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Prevention of autoimmune diabetes by FTY720 in nonobese diabetic mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Maki T  Gottschalk R  Monaco AP 《Transplantation》2002,74(12):1684-1686
BACKGROUND: FTY720 prevents allograft rejection with remarkable potency without inducing generalized immunosuppression. We determined the effect of FTY720 on development of autoimmune diabetes in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. METHODS: NOD mice were given FTY720 (0.5 mg/kg, orally) five times per week starting from 4 weeks of age. RESULTS: Daily FTY720 prevented development of diabetes in 15 of 16 treated mice, whereas 70% of untreated NOD mice became diabetic by 35 weeks of age. Withdrawal of FTY720 at 35 weeks of age led to development of diabetes within 2 weeks in five mice, whereas the remaining mice maintained diabetes-free conditions for up to 44 weeks of age. No side effect of the drug was seen throughout the treatment period. FTY720 also prevented cyclophosphamide-induced diabetes in NOD mice. CONCLUSIONS: FTY720 is a safe and benign therapeutic agent that may be used chronically in prediabetic individuals.  相似文献   

M A Atkinson  N K Maclaren 《Diabetes》1988,37(11):1587-1590
In insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in humans and BB rats, islet cell autoimmunities associated with autoantibodies to a beta-cell protein of 64,000 Mr (64K) have been described. We report that sera from newly diagnosed nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice similarly contain an autoantibody that immunoprecipitates 64K autoantigen from detergent lysates of [35S]methionine-labeled murine islet cells. The autoantibody was detectable by weaning; it disappeared within weeks after diabetes onset and was absent in older nondiabetic NOD mice as well as all of three non-diabetes-prone control strains tested. The 64K beta-cell autoantigen may be a critical target in the immunopathogenesis of IDDM.  相似文献   

Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice develop diabetes and destroy syngeneic islet grafts through an autoimmune response. Because transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 downregulates immune responses, we tested whether overexpression of TGF-beta1 by gene transfection of NOD mouse islets could protect beta-cells in islet grafts from autoimmune destruction. NOD mouse islet cells were transfected with an adenoviral DNA expression vector encoding porcine latent TGF-beta1 (Ad TGF-beta1) or the adenoviral vector alone (control Ad vector). The frequency of total islet cells expressing TGF-beta1 protein was increased from 12 +/- 1% in control Ad vector-transfected cells to 89 +/- 4% in Ad TGF-beta1-transfected islet cells, and the frequency of beta-cells that expressed TGF-beta1 was increased from 12 +/- 1% to 60 +/- 7%. Also, secretion of TGF-beta1 was significantly increased in islets that overexpressed TGF-beta1. Ad TGF-beta1-transfected NOD mouse islets that overexpressed TGF-beta1 prevented diabetes recurrence after transplantation into diabetic NOD mice for a median of 22 days compared with only 7 days for control Ad vector-transfected islets (p = 0.001). Immunohistochemical examination of the islet grafts revealed significantly more TGF-beta1+ cells and insulin+ cells and significantly fewer CD45+ leukocytes in Ad TGF-beta1-transfected islet grafts. Also, islet beta-cell apoptosis was significantly decreased whereas apoptosis of graft-infiltrating leukocytes was significantly increased in Ad TGF-beta1-transfected islet grafts. These observations demonstrate that overexpression of TGF-beta1, by gene transfection of NOD mouse islets, protects islet beta-cells from apoptosis and autoimmune destruction and delays diabetes recurrence after islet transplantation.  相似文献   

Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a serine protease inhibitor able to prevent diabetes onset in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice and to prolong islet allograft survival in a nonautoimmune murine model. In this study, we explored the effect of chronic administration of human AAT (hAAT) on allogeneic (C57BL/6) islet graft survival in spontaneously diabetic female NOD mice. Mice received intraperitoneal treatment with saline, Prolastin (1 or 2 mg/mouse) or Aralast (2 mg/mouse) on days -1, 0, 3, 6, and 9. Saline-treated mice rejected the grafts 10.0 +/- 2.5 days after transplantation (n = 9). Prolastin 1 mg (n = 9) and 2 mg (n = 3) resulted in rejection on 8.7 +/- 1.4 (not significant) and 13.0 +/- 4.3 days (P < .03), respectively. Aralast-treated mice showed prolongation of graft survival (13 +/- 5.9 days; n = 5; P < .03). Notably, repeated administrations of either hAAT formulation led to sudden death of a proportion of treated animals. Collectively, our preliminary data indicate that prolongation of islet allograft survival in the stringent autoimmune diabetic NOD mouse model can be achieved with hAAT monotherapy. The death of a proportion of treated animals may be consequent to immunization to hAAT and lethal hypersensitivity. Interestingly, this phenomenon was not observed in a non-autoimmune mouse strain (C57BL/6) despite extended hAAT treatment (>100 days).  相似文献   

L S Wicker  B J Miller  Y Mullen 《Diabetes》1986,35(8):855-860
The nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse, a model of human type I diabetes, develops insulitis beginning at 4-6 wk of age. By 30 wk of age, 72% of females and 39% of males develop spontaneous diabetes, apparently because of an overwhelming autoimmune response to the insulin-producing beta-cells within the islets. To identify the immune mechanism responsible for destruction of beta-cells in the NOD mouse, we developed an adoptive transfer protocol that induces diabetes in NOD mice at an age when spontaneous diabetes is rarely observed. Splenocytes from overtly diabetic NOD mice were unable to transfer diabetes to very young (less than or equal to 6 wk) irradiated NOD mice but effectively transferred diabetes to irradiated NOD mice greater than 6 wk of age. In such transfers, overt diabetes was induced within 12-22 days in greater than 95% (79/82) of the recipients. Thus, transfer of splenocytes to young mice induces them to become diabetic at a higher frequency and at a younger age than their untreated littermates. Equally successful transfers with as few as 5 X 10(6) spleen cells have been performed in male and female NOD mice, even though males display a lower spontaneous incidence of diabetes than females. Splenocytes obtained from diabetic mice maintained on insulin for up to 2 mo also transferred diabetes. Because NOD mice display increasing levels of insulitis with age, spleen cells obtained from nondiabetic NOD mice of different ages were tested for their ability to transfer diabetes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The injury of transplanted islets may occur by both autoimmune and alloimmune processes directed against MHC targets. To examine the role of MHC class I in islet graft injury, we transplanted syngeneic and allogeneic beta2-microglobulin-deficient islets into diabetic nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. Loss of graft function was observed within 14 days using allogeneic C57BL/6 and BALB/c MHC class I deficient as well as wild-type MHC class I-bearing NOD donor islets. However, islets isolated from MHC class I-deficient NOD mice (NOD-B2 m-/-) survived indefinitely when transplanted under the kidney capsule of diabetic NOD recipients. Transplanted NOD-B2 m-/- islets were surrounded by a nondestructive periinsular infiltrate that expressed interleukin-4 in addition to interferon-gamma. These studies demonstrate the primary role of MHC class I molecules in causing autoimmune destruction or recurrent diabetes in transplanted islets.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Successful islet transplantation in type 1 diabetes requires tolerance induction of both allo- and autoreactive T-cell responses. Monoclonal antibodies targeting the CD4 coreceptor on T-helper cells have been shown to be effective in this regard. In type 1 diabetes, there is some evidence to suggest that cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1 may be involved in beta-cell destruction. The high glucose levels associated with type 1 diabetes are also known to be toxic to beta cells. METHOD: The tempo of T-cell and macrophage infiltration into syngeneic islets transplanted into diabetic nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice was examined by immunohistochemistry. We investigated the ability of a nondepleting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody (YTS177) to induce tolerance to syngeneic islet grafts in female spontaneous diabetic NOD mice and in an adoptive transfer model of diabetes in NOD mice. The spontaneous model was used to test the effect on graft function of perioperative insulin therapy in mice treated with YTS177. The ability of soluble interleukin (sIL)-1 receptor (R) type II (sIL-1RII) to inhibit IL-1 effects in syngeneic islet transplants was also assessed. RESULTS: Cellular infiltration of CD3 cells and macrophages into the islet graft coincided with loss of graft function in untreated mice. Self-tolerance to beta cells was restored with YTS177, allowing long-term graft survival in a proportion of animals. The use of perioperative insulin therapy increased the number of successful grafts in spontaneously diabetic NOD mice treated with YTS177. The combination of YTS177 with sIL-1RII significantly improved the rates of graft survival compared with graft survival in YTS177-treated spontaneously diabetic NOD mice. CONCLUSIONS: Nondepleting anti-CD4 antibodies restore self tolerance to syngeneic islet transplants in diabetic NOD mice. Insulin therapy improves graft survival in mice treated with YTS177. Preventing the action of IL-1 greatly improves graft survival induced with YTS177.  相似文献   

Abstract: In addition to providing a large source of donor tissue, xenogeneic islet transplantation might avoid recurrent autoimmunity in patients with type 1 diabetes. To examine this possibility further, xenogeneic pig islets were transplanted into recipient mice in the presence or absence of autoimmunity. Spontaneously, non-obese diabetic (NOD) recipients rejected isografts rapidly whether or not the recipients were depleted of CD4+ T-cells. Young NOD mice made diabetic with streptozotocin accepted islet isografts without immunosuppression, indicating that destructive autoimmunity did not develop in these recipients. Pig xenografts were rejected equally quickly in the two types of NOD recipients in the absence of immunosuppression and survived for up to 9 weeks in both types of NOD recipients after CD4 depletion. BALB/c mice often accepted pig xenografts indefinitely after anti-CD4 antibody treatment. These results suggest that pig islets are resistant to recurrent autoimmunity when CD4+ T-cells are depleted. The difficulty in obtaining indefinite islet xenograft survival in NOD recipients occurs independently from the development of destructive autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Islet transplantation is becoming an accepted therapy to cure type I diabetes mellitus. The exact mechanisms of islet allograft rejection remain unclear, however. In vivo CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell-depleting strategies and genetically altered mice that did not express MHC class I or class II antigens were used to study the allorecognition and effector pathways of islet allograft rejection in different strains of mice, including autoimmunity-prone nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. In BALB/c mice, islet rejection depended on both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. In C57BL/6 mice, CD8(+) T cells could eventually mediate islet rejection by themselves, but they produced rejection more efficiently with help from CD4(+) T cells stimulated through either the direct or indirect pathway. In C57BL/6 mice, CD4(+) T cells alone caused islet rejection when only the direct pathway was available but not when only the indirect pathway was available. In contrast, in NOD mice, CD4(+) T cells alone, with only the indirect pathway, could mediate islet and cardiac allograft rejection. These findings indicate that different mouse strains can make use of different pathways for T cell-mediated rejection of islet allografts. In addition, they demonstrate that NOD mice, which develop autoimmunity and are known to be resistant to tolerance induction, have an unusually powerful CD4(+) cell indirect mechanism that can cause rejection of both islet and cardiac allografts. These data shed light on the mechanisms of islet allograft rejection in different responder strains, including those with autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Islet allografts are destroyed rapidly in spontaneously diabetic nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. However, whether this process is more similar to conventional allograft immunity, islet-specific autoimmune pathogenesis, or both remains controversial. In particular, we sought to determine whether C57BI/6 donor islet major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or class II expression was required for islet allograft destruction in autoimmune prone NOD mice versus non-autoimmune-prone BALB/c mice. Results show that islet allografts deficient in both MHC I and II are uniformly accepted in BALB/c mice. In sharp contrast, such MHC-deficient allografts were destroyed acutely in spontaneously diabetic NOD mice. Such donor MHC-independent rejection implicates "indirect" (host MHC-restricted) immunity as a pathway responsible for islet injury. To determine whether host NOD B lymphocytes could contribute to indirect graft recognition, wild-type and MHC I/II-deficient allografts were grafted into B-lymphocyte-deficient (microMT) NOD mice. Whereas wild-type NOD mice could reject MHC-I/II-deficient islet allografts, such grafts were all accepted in B-lymphocyte-deficient NOD mice. Taken together, these results indicate that NOD mice are capable of vigorous donor MHC-independent islet allograft rejection not found in non-autoimmune-prone recipients. Importantly, B lymphocytes may play a key role as antigen-presenting cells in this exuberant host 'indirect' response found in NOD mice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Treatment of nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice with FTY720 before the development of insulitis prevents the onset of diabetes. In this study, the authors investigated whether FTY720 treatment of NOD mice with established insulitis prevents the development of diabetes. METHODS: FTY720 (1 mg/kg) was administered continuously to euglycemic NOD mice starting at 14 or 23 weeks of age. A group of untreated, age-matched NOD mice served as controls. Mice with more than 300 mg/dL blood glucose on three consecutive measurements were considered diabetic. RESULTS: Diabetes developed in control mice starting at 13 weeks of age and reached 78% by 33 weeks of age. Mice at 14 and 23 weeks of age exhibited extensive insulitis that progressed with age. Continuous oral administration of FTY720 starting at either age completely prevented the development of diabetes. However, its withdrawal at 37 weeks of age led to abrupt diabetes onset. Pancreases of FTY720-treated diabetes-free mice showed peripheral insulitis, with strong insulin staining. The protection from diabetes was also achieved by intraperitoneal injection of FTY720 or sirolimus (1.5 mg/kg). Unlike FTY720, withdrawal of sirolimus did not induce diabetes. Continuous oral FTY720 (3 mg/kg) treatment in overtly diabetic NOD mice led to complete reversal of diabetes in 6 of 11 mice. The standard adoptive transfer study in NOD-severe combined immunodeficient mice showed that peripheral lymphoid organs of FTY720-treated mice contained diabetogenic cells but not dominant immunoregulatory cells. CONCLUSIONS: FTY720, which does not cause generalized immunosuppression, may be a safe and benign therapeutic agent for chronic use to prevent or cure type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

Testicular Sertoli cells protect pancreatic islet grafts from allo- and autoimmune destruction; however, the mechanism(s) of protection is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine whether Fas ligand (FasL) and/or transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, immunoregulatory proteins produced by Sertoli cells, might mediate the protective effects of these cells against autoimmune destruction of islet beta-cells. Sertoli cells were purified from testes of NOD mice and implanted under the right renal capsule of diabetic NOD mice, whereas NOD islets were implanted under the left renal capsule. Of the mice that received islet and Sertoli cells grafts, 64% (9 of 14) remained normoglycemic at 60 days posttransplantation compared with 0% (0 of 6) of the mice that received islet grafts alone. Immunohistochemical examination of Sertoli cell grafts in normoglycemic mice revealed that TGF-beta1 expression by Sertoli cells remained high, whereas FasL expression by Sertoli cells decreased progressively posttransplantation. Also, plasma levels of TGF-beta1 were significantly elevated in mice that received Sertoli cells and islet grafts, and anti-TGF-beta1 antibody administration completely abrogated the protective effect of Sertoli cells on islet graft survival, whereas anti-FasL antibody did not. Islet graft destruction in anti-TGF-beta1-treated mice was associated with increases in interferon (IFN)-gamma-producing cells and decreases in interleukin (IL)-4-producing cells in the islet grafts. We conclude that 1) Sertoli cell production of TGF-beta1, not FasL, protects islet beta-cells from autoimmune destruction and 2) TGF-beta1 diverts islet-infiltrating cells from a beta-cell-destructive (IFN-gamma+) phenotype to a nondestructive (IL-4+) phenotype.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-10 has proven effective in various allogeneic transplantation models and for preventing recurrent autoimmune rejection of syngeneic islets in NOD mice. Therefore, we evaluated systemic IL-10 overexpression on allogeneic islet graft survival. Diabetic NOD mice received a single injection of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) serotype 2 encoding murine IL-10 (rAAV-IL-10) four weeks prior to renal subcasular islet transplantation. In a model having both autoimmune and allogeneic responses, IL-10 failed to protect C57BL/6 islets in spontaneously diabetic NOD mice. In an allograft model (C57BL/6 islets into young male streptozotocin-induced diabetic NOD mice), long-term (i.e., >169 days) islet survival was only seen in 2 of 14 rAAV-IL-10 treated mice. These failures occurred despite in vivo IL-10 production at transplant previously associated with protection of syngeneic islet grafts in NOD mice. Thus, IL-10 appears insufficient in protecting transplanted islet cells from allogeneic rejection and suggests important mechanistic variances between alloreactivity and autoimmunity in terms islet graft loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice develop autoimmune diabetes with features similar to those observed in the human disease. The concurrence of allorecognition and recurrence of autoimmunity might explain why most of the treatments successful in preventing islet allograft destruction in other nonautoimmune combinations often fail in NOD recipients. To assess the value of the NOD mouse model for the evaluation of treatments relevant to clinical islet transplantation, the authors have tested the effect of a protocol closely resembling the one successfully used in the Edmonton clinical trial on the survival of islet allografts in NOD mice. METHODS: C57BL/6 islets were transplanted under the kidney capsule of spontaneously diabetic NOD mice. Treatment consisted of a combination of rapamycin, tacrolimus, and anti-interleukin (IL)-2 monoclonal antibody. Control groups received each treatment alone, a combination of two agents, or no treatment. RESULTS: Untreated animals invariably lost their graft within 13 days. Administration of rapamycin and tacrolimus significantly prolonged graft survival, with two of seven animals bearing a functional graft longer than 100 days. Addition of anti-IL-2 antibody therapy further improved graft survival, with six of eight grafts functioning longer than 100 days and two of eight grafts functioning longer than 200 days. CONCLUSIONS: In view of the limited success obtained with other treatments in this model, the dramatic prolongation of graft survival observed in the authors' study, by using a therapy that mimics one successfully used in clinical trials, seems to validate the NOD mouse as a meaningful model for the study of therapeutic interventions for the prevention of islet graft loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Isolated pancreatic islet transplantation (IPITx) is an attractive alternative for treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). However, IPITx has been difficult to implement clinically because islets frequently fail to function, have a high incidence of rejection, and are susceptible to autoimmune recurrence and damage by chronic immunosuppressive therapy. Tolerance induction may be a rational approach to resolve several of these limitations. Because anti-CD3 immunotoxin (IT) has been successful in promoting stable primate kidney transplant tolerance in our experience, we considered that tolerance induction with IT might be duplicated in IPITx. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three monkeys with spontaneous IDDM (two Macaca fascicularis and one Ceropithecus aethiops) were treated with xenogeneic pancreatic islets (Macaca mulatta). Intrahepatic islet transplantation was performed at a mean of 13136+/-3860 islet equivalents/kg. Islet xenograft acceptance was accomplished by tolerance induction with two injections of IT given on day 0 at 2 hr before transplantation and on day +1, respectively. IT treatment was supplemented with cyclosporine and steroids administered on days 0 through 4. No additional immunosuppression was given thereafter. Two additional control macaques with spontaneous IDDM received the immunosuppressive protocol without islet infusion. RESULTS: All recipients were restored to stable euglycemia, off exogenous insulin, within 1-2 weeks after transplantation. Glucose tolerance, C-peptide, and glycosylated hemoglobin tests confirmed the restoration of normal glucose homeostasis after islet transplantation. All three islet recipients have remained euglycemic at 410, 255, and 100 days of follow-up despite recovery of peripheral T cells to normal levels. In contrast, none of the controls presented changes in the diabetic status 4 and 8 months after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: These results represent the first demonstration in nonhuman primates of stable, long-term acceptance of nonencapsulated xenogeneic islets off all immunosuppression, suggesting operational tolerance. The findings have potential implications for islet transplantation as well as improved and more cost-effective therapy for IDDM.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: T-cell activation and the subsequent induction of effector functions require not only the recognition of antigen peptides bound to MHC molecules by T-cell receptor (TCR) for antigen but also a costimulatory signal provided by antigen presenting cells. CD4 T-cell activation and function require the CD4 molecule as a coreceptor of TCR. The CD28/B7 pathway is a major costimulatory signal for T-cell activation and differentiation. METHODS: The effect of targeting CD4 by nondepleting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) versus blocking CD28/B7 by CTLA4Ig, anti-CD80 mAbs, and anti-CD86 mAbs on the prevention of recurrence of autoimmune diabetes after MHC-matched nonobese diabetes-resistant (NOR) islet transplantation in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice were compared. Whether nondepleting anti-CD4 mAbs prolong allogeneic islet graft survival and xenogeneic pig islet graft survival in diabetic NOD mice were studied. Furthermore, the effect of nondepleting anti-CD4 mAbs combined with CTLA4Ig on allogeneic islet graft survival in NOD mice was investigated. RESULTS: Recurrence of autoimmune diabetes can be prevented by nondepleting anti-CD4 mAbs. Blocking the CD28/B7 costimulatory pathway by CTLA4Ig or by anti-CD80 mAbs and anti-CD86 mAbs cannot prevent recurrence of autoimmune diabetes after islet transplantation. Short-term treatment with nondepleting anti-CD4 mAbs significantly prolongs allogeneic islet graft survival and xenogeneic pig islet graft survival in diabetic NOD mice. But nondepleting anti-CD4 mAbs combined with CTLA4Ig decreased allogeneic islet graft survival. CONCLUSIONS: Nondepleting anti-CD4 mAbs but not CD28 antagonists protect islet grafts in diabetic NOD mice from autoimmune destruction and allogeneic and xenogeneic graft rejection. The efficacy of nondepleting anti-CD4 mAbs is compromised when it combines with CTLA4Ig.  相似文献   

J Hari  K Yokono  K Yonezawa  K Amano  S Yaso  K Shii  Y Imamura  S Baba 《Diabetes》1986,35(5):517-522
We have produced a monoclonal antibody 3A4 to the surface of islet cells by fusing spleen lymphocytes from nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. To identify the molecular weight of specific target antigens reacting with 3A4, 125I-surface-labeled In-111 insulinoma cells were solubilized and extracts were absorbed with 3A4, and immunoprecipitates were followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. 3A4 recognized two major polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of radioactive 64K and inactive 28K. In order to evaluate the antibody-mediated cytotoxic mechanisms of 3A4, complement-dependent antibody-mediated cytotoxicity (C'-AMC) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) were tested using a method of specific 51Cr release. In the study for C'-AMC, even over wide ranges of concentration of antibody and rabbit complement, purified 3A4 had no apparent cytotoxic effects on In-111 cells. On the other hand, significant ADCC was observed at an antibody concentration of 10 micrograms/ml and a target:effector cell ratio of 1:40 (P less than 0.01). Finally, the effects of 3A4 on glucose-stimulated insulin release were examined in isolated rat islets. At a glucose concentration of 16.7 mM, 3A4 significantly inhibited the insulin release either in the presence or absence of complement (P less than 0.01). In conclusion, 3A4 could not only bind but also be active to the target cells. Therefore, this monoclonal antibody should be a useful tool to permit a detailed analysis of the pathogenesis of type I diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

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