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Diffuse low-grade gliomas (LGGs) form a heterogeneous subgroup of gliomas in adults. Chromosome (chr) arms 1p/19q codeletion and IDH mutation have been shown to be closely associated with oligodendroglial phenotype and better prognosis. We sought to identify relevant biomarkers in non 1p/19q codeleted LGGs.


We characterized a retrospective series of 126 LGGs using genomic arrays, microsatellite analysis, IDH sequencing, MGMT promoter methylation assay, and p53 expression analysis.


Our study confirms that 1p/19q codeletion, mutually exclusive with p53 overexpression, was associated with: (i) better prognosis, (ii) oligodendroglial phenotype, (iii) MGMT promoter methylation, and (iv) IDH mutation. Interestingly, 1p/19q codeleted tumors occur in older patients at diagnosis. Our study shows that non 1p/19q codeleted LGGs can be divided in 5 main genomic subgroups: (i) 11p loss, (ii) 19q loss (iii) 7 gain, (iv) 19 gain, and (v) unclassified. In non 1p/19q codeleted LGGs, we demonstrated that (i) 11p loss is associated with astrocytoma phenotype and has an independent negative prognostic value, and (ii) 19q loss diminished the favorable prognostic value of IDH mutation. Our findings were validated in an independent cohort of 98 LGGs.


Novel genomic entities and biomarkers have been identified in non 1p/19q codeleted LGGs. Our findings may help to stratify non 1p/19q codeleted LGGs, facilitating future individualization of treatment. Further prospective studies are warranted to support our findings.  相似文献   



Metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) patients have <9% 5-year survival rate, do not respond well to targeted therapy and eventually develop resistance. A better understanding of molecular pathways of RCC metastasis is the basis for the discovery of novel prognostic markers and targeted therapies.


We investigated the biological impact of galectin-1 (Gal-1) in RCC cell lines by migration and invasion assays. Effect of Gal-1 expression on the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway was assessed by proteome array.


Increased expression of Gal-1 increased cell migration while knocking down Gal-1 expression by siRNA resulted in reduced cellular migration (P<0.001) and invasion (P<0.05). Gal-1 overexpression increased phosphorylation of Akt, mTOR and p70 kinase. Upon hypoxia and increased HIF-1α, Gal-1 increased in a dose-dependent manner. We also found miR-22 overexpression resulted in decreased Gal-1 and HIF-1α. Immunohistochemistry analysis showed that high Gal-1 protein expression was associated with larger size tumor (P=0.034), grades III/IV tumors (P<0.001) and shorter disease-free survival (P=0.0013). Using the Cancer Genome Atlas data set, we found that high Gal-1 mRNA expression was associated with shorter overall survival (41 vs 78 months; P<0.01).


Our data suggest Gal-1 mediates migration and invasion through the HIF-1α–mTOR signaling axis and is a potential prognostic marker and therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Here, we show that new mitochondrial biogenesis is required for the anchorage independent survival and propagation of cancer stem-like cells (CSCs). More specifically, we used the drug XCT790 as an investigational tool, as it functions as a specific inhibitor of the ERRα-PGC1 signaling pathway, which governs mitochondrial biogenesis. Interestingly, our results directly demonstrate that XCT790 efficiently blocks both the survival and propagation of tumor initiating stem-like cells (TICs), using the MCF7 cell line as a model system. Mechanistically, we show that XCT790 suppresses the activity of several independent signaling pathways that are normally required for the survival of CSCs, such as Sonic hedgehog, TGFβ-SMAD, STAT3, and Wnt signaling. We also show that XCT790 markedly reduces oxidative mitochondrial metabolism (OXPHOS) and that XCT790-mediated inhibition of CSC propagation can be prevented or reversed by Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR), a mitochondrial fuel. Consistent with our findings, over-expression of ERRα significantly enhances the efficiency of mammosphere formation, which can be blocked by treatment with mitochondrial inhibitors. Similarly, mammosphere formation augmented by FOXM1, a downstream target of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, can also be blocked by treatment with three different classes of mitochondrial inhibitors (XCT790, oligomycin A, or doxycycline). In this context, our unbiased proteomics analysis reveals that FOXM1 drives the expression of >90 protein targets associated with mitochondrial biogenesis, glycolysis, the EMT and protein synthesis in MCF7 cells, processes which are characteristic of an anabolic CSC phenotype. Finally, doxycycline is an FDA-approved antibiotic, which is very well-tolerated in patients. As such, doxycycline could be re-purposed clinically as a ‘safe’ mitochondrial inhibitor, to target FOXM1 and mitochondrial biogenesis in CSCs, to prevent tumor recurrence and distant metastasis, thereby avoiding patient relapse.  相似文献   

Integrin beta1 is both overexpressed and in an 'active' conformation in vulval squamous cell carcinomas (VSCCs) compared to matched normal skin. To investigate the significance of integrin beta1 deregulation we stably knocked-down integrin beta1 expression in the VSCC cell line A431. In vitro analysis revealed that integrin beta1 is required for cell adhesion, cell spreading and invasion. However, integrin beta1 is not required for cell growth or activation of FAK and ERK signalling in vitro or in vivo. Strikingly, while control tumours were able to invade the dermis, integrin beta1 knockdown tumours were significantly more encapsulated and less invasive.  相似文献   



T-cell immunoglobulin domain and mucin domain 4 (TIM-4) is exclusively expressed in antigen-presenting cells and involved in immune regulation. However, the role of TIM-4 expressed in tumour cells remains completely unknown.


Immunohistochemistry staining was used to examine TIM-4 or Ki-67 expression in tumour tissues. Real-time PCR or RT-PCR was performed to detect TIM-4 mRNA expression. Lung cancer cell growth and proliferation were conducted by CCK-8 assay and EdU staining. Cell cycle progression was analysed by flow cytometry. The PCNA and cell cycle-related proteins were verified by western blot. Co-IP assay was used to identify the interaction of TIM-4 and integrin αvβ3. The efficacy of TIM-4 in vivo was evaluated using xenograft tumour model.


The expression of TIM-4 in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissues was significantly higher than that of the adjacent tissues. Enhanced TIM-4 expression was negatively correlated with histological differentiation of lung carcinoma and lifespan of patients. Overexpression of TIM-4 promoted lung cancer cell growth and proliferation, and upregulated the expression of PCNA, cyclin A, cyclin B1 and cyclin D1, accompanied by accumulation of lung cancer cells in S phase. Interestingly, Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif mutation abolished the effect of TIM-4 on lung cancer cells, which was further verified by tumour xenografts in mice. Furthermore, we found that TIM-4 interacted with αvβ3 integrin through RGD motif.


This finding suggests that TIM-4 might be a potential biomarker for NSCLC that promotes lung cancer progression by RGD motif.  相似文献   

To evaluate the toxicity, pharmacological and biological properties of ATN-161, a five -amino-acid peptide derived from the synergy region of fibronectin, adult patients with advanced solid tumours were enrolled in eight sequential dose cohorts (0.1-16 mg kg(-1)), receiving ATN-161 administered as a 10-min infusion thrice weekly. Pharmacokinetic sampling of blood and urine over 7 h was performed on Day 1. Twenty-six patients received from 1 to 14 4-week cycles of treatment. The total number of cycles administered to all patients was 86, without dose-limiting toxicities. At dose levels above 0.5 mg kg(-1), mean total clearance and volume of distribution showed dose-independent pharmacokinetics (PKs). At 8.0 and 16.0 mg kg(-1), clearance of ATN-161 was reduced, suggesting saturable PKs. Dose escalation was halted at 16 mg kg(-1) when drug exposure (area under the curve) exceeded that associated with efficacy in animal models. There were no objective responses. Six patients received more than four cycles of treatment (>112 days). Three patients received 10 or more cycles (> or =280 days). ATN-161 was well tolerated at all dose levels. Approximately, 1/3 of the patients in the study manifested prolonged stable disease. These findings suggest that ATN-161 should be investigated further as an antiangiogenic and antimetastatic cancer agent alone or with chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The breast cancer-associated T2A10 clone was originally isolated from a cDNA library enriched for tumour messenger ribonucleic acids. Our survey of 125 microarrayed primary tumour tissues using affinity purified polyclonal antibodies has revealed that corresponding protein is overexpressed in invasive breast cancer and is weakly expressed in kidney and prostate tumours. Now known as RNF11, the gene encodes a RING-H2 domain and a PY motif, both of which mediate protein-protein interactions. In particular, the PPPPY sequence of RNF11 PY motif is identical to that of Smad7, which has been shown to bind to WW domains of Smurf2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that mediates the ubiquitination and degradation of the TGFbeta receptor complex. Using various mutants of RNF11 in GST pulldown and immunoprecipitation assays, we found that RNF11 interacts with Smurf2 through the PY motif, leading to ubiquitination of both proteins. Smurf2 plays an active role in the repression of TGFbeta signalling, and our data indicate that overexpression of RNF11, through its interaction with Smurf2, can restore TGFbeta responsiveness in transfected cells.  相似文献   

Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, also called Krebs cycle or citric acid cycle, is an amphoteric pathway, contributing to catabolic degradation and anaplerotic reactions to supply precursors for macromolecule biosynthesis. Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDHc, also called α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase) a highly regulated enzyme in TCA cycle, converts α-ketoglutarate (αKG) to succinyl-Coenzyme A in accompany with NADH generation for ATP generation through oxidative phosphorylation. The step collaborates with glutaminolysis at an intersectional point to govern αKG levels for energy production, nucleotide and amino acid syntheses, and the resources for macromolecule synthesis in cancer cells with rapid proliferation. Despite being a flavoenzyme susceptible to electron leakage contributing to mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, OGDHc is highly sensitive to peroxides such as HNE (4-hydroxy-2-nonenal) and moreover, its activity mediates the activation of several antioxidant pathways. The characteristics endow OGDHc as a critical redox sensor in mitochondria. Accumulating evidences suggest that dysregulation of OGDHc impairs cellular redox homeostasis and disturbs substrate fluxes, leading to a buildup of oncometabolites along the pathogenesis and development of cancers. In this review, we describe molecular interactions, regulation of OGDHc expression and activity and its relationships with diseases, specifically focusing on cancers. In the end, we discuss the potential of OGDHs as a therapeutic target for cancer treatment.  相似文献   



Endometrial cancer (EC) is a hormone-driven disease, and androgen receptor (AR) expression in high-grade EC (HGEC) and metastatic EC has not yet been described.


The expression pattern and prognostic value of AR in relation to oestrogen (ERα and ERβ) and progesterone (PR) receptors, and the proliferation marker Ki67 in all EC subtypes (n=85) were compared with that of healthy and hyperplastic endometrium, using immunohistochemisty and qPCR.


Compared with proliferative endometrium, postmenopausal endometrtial epithelium showed significantly higher expression of AR (P<0.001) and ERα (P=0.035), which persisted in hyperplastic epithelium and in low-grade EC (LGEC). High-grade EC showed a significant loss of AR (P<0.0001), PR (P<0.0001) and ERβ (P<0.035) compared with LGEC, whilst maintaining weak to moderate ERα. Unlike PR, AR expression in metastatic lesions was significantly (P=0.039) higher than that in primary tumours. Androgen receptor expression correlated with favourable clinicopathological features and a lower proliferation index. Loss of AR, with/without the loss of PR was associated with a significantly lower disease-free survival (P<0.0001, P<0.0001, respectively).


Postmenopausal endometrial epithelium acquires AR whilst preserving other steroid hormone receptors. Loss of AR, PR with retention of ERα and ERβ may promote the unrestrained growth of HGEC. Androgen receptor may therefore be a clinically relevant prognostic indicator and a potential therapeutic target in EC.  相似文献   

Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) enzymes have recently become a focal point for research aimed at understanding the biology of glioma. IDH1 and IDH2 are mutated in 50%–80% of astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, oligoastrocytomas, and secondary glioblastomas but are seldom mutated in primary glioblastomas. Gliomas with IDH1/2 mutations always harbor other molecular aberrations, such as TP53 mutation or 1p/19q loss. IDH1 and IDH2 mutations may serve as prognostic factors because patients with an IDH-mutated glioma survive significantly longer than those with an IDH–wild-type tumor. However, the molecular pathogenic role of IDH1/2 mutations in the development of gliomas is unclear. The production of 2-hydroxyglutarate and enhanced NADP+ levels in tumor cells with mutant IDH1/2 suggest mechanisms through which these mutations contribute to tumorigenesis. Elucidating the pathogenesis of IDH mutations will improve understanding of the molecular mechanisms of gliomagenesis and may lead to development of a new molecular classification system and novel therapies.  相似文献   

Endostatin, an inhibitor of angiogenesis, is a 20 kDa fragment of the basement membrane protein, collagen XVIII. The formation of endostatin relies upon the action of proteases on collagen XVIII. TNFalpha, produced by activated macrophages, is a multifunctional proinflammatory cytokine with known effects on endothelial function. We postulated that TNFalpha may modulate the activities of proteases and thus regulate endostatin formation in pancreatic cells. Collagen XVIII/endostatin mRNA was expressed in one pancreatic cell line, SUIT-2, but not in BxPc-3. The 20 kDa endostatin was found in the cell-conditioned medium of SUIT-2 cells. Precursor forms only were found in the cells. Exogenous endostatin was degraded by cellular lysates of SUIT-2 cells. Elastase activity was found in cell extracts but not the cell-conditioned media of SUIT-2 cells. Incubation of SUIT-2 cells with TNFalpha increased intracellular elastase activity and also increased secretion of endostatin into the medium. We conclude that endostatin is released by SUIT-2 cells and that increases in intracellular elastase, induced by TNFalpha, are correlated with increased secretion. Endostatin is however susceptible to degradation by intracellular proteases and if tissue injury accompanies inflammation, endostatin may be degraded, allowing angiogenesis to occur.  相似文献   



Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2) is significantly increased in the serum of patients with malignant gliomas. High plasma IGFBP-2 levels are correlated with poor prognosis in glioma patients. However, the exact role of exogenous IGFBP-2 in gliomas is unclear.

Methods and results:

Using the MTT cell viability assay, cell cycle analysis, and the transwell migration assay, it was demonstrated that IGFBP-2 treatment stimulated proliferation and invasion in U87 and U251 cell lines and primary SU3 glioma cells. Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence staining revealed that IGFBP-2 promoted ERK phosphorylation and nuclear translocation. Moreover, blocking ERK activation using the inhibitor PD98059 markedly reduced the effects of IGFBP-2 in glioma cells. As IGFBP-2 has an integrin-binding domain, the contribution of integrin β1 to these IGFBP-2-mediated processes was examined. Neutralisation or knockdown of the expression of integrin β1 inhibited IGFBP-2-induced ERK activation, cell proliferation, and cell invasion. Significantly, IGFBP-2 induced temozolomide resistance in glioma cells in an integrin β1/ERK-dependent manner.


Exogenous IGFBP-2 induces proliferation, invasion, and chemoresistance in glioma cells via integrin β1/ERK signaling, suggesting that targeting this pathway could represent a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of gliomas. The identification of this pathway in glioma progression provides insight into the mechanism by which serum IGFBP-2 levels can predict the prognosis of glioma patients.  相似文献   

In a study recently published in Science, Magnon et al. show that both the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system play an integral part in the development and dissemination of prostate cancer (PCa). Inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and disruption of the adrenergic receptors, specifically Ardβ2, resulted in the prevention of primary PCa tumor development in mice. The authors found that inhibition of the SNS is only successful in preventing murine tumor development if completed early enough, and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) predominates in later stages of PCa. Inhibition of the PNS by way of the cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1 (Chrm1), caused mice to develop less metastases to the pelvic lymph nodes, intestines, and bones. A PCa progression scheme has been outlined where initial tumor engraftment is controlled by the SNS but then becomes less prominent than the PNS, which promotes metastasis. The investigators showed the dependence of the autonomic nervous system on development of PCa and present opportunities for prevention; further studies are needed to confirm these results in humans.  相似文献   

Members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family regulate a wide range of biological processes including cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, apoptosis, and extracellular matrix deposition. Resistance to TGF-beta-mediated tumour suppressor function in human lung cancer may occur through the loss of type II receptor (TbetaRII) expression. In this study, we investigated the expression pattern of TbetaRII in human lung cancer tissues by RT-PCR and Western blot analyses. We observed downregulation of TbetaRII in 30 out of 46 NSCLC samples (65%) by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Western blot analyses with tumour lysates showed reduced expression of TbetaRII in 77% cases. We also determined the effect of TbetaRII expression in lung adenocarcinoma cell line (VMRC-LCD) that is not responsive to TGF-beta due to lack of TbetaRII expression. Stable expression of TbetaRII in these cells restored TGF-beta-mediated effects including Smad2/3 and Smad4 complex formation, TGF-beta-responsive reporter gene activation, inhibition of cell proliferation and increased apoptosis. Clones expressing TbetaRII showed reduced colony formation in soft-agarose assay and significantly reduced tumorigenicity in athymic nude mice. Therefore, these results suggest that reestablishment of TGF-beta signalling in TbetaRII null cells by stable expression of TbetaRII can reverse malignant behaviour of cells and loss of TbetaRII expression may be involved in lung tumour progression.  相似文献   

Men with BRCA2 mutations have been found to be at increased risk of developing prostate cancer. There is a recent report that BRCA2 carriers with prostate cancer have poorer survival than noncarrier prostate cancer patients. In this study, we compared survival of men with a BRCA2 mutation and prostate cancer with that of men with a BRCA1 mutation and prostate cancer. We obtained the age at diagnosis, age at death or current age from 182 men with prostate cancer from families with a BRCA2 mutation and from 119 men with prostate cancer from families with a BRCA1 mutation. The median survival from diagnosis was 4.0 years for men with a BRCA2 mutation vs 8.0 years for men with a BRCA1 mutation, and the difference was highly significant (P<0.01). It may be important to develop targeted chemotherapies to treat prostate cancer in men with a BRCA2 mutation.  相似文献   

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