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目的探讨医联体分级诊疗经济性。方法采集某医联体中三级医院和二级医院2型糖尿病住院患者费用,运用Mann Whitney U秩和检验对比分析两院2型糖尿病患者基本情况和费用构成。结果患者基本情况中,年龄和住院天数,三级医院均明显高于二级医院。在住院费用结构组成中仅西药类费用两所医院没有明显差异。综合治疗服务费、治疗类费用、诊断类费用、中药类费用、耗材类费用以及总费用两所医院间均有明显差异。结论从医联体分级诊疗经济性优势角度,二级医院对于2型糖尿病诊疗比三级医院具有经济性优势。医联体应进一步推行分级诊疗政策,扩大分级诊疗病种范围,充分发挥医联体分级诊疗经济性优势。  相似文献   

目的 分析2015年甘肃省会宁县新农合分级诊疗住院患者疾病构成及费用情况,为优化分级诊疗政策提供决策依据。方法 按照国际疾病标准(ICD-10)对住院患者前5位疾病构成按不同性别、年龄组和医疗机构进行顺位对比分析,并对住院费用分不同补偿类型与医疗机构进行对比分析。结果 会宁县全年住院患者共计12 254例,男女之比为0.63:1;慢性阻塞性肺疾病、高血压、正常分娩、冠心病和小儿支气管肺炎为该县主要病种;住院费用的总体可补助医药费比例为95.6%,总体实际补偿比例为55.5%;分级诊疗患者占新农合住院患者的51.4%;县内住院率为82.4%。结论 2015年会宁县住院患者女性住院例数多于男性,以慢性疾病为主且慢性阻塞性肺疾病居于首位;住院费用的实际补偿比例较低;分级诊疗、县内医疗机构的住院患者住院费用相对较低。  相似文献   

目的聚焦儿科常见疾病,通过建立儿科医疗联合体,制定不同医疗卫生机构分级诊疗和管理的策略,探索有效的儿科服务模式。方法在联合体内成立基于不同病种的联合管理团队,统一诊疗规范、人员培训、药物和场地设置、转诊路径、信息平台等。以儿童哮喘为样本疾病,分专科组和分级诊疗组进行管理,6个月后评价两组患儿的哮喘控制率、医疗费用。结果专科组的哮喘完全控制率由61.9%上升到78.6%,分级诊疗组由65.8%上升到76.1%。专科组和分级诊疗组与哮喘控制有关的平均治疗费用分别为350元和258元。参与分级诊疗的社区卫生服务中心,其儿科普通门诊量同比增长20.3%。结论基于儿科常见疾病的分级诊疗策略达到了同质化的诊疗效果,且医疗费用更低,有效吸引了患儿在基层诊治。新的诊疗服务模式为落实医药卫生体制改革导向,推动分级诊疗发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

文章概述了我国分级诊疗的发展历史和目前分级诊疗的几种模式;总结了新医改后我国分级诊疗制度实施对促进双向转诊、降低医疗费用和提高基层医疗机构服务的效果。分析了目前分级诊疗制度实施中仍存在基层医疗机构服务能力不足、病人流向并未发生根本性转变、居民对分级诊疗认知程度低,医保配套措施不完善等问题,提出应通过提高基层医疗机构服务能力,加强不同级别医疗机构间的分工协调、疏通双向转诊,加强宣传,提高居民对分级诊疗和基层首诊知晓率,完善医保配套政策措施等建议,以推动分级诊疗的实施。  相似文献   

通过访问各省卫生计生委的官方网站,获取有关分级诊疗政策的文件。在获取国家卫生计生委和万方、知网的相关分级诊疗文献的基础上,对各省2015年5月份以前的分级诊疗文件进行分析研究,通过对比各省分级诊疗文件的基本情况,实施目标和实施措施等的具体内容,分析不同省份在分级诊疗文件中内容设定中存在的问题,从而为未来的分级诊疗决策和实践提供经验。  相似文献   

目的:介绍基于组分模型方法我国糖尿病医疗费用预测结果。方法:利用组分模型,在三种分级诊疗实施效果情境下,预测2020年我国糖尿病医疗费用。结果:情境三下2020年我国糖尿病医疗费用总量最少,为1 331.36亿元,情境一、情境二下糖尿病医疗费用为1 437.42亿元、1 404.30亿元。从服务构成看,糖尿病医疗费用以门诊费用为主;从机构构成看,糖尿病医疗费用主要发生在医院。结论:未来糖尿病患病持续高发将带来医疗资源需求快速增长;实行慢性病分级诊疗服务体系将直接降低糖尿病医疗费用;糖尿病防治应给予重点关注,对糖尿病实行早防早治具有经济意义。  相似文献   

为深入推进各级医疗机构分工协作机制,合理利用医疗卫生资源,控制医药费用不合理增长。2013年9月25日,青海省政府办公厅印发《青海省城镇职工和城乡居民基本医疗保险分级诊疗制度》,从2013年10月1日起在全省各级医疗机构全面实施分级诊疗制度,全面推进基层首诊、分级诊疗、  相似文献   

分级诊疗是缓解“看病难、看病贵”的重要措施,已经成为医改的重要内容。文章聚焦于分级诊疗对于三级医院的影响,首先分析了分级诊疗在我国的实施现状,提出分级诊疗实施的必然性。其次,利用SWOT工具,分析了三级医院应对分级诊疗的优势与劣势,机遇与挑战。最后从优化服务流程、重视费用控制、发挥医疗联合体作用等角度提出了三级医院应对分级诊疗的路径选择。  相似文献   

为实现病种点数法良好地促进我国分级诊疗的发展,在理清点数法的内涵及其与分级诊疗的内在逻辑关系后,发现病种点数法在控制医疗费用、提高医疗质量等方面具有重要的作用,但也存在不利于基层首诊、患者分流以及基层医疗机构发展等问题,从而制约我国分级诊疗目标的实现。建议实行点数法的过程中要以病种分布为依据进行医疗机构的分值设置,减少不同级别医疗机构间医疗质量的差异,并促进医疗机构转变绩效管理模式以适应点数法的新要求,全方位入手建立适应分级诊疗新格局的医保支付方式,助推我国分级诊疗的实现。  相似文献   

分级诊疗对三级医院具有机遇与挑战,厦门市三级医院通过专科医师、基层医疗机构全科医师和健康管理师的"三师共管",实施一系列"慢病先行"分级诊疗的具体措施,并对措施产生效果进行分析。分级诊疗后,三级医院慢性病门诊量下降,基层医疗机构门诊量增加;学科建设优化;糖尿病患者血糖、糖化血红蛋白的达标率增加;高血压患者血压达标率逐渐上升;慢性病患者医药费用开支有所降低、居民满意度提升。针对厦门市分级诊疗探讨公立医院改革,以期为中国公立医院改革提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

We examined the effects on work productivity of treatment with antihistamines in a retrospective study using linked health claims data and daily work output records for a sample of nearly 6000 claims processors at a large insurance company, between 1993 and 1995. We explained the variation in work output depending on the subjects' demographic characteristics, their jobs, and whether they were treated with "sedating" versus "nonsedating" antihistamines for nasal allergies. Differences of up to 13% in productivity were found after the subjects took sedating or nonsedating antihistamines. The observed effect suggests substantial indirect economic costs, which up to now have been largely overlooked because work productivity has proved difficult to measure objectively.  相似文献   



We report an economic analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) care and treatment in Indonesia to assess the options and limitations of costs reduction, improving access, and scaling up services.


We calculated the cost of providing HIV care and treatment in a main referral hospital in West Java, Indonesia from 2008 to 2010, differentiated by initiation of treatment at different CD4 cell count levels (0–50, 50–100, 100–150, 150–200, and >200 cells/mm3); time of treatment; HIV care and opportunistic infections cost components; and the costs of patients for seeking and undergoing care.


Before antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation, costs were dominated by laboratory tests (>65 %), and after initiation, by antiretroviral drugs (≥60 %). Average treatment costs per patient decreased with time on treatment (e.g. from US$580 per patient in the first 6 month to US$473 per patient in months 19–24 for those with CD4 cell counts under 50 cells/mm3). Higher CD4 cell counts at initiation resulted in lower laboratory and opportunistic infection treatment costs. Transportation cost dominated the costs of patients for seeking and undergoing care (>40 %).


Costs of providing ART are highest during the early phase of treatment. Costs reductions can potentially be realized by early treatment initiation and applying alternative laboratory tests with caution. Scaling up ART at the community level in certain high prevalence settings may improve early uptake, adherence, and reduce transportation costs.

This study analyzed the efficiency of cholera treatment in three hospitals representative of the Ecuadorian public health system in order to provide hospital directors and administrators and health service policy-makers with information to plan responses to future epidemics and to reduce the costs of cholera treatment in general. For the study, total and excess cholera treatment costs were calculated using hospital files and statistics and an in-hospital surveillance system of the cholera cases. The type and quantity of each input used for each treatment were analyzed, as well as the number of days hospitalized, according to the severity of the illness. With this process, excess costs were determined in relation to a "treatment norm" that would have been appropriate for each patient. The researchers found that 45% of the cholera treatment costs were excessive. The most important contributor was excess recurrent costs (90%), including extended hospital stays, disproportionate use of intravenous rehydration solutions, and unnecessary laboratory tests. Excess capital costs, from land, buildings, and hospital equipment, represented 10% of the total excess treatment costs. No significant relationship was found between treatment costs and the severity of the illness, nor between costs and a patient's age. A patient's sex appeared to be an important variable, with the cost of treating women being notably higher than for men. An inverse relationship was found between treatment costs and the complexity of the hospital. The researchers concluded there was an inefficient use of resources in the treatment of cholera in the three hospitals where the research was performed.  相似文献   



The main purpose of the study was to quantify the direct costs of oral cancer treatment to the healthcare system of Greece. Another aim was to identify factors that affect costs and potential cost reduction items. More specifically, we examined the relationship between stage of disease, modality of treatment and total direct costs.


The medical records and clinic files of the Oral and Maxillofacial Clinic of the Athens General Hospital "Genimatas" were abstracted to investigate clinical treatment characteristics, including length of hospitalization, modes of treatment, stage of disease etc. Records of 95 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSSC), with at least six months of follow-up, were examined. The clinical data was then used to calculate actual direct costs, based on 2001 market values.


The mean total direct costs for OSSC treatment estimated at euro 8,450 or approximately US$ 7,450. Costs depended on the stage of the disease, with significant increases in stages III and IV, as compared with stages I and II (p < 0.05). Multi-modality treatment applied mainly to patients in stages III and IV was the factor that affected the cost. Disease stage was also associated with the total duration of hospitalization (p < 0.05).


The clinical management of advanced oral cancer is strongly associated with higher costs. Although the ideal would be to prevent cancer, the combination of high-risk screening, early diagnosis and early treatment seems the most efficient way to reduce costs, and most importantly, prolong life.  相似文献   



The shift towards earlier stages of disease advancement at diagnosis when introducing mammography screening is expected to affect the treatment costs of breast cancer.

Materials and methods

We collected data on hospital resource use in Norway following a breast cancer diagnosis for the period 1 January, 2008 through 31 December, 2009 for women aged 50–69 years, diagnosed with breast cancer during the period 1 January, 1999 through 31 December, 2009. We estimated treatment costs using a function that included the probability of being at risk for receiving treatment, estimated by means of the Cox proportional hazard model.


In total, 16,045 patients were included for the analyses among which 10.5 % died during the study period. The mean 10-year per-person treatment cost was €31,940 (95 % CI €31,030–32,880), and lower for cancers detected within the public screening program (€30,730) than for those detected elsewhere (€36,230). For ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and cancers in stages I thru IV, treatment costs were €15,740, €23,570, €46,550, €55,230 and €60,430, respectively. Interval cancers occurring within the screening program were generally more resource demanding than both cancers detected at screening or elsewhere.


Ten-year treatment costs increased by increasing stage at diagnosis. Patients whose cancer was detected within the public screening program had lower treatment costs than those detected elsewhere. Interval cancers had higher costs than others.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost implications of different settings (inpatient, outpatient/day clinic, or office-based oncologists) for the administration of standard fluoropyrimidine therapies, i.e., Mayo Clinic and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (AIO)/Ardalan regimen, and to compare the results with the cost of oral capecitabine in Germany. In total, 89 quarterly fee-listings from 26 patients provided by 5 office-based oncologists were analyzed. Physicians services, drug costs, pharmacy costs, and costs for implantable venous port systems and single-use pumps were considered. Findings were transferred to the hospital setting. A third-party payer perspective was applied. Quarterly treatment costs for the Mayo Clinic regimen varied between € 2,036 and € 10,569, and between € 1,294 and € 10,179 for the AIO/Ardalan regimen depending on the treatment setting. Projected costs for capecitabine were € 2,338. No hospitalization was considered to be necessary for capecitabine due to its oral administration route. The most expensive treatment options were the AIO/Ardalan protocol in the office-based setting and the Mayo Clinic protocol in the hospital setting. Capecitabine emerged as the cheapest option in the office-based setting. Overall, the cheapest option was the AIO/Ardalan protocol in municipal hospitals. However, municipal hospitals are unlikely to cover their costs in this situation. Substantial cost savings without incurring losses to providers may be realized if patients are transferred from the hospital setting to the office-based setting and treated with capecitabine.  相似文献   

A number of European studies have attempted to assess the treatment and care costs of people with HIV infection or AIDS. However, because of the different methods used, the various cost estimates produced are difficult to compare. This paper reviews several European HIV-AIDS costs studies and outlines the differences in methods used and where better approaches to cost estimation could have been adopted. The application of a standardised cost framework to new cost studies would improve the basis for making cost comparisons of models of care in different sites and countries and the identification of actual (rather than methodological) variations in costs across sites. The final part of the paper provides a discussion of the development and application of a standardised framework for assessment of the costs of HIV-AIDS treatment and care in Europe.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an expensive-to-treat illness with a high mortality rate. Some health care systems have limited the amount of treatment provided for AN despite the lack of clearly documented efficacy for these limited-intensity approaches. One method that can inform decisions about AN treatment is cost-effectiveness analysis. METHOD: Cost-modeling analysis was used to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of AN treatment. Modeling was chosen given the lack of primary data on costs and outcomes in AN treatment. Data for age of onset, life expectancy, and disease-associated mortality were taken from the literature. The costs of treatment used in the analysis were those in use at the University of Minnesota. RESULTS: Assuming an approach consisting of inpatient weight restoration, followed by treatment of gradually diminishing intensity (partial hospitalization, then outpatient psychotherapy plus medication management), incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated and compared with a limited intensity, "usual care" model. These assumptions yielded a cost per year of life saved of 30,180 dollars. DISCUSSION: Relative to many other medical interventions, the comprehensive treatment of AN appears to be quite cost-effective in terms of cost per year of life saved. Such data may have an impact on payer decisions and underscore the serious nature of AN.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Workplace injuries and fatalities in the US create significant economic costs to society. Although economic costs should measure the opportunity cost to society arising from injuries and fatalities, estimating them often proves difficult as a practical matter. This leads to a range of estimates for valuing these costs. METHODS: This paper compares methods of economic valuation, focusing in particular on how different methods diverge to varying degrees from measuring the "true" economic costs of injuries and illnesses. In so doing, it surveys the literature that has arisen in the past 25 years to measure different aspects of economic consequences. RESULTS: Estimates of the costs of injuries and fatalities tend to understate the true economic costs from a social welfare perspective, particularly in how they account for occupational fatalities and losses arising from work disabilities. CONCLUSION: Although data availability often makes estimation of social welfare costs difficult, researchers should attempt to more fully integrate such approaches into estimation procedures and interpretation of their results.  相似文献   



Knowledge of treatment cost is essential in assessing cost effectiveness in healthcare. Evidence of the potential impact of implementing available interventions against childhood illnesses in developing countries challenges us to define the costs of treating these diseases. The purpose of this study is to describe the total costs associated with treatment of pneumonia, malaria and meningitis in children less than five years in seven Kenyan hospitals.


Patient resource use data were obtained from largely prospective evaluation of medical records and household expenditure during illness was collected from interviews with caretakers. The estimates for costs per bed day were based on published data. A sensitivity analysis was conducted using WHO-CHOICE values for costs per bed day.


Treatment costs for 572 children (pneumonia = 205, malaria = 211, meningitis = 102 and mixed diagnoses = 54) and household expenditure for 390 households were analysed. From the provider perspective the mean cost per admission at the national hospital was US $95.58 for malaria, US $177.14 for pneumonia and US $284.64 for meningitis. In the public regional or district hospitals the mean cost per child treated ranged from US $47.19 to US $81.84 for malaria and US $54.06 to US $99.26 for pneumonia. The corresponding treatment costs in the mission hospitals were between US $43.23 to US $88.18 for malaria and US $ 43.36 to US $142.22 for pneumonia. Meningitis was treated for US $ 189.41 at the regional hospital and US $ 201.59 at one mission hospital. The total treatment cost estimates were sensitive to changes in the source of bed day costs. The median treatment related household payments within quintiles defined by total household expenditure differed by type of facility visited. Public hospitals recovered up to 40% of provider costs through user charges while mission facilities recovered 44% to 100% of costs.


Treatments cost for inpatient malaria, pneumonia and meningitis vary by facility type, with mission and tertiary referral facilities being more expensive compared to primary referral. Households of sick children contribute significantly towards provider cost through payment of user fees. These findings could be used in cost effectiveness analysis of health interventions.  相似文献   

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