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In order to enhance the self learning ability of medical students and to stimulate their interests in basic medical science subjects, the School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University experienced with problem-based learning (PBL) in its teaching of the third year medical students. Ten teaching topics were selected and they were taught over a three-semester period. They consisted of arteriosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, SARS, hepatitis. Each topic was taught for 2 weeks by a group of teaching faculty members across different disciplines including clinicians led by a professor in the most relevant field. We condensed the previous teaching schedule of traditional content and used 20 weeks to conduct the above PBL. The ten topics were taught in a similar manner but considerable freedom was given to faculty members in determining the content and the manner in which the teaching activity was organized and executed. For most of the topics, the teaching plan consisted of an introductory lecture of the general concept of the topic, presentation of a case or cases of patients related to the subject, student research of the literature and group discussion of the subjects. The students then made presentations on the topic in small student groups. After initial presentation, professors and physicians who are very familiar with the subject gave in-depth lectures on the topics and conduct question and answer sessions. A representative from each group was then presented in a larger group. The best presenters selected by the students and the teachers then made presentations in front of the whole class of about 100 -200 students. Questions and debates were encouraged after each presentation. All activities were guided by at least one professor. Finally, the students were asked to write brief theses about their opinions on the subjects. The performances of the students were graded according to their activities and performance in class and during discussions. Motivation and creativity in presentation, discussion and thesis writing were taken into account during the grading of each student' s performance. The students seemed to enjoy the new teaching method more than the traditional approach and were able to gain knowledge and skill on their own. About 78% of the participating students polled indicated that they preferred the new PBL method over the traditional lecturing and will do it again if such teaching method is offered in the future. For the faculty members, it is a challenging and time-consuming experience for the first round. Broaden of knowledge and careful coordination among teachers were required to make the new teaching method functional and effective. Overall, it was a rewarding experience for both the students and the teachers.  相似文献   

Pharmacology is one major curriculum of medical students in China. It is an important bridge discipline which connects basic medical sciences and clinical sciences. Pharmacology teaching in Chinese medical colleges have developed rapidly recently. The popularization of modem teaching tools and the practice of bilingual teaching make pharmacology teaching developing by leaps and bounds. The aim of the article is to provide those who are interested in teaching of pharmacology to be acquainted with the teaching of pharmacology, including the teaching of both principles and practice, in China.  相似文献   

The Specialty of Clinical Pharmacy of 7-year program is an important and specific one of School of Pharmacy, Shandong University. The training aim is to achieve to master level of senior clinical pharmacist. Pharmacology is a subject that plays crucial role of two kinds of bridge between medicine and pharmacy, basic medicine and clinical medicine. It is the main basic professional course for clinical pharmacy students. Students learn basic content of pharmacology, at the same time they can use English as a language tool to study academic knowledge of pharmacology skillfully if we conduct pharmacology as bilingual-teaching lesson. By this event, students may improve their reading and comprehending talent of professional literature written in English. Teachers could lead students to the access to scientific researches.  相似文献   

Yang  Jianyu 《中国药理通讯》2006,23(2):36-39
1. Basic Conditions and Current Reform I have been teaching pharmacology to the third year students in Kunming Medical College for more than twelve years. Somehow the educational environment moved away from old fashioned and too detailed procedures which produced doctors with poor interpersonal skills (box) to big challenges which require urgent needs for reform of pharmacology teaching in order to cultivate qualified tomorrow's doctors. It seems to us that almost every student think that the study of pharmacology is quite annoying. Some of my colleagues believe that they are entering a profession where they sometimes could not help students make a difference in pharmacology learning. As a matter of fact, pharmacology is described as a big barrier for students during their medical training period. Key problems to be solved in changing educational idea and renewing educational concept are: to transform one-sided concept on pharmacology education and establish the idea of attaching importance to comprehensive quality education among students, to transform the concept on conventional out-of-date education and establish the idea of training creative spirit and ability of students, to transform the concept on unified education and establish the idea of teaching students according to their abilities and encouraging students to develop their individualities, and to transform the concept on traditional once-for-all education and establish the idea of actively developing continual education and setting up and perfecting the system of life-long study. Key reforms, endorsed by the Kunming Medical College (KMC), include the deliberate reduction of factual knowledge and the replacement of didactic teaching with problem based learning (PBL) directed by the students themselves. It is true that practicing doctors do not use large tracts of the knowledge they acquired as students. This redundancy is particularly striking in the basic medical sciences such as pharmacology. The desire to abolish so called information overload prompted us to recommend that "factual information must be kept to the essential minimum that students need at this stage of medical education. " The assault on information overload has also eroded clinical experience. Increasingly, our teaching focuses on drugs of common "core" diseases; more time is spent in elaborating the relationship between pharmacology and other basic courses such as physiology in order to make students form a better way of thinking. The void created by cutting factual teaching has been filled partly by the expansion of other activities, such as experimental skills and material chosen by the students themselves. We curtail didactic teaching-for example, lectures and tutorials-as outdated spoon feeding that stifles creative thinking and keeps the student inferior to the teacher. Simultaneously, we encourage useful discussion among highly motivated students. Also as teachers, we need to find ways to help our students recognize the passion we have for pharmacology. We need to rekindle that passion ourselves. This can come from getting involved in areas that interest us. We find that cinemeducation can bring some fun into our teaching environment. Some electronic information systems such as multimedia equipment are used in this teaching area. What is more, since medical colleges have always had to practice medicine in a high level to demonstrate to students what medical practice is and should allow them to learn by doing, the medical laboratory have been more than just parts of the university, they have also been places where students are instructed in basic science and practical things, and where research is done and new knowledge generated by observing and doing.  相似文献   

Investigation of college students' nonintellectual ability was organized and group survey was adopted. The results showed that the nonintellectual ability of medical college students display an active tendency on total, but the development of inner factor is imbalanced. There are significant differences of nonintellectual ability between different student groups. The boys' nonintellectual abilities are higher than girls' , special course students' nonintellectual ability is higher than under-graduated students' The results of our survey can give us some related inspirations and suggestions. The teaching content and knowledge structure should be adjusted according to the student groups of different nonintellectual ability. The critical thinking ability of the students should be cultivated by reforming teaching methods and making full use of teachers' leading roles. The students' interest in learning should be stimulated by renewing teaching devices, which makes students change their passive study into active study.  相似文献   

Construction of courses is key important for both promoting the quality of teaching and development of a subj ect. The Pharmacology courses, which functions as a bridge between basic and clinic medicine through cross application of knowledge from other basic subjects, is required for medical students. On the purpose to seek for ideal teaching mode for pharmacology, we made following efforts during years of practice: 1. Establishing an optimized project for cultivation. We offered the course according to level of school record, specialty and characteristic of our own field of research for the students ;  相似文献   

To seek more science and perfect way of teaching in pharmacology, it is different with tradition teaching that we give priority to students when we use PBL, and emphasize to study initiatively. These persons qualified to teach make up of base medicine subject and clinic subject. There are 10 students in a group, and then spread to study, to discuss. At first, we found problem (NOTICE: The students already master important some knowledge of basic medicine, but they do not study knowledge of clinic medicine. ) The problem make them working hard for gaining correlative data through network, library, teaching hospital, then teacher explain these problems in the classroom. Our task is to complete emphase content of teaching according to the brief of teaching. This way lead to student finding problem and to settle problem, in the same time, we must innovate about experiment class. The experiment teachers only to bring forward standard of this experiment . The students planned the step of experiment, argument it, then actualize it. This course need to plentiful for energy and time for teachers and students. On the side, we must set up taking as an elective course that handpick some interest, representative clinic cases to analyze it. It would blaze students interesting of leaning, but their amount inadvisable overabundance. In the near future we found the students work hard than before, their basic receive that observe problem, solve problem, work together and cooperation, but their examination result is not difference with tradition distinctness. For the future effect that the students use many drugs in clinic practice and clinic works is not observed now. This ways that using PBL is beneficial to teach in pharmacolo.gy, but the step must correct gradually. It is importance sense to build network in our school perfect, to handpick cases of PBL, and to learn more clinic knowledge. That will give us science and perfect way of teaching in pharmacology.  相似文献   

A bilingual-in bothChinese and English, teaching model of pharmacology, has been established and applied in many medical colleges. It is my great pleasure to share with everyone my personal experiences obtained from bilingual teaching on our campus since 2000.  相似文献   

Introduction Although methodology of teaching has been developed extensively the last years, teachers of science and biological sciences usually use a methodology of teaching, which is about 70 years old. The aim of this work is to present modern methods of teaching, especially theories of constructivism, with special emphasis on teaching Pharmacology. Constructivism and theories of learning The genetic psychology of Piaget, the social constructivism of Durkheim and the radical constructivism of von Glaserfeld are presented briefly, with special emphasis on their impact on modern methods of teaching in Pharmacology, like problem based teaching. Models of the construction of knowledge are also presented.  相似文献   

Peking University Health Science Center has for more than 5 years and supplied a pharmacology ers mainly studying nursing and applied pharmacy established a distance education college course, etc. online. The distance learnselect the pharmacology course to earn a junior college' s or bachelor' s degree after obtaining enough credits and passing the exam. Electronic books, video and audio materials, tutorial type programs, guide of experiments, and electronic learning environments for the course organization and delivery, are provided by school of pharmaceutical sciences, department of pharmacology and school of distance learning for medical education in Peking University. As tutors teaching pharmacology course, we supply learning support for distance learners, such as providing supplement lectures, reference materials, PowerPoint documents, interesting stories about pharmacology,web-based bulletin board system as a means of allowing learners to ask questions and getting answers in 72 hours, access to self-assessment throughout the course, and examination questions to help them master basic concepts and principles of pharmacology, as well as clinical drugs including pharmacological actions,, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic uses, adverse reactions and contraindications. More importantly, we trigger their study interest, help them acquire skills of how to use web resources, let them become active and effective in the distance learning, and develop good relationships with each other. In the future we will need more pedagogical research and instructional technology skills to maintain a high quality of pharmacology teaching in the distance education.  相似文献   

In response to the shortage of pharmacists in Australia, and the desire of graduates in non-pharmacy fields to become a pharmacist, the University of Canberra pioneered a 2-year integrated Master of Pharmacy by coursework program in 2004. Here we present how pharmacology teaching is designed, developed and implemented. We introduce Pharmacology in the second semester, after Medicinal Chemistry where receptor pharmacology, drug metabolism and major drug groups are taught ( by GDL). Pharmacology ( also by GDL) then focuses on organ systems which underpin the medication treatment regiment of individual patients in the subsequent studies of Applied Therapeutics (taught by GMC). The weekly integrated pharmacology consists of a 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial and 3-hr practical class in one 18-week semester. The 3-hr practical class is innovative and integrates problem-based teaching and real-world learning with students' participation and activity, ranging from hands--on experiments, drug games and computer-assistant simulation"Pharmac-CAL--ogy" on WebCT, to real case studies, workshops by invited experts, and students' own presentation on a new drug each student has chosen. The feedback so far from our students has been very positive. We believe that our first cohort of graduates this year will have been trained with pharmacological knowledge and skills to enable them to" promote and contribute to optimal use of medicines" in their working life.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacology is a newly emerging subject which is based on basic pharmacology and clinical medicine. It' s very important for training valid and good doctors and pharmaceutists. Rencently many universities in China have required clinical pharmacology as a special necessary course for medical and pharmacy students. But the experimental teaching in clinical pharmacology is not so wide till now in China. We have established a new clinical experiment as "Determination of the pharmacokinetic parameters of Ciprofloxacin in healthy young volunteers". The experiment was carried out with 10 healthy young volunteers after single oral administration of lOOmg Ciprofloxacin. Urine samples were collected then centrifuged at different time after administration. UV-spectrophotometry method was used to determine the concentration of Ciprofloxacin in urine. The pharmacokinetic parameters following oral administration of tested Ciprofloxacin in healthy young volunteers can be obtained by the formula that the elimination of Ciprofloxacin is conformed to one-compartment model. This method is rapid, accurate, sensitive and the most important, very convenient, it' s very suitable for experimental teaching in clinical pharmacology. This new clinical experiment can be widely spread through all the medical and pharmaceutical universities.  相似文献   

We discuss the role, the content and arrangement as well as effective instructional methods of laboratory teaching of Pharmacology. Because of its importance and characteristic in functional experiment course, it is designed to have three teaching phases including general introduction, experiment and case discussion, which need about 64 class hours in all. In addition to the use of apparatuses and basic animal laboratory techniques, we introduce cellular and molecular laboratory techniques to the general introduction. The experiment part is composed of basic experiments, integrative experiments and investigative experiments, the time ratio of which is about 5:10.2. Methods adopted at our department are learning through active participation by the students through problem-based leaning, computer-assisted learning, Web-based learning, virtual laboratories, seminars, audiovisual aids and compositive quiz. Our objective is to cultivate students with modern laboratory pharmacological knowledge, the spirit of "Respect Life" and the understanding of humanity. So that when students graduate, they could serve other people and society better.  相似文献   

Teaching of pharmacology is very important to clinic practice, and it is stability basic of theory for using medicine in reason. To study knowledge frame of pharmacology teachers,the teaching method in existence and experiment in teaching of pharmacology, find out a good many things about theory renegades from practice, then to explore reformation. The teachers who engaged teaching about pharmacology did not joint in the clinic work. They lack know ledge of clinic, and bring on separate theory from clinic practice. It is no uses to cultivate students rising medicine in reason. So the teachers pay attention to advance theory, to advance ability of scientific research, at the same time, must be concerned with the clinic jobs. Next, the teachers insist to accumulate knowledge in teaching of tradition. The students did not know about system info in pharmacology, they did not content clinic practice, then to bring out weary emotion. So we can trade a think in the teaching might as well that we handpick representational part from typical clinic example, and to lead to students thinking problem, then settle problem. This course need to understand correlation knowledge, must be found their relation each other. It is important to blaze student learning. The third, the part of experiment in the pharmacology are less, so we must increase content of experiment, and let the students design all experiment approach, and to actualize it. The teachers give some guidance to students. The result of experiment will be related with discourse. The teachers appraise it according to its quality. It will be reckoned in the achievement of term end. We must give some busywork that let the students researching one or tow medicine in reason is a keystone in the clinic practice. To realize it, teaching pharmacology will be joined with clinic practice compactness.  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) is now an established method in undergraduate medical education that aims to develop reasoning skills based on clinical problems. PBL is an educational method that promotes student-centered learning, self-directed learning, the development of problem solving skills and the development of life-long learning skills. Upon the logos of PBL, our department has applied the method of "small-group discussion" (SGD) in pharmacology teaching in recent ten years. According to organ systems and drugs, the contents in the textbook were divided into 7 blocks. The small group consisted of ten to thirteen students and was guided by one tutor. At the beginning, the tutor gave brief introduction (mini-lectures) to point out the context of problem and potential pitfalls. Then the tutor organized and facilitated the small group discussion. The discussion consisted of two sessions. In the first session, the tutor presented the problem or case, generated hypotheses and broadened the extent of students' knowledge. In addition, the tutor defined learning issues for further'study, including full group and individual self-study. In the second session, the students expressed their opinion based on the information provided and the group discussion. Then the tutor evaluated outcomes of self-study and presented new information to develop and assign new learning issues. Thus, the students began with a new round of self-study and discussion. The discussion cycle repeated until objectives were met. The abilities of students were evaluated based on the following 6 main areas, including (1) learning skills and functioning, (2) group skills and functioning, (3) k, nwledge development and objective achievement, (4) critical thinking, (5) feedback and evaluation skills and (6) professional behaviors.  相似文献   

Problem-based Learning (PBL) is a new teaching method favored by teachers home and abroad in recent years. Dislike the traditional teacher-centered teaching method, students are required to master the basics of pharmacology by searching for related documents, being engaged in group discussions and solving some clinical problems with what they learned from books. In this way, students' initiative for study can be aroused and most importantly, they will study with more willingness and pleasure, we have invested thirty periods in applying PBL method, the result of which can be summarized as follows.  相似文献   

To enhance the student ability of innovation and foster them with higher talent, we developed the innovative movement in the students who were learning pharmacology. We introduce some objectives of scientific work or experiments in pharmacology to the students when they learning the pharmacology. They team up for the different topic voluntary, 3-5 students for each group. Sometimes they set up the topic by themselves. Under the direction of the teacher, they did the whole work about the topic in the spare time. Form 2001 till 2005, there are 38 students in different grade have joined in this movement. They are 1/3 students in each class learning pharmaoology. They have finished 7 scientific topics and 4 experiment topics in pharmacology. Two groups of them have got diplomas of Nankai University. Four papers and two editions of pharmacological experiment guide have been published. It is available that students joined in scientific work or reform of pharmacology teaching in three or four grade. The ability of the students in innovation and operation has been increased greatly when they did these works. This is a useful method to foster a person with higher ability.  相似文献   

With the evolution of student centred learning and the provision of full lecture notes, rather than just convey information the lecturer must now engage and motivate the students to learn the subject material. Students need to feel that the subject material is important to everyday life. Popular culture hits nerves with students and movies are especially good at making students feel that a topic is important to society. This presentation shows how the use of short movie references during lectures can be used to stimulate learning in undergraduate students. 1 -2 min grabs from popular movies containing a reference to the subject being covered have been incorporated into lectures. Besides motivating the students, these movie references during lectures provide a sectioning break. This helps to maintain the concentration of students over the lecture. The short break also helps the lecturer so that they can all work more effectively in the remaining time. With the aid of film editing by our Faculty information technology staff, the technology of powerpoint and the audiovisual display available in modern lecture theatres the use of short popular movie references is a novel way to motivate and maintain the interest of large classes of undergraduate students throughout lectures.  相似文献   

Pharmacology is a key course in the schools of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, etc. But the teaching method of pharmacology for students to acquire nursing baccalaureate was almost the same as that for students to acquire medical baccalaureate in last decade in China. The teachers did not pay attention to nursing consideration. Three years ago we began to use a new textbook of pharmacology for undergraduate nursing program. Editor in chief of the textbook is Professor Jianshi Lou and the book was redacted for undergraduates majoring in nursing. We selected some reference book published by Lippincott and Mosby also. These books are Introductory Clinical Pharmacology/Jeanne C. Scherer, Sally S. Roach, 2002 Lippincott Nursing Drug Guide/Amy M. Karch, and Pharmacologic Basis of Nursing Practice/ Julia B. Freeman Clark, Sherry F. Queener, Virginia Burke Karb. We taught not only the actions, the mechanisms of action, the uses, the adverse reactions, but also the pharmacokinetics, the interactions, the dosage, the route of administration, the contraindication/caution of the drugs. We emphasized the nursing management during administration of the drugs especially the patient and family teaching.  相似文献   

The pharmacological experiment is an important and direct way to improve students' practical ability. Through the lab experiments, the students can strengthen their understanding of pharmacological effects or side effects ; learn the basic pharmacological ideas related to drug evaluation and develop their sense of innovation. Thus, we need to reform the design of the experiments.  相似文献   

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