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A calibration strategy for the continuous monitoring of solvent-mediated phase transition was developed using in situ Raman spectroscopy. Citric acid which exhibits enantiotropy during its anhydrous/monohydrate phase transition was selected as a model organic product. Using 25 samples in suspension, specific calibration of the spectral data was obtained for estimating in-line both the overall solid concentration in suspension and the composition of the solid phase. In addition to such key-measurements, reliable estimates of supersaturation were computed in-line from the mass balance of the solute. In order to validate the technique, anhydrous to monohydrate phase transition experiments were performed in suspensions at 15 degrees C and the kinetic process involved was monitored. Despite the use of various solid concentrations and reactor configurations, both the reproducibility and the reliability of the in situ Raman measurements are shown to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the efficiency of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in studying the pseudopolymorphic changes and the state of water during the wet granulation process. Anhydrous theophylline was granulated in a planetary mixer using water as granulation liquid. NIR spectra and differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) and wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) patterns of theophylline granules, anhydrous theophylline, and theophylline monohydrate were measured. At a low level of granulation liquid (0.3 mol of water per mole of anhydrous theophylline), water absorption maxima in the NIR region occurred first at around 1475 and 1970 nm. These absorption maxima were identical to those of theophylline monohydrate. At higher levels of granulation liquid (1.3-2.7 mol of water per mole of anhydrous theophylline), the increasing absorption maxima occurred at 1410 and 1905 nm due to OH vibrations of free water molecules. X-ray diffraction patterns confirmed the transformation of anhydrous theophylline to theophylline monohydrate during wet granulation. NIR spectroscopy was able to detect different states of water molecules during the wet granulation process faster and in a more flexible manner than conventional methods.  相似文献   

In-line Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis were used to monitor Knoevenagel condensation reaction, the final step in preparation of drug entacapone. By applying a fiber optical Raman probe immersed into a reaction vessel Raman spectra of the reaction mixture were recorded in situ during the entacapone synthesis in toluene, heptane and isobutyl acetate. Due to the complexity of the measured spectra, the obtained data were analyzed and interpreted by means of principal component analysis. It has been shown that progress of this reaction can be monitored in real-time and reaction end points can be determined in different solvents. The reaction was found to be the fastest in heptane due to the lower loss of the catalyst. For a comparison the reaction was independently monitored by off-line Raman spectroscopy and liquid chromatography which confirmed the results obtained in-line. The results presented here have shown that this in-line approach can be used as a fast, non destructive and reliable method to monitor the Knoevenagel reaction in real time. The knowledge gained in this study can further be exploited for the industrial process control.  相似文献   

FT-Raman spectroscopy (in combination with a fibre optic probe) was evaluated as an in-line tool to monitor a blending process of diltiazem hydrochloride pellets and paraffinic wax beads. The mean square of differences (MSD) between two consecutive spectra was used to identify the time required to obtain a homogeneous mixture. A traditional end-sampling thief probe was used to collect samples, followed by HPLC analysis to verify the Raman data. Large variations were seen in the FT-Raman spectra logged during the initial minutes of the blending process using a binary mixture (ratio: 50/50, w/w) of diltiazem pellets and paraffinic wax beads (particle size: 800-1200 microm). The MSD-profiles showed that a homogeneous mixture was obtained after about 15 min blending. HPLC analysis confirmed these observations. The Raman data showed that the mixing kinetics depended on the particle size of the material and on the mixing speed. The results of this study proved that FT-Raman spectroscopy can be successfully implemented as an in-line monitoring tool for blending processes.  相似文献   

Purpose. The aim was to follow hydrate formation of two structurally related drugs, theophylline and caffeine, during wet granulation using fast and nondestructive spectroscopic methods. Methods. Anhydrous theophylline and caffeine were granulated with purified water. Charge-coupled device (CCD) Raman spectroscopy was compared with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) in following hydrate formation of drugs during wet granulation (off-line). To perform an at-line process analysis, the effect of water addition was monitored by NIR spectroscopy and principal components analysis (PCA). The changes in the crystal arrangements were verified by using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). Results. Hydrate formation of theophylline and caffeine could be followed by CCD Raman spectroscopy. The NIR and Raman spectroscopic results were consistent with each other. NIR revealed the state of water, and Raman spectroscopy gave information related to the drug molecule itself. The XRPD confirmed the spectroscopic results. PCA with three principal components explained 99.9of the spectral variation in the second derivative NIR spectra. Conclusions. Both CCD Raman and NIR spectroscopic methods can be applied to monitoring of hydrate formation processes. However, NIR is more suitable for monitoring solid-water interactions.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic transition temperature is a key parameter to ascertain when assessing the properties of a crystalline hydrate. The transition temperature is sometimes difficult to determine experimentally due to rapid transformation between the two crystal forms in solution. In this study, a new approach for determining the transition temperature is presented, utilizing the temperature dependence of the transformation kinetics in aqueous slurries, as determined using in-line Raman spectroscopy. The transition temperatures of several hydrate forming compounds, namely theophylline, carbamazepine and caffeine, are presented. In general, good correlations with literature values were found. This method was found to be a simple, fast and reliable approach for the determination of crystal hydrate transition temperatures in aqueous environments.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to use Raman spectroscopy for the in-line monitoring of the solid state of materials during pharmaceutical hot-melt extrusion in the die head of a 12 mm (development scale) twin-screw extruder during formulation development.A full factorial (mixed) design was generated to determine the influence of variations in concentration of Celecoxib (CEL) in Eudragit® E PO, three different screw configurations and varying barrel temperature profiles on the solid state, ‘melt temperature’ and die pressure of continuously produced extrudates in real-time. Off-line XRD and DSC analysis were used to evaluate the suitability of Raman spectroscopy for solid state predictions. First, principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on all in-line collected Raman spectra from the experimental design. The resulting PC 1 versus PC 2 scores plot showed clustering according to solid state of the extrudates, and two classes, one class where crystalline CEL is still present and a second class where no crystalline CEL was detected, were found. Then, a soft independent modelling of class analogy (SIMCA) model was developed, by modelling these two classes separately by disjoint PCA models. These two separate PCA models were then used for the classification of new produced extrudates and allowed distinction between glassy solid solutions of CEL and crystalline dispersions of CEL. All extrudates were classified similarly by Raman spectroscopy, XRD and DSC measurements, with exception of the extrudates with a 30% CEL concentration extruded at 130 °C. The Raman spectra of these experiments showed bands which were sharper than the amorphous spectra, but broader than the crystalline spectra, indicating the presence of CEL that has dissolved into the matrix and CEL in its crystalline state. XRD and DSC measurements did not detect this. Modifications in the screw configuration did not affect the solid state and did not have an effect on the solid state prediction of new produced extrudates.Secondly, the influence of variations in die pressure on the Raman spectra was examined. The applied drug concentration, processing temperature and feeder performance influence the die pressure, which is reflected in the Raman spectra as a change in spectral intensity. When applying PCA on the raw spectra from the experimental design, the first principal component describes the influence of die pressure on the spectra, which was seen as a decrease in Raman intensity of the whole spectrum when the pressure in the sample increased. Clustering according to processing temperature was found, although the temperature in the die remained constant, indicating that a difference in viscosity, resulting in a changed die pressure, was detected. When the feeder was stopped, the score values of the first principal component almost simultaneously decreased, and only stabilized once the die pressure became stable. Since Raman spectra collected in the extrusion die are influenced by changes in die pressure, disturbances upstream of the extrusion process can be observed and identified in the Raman measurements.  相似文献   

Hydrate formation is a phase transition, which can occur during wet granulation. This kind of processing-induced transformation (PIT) can influence the quality of a finished product. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of excipients on the kinetics of hydrate formation in wet masses. Anhydrous theophylline was chosen as the hydrate-forming model drug compound and two excipients, silicified microcrystalline cellulose (SMCC) and alpha-lactose monohydrate, with different water absorbing properties, were used in formulation. An early stage of wet massing was studied with anhydrous theophylline and its 1:1 (w/w) mixtures with alpha-lactose monohydrate and SMCC with 0.1g/g of purified water. The changes in the state of water were monitored using near-infrared spectroscopy, and the conversion of the crystal structure was verified using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). SMCC decreased the hydrate formation rate by absorbing water, but did not inhibit it. The results suggest that alpha-lactose monohydrate slightly increased the hydrate formation rate in comparison with a mass comprising only anhydrous theophylline.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the complementary properties of Raman and near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as PAT tools for the fast, noninvasive, nondestructive and in-line process monitoring of a freeze drying process. Therefore, Raman and NIR probes were built in the freeze dryer chamber, allowing simultaneous process monitoring. A 5% (w/v) mannitol solution was used as model for freeze drying. Raman and NIR spectra were continuously collected during freeze drying (one Raman and NIR spectrum/min) and the spectra were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) and multivariate curve resolution (MCR). Raman spectroscopy was able to supply information about (i) the mannitol solid state throughout the entire process, (ii) the endpoint of freezing (endpoint of mannitol crystallization), and (iii) several physical and chemical phenomena occurring during the process (onset of ice nucleation, onset of mannitol crystallization). NIR spectroscopy proved to be a more sensitive tool to monitor the critical aspects during drying: (i) endpoint of ice sublimation and (ii) monitoring the release of hydrate water during storage. Furthermore, via NIR spectroscopy some Raman observations were confirmed: start of ice nucleation, end of mannitol crystallization and solid state characteristics of the end product. When Raman and NIR monitoring were performed on the same vial, the Raman signal was saturated during the freezing step caused by reflected NIR light reaching the Raman detector. Therefore, NIR and Raman measurements were done on a different vial. Also the importance of the position of the probes (Raman probe above the vial and NIR probe at the bottom of the sidewall of the vial) in order to obtain all required critical information is outlined. Combining Raman and NIR spectroscopy for the simultaneous monitoring of freeze drying allows monitoring almost all critical freeze drying process aspects. Both techniques do not only complement each other, they also provided mutual confirmation of specific conclusions. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 98:3430–3446, 2009  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the mechanism of hard granule formation and to demonstrate the applicability of X-ray diffraction methods for studying the polymeric pharmaceutical excipients. Using a high-shear mixer, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was granulated with water as the granulating liquid. The hardness of the MCC granules increased with granulation time and the amount of water added. The specific surface area measured by the N2 adsorption method was reduced during the process. Crystallite size of cellulose, calculated by Scherrer's equation adapted for wide angle X-ray diffraction method, decreased with granulation time and with increasing amounts of water added. Debye plots for X-ray small scattering patterns suggested that the average magnitude of the continuous solid region in MCC granules became significantly greater, whereas the specific surface area of the MCC granules, calculated from Debye plots, became smaller in comparison with that of intact MCC. These findings suggested that the long-chain structures in MCC were disrupted, resulting in smaller units with shorter chain lengths due to the strong shear force of the impeller. These smaller units then form a network within the granules. Thus, MCC granules are strengthened with longer granulation time and greater amounts of water, resulting in a more intricate network. The change in MCC chain length and physical structure can be experimentally detected using the small-angle X-ray scattering and wide-angle powder X-ray diffraction methods.  相似文献   

Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been used in a noninvasively mode to develop qualitative and quantitative methods for the monitoring of a wet granulation process. The formulation contained API (10%w/w) and microcrystalline cellulose and maize starch as main excipients. NIR spectra have been acquired through the glass window of the fluidizer in reflectance mode without causing interference to neither the process nor the formulation. The spectral data has been used to develop a qualitative multivariate model based on principal component analysis (PCA). This qualitative model allows the monitoring of different steps during the granulation process only using the spectral data. Also, a quantitative calibration model based on partial least squares (PLS) methodology has been obtained to predict relevant parameters of the process, such as the moisture content, particle size distribution, and bulk density. The methodology for data acquisition, calibration modeling and method application is relatively low-cost and can be easily performed on most of the pharmaceutical sites. Based on the results, the proposed strategy provides excellent results for the monitoring of granulation processes in the pharmaceutical industry. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 99:336–345, 2010  相似文献   

A comparison was made between Raman and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of aspirin tablets. The basis was an assay of aspirin content and the determination of salicylic acid produced by decomposition. Raman observations were performed directly on both intact and powdered tablet material. The limit of detection of HPLC with an ultraviolet detector is lower than that of the Raman measurement, but both are adequate for this application. The reproducibility of the Raman measurement is somewhat better than that of the HPLC measurement. Both methods were used in a degradation study in which samples were stored in a humid atmosphere for a maximum period of 8 weeks. Aside from somewhat higher salicylic acid responses from the HPLC method, which were attributed to hydrolysis during chromatography, results from the two methods were comparable. Direct Raman measurements are faster and do not require the use of solvents.  相似文献   

Potency and content uniformity of granulation and tablet samples are usually determined by HPLC or UV-VIS. However, these methods are not suitable for the determinations of other important process related attributes. The monitoring of nucleation, granule growth and granule breakage in the granulation process requires different analytical tools. In early formulation development of a new active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), out of trend content uniformity results were observed for batches manufactured using a fluid bed wet granulation process. A qualitative near infrared (NIR) method was used to characterize the process samples, which were separated into fractions with sieve sizes of 40, 60, 80, 100, and 200-mesh. Based on spectral analysis, the method was able to demonstrate changes in relative content of lactose, microcrystalline cellulose and the API at different processing times. The results also showed that the out of trend content uniformity was caused by large particle size of the API. Because lactose and microcrystalline cellulose are commonly used ingredients in wet granulation formulations, the qualitative NIR method may find wide applications.  相似文献   

The utility of Raman spectroscopy for noninvasive, real‐time monitoring of a range of tritium gas labeling reactions has been investigated, using deuterium gas as a model in most cases. Reaction types include organoiridium‐catalyzed heteroatom‐directed exchange (HDE), olefin hydrogenation and catalytic aryl dehalogenation. Five examples of HDE reactions with several different substrate types were monitored by observation of Raman vibrational bands sensitive to the isotopic substitutions. Changes in peak intensities and/or frequencies associated with the course of labeling are clearly observable at concentrations and reaction scales typical of tritium gas reactions. Similarly, Raman bands sensitive to the chemical changes that occur during catalytic deuterogenation of an olefin and to catalytic deuterium–bromine exchange of an aryl bromide were successfully monitored. This methodology can provide unprecedented real‐time information, otherwise difficult to obtain, over the course of such reactions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the suitability of two widely utilized solid state characterization techniques namely powder X-ray diffraction (XRPD) and Raman spectroscopy, in polymorph detection and quantification for carbamazepine anhydrate and dihydrate mixtures. The influences of particle size, particle morphology, mixing, and in particular, surface bias on quantitation were investigated. Binary mixtures of carbamazepine anhydrate (form III) and dihydrate were prepared and analyzed using both XRPD and Raman spectroscopy in combination with partial least squares analysis. It was found that in principle both XRPD and Raman spectroscopy could be used to build calibration models for quantitative analysis, and a satisfactory correlation between the two techniques could be achieved. However, Raman spectroscopy appeared to be a more reliable quantification method because problems such as different particle size, morphology, and special distribution of the two solid state forms of the drug seemed to have no significant influence on Raman scattering in this study. The robust nature of Raman analysis greatly facilitates the whole quantification process from the preparation of calibration models to the quantification of in situ CBZ-DH conversion.  相似文献   

Transformations between solid phases in dosage forms can lead to instability in drug release. Thus, it is important to understand mechanisms and kinetics of phase transformations and factors that may influence them. During wet granulation theophylline shows pseudopolymorphic changes that may alter its dissolution rate. The aim of this study was to investigate whether excipients, such as alpha-lactose monohydrate or the highly water absorbing silicified microcrystalline cellulose (SMCC) can influence the hydrate formation of theophylline. In particular, the aim was to study if SMCC offers protection against the formation of theophylline monohydrate relative to alpha-lactose monohydrate in wet masses after an overnight equilibration and the stability of final granules during controlled storage. In addition, the aim was to study the use of spectroscopic methods to identify hydrate formation in the formulations containing excipients. Off-line evaluation of materials was performed using X-ray powder diffractometry, near infrared and Raman spectroscopy. alpha-Lactose monohydrate with minimal water absorbing potential was not able to prevent but enhanced hydrate formation of theophylline. Even though SMCC is able to take large amounts of water into its internal structure, it was able to inhibit the formation of theophylline monohydrate only at low moisture contents, not at the amounts of water needed to form granules. Both the spectroscopic methods used could identify the hydrate formation even though there were excipients in the formulation.  相似文献   

With over 50 years of research in granulation technology, however more research is required to elucidate this widely applicable technology. Wetting phenomena could influence redistribution of individual ingredients within a granule according their solubility and also could affect the drying processes. Binder selection for a particular system is quite often empirical and dependent on the skills and experience of the formulator. Hand squeeze test was and still the main way for determination of wet granulation end point, but it is subjected to individual variation. It depends mainly on operator experience, so it is not possible to be validated. Literature reveals a variety of advanced monitoring techniques following up different wet massing stages. Torque measurement has been proved to be the most reliable control method as its tight relation to mass resistance. Many reports showed successful applications of mixing torque rheometer (MTR) for monitoring the wet massing procedure and scale up in addition to some preformulation applications. MTR as a new approach allows formulators to select a liquid addition range where the granule growth behavior is more predictable.  相似文献   

The distribution of the drug in the granular end product is a critical quality attribute in fluidized bed spray granulation of pharmaceuticals. The evolution of drug content inhomogeneity in a case study was examined as a function of granulation time. Intragranular structure was also investigated using confocal Raman spectroscopy and computerized X-ray microtomography. A principal component analysis was conducted on the results to investigate granule structure-drug content relationships. Inhomogeneity increased at the beginning of the process but later it was found to decrease. Changes in the homogeneity were accompanied by significant changes in the intragranular structure. It was concluded that segregation of the primary components explained the observed inhomogeneity at low saturation levels when the granules grow by layering, but at elevated moisture levels, granule growth is mediated by the coalescence of agglomerates, which promotes homogeneous distribution of the drug particles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare impeller torque measurements and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in the characterization of the water addition phase of a wet granulation process. Additionally, the effect of hydrate formation during granulation on the impeller torque was investigated. Anhydrous theophylline, alpha-lactose monohydrate, and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) were used as materials for the study. The materials and mixtures of them were granulated using purified water in a small-scale high-shear mixer. The impeller torque was registered and NIR spectra of wet samples were recorded at-line. The torque and the NIR baseline-corrected water absorbances increased with increasing water content. A plateau in the NIR baseline-corrected water absorbances was observed for wet masses containing MCC. This was at the region of optimal water amount for granulation according to the torque results. In the case of anhydrous theophylline, the slope of baseline-corrected water absorbance values increased at the same water amount as the impeller torque started to increase. The hydrate formation of theophylline during granulation was observed as a slight decrease in the impeller torque. In addition, the hydrate formation during granulation affected the granulation liquid requirement. The liquid requirement was different for monohydrate formed during granulation compared to one formed in high relative humidity before the granulation. The results suggest that NIR spectroscopy may be applicable to process monitoring of wet granulation, also in cases where monitoring of impeller torque is difficult to apply.  相似文献   

Ampicilline and nitrofurantoin, in both anhydrous and hydrate forms, were characterized by powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD), thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses (TG/DTA) and diffuse reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy (DRIFTS). Of all the analytical tools applied, only DRIFTS was able to indicate the formation of hydrogen bonds between the molecules of the anhydrous drug substance and crystalline water uptaken from atmospheric moisture as evidenced by the significant absorption at 3500-3700cm(-1) corresponding to crystal water. These results suggested that DRIFTS could provide information on hydration without a standard sample and accurately evaluate the physical stability focusing on the qualification of slight hydration in the early stages of pharmaceutical development. In addition, DRIFTS was applied to the besylate salt of pharmaceutical compound A to identify any possible hydration. This salt had the stable form BSA-I, metastable form BSA-II and hydrate form BSA-III. DRIFTS was able to show the hydration of BSA-II even when stored in a capped bottle, eventually leading to the transformation into BSA-III, which was not detected by PXRD. These findings verify the usefulness of DRIFTS for the solid-state characterization of pharmaceutical substances, especially the monitoring of gradual hydration.  相似文献   

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