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目的 比较屈光性透明晶状体摘出加人工晶状体植入术和LASIK对治疗40岁以上高度近视的差异与优劣。方法 48例77眼高度近视患者分为两组:组1采用晶状体摘出加人工晶状体植入术,囊袋内放置低度数或负度数人工晶状体。组2采用微型角膜刀和准分子激光行LASIK术。术前和术后检测远近裸眼视力和矫正视力、眼屈光度和近附加屈光度。结果 术后两组的裸眼远视力都比术前有明显增加,两组比较无显著性差异。组1术后最好矫正视力比术前显著提高,但组2与术前相似,两者差异有高度显著性。两组在术中和随访期内均未发现严重的并发症。结论40岁以上-15.00 D左右的高度近视患者行屈光性透明晶状体摘出加人工晶状体植入术具有安全、有效和预测性好等优点,具有比LASIK更令人满意的视觉效果。 相似文献
AIM: To investigate the research trend on refractive cataract surgery, compare the contributions of different countries, institutions, journals, and authors in the past 20y, and explore its potential research hotspots.METHODS: All publications were extracted relating to refractive cataract surgery from 2003 to 2022 from Web of Science. Document types were limited to original articles and reviews, and the language was limited to English. Quantitatively and qualitatively of the publications were analyzed through Microsoft Excel and GraphPad Prism. VOSviewer and CiteSpace were used for bibliometric and visualized analysis.RESULTS: A total of 2090 publications were enrolled. The United States contributed the most publications (434, 20.8%), followed by China (345, 16.5%) and England (163, 7.80%). Publications from the United States were cited more frequently (9552 citations) with the highest H-index of 48. China ranked second in the total number of publications, the papers were not cited that frequently (3237 citations), and the H-index ranked sixth (H-index=29). Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery published the most papers (333, 15.9%), and the University of London had the highest number of publications (75, 3.59%). Dick HB from Germany published the most papers. Corneal astigmatism-related research, cataract surgery method-related research, postoperative visual-quality relate to research, and postoperative complications-relate research are the hotspots in this field. The most significant limitation was that the database was updated frequently and the latest publications were not included.CONCLUSION: The bibliometric analysis shows a brief summarization of the contribution of the authors, institutions, countries, and journals. Corneal astigmatism, cataract surgery method, postoperative visual-quality and postoperative complications related researches have become the emerging hotspots, which can give a direction in the future researches. 相似文献
目的根据显微角膜板层切除术治疗43例73只眼的临床效果,探讨其适应症选择原则。方法对不同年龄和不同屈光度病例,行术前预矫屈光度和术后实矫屈光度及手术前后裸眼视力和矫正视力的对比分析,观察手术前后的眼底变化。结果不同屈光度之间手术效果及预测性无差异。术后裸眼视力与术前矫正视力比较,相等者38只眼(52.05%),提高者20只眼(27.40%),两者相加为79.4%。术前矫正视力与术后疗效无明显关系。>45岁年龄组效果优于≤45岁年龄组。手术前后眼底无明显变化。结论该手术可做为治疗高度近视的首选方法之一,矫正视力欠佳的病例亦适合手术。手术不加重原有的眼底病变和导致新的眼底损害,但对有视网膜干孔和有网膜脱离征象者,应先期行相应治疗。 相似文献
本文就矫治近视的准分子激光角膜屈光手术、晶状体性屈光手术及如何制定个性化屈光手术方案等临床进展作一综述。 相似文献
PRK术后角膜上皮下雾状混浊的相关因素分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为探讨准分子激光角膜切削术(photorefractivekeratectomy,PRK)后角膜上皮下雾状混浊(haze)的原因及影响因素,对PRK后6个月时屈光度在-1.00~-18.50D的316例(615只眼)近视眼的haze相关因素进行观察和比较。结果:PRK后6个月时haze发生率为44.7%,1级或以上haze为13.3%。haze的发生率及密度随屈光度增高而增加(P<0.0001),也随切削深度的增加而增加(P<0.0001),术前非接触眼压超过18mmHg者,haze的发生率和密度增加(P<0.005),男性较易发生haze(P=0.0001),与年龄呈负相关(P<0.05)。而角膜厚度、术前戴用接触镜及散光对haze的影响不显著。结论:高度近视(>-6.0D)和过深的切削(>80μm)是引起haze的主要原因。术前眼压偏高、年龄偏低对haze也有明显影响。对PRK治疗高度近视应持审 相似文献
目的探讨有晶状体眼屈光性人工晶状体Phakic6植入术矫正高度近视的安全有效性。方法表面麻醉下对9例(18眼)高度近视(-12.00~-24.00D)患者行Phakic6植入术。手术前后检查术眼裸眼及矫正视力、眼压、Phakic6在眼内的位置、角膜内皮计数。结果经术后3~12月随访观察,术后所有术眼裸眼远、近视力均达到或高于术前最佳矫正视力;术眼眼压在正常范围;术眼角膜内皮计数均大于2500个·mm-2;除1例1眼出现了Phakic6前房内旋转,另1例1眼出现瞳孔轻度扩大并上移外,其余术眼Phakic6前房内位置稳定,与角膜及自身晶状体之间保留有安全距离,房角镜下未见人工晶状体袢压迫小梁网,无视网膜脱离及慢性色素膜炎反应。结论Phakic6眼内植入矫正高度近视效果显著,但远期效果及安全性还有待于进一步观察。 相似文献
目的:观察AstroPro-Q软件应用于角膜地形图引导的准分子激光屈光手术的安全性及有效性。方法:接受角膜地形图引导的准分子激光屈光近视矫治手术共38眼,等值球镜-5.20±1.51D。以术前最佳矫正视力与术后裸眼视力之比作为手术有效性指标,以术后最佳矫正视力有无降低为手术安全性指标。术前及术后1mo记录角膜前表面Q值。手术应用Astra-Pro2.2个性化治疗软件Q程序。做手术前矫正视力与手术后裸眼视力的自身对照配对t检验。术后1mo做角膜前表面实际Q值与手术中目标Q值的配对t检验。结果:术后裸眼视力与术前最佳矫正视力两者之间无统计学显著性差异。(P>0.05)手术的有效性为0.98。无术后最佳矫正视力下降的情况发生。角膜地形图测量手术前角膜前表面Q值平均-0.08±0.05;手术后平均为0.17±0.09。手术前后Q值变化无统计学显著性差异(P>0.05)。有20眼术后测量角膜地形图Q值为负值,18眼为正值。术后实际Q值与手术期望值两者之间有统计学显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:AstroPro-Q治疗程序用于角膜地形图引导的准分子激光屈光手术具有较好的临床效果和安全性。术后超过半数眼的角膜地形图Q值提示角膜前表面4.5mm直径范围保持横椭圆形态(Prolate),但是与达到的手术中输入的期望矫正值尚有一定差距。 相似文献
目的探讨我国近视屈光手术人群的角膜前表面非球性参数(Q值)的分布及其相关因素。方法随机选择18~44岁行近视分子激光角膜屈光手术者120例(240眼)。按屈光度分为低、中、高度3组,各组均为40例(80眼)。应用AstraMax二三维角膜综合检查站行角膜地彤网检查,记录角膜曲率及Q值;并行综合验光、角膜中央厚度、眼轴长度及其他常规术前检查。分别将Q值与各参数进行统计学分析。结果总体Q值均数为-0.16±0.17,呈正态分布;Q〈0者206眼,占85.83%;Q值与性别、眼别间差异无统计学意义;Q值与屈光度之间存在线性相关关系(F=9.6665,P〈0.05),高度近视组和低度、中度组问的差异有统计学意义(q=4.0037,P〈0.05;q=3.1218,P〈0.05);低中度近视组问差异无统计学意义。Q值与角膜中央厚度、平均角膜曲率、眼轴长度呈无相关性。结论我国近视屈光手术人群的Q值呈正态分布,大部分人群角膜为长椭圆形(prolate)。Q值与屈光不正程度相关,而与性别、角膜中央厚度、平均角膜曲率、眼轴长度之间无相关性。 相似文献
目的:观察AstroPro-P软件应用于角膜地形图引导的准分子激光屈光手术的安全性及有效性.方法:接受角膜地形图引导的准分子激光屈光近视矫治手术共18眼,等值球镜-5.29±0.31D.以术前最佳矫正视力与术后裸眼视力之比作为手术有效性指标,以术后最佳矫正视力有无降低为手术安全性指标.术前及术后1mo记录角膜前表面Q值.手术应用Astra-Pro2.2个性化治疗软件P程序.做手术前矫正视力与手术后裸眼视力的自身对照配对t检验.做术前和术后1mo角膜前表面Q值的自身配对t检验.结果:术后裸眼视力与术前最佳矫正视力两者之间无统计学显著性差异(P>0.05).手术的有效性为1.098.无术后最佳矫正视力下降的情况发生.角膜地形图测量手术前角膜前表面Q值平均-0.19±0.07;手术后平均为0.77±0.15.两者之间无统计学显著性差异(P>0.05).结论:AstroPro-P治疗程序用于角膜地形图引导的准分子激光屈光手术具有较好的临床效果和安全性.虽然统计学处理无差异,但是术后的角膜地形图Q值提示角膜前表面形态仍呈长椭圆形(oblate)改变,与准分子激光常规近视治疗的结果相似,然而是否存在有数量上的差别尚需进一步的研究. 相似文献
眼内屈光手术治疗超高度近视的现状 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
超高度近视的具体病因尚不清楚,用框架眼镜矫正具有视野狭小、物像畸变、镜片厚重配戴不便等缺点,准分子激光手术因角膜本身条件受限不能进行充分矫正。而近年来晶状体相关的屈光手术矫正超高度近视均获得了较满意的效果,我们就目前各类眼内晶状体相关的屈光手术的优缺点和治疗现状作一综述。 相似文献
目的:探讨影响近视眼患者选择准分子激光角膜屈光手术的因素。方法:2007-06/2008-05近视患者734例进行问卷调查,内容包括患者人群特征、近视及矫正的情况、手术原因及对手术相关信息的了解情况、对医疗服务的满意程度等。采用Logistic回归分析影响近视眼患者选择准分子激光角膜屈光手术的相关因素。结果:在734例咨询者中,581例患者进行了手术,153例未手术。多因素非条件Logistic回归分析结果表明患者年龄、性别、教育水平、近视时间、近视程度、获得手术信息的途径、对手术了解程度、对手术期望程度、就医环境的好坏,手术医师技术的好坏,服务满意度等因素是影响近视眼患者是否选择准分子激光角膜屈光手术的主要因素。结论:影响近视眼患者选择准分子激光角膜屈光手术的因素较多。医务人员应该合理宣传准分子激光角膜屈光手术的安全性和疗效,改善患者的就医环境,提高服务满意率,使近视患者对手术疗效有合理的期望,正确选择手术。 相似文献
Dan-Yang Wang Man-Li Liu Yi-Le Chen Xiao-Ying Zhang Yang-Tao Xu Jian-Chao Wang Chi-Ho To Jian-Guo Wang Quan Liu 《国际眼科》2016,9(4):536-539
AIM: To assess the effects of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) surgery on the corneal endothelium at 1d to 1mo postoperatively.
METHODS: A retrospective, observational study was conducted on 47 patients (47 eyes) who received SMILE surgery. Patients were grouped according to contact lens wear condition. The corneal endothelium was examined preoperatively and at 1d, 1wk and 1mo postoperatively. The corneal endothelium was analyzed for endothelial cell density (ECD), percentage of hexagonal cells, and coefficient of variation (CV) of cell size.
RESULTS: There were no significant decrease in the ECD, percentage of hexagonal cells or increase in CV at 1d, 1wk and 1mo postoperatively (P>0.05). However, there was a small increase of ECD by 2.88% in contact lens wearers (78.26±113.62 cell/mm2, P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: SMILE has no significant adverse effects on the corneal ECD and morphology during 1mo follow-up time. 相似文献
目的:探讨屈光度大于-12.00D透明晶状体超声乳化吸除联合人工晶状体植入术治疗高度近视的有效性和安全性。方法:对78例(100眼)高度近视患者行巩膜隧道切口超声乳化透明晶状体吸除联合人工晶状体植入术。平均年龄39.2岁,术前矫正视力0.12~0.6,平均近视度数(-14.41±4.33)D。结果:术后所有患者裸眼视力均有提高;82眼(82.0%)裸眼视力≥0.5;96眼(96.0%)矫正视力≥0.5。术后屈光度数为-0.60~-3.48D,平均散光度数(0.58±0.92)D。术后平均随访时间19.5mo。术后发生晶状体后囊膜混浊14眼(14.0%),未见视网膜裂孔、视网膜脱离及黄斑囊样水肿。结论:超声乳化吸除屈光度大于-12.00D透明晶状体联合人工晶状体植入术,术后视力好、并发症少,是矫治高度近视安全、有效的方法,但是手术者及患者的选择应当是有条件的。 相似文献
Marguerite B. McDonald Stephen D. Klyce Henry Suarez Artemios Kandarakis Miles H. Friedlander Herbert E. Kaufman 《Ophthalmology》1985,92(10):1417-1422
Epikeratophakia is based on the principles of the Barraquer refractive procedures, with modifications that simplify the surgical technique and eliminate the use of the microkeratome by placing the donor corneal tissue lens on the anterior surface of the cornea. Procedures developed to permit freeze-drying the preshaped lens for storage enable these lenses to be obtained from a central source, freeing the surgeon from the complexities of the computer and the cryolathe. The correction of theoretically unlimited amounts of myopia is possible with these lenses. In 12 eyes that underwent the final epikeratophakia procedure, the average desired correction achieved was 98%. 相似文献
目的 观察鹰视准分子激光系统的LASIK治疗各种屈光度的近视的效果。方法 利用鹰视准分子激光治疗仪联合MoriaII微型角膜刀对 12 5 0例 2 4 6 0眼进行治疗。术后 12个月观察视功能、屈光度及并发症。结果 术后 12个月屈光度 <8.0D、>8.0D裸眼视力达到 0 .5以上分别为98.5 %、96 .5 % ,达到 1.0以上分别为 91.2 %、82 5 % .术后3~ 6个月屈光度趋于稳定。手术并发症包括角膜上皮脱落、结膜下出血、层间异物残留等。结论 鹰视准分子激光系统的LASIK对不同屈光度近视治疗均有良好效果 ,且比其他类型的激光仪更有优势 ,如方便、准确、预测性高、并发症少等 相似文献
Xiao-Dan Zhang Chun-Xia Wang Hong-Hu Jiang Shuo-Lan Jing Jiang-Yue Zhao Zi-Yan Yu 《国际眼科》2021,14(4):589-599
AIM:To evaluate the global trends in and explore hotspots of high myopia(HM)research.METHODS:This bibliometric analysis was used to reveal the publication trends in HM research field based on the Web of Science Core Collection(WoSCC).VOSviewer version 1.6.13 software was used to analyze the data and construct a knowledge map including the yearly publication number,journals,countries,international collaborations,authors,research hotspots,and intellectual base in HM.RESULTS:The search engine found 3544 peer-reviewed publications on HM between 2010 and 2019,and the yearly research output substantially elevated over the past decade.China is the top publishing country,and Sun Yatsen University was the most active academic institution.Jonas JB is the top publishing scientist,and Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science(IOVS)was the most productive journal.The highest cited references mainly focused on epidemiology and management.The keywords formed 6 clusters:1)refractive surgery;2)etiology and clinical characteristics;3)the mechanism of eye growth;4)management for myopic maculopathy;5)vitrectomy surgical treatment;6)myopia-associated glaucoma-like optic neuropathy.CONCLUSION:The evaluation of development trends based on the data extracted from WoSCC can provide valuable information and guidance for ophthalmologists and public health researchers to improve management procedures in HM field. 相似文献
Jean Christophe Joyaux Anne Gallois David Touboul Cécile Delcourt Joseph Colin Sudi Patel 《Acta ophthalmologica. Supplement》2012,90(7):e529-e533
Purpose: To evaluate the corneal thickness and curvature of myopic and patients with keratoconus from two countries. Methods: This cross‐sectional study was conducted at Cabinet Opale, Fort de France, French West Indies and University Hospital of Bordeaux, France. Corneal thickness and curvature were assessed in 170 keratoconic eyes of 89 residents of the French Caribbean Islands (FCI) and 159 keratoconic eyes of 91 residents of the Aquitaine region of southwest France. A group of age‐matched keratoconus‐free patients who had been referred for refractive surgery owing to myopia (173 FCI [173 eyes; 87 individuals] and Aquitaine [181 eyes; 93 individuals]) were also assessed. Results: The mean age at keratoconus diagnosis was significantly higher among FCI than Aquitaine residents (p = 0.009). The mean keratometric (Km) reading was statistically higher for keratoconic FCI than Aquitaine patients, at 48.06 versus 46.21 diopters (p = 0.001). This difference was more pronounced among patients aged >40 years than those ≤40 years (p = 0.009). Patients with keratoconus showed no significant difference in mean central corneal thickness and thinnest corneal point values, irrespective of region. Myopic individuals from the FCI, however, had significantly lower mean central corneal thickness and thinnest corneal point measurements than Aquitaine myopics, irrespective of age group (p ≤ 0.0008). Conclusion: The corneas of patients with keratoconus of African‐Caribbean and Caucasian origins are of similar thickness. Myopic African‐Caribbean patients referred for refractive surgery tend to present with thinner corneas than Caucasians. 相似文献
眼内屈光手术研究进展 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
屈光性手术是当前眼科界发展最快的前沿领域之一。其种类繁多,更新较快,而高度近视的屈光性手术对眼科医师来说一直是个挑战。由于准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术(LASIK)等角膜屈光手术在高度近视上的应用受限,加之近年来有晶状体眼人工晶状体技术和屈光性晶状体置换术的进步,使得眼内屈光手术在矫治高度近视、远视及老视等方面已逐步体现出其独特的优越性。就目前其最新研究进展,包括有晶状体眼人工晶状体的种类、手术并发症及其处理,屈光性晶状体置换术手术技术等进行综述。 相似文献
Xing-Yang Wu Hui-Hui Fang Yan-Wu Xu Yan-Ling Zhang Shao-Chong Zhang Wei-Hua Yang 《国际眼科》2024,17(5):940-950
AIM: To gain insights into the global research hotspots and trends of myopia.METHODS: Articles were downloaded from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2022 from the Science Core Database website and were mainly statistically analyzed by bibliometrics software.RESULTS: A total of 444 institutions in 87 countries published 4124 articles. Between 2013 and 2022, China had the highest number of publications (n=1865) and the highest H-index (61). Sun Yat-sen University had the highest number of publications (n=229) and the highest H-index (33). Ophthalmology is the main category in related journals. Citations from 2020 to 2022 highlight keywords of options and reference, child health (pediatrics), myopic traction mechanism, public health, and machine learning, which represent research frontiers.CONCLUSION: Myopia has become a hot research field. China and Chinese institutions have the strongest academic influence in the field from 2013 to 2022. The main driver of myopic research is still medical or ophthalmologists. This study highlights the importance of public health in addressing the global rise in myopia, especially its impact on children’s health. At present, a unified theoretical system is still needed. Accurate surgical and therapeutic solutions must be proposed for people with different characteristics to manage and intervene refractive errors. In addition, the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) models are also reflected in disease monitoring and prediction. 相似文献