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In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and ovarian stimulation are frequently performed in patients with endometriosis. Although endometriosis is a hormone-dependent disease, the rate of IVF complications related to endometriosis is low. We report four cases of severe digestive complications due to the rapid growth of sigmoid endometriosis under ovarian stimulation. In three patients, sigmoid endometriosis was diagnosed at laparoscopy for sterility. Because of the absence of digestive symptoms or repercussion on the bowel, no bowel resection was performed before ovarian stimulation. All patients experienced severe digestive symptoms during ovarian stimulation, and a segmental sigmoid resection had to be performed. Analysis of endoscopic and radiological data demonstrated that bowel lesions of small size may rapidly enlarge and become highly symptomatic under ovarian stimulation. At immunohistochemistry, these infiltrating lesions displayed high populations of steroid receptors and a high proliferative index (Ki-67 activity), suggesting a strong dependence on circulating ovarian hormones and a potential for rapid growth under supraphysiological oestrogen concentrations. Clinicians should be aware of this rare but severe digestive complication of ovarian stimulation. The early diagnosis of such lesions may help the patients to avoid months of morbidity falsely attributed to ovarian stimulation side effects. Further experience is necessary to determine the optimal attitude when diagnosing a small and asymptomatic endometriotic bowel lesion before ovarian stimulation.  相似文献   

Conversion to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transferas an alternative to cancellation was offered in 27 consecutivecycles of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and intra-uterineinsemination (IUI) cycles with excessive follicular developmentin patients with idiopathic infertility. IVF and embryo transferwas performed in 25 cycles, resulting in 13 pregnancies (52%),with 22% of couples having at least two embryos cryopreserved.The pregnancies have resulted in one singleton and two twinbirths, one spontaneous abortion, and nine ongoing pregnancies(including one triplet gestation). Four patients developed severeovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) after IVF and embryotransfer, including two cases requiring paracentesis. Threeof four OHSS patients were pregnant, resulting in live birthsof healthy twins, one spontaneous abortion and one ongoing singletongestation. In two cycles a spontaneous luteinizing hormone (LH)surge occured, preventing oocyte retrieval. For these two women,drainage of all follicles except the five most likely to fertilize(18–22 mm diameter) was performed, followed by IUI, withno pregnancies or OHSS observed. Conversion of patients fromIUI cycles to IVF/embryo transfer cycles avoids cancellationof the very cycles with the best chance of achieving pregnancy.OHSS remains a problem, necessitating extensive pre-IVF counsellingand post-transfer vigilance.  相似文献   

In earlier IVF programmes, subcutaneous buserelin (Suprefact, Hoechst) was initially administered three times per day (200 micrograms x 3); then twice daily (300 micrograms x 2). We now suggest that a single administration of 600 micrograms daily may be equally effective. In a preliminary study, 20 patients were selected on the basis of tubal or idiopathic infertility and received 0.6 ml buserelin subcutaneously once a day, beginning on day 1 or 2 of the cycle. A sufficient pituitary desensitization was obtained on day 10 in 75% of patients and on day 16 for 100% and the ongoing pregnancy rate was 35% per treatment cycle. A randomized study comparing the effect of 600 micrograms of buserelin administered in one (n = 50) or two injections (n = 46), has been carried out and indicates that the results in terms of the ovarian suppression and pregnancy rates, were similar. Therefore, this protocol represents a simplification of the treatment with buserelin.  相似文献   

The effect of repeated controlled ovarian stimulation in donors.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: The effect of repeated controlled ovarian stimulation in young, healthy women who consented to donate their oocytes was assessed through a retrospective study. METHODS AND RESULTS: Between March 1994 and February 2000, 284 donors consented to at least two controlled ovarian stimulation cycles, with four donors undergoing up to nine cycles. Through an intra-group analysis we studied the oocyte retrieval rate, controlled by the duration and doses of stimulation, as well as the interval between cycles, finding that the number of retrieved oocytes was maintained during repeated controlled ovarian stimulation cycles. The oocyte quality, assessed as fertilization, implantation and pregnancy rates, was similar through five repeated controlled ovarian stimulation cycles. The same result was obtained when the interval in days was analysed as a continuous variable or categorized in <90 and > or =90 days. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of the data suggests that successive stimulation cycles do not impair ovarian response in terms of quantity and quality of the oocytes obtained in this group of women. Furthermore, the interval between cycles does not influence the result of the stimulations.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate whether ovarian cystectomyinterferes with follicular recruitment and the number of oocytesretrieved in an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle. Patientswho had previously undergone unilateral ovarian cystectomy (n= 90) and control patients (n = 90) with no history of ovariansurgery were included in our study. The parameters comparedwere the number of follicles recruited and the number of oocytesobtained from each ovary. In patients who had undergone surgery,the normal ovaries recruited a significantly higher number offollicles (P < 0.001) and yielded a significantly highernumber of oocytes (P < 0.001) compared with the contralat-eralovaries which had undergone cystectomy. In the control patients,no significant differences were identified between the leftand right ovaries. These results demonstrate that ovarian cystectomyreduces follicle and oocyte numbers in ovulation induction cycles.  相似文献   

Endometrial thickness was measured ultrasonographically in threegroups of patients undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) onthree different ovulation induction regimens. The endometrialthickness was comparable on all three regimens and similar tothat observed in a group of spontaneously ovulating, normal,fertile controls. These patterns of endometrial thickness wereobserved despite significantly higher levels of serum oestradiol-17In all of the hyperstimulated cycles, suggesting that in thenormal cyde a maximum response in terms of endometrial developmentmay be achieved. In the three conception cycles endometrialthickness continued to increase throughout the luteal phase,whilst In non-conception cycles plateauing of thickness increaseoccurred in the mid-luteal phase and reduction in late lutealphase. Whether ultrasonographic evaluation of endometrium duringIVF stimulation cydes has any prognostic value regarding predictionof conception has yet to be detennined.  相似文献   

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer has becomean accepted clinical method for the treatment of sterility.Different types of ovarian stimulation have been used successfully.The therapeutic principles behind the stimulation treatmentin an IVF programme are the same as those applied in the treatmentof normal and hypogonadotrophic ovarian insufficiency. Theseinclude clomiphene therapy with sub sequent HCG administration,combined clomiphene/HMG administration and stimulation withHMG alone, followed by HCG. A new approach to the stimulationof follicular development and oocyte maturation is the use ofpure FSH and GnRH analogues. The principal indications, results,advantages and disadvantages of these different schemes of ovarianstimulation for oocyte retrieval are discussed.  相似文献   

Malignant struma ovarii is a very rare tumour, with considerablecontroversy concerning the necessary histologic features formalignancy. Still more infrequent is the condition termed ‘metastaticovarian strumosis’ or simply ‘benign strumosis orstrumatosis’ and characterized by the presence of peritonealimplants of mature thyroid tissue occurring in struma ovarii.‘Strumosis’ should not be confused with malignancy.Presented is a case of ‘metastatic ovarian strumosis’in a 36-year-old woman with primary infertility who underwentthree in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles with ovarian stimulation.She received hormonal treatment for 6 months after her lastIVF because of ‘persistent enlarged ovarian follicles’which were in fact ‘thyroid follicles’.  相似文献   

Ten endocrinologically normal women were injected subcutaneously with 500 micrograms D-Ser(TBU)6-EA10-LHRH (buserelin) on days 3,4 and 5 after the start of the menses. Two types of response were observed. Five women (group A) responded promptly and had a mean number of 13.4 oocytes retreived after 11.4 days of stimulation. In the second group (B), two to three times more HMG was needed to obtain a mean number of 7.3 oocytes after 17.2 days of stimulation. The response upon stimulation could be predicted by the serum gonadotrophin output on days 4 and 5 of the cycle. One woman from group B had a premature LH rise on day 16 and luteinization; her cycle was abandoned. In the four other patients of group B, serum and urinary LH concentrations showed that pituitary gonadotrophin secretion had recovered before the ovulatory stimulus, without signs of premature luteinization. Two women in each group became pregnant, one of whom aborted. This short-term GnRH agonist treatment could be an alternative method for ovarian stimulation, although it did not totally prevent the occurrence of an endogenous LH surge.  相似文献   

There are conflicting reports concerning the effect of femaleage and potential reproductive function. We assessed the responseto ovarian hyperstimulation in two consecutive FVF cycles in25 women >35 years of age and compared their response toa control group of 48 women <35 years of age who conceivedin our IVF programme. In the older women, the maximal oestradiolresponse was proportional to the number of vials of HMG usedand did not differ from the response of the younger women. Similarly,the number of follicles of diameter >1.0 cm, the number ofoocytes recovered and the number of embryos which cleaved didnot differ between the older and the younger women. However,conception rates were markedly lower in the older women thanthe overall pregnancy rate in the FVF programme during the sametime period. We conclude that the older women in this studyhave a normal response to ovarian stimulation but may have adecreased receptivity of the endometrium or increased numbersof embryos with chromosomal abnormalities, leading to a reducedrate of implantation.  相似文献   

Reviewing 780 in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles, where buserelin was commenced in the preceding luteal phase and human menopausal gonadotrophin on day 4 of the ensuing menses, 53 cycles were identified with sonolucent cysts (30-50 mm diameter). Of the latter 53 cycles, the serum oestradiol was significantly greater on day 4 in 22 cycles abandoned for poor follicular development than in 31 cycles which proceeded to oocyte retrieval (P less than 0.05). Of the 31 cycles proceeding to oocyte retrieval, nine had a day 4 serum oestradiol greater than 200 pmol/l (95th centile for day 4 oestradiol in patients without apparent cysts), and these cycles produced significantly fewer grade 1 embryos than the cycles with day 4 oestradiol levels less than or equal to 200 pmol/l (P less than 0.05). Six of the 53 cycles with cysts resulted in conception, and all of these cycles had a day 4 serum oestradiol less than 200 pmol/l. Among the 53 cycles with ovarian cysts, the serum progesterone on the day of abandonment in four cycles and on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration in one non-abandoned cycle, was above the range established for 104 cycles without cysts. No significant difference was seen in day 4 serum androstenedione levels, and the day 4 serum progesterone was less than 5 nmol/l in all but one patient. Functional activity of ovarian cysts is associated with an adverse influence on IVF cycles.  相似文献   

The proportion of abnormal oocytes or embryos per recovered oocyte in in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles had no influence on the occurrence of pregnancy following the transfer of normal embryo(s) derived from oocytes capable of fertilization. There were more implantations per transferred embryo in stimulated IVF cycles using long-acting buserelin (30.0%) compared with short-acting decapeptyl (17.3%) or no gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa, 15.2%) treatments. However, the chances of implantation per embryo transferred being in excess of one in patients who became pregnant tended to be higher in non-GnRHa (23.5%) compared to buserelin- (16.4%) or decapeptyl- (13.3%) treated IVF cycles. Moreover, frozen--thawed embryos had a higher implantation rate (P less than 0.05) when originating from IVF cycles without GnRHa (11.7%) compared to GnRHa-treated cycles (buserelin, 4.3%; decapeptyl, 5.9%). It can be concluded that GnRHa associated with gonadotrophins produced embryos of a poorer aptitude for development than stimulation treatments without GnRHa. The clinical efficacy of GnRHa in IVF--ET cycles could be the result of an improved uterine receptivity to the transferred embryos.  相似文献   

Forty-three patients who responded poorly to previous stimulation with clomiphene citrate (CC)/human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) for IVF were followed during 70 further cycles. Eighteen patients had a normal FSH response to CC in the previous cycle, while 25 had an abnormal FSH response. Three stimulation protocols were used: buserelin/HMG, CC/HMG and HMG only. No difference between the two groups was observed in the dose of HMG used for any stimulation protocol. More cycles were cancelled due to a poor response in the abnormal response group compared to the normal response group. In the completed cycles, the maximum oestradiol level and number of oocytes retrieved were lower in the abnormal response group compared to the normal response group. The total pregnancy rate per patient, including spontaneous conceptions during the study period, was lower in the abnormal response group compared to the normal response group, 4 versus 33%. We conclude that poor responders with an abnormal FSH response to CC have a latent ovarian failure with a low chance of success in further IVF attempts.  相似文献   

Ovarian stimulation combined with intra-uterine insemination(IUI) is an effective treatment of non-tubal infertility butmost women undergo several cycles of treatment to achieve apregnancy. This prospective study was designed to assess theconsistency (or variation) of ovarian responses and the effectof various ovarian stimulation protocols on this consistencyin consecutive cycles of ovarian stimulation and IUI in womenwith non-ovulatory infertility. A total of 86 regularly menstruatingovulating patients each completed three to six cycles of ovarianstimulation and IUI (n = 347 cycles). Ovarian stimulation wasachieved by sequential clomiphene citrate/human menopausal gonadotrophin(HMG), HMG-only or combined gonadotrophin-releasing hormoneanalogue—HMG protocols in 33, 29 and 24 patients respectively,and each patient used the same protocol consistently throughoutthe study. Standard methods were used to monitor ovarian responseand to perform IUI. Using each patient as her own control, repeatedmeasurements analysis of variance revealed consistency of ovarianresponse in consecutive ovarian stimulation cycles, as shownby the number and mean diameter of maturing pre-ovulatory follicles,peak plasma oestradiol, duration of stimulation and mean HMGrequirements. This consistency existed using any of the ovarianstimulation protocols. We conclude that regularly menstruatingand ovulating women are likely to have similar ovarian responsesin consecutive cycles of ovarian stimulation and IUI if thesame ovarian stimulation protocol is used consistently. Thisis expected to reduce the frequency of treatment monitoringand clinic visits and to help schedule the timing of IUI.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the results obtainedwith a protocol of semi-programmed ovarian stimulation (low-dosecontraceptive pill + clomiphene citrate + human menopausal gonadotrophin+ dexamethasone) used as the first-choice method for in-vitrofertilization (IVF). A total of 207 punctures was performedfor oocyte collection from 168 patients (mean age 31.0 ±4.0 years); mean infertility duration was 5.81 ± 3.30years. The infertility factors indicating IVF for this populationwere as follows: tubo-peritoneal factor, 68%; pure or associatedmale factor, 9.2%; endometriosis, 11.1%; ovulatory factor, 4.3%;idiopathic factor, 11.6%; others, 2.4%. No oocyte was foundon aspiration in five procedures (2.4%), with the mean numberof oocytes collected per cycle being 5.87 ± 3.3 (range0–18). The cancellation rate per puncture was 5%. Themean embryo cleavage rate was 60.2 ± 36.8%, with transferof at least one embryo occurring in 82.6% of all punctures.The mean number of transferred embryos was 2.52 ± 1.60(range 1–5). The clinical pregnancy rates per startedcycle and per puncture were 22.4 (218 ovarian stimulation cycles)and 23.6% (a total of 49 clinical pregnancies, 36 single, ninetwins and four triplets) respectively. The clinical pregnancyrate per embryo transfer was 28.6%. The embryo implantationrate was 12.6%. The abortion rate was 16.3%. The index of deliveriesper puncture was 19.8%. There were no cases of moderate or severeovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The favourable results obtained,in addition to the low operational costs, confirm the validityof the use of semi-programmed cycles as the first choice forpatients undergoing the IVF process.  相似文献   

In order to assess the efficacy and safety of recombinant humanfollicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in routine clinical use,ovarian stimulation with recombinant human FSH was performedin 71 patients prior to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) withoutgonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues in a multicentre,non-comparative study. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) wasadministered to 58 patients (81.7%), 15 of whom underwent 19cycles with an initial dosage of three ampoules daily of recombinantFSH and 43 of whom underwent 152 cycles with four ampoules dailyfrom day 3 onwards. No significant differences were detectedbetween these two groups in all test parameters. The mean durationof treatment was 9.06 and 8.86 days respectively with a meannumber of 24.06 and 23.25 vials of recombinant human FSH administered.A mean number of 6.26 and 5.88 oocytes respectively was collected.The number of transferred embryos was 2.4 and 2.2. A clinicalpregnancy rate of 23.8% (10 out of 42) per transfer was achieved(30.9 and 20.6% respectively). Local tolerance of s.c. administrationwas excellent. Mild pain at the injection site was the dominantfinding in <20% of patients. Two cases of ovarian hyperstimulationsyndrome were noted. Recombinant human FSH is very attractiveto patients because it can be self-administered s.c. and thepreparation does not come from a human source. In conclusion,these data support the safety and efficacy of recombinant humanFSH in routine use for IVF.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To test whether ovarian stimulation for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) affects oocyte quality and thus chromosome segregation behaviour during meiosis and early embryo development, preimplantation genetic screening of embryos was employed in a prospective, randomized controlled trial, comparing two ovarian stimulation regimens. METHODS: Infertile patients under 38 years of age were randomly assigned to undergo a mild stimulation regimen using gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist co-treatment (67 patients), which does not disrupt secondary follicle recruitment, or a conventional high-dose exogenous gonadotrophin regimen and GnRH agonist co-treatment (44 patients). Following IVF, embryos were biopsied at the eight-cell stage and the copy number of 10 chromosomes was analysed in 1 or 2 blastomeres. RESULTS: The study was terminated prematurely, after an unplanned interim analysis (which included 61% of the planned number of patients) found a lower embryo aneuploidy rate following mild stimulation. Compared with conventional stimulation, significantly fewer oocytes and embryos were obtained following mild stimulation (P < 0.01 and < 0.05, respectively). Consequently, both regimens generated on average a similar number (1.8) of chromosomally normal embryos. Differences in rates of mosaic embryos suggest an effect of ovarian stimulation on mitotic segregation errors. CONCLUSIONS: Future ovarian stimulation strategies should avoid maximizing oocyte yield, but aim at generating a sufficient number of chromosomally normal embryos by reduced interference with ovarian physiology.  相似文献   

The question whether salpingectomy has a negative influenceon ovarian function and the outcome of pregnancy in an in-vitrofertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer treatment programmeis not yet answered. We performed a retrospective case-controlstudy to investigate the possible negative effect of salpingectomyon ovarian response to human menopausal gonadotrophins (HMG)during IVF and embryo transfer. The study group was composedof 26 patients with bilateral salpingectomy. In 67 cycles weanalysed different parameters of ovulation such as the numberof days of ovarian stimulation, numbers of ampoules of HMG,pre-ovulatory oestradiol concentrations and the numbers of oocytesretrieved. These parameters were compared to a control groupof 134 cycles in 134 women with healthy Fallopian tubes. Nodifferences were found. Implantation ratio, pregnancy rate andoutcome were the same in both groups. We conclude that bilateralsalpingectomy had no detrimental effect on ovarian performanceduring IVF and embryo transfer treatment nor on the outcome.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study of 813 oocyte retrieval–embryotransfer cycles in women with normal follicle stimulating hormoneand luteinizing hormone concentrations, we sought to investigatethe relationship between the amount of human menopausal gonadotrophin(HMG) used for ovarian stimulation and treatment outcome. Patientswere divided into three groups: group A patients (495 cycles)required <40 ampoules of HMG and had a predicted probabilityfor pregnancy of 25% per embryo transfer; group B patients (165cycles) required 41–77 ampoules per cycle, with a predictedprobability rate for pregnancy of 5–25% per embryo transfer;and group C patients (153 cycles) required >77 ampoules ofHMG and the predicted probability for pregnancy was <5% perembryo transfer. Groups C and A differed significantly (P <0.005). The mean oestradiol concentration on the day of HCGadministration in group C was 6412 pmol/l, and the mean numberof eggs retrieved was seven. The highest success rates werefound when up to 2.5 ampoules of HMG were required for eachegg or 4.4 ampoules for each embryo. The lowest rates were obtainedwhen >4.8 ampoules of HMG were necessary for each oocyteor >9.6 ampoules for each embryo (P < 0.005). We identifieda group of infertile patients who required excessive amountsof HMG to achieve a fair degree of steroidogenesis, number ofeggs and number of embryos but who had very low pregnancy rates.Although all other relevant parameters were normal, this mayhighlight the beginning of ovarian–gamete insufficiencybefore the basic hormonal status is affected. In cases of repeatedfailure, oocyte donation should be considered.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Milder stimulation protocols are being developed to minimize adverse effects of ovarian stimulation in in vitro fertilization (IVF) programs. A drawback is the possibility of an increased rate of insufficient ovarian response. This study aimed to develop a prognostic model for the prediction of cycle cancellation due to insufficient response to mild stimulation. METHODS: A total of 174 IVF patients aged<38 years and with a body mass index (BMI)<28 Kg/m2 were treated with mild ovarian stimulation using a fixed daily dose (150 IU) of recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (rFSH) from cycle day 5 and GnRH antagonist from the late follicular phase. In women with mono- or bifollicular growth (17%), the cycle was cancelled and the treatment was adjusted in a second treatment cycle by starting rFSH on cycle day 2. RESULTS: In a multivariable logistic regression analysis, duration of infertility, menstrual cycle length, secondary infertility and BMI were included in the prediction model. The area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve of the model was 0.69. A probability cut-off for cancellation of 0.3 yielded an expected sensitivity of 33% and specificity of 92%. Analysis of ovarian response in the subsequent treatment cycle showed an improved ovarian response and a significant reduction in the cancellation rate. CONCLUSIONS: With the presented model, it is possible to identify patients at risk for cycle cancellation, during mild ovarian stimulation, due to insufficient response. The contributing factors of the model suggest that ovarian aging and BMI are related to insufficient response to mild stimulation.  相似文献   

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