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直肠癌术前放疗的疗效   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我院自 1992年 1月至 1994年 6月对 14例经病理组织学确诊可手术切除的直肠癌患者行术前放疗后再手术 ,效果满意。1.一般资料 :行术前放疗的直肠癌患者 (放疗组 ) 14例 ,男性 9例 ,女性 5例 ;年龄 2 5 0~ 75 0岁 ,平均 5 0 7岁 ;放疗前均经直肠镜或纤维结肠镜取活检 ,病理检查确诊。病变部位 :直肠上部 1例 ,中部 4例 ,下部 9例。选择同期、性别、年龄、病理分期等无显著性差异的患者 15例 (对照组 ) ,术前不进行放疗。2 .术前放疗方法 :术前放疗组患者采用 10MV直线加速器每日照射剂量2 5Gy ,总量为 35~ 40Gy。照射野初期采用…  相似文献   

术前短程冲击放疗、术后后装放疗治疗原发性肝癌   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨术前短程冲击放疗和术后后装照射治疗原发性肝癌的治疗效果。方法 自1998年5月至1999年10月,将50例行肝癌切除术的原发性肝癌病人随机分为放疗组和对照组,每组25例。放疗组术前先行放疗6Gy,共3次,休息2周后再手术。术中放置施源管3-6根,确定驻留点2-8个,术后3-10d行后装照射,单次剂量10Gy,照射2-4次,总剂量20-40Gy。对照组手术前后不放疗。手术前后定期查血常规、肝功能、AFP、CT、B超、胸片,记录术中出血量。结果 放疗组术前放疗后肿瘤明显缩小(P<0.05);术中出血量显著低于对照组(P<0.05);后装照射后AFP转阴率100%(16/16),对照组63.6%(9/14)(P<0.01);6个月复发率0,低于对照组20%(5/25)(P<0.01);6个月生存率100%(25/25)无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论 手术前短程冲击放疗和术后后装放疗是提高原发性肝癌近期治疗效果,降低复发率的有效手段。  相似文献   

直肠癌术前分期   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
直肠癌的准确性分期关系到治疗的选择,本文阐述了临床检查、肛内超声,CT,MRI,放免显像和PET等手段在直肠癌局部和远处分期中的作用。  相似文献   

直肠癌术后复发再治疗的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程学斌 《腹部外科》1999,12(4):180-181
为评价直肠癌术后复发再治疗的效果, 1987~1995 年收治 35 例直肠癌局部复发患者, 综合组12 例行再次手术切除加术后放疗, 单放组23 例行单纯放射治疗。综合组3 年生存率33.4% , 中位生存期 25 个月; 单放组3 年生存率4.3% , 中位生存期 9 个月, 两组有显著性差异( P< 0.01)。因此, 再次手术加术后放疗能明显提高治疗效果。  相似文献   

直肠癌术后早期肠梗阻的临床特点和治疗   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨直肠癌手术后早期肠梗阻的临床特点和手术时机。方法 回顾分析直肠癌手术408例术后早期肠梗阻26例的临床资料。结果 21例经手术探查发出以机械性梗阻占多数(19/21),手术治愈18例,死亡3例,死亡原因均为延误手术时机造成。非手术治愈5例。结论 直肠癌术后早期肠梗阻虽有梗阻症状,但由于术后诸多 影响,大多缺乏典型机械性梗阻的临床表现,易与术后肠麻痹,炎性粘连梗阻相混淆,应注意加以鉴别。处  相似文献   

直肠癌术后复发再治疗的疗效探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨直肠癌术后局部复发再治疗的疗效。方法对1990年1月至2000年12月收治的217例直肠癌根治术后复发患者不同治疗方法的疗效进行回顾性分析。结果217例患者中单纯手术(Ⅰ组)72例,手术切除加放疗(Ⅱ组)48例,单纯放疗(Ⅲ组)58例;未治疗(对照组)39例。Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组及未治疗组中位存活期分别为25、27、14及4个月。Ⅰ、Ⅱ组1、3年生存率显著优于Ⅲ组(P<0.01)。结论提高直肠癌复发患者疗效的关键是密切随访、早期诊断和实行手术或以手术为主的综合治疗。  相似文献   

直肠癌术后局部复发综合治疗的疗效分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:分析直肠癌根治术后局部复发的类型、综合治疗的疗效及预后。方法:对直肠癌术后局部复发、以往未接受过放疗的66例病人进行疗效分析。原手术方式为经腹直肠切除术45例(Dixon术40例,Parks术5例),腹会阴直肠切除术21例。经腹直肠切除术后复发以吻合口为主(37/45,82.2%),腹会阴直肠切除术后复发则以盆腔或会阴为主(19/21,90.5%)。复发后盆腔放疗中位剂量为40(20—64)Gy,临床症状缓解中位剂量26(10~52)Gy。其中26例在放疗过程中或之后接受过中位7个(2~12)疗程以5-FU为主的化疗。有22例放疗后获补救手术机会。结果:全组中位生存期24个月。Kaplan-Merier法计算生存率,放疗后1、3年总生存率分别为72.2%、17.9%。单因素分析并Log rank检验生存率差异,显示生存率与原发病变的期别、术后复发时间、复发部位及是否加用化疗无关,而仅与是否再次行补救手术有关。放疗后加用补救手术者3年生存期明显较长,为36.0%比8.8%(P=0.016)。结论:直肠癌根治术后局部复发者,放疗具有良好的姑息减症的作用;对部分经腹直肠切除术后的复发病例,放射治疗加补救手术能明显延长生存期。  相似文献   

隆乳者术前术后心理分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了解隆乳者术前术后心理状况 ,我们于 1998年设计了问卷调查 ,追踪隆乳术后 1~ 10年资料完整的 15 5例受术者 ,报告如下。一、临床资料本组 15 5例。年龄 18~ 5 4岁 ,平均 2 9.3岁。已婚 110例 ,占 71% ;未婚 4 5例 ,占 2 9%。民族包括汉、回、白、傣、哈尼、佤族。有干部、工人、农民、教师、个体户、无业人员。手术情况 :(1)手术切口 :乳晕切口、腋窝切口、腋前线切口、乳房下皱襞切口 ;(2 )假体类型 :硅胶假体、生理盐水假体 ;(3)假体体积 :16 0~ 2 5 0ml,平均 2 2 5ml;(4)置入部位 :胸大肌后间隙 ;(5 )隆乳术后时间 :1~ 10年…  相似文献   

1990~ 1 997年 ,我院采取以手术治疗为主的综合治疗措施 ,对 2 1例直肠癌术后复发的病人行再手术治疗 ,现结合文献对本组病例分析讨论如下。1 临床资料1 .1 一般资料 :本组 2 1例 ,男 1 2例 ,女 9例 ;年龄 2 6~ 71岁 ,平均 5 2岁。确诊复发距首次手术时间为 4个月至 7年 ,2年内复发者 1 7例 ,占80 .95 %。组织病理学类型 :中、低分化腺癌 1 3例 ,粘液腺癌 5例 ,印戒细胞癌 2例 ,高分化腺癌 1例。第一次手术方式 :Dixon1 5例 ,miles6例。复发部位 :盆腔 1 1例 ,吻合口 8例 ,会阴部 2例。1 .2 手术方法 :复发病灶切除 1 3例 ,占 61 .9% …  相似文献   

傅传刚  赵威 《临床外科杂志》2005,13(11):680-682
直肠癌是消化道最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率呈逐年上升的趋势,约占全身恶性肿瘤的15%以上[1]。直肠癌的主要治疗方法是手术切除,有资料显示Ⅰ期直肠癌手术治愈率可达90%~95%以上,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ期的术后5年生存率分别为64%~78%、27%~33%和5%~14%[2]。准确的术前诊断及术前分期对于手术方式的合理选择、肿瘤根治性切除可能性的评估以及对预后的预测等均具有重要的意义。直肠癌常用的术前影像学检查包括结肠镜检查、结肠气钡双重造影、直肠腔内超声(transrectal ultrasound,TRUS)、CT、MRI以及正电子发射计算机体层显像(position emission …  相似文献   

Background  Postoperative morbidity remains a significant clinical problem and may alter long-term outcome particularly after neoadjuvant chemoradiation in patients with locally advanced low rectal cancer. The aim of the present study was to identify a potential long-term effect of postoperative morbidity. Methods  Analysis of prospectively collected data of 90 consecutive patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemoradiation and curative mesorectal excision for locally advanced (cT3/4, Nx, M0/1) adenocarcinoma of the mid and lower third of the rectum during a 7-year period (1996–2002). Results  Major postoperative complications occurred in 17.8% and minor complications in 26.6% of patients. Hospital mortality and 30-day mortality was 0%. Infectious complications were seen in 34.5%. The leading causes of infectious complications were anastomotic leakage and perineal wound infection. Postoperative morbidity was statistically significantly associated with gender (P < 0.05), pre-therapeutic haemoglobin level (P < 0.05), ASA score (P < 0.05), hospitalisation (P < 0.001) and clinical long-time course (P < 0.01). Moreover, early postoperative morbidity was proven as an independent prognostic factor concerning disease-free (P < 0.05) and overall survival (P < 0.05). Conclusion  Early postoperative morbidity in patients with preoperative chemoradiation due to locally advanced low rectal cancer is demonstrated as an independent prognosticator. Gender, pre-therapeutic haemoglobin level and ASA score indicate patients at risk for early postoperative complications and may therefore serve as predictive features.  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of the study was to find out whether pre-operative radiochemotherapy had any survival advantage over postoperative radiochemotherapy for rectal carcinoma patients without distant metastasis or peritoneal carcinomatosis.

Material and methods: Between January 1998 and December 2003, 51 rectal carcinoma patients without distant metastasis or peritoneal carcinomatosis were randomly divided into pre-operative (PRE) and postoperative (POST) radiochemotherapy groups. Twenty-six were assigned to the PRE group and were operated on 5 to 8 weeks after the completion of radiotherapy. The other 25 patients were operated on immediately and received radiotherapy post-operatively 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. The patients were followed up for between 4 to 51 months. Results: In the PRE group the rates of disease-free survival were 92%, 70%, 56% and 56% at the end of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years, respectively. In the POST group those percentages were 83%, 68%, 51% and 51% at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years, respectively (p = 0.707). One-year and 4-year overall survival rates in the PRE group were 100% and 86% respectively and 100% and 60% in the POST group (p = 0.520).

Conclusion: No statistical difference was found between the survival rates of the rectal carcinoma patients receiving radiotherapy either pre-operatively or postoperatively. However, the disease-free survival rates of the PRE group were higher than the POST group’s during each year and overall survival rates were higher after the third and fourth years. We conclude that pre-operative radiotherapy is at least as effective as postoperative radiotherapy.  相似文献   

目的探讨直肠腔内超声(TRUS)对评估直肠癌术前分期的临床价值。方法对118例经肠镜活检病理证实为直肠癌患者行TRUS检查,观察肿块内部回声、肿瘤浸润肠壁深度及与周围组织器官的关系,根据TN分期标准进行术前分期,并与术后病理分期进行对照。结果 TRUS评估直肠癌T分期完全符合率为86.4%(102/118),T1~T4的敏感度分别为80.0%、82.3%、91.6%、83.9%和特异度分别为100.0%、90.4%、90.0%、98.8%;Kappa值为0.734,超声分期与病理分期高度一致(P0.05),对评估淋巴结转移的灵敏度为81.4%(79/97),特异度为71.4%(15/21)。结论 TRUS对评估直肠癌浸润深度及淋巴结转移等有较高的准确性,为治疗方案的选择提供可靠的参考信息。  相似文献   

胰岛素样生长因子1受体高表达提示直肠癌放射治疗耐受   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究胰岛素样生长因子1受体(IGF-1R)表达水平与直肠癌放射治疗(简称放疗)敏感性的关系.方法 选择江苏省中医院消化肿瘤外科2009年1月至2010年12月期间的87例直肠癌患者,应用免疫组织化学和逆转录聚合酶链反应( RT-PCR)方法检测直肠癌放疗前活检标本及相应的术后标本中IGF-1R蛋白和mRNA的表达...  相似文献   

Background: Postoperative adjuvant chemoradiation treatment after curative resection for rectal cancer was needed to reduce recurrence and improve a survival rate. Intravenous 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and leucovorin has been a mainstay of chemotherapy, but oral 5-FU derivatives have been shown a comparable antitumor activity. Intravenous 5-FU and oral doxifluridine were compared with respect to therapeutic efficacy, drug toxicity, and quality of life.Methods: A total of 166 patients were randomized to receive intravenous 5-FU (450 mg/m2/day) or oral doxifluridine (900 mg/m2/day) in combination with leucovorin (20 mg/m2/day) for depth of invasion, nodal status, metastasis (TNM) stage II and III patients between October 1997 and February 1999. Consecutive daily intravenous infusion for 5 days per every month for a total of 12 cycles (IV arm, n = 74) and oral doxifluridine daily for 3 weeks and 1 week rest for a total of 12 cycles (oral arm, n = 92). Drug toxicity and quality of life were observed. Quality of life was scored according to 22 daily activity items (good, 71; fair, < 70; poor, < 52).Results: There was no difference of sex between two groups (IV arm: male/female = 45/29, oral arm: male/female = 59/33). The mean age was 52.3 vs. 59.5, respectively. There was also no difference of TNM stage distribution and type of operation between groups (P = .05). Mean numbers of chemotherapy cycles were 6.5 ± 3.7 (IV arm) vs. 7.2 ± 4.3 (oral arm), respectively. The rate of recurrence was 9/74 (12.1%) in the IV arm and 6/92 (6.5%) in the oral arm, respectively (P = .937). Local recurrence was 2/74 (stage III; 2.7%) in the IV arm and 1/92 (stage II;1.1%) in the oral arm, respectively. Systemic recurrence was 7/74 (stage III; 9.4%) in the IV arm and 5/92 (stage III; 5.4%) in the oral arm, respectively. The most common site of systemic recurrence was the liver. Toxicity profile was as follows: leukopenia (30/74 vs. 17/92) and alopecia (21/74 vs. 13/92) were statistically more common in the IV arm. Diarrhea was more common in the oral arm. Poor quality of life score between two groups was observed at 1 month (23.9% vs. 13%) and 2 months (15.8% vs. 3.7%) after chemotherapy. Good quality of life score was observed at 1 month (19.5% vs. 49%) and 2 months (47% vs. 72%), respectively (P < .05).Conclusions: Oral doxifluridine with leucovorin shows a comparable therapeutic efficacy to intravenous 5-FU regimen with high quality of life as postoperative adjuvant therapy. The oral regimen also can be safely given with appropriate toxicity and tolerability.Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, March 16–19, 2000, New Orleans.  相似文献   

Background: Preoperative staging is essential for planning of optimal therapy for patients with rectal cancer. Recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used frequently because of its benefits of clear pelvic image are better than other diagnostic methods. The purpose of this study was to determine accuracy rates and clinical usefulness of MRI in preoperative staging of rectal cancer.Methods: Between February, 1997, and December, 1999, 217 patients with histologically proven rectal cancer were staged preoperatively and had surgical resections performed. MRI criteria for depth of invasion was determined by the degree of disruption of the rectal wall. Metastatic perirectal lymph nodes were considered to be present if they showed heterogenous texture, irregular margin, and enlargement (.10 mm).Results: The accuracy of the MRI for determining depth of invasion was 176/217 (81%) and regional lymph node invasion was 110/217 (63%). In the T stage, accuracy rate of T1 was 3/4 (75%), T2 was 20/37 (54%), T3 was 141/162 (87%), and T4 was 12/14 (86%), respectively. The specificity of lymph node invasion was 45/110 (41%) and the sensitivity was 91/107 (85%). The accuracy rate of regional lymph node involvement was 136/217 (63%). T1 and T2 were overstaged in 1/4 (25%) and 17/37 (46%), respectively, and T3 was understaged in 15/162 (9.2%). The accuracy rate to detect metastatic lateral pelvic lymph node was 4/14 (29%) after lateral pelvic lymph node dissection was done in 14 patients under MRI. The accuracy rate in assessing levator ani muscle tumor involvement was 8/11 (72%).Conclusions: MRI showed a good, comparable accuracy rate for determining depth of tumor invasion, compared with transrectal ultrasonography, which still has a low accuracy rate for detecting metastatic lymph node. MRI with endorectal coil may increase the accuracy rate of T1 and T2 lesions. In addition, clear sagittal and coronal sectional pelvic images can give a lot of information about adjacent organ invasion or any invasion of levator ani muscle. MRI can be useful for choosing an appropriate extent of lymph node dissection and type of surgery.  相似文献   

目的比较CT和MRI对直肠癌术前T、N分期的价值。方法收集公开发表的对CT与MRI进行术前直肠癌T、N分期价值比较的国内外所有前瞻性和回顾性研究,按照Meta分析的要求对检索到的原始研究的质量进行评估,对符合条件的所有研究结果进行Meta分析,分别计算在T1~T4、N分期上,CT与MRI的灵敏度和特异度并进行比较。结果符合纳入标准的共9篇文章,总样本量347例。对于T分期,CT的灵敏度为0.772,特异度为0.880;MRI的灵敏度为0.910,特异度为0.935。对于N分期,CT的灵敏度为0.636,特异度为0.734;MRI的灵敏度为0.563,特异度为0.849。结论对于T分期,MRI在灵敏度、特异度均优于CT;对于N分期,CT灵敏度优于MRI,MRI特异度优于CT。另外,直肠癌术前放化疗能显著影响CT和MRI术前T分期的灵敏度和特异度,对于N分期,则影响不明显。  相似文献   

目的探讨腔内超声(Endoluminal ultrasound,ELUS)对术前直肠癌分期评价的临床应用价值。方法对69例直肠癌患者术前进行ELUS检查进行术前分期诊断,并且与术后病理诊断进行对照。结果术前ELUS检查T1期诊断正确率为93.33%(14/15),T2期为83.33%(15/18),T3期为74.07%(20/27),T4期为66.67%(6/9)。ELUS诊断正确率为79.71%(55/69)。ELUS对转移淋巴结诊断总正确率为65.22%(45/69),灵敏度为76.19%,特异度为61.71%。结论 ELUS对于直肠癌癌组织的浸润程度以及周围转移淋巴结诊断与术后病理诊断的正确率较高,有希望成为直肠癌术前分期的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 分析术前放化疗结合全直肠系膜切除术(TME)治疗低位进展期直肠癌的疗效.方法 回顾性分析笔者所在医院2009年1月至2011年12月期间行术前放化疗联合TME的31例低位进展期直肠癌患者的临床资料.放疗采用常规分割放疗,总剂量50 Gy/25 f;化疗采用mFOLFOX6或CapeOX方案.临床-病理对照记录疗效,并评价保肛患者的肛门功能.结果 全部患者均接受TME手术治疗,手术并发症发生率为12.9%(4/31),死亡率为3.2% (1/31).经术前放化疗,肿瘤直径平均缩小21.9%;48.4% (15/31)的患者出现T分期下降,阳性淋巴结患者比例由83.9% (26/31)降至38.7% (12/31),5例(16.1%)患者获得病理学完全缓解,总有效率达74.2% (23/31);Ⅲ~Ⅳ度不良反应发生率为6.5% (2/31),保肛患者肛门功能良好率达84.6% (22/26).结论 从本组有限的病例看,对低位进展期直肠癌采用术前放化疗结合TME手术能够达到部分肿瘤的病理学完全缓解,缩小原发肿瘤,降低局部淋巴结转移率,从而达到降低肿瘤分期、提高手术疗效的目的.  相似文献   

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