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认知方式与情绪唤醒对大学生从事宗教信仰决策的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探索个人的认知方式和情绪唤醒对从事宗教信仰决策的影响.方法 采用两份自编阅读材料和镶嵌图形测验对196名大学生进行测量.结果 ①认知方式对决策的主效应不显著;②情绪时决策的主效应非常显著,有消极情绪唤醒的被试与有积极情绪唤醒的被试,最终的决策结果存在非常显著的差异;③情绪唤醒与认知方式对决策存在交互作用.结论 当前大学生在做出决策行为时受多种因素的综合影响.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同情绪状态对疼痛加工的影响,以及群体情绪和个体情绪对疼痛加工的影响是否存在差异。方法:通过视频来诱发被试的个体情绪和群体情绪(积极、中性和消极),让被试观看疼痛图片和中性图片,并完成疼痛判断任务和计数任务,记录事件相关电位(ERPs)。结果:消极情绪下反应时显著短于中性情绪(F=8.07,η_p~2=0.298,P0.05)。消极情绪比中性情绪在顶区诱发了更大的P3(360~800ms)(F=4.8,η_p~2=0.2047,P0.05)。消极情绪下疼痛图片与中性图片在颞-枕区诱发的LPC(440~540ms)波幅差异显著大于中性情绪(F=5.11,η_p~2=0.212,P0.05)。但是个体情绪和群体情绪对疼痛加工的影响差异不显著。结论:个体情绪和群体情绪对疼痛加工的影响程度相同。消极情绪促进疼痛加工。  相似文献   

目的:比较两种认知重评方式(积极重评和分离重评)对调节个体情绪体验和生理反应的影响。方法:以65名大学生为被试,采用生理心理实验法测量被试在自然观看和重评观看阶段,对诱发不同情绪(悲伤和恐惧)的视频片段的情绪体验和生理反应变化。结果:1两种认知重评都能显著地提高情绪效价和皮肤电水平,降低总体情绪强度、目标情绪强度和心率;2积极重评比分离重评能更显著地提高悲伤情绪的效价,但这种效果只在男性身上起作用;3分离重评比积极重评能更显著地降低恐惧情绪强度和心率。结论:积极重评和分离重评都能有效地调节消极情绪,但两者之间存在调节效果的差异。  相似文献   

目的:考察社会排斥对动态风险决策的影响以及习惯性情绪调节策略的调节作用。方法:实验一采用网络掷球任务和仿真气球冒险任务,考察社会排斥对动态风险决策的影响;实验二采用习惯性情绪调节策略问卷筛选惯用认知重评策略和惯用表达抑制策略的被试,进一步考察习惯性情绪调节策略在社会排斥影响动态风险决策中的调节作用。结果:实验一发现,社会排斥组的负性情绪和风险偏好显著高于社会接纳组。实验二发现,惯用认知重评策略组被试因社会排斥引起的负性情绪以及社会排斥对风险决策的影响要显著小于惯用表达抑制策略组。结论:结果表明社会排斥导致风险寻求,且习惯性情绪调节策略可以调节社会排斥对风险偏好的影响。  相似文献   

目的:考察不同情绪以及情绪调节策略对于被试认知灵活性的影响。方法:采用情绪调节问卷筛选出不同情绪调节策略的62名大学生作为被试。为启动对应情绪,随机分配每位被试观看积极、消极或者中性影片片段;之后要求58名情绪已启动的被试执行包括保持和转换两个阶段的数字分类任务。保持阶段要求被试对特定颜色的靶数字反应,同时忽略其他颜色的数字;转换阶段要求被试对其他颜色的靶数字反应,而原先的靶数字的颜色则作为分心数字的颜色。保持结束阶段与转换开始阶段的反应时之差为即为转换损失,作为表现认知灵活性的因变量。结果:不同情绪启动下被试的转换损失存在显著差异(F=3.474,P=0.038);积极情绪与消极情绪(P=0.031)、中性情绪(P=0.023)均存在显著差异,但消极情绪条件与中性条件(P=0.882)的差异不显著。情绪调节策略在转换损失上的差异不显著(F=0.562,P=0.457),情绪调节策略和启动情绪类型的交互作用也不显著(F=0.352,P=0.705)。结论:相比于消极和中性情绪,积极情绪能显著提高被试的认知灵活性;而认知重评和表达抑制这两种情绪调节策略对认知灵活性的影响并不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

目的:考察在消极情绪背景下内隐情绪调节对注意瞬脱的影响。方法:选取50名大学生,随机等分为启动情绪控制调节目标的调节组和未启动的非调节组,采用情绪性操作诱发被试的消极情绪,通过词语搭配任务启动情绪控制调节目标,比较两组被试对注意瞬脱任务两个靶刺激(T1和T2位置上的数字)的反应正确率。结果:在完成内隐情绪调节目标启动后,调节组被试的内隐消极情绪得分低于非调节组[(1.98±0.56) vs.(2.05±0.40),P=0.044]。当T2在T1呈现后的200~500 ms内呈现时,两组被试对T2的正确报告率均显著下降,调节组对T2的反正正确率低于非调节组被试,表现出更明显的注意瞬脱效应[Lag4:(86.12%vs.92.92%),P<0.05;Lag5:(93.56%vs.98.48%),P<0.05]。结论:消极情绪背景下大学生启动情绪控制目标能降低内隐消极情绪体验,同时表现出更强的注意瞬脱效应。  相似文献   

目的:探讨行动控制风格在情绪与工作记忆广度之间的调节作用.方法:从长春市某高校选取120名大一学生,采用2*3被试间实验设计,通过影片进行情绪诱导(积极情绪、中性情绪、消极情绪),研究在不同情绪条件下,行动控制风格对情绪与工作记忆广度之间的影响.结果:行动取向行动控制风格的大学生工作记忆广度在三种情绪(积极、中性、消极)条件下无显著差异(P>0.05);状态取向行动控制风格的大学生在三种情绪条件下工作记忆广度具有显著差异(P<0.001);在消极情绪下,行动取向行动控制风格的大学生工作记忆广度显著高于状态取向行动控制风格.结论:行动控制风格在情绪与工作记忆广度之间起调节作用.  相似文献   

邢丹  毕岩 《校园心理》2011,9(6):393-395
探讨大学生被试2周内体验到的情绪(积极、消极)及情绪表达方式。采用问卷法对36名大学生进行调查,分析统计情绪计数、情绪表达。积极情绪与消极情绪出现次数差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.903,P=0.004);积极情绪表达、消极情绪表达数量上差异无统计学意义;积极情绪不表达与消极情绪不表达间差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.68,P=0.007);消极情绪采取消极表达的方式显著多于积极情绪(Z=-3.245,P=0.001)。结论:①大学生消极情绪显著多于积极情绪;②在情绪表达量上差异无统计学意义;③积极情绪不表达与消极情绪不表达差异有统计学意义,对消极情绪采取消极表达的方式也显著多于积极情绪;④需引导大学生更多采用认知重评等积极的情绪调节策略。  相似文献   

目的:探讨情绪对变化盲视现象的影响。方法:采用3(情绪:积极/中性/消极)×3(刺激类型:出现消失类/颜色改变类/完全替换类)的混合设计,以"图片+故事"作为情绪诱发材料,选取76名被试完成经典闪烁范式的变化探测任务。结果:①情绪主效应边缘显著,F=2.96,P=0.059;②刺激类型主效应显著,F=22.00,P<0.001;③刺激类型和情绪的交互作用显著,F=6.759,P<0.001。结论:①积极情绪促进个体对变化的觉察,消极情绪阻碍个体对变化的觉察;②情绪对变化盲视的影响受到任务难度的调节。在任务难度较大时,积极情绪促进变化觉察,消极情绪阻碍变化觉察,任务难度较小时,积极情绪和消极情绪对变化觉察的影响没有显著差异。  相似文献   

目的:考察反刻板印象对抑制内隐学科性别刻板印象的效应及情绪的调节作用。方法:以175名大学生为被试,分为两个实验,采用内隐联想测验考察了启动反刻板印象对抑制内隐学科性别刻板印象的效应(实验1)及情绪的调节作用(实验2)。结果:实验1发现,启动反刻板印象组被试的D值显著小于不启动反刻板印象组被试的D值;实验2发现,积极情绪条件下,启动反刻板印象组被试的D值显著小于不启动反刻板印象组被试的D值,但消极情绪下,启动反刻板印象组被试的D值显著大于不启动反刻板印象组被试的D值。结论:启动反刻板印象能够有效地抑制内隐学科性别刻板印象;与消极情绪下启动反刻板印象相比,积极情绪下启动反刻板印象更能够抑制内隐学科性别刻板印象。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of symptom induction on neural activation in blood-injection-injury (BII) phobia. Nine phobic and 10 non-phobic subjects participated in an fMRI study in which they were presented with disorder-relevant, generally disgust-inducing, generally fear-evoking and neutral pictures. We observed diminished medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) activity in patients compared to controls for phobia-relevant and disgust-inducing pictures. The MPFC has been shown to be critically involved in the automatic and effortful cognitive regulation of emotions. Therefore, the results might reflect reduced cognitive control of emotions in BII phobics during the experience of phobic symptoms as well as during states of disgust. The latter response component might be a result of the elevated disgust sensitivity of BII phobics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite markedly different clinical presentations, few studies have reported differences in neuropsychological functioning between mania and depression. Recent work has suggested that differences may emerge on cognitive tasks requiring affective processing, such as decision-making. The present study sought to compare decision-making cognition in mania and depression in order to clarify the current profiles of impairment for these disorders and to contribute to our more general understanding of the relationship between mood and cognition. METHODS: Medicated manic patients, depressed patients, and normal healthy controls completed a computerized decision-making task. All subjects were asked to win as many points as possible by choosing outcomes based on variably-weighted probabilities and by placing 'bets' on each decision. RESULTS: Both patient groups were impaired on this task, as evidenced by slower deliberation times, a failure to accumulate as many points as controls and suboptimal betting strategies. Manic, but not depressed, patients made suboptimal decisions--an impairment that correlated with the severity of their illness. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are consistent with a growing consensus that manic and depressed patients are characterized by significant impairments in cognitive and particularly executive, functioning. Furthermore, the distinct patterns of observed impairment in manic and depressed patients suggests that the nature and extent of cognitive impairment differ between these two groups. Viewed in the context of other recent studies, these findings are consistent with a role for the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in mediating mood-cognition relationships.  相似文献   

Additional heart rate as an indicator of emotional arousal was monitored throughout the day with a special ambulatory device. Fifty female students received acoustic feedback every 10-20 min. The feedback was based either on events (additional heart rate present) or was random without additional heart rate. Following the feedback the subjects were asked to disclose their emotions. The following emotions were listed on the display of the monitoring device: no emotion, happiness, anger, anxiety/fear, sadness, surprise, and disgust. The frequency and quality of the emotions were not different between event-related and random feedbacks, indicating that the subjects were not able to discriminate between events with and without additional heart rate correctly. Accordingly, the physiological profiles of the differing emotions compared to conditions with "no emotion" were equivocal. The psychological ratings of excitement and enjoyment, however, came up to expectations. The results show that cognitive schemata and personality dimensions are more important in emotion perception than physiological activation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Cataplexy is the key symptom of the narcoleptic syndrome. It is usually triggered by emotions, which play an important role in the manifestation and severity of the disease. Accordingly, we compared the psychophysiologic effects on patients with narcolepsy and healthy subjects of processing visual stimuli that have established emotional valences. METHOD: Eight drug-free patients with narcolepsy with severe cataplexy and 8 controls were studied. Fifty-four color pictures (pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant) selected from the International Affective Picture System were presented on a monitor to the subjects. The effects of exposure to the pictures were assessed in muscular (corrugator, zygomatic and mylohyoid electromyographic activity), autonomic (blood pressure, heart rate, and skin conductance responses) cognitive (scalp-recorded event-related potentials), and subjective (valence, arousal, and dominance by Self-Assessment Manikin) systems. RESULTS: The autonomic, muscular, and cognitive systems showed an attenuated reaction to visual stimuli in patients compared to controls. Furthermore, patients with narcolepsy showed the lowest responses when unpleasant pictures were presented. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that, compared to the group of healthy subjects, patients with narcolepsy suffer from a temporal disadvantage in input processing, in particular, of unpleasant stimuli. The drawback exhibited by these patients suggests reduced reactivity of the aversive motivational system responsible for negative or unpleasant emotions.  相似文献   

Aging affects virtually all functions including sensory/motor and cognitive activities. While retinal image motion is the primary input for smooth-pursuit, its efficiency/accuracy depends on cognitive processes. Elderly subjects exhibit gain decrease during initial and steady-state pursuit, but reports on latencies are conflicting. Using a cue-dependent memory-based smooth-pursuit task, we identified important extra-retinal mechanisms for initial pursuit in young adults including cue information priming and extra-retinal drive components (Ito et al. in Exp Brain Res 229:23–35, 2013). We examined aging effects on parameters for smooth-pursuit using the same tasks. Elderly subjects were tested during three task conditions as previously described: memory-based pursuit, simple ramp-pursuit just to follow motion of a single spot, and popping-out of the correct spot during memory-based pursuit to enhance retinal image motion. Simple ramp-pursuit was used as a task that did not require visual motion working memory. To clarify aging effects, we then compared the results with the previous young subject data. During memory-based pursuit, elderly subjects exhibited normal working memory of cue information. Most movement-parameters including pursuit latencies differed significantly between memory-based pursuit and simple ramp-pursuit and also between young and elderly subjects. Popping-out of the correct spot motion was ineffective for enhancing initial pursuit in elderly subjects. However, the latency difference between memory-based pursuit and simple ramp-pursuit in individual subjects, which includes decision-making delay in the memory task, was similar between the two groups. Our results suggest that smooth-pursuit latencies depend on task conditions and that, although the extra-retinal mechanisms were functional for initial pursuit in elderly subjects, they were less effective.  相似文献   


Introduction: Models of auditory hallucinations (AH) state that AH arise through an interaction between negative emotions and limited available cognitive resources. However, this hypothesis has never been directly tested. Methods: A two-by-two factorial design was used to examine the effect of emotions (neutral VS negative) and available cognitive resources (high VS low) on the elicitation of false alarms in an auditory signal detection paradigm. One hundred and seventy four healthy participants were assigned to one of the four experimental conditions. While participants were listening to white noise, their emotional state was manipulated using affective pictures and the level of available cognitive resources was manipulated using a visual N-back task. Results: Results revealed significant interaction effects between emotions and cognitive resources on the number of false alarms. In particular, participants with fewer available cognitive resources and at the same time who were in a negative emotional state, tended to hear significantly more false alarms. In addition, the degree of certitude was significantly correlated with a higher degree of hallucination proneness. Conclusions: Such results are in agreement with models of AH and they provide new data for the understanding of the emotional and cognitive mechanisms that underpin AH.  相似文献   

The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) has been used to study decision-making differences in many different clinical and developmental samples. It has been suggested that IGT performance captures abilities that are separable from cognitive abilities, including executive functions and intelligence. The purpose of the current review was to examine studies that have explicitly examined the relationship between IGT performance and these cognitive abilities. We included 43 studies that reported correlational analyses with IGT performance, including measures of inhibition, working memory, and set-shifting as indices of executive functions, as well as measures of verbal, nonverbal, and full-scale IQ as indices of intelligence. Overall, only a small proportion of the studies reported a statistically significant relationship between IGT performance and these cognitive abilities. The majority of studies reported a non-significant relationship. Of the minority of studies that reported statistically significant effects, effect sizes were, at best, small to modest, and confidence intervals were large, indicating that considerable variability in performance on the IGT is not captured by current measures of executive function and intelligence. These findings highlight the separability between decision-making on the IGT and cognitive abilities, which is consistent with recent conceptualizations that differentiate rationality from intelligence.  相似文献   

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is characterized by dramatic changes of personality and behaviour. Impaired ability of emotional processing could contribute to these symptoms, as it may lead to misinterpretation of emotional cues that would normally guide behaviour. The aim of the present study was to investigate if the Ekman 60 Faces Test, an instrument to test the recognition of basic facial emotions, enables the differentiation between patients with mild FTD and cognitively healthy subjects (HC). We found that compared to 33 cognitively healthy subjects, 25 patients with mild FTD were impaired in the recognition of basic emotions. At a cut-off score from 46 out of 60 points, the Ekman 60 Faces Test discriminated between patients with mild FTD and HC with 97% diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity: 94%; specificity: 100%). The results of the present study were consistent with the findings of prior studies on smaller patient samples.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Decision-making is a complex and important function for daily life that can be assessed quantitatively using a simple two-choice prediction task. Bipolar disorder (BD) patients are thought to show altered responsivity to positive and negative feedback. In this study we examined whether BD patients with psychotic mania show altered patterns of decision-making as a function of the frequency of incorrect predictions or error rate. METHODS: Fourteen adult DSM-IV-diagnosed BD patients with psychotic mania and 14 normal comparison subjects (NC) were tested with a two-choice prediction task using three error rate conditions (20%, 50%, or 80%). RESULTS: BD patients showed an increased sensitivity to error rate changes and switched more frequently at high error rates than NC subjects. In comparison, there were no differences between BD and NC subjects on the degree to which the response or stimulus during a previous trial predicts the current response. CONCLUSIONS: Decision-making in BD patients with psychotic mania appears to be highly sensitive to high error rates. Moreover, the patterns of responses appear distinct from what has been previously observed in acutely and chronically ill schizophrenia patients. The results of this study are informative as to the effects of errors on decision-making strategies in psychotic BD manic patients.  相似文献   

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