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对磁铁矿井下采矿工人的肺癌进行了回顾性队列研究,队列由2410名男性工人组成。观察期为1980年1月1日至1989年12月31日,在此10年期间共累积21433人年。以1987年全国城市男性居民人口的死因别、年龄别死亡率为标准,求算各项死因的标化率比(SRR)。磁铁矿全体采矿工人的肺癌未显示超量发生(SRR=1.14,P>0.05)。但当把该人分为矽肺与非矽肺两群组分析时,矽肺组的肺癌超量发生(S  相似文献   

1999年5月24日,某市发生一起因CO2、CO浓度严重超标引起4人急性中毒事件,其中3人死亡。现将调查结果报告如下。1 中毒经过1999年5月22日,某公司工人建桥架墩挖孔后,因5月23日下暴雨停工1天,5月24日上午7时35分许,在抽完孔内积水后,1名工人至南引桥6号桥墩1号孔沿绳下孔,准备挖孔,突然倒在孔底,因疑触电所致,在关闭水泵电源后,2名工人相继沿绳下孔救援,均倒在孔底,9时许关掉总电源后又1名工人腰扎安全带下孔救援,因水不断向上漫,此时水深1-5m左右,该工人下至3m处感觉头昏、胸…  相似文献   

耐火材料厂矽尘作业工人肺癌流行病学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对冶金系统十一个耐火材料厂的矽砖、粘土砖制造工人的肺癌进行了回顾性队列研究。队列由6266名男性工人组成,观察期为1963年1月1日至1985年12月31日,在此23年期间共累积130730人年。以全国不同地区的十个大、中型钢铁企业的钢坯初轧厂11470名男性职工在1971年至1985年间的年龄别、死因别死亡率为标准,计算各项死因的标化率比(SMR)。矽尘作业人群的肺癌显示超量发生(SRR为1  相似文献   

研究对象为11663名至少从事橡胶工作1年以上的男工,分别来自德国5家轮胎厂或专用橡胶制品厂,其中包括7536名现职工人和4127名退休工人。随访从1981年1月1日始至1991年12月31日止。依据职业史将研究队列的作业环境分为6类工作区:1类为原...  相似文献   

血的教训1993年7月14日9时许,湖南省浏阳市一名食品加工厂腌制刀豆的池内因刀豆腐烂,用排水管排放池水。两名工人下池疏通出水口昏倒于池中,5名工人见状相继救人先后昏倒,7人均因硫化氢中毒死亡。1993年8月2日安徽省天长化肥厂锅炉车间主任带1名操作...  相似文献   

煤矿井下工人膳食结构的探讨秦启朴1吕世长2我们于1995年11月至1996年1月对兖州矿区井下工人膳食结构进行探讨,报告如下。1.对象及方法:随机抽取无消化系统障碍的健康井下工人126名,采用7日称重法,调查后采用专门营养配餐供给。采用双缩脲法,测定...  相似文献   

1997年1月23日我县某厂食堂发生一起因食用鲐鱼而致12名工人出现组胺中毒的事件,现将调查结果报告如下。1中毒经过1997年1月23日中午,本县扎下乡某工厂食堂有12名工人及3名中学生就餐,主食为现做的米饭;莱只有烧鲐鱼这一种。鲐鱼每名工人食用一条,3名学生未进食鲐鱼。餐后约20分钟,这12名工人相继出现皮肤潮红,眼结膜充血,口、舌或四肢麻木,头痛,头晕,部分患者出现荨麻疹等临床表现,经抗组胺药和对症处理,24小时后全部治愈。12名中毒者均为食用鲐鱼,发病率为100%,吃得少者病情轻,吃得多者…  相似文献   

北京市餐饮业人员多发病的初步调查北京市劳动卫生职业病研究所(100020)刘建中,崔明珍,张海春,裴淑,杨立新,刘莉,钱伟,王丽平北京市饮食服务总公司彭长明在北京市饮食眼务公司所属的33个国营基层店范围内,对1980年1月1日到1989年12月31日...  相似文献   

陶瓷粉尘作业工人几种维生素需要量的探讨唐咏梅1潘林2宁鸿珍1韩光亮1周晓芸1我们于1994年3~6月,对唐山市某陶瓷厂车间接尘工人进行了VB1、VB2、VC需要量的探讨。1.对象:选择接尘工人55名,随机分为4个实验组和1个对照组,每组11人,各组性...  相似文献   

一起急性硫化氢中毒事故调查山东省滨州地区卫生防疫站杨洪祥、司荣彪等报道1996年7月22日下午,博兴县博兴镇造纸厂在检修纸浆搅拌机时,1名工人下至纸浆搅拌池内,突然堕倒池底,2名工人和1名厂长相继下池救援,均倒在池底,速报119火警后,因消防抢救人员...  相似文献   

A national study of British asbestos workers is briefly described and the mortality experience of 31 150 male asbestos workers in England and Wales who had been medically examined at least once as part of that survey is presented. The survey population is divided into workers with occupational exposure to asbestos before the inception of the 1969 Asbestos Regulations and those who worked with asbestos only after 1969. Of the 1128 who had died, 897 had worked before 1969; 34 of the death certificates received for these men mentioned mesothelioma and for another nine asbestosis was reported in the absence of mesothelioma or lung cancer. A statistically significant excess of lung cancer (SMR 136) was found. For the post-1969 workers, one case of asbestosis and one case of mesothelioma were reported, but further investigation of these cases showed probable occupational exposure to asbestos many years before 1969. The time from first exposure for this section of the population is too short to exclude an excess of asbestos related disease. The most noticeable excess of asbestos related disease was seen among the insulation workers who had more than twice (SMR 256) the expected number of deaths from lung cancer, and for whom almost 10% of all death certificates mentioned mesothelioma. No excess of any alimentary tract cancer was found and the population showed a significant deficit of large bowel cancer mortality (SMR 54).  相似文献   

Mortality of asbestos workers in England and Wales 1971-81   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A national study of British asbestos workers is briefly described and the mortality experience of 31 150 male asbestos workers in England and Wales who had been medically examined at least once as part of that survey is presented. The survey population is divided into workers with occupational exposure to asbestos before the inception of the 1969 Asbestos Regulations and those who worked with asbestos only after 1969. Of the 1128 who had died, 897 had worked before 1969; 34 of the death certificates received for these men mentioned mesothelioma and for another nine asbestosis was reported in the absence of mesothelioma or lung cancer. A statistically significant excess of lung cancer (SMR 136) was found. For the post-1969 workers, one case of asbestosis and one case of mesothelioma were reported, but further investigation of these cases showed probable occupational exposure to asbestos many years before 1969. The time from first exposure for this section of the population is too short to exclude an excess of asbestos related disease. The most noticeable excess of asbestos related disease was seen among the insulation workers who had more than twice (SMR 256) the expected number of deaths from lung cancer, and for whom almost 10% of all death certificates mentioned mesothelioma. No excess of any alimentary tract cancer was found and the population showed a significant deficit of large bowel cancer mortality (SMR 54).  相似文献   

温石棉与肺癌——二十七年追踪研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 探讨单纯接触温石棉的工人恶性肿瘤,尤其肺癌是否超高。方法 采用固定队列研究方法。研究队列为515例男性石棉工人,人列条件为1972年1月1日工资在册,工龄满1年,没有明显心肺疾患者。对照队列为650例不接尘男性工人,其余条件同研究队。追踪27年(1972-1998)。结果 (1)研究队列全癌死亡50例(SMR=144),其中肺癌22例(SMR=652);.对照队列全癌死亡1例(SMR=34),肺癌3例(SMR=89)。两队列间全癌和肺癌差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。(2)不接触石棉的吸烟者肺癌RR为2.6,不吸烟的石棉接触者肺癌RR为12.2,而接触石棉的吸烟者RR高达32.1。吸烟和石棉暴露协同指数为2.2。(3)研究队列发生胸膜间皮瘤2例。结论 单纯暴露于温石棉的工人肺癌显著超高。  相似文献   

Two cohorts of male lead workers, 4 519 battery plant workers and 2 300 lead production workers, all of whom had been employed for at least one year during the period 1 January 1946 through 31 December 1970, were observed for mortality during the 34 years from 1 January 1947 through 31 December 1980. Vital status as of the closing date was determined for 94.7% of the former group and 91.6% of the latter. There were 1 718 deaths in the first cohort and 621 in the second. Mortality from all causes combined was significantly greater than expected in each cohort, the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) being 107 and 113, respectively. Among the battery plant workers the greater than expected mortality rate resulted in large part from a significant number of excess deaths from malignant neoplasms (SMR 113), other hypertensive disease (mainly renal) (SMR 320), chronic nephritis (SMR 222), and a group of ill-defined conditions (SMR 355). Among the lead production workers the pattern was similar, with a significant number of excess deaths from other hypertensive disease (SMR 475), hypertensive heart disease (SMR 203), chronic nephritis (SMR 265), and ill-defined conditions (SMR 214). There was also a significant excess of deaths from external causes (SMR 143). The SMR for total malignancies was 113, but this value was not significantly elevated at the 5% level. In neither cohort were deaths from cerebrovascular disease in significant excess, the SMR being 93 and 132, respectively. A proportionate mortality analysis showed that the excess deaths from cerebrovascular disease and from hypertensive heart disease among smelter workers were in part due to the high proportion of nonwhites in the smelter populations. The stomach, liver, and lungs were the sites responsible for most excess cancer deaths in both cohorts, but the elevated SMR values were statistically significant only for gastric and lung cancers in battery plant workers. There were no excess deaths from malignancies of the kidney, brain, or lymphopoietic system in either cohort. It is impossible to relate the observed mortality to levels of lead exposure; because of meager quantitative information prior to 1960. It is known that past exposures had been very high. Ethnicity, diet, alcohol, and cigarette smoking could not be ruled out as possible confounding etiologic factors for the cancer deaths.  相似文献   

Cancer mortality in a cohort of male German iron foundry workers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Observations of an increased incidence of cancers of the upper aero-digestive tract (pharynx, esophagus, larynx, lung) among workers of local German foundries gave rise to concern about a potentially elevated occupational risk of those cancer sites. The purpose of the study was to examine whether occupational exposure in iron foundries increases the risk of cancer. METHODS: A historical cohort study of 17,708 male German production workers in 37 iron foundries who were first employed in 1950-1985 with a minimum employment period of 1 year was initiated. Employment and occupational histories were collected. Mortality was compared with that of the German general population during 1950-1993 using a new method for computing the SMR when not all causes of death are available (called SMR*). RESULTS: Mortality from all causes was elevated to SMR = 115.4 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 111.9-119.1), as was for total cancer (SMR* = 123.8, CI = 102.1-152.6), especially cancers of the lung (SMR* = 163.9, CI = 123.9-223.0) and liver (SMR* = 322.5, CI = 149.5-844.8), and diseases of the respiratory system (SMR* = 147.6, CI = 100.4-221.5). Non-significant elevations of mortality were also found for cancers of the mouth and pharynx (SMR* = 153.5, CI = 82.3-359.8) and larynx (SMR* = 173.1, CI = 85.5-550.5). Mortality from various causes of death was higher among workers with shorter exposure periods than among long-term employees. The elevated mortality persisted for years and decades after termination of employment. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide further evidence for an increased risk of lung cancer and possibly other cancers of the upper aero-digestive tract among foundry workers. Special attention should be paid to the strongly increased mortality from liver cancer and the mortality pattern among employees having terminated work.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES—To study mortality among 4324 workers at two United Kingdom factories, Darwen, Lancashire and Wilton, Cleveland, producing polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) sheet. The Darwen factory is still active, but the Wilton one was closed in 1970. Also, to investigate patterns of mortality after exposure to methyl methacrylate; in particular, mortality from colon and rectal cancer.
METHODS—All male employees at the Darwen factory with a record of employment in 1949-88 and all men ever employed at the Wilton factory (1949-70) were investigated. The vital status of both cohorts was ascertained on 31 December 1995. The exposure of 1526 subjects at the Darwen plant who were engaged from 1949 onwards could be characterised. The mean duration of exposure was 7.6 years at 13.2 ppm (8 hour time weighted average), although exposures in some work groups were as high as 100 ppm. It was not possible to calculate the cumulative exposure of workers first employed at the Darwen plant before 1949 or workers at the Wilton factory.
RESULTS—In the Darwen cohort, 622 deaths were identified and a further 700 deaths in the Wilton cohort. Mortalities for the cohort were compared with national and local rates and expressed as standardised mortality ratios (SMRs). In the subcohort of Darwen workers with more than minimal exposure to MMA, reduced mortalities compared with national and local rates, were found for all causes (SMR 94), and colorectal cancer (SMR 92), but mortality from all cancers was slightly increased (SMR 104). No relations were found with cumulative exposure to MMA. In the subcohort of Wilton workers, mortality from all causes of death was significantly reduced (SMR 89), but mortality from all cancers (SMR 103) and colorectal cancer (SMR 124) were increased. The excess of colorectal cancer was confined to employees with less than 1 year of employment.
CONCLUSION—The study provided no clear evidence that employment at the factories or exposure to MMA had adversely affected the mortalities of workers.

Keywords: methyl methacrylate; mortality  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the mortality experience of workers from the styrene-butadiene rubber industry. Concerns about a possible association of 1,3-butadiene and styrene with lymphohaematopoietic, gastrointestinal, and lung cancers prompted the investigation. METHODS: A retrospective follow up study was conducted of 15,649 men employed for at least one year at any of eight North American styrene-butadiene rubber plants. Analyses used standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) to compare styrene-butadiene rubber workers' cause specific mortalities (1943-91) with those of the United States and Ontario general populations. RESULTS: On average, there were 25 years of follow up per subject. The standardised mortality ratio (SMR) was 87 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 85 to 90) for all causes of death combined and was 93 (95% CI 87 to 99) for all cancers. There was an excess of leukaemia (SMR 131, 95% CI 97 to 174), restricted to hourly workers (SMR 143, 95% CI 104 to 191). For causes of death other than leukaemia, SMRs were close to or below the null value of 100. Results by work area (process group) were unremarkable for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and stomach cancer. Maintenance workers had a slight increase in deaths from lung cancer, and certain subgroups of workers had more than expected deaths from cancer of the large intestine and the larynx. CONCLUSION: This study found an excess of leukaemia that is likely to be due to exposure to butadiene or to butadiene plus other chemicals. Deaths from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and stomach cancer did not seem to be related to occupational exposure. The excess deaths from lung cancer among maintenance workers may be due in part to confounding by smoking, which was not controlled for, and in part to an unidentified occupational exposure other than butadiene or styrene. Increases in cancer of the large intestine and larynx were based on small numbers, did not seem to be due to exposure to butadiene or styrene, and may be chance observations.



A study of pulp and paper mill workers indicated low risks of death from all causes (standardized mortality ratio (SMR) = 0.74) and all cancers (SMR = 0.81) compared with U.S. rates. The leukemia death rate in workers was not higher than the U.S. rate but was higher than the rate in county populations surrounding mills. Workers whose last jobs were in the finishing areas of the mills had an elevated SMR for liver cancer. An internal comparison of occupational characteristics indicated that workers employed in mills using other chemical pulping operations had significantly elevated mortality from all causes, all cancers, heart disease, lymphomas, and brain cancers. Lung cancer mortality was elevated in mills using kraft pulping. The internal comparisons confirmed the association between work in finishing and the risk of liver cancer. This study was designed to investigate whether pulp and paper mill workers have any risks that would indicate the need for studies detailing exposures. Am. J. Ind. Med. 33:354–365, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mortality in Florida professional firefighters, 1972 to 1999   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Exposure to occupational hazards among firefighters may lead to increased mortality from cancer, lung, or heart disease. METHODS: Age- and gender-adjusted mortality rates of 34,796 male and 2,017 female Florida professional firefighters between 1972 and 1999 were compared with the Florida general population. RESULTS: One thousand four hundred eleven male and 38 female firefighter deaths with known causes were identified. In male firefighters, mortality due to all causes and most non-malignant diseases was significantly less than expected. There was no excess overall mortality from cancer, but excesses existed for male breast cancer [standardized mortality ratio (SMR = 7.41; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.99-18.96) and thyroid cancer (SMR = 4.82; 95% CI: 1.30-12.34)]. Mortality from bladder cancer was increased and approached statistical significance (SMR = 1.79; 95% CI: 0.98-3.00). Firefighters certified between 1972 and 1976 had excess mortality from bladder cancer (SMR = 1.95; 95% CI: 1.04-3.33). Female firefighters had similar morality patterns to Florida women except for atherosclerotic heart disease (SMR = 3.85; 95% CI: 1.66-7.58). CONCLUSIONS: Excess mortality risk from bladder cancer may be related to occupational exposure during firefighting. The thyroid cancer and breast cancer risk in males, as well as the excess risk of cardiovascular disease mortality noted in females warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To carry out a systematic review of the evidence relating asbestos exposure to the risk of laryngeal cancer. METHOD: All identified studies of asbestos workers providing data on laryngeal disease were reviewed, together with studies of laryngeal cancers giving epidemiological or experimental evidence of associated exposures. RESULTS: Confounding due to smoking and alcohol intake, and to a lesser extent diet and socio-economic factors, creates a major difficulty over the identification of any asbestos or other occupational effect. Not only are smoking and alcohol independently associated with large increases in relative risk (RR) of laryngeal cancer, but also have a synergistic effect with each other. Few of the studies provide details of either habit. Among 24 prospective studies for which a standardized mortality ratio (SMR) was available, nine had an SMR at or below unity, and among a further 11 without an SMR for comparison, in only one was there a clear excess risk. In 17 retrospective studies, only two showed a significantly increased RR. Evidence from animal experiments, studies of associations with pleural plaques, and autopsy findings also appear negative or inconclusive. CONCLUSION: The evidence does not indicate that asbestos exposure increases the RR of laryngeal cancer.  相似文献   

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