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A 59-old woman visited to our hospital with complaint of uttering stenotic sound at expiratory stage. Her chest X-ray film showed a suspicious intratracheal tumor, which was arising from the left side of the tracheal wall and confirmed 4 cm from the vocal cord by bronchofiber scope. The biopsy specimens showed well differentiated papillary adenocarcinoma. The lesion was judged to be a intrathoracic thyroid carcinoma and to infiltrate the trachea. Her air way failed to be ensured with YAG-LASER. Therefore, a subemergency operation was done. The intrathoracic lesion had no sequence of the thyroid gland. Two occult thyroid carcinomas were intraoperatively discovered. She underwent total thyroidectomy and sleeve trachectomy whose anastomosis was wrapped up in an omental flap. The intraluminal part of the tumor histologically showed poorly differentiated carcinoma, in contrast to the extratracheal part of the tumor showing well differentiated carcinoma. She was treated with radioactive iodine due to her positive 131I scintigraphy. Nine months later, a very similar lesion newly developed at the left side of trachea and made same symptoms.  相似文献   

A 76-year-old female was admitted to the hospital with dyspnea and hypertention. She had the giant thyroid tumor which had been awared but not treated for 40 years. On a computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the tumor was 14 x 10 cm and the tracheal stenosis was completely intrathoracic, which was 5 x 7 mm. Tracheal incubation was performed safety by using percutaneous cardiopulmonary support. A subtotal thyroidectomy was performed by midsternotomy with cervical incision. The weight of the resected specimen was 340 g and the pathological diagnosis was follicular thyroid carcinoma. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient suffered no hoarseness and dyspnea.  相似文献   

This is a case report of a newborn with congenital tracheal stenosis which was fortunately healed by surgery. A 2,650 g female infant was born at 39 wk gestation. She began having respiratory difficulty soon after birth. Prompt endotracheal intubation was attempted, but failed. She was transferred to our hospital under assisted ventilation. Chest roentgenogram and bronchoscopy demonstrated segmental narrowing of the trachea about 2 cm distal from the vocal cord. A surgical operation was performed because respiratory management would not be enough to save the infant. Through a transverse collar incision and an upper median sternotomy, a stenotic 7 mm length of the trachea was resected and anastomosed with 5-0 Dexon suture. Postoperative course was uneventful. Histologically, the stenotic segment consisted of hypoplasia of the tracheal cartilage and fibrosis of the membranous portion. Squamous metaplasia was also recognized. There was no other report of tracheal stenosis successfully operated during the period of newborn.  相似文献   

A 44-year-old male was admitted because of dyspnea. Bronchoscopy revealed a tumor obstructing 85% of the tracheal lumen, at the site of the membranous portion, 3 cm below the vocal cords. The tumor was removed by sleeve tracheal resection with end to end anastomosis. Histological findings showed benign mixed tumor (pleomorphic adenoma) arising from the tracheal wall. Postoperative course was uneventful. Only 5 tracheal mixed tumors have been found in the Japanese literatures. Therapeutic approach to this tracheal tumor is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

A case of 54-year-old man with tracheal stenosis following surgery for thoracic esophageal cancer was reported. It was considered that the stenosis had occurred due to the tracheal ischemia after esophagectomy and lymph node dissection. Importance of preservation of tracheal blood supply was again noticed. On tracheal reconstruction, application of pedicled pleural flap was recognized to be useful in order to repair the leakage from membranous portion that could not be closed by suture.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of giant cell tumor in the atlas. A 50-year-old female presented with severe pain in her right neck and shoulder. The preoperative magnetic resonance images showed a tumor mixed with solid and cystic components in the right side of the atlas. CT scan showed that the anterior and posterior arches of the atlas were destroyed. Preoperative biopsy led to the pathological diagnosis of giant cell tumor with multinuclear giant cells and mononuclear stromal cells. A preoperative vertebral angiogram demonstrated tumor stain supplied from the muscular branches. To reduce intraoperative bleeding, the embolization of the right vertebral artery by GDC was performed before surgical removal. The tumor was subtotally removed following ligation of the right external carotid artery to reduce bleeding of tumor. We used the Olerud cervical system to prevent cervical instability after resection of the tumor. Although the symptoms disappeared completely after surgery, regrowth of tumor was observed in follow-up MRI 4 months after the operation. For this reason, local radiation therapy was performed (50 Gy). Then, the size of the tumor has not changed in the 1.5 years since the operation.  相似文献   

A 77-year-old male patient underwent laryngo-tracheal anastomosis for subglottic tracheal stenosis. He developed exertional dyspnea 10 month after tracheostomy. Anterior and lateral wall of the cricoid cartilage and the first two tracheal cartilages were resected, preserving the recurrent laryngeal nerves. The distal trachea was anastomosed to the thyroid cartilage primarily and tracheostomy was made at 6th tracheal ring. Postoperatively, anterior flexion of the neck was maintained for a week. Oral intake was started on the 2nd postoperative day. The patient showed smooth recovery. The important points of this operation are: 1) preoperative evaluation of the residual subglottic space, 2) intraoperative care for preservation of the recurrent nerves, especially at the lateral sides of the crycoid cartilage, and 3) postoperative maintenance of the cervical anterior flexion.  相似文献   

患儿,女,14岁,摔倒致右膝疼痛剧烈,摔伤后4 h就诊。门诊CT检查显示:右髌骨病理性骨折。骨科门诊遂以“右髌骨病理性骨折”收住入院。膝关节X线检查:右侧髌骨骨质改变,考虑良性肿瘤合并病理性骨折,见图1A。CT检查:右侧髌骨呈膨胀性生长致骨质破坏,其内多发条状高密度影及软组织密度影,考虑良性骨肿瘤致病理性骨折,见图1B。  相似文献   

Ten patients with traumatic tracheal stenosis--unresponsive to conservative therapy--underwent tracheal resection. Two of the stenoses resulted from gunshot injuries, three were due to prolonged intubation, and five developed after tracheotomy. Eight of the operations were completely successful. There was one death, and one patient has had recurrent granulation tissue at the anastomotic site. The pathogenesis of tracheal stenosis, as well as its treatment--including the technical details of tracheal resection--are discussed.  相似文献   

骨巨细胞瘤是常见的原发性骨肿瘤之一,起始于骨髓内间叶组织,原发部位几乎都发生在长管状骨干骺端,原发于肩胛骨极为少见。1病例资料患者,男,33岁。因右肩肩胛骨肿块7个月入院。无明显诱因及症状,无家族病史。查体:一般情况良好,发育正常,营养中等,无明显消瘦,双上肢前屈、后伸  相似文献   

We have experienced a case of giant cell tumor originating from the rib. A 45-year-old male was admitted to our hospital because of a mass in the left chest wall. A tumor shadow was observed in the left side of chest X ray. Chest CT, bone scintigram showed tumor originating from the left 4th rib. The tumor was suspected giant cell tumor of bone by needle biopsy examination. The tumor was completely resected with chest wall surrounding the tumor. The defect of chest wall was reconstructed with Marlex mesh and the Latissimus dorsi muscle flap. The pathological diagnosis was a giant cell tumor of bone. The patient has been well for two years and one month since surgery, with no signs of recurrence.  相似文献   

Postintubation tracheal stenosis is a clinical problem caused by regional ischemic necrosis of the airway. The incidence of postintubation tracheal stenosis has decreased with recognition of its etiology and modifications in the design and management endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes; however, it remains the most common indication for tracheal resection and reconstruction. Single-stage resection and reconstruction by a competent tracheal surgeon results in good or satisfactory results in 93.7% of patients, with a failure rate of 3.9% and a mortality rate of 2.4%. The intellect and skill of Dr. Grillo has made the etiology and management of postintubation stenosis obvious to us all.  相似文献   

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