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CD4(+) T cells are implied to sustain CD8(+) T-cell responses during persistent infections. As CD4(+) T cells are often themselves antiviral effectors, they might shape CD8(+) T-cell responses via help or via controlling antigen load. We used persistent murine CMV (MCMV) infection to dissect the impact of CD4(+) T cells on virus-specific CD8(+) T cells, distinguishing between increased viral load in the absence of CD4(+) T cells and CD4(+) T-cell-mediated helper mechanisms. Absence of T-helper cells was associated with sustained lytic MCMV replication and led to a slow and gradual reduction of the size and function of the MCMV-specific CD8(+) T-cell pool. However, when virus replication was controlled in the absence of CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T-cell function was comparably impaired, but in addition CD8(+) T-cell inflation, a hallmark of CMV infection, was completely abolished. Thus, CD8(+) T-cell inflation during latent CMV infection is strongly dependent on CD4(+) T-cell helper functions, which can partially be compensated by ongoing lytic viral replication in the absence of CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

CD8+ T‐cell responses must have at least two components, a replicative cell type that proliferates in the secondary lymphoid tissue and that is responsible for clonal expansion, and cytotoxic cells with effector functions that mediate the resolution of the infection in the peripheral tissues. To confer memory, the response must also generate replication‐competent T cells that persist in the absence of antigen after the primary infection is cleared. The current models of memory differentiation differ in regards to whether or not memory CD8+ T cells acquire effector functions during their development. In this review we discuss the existing models for memory development and the consequences that the recent finding that memory CD8+ T cells may express granzyme B during their development has for them. We propose that memory CD8+ T cells represent a self‐renewing population of T cells that may acquire effector functions but that do not lose the naïve‐like attributes of lymphoid homing, antigen‐independent persistence or the capacity for self‐renewal.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) has been reported to play a role in dendritic cell activation and B‐cell differentiation after immunization. Its presence and role in T cells, however, has not been explored. In the present study, we determined the expression of TG2 on mouse T cells, and evaluated its role by comparing the behaviours of wild‐type and TG2?/? T cells after activation. In our results, naive T cells minimally expressed TG2, expression of which was increased after activation. T‐cell proliferation, expression of activation markers such as CD69 and CD25, and secretions of interleukin‐2 and interferon‐γ were suppressed in the absence of TG2, presumably due, in part, to diminished nuclear factor‐κB activation. These effects on T cells seemed to be reflected in the in vivo immune response, the contact hypersensitivity reaction elicited by 2,4‐dinitro‐1‐fluorobenzene, with lowered peak responses in the TG2?/? mice. When splenic T cells from mice immunized with tumour lysate‐loaded wild‐type dendritic cells were re‐challenged ex vivo with the same antigen, the profile of surface markers including CD44, CD62L, and CD127 strongly indicated lesser generation of memory CD8+ T cells in TG2?/? mice. In the TG2?/? CD8+ T cells, moreover, Eomes expression was markedly decreased. These results indicate possible roles of TG2 in CD8+ T‐cell activation and CD8+ memory T‐cell generation.  相似文献   

Due to their capacity to differentiate into long‐lived memory cells, CD8+ T cells are able to resolve subsequent infections faster than during the primary response. Among other factors, CD4+ T cells play a crucial role during primary and secondary CD8+ T‐cell responses. However, the timing and mechanisms by which they influence CD8+ T cells may differ in primary and secondary responses. Here, we demonstrate that during both primary and secondary vaccinia virus infection, CD4+ T cells are necessary to promote CD8+ T‐cell responses. While CD4+ T cells contributed to memory CD8+ T‐cell development, they were even more important during memory recall responses during challenge, as absence of CD4+ T cells during challenge resulted in markedly decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis. T‐cell help during primary and secondary responses was mediated via CD40 signaling, with DCs being an integral part of that pathway. As opposed to primary CD8+ T‐cell responses where only a combination of agonistic CD40 signaling and provision of IL‐2 could substitute for T‐cell help, agonistic CD40 triggering alone was sufficient to rescue memory CD8+ T‐cell responses in absence of T‐cell help in the context of vaccinia virus infection.  相似文献   

T‐cell‐based immunological memory has the potential to provide the host with life‐long protection against pathogen reexposure and thus offers tremendous promise for the design of vaccines targeting chronic infections or cancer. In order to exploit this potential in the design of new vaccines, it is necessary to understand how and when memory T cells acquire their poised effector potential, and moreover, how they maintain these properties during homeostatic proliferation. To gain insight into the persistent nature of memory T‐cell functions, investigators have turned their attention to epigenetic mechanisms. Recent efforts have revealed that many of the properties acquired among memory T cells are coupled to stable changes in DNA methylation and histone modifications. Furthermore, it has recently been reported that the delineating features among memory T cells subsets are also linked to distinct epigenetic events, such as permissive and repressive histone modifications and DNA methylation programs, providing exciting new hypotheses regarding their cellular ancestry. Here, we review recent studies focused on epigenetic programs acquired during effector and memory T‐cell differentiation and discuss how these data may shed new light on the developmental path for generating long‐lived CD8+ T‐cell memory.  相似文献   

Following antigen encounter and subsequent resolution of the immune response, a single naïve T cell is able to generate multiple subsets of memory T cells with different phenotypic and functional properties and gene expression profiles. Single‐cell technologies, first and foremost flow cytometry, have revealed the complex heterogeneity of the memory T‐cell compartment and its organization into subsets. However, a consensus has still to be reached, both at the semantic (nomenclature) and phenotypic level, regarding the identification of these subsets. Here, we review recent developments in the characterization of the heterogeneity of the memory T‐cell compartment, and propose a unified classification of both human and nonhuman primate T cells on the basis of phenotypic traits and in vivo properties. Given that vaccine studies and adoptive cell transfer immunotherapy protocols are influenced by these recent findings, it is important to use uniform methods for identifying and discussing functionally distinct subsets of T cells.  相似文献   

Increased CD8+ T‐cell precursor frequency (PF) precludes the requirement of CD4+ helper T (Th) cells for primary CD8+ cytotoxic T‐lymphocyte (CTL) responses. However, the key questions of whether unhelped CTLs generated at higher PF are functional effectors, and whether unhelped CTLs can differentiate into functional memory cells at higher PF are unclear. In this study, ovalbumin (OVA) ‐pulsed dendritic cells (DCOVA) derived from C57BL/6, CD40 knockout (CD40?/?) or CD40 ligand knockout (CD40L?/?) mice were used to immunize C57BL/6, Iab?/?, CD40?/? or CD40L?/? mice, whose PF was previously increased with transfer of 1 × 106 CD8+ T cells derived from OVA‐specific T‐cell receptor (TCR) transgenic OTI, OTI(CD40?/?) or OTI(CD40L?/?) mice. All the immunized mice were then assessed for effector and memory CTL responses. Following DC immunization, relatively comparable CTL priming occurred without CD4+ T‐cell help and Th‐provided CD40/CD40L signalling. In addition, the unhelped CTLs were functional effectors capable of inducing therapeutic immunity against established OVA‐expressing tumours. In contrast, the functional memory development of CTLs was severely impaired in the absence of CD4+ T‐cell help and CD40/CD40L signalling. Finally, unhelped memory CTLs failed to protect mice against lethal tumour challenge. Taken together, these results demonstrate that CD4+ T‐cell help at higher PF, is not required for effector CTL priming, but is required for functional memory CTL development against cancer. Our data may impact the development of novel preventive and therapeutic approaches in cancer patients with compromised CD4+ T‐cell functions.  相似文献   

The role of CD28‐mediated costimulation in secondary CD8+ T‐cell responses remains controversial. Here, we have used two tools — blocking mouse anti‐mouse CD28‐specific antibodies and inducible CD28‐deleting mice — to obtain definitive answers in mice infected with ovalbumin‐secreting Listeria monocytogenes. We report that both blockade and global deletion of CD28 reveal its requirement for full clonal expansion and effector functions such as degranulation and IFN‐γ production during the secondary immune response. In contrast, cell‐intrinsic deletion of CD28 in transferred TCR‐transgenic CD8+ T cells before primary infection leads to impaired clonal expansion but an increase in cells able to express effector functions in both primary and secondary responses. We suggest that the proliferation‐impaired CD8+ T cells respond to CD28‐dependent help from their environment by enhanced functional differentiation. Finally, we report that cell‐intrinsic deletion of CD28 after the peak of the primary response does not affect the establishment, maintenance, or recall of long‐term memory. Thus, if given sufficient time, the progeny of primed CD8+ T cells adapt to the absence of this costimulator.  相似文献   

Interleukin‐10 (IL‐10) plays a key role in regulating proinflammatory immune responses to infection but can interfere with pathogen clearance. Although IL‐10 is upregulated throughout HIV‐1 infection in multiple cell subsets, whether this is a viral immune evasion strategy or an appropriate response to immune activation is unresolved. Analysis of IL‐10 production at the single cell level in 51 chronically infected subjects (31 antiretroviral (ART) naïve and 20 ART treated) showed that a subset of CD8+ T cells with a CD25neg FoxP3neg phenotype contributes substantially to IL‐10 production in response to HIV‐1 gag stimulation. The frequencies of gag‐specific IL‐10‐ and IFN‐γ‐producing T cells in ART‐naïve subjects were strongly correlated and the majority of these IL‐10+ CD8+ T cells co‐produced IFN‐γ; however, patients with a predominant IL‐10+/IFN‐γneg profile showed better control of viraemia. Depletion of HIV‐specific CD8+ IL‐10+ cells from PBMCs led to upregulation of CD38 on CD14+ monocytes together with increased IL‐6 production, in response to gag stimulation. Increased CD38 expression was positively correlated with the frequency of the IL‐10+ population and was also induced by exposure of monocytes to HIV‐1 in vitro. Production of IL‐10 by HIV‐specific CD8+ T cells may represent an adaptive regulatory response to monocyte activation during chronic infection.  相似文献   

The initial requirement for the emergence of CMV‐specific CD8+ T cells is poorly understood. Mice deficient in the cosignaling TNF superfamily member, 4‐1BB, surprisingly developed exaggerated early CD8+ T‐cell responses to mouse CMV (MCMV). CD8+ T cells directed against acute MCMV epitopes were enhanced, demonstrating that 4‐1BB naturally antagonizes these primary populations. Paradoxically, 4‐1BB‐deficient mice displayed reduced accumulation of memory CD8+ T cells that expand during chronic/latent infection. Importantly, the canonical TNF‐related ligand, 4‐1BBL, promoted the accumulation of these memory CD8+ T cells, whereas suppression of acute CD8+ T cells was independent of 4‐1BBL. These data highlight the dual nature of the 4‐1BB/4‐1BBL system in mediating both stimulatory and inhibitory cosignaling activities during the generation of anti‐MCMV immunity.  相似文献   

Murine CMV (MCMV) infection induces effector CD8+ T cells that continue to increase in frequency after acute infection (“inflation”) and are stably maintained at a high frequency, with up to 20% of the CD8+ T‐cell compartment being specific for one epitope, although the flexibility and turnover of these populations is not fully defined. Here we report that effector/memory CD8+ T cells induced by MCMV can be paradoxically boosted following transient depletion of epitope specific CD8+ T cells. Treatment of MCMV‐infected mice with MHC‐Class I‐saporin tetramers led to partial (80–90%) depletion of epitope‐specific CD8+ T cells—rapidly followed by a rebound, leading to expansion and maintenance of up to 40% of total CD8+ T cells, with minimal changes in response to a control epitope (M45). These data indicate the tight balance between host and virus during persistent infection and the functional flexibility of the “inflated” CD8+ T cell responses during persistent infection.  相似文献   

Both human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) establish persistent infections that induce the accumulation of virus‐specific T cells over time in a process called memory inflation. It has been proposed that T cells expressing T‐cell receptors (TCRs) with high affinity for HCMV‐derived peptides are preferentially selected after acute HCMV infection. To test this in the murine model, small numbers of OT‐I transgenic T cells, which express a TCR with high affinity for the SIINFEKL peptide, were transferred into congenic mice and recipients were challenged with recombinant MCMV expressing SIINFEKL. OT‐I T cells were selectively enriched during the first 3 weeks of infection. Similarly, in the absence of OT‐I T cells, the functional avidity of SIINFEKL‐specific T cells increased from early to late times postinfection. However, even when exceedingly small numbers of OT‐I T cells were transferred, their inflation limited the inflation of host‐derived T cells specific for SIINFEKL. Importantly, subtle minor histocompatibility differences led to late rejection of the transferred OT‐I T cells in some mice, which allowed host‐derived T cells to inflate substantially. Thus, T cells with a high functional avidity are selected shortly after MCMV infection and continuously sustain their clonal dominance in a competitive manner.  相似文献   

Tumor growth coincides with an accumulation of myeloid‐derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), which exert immune suppression and which consist of two main subpopulations, known as monocytic (MO) CD11b+CD115+Ly6G?Ly6Chigh MDSCs and granulocytic CD11b+CD115?Ly6G+Ly6Cint polymorphonuclear (PMN)‐MDSCs. However, whether these distinct MDSC subsets hamper all aspects of early CD8+ T‐cell activation — including cytokine production, surface marker expression, survival, and cytotoxicity — is currently unclear. Here, employing an in vitro coculture system, we demonstrate that splenic MDSC subsets suppress antigen‐driven CD8+ T‐cell proliferation, but differ in their dependency on IFN‐γ, STAT‐1, IRF‐1, and NO to do so. Moreover, MO‐MDSC and PMN‐MDSCs diminish IL‐2 levels, but only MO‐MDSCs affect IL‐2Rα (CD25) expression and STAT‐5 signaling. Unexpectedly, however, both MDSC populations stimulate IFN‐γ production by CD8+ T cells on a per cell basis, illustrating that some T‐cell activation characteristics are actually stimulated by MDSCs. Conversely, MO‐MDSCs counteract the activation‐induced change in CD44, CD62L, CD162, and granzyme B expression, while promoting CD69 and Fas upregulation. Together, these effects result in an altered CD8+ T‐cell adhesiveness to the extracellular matrix and selectins, sensitivity to FasL‐mediated apoptosis, and cytotoxicity. Hence, MDSCs intricately influence different CD8+ T‐cell activation events in vitro, whereby some parameters are suppressed while others are stimulated.  相似文献   

Activation of the C‐type lectin receptor Dectin‐1 by β‐glucans triggers multiple signals within DCs that result in activation of innate immunity. While these mechanisms can potently prime CD8+ cytotoxic T‐cell (CTL) responses without additional adjuvants, the Dectin‐1 effector pathways that control CTL induction remain unclear. Here we demonstrate that Dectin‐1‐induced CTL cross‐priming in mice does not require inflammasome activation but strictly depends on the adapter protein Card9 in vitro. In vivo, Dectin‐1‐mediated Card9 activation after vaccination drives both expansion and activation of Ag‐specific CTLs, resulting in long‐lasting CTL responses that are sufficient to protect mice from tumor challenge. This Dectin‐1‐induced antitumor immune response was independent of NK cell function and completely abrogated in Card9‐deficient mice. Thus, our results demonstrate that Dectin‐1‐triggered Card9 signaling but not inflammasome activation can potently cross‐prime Ag‐specific CTLs, suggesting that this pathway would be a candidate for immunotherapy and vaccine development.  相似文献   

Efficient immune responses to invading pathogens are the result of the complex but coordinated synergy between a variety of cell types from both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system. While adaptive and innate immune responses are highly complementary, some cells types within these two systems perform similar functions, underscoring the need for redundancy and increased flexibility. In this review, we will discuss the striking shared features of immunological memory and tissue residency recently discovered between T cells, a component of the adaptive immune system, and natural killer (NK) cells, members generally assigned to the innate compartment. Specifically, we will focus on the T‐cell and NK‐cell diversity at the single‐cell level, on the discrete function of specific subsets, and on their anatomical location. Finally, we will discuss the implication of such diversity in the generation of long‐term memory.  相似文献   

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