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While the number of women entering U.S. medical schools has risen substantially in the past 25 years, the number of women in leadership positions in academic medicine is disproportionately small. The traditional pathway to academic leadership is through research. Women's health research is an ideal venue to fill the pipeline with talented women physicians and scientists who may become academic leaders in positions where they can promote positive change in women's health as well as mentor other women. The Office on Women's Health (OWH) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has contracted with 18 academic medical centers to develop National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health. Emphasizing the integral link between women's health and women leaders, each of the Centers of Excellence must develop a leadership plan for women in academic medicine as part of the contract requirements. This paper describes the training programs in women's health research that have developed at five of the academic medical centers: the University of Wisconsin, Magee Women's Hospital, the University of Maryland, Medical College of Pennsylvania Hahnemann University, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. We discuss some of the challenges faced for both initiation and future viability of these programs as well as criteria by which these programs will be evaluated for success.  相似文献   

This paper describes the characteristics of the clinical centers of the first 12 National Centers of Excellence (CoE) in Women's Health, designated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health between 1996 and 1997. These centers are compared with 56 hospital-sponsored primary care women's health centers identified in the 1994 National Survey of Women's Health Centers, the only source of nationally representative data on primary care women's health centers. While analysis demonstrates that some organizational and clinical attributes of primary care women's health centers were in evidence before the CoE program was initiated, the CoE centers demonstrate further integration of clinical services with research and medical training in women's health, and the delivery of services to a more diverse population of women.  相似文献   

Women are increasingly turning to the Internet for health information. The National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services) have as one goal the use of information technology to improve care of women. Telemedicine, the Internet, and Resource Centers were used for patient consultation, patient support, support of women in academics, and clinician education regarding women's health. Access of the lay public to high-quality health information was achieved using the Internet as well as Resource Centers employing Internet educational modalities. Telemedicine, distance learning for clinicians and patient consultations for those far from medical care, has been used successfully. For clinicians, continuing medical education regarding women's health and calendars of opportunities for education in women's health were made available on-line. Creative new uses of information technology have been developed by the Centers of Excellence in Women's Health. These modalities may be adopted, tested, and adapted by others seeking to improve the care and health of women.  相似文献   

The National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health Program (CoE) represents a new model for women's health in academic health centers that unites women's health research, teaching, clinical care, public education and outreach, and career advancement for women in the health sciences. Lessons learned from the first 3 years of implementation indicate that this type of model requires a transformation from the traditionally fragmented set of activities in academic health centers to an integrated system united around the goal of advancing women's health. The transformation requires institutional commitment, dedicated players, and an ability to build on existing resources and bring added value to the institution. Challenges and strategies to link women's health activities and increase collaboration are also discussed.  相似文献   

New models of care delivery have been developed to better coordinate and integrate healthcare for women. In the United States, one of the challenges is to incorporate the needs of racial and ethnic minority populations into these newer care paradigms. This paper begins with a brief historical review of the experience of racial and ethnic minorities in the American healthcare system to provide a context for discussing barriers and limitations of more traditional models of women's healthcare. Specific approaches used by National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health are presented as examples of strategies that may be implemented by other communities to address these barriers.  相似文献   

The National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health (CoEs) were established in part to provide integrated, comprehensive health care including mental health services to women. The purpose of this study was to identify mental health services currently provided by each of the 19 CoEs throughout the United States and to assess the extent to which these services are targeted to and utilized by rural women. Methods included both website review and semistructured interviews with knowledgeable informants in the CoEs. Center websites varied widely in mental health services mentioned: one CoE described services for nine different types of mental health issues, while one-fourth of the CoEs included no mention of any specific mental health services. Only four websites indicated that rural women were part of the CoE target population. Knowledgeable informant interviews indicated that seven of the CoEs had mental health staff onsite providing mental and behavioral health services. These services most often included treatment for depression and other mood disorders and for stress, as well as counseling for domestic violence issues. None of the CoEs offered mental or behavioral health services specifically targeted to rural women. We conclude that although they have not done so to date, the CoEs would be good sites in which to develop and test mental health outreach services for rural women.  相似文献   

Between 1996 and 1999, 18 academic health centers were awarded the designation of National Center of Excellence (CoE) in Women's Health by the Office on Women's Health within the Department of Health and Human Services and were provided with seed monies to develop model clinical services for women. Although the model has evolved in various forms, core characteristics that each nationally designated CoE has adopted include comprehensive, women-friendly, women-focused, women-relevant, integrated, multidisciplinary care. The permanent success of these comprehensive clinical programs resides in the ability to garner support of leaders of the academic health centers who understand both the importance of multidisciplinary programs to the clinical care they provide women and the education they offer to the future providers of women's healthcare.  相似文献   

Recent attention to reducing health disparities among population groups has focused on the need to include in clinical studies, especially clinical trials, participants who represent the diversity of the populations to which study results will be applied. While scientists generally applaud the goal of broadening the characteristics of participants in clinical trials, they are faced with multiple challenges as they seek to include historically underrepresented populations in their research. This article examines the historical and sociocultural context of participation by underrepresented groups, especially women and minorities, in clinical trials, identifies major barriers and challenges facing researchers, and suggests strategies for meeting these challenges. The article draws upon the experiences of the investigators affiliated with the National Centers of Excellence of Women's Health (CoEs).  相似文献   

The women's health movement has evolved into a large but disjointed industry. With guidance this industry will become organized and develop collaborative relationships that will result in improved health care for women in the United States. One organization, the National Association for Women's Health, is prepared and positioned to provide this leadership.  相似文献   

The creation of the National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health (CoE) program in 1996 by the Office on Women's Health, Department of Health and Human Services, included the stipulation that each institution awarded a CoE contribute at least a 25% match for the federal funds. Even the combination of these two sources of monies was insufficient for each CoE to accomplish its goals, however, so leveraging funds became necessary for each CoE to function effectively. The forms of leveraging varied from CoE to CoE, in part as a result of the institutional environment and the unique possibilities each permitted and in part as a result of the creativity of the leaders of the CoEs. This paper describes the concepts and some applications of leveraging in the setting of the CoEs, which might be applicable to other settings as well.  相似文献   

Minority physicians provide care in a manner that promotes patient satisfaction and meets the needs of an increasingly diverse U.S. population. In addition, minority medical school faculty bring diverse perspectives to research and teach cross-cultural care. However, men and women of color remain underrepresented among medical school faculty, particularly in the higher ranks. National data show that although the numbers of women in medicine have increased, minority representation remains essentially static. Studying minority women faculty as a group may help to improve our understanding of barriers to diversification. Six National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health used a variety of approaches in addressing the needs of this group. Recommendations for other academic institutions include development of key diversity indicators with national benchmarks, creation of guidelines for mentoring and faculty development programs, and support for career development opportunities.  相似文献   

Health issues unique to women and differences in healthcare experiences have recently gained attention as health plans and systems seek to extend and improve health promotion and disease prevention in the population. Successful efforts focused on enhancing quality of care will require information from the patient's perspective on how to improve such services to best support women's attempts to lead healthy and productive lives. The National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health program (CoE), sponsored by the Office on Women's Health within the Department of Health and Human Services, is based on an integrated model uniting research, training, healthcare, and community education and outreach. To examine women's concept and definitions of healthcare quality, 18 focus groups comprising 137 women were conducted nationwide on experiences and attributes of healthcare that women value in primary care. Following the focus groups, a woman-focused healthcare satisfaction instrument was developed for the purpose of assessing and improving healthcare delivery. We describe the qualitative results of the focus group study.  相似文献   

This paper describes efforts by the National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health to develop a woman-specific primary care satisfaction instrument suitable for quality improvement and research.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: Using data from bi-national 1998 surveys of adult women in the U.S. and in Israel, this article examines health, access, and care experiences among women in two countries with very different health care systems. We examine how well each country's system serves those vulnerable due to lower socio-economic status. The Israeli health care system-characterized by universal coverage for all its residents-relies on a system of competing health funds that employ many features typical of U.S. managed care plans. The analysis explores the extent to which such a system helps to equalize access experiences with contrasts to the experiences of U.S. women. FINDINGS: We find that U.S. and Israeli women report similar rates of disability and chronic conditions with prevalence of health problems sharply higher for low income and less educated women. We also find disparities in access: women in both countries reported unequal access experiences by education and income. In Israel, these experiences appear to be linked to health plan structural features rather than cost barriers. CONCLUSION: The findings indicate that achieving more equitable access to health care requires attention to non-financial as well as financial barriers to care. Despite the lack of financial barriers to care in Israel, administrative controls typical of managed care organizations appear to make health care systems difficult to navigate for low income and less educated women. The finding that disparities in health persist in a country with universal coverage indicates that improving women's health will require attention to broader social influences on health as well as improving access to health care.  相似文献   

A 2002 evaluation of the National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health (CoE) provided evidence that women receive higher-quality primary health care, as indicated by receipt of recommended preventive care and patient satisfaction, when they receive their care in comprehensive women's health centers. A potential rival explanation for the CoE evaluation findings, however, is that the higher quality of care in the CoE may be attributable to a predominance of female physicians in CoE settings. More women who receive health care in a CoE have a female regular physician and female physicians may provide more preventive health services. Additionally, women may self-select into the CoE because of their preference for female providers. This paper presents results of an analysis examining the role of physician gender in the CoE evaluation. Women seen in three CoE clinics and women seen in other settings in the same communities who had a female physician are compared to assess the CoE effect while controlled for physician gender. The findings confirm a positive CoE effect for many of the quality of care indicators that were observed in the original evaluation. Women seen in CoEs are more likely to receive physical breast examinations and mammograms (ages > or =50). In addition, positive CoE findings for counseling on domestic violence, sexually transmitted diseases, family or relationship concerns, and sexual function or concerns were upheld. The CoE model of care delivers advantages to women that are not explained by the greater number of female physicians in these settings.  相似文献   

Quality in women's health care has been assessed with preventive measures such as mammograms and pap smears, and obstetrical measures, such as prenatal care. Although awareness about sex and gender differences among researchers, health professionals, and women themselves has grown dramatically over the last 10 years, health care policy and medical education have not been influenced to any significant degree. Sex and gender differences have not been developed for a wider range of services, such as diagnosis and treatment of acute or chronic conditions, outside of reproductive health. This article reviews contemporary women's health issues and discusses the need for collaboration among multiple stakeholder groups within the health care industry to address quality in women's health care.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of the research and theorizing on women's health accomplished over the past 25 years. This research is represented by two parallel strands regarding women's health: the first strand concerns the feminist and sociological research tradition, and the other focuses on the public health and epidemiological tradition. The conclusion is that Nordic research can offer new knowledge on women's health in both the quantitative and the qualitative research traditions when researchers adopt a gender-sensitive perspective.  相似文献   

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