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Monoclonal antibodies were raised after injecting mice with isolated human dense granules. Several of these monoclonals were found to recognize a 40-Kd dense granule membrane protein. Western blot and immunofluorescent analysis confirmed the dense-granule specificity. After thrombin activation, the protein was found in patches on the external platelet membrane. By Western blot and slot blot analysis, the protein was found to be markedly deficient in a patient with the Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Studies of neutrophils and endothelial cells show the presence of immunologically related granule-membrane protein(s). Western blots using four anti-synaptophysin antibodies and three antibodies to the platelet 40-Kd protein suggest that the protein may share some homology with, but is not identical to, the synaptosomal membrane protein synaptophysin.  相似文献   

The final stages of of megakaryocyte (MK) maturation involve a series of steps, including polyploidization and proplatelet formation. Although these processes are highly dependent on dynamic changes in the microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton, the mechanisms responsible for regulation of MTs in MKs remain poorly defined. Stathmin is a highly conserved MT-regulatory protein that has been suggested to play a role in MK differentiation of human leukemic cell lines. However, previous studies defining this relationship have reached contradictory conclusions. In this study, we addressed this controversy and investigated the role of stathmin in primary human MKs. To explore the importance of stathmin down-regulation during megakaryocytopoiesis, we used a lentiviral-mediated gene delivery system to prevent physiologic down-regulation of stathmin in primary MKs. We demonstrated that sustained expression of constitutively active stathmin delayed cytoplasmic maturation (ie, glycoprotein GPIb and platelet factor 4 expression) and reduced the ability of MKs to achieve high levels of ploidy. Moreover, platelet production was impaired in MKs in which down-regulation of stathmin expression was prevented. These studies indicate that suppression of stathmin is biologically important for MK maturation and platelet production and support the importance of MT regulation during the final stages of thrombopoiesis.  相似文献   

Novak  EK; McGarry  MP; Swank  RT 《Blood》1985,66(5):1196-1201
Two human diseases of platelet storage pool deficiency (SPD), Hermansky- Pudlak syndrome and Chediak-Higashi syndrome, are recessively inherited disorders characterized by hypopigmentation, prolonged bleeding, and normal platelet counts accompanied by a reduction in dense granule number. We have recently described seven independent recessive mutations in the mouse regulated by separate genes which are likely animal models for human SPD. Reciprocal bone marrow transplants were carried out between normal C57BL/6J mice and two of these mutants, beige and pallid, in order to test whether the platelet defects are due to a defect in platelet progenitor cells or to humoral factors. Normal and congenic mutant mice were transplanted with marrow after 950 rad whole body radiation. The long bleeding times and low serotonin concentrations of the two mutants were converted to normal values after transplantation with normal marrow. Likewise, normal mice displayed symptoms of SPD when transplanted with mutant marrow. These studies demonstrate that with each of the two mutations, platelet SPD results from a defect in bone marrow precursor cells. Also, the studies suggest that in severe cases, platelet SPD may be successfully treated by bone marrow transplantation.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization is crucial in throm-bopoiesis, platelet adhesion, and mega-karyocyte (MK) and platelet spreading. The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) homolog WAVE functions downstream of Rac and plays a pivotal role in lamellipodia formation. While MKs and platelets principally express WAVE1 and WAVE2, which are associated with Abi1, the physiologic significance of WAVE isoforms remains undefined. We generated WAVE2(-/-) embryonic stem (ES) cells because WAVE2-null mice die by embryonic day (E) 12.5. We found that while WAVE2(-/-) ES cells differentiated into immature MKs on OP9 stroma, they were severely impaired in terminal differentiation and in platelet production. WAVE2(-/-) MKs exhibited a defect in peripheral lamellipodia on fibrinogen even with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) costimulation, indicating a requirement of WAVE2 for integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3)-mediated full spreading. MKs in which expression of Abi1 was reduced by small interfering RNA (siRNA) exhibited striking similarity to WAVE2(-/-) MKs in maturation and spreading. Interestingly, the knockdown of IRSp53, a Rac effector that preferentially binds to WAVE2, impaired the development of lamellipodia without affecting proplatelet production. In contrast, thrombopoiesis in vivo and platelet spreading on fibrinogen in vitro were intact in WAVE1-null mice. These observations clarify indispensable roles for the WAVE2/Abi1 complex in alpha(IIb)beta(3)-mediated lamellipodia by MKs and platelets through Rac and IRSp53, and additionally in thrombopoiesis independent of Rac and IRSp53.  相似文献   

Inflammasomes are caspase-1–activating multiprotein complexes. The mouse nucleotide-binding domain and leucine rich repeat pyrin containing 1b (NLRP1b) inflammasome was identified as the sensor of Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin (LT) in mouse macrophages from sensitive strains such as BALB/c. Upon exposure to LT, the NLRP1b inflammasome activates caspase-1 to produce mature IL-1β and induce pyroptosis. Both processes are believed to depend on autoproteolysed caspase-1. In contrast to human NLRP1, mouse NLRP1b lacks an N-terminal pyrin domain (PYD), indicating that the assembly of the NLRP1b inflammasome does not require the adaptor apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD (ASC). LT-induced NLRP1b inflammasome activation was shown to be impaired upon inhibition of potassium efflux, which is known to play a major role in NLRP3 inflammasome formation and ASC dimerization. We investigated whether NLRP3 and/or ASC were required for caspase-1 activation upon LT stimulation in the BALB/c background. The NLRP1b inflammasome activation was assessed in both macrophages and dendritic cells lacking either ASC or NLRP3. Upon LT treatment, the absence of NLRP3 did not alter the NLRP1b inflammasome activity. Surprisingly, the absence of ASC resulted in IL-1β cleavage and pyroptosis, despite the absence of caspase-1 autoprocessing activity. By reconstituting caspase-1/caspase-11−/− cells with a noncleavable or catalytically inactive mutant version of caspase-1, we directly demonstrated that noncleavable caspase-1 is fully active in response to the NLRP1b activator LT, whereas it is nonfunctional in response to the NLRP3 activator nigericin. Taken together, these results establish variable requirements for caspase-1 cleavage depending on the pathogen and the responding NLR.Anthrax is a zoonotic disease caused by the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus anthracis. B. anthracis provokes a shock-like syndrome that can prove fatal to the host (1) and has recently gained notoriety as a potential bioterrorism agent. Anthrax pathogenicity relies on its ability to secrete three virulence proteins, which combine with each other to form two toxins. The protective antigen (PA) combines with the edema factor (EF) to form the edema toxin (2, 3). EF is an adenylate cyclase that causes edema of the infected tissue. The binary combination of PA with lethal factor (LF) gives rise to the most virulent factor, called lethal toxin (LT), responsible for the systemic symptoms and death of the infected animal. To escape the host immune response, LT impairs the host innate immunity by killing macrophages (46). The PA protein interacts with LF and binds to cell surface receptors, enabling endocytosis of the LT complex. In the acidic compartment, PA forms pores allowing the delivery of LF to the cytosol. LF is a zinc metalloprotease that was shown to cleave the N-terminal region of many MAP kinase kinases and to induce apoptosis of macrophages. LT also triggers pyroptosis through the formation of a caspase-1–activating platform, named “inflammasome” (68).Inflammasomes are multiprotein complexes of the innate immune response that control caspase-1 activity and pro–IL-1β and pro–IL-18 maturation. Most inflammasomes are composed of specific cytosolic pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs), as well as the apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase activation and recruitment domain (CARD) (ASC) adaptor protein that enables the recruitment and activation of the caspase-1 protease. Once caspase-1 is oligomerized within an inflammasome platform, the enzyme undergoes autoproteolysis to form heterodimers of active caspase-1 (912). In the mouse, at least five distinct inflammasomes have been described, distinguished by the PRR that induces the complex formation. The PRRs capable of participating in inflammasome platform formation are either members of the nod-like receptor (NLR) family (e.g., NLRP1, NLRP3, or NLRC4) or of the PYrin and HIN (PYHIN) family (e.g., AIM2) (13, 14). ASC is composed of a pyrin domain (PYD) and a caspase activation and recruitment domain (CARD). ASC interacts with a PYD-containing PRR via its PYD domain and recruits the CARD domain of caspase-1 via its CARD domain. Thus, ASC is essential to the formation of the inflammasome by receptors such as NLRP3 or AIM2 (1518). However, its presence is dispensable for NLRC4, which contains a CARD in place of a PYD, allowing direct interaction with the CARD domain of caspase-1 (19, 20).Past studies have determined that certain mouse strains are more sensitive than others to LT cytotoxicity, and genetic studies identified NLRP1b as the factor conferring mouse strain susceptibility to anthrax LT (21). The mouse genome contains three different NLRP1 isoforms (a, b, and c) and a functional NLRP1b was found to be expressed by the mouse strains sensitive to LT (e.g., BALB/c or 129 background). Expression of NLRP1b was shown to mediate IL-1β release and caspase-1–mediated cell death in response to LT (7, 21, 22). Mouse NLRP1b differs structurally from human NLRP1 in that it lacks the N-terminal PYD (23). The absence of the PYD suggests that NLRP1b can directly engage caspase-1 without a requirement for ASC. However, studies dissecting the mechanism of NLRC4 inflammasome activation demonstrated that ASC is required for the amplification of caspase-1 autoprocessing and IL-1β secretion but not for pyroptosis (19, 20). Cell lysis mediated by LT was shown to be dependent on sodium and potassium fluxes (24), and high extracellular potassium inhibited IL-1β secretion upon LT treatment, suggesting a role for the NLRP3 inflammasome in LT sensing (22, 25). Therefore, we investigated whether NLRP3 and/or ASC were required for caspase-1 activation in response to LT. The NLRP3, ASC, and caspase-1 mouse knockout strains were backcrossed into the BALB/c background and the response of macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) to LT intoxication was studied. Our data reveal that (i) in response to LT, ASC is dispensable for caspase-1 activation, but uncleavable caspase-1 is fully active; and (ii) upon activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome, uncleavable caspase-1 is inactive.  相似文献   

Serial measurements of platelet volume, platelet content of adenine nucleotides, beta-thromboglobulin (beta-TG), platelet factor 4 (PF4) and ex vivo platelet aggregation were made in baboons under basal, steady-state conditions of normal platelet production, and during recovery from acute thrombocytopenia induced by the exposure of flowing blood to spherical glass microbeads. The mean basal platelet count of 509 +/- 107 X 10(9)/l (+/- 1 SD; n = 4) fell acutely to 36.8 +/- 12.6 X 10(9)/l after the insertion of glass bead columns and blood filters, placed distally, for 60 min into surgically implanted arteriovenous-shunts in heparinized baboons. After the irreversible removal of up to 90% of the baseline circulating platelet population, recovery from thrombocytopenia was characterized by a constant rate of increase in circulating platelet counts (115 +/- 11 X 10(9)/l/d) and a rebound thrombocytosis to 1.5 times the basal platelet count after 7 d. Steadystate thrombocytopoiesis was achieved by 3-4 weeks after the onset of thrombocytopenia. Platelet dense granule ADP and ATP decreased significantly from 3.89 +/- 0.20 and 2.33 +/- 0.25 mumol/10(11) platelets respectively at baseline to 2.17 +/- 0.37 and 1.68 +/- 0.37 mumol/10(11) platelets respectively after 7 d (P less than 0.001 in both cases) and normalization was achieved only after 4 weeks. By contrast, the mean platelet volume and platelet content of beta-TG and PF4 did not change significantly throughout the course of study (P greater than 0.1 in both cases). Platelet function, assessed by platelet aggregation ex vivo, demonstrated that platelet function was not impaired despite the significant decrease in dense granule ADP. We conclude that a selective, temporal reduction in platelet dense granule adenine nucleotides reflects changes in the thrombocytopoietic control mechanism secondary to induction of acute thrombocytopenia.  相似文献   

Despite their low frequency, plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) produce most of the type I IFN that is detectable in the blood following viral infection. The endosomal Toll-like receptors (TLRs) TLR7 and TLR9 are required for pDCs, as well as other cell types, to sense viral nucleic acids, but the mechanism by which signaling through these shared receptors results in the prodigious production of type I IFN by pDCs is not understood. We designed a genetic screen to identify proteins required for the development and specialized function of pDCs. One phenovariant, which we named feeble, showed abrogation of both TLR-induced type I IFN and proinflammatory cytokine production by pDCs, while leaving TLR responses intact in other cells. The feeble phenotype was mapped to a mutation in Slc15a4, which encodes the peptide/histidine transporter 1 (PHT1) and has not previously been implicated in pDC function. The identification of the feeble mutation led to our subsequent observations that AP-3, as well as the BLOC-1 and BLOC-2 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome proteins are essential for pDC signaling through TLR7 and TLR9. These proteins are not necessary for TLR7 or TLR9 signaling in conventional DCs and thus comprise a membrane trafficking pathway uniquely required for endosomal TLR signaling in pDCs.  相似文献   

Rab11 is a small GTP-binding protein that in cultured mammalian cells has been shown to be concentrated in the pericentriolar endosomal recycling compartment and to play a key role in passage of the recycling transferrin receptor through that compartment [Ullrich, O., Reinsch, S., Urbé, S., Zerial, M. & Parton, R. G. (1996) J. Cell Biol. 135, 913–924]. To obtain insights into the site(s) of action of rab11 within the recycling pathway, we have now compared the effects on recycling at 37°C of overexpression of wild-type rab11 and various mutant forms of this protein in cells that had been loaded with transferrin at either 37°C or 16°C. We show that incubation at 16°C blocks passage of endocytosed transferrin into the recycling compartment and that, whereas the rab11 dominant negative mutant form (S25N) inhibits transferrin recycling after interiorization at either temperature, the wild-type rab11 and constitutively active mutant (Q70L) have no inhibitory effect on the recycling of molecules that were interiorized at 16°C. This differential inhibitory effect shows that two distinct pathways for recycling are followed by the bulk of the transferrin molecules interiorized at the two different temperatures. The incapacity of the constitutively active form of rab11 (Q70L) to inhibit recycling of molecules interiorized at 16°C is consistent with their recycling taking place directly from sorting endosomes, in a process that does not require hydrolysis of GTP on rab11. The fact that the dominant negative (S25N) form of rab11 inhibits recycling of molecules interiorized at both temperatures indicates that activation of rab11 by GTP is required for exit of transferrin from sorting endosomes, regardless of whether this exit is toward the recycling compartment or directly to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rlp7 protein has extensive identity and similarity to the large ribosomal subunit L7 proteins and shares an RNA-binding domain with them. Rlp7p is not a ribosomal protein; however, it is encoded by an essential gene and therefore must perform a function essential for cell growth. In this report, we show that Rlp7p is a nucleolar protein that plays a critical role in processing of precursors to the large ribosomal subunit RNAs. Pulse-chase labeling experiments with Rlp7p-depleted cells reveal that neither 5.8S(S), 5.8S(L), nor 25S is produced, indicating that both the major and minor processing pathways are affected. Analysis of processing intermediates by primer extension indicates that Rlp7p-depleted cells accumulate the 27SA(3) precursor RNA, which is normally the major substrate (85%) used to produce the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs, and the ratio of 27SB(L) to 27SB(S) precursors changes from approximately 1:8 to 8:1 (depleted cells). Because 27SA(3) is the direct precursor to 27SB(S), we conclude that Rlp7p is specifically required for the 5' to 3' exonucleolytic trimming of the 27SA(3) into the 27SB(S) precursor. As it is essential for processing in both the major and minor pathways, we propose that Rlp7p may act as a specificity factor that binds precursor rRNAs and tethers the enzymes that carry out the early 5' to 3' exonucleolytic reactions that generate the mature rRNAs. Rlp7p may also be required for the endonucleolytic cleavage in internal transcribed spacer 2 that separates the 5.8S rRNA from the 25S rRNA.  相似文献   

As the only cell capable of bone resorption, the osteoclast is a central mediator of skeletal homeostasis and disease. To efficiently degrade mineralized tissue, these multinucleated giant cells secrete acid into a resorption lacuna formed between their apical membrane and the bone surface. For each proton pumped into this extracellular compartment, one bicarbonate ion remains in the cytoplasm. To prevent alkalinization of the cytoplasm, a basolateral bicarbonate/chloride exchanger provides egress for intracellular bicarbonate. However, the identity of this exchanger is unknown. Here, we report that the bicarbonate/chloride exchanger, solute carrier family 4, anion exchanger, member 2 (SLC4A2), is up-regulated during osteoclast differentiation. Suppression of Slc4a2 expression by RNA interference inhibits the ability of RAW cells, a mouse macrophage cell line, to differentiate into osteoclasts and resorb mineralized matrix in vitro. Accordingly, Slc4a2-deficient mice fail to remodel the primary, cartilaginous skeletal anlagen. Abnormal multinucleated giant cells are present in the bone marrow of Slc4a2-deficient mice. Though these cells express the osteoclast markers CD68, cathepsin K, and NFATc1, compared with their wild-type (WT) counterparts they are larger, fail to express tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity, and display a propensity to undergo apoptosis. In vitro Slc4a2-deficient osteoclasts are unable to resorb mineralized tissue and cannot form an acidified, extracellular resorption compartment. These data highlight SLC4A2 as a critical mediator of osteoclast differentiation and function in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Endonuclease G (EndoG) is a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial protein reported to be important for both nuclear DNA fragmentation during apoptosis and mitochondrial DNA replication. To evaluate the in vivo function of EndoG, we have investigated the effects of EndoG deficiency in cells and mice. We found that EndoG homozygous mutant embryos die between embryonic days 2.5 and 3.5. Mitochondrial DNA copy numbers in ovulated oocytes from EndoG heterozygous mutant and wild-type mice are similar, suggesting that EndoG is involved in a cellular function unrelated to mitochondrial DNA replication. Interestingly, we found that cells from EndoG heterozygous mutant mice exhibit increased resistance to both tumor necrosis factor alpha- and staurosporine-induced cell death. Moreover, spontaneous cell death of spermatogonia in EndoG heterozygous mutant mice is significantly reduced compared with wild-type mice. DNA fragmentation is also reduced in EndoG+/- thymocytes and splenocytes compared with wild-type cells, as well as in EndoG+/- thymus in vivo compared with that of the wild-type mice, on activation of apoptosis. These findings indicate that EndoG is essential during early embryogenesis and plays a critical role in normal apoptosis and nuclear DNA fragmentation.  相似文献   

Signaling from collagen and G protein-coupled receptors leads to platelet adhesion and subsequent thrombus formation. Paracrine agonists such as ADP, thromboxane, and Gas6 are required for platelet aggregate formation. We hypothesized that thrombi are intrinsically unstable structures and that their stabilization requires persistent paracrine activity and continuous signaling, maintaining integrin alpha(IIb)beta3 activation. Here, we studied the disassembly of human and murine thrombi formed on collagen under high shear conditions. Platelet aggregates rapidly disintegrated (1) in the absence of fibrinogen-containing plasma; (2) by blocking or inhibiting alpha(IIb)beta3; (3) by blocking P2Y12 receptors; (4) by suppression of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) beta. In murine blood, absence of PI3Kgamma led to formation of unstable thrombi, leading to dissociation of multiplatelet aggregates. In addition, blocking PI3Kbeta delayed initial thrombus formation and reduced individual platelet-platelet contact. Similarly without flow, agonist-induced aggregation was reversed by late suppression of P2Y12 or PI3K isoforms, resulting in single platelets that had inactivated alpha(IIb)beta3 and no longer bound fibrinogen. Together, the data indicate that continuous outside-in signaling via P2Y12 and both PI3Kbeta and PI3Kgamma isoforms is required for perpetuated alpha(IIb)beta3 activation and maintenance of a platelet aggregate. This novel concept of intrinsic, dynamic thrombus instability gives possibilities for the use of antiplatelet therapy.  相似文献   

Interaction of the activating receptor NKG2D with its ligands is a major stimulatory pathway for cytotoxicity of natural killer (NK) cells. Here, the signaling pathway involved after NKG2D ligation is examined. Either incubation of the NKG2D-bearing human NKL tumor cell line with K562 target cells or cross-linking with NKG2D mAb induced strong activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases. Selective inhibition of JNK MAP kinase with four different means of inhibition greatly reduced NKG2D-mediated cytotoxicity toward target cells and furthermore, blocked the movement of the microtubule organizing center (MTOC), granzyme B (a component of cytotoxic granules), and paxillin (a scaffold protein) to the immune synapse. NKG2D-induced activation of JNK kinase was also blocked by inhibitors of Src protein tyrosine kinases and phospholipase PLCgamma, upstream of JNK. Similarly, a second MAP kinase pathway through ERK was previously shown to be required for NK cell cytotoxicity. Thus, activation of two MAP kinase pathways is required for cytotoxic granule and MTOC polarization and for cytotoxicity of human NK cells when NKG2D is ligated.  相似文献   

Target of rapamycin (TOR) kinases are key regulators of cell growth, proliferation, and structure in eukaryotes, processes that are highly coordinated during the infectious cycle of eukaryotic pathogens. Database mining revealed three TOR kinases in the trypanosomatid parasite Leishmania major, as defined by homology to the phosphoinositide 3-kinase–related kinase (PIKK) family and a signature conserved FKBP12/rapamycin-binding domain. Consistent with the essential roles of TOR complexes in other organisms, we were unable to generate null TOR1 or TOR2 mutants in cultured L. major promastigotes. In contrast, tor3 null mutants were readily obtained; while exhibiting somewhat slower growth, tor3 maintained normal morphology, rapamycin sensitivity, and differentiation into the animal-infective metacyclic stage. Significantly, tor3 mutants were unable to survive or replicate in macrophages in vitro, or to induce pathology or establish infections in mice in vivo. The loss of virulence was associated with a defect in acidocalcisome formation, as this unique organelle was grossly altered in tor3- mutants and no longer accumulated polyphosphates. Correspondingly, tor3- mutants showed defects in osmoregulation and were sensitive to starvation for glucose but not amino acids, glucose being a limiting nutrient in the parasitophorous vacuole. Thus, in Leishmania, the TOR kinase family has expanded to encompass a unique role in AC function and biology, one that is essential for parasite survival in the mammalian infective stage. Given their important roles in cell survival and virulence, inhibition of TOR kinase function in trypanosomatids offers an attractive target for chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Polgár J  Chung SH  Reed GL 《Blood》2002,100(3):1081-1083
Secretion of platelet granules is necessary for normal hemostasis. Platelet secretion requires soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein (SNAP) receptor (SNARE) complex formation between different members of the syntaxin, SNAP-25, and vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) gene families. Using microcapillary reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-nano-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, we identified VAMP-3 and VAMP-8 as VAMP isoforms coimmunoprecipitated from platelets with syntaxin 4. Immunoblotting experiments confirmed the presence of VAMP-3 and VAMP-8 but not VAMP-1 or VAMP-2 in platelets. To examine the effect of VAMP proteins on platelet secretion, soluble recombinant (r) VAMP-2, rVAMP-3, and rVAMP-8 were incubated with streptolysin O-permeabilized platelets. Secretion of alpha granules (monitored by flow cytometric measurement of P-selectin) was blocked, and dense-granule secretion (assessed by release of carbon 14-serotonin) was almost completely inhibited by rVAMP-3, whereas rVAMP-8 inhibited secretion of dense granules but not alpha granules. In contrast, rVAMP-2, which formed SNARE complexes in vitro, had no effect on platelet exocytosis. We conclude that VAMP-3 and VAMP-8 form SNARE complexes with platelet syntaxin 4 and are required for platelet granule secretion.  相似文献   

Mitchell WB  Li J  Murcia M  Valentin N  Newman PJ  Coller BS 《Blood》2007,109(9):3725-3732
Current evidence supports a model in which the low-affinity state of the platelet integrin alphaIIbbeta3 results from alphaIIbbeta3 adopting a bent conformation. To assess alphaIIbbeta3 biogenesis and how alphaIIbbeta3 initially adopts the bent conformation, we mapped the conformational states occupied by alphaIIb and beta3 during biogenesis using conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). We found that alphaIIbbeta3 complex formation was not limited by the availability of either free pro-alphaIIb or free beta3, suggesting that other molecules, perhaps chaperones, control complex formation. Five beta3-specific, ligand-induced binding site (LIBS) mAbs reacted with much or all free beta3 but not with beta3 when in complex with mature alphaIIb, suggesting that beta3 adopts its mature conformation only after complex formation. Conversely, 2 alphaIIb-specific LIBS mAbs directed against the alphaIIb Calf-2 region adjacent to the membrane reacted with only minor fractions of free pro-alphaIIb, raising the possibility that pro-alphaIIb adopts a bent conformation early in biogenesis. Our data suggest a working model in which pro-alphaIIb adopts a bent conformation soon after synthesis, and then beta3 assumes its bent conformation by virtue of its interaction with the bent pro-alphaIIb.  相似文献   

Neurog3 (Neurogenin 3 or Ngn3) is both necessary and sufficient to induce endocrine islet cell differentiation from embryonic pancreatic progenitors. Since robust Neurog3 expression has not been detected in hormone-expressing cells, Neurog3 is used as an endocrine progenitor marker and regarded as dispensable for the function of differentiated islet cells. Here we used 3 independent lines of Neurog3 knock-in reporter mice and mRNA/protein-based assays to examine Neurog3 expression in hormone-expressing islet cells. Neurog3 mRNA and protein are detected in hormone-producing cells at both embryonic and adult stages. Significantly, inactivating Neurog3 in insulin-expressing β cells at embryonic stages or in Pdx1-expressing islet cells in adults impairs endocrine function, a phenotype that is accompanied by reduced expression of several Neurog3 target genes that are essential for islet cell differentiation, maturation, and function. These findings demonstrate that Neurog3 is required not only for initiating endocrine cell differentiation, but also for promoting islet cell maturation and maintaining islet function.  相似文献   

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