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Double filtration plasmapheresis (DFP) is a widely used and effective way to clear autoantibodies from plasma. It can, however, transiently alter the hemostatic system and cause a bleeding tendency in some patients. There is limited data on the consecutive effect of serial DFP on the hemostatic system, especially on fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor (vWF) levels. This study measured fibrinogen and vWF serially before and after each session of DFP in 8 patients who received one course of DFP treatment for 3 to 5 consecutive sessions on an alternate-day basis. In each session of DFP, the clearance rate of fibrinogen and vWF exceeded 63 and 45%, respectively. The final levels of fibrinogen and vWF after a full course of DFP were reduced to 14.3 and 51.2% of baseline level, respectively. No bleeding tendency was observed in any of the 34 DFP sessions. In conclusion, although an obvious decrease in fibrinogen level and the modest decrease in vWF were observed after an intensive course of DFP treatment, the low incidence of clinically important bleeding confirms the hemostasis-related safety of DFP.  相似文献   

von Willebrand antigen II (vW AgII) and von Willebrand factor (vWf) are immunochemically distinct proteins that are deficient in the plasma and platelets of patients with severe von Willebrand's disease. Normal human umbilical vein endothelial cells were cultured in the presence of [35S]methionine. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis of endothelial cell supernates and detergent-solubilized endothelial cells demonstrated specific incorporation of the [35S]methionine into vW AgII. Furthermore, when endothelial cells were lysed in the presence of proteolytic inhibitors, a second, less anodal peak was identified on crossed immunoelectrophoresis. This peak represented a complex of vW AgII and vWf and demonstrated a reaction of complete identity with the vW AgII immunoprecipitate. When plasma, serum, or platelets were evaluated by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, this "complex" peak was not present. When antibodies to vWf, fibronectin, or fibrinogen were present in the first dimension of crossed immunoelectrophoresis, only the antibodies to vWf removed the complex. Radioiodinated polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to vWf also localized vWf to this complex. Under reducing conditions, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of [35S]methionine-labeled immunoprecipitates indicated that the molecular weight of vW AgII is 98,000 and that vWf was present as two species of 220,000 and 260,000 mol wt, respectively. Immunofluorescent microscopy of endothelial cells demonstrated colocalization of vW AgII and vWf in endothelial cells with intense immunostaining of the same subcellular granules.  相似文献   

Exposure of platelets to shear stress leads to aggregation in the absence of exogenous agonists. We have now found that different adhesive proteins and platelet membrane glycoproteins are involved in aggregation depending on the shear stress conditions and the concentration of divalent cations in the medium. When blood is collected with trisodium citrate as anticoagulant, which causes a decrease in the levels of external ionized calcium ([Ca2+]o), platelet aggregation can be induced under low shear force (12 dyn/cm2) and is mediated by fibrinogen binding to the glycoprotein IIb-IIIa complex. Aggregates formed under these conditions are not stable, and when shear force is increased to 68 dyn/cm2, disaggregation results. By contrast, platelets from blood collected with hirudin as anticoagulant, wherein [Ca2+]o is within normal plasma levels, do not undergo low shear-induced aggregation; however, after exposure to a shear force above 80 dyn/cm2, aggregation is observed but only when von Willebrand factor is present and can interact with both its platelet binding sites, glycoprotein Ib-IX and glycoprotein IIb-IIIa. Fibrinogen is not involved in high shear-induced aggregation which, in fact, occurs normally in patients with severe afibrinogenemia. Thus, von Willebrand factor in the absence of exogenous agonists can mediate platelet aggregation in experimental conditions that may mimic the hemorheological situation of partially occluded arteries. This pathway of platelet aggregation involving only one adhesive ligand and two membrane adhesion receptors may play a relevant role in thrombogenesis.  相似文献   

Platelets and von Willebrand factor.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction of platelets with von Willebrand factor (VWF) is crucial in the initiation of any hemostatic or thrombotic process. VWF enables the platelet, via its surface glycoprotein receptors, to adhere to exposed subendothelium and to respond to shear stress in the blood. Via VWF that is stored and released from platelet alpha-granules and from Weibel-Palade bodies of endothelial cells, the hemostatic system can respond locally to lesions in the vessel wall and can initiate the activation of other platelets. This review describes the molecular structure of VWF, its functions and its interactions with the platelet membrane glycoprotein receptors GP Ib-IX-V and GP IIb-IIIa. As well, the role of VWF in shear-induced platelet adhesion and aggregation is described, and mechanisms are discussed that control the size of VWF multimers and the responsiveness of platelets to multimeric VWF. Finally, the review discusses the role of locally released VWF from platelet alpha-granules and from Weibel-Palade bodies for platelet activation in neonates and adults.  相似文献   

The binding of von Willebrand factor (vWf) to stimulated platelets in the plasma milieu was performed using a radiolabeled monoclonal antibody to vWf. Plasma proteins specifically inhibited the thrombin- and ADP/epinephrine-induced vWf binding to activated platelets but did not inhibit the ristocetin-induced vWf binding. When normal plasma was heat defibrinated, monoclonal-labeled vWf was bound to platelets following thrombin or ADP/epinephrine stimulation. Furthermore, monoclonal-labeled vWf from afibrinogenemic plasma bound normally to platelets. The binding of vWf to stimulated platelets in either heat-defibrinated normal plasma or afibrinogenemic plasma was specifically inhibited by the addition of normal plasma fibrinogen in a concentration-dependent manner. At levels of fibrinogen less than 1 mg/ml, however, vWf binding could be demonstrated. The inhibition by fibrinogen of vWf binding to platelets was competitive and overcome by increased concentrations of vWf. These studies show that thrombin-induced and ADP/epinephrine-induced vWf binding to platelets does not occur in the plasma milieu, although at reduced levels of fibrinogen, vWf binding to stimulated platelets can be demonstrated.  相似文献   

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in the hemostatic system and in the plasma levels for several plasma proteins, especially towards term. In this study changes occurring during normal pregnancy and immediately postpartum were investigated to establish adequate reference intervals for important hemostatic parameters. Blood samples were collected during pregnancy weeks 33, 36, 39 and 1-3 h after delivery from 153 healthy pregnant women with at least one previous normal pregnancy. The plasma samples were analyzed for antithrombin, von Willebrand factor (vWf), free protein S and fibronectin. Fibronectin and vWf are contact-promoting proteins responsible for adhesion and aggregation during primary hemostasis, but are also released from thrombocytes during activation of the coagulation process. Antithrombin is the most important primary physiological inhibitor of activated serine proteases related to the coagulation cascade. Protein S is a co-factor to protein C and in cooperation is also an important inhibitor of the coagulation cascade. During third-trimester pregnancy, vWf was higher than in non-pregnant women, and continued to increase postpartum. The fibronectin plasma level was mostly unchanged in comparison with non-pregnant values. Within this reference interval it gradually increased during the third trimester, but fell slightly postpartum. Antithrombin decreased slightly during the third trimester and even further, postpartum. Free protein S decreased markedly but to a stable level from week 33 to 39, decreasing even more postpartum. The present results are concordant with clinical knowledge of increased risk of thrombosis during pregnancy and early puerperium, with increased levels of vWf and fibronectin and decreased levels of antithrombin and free protein S. Clearly, current reference values based on healthy non-pregnant subjects are not usable during late pregnancy and immediately postpartum.  相似文献   

目的观察脓毒症患者血管内皮细胞(VEC)分泌血管性假血友病因子(vWF)、血栓调节蛋白(TM)的变化及乌司他丁的干预作用。方法选择脓毒症患者56例,分为治疗组(n=27)及乌司他丁组(n=29),两组均给予常规治疗,乌司他丁组加用乌司他丁静脉注射每12小时1次,连续10天;选取健康体检者作为对照组(n=20)。检测研究对象治疗前后外周血血清vWF、TM的水平;利用脓毒症患者血清作用于体外培养的VEC株(CRL-1730),检测培养上清液中可溶性vWF、TM的水平,并观察乌司他丁对培养上清液中vWF、TM水平的影响。结果治疗前,治疗组vWF、TM水平分别为(126.6±19.3)%,(29.8±5.6)μg/L;乌司他丁组vWF、TM水平分别为(128.3±6.3)%,(31.7±2.1)μg/L,两组患者vWF、TM水平与对照组比较均升高(均P0.05);治疗后,两组患者vWF、TM水平均下降,治疗组vWF、TM水平分别为(102.6±31.3)%,(18.9±3.6)μg/L;乌司他丁组vWF、TM水平分别为(80.6±26.3)%,(15.1±4.3)μg/L,治疗后乌司他丁组与治疗组比较差异有统计学意义(均P0.05);体外实验中,经乌司他丁干预后,细胞培养上清液中vWF、TM水平明显下降,分别为(67.1±21.6)%,(13.3±2.5)μg/L,与治疗组比较差异有统计学意义(均P0.01)。结论脓毒症患者存在VEC的损伤,乌司他丁对脓毒症患者的VEC损伤有保护作用。  相似文献   

The relationship between plasma concentrations of desmopressin and clotting factors Factor VIII:C (FVIII:C) and von Willebrand Factor (vWF) were explored after a single 15-minute intravenous infusion of desmopressin (0.3 microg/kg) to 28 healthy male subjects. Individual plasma desmopressin-vWF and desmopressin-FVIII:C concentration/response-time data were fitted to a pharmacodynamic sigmoid E ( max ) model linked to a two-compartment open pharmacokinetic model (Ke0 link). The model demonstrated that the onset rate of pharmacodynamic activity for FVIII:C and vWF was relatively rapid following intravenous administration. However, the offset rate of pharmacodynamic activity was rate-limited by the elimination rate of desmopressin. Mean maximum pharmacodynamic activity for both factors was estimated to be three- to four-times higher than baseline activity, and the mean desmopressin concentrations that produce half-maximal effects were approximately 250 to 300 pg/mL. Interindividual variation in pharmacodynamic-parameter estimates were of the magnitude that suggests a wide range of pharmacodynamic responses are possible for a fixed desmopressin dose.  相似文献   

We used intravital microscopy to observe the formation of platelet plugs in ferric chloride-injured arterioles of live mice. With this model, we evaluated thrombus growth in mice lacking von Willebrand factor (vWF) and fibrinogen (Fg), the two key ligands known to mediate platelet adhesion and aggregation. In vWF(-/-) mice, despite the presence of arterial shear, delayed platelet adhesion occurred and stable thrombi formed. In many mice, a persisting high-shear channel never occluded. Abundant thrombi formed in Fg(-/-) mice, but they detached from the subendothelium, which ultimately caused downstream occlusion in all cases. Surprisingly, mice deficient in both vWF and Fg successfully formed thrombi with properties characteristic of both mutations, leading to vessel occlusion in the majority of vessels. Platelets of these doubly deficient mice specifically accumulated fibronectin in their alpha-granules, suggesting that fibronectin could be the ligand supporting the platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Congestive heart failure (CHF) carries a poor prognosis with a high mortality rate, frequent hospitalizations and increased risk of thrombotic complications such as stroke. Cytokines may contribute to the progression and prothrombotic state of CHF, including the pro-inflammatory interleukin-6 (IL-6) and the pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), both of which are raised in CHF. The procoagulant properties of both cytokines may be mediated via tissue factor (TF), a potent clotting activator. We hypothesized that plasma levels of these markers, as well as levels of plasma viscosity, fibrinogen, soluble P-selectin and von Willebrand factor (markers of abnormal rheology, clotting, platelet activation, and endothelial damage, respectively) will be useful in predicting morbidity and mortality in chronic stable CHF. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred and twenty consecutive out-patients with chronic stable CHF (92 males; mean [SD] age 64 [11] years, mean [SD] left ventricular ejection fraction of 29 [6]%) were recruited and followed for 2 years during which 42 patients reached a clinical end-point of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular hospitalizations, including stroke and myocardial infarction. Plasma IL-6 (P=0.003) and TF (P=0.013) levels, but not other research indices, were higher in those who suffered events compared with those without events. Predictors of end-points were high (> or =median) TF (P=0.011), and IL-6 (P=0.023) levels, as well as the lowest quartile of a left ventricular ejection fraction (P=0.007). A strong correlation was present between TF and IL-6 levels (r=0.59; P<0.0001) and with VEGF levels (r=0.43; P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: IL-6 and TF are predictors of poor prognosis in chronic CHF, raising the hypothesis that IL-6 may contribute to the progression and thrombotic complications of CHF via its actions on TF expression. Although VEGF did not independently predict outcome in chronic CHF, the possibility arises that it may act with IL-6 to induce TF expression.  相似文献   

In plasma, von Willebrand factor (vWf) associates with Factor VIII (FVIII); however, the site at which these proteins first interact has not been defined. Administration of 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) causes a rapid, concomitant elevation in plasma levels of both vWf and FVIII, suggesting the existence of a DDAVP-releasable storage pool for both proteins. To determine whether vWf and FVIII can associate intracellularly and colocalize to storage vesicles, we transfected AtT-20 cells with vWf and FVIII expression plasmids. FVIII alone was not detectable within storage granules; however, transfection of vWf cDNA into the same cell caused FVIII to alter its intracellular trafficking and to undergo granular storage, colocalizing to the vWf-containing granules. In contrast, colocalization of FVIII was not observed when these cells were transfected with plasmids encoding defective FVIII-binding vWf mutants. Transfection of bovine endothelial cells with FVIII further demonstrated vesicular storage of FVIII with vWf in Weibel-Palade bodies. Since gene therapy of hemophilia A may ultimately target endothelium or hematopoietic stem cells, the interaction between vWf and FVIII within a secretory cell is important. Thus, vWf can alter the intracellular trafficking of FVIII from a constitutive to a regulated secretory pathway, thereby producing an intracellular storage pool of both proteins.  相似文献   

The normal Factor VIII/von Willebrand factor protein has the ability to agglutinate or aggregate normal platelets in the presence of ristocetin (von Willebrand factor activity). Removal of greater than 95% of the sialic acid from this protein by neuraminidase did not affect the von Willebrand factor or procoagulant activity. However, oxidation of the penultimate galactose of the asialo Factor VIII/von Willebrand factor protein with galactose oxidase resulted in a progressive loss of von Willebrand factor activity with no effect on procoagulant activity. Reduction of the 6-aldehydo intermediate by potassium borohydride caused full regeneration of von Willebrand factor activity. These studies confirm the identification of the intact penultimate galactose moiety as a critical determinant of von Willebrand factor activity.  相似文献   



  • Reduced survival of von Willebrand factor (VWF) in plasma causes type 1C von Willebrand disease.
  • Blood was collected from mouse strains by various methods and VWF propeptide and antigen assayed.
  • VWF propeptide to antigen ratio identifies a reduced VWF survival phenotype in mice.
  • This ratio validates the acceptability of murine blood samples for coagulation studies.



Reduced plasma survival of von Willebrand factor (VWF) is characteristic of patients with type 1C von Willebrand disease (VWD). These subjects can be identified by an increased steady‐state ratio of plasma VWF propeptide (VWFpp) to VWF antigen (VWF:Ag). A similar phenotype occurs in mice with the Mvwf1 allele.


To (i) determine if the VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio can be used to identify a ‘type 1C’ phenotype in mice, (ii) determine the most reliable method for murine blood sampling, and (iii) identify the source of VWF released during problematic blood collection.


‘Platelet‐VWF’ and ‘endothelial‐VWF’ mice were generated by bone marrow transplantation between C57BL/6J and VWF‐/‐ mice. Several blood sampling methods were used and murine VWFpp and VWF:Ag levels determined. Plasma and platelet VWF:Ag and VWFpp, VWF multimers and VWF half‐life were examined in mouse strains with and without Mvwf1.


A single retro‐orbital bleed and vena cava collection were found to be the optimal methods of blood collection. Problematic collection resulted in release of VWF from platelets and endothelium. The VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio identified strains of mice with reduced VWF survival.


Assay of murine VWFpp and VWF:Ag has utility in determining the acceptability of murine blood samples for coagulation testing and in identification of a reduced VWF survival phenotype in mice.

Platelet-type von Willebrand disease (vWD) and pseudo-vWD are two recently described intrinsic platelet defects characterized by enhanced ristocetin-induced agglutination in platelet-rich plasma. A similar finding is also typical of type IIB vWD, where it has been related to a von Willebrand factor (vWF) rather than a platelet abnormality. Platelet aggregation induced by unmodified human vWF in the absence of other stimuli has been reported in pseudo-vWD. In this study we demonstrate that vWF induces aggregation in platelet-type but not type IIB vWD. Aggregation is observed when normal plasma cryoprecipitate or purified vWF are added to platelet-rich plasma. Cryoprecipitate also aggregates washed platelets, although at higher concentrations than required for platelet-rich plasma. Purified vWF, however, induces significant aggregation of washed platelets only when plasma is added. EDTA inhibits vWF-induced aggregation. Its effect can be overcome by calcium but much less effectively by magnesium ions. Unstimulated platelets in platelet-rich plasma from patients with platelet-type but not type IIB vWD bind 125I-vWF in a specific and saturable manner. All different sized multimers of vWF become associated with platelets. Both aggregation and binding exhibit a similar vWF concentration dependence, suggesting that a correlation exists between these two events. Removal of ADP by appropriate consuming systems is without effect upon such binding or upon vWF-induced aggregation. Thrombin-induced 125I-vWF binding to washed platelets is normal in platelet-type as well as type IIB vWD. These results demonstrate that a specific binding site for unmodified human vWF is exposed on unstimulated platelets in platelet-type vWD. The relatively high vWF concentrations required for aggregation and binding may explain the lack of significant in vivo aggregation and thrombocytopenia in these patients. Moreover, these studies provide additional evidence that platelet-type and type IIB vWD are different diseases with distinct pathogeneses.  相似文献   

Substructure of human von Willebrand factor.   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
Using electron microscopy, we have visualized the substructure of human von Willebrand factor (vWf) purified by two different approaches. vWf multimers, which appear as flexible strands varying in length up to 2 micron, consist of dimeric units (protomers) polymerized linearly in an end-to-end fashion through disulfide bonds. Examination of small multimers (e.g., one-mers, two-mers, and three-mers) suggests that each protomer consists of two large globular end domains (22 X 6.5 nm) connected to a small central node (6.4 X 3.4 nm) by two flexible rod domains each approximately 34 nm long and approximately 2 nm in diameter. The protomer is 120 nm in length when fully extended. These same structural features are seen both in vWf molecules that were rapidly purified from fresh plasma by a new two-step procedure and in those purified from lyophilized intermediate-purity Factor VIII/vWf concentrates. The 240,000-mol wt subunit observed by gel electrophoresis upon complete reduction of vWf apparently contains both a rod domain and a globular domain and corresponds to one half of the protomer. Two subunits are disulfide-linked, probably near their carboxyl termini, to form the protomer; disulfide bonds in the amino-terminal globular ends link promoters to form vWf multimers. The vWf multimer strands have at least two morphologically distinct types of ends, which may result from proteolytic cleavage in the globular domains after formation of large linear polymers. In addition to releasing fragments that were similar in size and shape to the repeating protomeric unit, plasmic degradation of either preparation of vWf reduced the size of multimers, but had no detectable effect on the substructure of internal protomers.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is associated with altered platelet function and endothelial damage, but their relationship remains unclear. We examined the effect of short-term metabolic control with insulin in 14- and 28-day streptozocin-induced diabetic rats on alterations in in vitro platelet aggregation and serotonin release. Endothelial damage was assessed by plasma concentrations of von Willebrand factor activity (VIIIR:WF) and factor VIII-related antigen (VIIIR:Ag). Insulin was administered for 5 or 7 days at 9 or 21 days, respectively, after streptozocin. Enhanced platelet aggregation responses to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and thrombin occurred after both durations of diabetes. Insulin therapy returned ADP-induced, but not thrombin-induced, responses to normal. Enhanced thrombin-induced platelet release of serotonin occurred at both times. Collagen-induced platelet release was enhanced in 28-day diabetic rats. Insulin therapy returned these responses to normal. Plasma concentrations of VIIIR:WF and VIIIR:Ag were elevated in 28-day, but only VIIIR:WF was elevated in 14-day diabetic rats. Insulin therapy reduced the elevated levels of VIIIR:Ag in 28-day diabetic rats, but had little effect on either parameter after the shorter duration of diabetes. In summary, Enhanced platelet aggregation and increased release of serotonin occur shortly after the induction of diabetes by streptozocin in adult rats. These platelet changes precede alterations of endothelial function, as determined by plasma VIIIR:WF and VIIIR:Ag levels. Platelet changes respond more rapidly to insulin therapy than do endothelial changes in diabetic rats. The duration of diabetes before insulin therapy does not affect these relationships.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Variant von Willebrand disease designated as type I New York or type Malmö is characterized by enhanced ristocetin-induced platelet agglutination with normal von Willebrand factor multimeric distribution in plasma. We have studied four such patients belonging to three unrelated families and found in all of them a unique cytosine-to-thymine transition changing the codon for Pro503 (CCG) to Leu (CTG). In three patients the mutant allele also had a silent mutation in the codon for Ser500 (TCG-->TCA). Both nucleotide changes are present in the von Willebrand factor pseudogene; however, the characterization of distinctive markers where the gene and pseudogene differ, as well as the examination of amplified cDNA derived from platelet mRNA, confirmed that the abnormality occurs in the von Willebrand factor gene of the patients. Moreover, recombinant expression of the isolated glycoprotein Ib-binding domain of von Willebrand factor provided direct evidence that the Pro503-->Leu mutation is responsible for enhanced platelet reactivity to lower ristocetin concentrations. These results define a new structural element affecting the affinity of von Willebrand factor for glycoprotein Ib and establish the molecular basis of a variant form of von Willebrand disease.  相似文献   

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