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The aim of the study was to analyse the potential contribution of excitatory and inhibitory premotor interneurones in reflex pathways from muscle afferents to actions of pyramidal tract (PT) neurones on ipsilateral hindlimb motoneurones. Disynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs evoked in motoneurones in deeply anaesthetized cats by group Ia, Ib and II muscle afferents were found to be facilitated by stimulation of the ipsilateral, as well as of contralateral, PT. The ipsilateral actions were evoked by either uncrossed or double-crossed pathways. The results show that interneurones mediating reflex actions of muscle afferents may be activated strongly enough by PT stimulation to contribute to movements initiated by ipsilateral PT neurones and that PT actions relayed by them might be enhanced by muscle stretches and/or contractions. However, in some motoneurones disynaptic IPSPs and EPSPs evoked from group Ib or II afferents were depressed by PT stimulation. In order to analyse the basis of this depression, the transmitter content in terminals of 11 intracellularly labelled interneurones excited by PT stimulation was defined immunohistochemically and their axonal projections were reconstructed. The interneurones included 9 glycinergic and 2 glutamatergic neurones. All but one of these neurones were mono- or disynaptically excited by group I and/or II afferents. Several projected to motor nuclei and formed contacts with motoneurones. However, all had terminal projections to areas outside the motor nuclei. Therefore both inhibitory and excitatory interneurones could modulate responses of other premotor interneurones in parallel with direct actions on motoneurones.  相似文献   

Despite numerous investigations on the corticospinal system there is only scant information on neuronal networks mediating actions of corticospinal neurones on ipsilateral motoneurones. We have previously demonstrated double crossed pathways through which pyramidal tract neurones can influence ipsilateral motoneurones, via contralaterally descending reticulospinal neurones and spinal commissural interneurones. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of stimulation of pyramidal tract (PT) fibres mediated via ipsilaterally descending pathways and to find out which neurones relay these effects. This was done by using intracellular recordings from 96 lumbar motoneurones in deeply anaesthetized cats. To eliminate actions of fibres descending on the side contralateral to the location of the motoneurones, the spinal cords were hemisected on this side at a low-thoracic level. Stimuli that selectively activated ipsilateral PT fibres evoked EPSPs and/or IPSPs in 34/47 motoneurones tested. These PSPs were evoked at latencies indicating that the most direct coupling between PT neurones and motoneurones in uncrossed pathways is disynaptic. Occlusion and spatial facilitation between actions evoked by stimulation of ipsilateral PT and of reticulospinal tract fibres in the ipsilateral medial longitudinal fascicle (MLF) indicated that PT actions are mediated by reticulospinal neurones with axons in the MLF. However, after transection of the MLF in the caudal medulla, stimulation of the ipsilateral PT continued to evoke EPSPs and IPSPs with characteristics similar to when the MLF was intact (in 15/49 motoneurones) suggesting the existence of parallel disynaptic pathways via other relay neurones.  相似文献   

Motor cortex stimulation has both excitatory and inhibitory effects on ipsilateral muscles. Excitatory effects can be assessed by ipsilateral motor-evoked potentials (iMEPs). Inhibitory effects include an interruption of ipsilateral voluntary muscle activity known as the silent period (iSP) and a reduction in corticospinal excitability evoked by conditioning stimulation of the contralateral motor cortex (interhemispheric inhibition, IHI). Both iSP and IHI may be mediated by transcallosal pathways. Their relationship to the contralateral corticospinal projection and whether iSP and IHI represent the same phenomenon remain unclear. The neuronal population activated by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is highly dependent on the direction of the induced current in the brain. We examined the relationship among iMEP, iSP, IHI, and the contralateral corticospinal system by examining the effects of different stimulus intensities and current directions. Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded from both first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscles. The iSP in the right FDI muscle was obtained by right motor cortex stimulation during voluntary muscle contraction. IHI was examined by conditioning stimulation of the right motor cortex followed by test stimulation of the left motor cortex at interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of 2-80 ms. The induced current directions tested in the right motor cortex were anterior medial (AM), posterior medial (PM), posterior lateral, and anterior lateral (AL). Contralateral MEPs (cMEPs) had the lowest threshold with the AM direction and the shortest latency with the PM direction. iMEPs were present in 8 of 10 subjects. Both iMEP and IHI did not show significant directional preference. iSP was observed in all subjects with the highest threshold for the AL direction and the longest duration for the AM direction. cMEP, iSP, and IHI all increased with stimulus intensity up to approximately 75% stimulator output. Target muscle activation decreased IHI at 8-ms ISI but had little effect on IHI at 40-ms ISI. iSP and IHI at 8-ms ISI did not correlate at any stimulus intensities and current directions tested, and factor analysis showed that they are explained by different factors. However, active IHI at 40-ms ISI was explained by the same factor as iSP. The different directional preference for cMEP compared with iMEP and IHI suggests that these ipsilateral effects are mediated by populations of cortical neurons that are different from those activating the corticospinal neurons. iSP and IHI do not represent the same phenomenon and should be considered complementary measures of ipsilateral inhibition.  相似文献   

This review considers the operation of the corticospinal system in primates. There is a relatively widespread cortical area containing corticospinal outputs to a single muscle and thus a motoneurone pool receives corticospinal input from a wide region of the cortex. In addition, corticospinal cells themselves have divergent intraspinal branches which innervate more than one motoneuronal pool but the synergistic couplings involving the many hand muscles are likely to be more diverse than can be accommodated simply by fixed patterns of corticospinal divergence. Many studies using transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human motor cortex have highlighted the capacity of the cortex to modify its apparent excitability in response to altered afferent inputs, training and various pathologies. Studies using cortical stimulation at ‘very low’ intensities which elicit only short-latency suppression of the discharge of motor units have revealed that the rapidly conducting corticospinal axons (stimulated at higher intensities) drive motoneurones in normal voluntary contractions. There are also major non-linearities generated at a spinal level in the relation between corticospinal output and the output from the motoneurone pool. For example, recent studies have revealed that the efficacy of the human corticospinal connection with motoneurones undergoes activity-dependent changes which influence the size of voluntary contractions. Hence, corticospinal drives must be sculpted continuously to compensate for the changing functional efficacy of the descending systems which activate the motoneurones. This highlights the need for proprioceptive monitoring of movements to ensure their accurate execution.  相似文献   

One-hertz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (1Hz-rTMS) over ipsilateral motor cortex is able to modify up to 30 min the motor performance of repetitive finger opposition movements paced with a metronome at 2 Hz. We investigated whether the long-lasting rTMS effect on motor behavior can be modulated by subsequent engagement of the contralateral sensorimotor system. Motor task was performed in different experimental conditions: immediately after rTMS, 30 min after rTMS, or when real rTMS was substituted with sham rTMS. Subjects performing the motor task immediately after rTMS showed modifications in motor behavior < or =30 min after rTMS. On the other hand, when real rTMS was substituted with sham stimulation or when subjects performed the motor task 30 min after the rTMS session, the effect was no longer present. These findings suggest that the combination of ipsilateral 1Hz-rTMS and voluntary movement is crucial to endure the effect of rTMS on the movement itself, probably acting on synaptic plasticity-like mechanism. This finding might provide some useful hints for neurorehabilitation protocols.  相似文献   

The number of forelimb, ulnar (U) and hindlimb, medial gastrocnemius (MG) motoneurons labeled with retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase was examined in young and aged rats. No significant difference was found between the mean number of U motoneurons in young and aged rats, whereas the mean number of MG motoneurons was significantly lower in aged rats than in young rats. These results suggest that motoneuronal dropout is greater in hindlimb motor nuclei than in forelimb motor nuclei, which may contribute to differential changes in forelimb and hindlimb muscles with increasing age.  相似文献   

Using a twin coil transcranial magnetic stimulation (tc-TMS) approach we have previously demonstrated that facilitation may be detected in the primary motor cortex (M1) following stimulation over the ipsilateral caudal intraparietal sulcus (cIPS). Here we tested the interhemispheric interactions between the IPS and the contralateral motor cortex (M1). We found that conditioning the right cIPS facilitated contralateral M1 when the conditioning stimulus had an intensity of 90% resting motor threshold (RMT) but not at 70% or 110% RMT. Facilitation was maximal when the interstimulus interval (ISI) between cIPS and M1 was 6 or 12 ms. These facilitatory effects were mediated by interactions with specific groups of interneurons in the contralateral M1. In fact, short intracortical inhibition (SICI) was reduced following cIPS stimulation. Moreover, additional comparison of facilitation of responses evoked by anterior–posterior versus posterior–anterior stimulation of M1 suggested that facilitation was more effective on early I1/I2 circuits than on I3 circuits. In contrast to these effects, stimulation of anterior IPS (aIPS) at 90% RMT induced inhibition, instead of facilitation, of contralateral M1 at ISIs of 10–12 ms. Finally, we found similar facilitation between left cIPS and right M1 although the conditioning stimuli had to have a higher intensity compared with stimulation of right cIPS (110% instead of 90% RMT). These findings demonstrate that different subregions of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in humans exert both facilitatory and inhibitory effects towards the contralateral primary motor cortex. These corticocortical projections could contribute to a variety of motor tasks such as bilateral manual coordination, movement planning in space and grasping.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate differences in the effects of presynaptic inhibition of transmission from group II muscle afferents to neurones in the dorsal horn and in the intermediate zone and the consequences of these differences for reflex actions of group II afferents upon α-motoneurones. The degree of presynaptic inhibition was estimated from the degree of depression of monosynaptic components of population EPSPs (field potentials) evoked by group II muscle afferents in deeply anaesthetized cats. The decrease in the area of field potentials was considerably larger and longer lasting in the intermediate zone, where they were often obliterated, than in the dorsal horn, where they were reduced to about two-thirds. Presynaptic inhibition of field potentials evoked by other afferents at the same locations was much weaker. Intracellular records from α-motoneurones revealed that short latency EPSPs and IPSPs evoked from group II afferents are considerably reduced by conditioning stimuli that effectively depress intermediate zone field potentials of group II origin. The results of this study lead to the conclusion that strong presynaptic inhibition of transmission to intermediate zone interneurones allows a selective depression of disynaptic actions of group II muscle afferents on α- and γ-motoneurones, mediated by these interneurones, and favours polysynaptic actions of these afferents.  相似文献   

1. The neuronal mechanism of disynaptic inhibition of spinal motoneurones by the corticospinal tract was investigated in Macaca irus. Surface stimulation or weak intracortical stimulation was used in order to evoke the inhibition. Intracellular records were taken from motoneurones in lumbar segments. 2. Both the disynaptic i.p.s.p.s evoked from group Ia afferents and the disynaptic i.p.s.p.s evoked from corticospinal fibres were found to be depressed by conditioning stimulation of motor axons to antagonistic muscles. Mutual facilitation of the actions from these two fibre systems occurred when nerve impulses set up in them reached the explored spinal segment synchronously. These observations led to the conclusion that disynaptic i.p.s.p.s from group Ia afferents and from the motor cortex are mediated by common interneurones. 3. No evidence either for or against projections of the same pyramidal tract cells to motoneurones of one motor nucleus and to interneurones interposed between group Ia afferents and motoneurones of an antagonistic muscle could be obtained by comparing cortical areas from which monosynaptic e.p.s.p.s and disynaptic i.p.s.p.s were evoked in the different motor nuclei. 4. The areas from which the disynaptic i.p.s.p.s were evoked in individual motoneurones appeared to be similar in size to the areas of cortical monosynaptic projections to motoneurones and showed similar degrees of overlap, indicating that the projections of pyramidal tract cells to Ia inhibitory interneurones are as extensive as to motoneurones and that they are similarly organized.  相似文献   

The influence of group III and IV muscle afferents on human motor pathways is poorly understood. We used experimental muscle pain to investigate their effects at cortical and spinal levels. In two studies, electromyographic (EMG) responses in elbow flexors and extensors to stimulation of the motor cortex (MEPs) and corticospinal tract (CMEPs) were evoked before, during, and after infusion of hypertonic saline into biceps brachii to evoke deep pain. In study 1, MEPs and CMEPs were evoked in relaxed muscles and during contractions to a constant elbow flexion force . In study 2, responses were evoked during elbow flexion and extension to a constant level of biceps or triceps brachii EMG , respectively. During pain, the size of CMEPs in relaxed biceps and triceps increased (by ∼47% and ∼56%, respectively; P < 0.05). MEPs did not change with pain, but relative to CMEPs, they decreased in biceps (by ∼34%) and triceps (by ∼43%; P < 0.05). During flexion with constant force, ongoing background EMG and MEPs decreased for biceps during pain (by ∼14% and 15%; P < 0.05). During flexion with a constant EMG level, CMEPs in biceps and triceps increased during pain (by ∼30% and ∼26%, respectively; P < 0.05) and relative to CMEPs, MEPs decreased for both muscles (by ∼20% and ∼17%; P < 0.05). For extension, CMEPs in triceps increased during pain (by ∼22%) whereas MEPs decreased (by ∼15%; P < 0.05). Activity in group III and IV muscle afferents produced by hypertonic saline facilitates motoneurones innervating elbow flexor and extensor muscles but depresses motor cortical cells projecting to these muscles.  相似文献   

Corticotrigeminal projections to human masseter motoneuron pools were investigated with focal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Responses in left and right masseter muscles were quantified from the surface electromyogram (EMG) during different biting tasks. During bilateral biting, TMS elicited motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in both masseter muscles. On average, the MEP area in the masseter contralateral to the stimulus was 39% larger than in the ipsilateral muscle, despite comparable pre-stimulus EMG in both muscles. MEPs elicited while subjects attempted unilateral activation of one masseter muscle were compared with those obtained in the same muscle during a bilateral bite at an equivalent EMG level. MEPs in the masseter contralateral to the stimulated hemisphere were significantly smaller during unilateral compared with bilateral biting. There was no significant difference in the size of ipsilateral MEPs during ipsilateral and bilateral biting. We conclude that the corticotrigeminal projections to masseter are bilateral, with a stronger contralateral projection. The command for unilateral biting is associated with a reduced excitability of corticotrigeminal neurons in the contralateral, but not the ipsilateral motor cortex. We suggest that this may be accomplished by reduced activity of a population of corticotrigeminal neurons which branch to innervate both masseter motoneuron pools.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) evoked in motoneurons innervating the back and abdominal muscles in the lumbar part of the body by stimulating hindlimb cutaneous afferents were investigated in unanesthetized decerebate and spinal cats. Various types of PSP: pure excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), pure inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), and mixed PSP (i.e., EPSP followed by IPSP, EPSP/IPSP; and IPSP followed by EPSP, IPSP/EPSP) were observed. The weak stimulation at 2 times threshold (2T) produced predominantly the EPSP, while at 5T the incidence of IPSP or EPSP followed by IPSP was increased. In about 20-50% of the various groups of motoneurons, PSPs evoked by ipsi- and contralateral nerves were qualitatively and quantitatively similar. For the other motoneurons, PSPs evoked by ipsi- and contralateral nerves were markedly different with respect to magnitude and/or polarity. These findings suggest that, within each motoneuron pool, some neurons act to increase stiffness of the trunk or to move vertically in response to an increased activity of cutaneous afferents, while the other motoneurons act to produce lateral bending of the trunk.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were twofold: (1) to verify the hypothesis that neurons in the fastigial nucleus excite and inhibit hindlimb alpha-motoneurons and (2) to determine both the supraspinal and spinal relays of these actions. Axons of fastigial neurons were stimulated at the level of their decussation in the cerebellum, within the hook bundle of Russell, in deeply anesthetized cats with only the right side of the spinal cord intact. The resulting excitatory postsynaptic potentials and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were analyzed in motoneurons on the left side of the lumbar enlargement. Postsynaptic potentials evoked by the first effective stimulus were induced at latencies <2 ms from descending volleys and <1 ms from interneuronally relayed volleys, indicating a trisynaptic coupling between the fastigial neurons and alpha-motoneurons, via commissural interneurons on the right side. Cerebellar stimulation facilitated the synaptic actions of both vestibulospinal and reticulospinal tract fibers. However, the study leads to the conclusion that trisynaptic fastigial actions are mediated via vestibulospinal rather than reticulospinal tract fibers [stimulated within the lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN) and the medial longitudinal fascicle (MLF), respectively]. This is indicated firstly by collision between descending volleys induced by cerebellar stimulation and volleys evoked by LVN stimuli but not by MLF stimuli. Second, similar cerebellar actions were evoked before and after a transection of MLF. Mutual facilitation between the fastigial and reticulospinal, as well as between the fastigial and vestibulospinal actions, could be due to the previously reported integration of descending vestibulospinal and reticulospinal commands by spinal commissural interneurons.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to further investigate whether the intracortical neural circuits within the primary motor cortex (M1) are modulated during ipsilateral voluntary finger movements. Single- and paired-pulse (interstimulus intervals, ISIs; 3 ms and 12 ms) transcranial magnetic stimulations of the left M1 were applied to elicit motor evoked potential (MEP) in the right first dorsal interosseous (Rt-FDI) muscle during voluntary contractions (10% and 30% maximum voluntary contraction) of the left FDI (Lt-FDI) muscle. F-waves of Rt-FDI muscle were recorded under these left index-finger conditions for ensuring that the excitability changes occur at the supraspinal level. MEPs were also recorded during motor imagery of the left index-finger abduction instead of overt movement. The results showed that, in single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) paradigm, MEPs in Rt-FDI muscle were markedly enhanced during voluntary contractions of Lt-FDI muscle compared with the complete resting state. In paired-pulse TMS paradigm, the short intracortical inhibition was significantly reduced in proportion to increments of the ipsilateral muscle contraction, whereas the intracortical facilitation had no change. F-wave of Rt-FDI muscle was unchanged under these conditions, while MEP in Rt-FDI muscle was also enhanced during motor imagery of the left index-finger abduction. Based on the present results, it is suggested that the intracortical inhibitory neural circuits may be modulated in the transition from rest to activity of the ipsilateral homonymous muscle. The excitability changes in M1 might be induced by overflows of voluntary drive given to the ipsilateral limb, probably via the transcallosal pathway.  相似文献   

Synaptic inputs to motoneurons innervating the back and abdominal muscles in the lumbar part of the body from low-threshold hindlimb muscle afferents were studied in unanesthetized low-spinal cats. At a stimulus intensity of 1.2-1.5x threshold (T), which was sufficient to activate only group-I afferents, the incidence of post-synaptic potentials (PSPs) was higher when stimulating proximal muscle nerves than when stimulating distal muscle nerves (e.g., 52% versus 22% for motoneurons innervating m. iliocostalis lumborum: Ilio MNs; 38% versus 18% for motoneurons innervating m. obliquus externus: OEA MNs). At 2-5 T, at which group-II as well as group-I muscle afferents were presumably stimulated, the PSP incidence increased irrespective of nerves stimulated (e.g., 76% for Ilio MNs; 60% for OEA MNs). The minimal central latencies of EPSPs evoked at 1.2-1.5 T ranged 0.8-16.7 ms for Ilio motoneurons and 1.4 -14.2 ms for OEA motoneurons, indicating that the connection between back and abdominal motoneurons and low-threshold afferents from the hindlimb muscle include a monosynaptic one. The latencies of IPSPs were longer and ranged 1.9-18.8 ms for Ilio motoneurons and 2.4-15.8 ms for OEA motoneurons. Input patterns from various hindlimb muscles varied among individual motoneurons, even though they were within the same motoneuron pool. Such synaptic organization seems to differ from that for the leg motoneuron pool. The overall projection pattern of low-threshold afferents from leg muscles to lumbar back and abdominal motoneurons nevertheless suggests that group-I afferent inputs are related to lateral and vertical movements, and that group-II afferent inputs control the stiffness of the trunk.  相似文献   

Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), we examined whether sensory input from a finger affects activity of the ipsilateral primary motor cortex (M1) when human subjects hold a virtual object bimanually and whether this ipsilateral activation varies under different contexts. Subjects used both index fingers to hold two plates, which were subjected to unpredictable pulling loads from torque motors. Loads were delivered in a random sequence to either plate or concurrently to both, although the latter occurred most frequently. Finger forces vertical to the plates and surface electromyographs from the first dorsal interosseous muscles were recorded bilaterally during the task. TMS was sometimes applied over the finger area of the left M1 at variable times relative to load onset to examine cortical excitability. Strength of TMS was set around the active motor threshold of the right finger muscle while subjects waited for loading to the handheld plates. When one plate was singly loaded, the M1 contralateral to the loaded finger was activated, causing automatic force increases in the finger. In addition, the ipsilateral M1 was activated during such loading, associated with transient force increases in the contralateral nonloaded finger. Activations in the ipsilateral M1 were also observed during concurrent loading, when activations were stronger than those following single loading of the contralateral plate. Ipsilateral activations weakened when concurrent loading was less frequent. These results suggest interactions between bilateral sensorimotor cortices during bimanual coordinated movements, with strength varying by context.  相似文献   

Effects from group II muscle afferents on gastrocnemius-soleus (G-S) motoneurones were compared in unanaesthetized anaemically decerebrated high (C1) and low (Th10) spinal cats. The proportion of G-S motoneurones receiving group II excitation was about the same in low and in high spinal cats. No overall decrease in the strength of group II excitation could be demonstrated after low spinalization. It is postulated that the previously observed low incidence of group II EPSPs in G-S motoneurones in low spinal cats was due to anaesthesia.  相似文献   

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