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The sustained posterior contralateral negativity (SPCN) was used to investigate the effect of spatial layout on the maintenance of letters in VSTM. SPCN amplitude was measured for words, nonwords, and scrambled nonwords. We reexamined the effects of spatial layout of letters on SPCN amplitude in a design that equated the mean frequency of use of each position. Scrambled letters that did not form words elicited a larger SPCN than either words or nonwords, indicating lower VSTM load for nonwords presented in a typical horizontal array than the load observed for the same letters presented in spatially scrambled locations. In contrast, prior research has shown that the spatial extent of arrays of simple stimuli did not influence the amplitude of the SPCN. Thus, the present results indicate the existence of encoding and VSTM maintenance mechanisms specific to letter and word processing.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological measures were used to investigate the contribution of lexical status on the maintenance of letter strings in visual short-term memory (VSTM). The sustained posterior contralateral negativity (SPCN), an electrophysiological marker of storage in VSTM, was measured for words and nonwords as well as scrambled letters. A smaller SPCN was found for words than for nonwords (independently of their pronounceability), indicating that lexical status influences storage in VSTM. One possibility is that words produce a smaller SPCN because they can be recoded to a form that does not require a low-level representation in VSTM. For exploratory purpose, a comparison between the nonwords and the scrambled nonwords was also made. Based on previous research, the SPCN component should not be affected by the size of the region enclosing to-be-encoded objects. Surprisingly, significant differences between the SPCN for nonwords and scrambled letters conditions were found, suggesting that special encoding mechanisms may be recruited to encode word-like letter strings.  相似文献   

A component of the event-related magnetic field (ERMF) response was observed in magnetoencephalographic signals recorded during the maintenance of information in visual short-term memory (VSTM). This sustained posterior contralateral magnetic (SPCM) field is likely the magnetic equivalent of the sustained posterior contralateral negativity (SPCN) found in electrophysiology. Magnetoencephalography data showed, at the sensor level, a bilateral activation over the parietal cortex that increased in amplitude for higher memory load. Others sensors, also over the parietal cortex, showed an activation pattern similar to the SPCN with higher activation for the hemisphere contralateral to the visual field from which visual information was encoded. These two activation patterns suggest that the SPCN and SPCM are generated by a network of cortical sources that includes bilateral parietal loci, likely intra-parietal/intra-occipital cortex, and contralateral parietal sources.  相似文献   

Recent electrophysiological research has identified a specific contralateral correlate of the contents of visual short‐term memory (VSTM). This posterior contralateral delay activity (CDA) persists during the retention period, and its amplitude is modulated by the number of items held at any one time. Here we show that, despite the contralateral nature of this activity, its amplitude is modulated by the number of objects from both hemifields. When objects from one side of the visual field are held in memory, CDA activity increased for arrays of one, two, and three objects, but stopped getting larger for arrays of four objects. However, when objects from both sides are memorized at the same time, CDA activity reached its asymptotic limit for arrays of two objects per side. These results suggest that, in spite of being contralaterally organized, VSTM is limited by the number of objects from both hemifields.  相似文献   

We studied the neuronal mechanisms that implement acoustic short-term memory (ASTM) for pitch using event-related potentials (ERP). Experiment 1 isolated an ERP component, the sustained anterior negativity (SAN), that increased in amplitude with increasing memory load in ASTM using stimuli with equal duration at all memory loads. The SAN load effect found in Experiment 1, when pitch had to be remembered to perform the task, was absent in Experiment 2 using the same sounds when memory was not required. In Experiment 3, the memory task was performed without or with concurrent articulatory suppression during the retention interval to prevent rehearsal via an articulatory loop. Load-related effects observed in Experiment 1 were found again, whether participants engaged in concurrent suppression or not. The results suggest that the SAN reflects activity required to maintain pitch objects in an ASTM system that is distinct from articulatory rehearsal.  相似文献   

Human working memory is the central unit for short‐term storage of information. In addition to the selection and adequate storage of relevant information, the suppression of irrelevant stimuli from the environment seems to be of importance for working memory processes. To learn more about the interplay of information uptake and inhibition of irrelevant information, the present study used ERP measures and a short‐term storage and retrieval task, in which pairs of either numbers or letters had to be compared. Random sequences of four stimuli (two numbers and two letters) were presented, with either the numbers or the letters being relevant for comparison. The analysis of ERPs to each of the four stimuli indicated more pronounced P2 and P3b amplitudes for relevant than irrelevant stimuli. In contrast, the N2 (reflecting inhibitory control) was only elicited by irrelevant stimuli. Moreover, the N2 amplitude of the second irrelevant stimulus was associated with behavioral performance, indicating the importance of inhibition of task‐irrelevant stimuli for working memory processes. In sum, the findings demonstrate the role of cognitive control mechanisms for protecting relevant contents in working memory against irrelevant information.  相似文献   

Event related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during delayed discrimination of simple spatial frequency gratings in the high and low frequency bands. Analyses of the waveforms N170, P220, N310, P400, and slow wave (SW) indicated significant and regionally specific interaction of spatial frequency and hemisphere for N170 amplitude. This interaction was independent of memory conditions, and appeared to be in the opposite direction of what is predicted by the spatial frequency model of hemispheric asymmetry. Additional interactions between spatial frequency and hemisphere were observed for N310 in the encoding process (reference stimulus) and for SW in the retrieval process (test stimulus). The general hypothesis of an interaction of spatial frequency and hemisphere in visual cognition is supported, but the findings indicate caution in interpreting an increase in physiological measures as an indication of more efficient brain processing. Moreover, several stages of information processing may contribute to the asymmetry observed in behavioral studies, and hemispheric balance may change dynamically during the time course of processing.  相似文献   

Patients with obsessive‐compulsive disorder (OCD) show an increased error‐related negativity (ERN), yet previous studies have not controlled for medication use, which may be important given evidence linking performance monitoring to neurotransmitter systems targeted by treatment, such as serotonin. In an examination of 19 unmedicated OCD patients, 19 medicated OCD patients, 19 medicated patient controls without OCD, and 21 unmedicated healthy controls, we found greater ERNs in OCD patients than in controls, irrespective of medication use. Severity of generalized anxiety and depression was associated with ERN amplitude in controls but not patients. These data confirm previous findings of an exaggerated error response in OCD, further showing that it cannot be attributed to medication. The absence in patients of a relationship between ERN amplitude and anxiety/depression, as was found in controls, suggests that elevated error signals in OCD may be disorder‐specific.  相似文献   

Although previous ERP studies have demonstrated slowing of visuospatial and motor processes with age, such studies frequently included only young and elderly participants, and lacked information about age‐related changes across the adult lifespan. The present research used a Simon task with two irrelevant dimensions (position and direction of an arrow) to study visuospatial (N2 posterior contralateral, N2pc) and motor (response‐locked lateralized readiness potential, LRP‐r) processes in young, middle‐aged, and elderly adults. The reaction time and motor execution stage (LRP‐r) increased gradually with age, while visuospatial processes (N2pc latency) were similarly delayed in the older groups. No age‐related increase in interference was observed, probably related to a delay in processing the symbolic meaning of the direction in older groups, which was consistent with age‐related differences in distributional analyses and N2pc amplitude modulations.  相似文献   

The concealed information test (CIT) assesses an examinee's recognition of a crime‐relevant item using physiological measures. However, a guilty examinee not only recognizes the crime‐relevant item but also conceals the recognition intentionally. In this study, we attempted to identify the effect of concealing the recognition on event‐related potentials and autonomic responses. After committing a mock theft of two items, 30 participants received two CITs: one for an item that they had to conceal, and the other for an item that they had disclosed. N2, P3, heart rate, skin conductance, and cutaneous blood flow differed between crime‐relevant and irrelevant items in both CITs. In contrast, late positive potential and respiration differed between crime‐relevant and irrelevant items only when the examinee needed to conceal. The former measures appear to be related to orienting process, whereas the latter to controlled process related to concealment.  相似文献   

Face recognition relies on both configural and featural processing. Previous research has shown that P1 is sensitive to configural face processing, but it is unclear whether any component is sensitive to featural face processing; moreover, if there is such a component, its temporal sequence relative to P1 is unknown. Thus, to avoid confounding physical stimuli differences between configural and featural face processing on ERP components, a spatial attention paradigm was employed by instructing participants to attend an image stream (faces and houses) or an alphanumeric character stream. The interaction between attention and face processing type on P1 and P2 components indicates different mechanisms of configural and featural face processing as a function of spatial attention. The steady‐state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) results clearly demonstrated that participants could selectively attend to different streams of information. Importantly, configural face processing elicited a larger posterior P1 (approximately 128 ms) than featural face processing, whereas P2 (approximately 248 ms) was greater for featural than for configural face processing under attended condition. The interaction between attention and face processing type (configural vs. featural) on P1 and P2 components indicates that there are different mechanisms of configural and featural face processing operating as functions of spatial attention. While the P1 result confirms previous findings separating configural and featural face processing, the newly observed P2 finding in the present study extends this separation to a double dissociation. Therefore, configural and featural face processing are modulated differently by spatial attention, and configural face processing precedes featural face processing.  相似文献   

Overloading the capacity of visual attention can result in mistakenly combining the various features of an object, that is, illusory conjunctions. We hypothesize that if the two hemispheres separately process visual information by splitting attention, connectivity of corpus callosum—a brain structure integrating the two hemispheres—would predict the degree of illusory conjunctions. In the current study, we assessed two types of illusory conjunctions using a memory‐scanning paradigm; the features were either presented across the two opposite hemifields or within the same hemifield. Four objects, each with two visual features, were briefly presented together followed by a probe‐recognition and a confidence rating for the recognition accuracy. MRI scans were also obtained. Results indicated that successful recollection during probe recognition was better for across hemifields conjunctions compared to within hemifield conjunctions, lending support to the bilateral advantage of the two hemispheres in visual short‐term memory. Age‐related differences regarding the underlying mechanisms of the bilateral advantage indicated greater reliance on recollection‐based processing in young and on familiarity‐based processing in old. Moreover, the integrity of the posterior corpus callosum was more predictive of opposite hemifield illusory conjunctions compared to within hemifield illusory conjunctions, even after controlling for age. That is, individuals with lesser posterior corpus callosum connectivity had better recognition for objects when their features were recombined from the opposite hemifields than from the same hemifield. This study is the first to investigate the role of the corpus callosum in splitting attention between versus within hemifields.  相似文献   

Event‐related potentials (ERPs) may be particularly useful for examining emotional processing across development. Though a number of ERP components are sensitive to emotional content in adults, previous studies have yet to systematically examine the components sensitive to emotion in children. The current study used temporal–spatial principal components analysis (PCA) to identify ERP components in response to complex emotional images in 9‐year‐old children. Three components were modulated by emotional content and were similar to those previously observed in adults, including: the early posterior negativity, the P300, and a sustained relative positivity similar to the late positive potential (LPP). Compared to those previously observed in adults, the components sensitive to emotion in children were maximal over more occipital regions and the LPP component appeared to be less protracted in time, perhaps indicative of less elaborative processing of emotional stimuli. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 55: 539–550, 2013  相似文献   

The amplitude of the N400—an event‐related potential (ERP) component linked to meaning processing and initial access to semantic memory—is inversely related to the incremental buildup of semantic context over the course of a sentence. We revisited the nature and scope of this incremental context effect, adopting a word‐level linear mixed‐effects modeling approach, with the goal of probing the continuous and incremental effects of semantic and syntactic context on multiple aspects of lexical processing during sentence comprehension (i.e., effects of word frequency and orthographic neighborhood). First, we replicated the classic word‐position effect at the single‐word level: Open‐class words showed reductions in N400 amplitude with increasing word position in semantically congruent sentences only. Importantly, we found that accruing sentence context had separable influences on the effects of frequency and neighborhood on the N400. Word frequency effects were reduced with accumulating semantic context. However, orthographic neighborhood was unaffected by accumulating context, showing robust effects on the N400 across all words, even within congruent sentences. Additionally, we found that N400 amplitudes to closed‐class words were reduced with incrementally constraining syntactic context in sentences that provided only syntactic constraints. Taken together, our findings indicate that modeling word‐level variability in ERPs reveals mechanisms by which different sources of information simultaneously contribute to the unfolding neural dynamics of comprehension.  相似文献   

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