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Di-isononyl phthalate (DINP) is a high molecular weight general purpose plasticizer used principally in the manufacture of flexible polyvinyl chloride (PVC) articles. DINP metabolites can be measured in biological media such as blood and urine. However, measurement of a substance in the blood or urine does not by itself mean that the chemical causes or is associated with adverse health outcomes. This is particularly pertinent given the advances in modern analytical techniques whereby ever diminishing trace amounts of substances can be detected. Therefore, it is a scientific necessity that risk assessors understand the relationship of biomonitoring data to estimation of exposure so that appropriate comparisons can be made to the no observed adverse effects levels (NOAELs) or other points of departure from toxicological studies in animals. In this paper, estimates of daily DINP intake are calculated for various population segments based on urinary biomonitoring data and are compared to estimates of exposure based on indirect methods and to health-based exposure guidance values. In general, intake estimates converge on a mean of 1–2 μg/kg/day regardless of source of exposure or population cluster; a value 2-orders of magnitude lower than health-based exposure guidance values, ranging from 120 to 290 μg/kg/day, which have been established by regulatory authorities and other authoritative bodies as representing acceptable levels.  相似文献   

Recent efforts worldwide have resulted in a growing database of measured concentrations of chemicals in blood and urine samples taken from the general population. However, few tools exist to assist in the interpretation of the measured values in a health risk context. Biomonitoring equivalents (BEs) are defined as the concentration or range of concentrations of a chemical or its metabolite in a biological medium (blood, urine, or other medium) that is consistent with an existing health-based exposure guideline. This study reviews available health-based exposure guidance values for hexachlorobenzene (HCB) from Health Canada, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and World Health Organization (WHO). HCB liver tissue concentrations in chronic rodent bioassays and information on human elimination rates and tissue distribution of HCB were extrapolated to estimate serum lipid-adjusted HCB concentrations that are consistent with the exposure guidance values for HCB. Estimated serum lipid-adjusted HCB concentrations ranging from 16 to 250 ng/g lipid were consistent with non-cancer-based exposure guidance values from various agencies. Concentrations associated with cancer risk-specific doses at target risk levels of interest were also estimated. These BE values may be used as screening tools for evaluation of population biomonitoring data for HCB in a risk assessment context and can assist in prioritization of the potential need for additional risk assessment efforts for HCB relative to other chemicals.  相似文献   

Recent efforts worldwide have resulted in a growing database of measured concentrations of chemicals in blood and urine samples taken from the general population. However, few tools exist to assist in the interpretation of the measured values in a health risk context. Biomonitoring Equivalents (BEs) are defined as the concentration or range of concentrations of a chemical or its metabolite in a biological medium (blood, urine, or other medium) that is consistent with an existing health-based exposure guideline. BE values are derived by integrating available data on pharmacokinetics with existing chemical risk assessments. This study reviews available health-based exposure guidance values for bisphenol A (BPA) from Health Canada, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). BE values were derived based on data on BPA urinary excretion in humans. The BE value corresponding to the oral provisional tolerable daily intake (pTDI) of 25 μg/kg-d from Health Canada is 1 mg/L (1.3 mg/g creatinine); value corresponding to the US EPA reference dose (RfD) and EFSA tolerable daily intake (TDI) estimates (both of which are equal to 50 μg/kg-d) is 2 mg/L (2.6 mg/g creatinine). These values are estimates of the 24-h average urinary BPA concentrations that are consistent with steady-state exposure at the respective exposure guidance values. These BE values may be used as screening tools for evaluation of central tendency measures of population biomonitoring data for BPA in a risk assessment context and can assist in prioritization of the potential need for additional risk assessment efforts for BPA relative to other chemicals.  相似文献   

Biomonitoring Equivalents (BEs) are defined as the concentration or range of concentrations of a chemical or its metabolite in a biological medium (blood, urine, or other medium) that is consistent with an existing health-based exposure guideline such as a reference dose (RfD) or tolerable daily intake (TDI). BE values can be used as a screening tool for the evaluation of population-based biomonitoring data in the context of existing risk assessments. This study reviews available health based risk assessments and exposure guidance values for benzene from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to derive BE values for benzene in blood and urine. No BE values were derived for any of the numerous benzene metabolites or hemoglobin and albumin adducts. Using existing physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models, government risk assessment values were translated into corresponding benzene levels in blood assuming chronic steady-state exposures. BEs for benzene in urine were derived using measured correlations between benzene in urine with benzene in blood. The BE values for benzene in blood range from 0.04 to 1.29 μg/L, depending upon the underlying non-cancer risk assessment used in deriving the BE. Sources of uncertainty relating to both the basis for the BE values and their use in evaluation of biomonitoring data, including the transience of the biomarkers relative to exposure frequency, are discussed. The BE values derived here can be used as screening tools for evaluation of population biomonitoring data for benzene in the context of the existing risk assessment and can assist in prioritization of the potential need for additional risk assessment efforts for benzene relative to other chemicals.  相似文献   

The short-term hepatic effects of DINP (CAS 68515-48-0, designated DINP-1) in rats and mice were evaluated at tumorigenic and nontumorigenic doses from previous chronic studies. Groups of male F344 rats were fed diets with DINP-1 at concentrations of 0, 1000, or 12,000 ppm and male B6C3F1 mice at 0, 500, or 6000 ppm DINP-1. After 2 or 4 weeks of treatment, changes in liver weight, gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC), peroxisomal beta-oxidation (PBOX), and replicative DNA synthesis were examined. In addition, hepatic and serum concentrations of the parent compound and major metabolites were determined. Relative to controls in both species, increased liver weight and PBOX at the high dose of DINP-1 were consistent with peroxisomal proliferation. Hepatic GJIC was inhibited and DNA synthesis was increased at the high dose of DINP-1, which is also consistent with the tumorigenic response in rats and mice reported in other chronic studies at these doses. These hepatic effects were not observed at the low doses of DINP-1. At comparable low doses of DINP-1 in other chronic studies, no liver tumors were observed in rats and mice. The monoester metabolite (MINP-1) was detected in the liver at greater concentrations in mice than rats. This result is also consistent with the dose-response observations in rat and mouse chronic studies. Additionally, other structurally similar dialkyl phthalate esters ranging from C7 to C11 were evaluated using a similar protocol for comparison to DINP-1; these included an alternative isomeric form of DINP (DINP-A), di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP), di-isoheptyl phthalate (DIHP), di-heptyl, nonyl undecyl phthalate (D711P), and di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP). Collectively, these data indicate that in rats and mice, DINP-1 and other C7-C11 phthalates exhibit a threshold for inducing hepatic cellular events. Further, where previous chronic data were available for these compounds, these phthalates elicited hepatic effects at doses that correlated with the tumorigenic response. Overall, these studies suggest a good correlation between the inhibition of GJIC when compared with the data on production of liver tumors in chronic studies.  相似文献   

Phthalates are suspected to be endocrine disruptors. Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is assumed to have low dermal absorption; however, previous in vitro skin permeation studies have shown large permeation differences. Our aims were to determine DEHP permeation parameters and assess extent of skin DEHP metabolism among workers highly exposed to these lipophilic, low volatile substances.  相似文献   

For active substances of botanical, mineral or chemical origin processed in homeopathic medicinal products for human use, the adequate safety principles as with other human medicinal products are applied in line with the European regulatory framework. In homeopathy, nonclinical safety assessment is facing a particular challenge because of a multitude and diversity of source materials used and due to rarely available toxicological data. Thus, current concepts applied by the national regulatory authority in Germany (BfArM) on integrative safety assessment of raw materials used in homeopathic medicinal products involve several evaluation approaches like the use of the Lowest Human Recommended Dose (LHRD), toxicological limit values, Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC), data from food regulation or the consideration of unavoidable environmental or dietary background exposure. This publication is intended to further develop and clarify the practical use of these assessment routes by exemplary application on selected homeopathic preparations. In conclusion, the different approaches are considered a very useful scientific and simultaneously pragmatic procedure in differentiated risk assessment of homeopathic medicinal products. Overall, this paper aims to increase the visibility of the safety issues in homeopathy and to stimulate scientific discussion of worldwide existing regulatory concepts on homeopathic medicinal products.  相似文献   

A Seafood Frequency Questionnaire (SFQ) broken down in more than 42 items with 8-week coverage was interview-administered to 278 adults aged 19–82 years (167 women, 98 in the reproductive age 19–45 years, and 111 men), resident on the Italian Mediterranean shore and frequent buyer at local fish markets. Methylmercury (MeHg) intake on individual basis was estimated for a selected occurrence equal to the median value + Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) in each seafood species reported (conservative scenario). MeHg occurrence was derived from an extensive seafood database referred to years 2009–2011. Accounting for an average body weight of 62.2 kg, 24.6% of women resulted overexposed with respect to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Tolerable Weekly Intake (TWI) for MeHg of 1.3 μg/kg bw, with a mean of 0.92 μg/kg bw. In the vulnerable group aged 19–45 years, 29.6% exceeded the TWI. Rather than the amount of seafood consumed, the seafood choice appears to be the main determinant of the MeHg intake. Risk awareness was reported in the 49% of SFQs. Uncertainties related to such estimates from questionnaires are discussed, in order to give adequate health recommendations without compromising seafood consumption in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins are toxic fungal metabolites found in foods and feeds. When ruminants eat AFB1-feedstuffs, they metabolise the toxin and excrete AFM1 in milk. To control AFM1 in foods it is necessary to reduce AFB1 contamination of feeds for dairy cattle by preventing fungal growth and AFB1 formation in agricultural commodities intended for animal use. Corn and corn-based products are one of the most contaminated feedstuffs; therefore risk factor analysis of AFB1 contamination in corn is necessary to evaluate risk of AFM1 contamination in milk and milk products. During the corn silage production, the aflatoxins production is mostly influenced by: harvest time; fertilization; irrigation; pest control; silage moisture; and storage practices. Due to the lower moisture at harvest and to the conservation methods, the corn grain is mostly exposed to the contamination by Aspergillus species. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the probability of this contaminant through choice of: hybrids; seeding time and density; suitable ploughing and fertirrigation; and chemical or biological control. Grains harvested with the lowest possible moisture and conservation moisture close to or less than 14% are necessary to reduce contamination risks, as is maintaining mass to homogeneous moisture. Kernel mechanical damage, grain cleaning practices and conservation temperature are also factors which need to be carefully controlled.  相似文献   

The REACH legislation introduced Derived No-Effect Levels (DNELs) which are defined as 'the levels of exposure above which humans should not be exposed'. DNELs were required for several categories of petroleum substances and CONCAWE developed a consistent approach for their derivation. First, the No-Observed Effect Level from a relevant study was corrected for pattern and route of exposure to obtain a modified Point-of-Departure (POD(modified)). Subsequently, the DNEL was calculated by dividing the POD(modified) by Assessment Factors (AFs) to adjust for inter- and intraspecies differences. If substance-specific information allowed, Informed Assessment Factors (IAFs), developed by CONCAWE were utilised. When little or no substance-specific information on those differences was known, default AFs from the guidance provided by ECHA were used. Some hazard endpoints did not lend themselves to calculation of DNELs (e.g. aspiration, dermal irritation, mutagenicity). DNEL calculation was considered not appropriate if adverse effects were not observed in tests conducted at a limit dose or if meaningful dose-response curves could not be developed. However, DNELs were calculated when hazards were identified, regardless of whether or not risk characterisation was required under REACH. Examples for gasoline, Lubricating Base Oils, gas oils and bitumen are provided to illustrate CONCAWE's approach.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd), an environmental and dietary contaminant, has been described to mimic the effects of 17β-estradiol (E2) in selected model systems when studied as an inorganic salt. However, inorganic Cd salts do not represent the main form of Cd exposure in general human populations. The aims of this study were to compare the estrogen-like effects and the bioavailability of dietary Cd to inorganic CdCl2. Adult ovariectomized ERE-luc reporter mice were administered two bread based diets containing different concentrations of Cd (17.57 and 49.22 μg/kg, corresponding to oral intakes of 1.8 and 5.1 μg/kg body weight (bw) per day, respectively), inorganic CdCl2 (1 μg/kg bw per day by gavage) or E2 (5 μg/kg bw per day pellet) for 21 days. The effects on estrogen signaling were investigated by studying the uterine weights, luciferase activation, and expression of endogenous estrogen target genes. The uterine weight was significantly increased by both CdCl2 and E2 but not by the Cd containing diets. All treatments modulated the expression of luciferase and the endogenous estrogen target genes; however, there was no consistent overlap between the responses triggered by the bread diets and the responses stimulated by CdCl2 or E2. Oral exposure to Cd was calculated and the concentrations in liver and kidneys quantified to estimate the amount of absorbed Cd retained in tissues. The results suggest significantly lower absorption and/or tissue retention of dietary Cd compared to CdCl2 following oral exposure. Altogether, our results support previous reports on in vivo estrogenicity of CdCl2 but do not suggest the same activity for diet bound Cd. This study calls for caution when extrapolating results from pure compound studies (e.g. estrogenicity of CdCl2) to dietary exposure scenarios (e.g. estrogenicity of diet bound Cd). Further basic research is needed on the mechanisms of interaction between Cd and the estrogen signaling, biologically active species of Cd, and biomarkers of estrogen-like effects of Cd in vivo before human health risk assessment on the hormone disruptive effects of Cd can be carried out.  相似文献   

Calendula flower (Calendula officinalis) (CF) has been used in herbal medicine because of its anti-inflammatory activity. CF and C. officinalis extracts (CFE) are used as skin conditioning agents in cosmetics. Although data on dermal irritation and sensitization of CF and CFE’s are available, the risk of subchronic systemic toxicity following dermal application has not been evaluated. The threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) is a pragmatic, risk assessment based approach that has gained regulatory acceptance for food and has been recently adapted to address cosmetic ingredient safety. The purpose of this paper is to determine if the safe use of CF and CFE can be established based upon the TTC class for each of its known constituents. For each constituent, the concentration in the plant, the molecular weight, and the estimated skin penetration potential were used to calculate a maximal daily systemic exposure which was then compared to its corresponding TTC class value. Since the composition of plant extracts are variable, back calculation was used to determine the maximum acceptable concentration of a given constituent in an extract of CF. This paper demonstrates the utility and practical application of the TTC concept when used as a tool in the safety evaluation of botanical extracts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a rationale for utilising a Margin of Exposure (MOE) approach to the segregation of tobacco smoke toxicants for risk assessment and management purposes. Future regulatory frameworks and product modifications aimed at tobacco harm reduction could utilise data that segregate toxicants using associations with specific diseases caused by cigarette smoking together with an indication of their relative contribution to that disease. Compounds with MOEs >10,000 accompanied by appropriate narrative are considered “low priority for risk management actions”. This paper applies the MOE model to representative examples of tobacco smoke toxicants associated with respiratory tract carcinogenesis and other respiratory diseases. A multiplicity of published dose response data on individual toxicants has been used to determine the range of possible MOE values, thus demonstrating the consistency of the relationships. Acetaldehyde, acrolein, acrylonitrile, cadmium, ethylene oxide, formaldehyde and isoprene all segregate with MOEs <10,000 and should be considered as high priority for exposure reduction research whereas benzo(a)pyrene and vinyl chloride segregate with an MOE >10,000 and therefore may be considered as a low priority. 1,3-Butadiene, m-/p-cresols, NNK and NNN are assumed to segregate with high priority although additional data would be required to complete a full MOE assessment.  相似文献   

In some US potable water supplies, 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP) has been present at ranges of non-detect to less than 100 ppb, resulting from past uses. In subchronic oral studies, TCP produced toxicity in kidneys, liver, and other tissues. TCP administered by corn oil gavage in chronic studies produced tumors at multiple sites in rats and mice; however, interpretation of these studies was impeded by substantial premature mortality. Drinking water equivalent levels (DWELs) were estimated for a lifetime of consumption by applying biologically-based safety/risk assessment approaches, including Monte Carlo techniques, and with consideration of kinetics and modes of action, to possibly replace default assumptions. Internationally recognized Frameworks for human relevance of animal data were employed to interpret the findings. Calculated were a reference dose (=39 μg/kg d) for non-cancer and Cancer Values (CV) (=10–14 μg/kg d) based on non-linear dose–response relationships for mutagenicity as a precursor of cancer. Lifetime Average Daily Intakes (LADI) are 3130 and 790–1120 μg/person-d for non-cancer and cancer, respectively. DWELs, estimated by applying a relative source contribution (RSC) of 50% to the LADIs, are 780 and 200–280 μg/L for non-cancer and cancer, respectively. These DWELs may inform establishment of formal/informal guidelines and standards to protect public health.  相似文献   

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