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目的预防小儿肠造口处肠管狭窄,降低吻合口处感染发生率。方法采用随机数字表法将行暂时性结肠造口患儿40例分为观察组和对照组各20例。观察组采用自制小儿肠造口扩肛器配合人工肛门袋进行造口护理,每天扩肛治疗1次。对照组采用常规造口护理方法,肠造口排便后使用康乐宝儿童型人工造口袋,常规使用手指润滑后扩肛。观察两组造口肠管狭窄、造口周围皮肤情况等。结果观察组造口皮肤完好率、排便通畅率及患儿家属对造口护理满意度显著高于对照组,造口狭窄发生率显著低于对照组(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论自制小儿人工肛门袋配合肠造口扩肛器扩肛的应用,可有效预防肠造口术后并发症;起到堵住造口,训练定时排便,改善造口患儿长期使用造口袋的不便。  相似文献   

为解决小儿肠造瘘术后的家庭护理问题,设计了一种适应于各年龄段小儿使用的肠造口护理保护装置,有效地减少了术后造口旁疝、造口周围皮肤感染等并发症发生,保证了Ⅱ期肠还纳术的顺利进行。  相似文献   

肛门直肠手术后,需要常规扩肛以预防手术切口狭窄。目前扩肛方法主要采用金属扩肛器或手指。二者在扩肛操作时痛苦大,且有造成穿孔的危险[1]。自1994年,我们采用球囊扩肛,取得了较好的效果。报告如下。1材料和方法本组62例病儿,男34例,女28例。年龄最...  相似文献   

用改良的双腔气囊导尿管置人肛门内充气并间断持续扩张的方法治疗小儿肛门狭窄,l5例均痊愈,无狭窄复发情况。提示此法能治疗某些肛门术后狭窄的患儿,避免了手术痛苦。此操作创伤小,并发症极少。  相似文献   

肠造口的实施及并发症的预防   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肠造口是大肠肿瘤、外伤、炎性疾病等治疗中常使用的一种手术方法,实施的肠造口给患者造成了身心障碍。若造口发生并发症,更加重了患者的痛苦。因为手术小,长期未引起足够的重视,常由年轻医师实施手术,因而易发生并发症。文献报道,肠造口术后并发症的发生率高达21%~70%,因此,外科医生应精心造口,减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

总结了Miles术后肠造口患者早期并发症发生的原因及护理对策。在病房及造口门诊接诊25例造口并发症中,其中造口缺血性坏死3例,造口粘膜分离7例,造口回缩3例,造口水肿4例,造口周围感染脓肿2例,造口周围皮炎5例,麻痹性肠梗阻1例。对每例造口并发症的原因进行分析,实施相应的护理,经过积极的治疗,患者造口并发症均治愈。  相似文献   

肠造口术前定位的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察直肠癌根治术乙状结肠造口术术前定位对患者术后造口并发症的发生及护理的影响.方法:对11例直肠癌根治术乙状结肠单腔造口术患者进行术前定位,术后随访.结果:造口内陷狭窄2例,造口旁疝1例,造口皮炎1例.结论:术前造口定位使实际造口位置适宜,便于患者术后的正常生活及预防并发症的发生,外科医师应该而且能够做到的是制作一个位置适当,没有任何并发症的造口.  相似文献   

肠造口治疗进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

直肠癌是常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其好发部位为腹膜返折以下的直肠,占全部直肠癌的3/4。目前超低位直肠癌保肛术式已成为首选术式,吻合口瘘是超低位直肠癌保肛手术后较常见的并发症。笔者于2004年3月-2010年2月对超低位直肠癌保肛术患者应用预防性末端回肠造瘘以预防并发吻合口瘘,报道如下。  相似文献   

目的调查肠造口儿童造口周围皮肤损伤的发生率,分析造口周围皮肤损伤的影响因素。方法对64例肠造口患儿及其主要照顾者,采用主要照顾者造口照护能力调查表进行调查,同时使用造口皮肤评估工具评估患儿造口周围皮肤损伤情况。结果 64名主要照顾者造口照护能力得分61.03±4.90;64例患儿造口周围皮肤损伤评分中位数2.5分,造口周围皮炎发生率为68.75%。造口位置是否方便护理、主要照顾者造口照护能力、其他造口并发症为造口周围皮炎的影响因素(P0.05,P0.01)。结论主要照顾者造口照护能力较强;患儿造口周围皮肤损伤发生率较高;造口位置不利于护理、相关并发症及主要照顾者照护能力较差者影响了造口护理效果。儿童造口治疗师应加强造口护理的介入和针对性培训,减少患儿造口周围皮肤损伤发生。  相似文献   

Miles手术的结肠造瘘口并发症防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨Miles手术结肠痿口并发症的原因和防治措施。方法 回顾性分析126例Miles手术所出现的造口并发症。结果 造口并发症发生98例,其中造口坏死5例、造口回缩7例、造口脓肿、脱出各l例、造口狭窄9例、造口切口旁疝7例和造口周围皮肤炎症97例。结论 并发症常由于术中或术后处理不当引起。  相似文献   

Manual dilatation of the anus.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A group of 100 consecutive patients undergoing manual dilatation of the anus between 1980 and 1983 were reviewed retrospectively by examining the clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment and outcome. Anal fissure was diagnosed in 46 patients, 22 had either first- or second-degree haemorrhoids, and stenosis of the anal canal was identified in seven. Manual dilatation of the anus was performed on 25 patients in the absence of a diagnosis. Dilatation failed to treat 26 anal fissures successfully. Where it was employed alone in ten cases of haemorrhoids and seven of anal stenosis, manual dilatation failed to cure seven and five patients respectively. Of the patients with no diagnosis, 23 were relieved of their symptoms following dilatation. Episodes of incontinence occurred in 27 patients, 21 of whom were female. There should be a reduced role for manual anal dilatation in the treatment of common anorectal disorders.  相似文献   

An apparatus to create continence in an end left-sided colostomy in dogs is assessed. The device consists of a samarium-cobalt magnetic ring encased in methyl methacrylate and a magnetic cap. The ring is implanted in the abdominal wall and the colon delivered through it and matured to the skin. The stoma is later obturated by the magnetic cap to provide continence. Ten dogs exposed to "uncoated" samarium-cobalt magnets for periods of up to eight months showed no elevation of cobalt levels in the serum or tissues and no histopathologic changes on postmortem examination. In twelve dogs, magnetic rings were used to create continent colostomies. Eleven of twelve dogs followed for periods up to eight months were continent and tolerated the appliance well. One ring was extruded after a peristomal skin dehiscence occurred. Two skin strictures appeared and were readily controlled by digital dilatation. Sinus, fistula, or infection were not seen. Clinical application of this device is discussed.  相似文献   



There is little published data on the efficacy of surgical infection prophylaxis in children. The purpose of this study was to assess wound infection rate in children undergoing colostomy closure for imperforate anus and evaluate the impact of bowel preparation and antibiotics.


Children younger than 18 years with imperforate anus who had a colostomy closure between January 1996 and December 2007 were identified. Data collected included demographics, bowel preparation, antibiotics, operative details, and postoperative infections. Comparison of mechanical bowel preparation and intravenous antibiotics with and without oral antibiotics was compared using χ2 tests. Significance was defined as P < .05.


A total of 118 patients were identified. Primary skin closure was done in 97%. Mechanical bowel preparation was used in 93%, intravenous antibiotics in 97%, and oral preoperative antibiotics in 52%. Wound infections occurred in 14% (n = 17). The addition of oral antibiotics to the standard regimen of mechanical bowel preparation with intravenous antibiotics did not alter infection rate (13% versus 17%, P = .64).


Wound infection in children undergoing elective colostomy closure for imperforate anus was 14%. Infection rate was not affected by use of oral antibiotics. Future studies may allow specific guideline development for infection prophylaxis in pediatric patients.  相似文献   

The best placement of the stoma is one of the important issues in colostomy. We developed a new laparoscopic technique for colostomy. In the technique, because the port for the laparoscope was placed in the right side of the abdomen, it was easy to separate the descending colon from lateral peritoneum and to lift up the colon loop to the stoma site. In our experiences using this technique, patients had no serious complications. This technique enables the performance of safe, secure, and effective temporary colostomies.  相似文献   

This study summarizes the clinical results after 61 operations including diverting stomas in 56 patients. 29 transverse colostomies and 32 loop ileostomies were constructed over a 2-year period. Two thirds of the operations were performed on acute indications. The patients were followed up with regard to closure rate and complications up until the end of 1985. Within this period there was a closure rate of 38% and a stoma-related complication rate of 21% without any significant difference between the two different groups of stomas. The complications following ileostomy appeared to be more serious than those after transverse colostomy.  相似文献   

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