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选修课《药物作用的分子基础》为从分子层面阐明药物分子在生物体内产生作用的原理,揭示药物分子与其靶点相互作用的内在规律的一门课程。它是医科大学原有必修课程的补充和纽带。本研究基于数年教学实践对本课程的意义、内容、教学手段及考核方式等方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

龚妍春  孟玮  顾兵 《现代医药卫生》2011,27(10):1592-1593
公共选修课是高等教育课程体系的重要组成部分,在大学生综合素质的教育和培养方面发挥着重要作用.结合师范类院校医学类公共选修课的实际情况,分析其中存在的一些主要问题.对加强师范类院校开设医学类公共选修课建设提出具体对策.  相似文献   

营养与食品卫生学是具有较强应用性质的学科。现有的营养与食品卫生学实践教学不能满足学生对实践经验的需求,而从事教学工作的教师由于缺乏实践经验也严重影响了教学效果和教学能力的提高。因此,为提高营养与食品卫生学专业课教学水平,提升青年教师自身素质,增强医学院校预防专业毕业生的从业能力,有必要加强营养与食品卫生学实践教学基地的建设。  相似文献   

从开设药物学概论公共选修课以普及高校药学教育,发挥药学教育在提高大学生素质中的作用这一视角,对在综合性民族高校开设药物学概论公共选修课程进行探讨。分析开设药物学概论的意义,简要介绍教学内容和教学手段等内容。  相似文献   

浅谈学习兴趣在《营养与食品卫生学》教学中的重要性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨如何使学生明确学习目的,激发学习兴趣;实现教学方法多样化,培养学习兴趣;进一步创设教学情趣,开设第二课堂,提高学习兴趣.  相似文献   

提高《营养与食品卫生学》课程教学质量的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周永  韦娜 《现代医药卫生》2007,23(5):778-779
《营养与食品卫生学》是从预防医学角度研究营养和食物(饮食)与人类健康关系的科学,是预防医学的一个组成部分。为了提高该学科课堂教学质量,充分发挥学生的主观能动性并提高学生的各种能力,我们认真研究、积极探索。现在就几年来在教学过程中的体会报道如下。  相似文献   

实验教学是预防医学教学中的重要组成部分,随着国民经济的快速发展,社会对预防医学专业学生的要求越来越高,传统的课堂式单向教学方式已不能满足社会对预防医学专业学生素质的需要。探索开放式实验在《营养与食品卫生学》教学中的实施效果,可为进一步深化和推进预防医学专业学生的实验教学改革奠定基础。  相似文献   

针对近年来医学院校招生规模不断扩大,学生基础知识和学习能力参差不齐的实际状况,探讨了概率论与数理统计分层次教学的必要性,提出了医学院校概率论与数理统计课程分层教学模式,总结了在概率与统计教学改革中利用现代化信息技术进行分层次教学的实践经验。  相似文献   

高平章  曾炜  吴洪 《海峡药学》2014,26(1):145-147
为培养具有创新能力的综合性药学专业人才,采用多种教学形式对海洋药物学课程进行教学,这些措施很好地调动了学生学习的主动性和参与的积极性,收到良好的教学效果.本文介绍了新开设的海洋药物学课程的教学方法和体会,并以教学实例形式探讨了教学过程中的收获.  相似文献   

Objective. To design and implement a Medical Outreach Experience elective course and assess its impact on students’ level of confidence in organizing future medical outreach trips, providing population-specific pharmaceutical care, and achieving learning outcomes.Design. A 2-credit hour elective course was designed for second- and third-year pharmacy students. The course was structured to include 3 sections over 1 semester, a 10-week training and preparation phase, followed by a weeklong international outreach experience and post-outreach reflection.Assessment. Student achievement of curricular outcomes was measured using in-class activities, readings, reflections, and longitudinal projects, as well as performance during the outreach trip. Results from pre- and post-course surveys demonstrated significant improvement in student-rated confidence in several components of outreach trip organization and provision of pharmaceutical care.Conclusions. Students completing the course exhibited increased confidence in their abilities to organize and practice on a medical outreach trip. All students met the learning outcomes of the course, which included providing comprehensive patient-specific pharmaceutical care, communicating effectively, promoting health improvement and self-care, thinking critically, and appropriately managing and using resources of the healthcare system. Students agreed that the elective course was a valuable addition to the curriculum.  相似文献   

Objective. To provide an elective course for pharmacy students focused on the knowledge and skills necessary to implement health screenings in a pharmacy environment.Design. Course lectures focused on expert recommendations for health screenings as well as regulatory requirements and procedures integral to the implementation of screening services. Workshops provided hands-on experience with blood glucose, body composition, bone density, and cholesterol testing devices.Assessment. Attainment of knowledge and skills was assessed by patient case assignments, screening device demonstrations, group projects, and a final quiz. Annual course evaluations revealed consistently favorable student feedback regarding the course design and content. Students reported a high level of preparedness and interest in participating in health screening services in future practice.Conclusion. An elective course focused on the delivery of health screenings in pharmacy settings was well received by student participants and exposed students to a unique opportunity in patient care.  相似文献   

Objective. To describe the design, development, and the first 4 implementations of a Global Health elective course intended to prepare pharmacy students pursue global health careers and to evaluate student perceptions of the instructional techniques used and of skills developed during the course.Design. Following the blended curriculum model used at Touro College of Pharmacy, the Global Health course combined team-based learning (TBL) sessions in class, out-of-class team projects, and online self-directed learning with classroom teaching and discussion sessions.Assessment. Student performance was assessed with TBL sessions, team projects, and class presentations, online quizzes, and final examinations. A precourse and postcourse survey showed improvement in global health knowledge and attitudes, and in the perception of pharmacists’ role and career opportunities in global health. Significant improvement in skills applicable to global health work was reported and students rated highly the instructional techniques, value, and relevance of the course.Conclusion. The Global Health elective course is on track to achieve its intended goal of equipping pharmacy students with the requisite knowledge and applicable skills to pursue global health careers and opportunities. After taking this course, students have gone on to pursue global field experiences.  相似文献   

Objective. To describe the design, implementation, and evaluation of a leader-development elective course.Design. Students discovered, reflected on, and enhanced their leadership skills by participating in leadership quality presentations, selecting and facilitating team-building activities for pharmacy-based scenarios, creating a personal mission statement, maintaining a journal, creating pharmacy performance matrices, facilitating leadership discussions and activities, and completing a variety of leader-development inventories to identify their strengths and opportunities for growth.Assessment. Students successfully completed 98% of the assignments. The most valued topics and assignments involved validated instruments, which promoted self-discovery and development. End-of-course survey results revealed all students agreed the course achieved all learning outcomes except preventing conflict from escalating (9% disagreed) and applying knowledge of core values to achieve greater effectiveness in interpersonal communication (4% disagreed).Conclusions. Students perceived this leader-development elective course was effective in achieving learning outcomes. Assignments guided the creation of personalized leader-development tracks, ultimately promoting lifelong learning.  相似文献   

针对专业选修课大班上课的特点,对教学方法和考核机制进行改革,并以问卷调查的形式来了解学生对教学改革的认可和期望,以探讨如何达到生理心理学作为专业选修课的教学目标。  相似文献   

Objective. To develop and implement a 1-credit-hour oncology pharmacy practice elective course for third-year pharmacy students and assess its impact on examination scores in a required pharmacotherapeutics course.Design. Major topics were identified to focus on therapeutic management and supportive care of the oncology patient. Psychosocial topics were incorporated to help pharmacy students better relate to oncology patients.Assessment. Learning was assessed by means of 2 computer-based examinations, weekly reflection posts, and a completed oncology service-learning project and reflection paper. Students enrolled in the course achieved higher pharmacotherapeutics oncology section examination scores than students who had not taken the course. Also, this course increased students’ interest in oncology pharmacy.Conclusion. The oncology pharmacy elective course has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from students and student enrollment continues to grow. We will continue to offer this course to future practitioners.  相似文献   

Objective. To evaluate the impact of an innovative team-taught elective course on second-year (P2) students’ knowledge and skills relating to the relationship between aromatherapy and pharmacy.Design. An Aromatherapy Science elective course was offered to P2 students in an accelerated doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree program and was designed to provide an elective course experience while focusing on active-learning skills such as group work, student-led presentations, and in-class activities. Lectures were designed to reinforce core curricular threads from the basic sciences within the pharmaceutical sciences department while highlighting key aromatherapy principles.Assessment. Course evaluations, grades, and student self-assessments were used to evaluate student fulfillment and knowledge gained. Students agreed this hands-on course integrated pharmaceutical science experiences, enriched their pharmacy education, and provided knowledge to enhance their confidence in describing essential oil uses, drug interactions, and key aromatherapy clinical implications.Conclusion. Students agreed this course prepared them to identify essential oil therapeutic uses and potential essential oil-drug interactions, and interpret literature. The introduction of aromatherapy principles to pharmacy students will prepare a new generation of healthcare professionals on the role of alternative medicines.  相似文献   

Objective. To implement and assess a pharmacy dermatology and cosmeceutical compounding elective course and its impact on graduates’ careers.Design. A 3-credit elective course that incorporated classroom lectures on ambulatory dermatologic diseases and cosmeceutical products with case studies, weekly quizzes, and a comprehensive business plan project was implemented in a doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) program in 2010.Assessment. Assessment instruments including weekly quizzes, a business plan project, and pre- and post-course tests were used to evaluate course content. Across 3 offerings of the course (2010, 2011, 2012), pre- and post-course test scores improved. Results of a postgraduate survey showed that 54% of respondents worked at a pharmacy offering compounding services, and 57% felt that the course played a significant or very significant role in their counseling on dermatologic conditions.Conclusions. Assessment methods revealed student learning of course content and the course appeared moderately beneficial to graduates’ early careers. A more longitudinal analysis is needed to assess the course’s impact on long-term career choices, particularly those dealing with compounding of cosmeceutical products.  相似文献   

Objective. To develop and implement a flexible-credit elective course to empower student pharmacists to develop lifelong leadership skills and provide teaching practice opportunities for graduate students.Design. An elective course focusing on leadership development for second- and third-year doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) students was designed and taught by 4 graduate students under the mentorship of 2 faculty members. Student pharmacists could enroll in a 1-, 2-, or 3-credit-hour version of the course.Assessment. Attainment of course objectives was measured using student pharmacist reflection papers and continuing professional development portfolios. Additionally, self-assessments of graduate students and faculty members delivering the course were conducted. In their responses on course evaluations, student pharmacists indicated they found the course a valuable learning experience. Graduate students found course development to be challenging but useful in developing faculty skills.Conclusion. This flexible-credit elective course taught by graduate students was an innovative way to offer formal leadership instruction using limited college resources.  相似文献   



To determine the impact of a landmark trials elective course on pharmacy students'' attitudes toward evidence-based medicine, students'' comfort with technical concepts used in drug literature, and students'' perceptions of accessibility of PubMed from home computers.


An elective course which gave third-year pharmacy students the opportunity to discuss landmark trials in primary care and reinforced skills in applying evidence from the primary literature to support therapeutic recommendations was design and implemented. The impact of the course was evaluated via a pre- and postcourse questionnaire administered during 3 consecutive course offerings.


Overall, students had positive attitudes toward evidence-based medicine before taking the course (97.5% positive or somewhat positive) and these attitudes were unchanged postcourse (p = 0.74). Though 97.6% (n = 40) of students had Internet access at home, only 68.3% (n = 28) indicated having PubMed access at home. The course increased self-assessed comfort with technical concepts used in literature evaluation including random assignment (p < 0.01), placebo-controlled (p < 0.01), and intention-to-treat (p = 0.02).


An elective course on landmark trials allowed third-year pharmacy students to increase their comfort level with literature evaluation and reinforced their positive attitudes toward the use of evidence-based medicine in pharmacy practice.  相似文献   

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