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Comparative acute toxicities of surfactants to aquatic invertebrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Investigations of the toxicity of surfactants to aquatic invertebrates have been limited primarily to determining the effects on a few species. In this study, the 48-hr LC50 values for three surfactants are reported for six species of aquatic invertebrates. The acute toxicities (LC50) for each surfactant (mg/liter) varied 159 to 580 X and were as follows: C11.8LAS (anionic), 1.7 (Dero sp.) to 270 (Asellus sp.); C14-15 alkylethoxylate (nonionic), 1.0 (Dugesia sp.) to 6.8 (Rhabditis sp.); CTAC (cationic), 0.1 (Gammarus sp.) to 58 (Asellus sp.). When compared to previously developed data, Daphnia magna was typically found to be the most sensitive of all species tested, including fish, to the surfactants.  相似文献   

Variability in acute to chronic ratios (ACRs; median lethal or effect concentration divided by chronic value) has been of continuing interest in aquatic toxicology because of the reliance on ACRs to estimate chronic toxicity for chemicals and species with known acute toxicity data but with limited or no information for chronic toxicity. To investigate the variability and significant differences in ACRs, an extensive data set was compiled of 456 same-species pairs of acute and maximum acceptable toxicant concentrations for metals, narcotics, pesticides, and other organic chemicals. The overall median value for 456 aquatic invertebrate and fish ACRs analyzed in the present study was 8.3, with a 16,000-fold range in values (1.1-18,550) and a 32-fold range in 10th and 90th percentile values (2.5-79.5). Median ACRs for taxa, ambient habitat media, chronic test end point, and chemical mode of action (MOA)/class categories generally were similar but, in some cases, extremely variable (ranges of 1 to >10,000). No significant differences (p 相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA, 4,4′-isopropylidine diphenol) is a commercially important chemical used primarily as an intermediate in the production of polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins. Extensive effect data are currently available, including long-term studies with BPA on fish, amphibians, crustaceans, and mollusks. The aim of this study was to perform additional tests with a number of aquatic invertebrates and an aquatic plant. These studies include acute tests with the midge (Chironomus tentans) and the snail (Marisa cornuarietis), and chronic studies with rotifers (Brachionus calyciflorus), amphipods (Hyalella azteca), and plants (Lemna gibba). The effect data on different aquatic invertebrate and plant species presented in this paper correspond well with the effect and no-effect concentrations (NOECs) available from invertebrate studies in the published literature and are within the range found for other aquatic species tested with BPA.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are hydrophobic in nature and thus tend to accumulate in sediments if released into aquatic environments. As part of our overall effort to examine the toxicity of carbon-based nanomaterials to sediment-dwelling invertebrates, we have evaluated the toxicity of different types of CNTs in 14-d water-only exposures to an amphipod (Hyalella azteca), a midge (Chironomus dilutus), an oligochaete (Lumbriculus variegatus), and a mussel (Villosa iris) in advance of conducting whole-sediment toxicity tests with CNTs. The results of these toxicity tests conducted with CNTs added to water showed that 1.00 g/L (dry wt) of commercial sources of CNTs significantly reduced the survival or growth of the invertebrates. Toxicity was influenced by the type and source of the CNTs, by whether the materials were precleaned by acid, by whether sonication was used to disperse the materials, and by species of the test organisms. Light and electron microscope imaging of the surviving test organisms showed the presence of CNTs in the gut as well as on the outer surface of the test organisms, although no evidence was observed to show penetration of CNTs through cell membranes. The present study demonstrated that both the metals solubilized from CNTs such as nickel and the "metal-free" CNTs contributed to the toxicity.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and toxicity of three shale crude oils (Tosco, Paraho, and Geokinetics), a hydrotreated oil (Paraho HDT), and a refined shale oil (Paraho JP-4) were assessed to determine the potential hazards to native fish species and food chain organisms posed by accidental spills of such materials. Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius), fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki), and colonies of aquatic invertebrates were exposed to the watersoluble fractions of the shale oils for 96 hr to determine concentrations lethal to 50% of the exposed organisms (LC-50). The behavior of surviving fish was also measured to determine the sublethal influences of exposure. The composition of the five water-soluble fractions was similar to that of the crude and refined shale oils from which they were made. Hydrotreated and refined oils contained fewer aromatic compounds than the crude shale oils. The cutthroat trout, a species endemic to oil shale regions, was less tolerant of shale oil exposure than the other species tested; the LC-50 concentrations were 1.8 mg/L Geokinetics, 2.1 mg/L Tosco, and 1.3 mg/L Paraho. Exposure to concentrations of one-half to one-eighth those causing mortality reduced the swimming capacity of squawfish and significantly impaired their ability to capture prey. The number of invertebrate taxa, species, and organisms colonizing plate samplers declined with increasing oil concentration. The generaBaetis andIsoperla were most sensitive to shale oil exposure; significant mortality occurred at the lowest concentration (0.5–0.7 mg/L) tested for each shale oil.  相似文献   

Microencapsulated permethrin (penncapthrin) was evaluated under laboratory conditions for its toxicity toward several nontarget aquatic invertebrates. Average LC50 estimates for selected lotic invertebrates, based on a one hour dosing regime, were: 2.71 mg/L forSimulium vittatum, 4.59 mg/L forHydropsyche spp., and 13.41 mg/L forIsonychia bicolor. In acute static tests withDaphnia magna, there was no significant difference (p0.05) between the toxicity of penncapthrin at 96 h (LC50 range: 6.80–22.5 g/L) and the EC formulation at 72 h (LC50 range: 0.6–21 g/L). Comparatively, the toxicity of microencapsulated methyl parathion (penncap-m) was not significantly different from that of penncapthrin towardD. magna, the former having LC50 estimates ranging form 0.3–12.25 g/L. LC50 estimates associated withDaphnia pulex ranged from 19 to 131 g/L. The toxicity of penncapthrin and penncap-m towardD. pulex was difficult to determine because of frequent control mortality due to food deprivation resulting from the need to run tests for longer than 48 h. In successful tests, LC50 estimates ranged from 19 to 28 g/L for penncapthrin and 0.08 to 25 g/L for penncap-m after 72 h exposure. In long term toxicity tests, 95% of D. magna at 1 g/L, 44% at 10 g/L, and 20% at 15 g/L survived after 39 days exposure. Less than 15% ofD. pulex survived over the same concentration range following 32 days exposure. Despite some drawbacks, long-term toxicity tests were more appropriate than short-term tests for evaluating microencapsulated sticides because of reduced variability in LC50 estimates and lower control mortality.  相似文献   

In the field, a multitude of species can be exposed to numerous toxicants; thus, the sensitivity of individual species to particular toxicants must be known to predict effects and to analyze changes in species composition. For most species, no information about their toxicant sensitivity is available. To address this limitation, we have grouped the available information to assign sensitivities to aquatic invertebrate taxa relative to Daphnia magna. With respect to organic compounds, most taxa of the orders Anisoptera, Basommatophora, Coleoptera, Decapoda, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Eulamellibranchiata, Heteroptera, Hirudinea, Isopoda, Oligochaeta, Prosobranchia, Trichoptera, Tricladida, and Zygoptera are less sensitive than D. magna. Some taxa of the Amphipoda, Plecoptera, and Cladocera (other than D. magna) are significantly more sensitive. For organic compounds, approximately 22% of the investigated taxa were more sensitive than D. magna. Most taxa of the orders Amphipoda, Basommatophora, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Eulamellibranchiata, Heteroptera, Isopoda, Oligochaeta, and Tricladida are significantly less sensitive than D. magna to metal compounds. The taxa belonging to the Crustacea, with the exception of the order Isopoda, are much more sensitive. For metal compounds, approximately 30% of the investigated taxa were more sensitive than D. magna. Hence, D. magna is among the most sensitive taxa regarding both groups of toxicants. The sensitivities for several taxa are listed, and use of the relative sensitivity distribution to link toxicant effects in mesocosm studies and field investigations is discussed.  相似文献   

Biodegradation rates of 25 narcotic industrial chemicals were determined manometrically using resting cells prepared from preacclimated microorganisms. Chemical concentrations that would reduce maximum rates by 50% (BIC50) were estimated from rate inhibition data. Subsequently, the BIC50 and acute toxicities of chemicals to daphnids, barnacle larvae, copepods and fish (bleak, fathead minnow and golden orfe) were correlated. The r2 andF-statistics for all six linear correlations were significant ( = 0.001). This suggests, for chemicals having a non-specific mode of toxic action, the biodegradation inhibition test may be used to estimate concentrations which would be toxic to higher aquatic organisms. A comparison of toxicity data showed microorganisms were less sensitive to test chemicals than the other species.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the environmental hazard assessment of physicochemical properties, environmental fate and behavior and the ecotoxicity of a category of 61 anionic surfactants (ANS), comprised of alkyl sulfates (AS), primary alkane sulfonates (PAS) and alpha-olefin sulfonates (AOS) under the High Production Volume Chemicals Program of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).The most important common structural feature of the category members examined here is the presence of a predominantly linear aliphatic hydrocarbon chain with a polar sulfate or sulfonate group, neutralized with a counter-ion.The hydrophobic hydrocarbon chain (with a length between C8 and C18) and the polar sulfate or sulfonate groups confer surfactant properties and enable the commercial use of these substances as anionic surfactants. The close structural similarities lead to physico-chemical properties and environmental fate characteristics which follow a regular pattern and justify the applied read-across within a category approach. Common physical and/or biological properties result in structurally similar breakdown products and are, together with the surfactant properties, responsible for similar environmental behavior. The structural similarities result in the same mode of ecotoxic action. Within each of the three sub-categories of ANS the most important parameter influencing ecotoxicity is the varying length of the alkyl chain. Although the counter-ion may also influence the physico-chemical properties, there is no indication that it significantly affects chemical reactivity, environmental fate and behavior or ecotoxicity of these chemicals.Deduced from physico-chemical and surfactancy properties, the main target compartment for the substances of the ANS category is the hydrosphere. They are quantitatively removed in waste water treatment plants, mainly by biodegradation. Quantitative removal in biological treatment plants is reflected by low AS concentrations measured in effluents of waste water treatment plants (mostly below 10 μg/L). In addition, bioaccumulation of ANS does not exceed regulatory triggers based upon experimental data.A considerable number of reliable aquatic toxicity data for the whole ANS category are available, including chronic and subchronic data for species of all trophic levels.Based upon the highest quality data in hand, there appears to be no singularly most sensitive trophic level in tests on the toxicity of alkyl sulfates, with a large degree of overlap among algae, invertebrates and fish. Algae proved to be more variable in sensitivity to alkyl sulfate exposure compared to fish and daphnia. The key study for the aquatic hazard assessment is a chronic test on Ceriodaphnia dubia, which covers a range of the alkyl chain length from C12 to C18. A parabolic response was observed, with the C14 chain length being the most toxic (7 d-NOEC=0.045 mg/L). Responses of aquatic communities to C12 AS and C14-15 AS have been studied in high quality stream mesocosm studies containing a broad range of species and ecological interactions. These studies are regarded as a better approximation to reality when extrapolating to the environment. The 56-d chronic NOEC for C12 AS and C14-15 AS were 0.224 and 0.106 mg/L, respectively, based on integrated assessments of periphyton (algal, bacterial and protozoan) and invertebrate communities.Taking into account the rapid biodegradation of the ANS compounds as well as the low concentrations measured in different environmental compartments, this category of surfactants is of low concern for the environment.  相似文献   

目的评价水环境中有机紫外防晒剂残留的生态风险。方法查阅2001—2014年文献获取有机紫外防晒剂的环境浓度及其对水生生物的毒性数据,采用评价因子法推导预测无效应浓度(PNEC)值,随后利用风险商(RQ)法评价各有机紫外防晒剂的生态风险。结果二苯酮-3(BP-3)对藻类的最大RQ10,对鱼类也存在高风险(最大RQ1);对甲氧基肉桂酸异辛酯(EHMC)对藻类、大型蚤、虾类和鱼类的最大RQ均大于1;3-(4-甲基苯亚甲基)-樟脑(4-MBC)对藻类和虾类表现出高风险;而辛基二甲基对氨基苯甲酸(OD-PABA)仅对藻类存在高风险;二苯酮-4(BP-4)的生态风险较低(RQ0.1)。结论有机紫外防晒剂BP-3、EHMC、4-MBC和OD-PABA在实测环境浓度水平对水生生态系统存在潜在风险。  相似文献   

The practicality of a probabilistic ecological hazard assessment (PEHA) methodology using intraspecies endpoint sensitivity distributions (IESDs) and chemical toxicity distributions (CTDs) was evaluated on data sets of pharmaceutical toxicity to aquatic macrophytes. A PEHA does not use an exposure distribution but rather uses a point estimate, which is useful for applications with sufficient effects data but lacking in comprehensive exposure data or when a criterion concentration is desired. The probability of finding an effect measure or potency value below a threshold can be calculated from the effects distribution. PEHA analyses using CTDs for both EC(10) and EC(25)Lemna gibba toxicity values indicated a <1% probability of encountering an antibiotic with toxicity below 1 microg/L. IESDs for microcosm mixture studies with eight pharmaceuticals (8PM) and four tetracyclines showed that the probability was nearly 20% for Myriophyllum sibiricum and 13% for L. gibba (8PM data). Hazard quotients calculated from the 1% and 5% distribution thresholds indicated potential risk only in certain cases.  相似文献   

A previous study found that coke leachates (CL) collected from oil sands field sites were acutely toxic to Ceriodaphnia dubia; however, the cause of toxicity was not known. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to generate CL in the laboratory to evaluate the toxicity response of C. dubia and perform chronic toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) tests to identify the causes of CL toxicity. Coke was subjected to a 15-d batch leaching process at pH 5.5 and 9.5. Leachates were filtered on day 15 and used for chemical and toxicological characterization. The 7-d median lethal concentration (LC50) was 6.3 and 28.7% (v/v) for pH 5.5 and 9.5 CLs, respectively. Trace element characterization of the CLs showed Ni and V levels to be well above their respective 7-d LC50s for C. dubia. Addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid significantly (p?≤?0.05) improved survival and reproduction in pH 5.5 CL, but not in pH 9.5 CL. Cationic and anionic resins removed toxicity of pH 5.5 CL only. Conversely, the toxicity of pH 9.5 CL was completely removed with an anion resin alone, suggesting that the pH 9.5 CL contained metals that formed oxyanions. Toxicity reappeared when Ni and V were added back to anion resin-treated CLs. The TIE results combined with the trace element chemistry suggest that both Ni and V are the cause of toxicity in pH 5.5 CL, whereas V appears to be the primary cause of toxicity in pH 9.5 CL. Environmental monitoring and risk assessments should therefore focus on the fate and toxicity of metals, especially Ni and V, in coke-amended oil sands reclamation landscapes.  相似文献   

The potential of the trace elements Ag, As, Cd, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn to inhibit the phagocytosis response of extruded coelomocytes of different worm species was tested. We used flow cytometry to evaluate the sensitivity of cell viability and phagocytic potential for Eisenia fetida, Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea turgida, and Tubifex tubifex. Extruded cells were exposed 18 h in vitro to concentrations ranging from 10(-9) to 10(-4) M. Mercury was the most potent immunotoxic element, with 50% inhibition of phagocytosis occurring at concentrations between 10(-7) and 10(-6) M. Cadmium, Cu, Ni, and Zn also showed significant immunosuppressive effects with concentrations inducing 50% inhibition ranging from 10(-5) to 10(-4) M. Species-specific sensitivity varied by about a factor of 10, with no species showing a systematically higher or lower in vitro sensitivity across the range of trace elements tested.  相似文献   

Surfactants are high volume chemicals used primarily in detergent products and are found in natural waters. The toxic effects of representative surfactants on aquatic life have been determined and summarized in greater detail for animal test species than for aquatic vegetation. This paper summarizes the chronic toxicity levels for algae, an important trophic level in aquatic ecosystems. Toxic effects have been determined for a few commercially important surfactants and primarily for cultured freshwater algae under the controlled conditions of the laboratory where inhibition, and in some cases, stimulation have been observed. The reported toxicities of surfactants have varied widely over several orders of magnitude and the effect levels are compound and species-specific. Species sensitivity can vary as much as three orders of magnitude to the same surfactant and the effects of different surfactants on the same algal species can vary as much as four orders of magnitude. Therefore, data generalizations and extrapolations are difficult but anionic and nonionic surfactants and detergent builders are relatively non-toxic when compared to various cationic monoalkyl and dialkyl quaternary ammonium salts. Recent toxicity studies conducted in the field monitoring the effects of several surfactants used in commercial products on various structural and functional parameters of natural algal communities have shown toxicity to be less in many cases than that predicted from laboratory tests. Furthermore, the field-derived effect levels typically exceed the reported measured environmental levels of the corresponding surfactants indicating the likelihood of no impact. Additional field studies are needed to substantiate this trend for these and other commercially important surfactants particularly for natural saltwater algal assemblages for which the toxicity data base is unavailable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the applicability of experimental model ecosystems (microcosms and mesocosms) for the ecological risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products (VMPs). VMPs are used in large quantities, but the assessment of associated risks to the environment is limited, although they are continually infused into the environment via a number of routes. It is argued that the experience obtained by pesticide research largely can be used when evaluating VMPs, although there are several major differences between pesticides and pharmaceuticals (e.g., knowledge of their mechanisms of action on nontarget organisms). Also, because microorganisms are often the target organisms of VMPs, risk assessment should focus more on endpoints describing functional processes. This paper provides a review of the current risk assessment schemes of Europe and North America along with examples of experiments already performed with veterinary medicinal products in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem models. We suggest that some of the approaches developed for pesticide risk assessment can be used for VMPs and offer suggestions for the development of a framework for ecological risk assessment of VMPs.  相似文献   

Studies were initiated to determine the acute toxicity of technical grade glyphosate (MON0573), the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate (MON0139), the formulated herbicide Roundup® (MON02139), and the Roundup® surfactant (MON0818) to four aquatic invertebrates and four fishes: daphnids (Daphnia magna), scuds (Gammarus pseudolimnaeus), midge larvae (Chironomous plumosus), mayfly nymphs (Ephemerella walkeri), Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), and bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus). Acute toxicities for Roundup ranged from 2.3 mg/L (96-h LC50, fathead minnow) to 43 mg/L (48-h EC50, mature scuds). Toxicities of the surfactant were similar to those of the Roundup formulation. Technical glyphosate was considerably less toxic than Roundup or the surfactant; for midge larvae, the 48-h EC50 was 55 mg/L and for rainbow trout, the 96-h LC50 was 140 mg/L. Roundup was more toxic to rainbow trout and bluegills at the higher test temperatures, and at pH 7.5 than at pH 6.5. Toxicity did not increase at pH 8.5 or 9.5. Eyed eggs were the least sensitive life stage, but toxicity increased markedly as the fish entered the sac fry and early swim-up stages. No changes in fecundity or gonadosomatic index were observed in adult rainbow trout treated with the isopropylamine salt or Roundup up to 2.0 mg/L. The aging of Roundup test solutions for seven days did not reduce toxicity to midge larvae, rainbow trout or bluegills. In avoidance studies, rainbow trout did not avoid concentrations of the isopropylamine salt up to 10.0 mg/L; mayfly nymphs avoided 10.0 mg/L of Roundup, but not 1.0 mg/L. In a simulated field application, midge larvae avoided 2.0 mg/L of Roundup. Application of Roundup, at recommended rates, along ditchbank areas of irrigation canals should not adversely affect resident populations of fish or invertebrates. However, spring applications in lentic situations, where dissolved oxygen levels are low or temperatures are elevated, could be hazardous to young-of-the-year-fishes.  相似文献   

J Le Magnen  G Tran  J Durlach 《Alcohol》1987,4(2):103-108
In a previous study, it was shown that in rats Ca-acetyl homotaurinate suppresses or eliminates the high oral intake of ethanol induced by earlier chronic ethanol administration, and to a lesser degree the spontaneous ethanol intake of ethanol-naive rats. The present study examines the effect of the drug on the chronic and acute toxicity of ethanol as a possible mechanism in its alteration of the reinforcing properties of ethanol intake. In the first experiment, it was demonstrated that chronic administration of the drug (45 mg/kg per day) for 15 days, alone or combined with chronic intragastric administration of high doses of ethanol, did not significantly alter subsequent ethanol intake. In two other experiments, it was shown that the drug did not interfere with acute ethanol toxicity as tested by ethanol-induced hypothermia, motor impairment and taste aversion in ethanol-naive rats. It is concluded that the acute activity of Ca-AOTA on CNS mechanisms presumably involved in the state of tolerance-dependence, other than those concerned in ethanol-induced hypothermia, motor impairment and taste aversion, may explain its action on the reinforcing property of ethanol intake.  相似文献   

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