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目的分析国内护理期刊有关Meta分析论文中存在的问题,以进一步提高护理学科Meta分析论文的质量。方法以中国期刊全文数据库为检索平台,对国内护理期刊1999年1月至2008年4月刊载的有关Meta分析的论文进行了质量分析。结果共检索到11篇符合要求的Meta分析论文,存在的主要问题有:(1)对Meta分析的认识不完整;(2)研究计划存在缺陷,如选题无争议性、文献纳入和资料提取不明确等;(3)资料处理的问题,如资料提取不完整、异质性分析不全面、统计学方法及描述不准确等。结论尽管随着近年来护理科研人员对Meta分析的逐步认识,论文的总体质量正呈现逐年上升的趋势;但在研究设计、资料处理和论文写作等方面仍需要进一步完善和规范。  相似文献   

目的:分析国内灵性护理的研究现状及发展趋势,为今后该领域的研究提供指导和借鉴。方法:检索中国知网(CNKI)、维普(VIP)和万方数据库内所有公开发表的灵性护理相关文献。利用Microsoft Excel 2019和NoteExpress 3.2软件进行文献计量学分析。结果:共纳入文献169篇,其中获基金支持的论文占32.54%;《护理学杂志》是刊载相关文献最多的杂志;湖南省发文数量最多;研究类型以量性研究为主;文献的合作度为3.07。结论:灵性护理越来越受到重视,但灵性护理研究目前仍存在总体发文量较少、文献质量不高及研究范围相对局限等不足。在今后的发展中可开展多学科交叉的研究模式推动创新发展,在现有研究基础上进一步探讨适合我国国情的灵性照护方法及交流模式,从而为病人构建更加可行的灵性护理方案,进一步提高护理服务质量。  相似文献   

周兰岛 《齐鲁护理杂志》2013,19(16):145-147
目的:分析国内骨质疏松症(OP)护理研究的现状。方法:从中国知网上下载论文,运用文献计量学和知识图谱的方法,分析国内OP护理方面现状。结果:国内OP护理方面的研究有"OP疾病护理"、"OP并发症护理"、"OP预防宣教"及"OP护理路径"为内涵的四个主流知识群,从知识图谱分析来看,国内OP预防宣教得到重视,OP护理路径处于起步阶段。结论:国内OP预防宣教得到重视,OP护理路径研究将是未来OP临床护理一个重要发展趋势。  相似文献   

目的通过分析美国科学引文索引数据库扩展版(SCI expanded,SCIE)中护理管理干预领域相关论文,了解目前护理管理干预研究的现状与发展趋势。方法利用SCIE网络版,从高影响力国家、高影响力机构、高影响力作者的发文量和高影响力期刊、高被引论文等角度对护理管理干预研究动态进行分析。结果共检索出护理管理干预研究相关论文66 310篇,论文发表与引文量呈逐年增长;影响力较大的国家主要有:美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、荷兰、德国、意大利;研究主题集中分内科护理、公共环境职业健康、心血管病、神经病学与神经科学、手术、儿科等学科领域。结论国际护理管理干预研究日趋活跃,拥有一支实力雄厚、造诣较深、影响力较大的核心作者群。中国护理管理干预研究近年有所发展,但论文影响力较弱、被引频次较低,与国际研究先进水平存在较大差距。  相似文献   

方翠霞  何金茹  李宪章 《全科护理》2012,10(13):1234-1235
[目的]了解我院护理论文发表现状,分析其中存在的问题、产生的原因并制订相应对策,以提高护理人员论文撰写技能,提升护理服务内涵。[方法]分析2006年—2010年近5年来我院护理人员公开发表论文情况,分析论文质量及第一作者情况,进而分析护理论文发表现状。[结果]近5年来我院共发表护理论文332篇,数量总体呈上升趋势,但质量有待进一步提高;第一作者以中级职称及以上职称人员占绝大多数,两极分化严重;发表的论文以专科护理实践及经验交流为主,缺乏研究类论文。[结论]护理人员的论文撰写的动力不足、质量不高、缺乏系统的学习训练,应加强有关方面的培训与指导,以提高各层次护理人员的论文写作水平。  相似文献   

社区护理论文产出定量分析及其建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张萍  夏旭 《中华护理杂志》2004,39(9):681-683
目的定量分析中国社区护理研究与实践.方法统计学和文献计量学.结果获得1191篇社区护理论文,从年代分布、作者合作、高产作者、期刊分布、地区和机构发文方面进行定量分析,同时利用中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)检索社区护理基金资助论文62篇,分析了基金论文的年代分布和资助类型.结论社区护理论文逐渐增长,经验总结和推广应用需加强;研究以单兵作战为主,合作要加强;社区护理研究呈现出集中离散分布,核心期刊和核心地区基本形成;社区护理基金资助论文数量上升迅速,但基金论文比仍然较低.可见,我国社区护理研究进展迅速,经验总结和推广应用需加强.  相似文献   

中国中西医结合学会急救医学专业委员会拟于2006年10月在海南省海口市召开第11次全国中西医结合危重病急救医学学术会议。主要内容:1国内脓毒症基础研究、临床诊断及治疗研究成果;2介绍脓毒症国际、国内研究的新进展;3讨论、交流脓毒症中西医结合治疗临床成果;4交流、推广急救医学领域的各项成果;5介绍国际和国内危重病、急救医学的研究动态、进展和成果。1征文内容:西医、中医、中西医结合内科、外科、儿科、妇科、神经科、麻醉科、急诊科、ICU、医学检验、医学影像、窥镜、创伤、烧伤、微创治疗及护理等专业的基础和临床研究论文;感染、…  相似文献   

某院护理科研论文发表现状调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解某院近两年护理科研论文现况,为护理科研管理提供依据。方法利用维普数据库检索该院2004-2005年护理人员以第一作者发表的论文,利用SPSS11.5对护理论文情况进行统计分析。结果该院护理人员两年中共发表论文135篇.发表在18种期刊杂志上,主要有《解放军护理杂志》《现代护理》《护理研究》等;主管护师共发表论文67篇,占49.6%;本科学历的护理人员发表论文98篇,硕士学历护理人员发表论文28篇,共占93.3%;应用统计学方法进行数据处理的31篇,占23.0%。结论该院护理科研开展较好,护理论文发表较多,但论著比例较少,进行统计学处理的论文比例较小,应进一步提高护理科研的质量。  相似文献   

[目的]了解护理安全管理研究现状,为进一步开展护理安全管理研究提供依据.[方法]从万方数据、重庆维普、中国知网等重要数据库中检索护理安全管理论文,并采用文献计量法、网络计量法、内容分析法对资料进行统计与分析.[结果]检索到护理安全管理论文416篇.2000年-2010年8种专业期刊护理安全管理类论文数量呈直线上升;护理安全管理类论文分布不一;论文作者地域分布中北京最多;416篇中基金论文仅23篇;高被引频次和高作者合作度分布不一;引用文献以国内为主;研究主要科室为手术室;其中研究性论文以量性研究方法为主;研究主题主要有病人安全管理、护理技术安全、安全技术设计等;主要研究内容为卫生法律类.[结论]现阶段护理安全管理研究尚处于初级阶段,今后可以重点开展病人参与病人安全研究、法律法规建立健全研究、护理安全信息管理研究等.  相似文献   

以“路径”冠名的中国护理论文发表现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过对中国近十年来发表的以路径冠名的护理论文进行回顾调查,分析以路径冠名的护理论文发表现状及中国护理人员开展路径研究时存在的问题和难点。方法:检索2001-2010年中国科技期刊数据库8种护理期刊,对其以路径冠名的中国护理论文进行分类和分析。结果:路径研究在护理领域增势明显,且以应用研究类为主;主要研究领域为临床诊疗、临床护理、健康教育、内科疾病与外科疾病研究等;73.7%的研究采用了实验性研究方法。结论:路径模式在我国护理界受到重视并得到推广,但研究领域定位不明确、实证基础较薄弱,须进一步强化循证理念并规范设计。建立有效的护理路径实施和研究体系,体现护理学科在新医疗形势下的专业价值。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Qualitative research plays an important part in providing evidence for practice in nursing, and is gaining greater acceptance within medicine. However, questions remain about what criteria are most appropriate for evaluating qualitative research. To date, little systematic evaluation of qualitative research in palliative care has been conducted. AIMS: This paper is based on a larger study in which we conducted a critical review of qualitative research in palliative care from nursing, medicine, specialist palliative care, sociology, death studies, medical anthropology, and gerontology journals published between 1990 and 1999. The aim of this paper is to present an account of the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative palliative care research in nursing, using data from this review. METHODS: In the larger study, 138 papers from 50 journals were reviewed critically using a tool developed to assess both content and quality; in one part of this tool reviewers recorded open-ended comments on the strengths and weaknesses of each paper. In this paper, we present a thematic analysis of reviewers' comments on a subgroup of 67 nursing papers from the main review, together with an analysis of comments on 29 papers from a comparison group of death studies, medical anthropology, and sociology journals. Patterns of positive and negative evaluation are identified and used to generate an account of strengths and weaknesses in qualitative palliative care research in nursing. FINDINGS: Over 40% of the subgroup of papers from nursing journals received positive comments on topic and quality of writing; around 30% received positive comments on contribution to understanding, practical value, and conceptual or theoretical issues. Less than 20% received positive comments on other critical dimensions. Over 40% of nursing papers received negative comments on the link between data, analysis, and findings, other aspects of method and theoretical and conceptual issues. A higher proportion of papers in the comparison group received positive comments on conceptual and theoretical issues and contribution to understanding. CONCLUSIONS: Nearly half the nursing papers reviewed were judged to be well written or to have a well-chosen topic. However, more than 40% of papers drew negative comments about key methods-related issues. Arguably therefore efforts to improve the quality of research evidence should focus on this area.  相似文献   

高翔  段晓侠 《全科护理》2021,19(5):577-581
目的:了解我国护理人文关怀量表的研制与应用现状。方法:采用文献计量法和内容分析法对我国2010年1月—2019年12月发表的护理人文关怀量表研制与应用的相关文献进行分析。结果:共纳入文献21篇,其中学位论文14篇(66.67%),期刊文献7篇(33.33%)。第一作者分布于我国11个省、1个直辖市。发文量排名前3位的为湖北省(3篇)、重庆市(3篇)、贵州省(3篇)。发文量排名前3位的单位为遵义医学院(3篇)、南方医科大学(2篇)、华中科技大学(2篇)。研究的核心对象为临床护士与护士长。结论:近10年我国有关护理人文关怀能力测评工具的研究数量逐渐增多;研究对象相对集中,且逐渐细分化;研究以独著为主且缺乏持续性。  相似文献   

BackgroundPriorities for critical care nursing research have evolved with societal trends and values. In the 1980s priorities were the nursing workforce, in 1990s technical nursing, in 2000s evidence-based nursing and in 2010s symptom management and family-centred care.ObjectivesTo identify current trends and future recommendations for critical care nursing research in the Nordic countries.MethodsWe triangulated the results of a literature review and a survey. A review of two selected critical care nursing journals (2016–2017) was conducted using content analysis to identify contemporary published research. A self-administered computerised cross-sectional survey of Nordic critical care nursing researchers (2017) reported current and future areas of research.ResultsA review of 156 papers identified research related to the patient (13%), family (12%), nurse (31%), and therapies (44%). Current trends in the survey (n = 76, response rate 65%) included patient and family involvement, nurse performance and education, and evidence-based protocols. The datasets showed similar trends, but aftercare was only present in the survey. Future trends included symptom management, transitions, rehabilitation, and new nursing roles.ConclusionCritical care nursing research is trending toward increased collaboration with patient and family, delineating a shift toward user values. Recommendations include long-term outcomes and impact of nursing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE.  In the first of a three-part series, a novel nursing terminology is introduced and proposed for inclusion in the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) International Classification—Critical incident nursing diagnosis (CIND)—defined as the recognition of an acute life-threatening event that occurs as a result of disease, surgery, treatment, or medication.
DATA SOURCES.  The literature, research studies, and meta-analyses from a variety of disciplines, and personal clinical experience serve as the data sources for this article.
DATA SYNTHESIS.  The current nursing diagnoses in the NANDA International Classification are inaccurate or inadequate for describing nursing care during life-threatening situations. The lack of standardized nursing terminology creates a barrier that may impede critical communication and patient care during life-threatening situations.
CONCLUSIONS.  Coining and defining a novel nursing terminology, CIND, for patient care during life-threatening situations are important and fill the gap in the current standardized nursing terminology.
IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE.  Refining the NANDA International Classification will permit nursing researchers, among others, to conduct studies on nursing diagnoses in conjunction with the proposed novel nursing terminology: CIND. Parts 2 and 3 of this series will propose additional nursing terminology: critical incident nursing intervention and critical incident control, respectively.  相似文献   

PURPOSE. In the second of a three‐part series, a novel nursing terminology is introduced and proposed for inclusion in the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC): Critical incident nursing intervention (CINI), defined as any indirect or direct care registered nurse–initiated treatment, based upon clinical judgment and knowledge that a registered nurse performs in response to a critical incident nursing diagnosis (CIND). A CIND is defined as recognition of an acute life‐threatening event that occurs as a result of disease, surgery, treatment, or medication. DATA SOURCES. The literature, research studies, meta‐analyses from a variety of disciplines, and personal clinical experience serve as the data sources for this article. DATA SYNTHESIS. The current nursing interventions in the NIC are inaccurate or inadequate for describing nursing care during life‐threatening situations. The lack of standardized nursing terminology creates a barrier that may impede critical communication and patient care during life‐threatening situations. CONCLUSION. Coining and defining novel nursing terminology, CINI, for patient care during life‐threatening situations is important and fills the gap in the current standardized nursing terminology. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE. Refining the NIC will permit nursing researchers, among others, to conduct studies on nursing interventions in conjunction with the proposed novel nursing terminology, CINI. The first article in this series (Part 1) introduced the novel nursing terminology: CIND; the present article (Part 2) introduces the novel nursing terminology: CINI; and the third article in this series (Part 3) will introduce the novel nursing terminology: critical incident control.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe novel technology of the Internet of Things (IoT) connects objects to the Internet and its most advanced applications refine obtained data for the user. We propose that Internet of Things technology can be used to promote basic nursing care in the hospital environment by improving the quality of care and patient safety.ObjectivesTo introduce the concept of Internet of Things to nursing audience by exploring the state of the art of Internet of Things based technology for basic nursing care in the hospital environment.Data sources and review methodsScoping review methodology following Arksey & O’Malley’s stages from one to five were used to explore the extent, range, and nature of current literature. We searched eight databases using predefined search terms. A total of 5030 retrievals were found which were screened for duplications and relevancy to the study topic. 265 papers were chosen for closer screening of the abstracts and 93 for full text evaluation. 62 papers were selected for the review. The constructs of the papers, the Internet of Things based innovations and the themes of basic nursing care in hospital environment were identified.ResultsMost of the papers included in the review were peer-reviewed proceedings of technological conferences or articles published in technological journals. The Internet of Things based innovations were presented in methodology papers or tested in case studies and usability assessments. Innovations were identified in several topics in four basic nursing care activities: comprehensive assessment, periodical clinical reassessment, activities of daily living and care management.ConclusionsInternet of Things technology is providing innovations for the use of basic nursing care although the innovations are emerging and still in early stages. Internet of things is yet vaguely adopted in nursing. The possibilities of the Internet of Things are not yet exploited as well as they could. Nursing science might benefit from deeper involvement in engineering research in the area of health.  相似文献   

《Australian critical care》2023,36(5):872-888
IntroductionProviding bereavement support and care to families is an aspect of critical care nursing practice that can be rewarding, yet emotionally and psychologically challenging. Whilst significant research has focused on end-of-life care in critical care, less is known about nurses’ experiences after patient death.AimThe aim of this study was to synthesise research evidence on the experience of registered nurses after patient death in adult critical care.DesignA structured integrative review of the empirical literature was undertaken. A combination of keywords, synonyms, and Medical Subject Headings were used across the Cumulative Index Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) Complete, Ovid Medline, PsycInfo, Embase, and Emcare databases. Records were independently assessed against inclusion and exclusion criteria. A process of forward and backward chaining was used to identify additional papers. All papers were assessed for quality. Narrative synthesis was used to analyse and present the findings.ResultsFrom the 4643 records eligible for screening, 36 papers reporting 35 studies were included in this review, representing the voices of 1687 nurses from more than 20 countries. Narrative synthesis revealed three themes: (i) postmortem care, which encompassed demonstrating respect and dignity for the deceased, preparation of the deceased, and the concurrent death rituals performed by nurses; (ii) critical care nurses' support of bereaved families, including families of potential organ donors and the system pressures that impeded family support; and (iii) nurses’ emotional response to patient death including coping mechanisms.ConclusionsWhilst a focus on the provision of high-quality end-of-life care should always remain a priority in critical care nursing, recognising the importance of after-death care for the patient, family and self is equally important. Acknowledging their experience, access to formal education and experiential learning and formal and informal supports to aid self-care are imperative.  相似文献   

Background Contemporary nursing leadership roles in critical care are a reflection of the changing environment in which critical care is provided. Key issues In the UK, critical care nursing faces challenges in the form of: reduced number and seniority of medical staff cover for acute wards; mandated responsibility for management of patients outside of critical care units, without corresponding responsibility for managing staff; increased public and political awareness of deficits in critical care; increased use of Assistant Practitioners; and emphasis on longer‐term outcomes from intensive care. Evaluation New leadership roles have met these challenges head on with two main foci: patient management across the acute/critical care interface and hospital wide policies and practice. Conclusions The leadership roles examined in this paper highlight three underpinning goals: improved quality and safety of patient care; improved communication between professionals; and empowerment of junior nurses and doctors. Implications for nursing management There has been considerable investment in strategic leadership roles for critical care nursing; evidence is developing of the return on this investment for patient and service outcomes. Consideration must now be given to the preparation, mentorship and development of leadership roles for the next generation of nurse leaders.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper presents a critical review of research literature on the impact of international placements on the lives and practice of nurses. BACKGROUND: Health care institutions are progressively more aware of the need to respond to diverse patient populations and cultivate leaders to enrich the nursing profession, both locally and globally. One response has been to establish international exchange programmes for nursing students to give them experience of different cultures and health care systems. METHODS: A search of the literature from 1980 to 2003 using electronic databases was undertaken using the databases CINAHL, ERIC, British Nursing Index, Web of Science, the BIDS Social Science Citation Index and Medline. The keywords used were 'international exchange experience', 'international studies', 'international education', 'international placement(s)', 'exchange programme(s)', combined with 'nurses/nursing', combined with 'evaluation', 'practice', 'education' and/or 'policy'. The papers retrieved used both qualitative and quantitative approaches and were scrutinized for recurring themes. FINDINGS: Nurses reported significant changes in their personal development, perspectives on nursing practice and critical appraisal of health care systems. They also indicated an increased appreciation and sensitivity towards cultural issues and cross-cultural care. Moreover, differences in placement programmes, such as duration, preparation and debriefing were found to have affected the reported overall international placement experience. However, the primary effects of international placements were identified as personal development and transcultural adaptation. CONCLUSION: Students should be exposed to a variety of nursing experiences within the host country. This would give them a broad spectrum for comparisons between cultures, nursing practice and health care delivery in those cultures. Therefore, educational institutions are strongly encouraged to provide opportunities for students to participate in nursing care and education in another country.  相似文献   

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