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High-sensitivity single-shot perfusion-weighted fMRI.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is presented for measurement of perfusion changes during brain activation using a single-shot pulsed spin labeling technique. By employing a double-inversion labeling strategy, stationary tissue (background) signal was suppressed while minimally affecting perfusion sensitivity. This allowed omission of the otherwise required reference scan, resulting in twofold-improved temporal resolution. The method was applied to visual and motor cortex activation studies in humans, and compared to standard FAIR-type perfusion labeling techniques. Experiments performed at 1.5T and 3.0T indicate a close to 90% suppression of background signal, at a cost of an 11% and 9%, respectively, reduction in perfusion signal. Combined with the twofold increase in signal averaging, and a reduction in background signal fluctuations, this resulted in a 64% (1.5T, N = 3) and a 128% (3T, N = 4) overall improvement in sensitivity for the detection of activation-related perfusion changes. Magn Reson Med 46:88-94, 2001. Published 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this work a new single-shot MRI method, single-shot parameter assessment by retrieval from signal encoding (SS-PARSE), is introduced. This method abandons a fundamental simplifying assumption that is used in conventional MRI methods. Established MRI methods implicitly assume that the local intrinsic signal does not change its amplitude or phase during signal acquisition, even though these changes may be substantial, especially during the relatively long signals used in single-shot image acquisitions. SS-PARSE, on the other hand, acknowledges local decay and phase evolution, and models each signal datum as a sample from (k,t)-space rather than k-space. Because of this more accurate signal model, SS-PARSE promises improved performance in terms of accuracy and robustness, but requires more intensive reconstruction computations. The theoretical properties of the method are discussed, and simulation results are presented that demonstrate more robust and accurate measurements of relaxation rate changes associated with brain activation in functional MRI (fMRI), freedom from geometric errors due to off-resonance frequencies, and better tolerance of the large susceptibility gradients that occur naturally in parts of the brain. In addition, this technique has the potential to assess nonexponential relaxation behavior during a single-shot signal.  相似文献   

Rigid body translations of an object in MRI create image artifacts along the phase-encode (PE) direction in standard 2DFT imaging. If two images are acquired with swapped PE direction, it is possible to determine and correct for arbitrary in-plane translational interview motions in both images directly from phase differences in the k-space acquisitions by solving a large system of linear equations. For example, if one assumes two N x N 2D acquisitions with in-plane translational interview motion, 4N unknown motions may corrupt the two images, but the phase difference at each point in k-space yields a system of N(2) equations in these 4N unknowns. If the acquisitions have orthogonal PE directions, this highly overdetermined system of equations can be solved to provide the motion records, which in turn can be used to correct the motion artifacts in each image. The theory of this orthogonal k-space phase difference (ORKPHAD) technique is described, and results are presented for synthetic and in vivo motion-corrupted data sets. In all cases, the data showed clear improvement of translation-induced artifacts. These methods do not require special pulse sequences and are theoretically generalizable to partial Fourier imaging and 3D acquisitions.  相似文献   

Activation signals based on BOLD contrast changes consequent to neuronal stimulation typically produce cortical intensity differences of < 10% at 1.5T. Hemodynamically driven pulsation of the brain can cause highly pulsatile phase shifts, which in turn result in motion artifacts whose intensity is larger than the activation signals in 2DFT scan methods. This paper presents a theoretical and experimental comparison of the magnitude of such artifacts for 2DFT and two other methods using non-Cartesian k-space trajectories. It is shown that artifacts increase with TR for 2DFT methods, and that projection reconstruction (PR) and spiral methods have significantly reduced artifact intensities, because these trajectories collect low spatial frequencies with every view. The spiral technique is found to be superior in terms of efficiency and motion insensitivity.  相似文献   

Functional MRI (fMRI) using fast multigradient-echo acquisition methods allows the quantitative determination of the relevant parameter T2*. Previously, the TE-dependent signal decay has been modeled with a monoexponential function despite the complex composition of the brain. In this study, biexponential modeling was used to evaluate the relaxation of brain parenchyma and blood separate from that of cerebrospinal fluid. Single-shot multigradient-echo data acquired with spiral or EPI techniques were analyzed. In phantom experiments the biexponential method proved to be accurate. Compared to the biexponential procedure, the monoexponential model overestimated T2* (72.2 msec vs. 65.3 msec) and underestimated DeltaT2* (2.96 msec vs. 3.19 msec) during visual stimulation. The biexponential method may allow intrinsic correction for partial volume effects due to cerebrospinal fluid. The activation-induced parameter changes are detected with a sensitivity equal to that of a monoexponential method. The resulting T2* and DeltaT2* values describe the experimental data more accurately.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop a multishot magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequence and reconstruction algorithm for diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in the brain with submillimeter in-plane resolution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A self-navigated multishot acquisition technique based on variable-density spiral k-space trajectory design was implemented on clinical MRI scanners. The image reconstruction algorithm takes advantage of the oversampling of the center k-space and uses the densely sampled central portion of the k-space data for both imaging reconstruction and motion correction. The developed DWI technique was tested in an agar gel phantom and three healthy volunteers. RESULTS: Motions result in phase and k-space shifts in the DWI data acquired using multishot spiral acquisitions. With the two-dimensional self-navigator correction, diffusion-weighted images with a resolution of 0.9 x 0.9 x 3 mm3 were successfully obtained using different interleaves ranging from 8-32. The measured apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the homogenous gel phantom was (1.66 +/- 0.09) x 10(-3) mm2/second, which was the same as measured with single-shot methods. The intersubject average ADC from the brain parenchyma of normal adults was (0.91 +/- 0.01) x 10(-3) mm2/second, which was in a good agreement with the reported literature values. CONCLUSION: The self-navigated multishot variable-density spiral acquisition provides a time-efficient approach to acquire high-resolution diffusion-weighted images on a clinical scanner. The reconstruction algorithm based on motion correction in the k-space data is robust, and measured ADC values are accurate and reproducible.  相似文献   

A method is presented for high-resolution 3D imaging of the whole lung using inhaled hyperpolarized (HP) He-3 MR with multiple half-echo radial trajectories that can accelerate imaging through undersampling. A multiple half-echo radial trajectory can be used to reduce the level of artifact for undersampled 3D projection reconstruction (PR) imaging by increasing the amount of data acquired per unit time for HP He-3 lung imaging. The point spread functions (PSFs) for breath-held He-3 MRI using multiple half-echo trajectories were evaluated using simulations to predict the effects of T(2)* and gas diffusion on image quality. Results from PSF simulations were consistent with imaging results in volunteer studies showing improved image quality with increasing number of echoes using up to 8 half-echoes. The 8-half-echo acquisition is shown to accommodate lost breath-holds as short as 6 sec using a retrospective reconstruction at reduced resolution and also to allow reduced breath-hold time compared with an equivalent Cartesian trajectory. Furthermore, preliminary results from a 3D dynamic inhalation-exhalation maneuver are demonstrated using the 8-half-echo trajectory. Results demonstrate the first high-resolution 3D PR imaging of ventilation and respiratory dynamics in humans using HP He-3 MR.  相似文献   

Head motion artifacts are a major problem in functional MRI that limit its use in neuroscience research and clinical settings. Real‐time scan‐plane correction by optical tracking has been shown to correct slice misalignment and nonlinear spin‐history artifacts; however, residual artifacts due to dynamic magnetic field nonuniformity may remain in the data. A recently developed correction technique, Phase Labeling for Additional Coordinate Encoding, can correct for absolute geometric distortion using only the complex image data from two echo planar images with slightly shifted k‐space trajectories. An approach is presented that integrates Phase Labeling for Additional Coordinate Encoding into a real‐time scan‐plane update system by optical tracking, applied to a tissue‐equivalent phantom undergoing complex motion and an functional MRI finger tapping experiment with overt head motion to induce dynamic field nonuniformity. Experiments suggest that such integrated volume‐by‐volume corrections are very effective at artifact suppression, with potential to expand functional MRI applications. Magn Reson Med, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

As a high-speed imaging technique based on stimulated echoes single-shot STEAM MRI is insensitive to chemical shift artifacts and magnetic susceptibility differences. The achievable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is limited by the fact that high flip angles of the read-out excitation pulses cause a steep decay of the stimulated echo train and therefore degrade the point-spread function of the resulting image. The present work investigates the use of half-Fourier phase encoding which weakens the flip angle constraint by reducing the number of necessary excitations. Single-shot STEAM MRI of the normal human brain at 2.0 T demonstrates that half-Fourier versions either reduce the measurement time by almost a factor of two without sacrificing the SNR or increase the SNR by about 40% while keeping the measurement time constant.  相似文献   

Subject motion during scanning can greatly reduce MRI image quality and is a major reason for discarding data in both clinical and research scanning. The quality of the high-resolution structural data used for morphometric analysis is especially compromised by subject movement because high-resolution scans are of longer duration. A method is presented that measures and corrects rigid body motion and associated first-order shim changes in real time, using a pulse sequence with embedded cloverleaf navigators and a feedback control mechanism. The procedure requires a 12-s preliminary mapping scan. A single-path, 4.2-ms cloverleaf navigator is inserted every repetition time (TR) after the readout of a 3D fast low-angle shot (FLASH) sequence, requiring no additional RF pulses and minimally impacting scan duration. Every TR, a rigid body motion estimate is made and a correction is fed back to adjust the gradients and shim offsets. Images are corrected and reconstructed on the scanner computer for immediate access. Correction for between-scan motion can be accomplished by using the same reference map for each scan repetition. Human and phantom tests demonstrated a consistent improvement in image quality if motion occurred during the acquisition.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the brain is often degraded by bulk head motion. Algorithms that address this by retrospective re-registration of images in an fMRI time series are all fundamentally limited by any motion that occurs through-plane. Here, a technique is described that can account for such motion by prospective. correction in real time. A navigator echo is used before every image acquisition to detect superior/inferior displacements of the head. The displacement information is then used to adjust the plane of excitation of the ensuing single-shot echo-planar fMRI axial image. These correction updates can be completed in 100 ms with motion sensitivity at least as small as 0.5 mm. The efficacy of this method is documented in phantom and human studies.  相似文献   

Task-related head movement during acquisition of fMRI data represents a serious confound for both motion correction and estimates of task-related activation. Cost functions implemented in most conventional motion-correction algorithms compare two volumes for similarity but fail to account for signal variability that is not due to motion (e.g., brain activation). We therefore recently proposed the theoretical basis for a novel method for fMRI motion correction, termed motion-corrected independent component analysis (MCICA), that allows for brain activation present in an fMRI time-series to be implicitly modeled and mitigates motion-induced signal changes without having to directly estimate the motion parameters (Liao et al., IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2005;25:29-44). To explore the effects of non-movement-related signal changes on registration error, we performed several previously proposed test simulations (Freire et al., IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2002;21:470-484) to evaluate the performance of MCICA and compare it with the conventional square-of-difference-based measures such as LS-SPM and LS-AIR. We demonstrate that for both simulated data and real fMRI images, the proposed MCICA method performs favorably. Specifically, in simulations MCICA was more robust to the addition of simulated activation, and did not lead to the detection of false activations after correction for simulated task-correlated motion. With actual data from a motor fMRI experiment, the time course of the derived continually task-related ICA component became more correlated with the underlying behavioral task after preprocessing with MCICA compared to other methods, and the associated activation map was more clustered in the primary motor and supplementary motor cortices without spurious activation at the brain edge. We conclude that assessing the statistical properties of a motion-corrupted volume in relation to other volumes in the series, as is done with MCICA, is an accurate means of differentiating between motion-induced signal changes and other sources of variability in fMRI data.  相似文献   



To develop and implement a clinical DTI technique suitable for the pediatric setting that retrospectively corrects for large motion without the need for rescanning and/or reacquisition strategies, and to deliver high‐quality DTI images (both in the presence and absence of large motion) using procedures that reduce image noise and artifacts.

Materials and Methods:

We implemented an in‐house built generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA)‐accelerated diffusion tensor (DT) echo‐planar imaging (EPI) sequence at 1.5T and 3T on 1600 patients between 1 month and 18 years old. To reconstruct the data, we developed a fully automated tailored reconstruction software that selects the best GRAPPA and ghost calibration weights; does 3D rigid‐body realignment with importance weighting; and employs phase correction and complex averaging to lower Rician noise and reduce phase artifacts. For select cases we investigated the use of an additional volume rejection criterion and b‐matrix correction for large motion.


The DTI image reconstruction procedures developed here were extremely robust in correcting for motion, failing on only three subjects, while providing the radiologists high‐quality data for routine evaluation.


This work suggests that, apart from the rare instance of continuous motion throughout the scan, high‐quality DTI brain data can be acquired using our proposed integrated sequence and reconstruction that uses a retrospective approach to motion correction. In addition, we demonstrate a substantial improvement in overall image quality by combining phase correction with complex averaging, which reduces the Rician noise that biases noisy data. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2012;36:961–971. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a motion correction technique using coil arrays (MOCCA) and evaluate its application in free‐breathing respiratory self‐gated cine MRI. Motion correction technique using coil arrays takes advantages of the fact that motion‐induced changes in k‐space signal are modulated by individual coil sensitivity profiles. In the proposed implementation of motion correction technique using coil arrays self‐gating for free‐breathing cine MRI, the k‐space center line is acquired at the beginning of each k‐space segment for each cardiac cycle with 4 repetitions. For each k‐space segment, the k‐space center line acquired immediately before was used to select one of the 4 acquired repetitions to be included in the final self‐gated cine image by calculating the cross correlation between the k‐space center line with a reference line. The proposed method was tested on a cohort of healthy adult subjects for subjective image quality and objective blood‐myocardium border sharpness. The method was also tested on a cohort of patients to compare the left and right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction measurements with that of standard breath‐hold cine MRI. Our data indicate that the proposed motion correction technique using coil arrays method provides significantly improved image quality and sharpness compared with free‐breathing cine without respiratory self‐gating and provides similar volume measurements compared with breath‐hold cine MRI. Magn Reson Med, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



To remove phase inconsistencies between multiple echoes, an algorithm using a radial acquisition to provide inherent phase and magnitude information for self correction was developed. The information also allows simultaneous support for parallel imaging for multiple coil acquisitions.

Materials and Methods:

Without a separate field map acquisition, a phase estimate from each echo in multiple echo train was generated. When using a multiple channel coil, magnitude and phase estimates from each echo provide in vivo coil sensitivities. An algorithm based on the conjugate gradient method uses these estimates to simultaneously remove phase inconsistencies between echoes, and in the case of multiple coil acquisition, simultaneously provides parallel imaging benefits. The algorithm is demonstrated on single channel, multiple channel, and undersampled data.


Substantial image quality improvements were demonstrated. Signal dropouts were completely removed and undersampling artifacts were well suppressed.


The suggested algorithm is able to remove phase cancellation and undersampling artifacts simultaneously and to improve image quality of multiecho radial imaging, the important technique for fast three‐dimensional MRI data acquisition. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011;33:980–987. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The desire to understand complex mental processes using functional MRI drives development of imaging techniques that scan the whole human brain at a high spatial and temporal resolution. In this work, an accelerated multishot three-dimensional echo-planar imaging sequence is proposed to increase the temporal resolution of these studies. A combination of two modern acceleration techniques, UNFOLD and GRAPPA is used in the secondary phase encoding direction to reduce the scan time effectively. The sequence (repetition time of 1.02 s) was compared with standard two-dimensional echo-planar imaging (3 s) and multishot three-dimensional echo-planar imaging (3 s) sequences with both block design and event-related functional MRI paradigms. With the same experimental setup and imaging time, the temporal resolution improvement with our sequence yields similar activation regions in the block design functional MRI paradigm with slightly increased t-scores. Moreover, additional information on the timing of rapid dynamic changes was extracted from accelerated images for the case of the event related complex mental paradigm.  相似文献   

A rapid, in-plane image registration algorithm that accurately estimates and corrects for rotational and translational motion is described. This automated, one-pass method achieves its computational efficiency by decoupling the estimation of rotation and translation, allowing the application of rapid cross-correlation and cross-spectrum techniques for the determination of displacement parameters. k-space regridding and modulation techniques are used for image correction as alternatives to linear interpolation. The performance of this method was analyzed with simulations and echo-planar image data from both phantoms and human subjects. The processing time for image registration on a Hewlett-Packard 735/125 is 7.5 s for a 128 × 128 pixel image and 1.7 s for a 64 × 64 pixel image. Imaging phantom data demonstrate the accuracy of the method (mean rotational error, ?0.09°; standard deviation = 0.17°; range, ?0.44° to + 0.31°; mean translational error = ?0.035 pixels; standard deviation = 0.054 pixels; range, ?0.16 to + 0.06 pixels). Registered human functional imaging data demonstrate a significant reduction in motion artifacts such as linear trends in pixel time series and activation artifacts due to stimulus-correlated motion. The advantages of this technique are its noniterative one-pass nature, the reduction in image degradation as compared to previous methods, and the speed of computation.  相似文献   

Image contrast with gradient-recalled echo sequences (GRE) used for fMRI can have both blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) and inflow components, and the latter is often undesirable. A dual-echo technique can be used to differentiate these mechanisms, because modulation of signal from inflow is common to both echoes, whereas susceptibility and diffusion-related signal losses are larger in the second echo. An efficient dual-echo interleaved spiral sequence was developed for use with a conventional scanner. It uses a κ-space trajectory that spirals out from the origin while the first echo is collected, then spirals back in while collecting the second echo. Decomposition of the data provides separate images of the inflow and T2*-weighted components. Results demonstrate the decomposition with phantom experiments and with photic stimulation in normal volunteers.  相似文献   

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