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Chikungunya fever is a mosquito-borne disease of key public health importance in tropical and subtropical countries. Although severe joint pain is the most distinguishing feature of chikungunya fever, diagnosis remains difficult because the symptoms of chikungunya fever are shared by many pathogens, including dengue fever. The present study aimed to develop a new immunochromatographic diagnosis test for the detection of chikungunya virus antigen in serum. Mice were immunized with isolates from patients with Thai chikungunya fever, East/Central/South African genotype, to produce mouse monoclonal antibodies against chikungunya virus. Using these monoclonal antibodies, a new diagnostic test was developed and evaluated for the detection of chikungunya virus. The newly developed diagnostic test reacted with not only the East/Central/South African genotype but also with the Asian and West African genotypes of chikungunya virus. Testing of sera from patients suspected to have chikungunya fever in Thailand (n = 50), Laos (n = 54), Indonesia (n = 2), and Senegal (n = 6) revealed sensitivity, specificity, and real-time PCR (RT-PCR) agreement values of 89.4%, 94.4%, and 91.1%, respectively. In our study using serial samples, a new diagnostic test showed high agreement with the RT-PCR within the first 5 days after onset. A rapid diagnostic test was developed using mouse monoclonal antibodies that react with chikungunya virus envelope proteins. The diagnostic accuracy of our test is clinically acceptable for chikungunya fever in the acute phase.  相似文献   

A new immunochromatographic rapid test, Determine HIV-1/2, for the detection of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2 in human whole blood, serum, and plasma was evaluated. Determine HIV-1/2 is a sandwich immunoassay and uses a nitrocellulose strip with a capture site for the patient’s results and a procedural control site to confirm the validity of the assay. The results can be read visually, and a positive result is indicated by the formation of a red line within 15 min after sample application. The test showed 100% sensitivity for HIV-1 with 102 whole-blood, 152 serum, and 144 plasma samples obtained from Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. The sensitivity of the test for HIV-2 was 100% with 100 serum or plasma samples obtained from Ivory Coast. The sensitivity of the test with 4 anti-HIV-1 seroconversion panels from Boston Biomedica Inc. was equivalent to or better than those of another agglutination assay with serum or plasma and the enzyme immunoassay licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The specificity was 100% with 367 sets of whole-blood, serum, and plasma samples from Ramathibodi Hospital. This method had an analytical sensitivity for the detection of HIV-1 equivalent to or better than that of another agglutination assay with serum or plasma. This test had an analytical sensitivity for the detection of HIV-1 better than that of another immunochromatographic test with whole blood. This evaluation demonstrated the excellent performance of this immunochromatographic test with EDTA-anticoagulated whole-blood, serum, and plasma samples. We conclude that this test is suitable for use in emerging countries and is an excellent alternative to HIV antibody testing at remote sites, as well as in traditional laboratories.  相似文献   

A new immunochromatographic rapid test (Rapid Check HIV 1&2; Núcleo de Doenças Infecciosas) for the detection of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and type 2 in human samples (whole blood, serum, and plasma) was evaluated and compared to the commercially available Determine (Abbott Laboratories). When whole-blood samples were evaluated, the specificity and sensitivity of both tests were 100%. However, when plasma samples were used, sensitivity for the Rapid Check HIV 1&2 and the Determine tests were 100 and 98.58%, respectively. The observed specificity for plasma samples was 98.94% for the Rapid Check HIV 1&2 and 96.97% for the Determine test. The results presented here are encouraging and support the adoption of both tests as an alternative to enzyme-lined immunosorbent assay and/or Western blots in regions where laboratorial infrastructure is not available or for use in the management of occupational accidents for healthcare workers.  相似文献   

A rapid (<7-min) immunochromatographic test for immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG antibodies to dengue viruses was evaluated by using hospital admission and discharge sera from 124 patients. The reference laboratory diagnosis was based on the results of virus isolation, hemagglutination-inhibition assay (HAI), and enzyme immunoassay (EIA). By the standard assays, patients experienced primary dengue virus infection (n = 30), secondary dengue virus infection (n = 48), Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus infection (n = 20), or no flavivirus infection (n = 26). The rapid test demonstrated 100% sensitivity in the diagnosis of dengue virus infection and was able to distinguish between primary and secondary dengue virus infections through the separate determinations of IgM and IgG. For all patients with primary dengue virus infection a positive test for IgM to dengue virus and a negative test for IgG to dengue virus were obtained, whereas for 46 of 48 patients (96%) with secondary dengue virus infection, a positive test for IgG to dengue virus with or without a positive test for IgM to dengue virus was obtained. The remaining two patients with secondary dengue virus infection had positive IgM test results and negative IgG test results. Furthermore, the rapid test was positive for patients confirmed to be infected with different dengue virus serotypes (12 infected with dengue virus serotype 1, 4 infected with dengue virus serotype 2, 3 infected with dengue virus serotype 3, and 2 infected with dengue virus serotype 4). The specificity of the test for nonflavivirus infections was 88% (3 of 26 positive), while for JE virus infections the specificity of the test was only 50% (10 of 20). However, most patients with secondary dengue virus infection were positive for both IgM and IgG antibodies to dengue virus, while no patients with JE virus infection had this profile, so cross-reactivity was only a concern for a small proportion of patients with secondary dengue infections. The rapid test demonstrated a good correlation with the reference EIA and HAI and should be useful for the rapid diagnosis of dengue virus infections.  相似文献   

Acute serum samples collected from 92 patients were analysed for the presence of immunoglobulin M and G antibodies against dengue viruses using a rapid immunochromatographic (IC) test. Of 52 patients with dengue virus infection diagnosed using a standard hemagglutination inhibition test, 41 patients demonstrated dengue virus infection using the IC test. Half of the serum samples collected on day 3 after the onset of fever were positive for dengue antibodies, and all were positive on day 6 after symptom onset. In comparison with the hemagglutination inhibition test, the rapid IC test showed 79% sensitivity and 95% specificity. The efficiency of the test was 86%. The IC test showed good agreement with the hemagglutination inhibition test (k=0.72). The IC test is quick to perform and provides early diagnosis of dengue virus infection. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

 A new immunochromatographic membrane assay for detecting Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antigen in urine samples (Binax Now Legionella Urinary Antigen Test; Binax, USA) was evaluated. Its sensitivity, specificity and level of agreement with the Binax enzyme immunoassay were compared using nonconcentrated and concentrated urine samples. The overall agreement between the two tests was 98.1%; the specificity of both was 100%. The sensitivity of the immunochromatographic assay was 55.5% in nonconcentrated urine and 97.2% in concentrated urine in comparison with the enzyme immunoassay, using concentrated urine as the reference test. This immunochromatographic assay screens successfully for Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 soluble antigen in concentrated urine samples.  相似文献   

A rapid immunochromatographic test was compared to the hemagglutination inhibition assay for separate determinations of dengue virus-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG levels in paired serum specimens from 92 patients (34 with primary dengue virus infection, 35 with secondary dengue virus infection, and 23 without dengue virus infection). The rapid test showed 99% sensitivity in the diagnosis of dengue virus infection. The majority (30 of 34 [88%]) of patients with primary infection showed positive IgM but negative IgG, while 34 of 35 (97%) patients with secondary infection showed positive IgG with or without IgM. Specificity in nonflavivirus infections was 96% (1 of 23 positive). The rapid test should be a useful aid in rapid diagnosis of dengue virus infection.  相似文献   

In West African countries such as Ghana, efficient human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing is a priority in the fight against AIDS. A new immunochromatographic rapid test, Determine HIV-1/2 (Abbott Diagnostics, North Chicago, Ill.), that detects antibodies against HIV type 1 (HIV-1) and/or HIV-2 was evaluated using Ghanaian blood samples. Two hundred four serum and/or plasma specimens were tested. HIV screening was done by a particle agglutination test and confirmed by a Western blot (WB) test as the "gold standard." The results revealed 125 HIV-seropositive AIDS patients, 75 HIV-seronegative healthy individuals, and 4 individuals for whom the HIV-1 result was indeterminate. The results obtained by the Determine HIV-1/2 assay and Diagnostic HIV SPOT (Genelabs), which is currently widely used in many districts in Ghana, were compared with those of the WB test, excluding the four HIV-1-indeterminate samples. The sensitivity of the Determine HIV-1/2 assay was 100%, compared with 98.0% for the HIV SPOT assay. The specificity was 100% for both tests. Determine HIV-1/2 is a single-step assay and was found to be rapid and easy to perform without any special equipment. It was highly sensitive and specific. The kit can be applied without electricity and water supplies, making it suitable for the detection of HIV antibodies especially in the rural areas of Ghana, West Africa.  相似文献   

In order to determine the reliability of two commercial tests for the rapid detection of plasmodial antigen in cases of infection with Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae, the products were evaluated in four centers and a search of the relevant literature was performed. The results of the present and previous studies were compared. With overall sensitivities ranging between 18.8% and 47.6% for Plasmodium malariae and between 20% and 31.3% for Plasmodium ovale, it is evident that neither test is reliable for the detection of Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae infections. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The performance of hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg) screening assays is continuously improved in order to reduce the residual risk of transfusion-associated hepatitis B. In a multicenter study, a new automated rapid screening assay, Elecsys HBsAg (Roche Diagnostics), was compared to well-established tests (Auszyme Monoclonal [overnight incubation] version B and IMx HBsAg [Abbott]). Included in the evaluation were 23 seroconversion panels; sera from the acute and chronic phases of infection; dilution series of various HBsAg standards, HBV subtypes, and S gene mutants; and isolated anti-HBV core antigen-positive samples. To challenge the specificity of the new assay, sera from HBsAg-negative blood donors, pregnant women, and dialysis and hospitalized patients and potentially cross-reactive samples were investigated. Elecsys HBsAg showed a higher sensitivity for HBsAg subtypes ad, ay, adw2, adw4, ayw1, ayw2, ayw4, and adr detection in dilution series of different standards or sera than Auszyme Monoclonal version B and/or IMx HBsAg. Acute hepatitis B was detected in 11 to 16 of 23 seroconversion panels between 2 and 16 days earlier with Elecsys HBsAg than with the alternative assays. Elecsys HBsAg and Auszyme Monoclonal version B detected HBsAg surface mutants with equal sensitivity. The sensitivity and specificity of Elecsys HBsAg were 100%. Auszyme Monoclonal version B had a 99.9% specificity, and its sensitivity was 96.6%. IMx HBsAg showed a poorer sensitivity and specificity than the other assays. In conclusion, Elecsys HBsAg permits earlier detection of acute hepatitis B and different HBV subtypes than the alternative assays. By using highly sensitive HBsAg screening assays, low-level HBsAg carriers among isolated anti-HBV core antigen-positive individuals can be detected.  相似文献   

We evaluated a commercially available immunochromatographic dipstick test to detect Trypanosoma cruzi infection in 366 human serum samples with known serological results from Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, and Venezuela. One hundred forty-nine of 366 (40.7%) and 171/366 (46.7%) samples tested positive by dipstick and serology, respectively. Dipstick sensitivity was calculated to be 84.8% (range between countries, 77.5 to 95%), and specificity was 97.9% (95.9 to 100%).Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi and is found in wildlife, domestic animals, and humans in rural as well as peri-urban areas of Mexico, Central America, and South America; in the United States, T. cruzi is found in wildlife, but human cases are rare (29). Although transmission of T. cruzi can occur orally, congenitally, or transfusionally, most transmission to mammalian hosts is through the feces of blood-feeding triatomine bugs when T. cruzi trypomastigotes in the feces contaminate the bite wound or enter the host through mucosal surfaces (22). By causing the loss of an estimated 670,000 disability-adjusted life years (i.e., a measure that sums years of potential life lost due to premature mortality and years of productive life lost due to disability), Chagas disease is the most important parasitic disease in the Americas; 8 to 10 million people are currently infected with T. cruzi, with up to 100 million at risk of contracting the disease (32).There are several methods to diagnose T. cruzi infection (11), but none are ideal when mass screening of samples is required (e.g., epidemiological surveys, blood unit screening). While comparatively easy to use and sensitive, serological tests (i.e., enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA], immunofluorescence antibody test [IFAT], indirect hemagglutination test [IHAT], or radioimmunosorbent assay [RIA]) are of varied specificities (i.e., 60 to 100%) (12, 16, 26). Molecular tests, including PCR-based approaches, are very specific but lack sensitivity (i.e., 30 to 95%) and require technological expertise and specialized, expensive laboratory equipment (11, 21, 23). Hemoculture and xenodiagnosis are the current gold standard for T. cruzi parasitological diagnosis (6, 11, 21). Though these techniques are specific, their sensitivity in the chronic phase of infection is quite variable (e.g., 0 to 50% [6]); they also are labor-intensive and time-consuming (e.g., because of the necessity of mass-rearing bugs for xenodiagnosis and examination of them). Thus, a rapid, sensitive, and specific diagnostic test to detect T. cruzi infection would be extremely valuable for mass-screening surveys and intervention campaigns as well as during the onset of outbreaks; results could be read immediately, and control measures could be implemented in situ.Immunochromatographic dipstick tests have been developed for a range of tropical diseases, including malaria (31), leishmaniasis (7), and schistosomiasis (3); until recently (4, 5, 8, 14, 17, 20, 25, 28, 30), none was available for Chagas disease.Recently, the World Health Organization announced renewed efforts to eliminate Chagas disease (27). For such efforts to succeed, an easy-to-use, sensitive, and specific diagnostic test will be crucial for both detecting and treating cases early as well as monitoring the implementation of elimination efforts and evaluating their impact (18, 24).We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of a commercially available immunochromatographic dipstick test to detect antibodies to T. cruzi infection in human serum samples with known serological results collected in areas of both Chagas disease endemicity and nonendemicity in four different Latin American countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of a rapid immunochromatographic dipstick test for the qualitative detection of circulating antibodies to the leishmanial recombinant antigen K39 with that of a classical immunofluorescent antibody test for serodiagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis. Sera from 143 Italian subjects, including 69 patients with clinically suspected visceral leishmaniasis, 23 patients with hypergammaglobulinemia and 51 healthy controls, were tested. The immunochromatographic test was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions, using antigen-impregnated nitrocellulose paper strips. The immunofluorescent antibody test was performed according to an established method, using promastigotes of Leishmania infantum zymodeme Montpellier 1 as antigen. In 11 patients, diagnosis of active Leishmania infection was established by microscopic examination of biopsy samples and/or clinical response to meglumine antimoniate. Results of the two tests correlated for all but two sera examined. In two patients, one with proven infectious mononucleosis and one with bacterial pneumonia, the immunofluorescent antibody test was positive and the dipstick test was negative. In the restricted sample of patients in whom a definitive diagnosis was established, the immunochromatographic test was positive in 11 of 11 patients with confirmed Leishmania infection and negative in 103 of 103 subjects who either had other documented diseases or were healthy controls, showing 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

An immunochromatographic test for rapid detection of IgM antibodies in patients with acute hepatitis E infection was developed utilizing the well-characterized recombinant protein EP2.1 and monoclonal antibody 4B2. The new rapid test based on a novel reverse-flow technology was able to generate a positive result within 2 to 3 min. Our study showed that this test was able to detect anti-HEV IgM antibodies in 96.7% of the patient samples tested (n = 151) while maintaining an excellent specificity of 98.6% with samples from various patient or healthy control groups (total n = 208). Furthermore, this rapid test gave a good specificity of 90.9% when tested with rheumatoid factor (RF)-positive sera (RF value of ≤850 IU/ml; n = 11) although a higher concentration of RF in samples might cause cross-reactivity. The new test has a good agreement of 97.2% with a kappa value of 0.943 when compared with a reference enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The positive predictive value and the negative predictive value for the rapid test thus reached 98.0 and 97.6%, respectively. This is the first rapid, point-of-care test for hepatitis E and will be especially useful for the diagnosis of acute hepatitis E virus infection in field and emergency settings and in resource-poor countries.  相似文献   

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