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We studied the role of Semaphorins in the formation of hippocampal connections at embryonic and early postnatal stages. We show that the embryonic entorhinal cortex has a repulsive effect on embryonic hippocampal axons that disappears gradually at postnatal stages. Such chemorepulsion is blocked by Neuropilin-1 and -2 blocking antibodies. However, at perinatal stages, the inner layers of the entorhinal cortex attract CA1 axons. At these stages, Sema3A and Sema3F bind commissural and entorhinal axons. Sema3A and Sema3F repel hippocampal axons at E14-P2, but not at E13. A similar spatiotemporal pattern of chemorepulsion is observed for Sema3A on entorhinal axons, in contrast to Sema3F, which repels these axons only at postnatal ages. Sema3E also repels hippocampal axons but exclusively at E14. We show that Sema3A and Sema3F can induce the collapse of hippocampal growth cones and that membrane-bound Sema3A and Sema3F can guide hippocampal axons in the stripe assay. In sema3A (-/-) mice, the entorhinohippocampal projection is largely normal although single axons innervate aberrantly the stratum radiatum and the hilus. Thus, the chemorepulsion evoked by Sema3A, Sema3E, and Sema3F is dynamically regulated in the developing hippocampal formation.  相似文献   

The septohippocampal pathway contains two separate components: the cholinergic and the GABAergic. Whereas cholinergic fibers terminate on many hippocampal cell types, GABAergic septohippocampal fibers selectively contact the cell bodies of hippocampal interneurons. We examined whether the GABAergic septohippocampal system was altered in reeler mice. First, we found that both components of the septohippocampal pathway in mice present a distribution and target-cell specificity similar to that described in rats. We also show that GABAergic septohippocampal axons terminate on subpopulations of interneurons expressing reelin, which may implicate this extracellular matrix protein in the targeting of septohippocampal axons. We thus examined the septohippocampal pathway in reeler mice defective in Reelin. In contrast to wild-type animals, reeler mice displayed an ectopic location of both cholinergic and GABAergic fibers, which accumulate close to the hippocampal fissure. Despite their altered distribution, GABAergic septal axons maintain their target-cell selectivity innervating exclusively the perisomatic region of hippocampal interneurons. Thus, as in wild type, GABAergic septal fibers formed complex baskets around the cell body of GAD-positive hippocampal neurons in reeler mice. In addition, we found that reeler hippocampi have an altered distribution of hippocampal interneurons expressing PARV or CALB, many of which are located close to the hippocampal fissure. We thus conclude that although reeler mice have an altered distribution of hippocampal interneurons, GABAergic septohippocampal axons nevertheless terminate on their specific target interneurons. Thus, whereas target layer termination of septal fibers is severely impaired in reeler mice, our data indicate that the cell-specific targeting of GABAergic septohippocampal axons is governed by Reelin-independent signals.  相似文献   

The septohippocampal (SH) pathway comprises cholinergic and GABAergic fibers. Whereas the former establish synaptic contacts with all types of hippocampal neurons, the latter form complex baskets specifically on interneurons. The GABAergic SH function is associated with the control of hippocampal synchronous networks. Little is known about the mechanisms involved in the formation of the GABAergic SH pathway. Semaphorin (Sema) 3C is expressed in most hippocampal interneurons targeted by these axons. To ascertain whether Sema 3C influences the formation of the SH pathway, we analyzed the development of this connection in Sema 3C-deficient mice. As these animals die at birth, we developed an in vitro organotypic co-culture model reproducing the postnatal development of the SH pathway. In these SH co-cultures, the GABAergic SH pathway developed with target specificity similar to that present in vivo. SH axons formed incipient baskets on several types of hippocampal interneurons at 7 days in vitro, which increased their complexity by 18-25 days in vitro. These SH fibers formed symmetric synaptic contacts on GABAergic interneurons. This synaptic specificity was not influenced by the absence of entorhinal afferents. Finally, the absence of Sema 3C in target neurons or its blockage by neuropilin-1 and -2 ectodomains in slice co-cultures did not lead to major changes in either the target specificity of the GABAergic SH pathway or its density of innervation. We conclude that the formation and synaptic specificity of the GABAergic SH pathway relies on robust molecular mechanisms, independent of Sema 3C, that are retained in our in vitro co-culture model.  相似文献   

In neural development, major tracts are often formed along the neuromere boundary regions, although the molecular mechanism underlying this formation remains to be clarified. In the diencephalon, axons from the habenular nucleus extend along the neuromere boundary region between p1 and p2. At embryonic days 13-15, among members of class 3 semaphorins, only semaphorin 3F (Sema3F) was expressed in the diencephalon. Sema3F, which was strongly expressed in the rostral p1, repulsed axons from habenular explants. While p2 explants did not exert a repulsive effect on axons from habenular explants at a distance, habenular axons did not grow into p2 explant. Explants from the ventral region of the caudal diencephalon where netrin-1 is expressed attracted the axons from habenular explants. The attractive effect was blocked by an antibody for DCC. These results suggest that the growth of axons from the habenular nucleus along the neuromere boundary region may be regulated by Sema3F from the rostral p1, and netrin-1 from the ventral region of the caudal diencephalon.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the septohippocampal pathways by axons extending from embryonic cholinergic neuroblasts grafted into the neuron-depleted septum has been explored in the neonatal rat by using a novel lesioning and grafting protocol. Neonatal ablation of the basal forebrain cholinergic projection neurons, accompanied by extensive bilateral cholinergic denervation of the hippocampus and neocortex, was produced at postnatal day (PD) 4 by 192 immunoglobulin (IgG)-saporin intraventricularly. Four days later, cholinergic neuroblasts (from embryonic day 14 rats) were implanted bilaterally into the neuron-depleted septum by using a microtransplantation approach. The results show that homotopically implanted septal neurons survive and integrate well into the developing septal area, extending axons caudally along the myelinated fimbria-fornix and supracallosal pathways that are able to reach the appropriate targets in the denervated hippocampus and cingulate cortex as early as 4 weeks postgrafting. Moreover, the laminar innervation patterns established by the graft-derived axons closely resembled the normal ones and remained essentially unchanged up to at least 6 months, which was the longest postoperative time studied. The reinnervating fibers restored tissue choline acetyltransferase activity (up to 50% of normal) in the dorsal hippocampus and the parietooccipital cortex. Retrograde labeling with Fluoro-Gold from the host hippocampus combined with immunocytochemistry confirmed that most of the projecting neurons, indeed, were cholinergic. The results suggest that the graft-host interactions that are necessary for target-directed axon growth are present in the septohippocampal system during early postnatal maturation. Thus, the present approach may contribute to overcome the functional limitations inherent in the use of ectopically placed intrahippocampal transplants. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During development, growth cones can be guided at a distance by diffusible factors, which are attractants and/or repellents. The semaphorins are the largest family of repulsive axon guidance molecules. Secreted semaphorins bind neuropilin receptors and repel sensory, sympathetic, motor, and forebrain axons. We found that in rat embryos, the olfactory epithelium releases a diffusible factor that repels olfactory bulb axons. In addition, Sema A and Sema IV, but not Sema III, Sema E, or Sema H, are able to orient in vitro the growth of olfactory bulb axons; Sema IV has a strong repulsive action, whereas Sema A appears to attract those axons. The expression patterns of sema A and sema IV in the developing olfactory system confirm that they may play a cooperative role in the formation of the lateral olfactory tract. This also represents a further evidence for a chemoattractive function of secreted semaphorins.  相似文献   

Semaphorins 3A, 3C, and 3F in mesencephalic dopaminergic axon pathfinding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By analyzing the mechanisms that govern dopaminergic axon pathfinding from the midbrain to the striatum in embryonic rat brains, we identified neuroepithelial regions that exert chemotropic effects on mesencephalic dopaminergic axons. Explants from the pretectum and the striatum showed an attractive effect, whereas those from the midhindbrain boundary, the dorsal thalamus, and the ventral thalamus had no effect. Expression of semaphorin (Sema) 3C and Sema3F in the pretectum and of Sema3A in the striatum suggested a role for these axon guidance molecules in dopaminergic axon pathfinding. When expressed in HEK293 cell aggregates, Sema3C had an attractive effect and enhanced axon growth, Sema3A enhanced axon growth, and Sema3F had a repulsive effect on dopaminergic axons. Antineuropilin-1 and antineuropilin-2 antibodies reduced attraction by the pretectum, whereas attraction by the striatum was not affected by the presence of antineuropilin-1 antibodies. Moreover, neuropilin-1- and neuropilin-2-soluble Fc chimeras reduced the attraction by the pretectum. These results suggest that semaphorins may help to establish the dopaminergic projection from the midbrain to the striatum during embryonic development.  相似文献   

Semaphorins comprise a large family of proteins implicated in axonal guidance. We cloned a novel transmembrane semaphorin, semaphorin Y (Sema Y), which has a class VI sema domain. Sema Y shows growth cone collapsing activity on DRG neurons in vitro, and the target regions of the DRG neurons express sema Y mRNA during development. Sema Y may be a stop signal for these neurons in their target areas. Interestingly, sema Y mRNA was also detected in other neurons and their targets. Two isoforms of Sema Y derived from alternative splicing were identified and their expression was found to be regulated in a tissue- and age-dependent manner. Distribution of sema Y mRNA suggests that Sema Y might also be important during maintenance of axonal connections and/or differentiation and migration of cells. Sequence comparison among class VI semaphorins revealed two short conserved sequence stretches in their cytoplasmic domains, suggesting interaction of these semaphorins with a common intracellular component(s).  相似文献   

We have analyzed the early development of the main hippocampal afferents in the mouse. Following injections of the lipophilic tracer 1–1′-dioctadecyl-3, 3, 3′, 3′-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchorate (DiI) in the entorhinal cortex, entorhinal axons were observed for the first time inthe hippocampus at E15, in the white matter, At E17, entorhinal fibers arborized within the stratum lacunosum-moleculare. At subsequent stages entorhinal axons formed dense networks that were restricted to their appropriate termination zone in the lacunosum-moleculare. The first axons invading the fascia dentata were noticed at E19, their density increasing at later stages. These axons were mainly present in the outer molecular layer. This onset of entorhinohippocampal projections was corroborated by retrograde labeling data after injections in the hippocampus. Commissural fibers first entered the contralateral hippocampus at E18, their number increasing at the following stages. Commissural axons arborized within the stratum oriens and radiatum in the hippocampus proper. In the fascia dentata, the earliest commissural fibers were seen at P2, terminating in the inner zone of the molecular layer and in the hilus. We conclude that developing entorhinal and commissural axons show a high degree of laminar specificity from the earliest stages of formation, which is compatible with the notion that distinct subsets of early maturing neurons populating the hippocampal plexiform layers may attract particular fiber systems. Hippocamposeptal fibers develop at E15, before the first septal fibers can be detected in the hippocampus. These early hippocamposeptal fibers originated from nonpyramidal neurons and terminated in the medial septal area, which is the main source of septal afferents to the hippocampus. In contrast, septohippocampal fibers were not seen in the hippocampus until E17. At perinatal stages, the hippocamposeptal connection reshapes, sending axons to the dorsolateral septal area as the innervation of the medial septum becomes less conspicuous. This sequence suggests that hippocampal neurons pioneer the formation of septohippocampal connections. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The factors determining the development of specific fiber tracts in the central nervous system as well as the interactions of growth cones with the surrounding micromilieu are largely unknown. Here we investigated the ontogenetic development of the septohippocampal projection in the rat with the lipophilic carbocyanine dye DiI which is transported anterogradely and retrogradely in neurons and can be applied to fixed embryonic tissue. Photoconversion of anterogradely labeled fibers allowed us to study individual growth cones by electron microscopy. The first axons originating from the septal complex were found in the hippocampus as early as on embryonic day (ED) 19, reaching the fimbrial pole of the hippocampus on ED 18. However, on ED 17 we consistently found retrogradely labeled cells in the hippocampus, indicating that the development of the hippocamposeptal projection precedes that of the septohippocampal projection. On ED 19, the majority of the axons directed toward the hippocampal formation passed the hippocampus and grew further into the subicular complex and entorhinal cortex. These axons gave off collaterals that invaded the hippocampus proper. A fairly adult pattern of the septohippocampal projection was reached on postnatal day 10, although many growth cones were still found. A comparative analysis of individual growth cones found in the fimbria and the hippocampus proper revealed no striking differences in their morphology. Electron microscopic analysis showed that growth cones in the fimbria were mainly contacted by other axons, whereas growth cones in the hippocampus had contact with all available elements. This may indicate that growing septohippocampal fibers are guided by axons of the earlier formed hippocamposeptal projection. In the hippocampus proper, other cues, probably derived from the target itself, may guide the septhippocampal axons to their appropriate target cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Elevating target-derived levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) in peripheral organs of postnatal mammals is known to enhance the survival of postganglionic sympathetic neurons and to promote the terminal arborization of sympathetic axons within such NGF-rich target tissues. Although increasing levels of NGF in the central nervous system can ameliorate cholinergic function of damaged and aged neurons of the medial septum, it remains undetermined whether the postnatal development of this neuronal population and their projections that innervate the hippocampus are likewise affected by elevated levels of target-derived NGF. To address this question, the cholinergic septohippocampal pathway was examined in adult transgenic mice which display elevated levels of NGF protein production in the dorsal hippocampus during postnatal development. Adult transgenic mice possessed a cholinergic population of septal neurons ≈ 15% larger than that seen in age-matched control animals. Despite increased numbers of cholinergic septal neurons, as well as elevated levels of hippocampal NGF, the density of cholinergic septal axons in the outer molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult transgenic animals was comparable with that found in wild-type controls. These results reveal that elevating levels of target-derived NGF during postnatal development can increase the population size of the cholinergic septal neurons but does not alter their pattern of afferent innervation in the hippocampus of adult mice.  相似文献   

Brain 5-HT2A receptors have been implicated in various behavioural and physiological processes including hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. To clarify the cellular localization and chemical identity of 5-HT2A receptor-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons in the rat septal complex and dorsal hippocampus, an immunofluorescence histochemical study was performed using a monoclonal antibody to the 5-HT2A receptor. Pretreatment with colchicine increased the number of 5-HT2A receptor-ir cell bodies, indicating that the 5-HT2A receptor protein undergoes microtubule-dependent anterograde transport in axons and dendrites. 5-HT2A receptor immunoreactivity was detected in septal cholinergic neurons, identified with an antiserum to the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), and in GABAergic cell bodies in the medial septum/diagonal band of Broca, identified with antisera to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin. In the dorsal hippocampus, 5-HT2A receptor immunoreactivity was demonstrated in cells located in the pyramidal cell layer (CA1-3) throughout the Ammon's horn and in the granular cell layer of the dentate gyrus. Furthermore, 5-HT2A receptor immunoreactivity was present in most hippocampal interneurons identified by the presence of GAD65, parvalbumin, calbindin D-28k, somatostatin and neuropeptide Y. In contrast, 5-HT2A receptor immunoreactivity was present in only a few interneurons containing cholecystokinin and calretinin immunoreactivity. The results suggest that serotonin acting on 5-HT2A receptors can modulate hippocampal functions via direct actions on hippocampal glutamatergic principal cells and indirectly via actions on hippocampal interneurons with different phenotypes as well as GABAergic and cholinergic septohippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

The large, conserved semaphorin gene family encodes axon guidance molecules in both invertebrates and vertebrates. The primitive vertebrate lamprey diverged near the time of vertebrate origins and is useful for understanding the gene duplication events that led to the increased complexity of the vertebrate genome. We characterized the sequence and expression pattern of semaphorins and their receptors genes in the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. We uncovered two members of the semaphorin family in sea lamprey. The first encodes a diffusible class 3 type semaphorin protein that is most similar to the human and mouse Sema3F (71% amino acid identity). The second encodes a transmembrane class 4 type semaphorin that is most similar to mouse Sema4D and human Sema4G, with 38% amino acid identity within the Sema domain. We also identified in lamprey two members of the semaphorin receptor family, lamprey Plexin A1 and Plexin A2. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that lamprey Sema3 and Sema4 represent precursor genes existing prior to the origin of the vertebrate Sema3A-G and Sema4A-G subfamilies. Therefore, the gene duplication event that gave rise to those subfamilies must have occurred after the divergence of jawed vertebrates from jawless fish. These semaphorins and plexins are expressed in unique and dynamic patterns in lamprey spinal cord and brain during development.  相似文献   

Developmental guidance cues act to direct growth cones to their correct targets in the nervous system. Recent experiments also demonstrate that developmental cues are expressed in the adult mammalian nervous system, although their function in the brain is not yet clear. The semaphorin gene family has been implicated in the growth of dendrites and axons in a number of different species. While the expression of semaphorin and its influence on tibial pioneer neurons in the developing limb bud have been well characterized in the grasshopper, the expression of semaphorin 2a (sema2a) has not been explored in the adult insect. In this study we used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with degenerate and gene-specific primers to clone part of the secreted form of sema2a from Gryllus bimaculatus. Using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we confirmed that sema2a mRNA and protein expression patterns in the embryonic cricket were similar to that seen in the grasshopper. We also showed that tibial neuron development in crickets was comparable to that described in grasshopper. An examination of both developing and adult cricket brains showed that sema2a mRNA and protein were expressed in the Kenyon cells in mushroom bodies, an area involved in learning and memory. Sema2a expression was most obvious near the apex of the mushroom body in a region surrounding the neurogenic tip, which produces neurons throughout the life of the cricket. We discuss the role of neurogenesis in learning and memory and the potential involvement of semaphorin in this process.  相似文献   

We analyzed the development of the hippocamposeptal projection and the morphology of the neurons giving rise to this projection. The fluorescent tracer Dil was injected into the septal region or the hippocampus in fixed brains of embryonic and early postnatal rats. Anterogradely labeled hippocampal axons first reached the septal region at E16. They ran along the midline of the brain, thereby approaching the medial septum. Axons to the lateral septum were first observed around E18/19. The lateral septum is partly innervated by collaterals of axons that travel to the medial septum. The projection to the lateral septal nuclei becomes more massive during early postnatal stages, whereas that to the medial septum becomes smaller. Cells in the medial septum retrogradely labeled by injection into the hippocampus were first observed at E18. Thus, the hippocamposeptal projection is established earlier than the septohippocampal projection. The first hippocampal projection neurons are nonpyramidal neurons that appear to pioneer the pathway to the septum. Pyramidal cell axons follow this first cohort of axons into the medial septum. Pyramidal cells could be retrogadely labeled from the medial septum during the perinatal period but then diminished in number. At P10, only nonpyramidal cells were labeled by medial septal injections. This indicates that the pyramidal component of this projection is transient and is removed shortly after birth. However, as is known from ther studies, hippocampal pyramidal cells give rise to a powerful projection to the lateral septum in adult animals. Our results show that there is a considerable remodeling of the projection from the hippocampus to the septum during ontogenetic development. © 1995 Willy-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An essential characteristic of the CNS function is the formation of reciprocal connections between brain areas. Although the mechanisms controlling the establishment of neuronal connections are being determined, very little is known about the development of reciprocal connections, which often course along identical pathways. Here, we show that Netrin-1, expressed along the fimbria, chemoattracts both septohippocampal and hippocamposeptal fibers. Moreover, we show that both Semaphorins 3A and 3F expressed in regions nearby the septum prevent the growth of septal axons into these regions. Blocking experiments with recombinant ecto-Neuropilins indicate that both Semaphorins 3A and 3F act cooperatively in the repulsion of septal axons. Furthermore, netrin-1-deficient mice develop a reduced septohippocampal projection. We conclude that the coordinated actions of Netrin-1 and Semaphorins 3A and 3F cooperate in the development of septohippocampal and hippocamposeptal connections, indicating that the same molecular cues serve the construction of reciprocal connections in both directions of growth.  相似文献   

During normal development of the nervous system, the target fields influence the survival and differentiation of projection neurons, but the factors regulating this interaction remain obscure. In the present study, we have raised the question whether the target region is essential for the postnatal development and maintenance of two different types of central projection neurons, cholinergic and GABAergic septohippocampal cells. In early postnatal rats (P5, P10), the hippocampus was eliminated by unilateral intrahippocampal injections of the excitotoxin N-methyl-D-aspartate. After a long survival time (at P70), we have immunostained serial sections of the septal region with antibodies against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine-synthesizing enzyme, or the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PARV) which is known to be contained in GABAergic septohippocampal neurons. In the medial septum ipsilateral to the lesioned side, about 60% of ChAT-immunoreactive neurons and 62% of PARV-immunoreactive neurons were found in adulthood even after complete elimination of the hippocampus. Some immunoreactive cells appeared heavily shrunken, but electron microscopic analysis revealed ultrastructural characteristics typical for medial septal neurons obtained from controls. Our results indicate that target elimination during development affected both types of projection cells, although only the cholinergic cells are known to be responsive to target-derived factors. J. Comp. Neurol. 379:467–481, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although axon guidance molecules play critical roles in neural circuit formation during development, their roles in the adult circuit are not well understood. In this study we examined the expression patterns of Semaphorin 3E (Sema3E), a member of the semaphorin family, in the mature neocortices of monkeys and mice by in situ hybridization (ISH). We found that Sema3E mRNA is highly specific to layer VI throughout the macaque monkey neocortex. We further examined the ratio of Sema3E+ cells among the layer VI excitatory neurons in areas M1, S1, TE, and V1 by fluorescence double ISH, using the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGluT1) gene as a specific marker for excitatory neurons. Among these areas, 34-63% of the VGluT1+ neurons expressed Sema3E mRNA. In the mouse cortex, two significant differences were observed in the pattern of Sema3E mRNA distribution. 1) Sema3E mRNA was expressed in layer Vb, in addition to layer VI in mice. 2) A subset of GABAergic interneurons expressed Sema3E mRNA in mice. By an in vitro binding experiment, we provide evidence that Plexin D1 is the specific receptor for Sema3E. Plexin D1 mRNA was preferentially expressed in layers II-V in both monkey and mouse cortices. The detailed lamina analysis by double ISH, however, revealed that Plexin D1 mRNA is expressed in layers II-Va, but not in layer Vb in the mouse cortex. Thus, the Plexin D1 and Sema3E mRNAs exhibit conserved complementary lamina patterns in mice and monkeys, despite the species differences in the pattern of each gene.  相似文献   

Semaphorins are a large family of secreted and transmembrane glycoproteins. Sema III, a member of the Class III semaphorins is a potent chemorepulsive signal for subsets of sensory axons and steers them away from tissue regions with high levels of expression. Previous studies in mutant mice lacking sema III gene showed various neural and nonneural abnormalities. In this study, we focused on the developing trigeminal pathway of sema III knockout mice. We show that the peripheral and central trigeminal projections are impaired during initial pathway formation when they develop into distinct nerves or tracts. These axons defasciculate and compromise the normal bundling of nerves and restricted alignment of the central tract. In contrast to trigeminal projections, thalamocortical projections to the barrel cortex appear normal. Furthermore, sema III receptor, neuropilin, is expressed during a short period of development when the tract is laid down, but not in the developing thalamocortical pathway. Peripherally, trigeminal axons express neuropilin for longer duration than their central counterparts. In spite of projection errors, whisker follicle innervation appears normal and whisker-related patterns form in the trigeminal nuclei and upstream thalamic and cortical centers. Our observations suggest that sema III plays a limited role during restriction of developing trigeminal axons to proper pathways and tracts. Other molecular and cellular mechanisms must act in concert with semaphorins in ensuring target recognition, topographic order of projections, and patterning of neural connections.  相似文献   

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