然科学教育和人文科学教育结合的产物.组织学与胚胎学作为一门重要的医学基础课程,属于自然科学的范畴.  相似文献   

The necessity for health-education program development and implementation to follow principles of quality assurance is discussed. Sound principles of health education practice need to be followed for delivery of quality health education services. The integration of health education and quality assurance in medical care is promoted as an example of activities that may be interdependent with greater relevance together than either approach alone. Examples of standards and criteria for health education are provided. A case is made for the promotion of quality assurance activities for health education practice.  相似文献   

男医学生在妇产科实习的素质能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪需要高素质人才,素质教育是关键。从一定意义上说素质教育就是因材施教,妇产科作为一门比较特殊的学科,在实践教学工作中女患者不愿意示教的情况越来越严重,尤其对于男医学生。本文对男医学生在妇产科实习的素质能力培养进行实践与研究,提出以素质教育为中心,培养出具备高尚的医德、扎实的专业本领和丰富的人文知识的新型人才。  相似文献   

This special issue of Patient Education and Counseling contains a series of 14 studies about the improvement of patient education and counseling in the field of diabetes mellitus. Central themes are: cognitions of diabetes patients, the role of the diagnose in the education, weight loss in type 2 diabetes, the influence of diabetic retinopathy on quality of life, diabetes patient education on the internet, computer-based hypoglycemia education programs, improvement of quality of life by teaching programs for diabetes patients, experienced-based group education for type 2 diabetes, effects of group-based counseling on the well-being and glycaemic control of diabetes patients, implementations of empowerment group education, tutoring for staff, education and psycho-social programs for adolescents with diabetes, diabetes education for young adults, and culture-specific diabetes care.  相似文献   

The effect of a pre-coronary angioplasty education and counselling program on knowledge and psychological status of patients and on knowledge and quality of life/coping status of their spouses was evaluated. Forty patients and their spouses participated in a pre-coronary angioplasty education and counselling program and 40 served as controls. Knowledge, psychological status and quality of life/coping status were assessed prior to coronary angioplasty and at a mean of four and 11 months post-coronary angioplasty. At four months, improved knowledge and reduced anxiety were found for patients in the experimental group. At 11 months, spouses in the experimental group showed continued improvement in quality of life compared to those in the control group. It was concluded that pre-coronary angioplasty education and counselling can impact favourably upon knowledge in patients and quality of life in spouses.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors consider the quality and relevance of current and future medical education research by (1) presenting a framework for medical education research and reviewing basic principles of "good" empirical work, (2) extending the discussion of principles to "best practices," (3) considering the distinctive features of medical education that present challenges to the researcher, and (4) discussing opportunities for expanding the scope and influence of medical education research. Their audience is intended to be clinicians involved in education, deans and associate deans who create and direct educational curricula and processes, and those from offices critical to the educational mission such as admissions, student services and financial aid, as well as medical education researchers. The authors argue that the quality and relevance of current work can be enhanced when research is situated within a general framework and questions are asked that are based on literature and theory and push the field toward new knowledge. Obviously methods and designs must be appropriate and well-executed and sufficient data must be gathered. Multiple studies are highlighted that showcase the rigor and creativity associated with excellent quality work. However, good research is not without its challenges, most notably short timelines and the need to work within an ever-changing real-life educational environment. Most important, the field of medical education research has many opportunities to increase its impact and advance its quest to study important learners' behaviors and patients' outcomes. Programs to train and collaborate with clinical and administrative colleagues, as well as researchers in other fields, have great potential to improve the quality of research in the field.  相似文献   

The extent to which religiosity is related to well-being may differ as a function of race/ethnicity, education or income. We asked 155 caregivers to complete measures of religiosity, prayer, physical symptoms and quality of life. Lower education and, to a lesser extent, lower income were correlated with religiosity and prayer. There were few direct relationships of religiosity and prayer with quality of life and health symptoms. However, the relationships became significant when education and, to a lesser degree, income were taken into account. Prayer was associated with fewer health symptoms and better quality of life among less educated caregivers.  相似文献   

教学医院图书馆与教育育人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑少群 《医学信息》2005,18(8):917-919
教学医院图书馆通过医院文化教育育人,对学生开展素质教育,是提高教育质量的重要手段,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

目的 了解幼儿教师教育观状况,探讨幼儿教师教育观与幼儿活动质量的关系.方法 采用教育观量表,通过分层整群抽样,对河北省534名教师进行调查分析.结果 幼儿教师的教育观总体处于中等偏上水平,但儿童观相对较差.年龄在教师观、儿童观、教育观总分上的差异均达到了统计学显著水平(P<0.01;P<0.001):呈现出年龄越大教育观越到位的趋势.学历在教育观总分及其各因子上的差异均达到了统计学显著水平(P<0.01;P<0.001):学历越高教育观念越好.婚姻状况在教师观、儿童观、教育观总分上的差异达到统计学显著性水平(P<0.01;P<0.001):已婚教师的教师观、儿童观和教育观好于未婚教师.城乡来源在教师观、活动观、教育观总分上的差异达到统计学显著性水平(P<0.05;P<0.01):城市好于县城,县城好于农村.幼儿园所有制在教师观、儿童观和教育观总分上的差异达到统计学显著性水平(P<0.001):非私立幼儿园明显好于私立幼儿园.在教师观因子上,城乡来源与婚姻状况之间存在交互作用(P=0.024):城市未婚教师的教师观显著好于城市已婚教师;未婚城市和县城教师的教师观显著好于未婚农村教师.幼儿教师教育观与幼儿活动质量呈高度正相关.结论 幼儿教师教育观受到年龄、学历、婚姻状况、城乡来源、幼儿园所有制等因素的影响,幼儿教师教育观是影响幼儿活动质量的重要因素.  相似文献   

论图书馆员的信息素质教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陶亚萍  吴筱莉 《医学信息》2005,18(10):1298-1299
信息素质是21世纪人才必备的基本素质,作为图书馆员更应具备自主学习文化、获取知识与信息的基本意识和能力。本文对信息素质教育的内涵,以及图书馆员在学生信息素质教育中所起的重要作用进行了简要的阐述,并就图书馆员的信息素质教育提出了一些观点。  相似文献   

目的探讨社区护理健康教育对居家开放的康复期精神分裂症患者服药依从性及生活质量的作用。方法 198例康复期精神分裂症患者纳入我院居家开放管理适应性治疗体系,随机分配到实验组和对照组。对实验组患者严格按照健康教育的五步程序系统进行为期4周的社区护理健康教育。所有患者在入组前和社区护理健康教育4周后进行服药依从性和生活质量评定。结果在为期4周的社区护理健康教育后,干预组患者在服药依从性方面显著高于对照组患者(χ2=7.637,P<0.05);干预组患者的生存质量分别在生理领域、心理领域和社会关系领域均显著高于对照组患者(t=2.24或t=2.72,P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论对居家开放的康复期精神分裂症患者进行社区护理健康教育可改善其服药依从性和生存质量。  相似文献   

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