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张芳 《卫生软科学》2007,21(6):478-480
目前我国医疗保险、医疗卫生和医药行业未能同步协调发展影响了我国社会医疗保险制度的顺利实施。文章分析了我国社会医疗保险制度的相关配套医药卫生政策方面存在的问题及改进对策。  相似文献   

In Argentina, health sector reforms put particular emphasis on decentralization and self-management of the tax-funded health sector, and the restructuring of the social health insurance during the 1990s. Unlike other countries in the region, there was no comprehensive plan to reform and unify the sector. In order to assess the effects of the reforms on the performance of the health financing system, this study looks at impacts on the three inter-related functions of revenue collection, pooling, and purchasing/provision of health services. Data from various sources are used to illustrate the findings. It was found that the introduction of cost recovery by self-managed hospitals increased their budgets only marginally and competition among social health insurance funds did not reduce fragmentation as expected. Although reforming the Solidarity Redistribution Fund and implementing a single basic package for the insured was an important step towards equity and transparency, the extent of risk pooling is still very limited. This study also provides recommendations regarding strengthening reimbursement mechanisms for public hospitals, and regulating the private sector as approaches to improving the fairness of the health financing system and protecting people from financial hardship as a result of illness.  相似文献   

Equity in the financing of social security for health in Chile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Real public health spending has more than doubled since 1990, raising concerns about the targeting of public subsidies. This study examined the degree of equity in the financing of FONASA, the public insurer, which in 1995 covered 8.6 million beneficiaries, or 62% of the country's population. Study results, covering calendar year 1995, indicated that (1) government health subsidies were well-targeted, with about 90% reaching the indigent and 8% going to other, low-income beneficiaries; (2) only 2.5% of government subsidies leaked to higher-income, non-beneficiaries of FONASA (people covered by private insurers known as ISAPRES, otherwise covered, or without any coverage); (3) overall, FONASA's contributing beneficiaries (i.e. the indigent aside) self-financed their health benefits, although higher-income beneficiaries were providing significant cross-subsidies to low-income ones, making the internal financing of FONASA somewhat progressive; (4) the indigent received the highest amount of annual net benefits per capita, followed by low-income beneficiaries; and (5) the evasion of FONASA's payroll tax was pervasive, although public providers delivered care on an equal basis irrespective of the patients' contributions to FONASA. FONASA's finances would improve significantly if affiliation to health social security by both dependent and independent workers was made compulsory.  相似文献   

实施卫生投融资改革的初步构想   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
章提出了通过塑造公立医院的投资主体和产权代表,以明晰产权归属,界定投资权益为抓手,来实施卫生投融资改革的构想,化指出,改革的核心是依托市场机制来提高政府投资效率,推动公立医院的机制转换和快速发展,章最后提出应正确理解这一改革与政府职能转变,医院管理体制改革,多元化办医,医院建立法人治理结构,医院产权制度改革,组建医院集团等的关系。  相似文献   

简述卫生投融资改革之目的与意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
章结合对上海卫生投融资体制和医院建设的现状分析,提出加快卫生投融资改革具有重要的目的与意义。  相似文献   

从公平的视角看上海市卫生筹资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了上海市卫生筹资公平现状,并与天津、黑龙江和甘肃等省市进行了横向比较。研究发现上海市卫生筹资人均水平较高,且宏观公平性较好;家庭卫生筹资渠道中,基本医疗保险支出和个人现金卫生支出呈累退性;家庭灾难性卫生支出和致贫影响相对其他省市低,但也集中发生在经济水平较低人群。针对这些问题,提出了要建立与收入挂钩的筹资机制、统筹医保资金和加强医疗救助等政策建议。  相似文献   

新医改对我国医疗保障制度发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新医改的背景下,财政投入、政策导向和社会环境都为医疗保障制度提供了良好的发展机遇。本文分析了公共卫生体系、医疗服务体系和药品供应保障体系的改革对医疗保障制度的影响,并提出了促进医保制度发展的政策建设。  相似文献   

实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务的关键问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了基本医疗卫生服务的内涵,提出了基本人力、基本设施、基本药物、基本技术和基本服务规程等五个要素。另外,还介绍了建立卫生体制的基本共识和经验,并对我国建立基本医疗卫生制度提出了建议:增加公共筹资,控制个人支付比例;利用和发挥公立服务机构的作用;促进各类卫生筹资方式融合;促进财政投入政策和价格政策配合;公共投入优先支持和提供预防服务和基层卫生组织提供的初级诊疗服务;发展公立与私立机构、政府保障与商业健康保险之间的合作互补关系;构建精简统一效能的行政管理体制。  相似文献   

医保对象对职工医疗保险制度反应性的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文对享受上海市城镇职工基本医疗保险的市民进行随机抽样调查,就其对医保政策的评价和就医行为反应性改变,分析医保改革的有效性和震荡度.提出加强医保法制建设,强化费用分担意识,完善医保政策,进一步体现福利性、公益性、公平性.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the satisfaction with the current public health system and health benefit schemes, examine willingness to participate in national health insurance and review expectations and preferences of national health insurance. To this end, qualitative semi-structured interviews were carried out with 19 Syrian householders. Our results show that a need for health reform exists and that Syrian people are willing to support a national health insurance scheme if some key issues are properly addressed. Funding of the scheme is a major concern and should take into account the ability to pay and help the poor. In addition, waiting times should be shortened and sufficient coverage guaranteed. On the whole, the people would support a national health insurance with national pooling and purchasing under a public set-up, but important concerns of such a system regarding corruption and inefficiency were voiced too. Installing a quasi non-governmental organisation as manager of the insurance system under the stewardship of the Ministry of Health could provide a compromise acceptable to the people.  相似文献   

Yemen is a low‐middle‐income country where more than half of the population live in rural areas and lack access to the most basic health care. At US$40 per capita, Yemen's annual total health expenditure (THE) is among the lowest worldwide. This study analyses the preconditions and options for implementing basic social health protection in Yemen. It reveals a four‐tiered healthcare system characterised by high geographic and financial access barriers mainly for the poor. Out‐of‐pocket payments constitute 55% of THE, and cost‐sharing exemption schemes are not well organised. Resource‐allocation practices are inequitable because about 30% of THE gets spent on treatment abroad for a small number of patients, mainly from better‐off families. Against the background of a lack of social health protection, a series of small‐scale and often informal solidarity schemes have developed, and a number of public and private companies have set up health benefit schemes for their employees. Employment‐based schemes usually provide reasonable health care at an average annual cost of YR44 000 (US$200) per employee. In contrast, civil servants contribute to a mandatory health‐insurance scheme without receiving any additional health benefits in return. A number of options for initiating a pathway towards a universal health‐insurance system are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Health reform is inherently political. Sound technical analysis is never enough to guarantee the adoption of policy. Financing reforms aimed at promoting equity are especially likely to challenge vested interests and produce opposition. This article reviews the Health Insurance policy development in South Africa between 1994 and 1999. Despite more than 10 years of debate, analysis and design, no set of social health insurance (SHI) proposals had, by 1999, secured adequate support to become the basis for an implementation plan. In contrast, proposals to re-regulate the health insurance industry were speedily developed and implemented at the end of this period. The processes of actor engagement and management, set against policy goals and design details, were central to this experience. Adopting a grounded approach to analysis of primary interview data and a range of documentary material, this paper explores the dynamics between reform drivers engaged in directing policy change and a range of other actors. It describes the processes by which actors were drawn into health insurance policy development, the details of their engagement with each other, and it identifies where deliberate strategies of actor management were attempted and the results for the reform process. The primary drivers of this process were the Minister of Health and the unit responsible for health financing and economics in the national Department of Health Directorate of Health Financing and Economics, with support from members of the South African academic community. These actors worked within and through a series of four ad hoc policy advisory committees which were the main fora for health insurance policy development and the regulation of private health insurance. The different experiences in each committee are reviewed and contrasted through the lens of actor management. Differences between these drivers and opposition from other actors ultimately derailed efforts to establish adequate support for any form of SHI, even as regulatory proposals received sufficient support to be enacted in legislation. Drawing on this South African experience together with a simple analytical framework, the authors highlight five potential strategies by which reform drivers of any policy process could create alliances of support sufficient to overcome potential opposition to proposed policy changes. As little is currently known on how to manage the process of engaging actors in reform processes, these findings provide a foundation for further analysis of this issue.  相似文献   

通过对我国卫生筹资的研究,总结卫生费用筹集和分配中存在的问题,根据国际卫生筹资经验研究,顺应新医改要求,强化政府责任,健全卫生服务体系,有针对性地提出一些政策建议。  相似文献   

Financing national health insurance is a topic that has been discussed for a long time in the United States. It is also of relevance for less developed countries, in particular in the Far East where some countries have just introduced or are on the brink of introducing national health insurance. Furthermore, there is an urgent need to consult those former socialist countries wishing to introduce a national health insurance system. The paper deals with basic principles of health insurance and specific elements of a (compulsory) social health insurance in detail.  相似文献   

浙江省卫生总费用筹集与医疗保障机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
卫生总费用的筹集直接关系到医疗保障机制的改革与完善,近年来随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,浙江省卫生总费用筹资机制不断完善,提升了公民医疗保障水平,但也存在一些问题。本文通过浙江省卫生总费用筹集现状和问题分析,提出解决对策,以促进浙江省医疗保障机制的进一步完善。  相似文献   

In 1996, the Federal Law on Health Insurance (LAMal) was adopted in order to contain costs in Swiss health care. At the same time, the reform aimed to maintain or even improve solidarity and encourage institutional reform through new public management (NPM) and market mechanisms. More freedom in contractual conditions between insurers and providers and a clearer distinction of responsibilities between federal and regional (cantonal) authorities were stipulated to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency. The focus of this paper is an analysis of the effects of market reforms and NPM mechanisms introduced with the LAMal on the cost‐containment, quality of care and equity objectives in the Swiss health care system. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

关于卫生投融资改革若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作探讨了卫生系统投融资改革的若干问题,包括政府职能转变,医院资产管理,财务投资,公立医院的补偿机制和医疗保险和投融资之间的关系等。  相似文献   

South Korea introduced mandatory social health insurance forindustrial workers in large corporations in 1977, and extendedit incrementally to the self-employed until it covered the entirepopulation in 1989. Thirty years of national health insurancein Korea can provide valuable lessons on key issues in healthcare financing policy which now face many low- and middle-incomecountries aiming to achieve universal health care coverage,such as: tax versus social health insurance; population andbenefit coverage; single scheme versus multiple schemes; purchasingand provider payment method; and the role of politics and politicalcommitment. National health insurance in Korea has been successfulin mobilizing resources for health care, rapidly extending populationcoverage, effectively pooling public and private resources topurchase health care for the entire population, and containinghealth care expenditure. However, there are also challengesposed by the dominance of private providers paid by fee-for-service,the rapid aging of the population, and the public-private mixrelated to private health insurance.  相似文献   

目的 分析山东省1998-2010年卫生总费用主要构成及其变化趋势,提出改善卫生筹资的建议.方法:运用筹资来源法对山东省1998-2010年的卫生总费用进行了测算,并对测算结果进行分析.结果:山东省卫生总费用和人均卫生总费用呈现逐年增长趋势,个人卫生支出从55.40%~38.72%,结构不太合理.结论:建议适当提高卫生总费用占GDP的比例,加大政府卫生投入力度,降低居民个人卫生支出,建立合理的卫生筹资机制.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the Philippine health care system, and in particular its experience with social health insurance (SHI). Having initiated an SHI programme 35 years ago, the Philippines hold many lessons for the development of such schemes in other low and middle-income countries. We analyse the challenges currently facing PhilHealth, the national health insurer. PhilHealth was formed in 1995 as a successor to the Medicare programme and was given a mandate to achieve universal coverage by 2010. To date, PhilHealth has been quite successful in some areas (e.g. enrollment), but lags behind in others (e.g. quality and price control). We conclude that SHI in the Philippines has been a success story so far and provides lessons for countries in a similar situation. For example: (i) SHI is based on value decisions and the clear statement of societal goals can give guidance in the technical execution, (ii) SHI is a financing institution and needs to be treated accordingly, (iii) SHI can be implemented independently of the current economic situation and might actually contribute to economic development, (iv) community-based health care financing schemes should be merged with the national SHI in the long run, and (v) there is a strong need to push for high quality care and improved physical access. No clear suggestions can be given with respect to the benefit catalogue and the balance between economies of scale and decentralisation. Although riddled with many inadequacies, PhilHealth was set up as a strong and largely politically independent institution for the development of SHI. SHI can act as a stabilizing institution in a politically and economically volatile environment.  相似文献   

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