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Kugler P  Schleyer V 《Hippocampus》2004,14(8):975-985
Glutamate is the major excitatory transmitter in the CNS and plays distinct roles in a number of developmental events. Its extracellular concentration, which mediates these activities, is regulated by glutamate transporters in glial cells and neurons. In the present study, we have used nonradioactive in situ hybridization, immunocytochemistry, and immunoblotting to show the cellular and regional expression of the high-affinity glutamate transporters GLAST (EAAT1) and generic GLT1 (EAAT2; glial form of GLT1) in the rat hippocampus during postnatal development (P1-60). The results of transporter expression were compared with the localization and activity pattern of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), an important glutamate-metabolizing enzyme. The study showed that both transporters and GDH were demonstrable at P1 (day of birth). The expression of GLAST (detected by in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry) in the early postnatal development was higher than GLT1. Thereafter, the expression of both transporters increased, showing adult levels at between P20 and P30 (detected by in situ hybridization and immunoblotting). At these time points, the expression of GLT1 appeared to be significantly higher than the GLAST expression. GLT1 and GLAST proteins were demonstrable only in astrocytes. The increase of GDH activities (steepest increase from P5-P8), which were localized preferentially in astrocytes, was in agreement with the increase of transporter expression, preferentially with that of GLT1. These observations suggest that the extent of glutamate transporter expression and of glutamate-metabolizing GDH activity in astrocytes is intimately correlated with the formation of glutamatergic synapses in the developing hippocampus.  相似文献   

Glutamate transporters have the important function of removing glutamate released from synapses and keeping extracellular glutamate concentrations below excitotoxic levels. Extracellular glutamate increases in portocaval anastomosis (PCA), so we used a portacaval anastomosis model in rats to analyze the expression of glutamate transporters (GLAST, GLT-1 and EAAC1) in rat cerebellum, 1 and 6 months after PCA, using immunohistochemical methods. In controls, EAAC1 immunoreactivity in Purkinje cells and glial GLAST and GLT-1 immunoreactivities in the molecular layer (ML) increased from young to old rats. One month after PCA, Purkinje cell bodies were not immunostained for neuronal EAAC1 glutamate transporter, whereas glial glutamate transporter expressions (GLAST and GLT-1) were decreased when compared to young controls. In rats with long-term PCA (6 months post-PCA), neuronal and glial glutamate transporter expressions were increased. The expression of the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC1 was less intense than old controls, whereas glial glutamate transporters (GLAST and GLT-1) increased more than their controls. Since the level of the neuronal glutamate transporter (EAAC1) in long-term PCA did not reach that of the controls, GLAST and GLT-1 glutamate transporters seemed to be required to ensure the glutamate uptake in this type of encephalopathy. EAAC1 immunoreactivity also was expressed by Bergmann glial processes in long-term PCA, but this increase did not suffice to reverse the alterations caused at the early stage. The present findings provide evidence that transitory alteration of glutamate transporter expressions could be a significant factor in the accumulation of excess glutamate in the extracellular space in PCA, which probably makes Purkinje cells more vulnerable to glutamate effect.  相似文献   

The glial glutamate transporters GLAST and GLT-1 are primarily responsible for the removal of glutamate from brain extracellular fluid. This study compares the distribution of GLAST and GLT-1 expression in the circumventricular organs of the brain, in the meninges, and in the dorsal root ganglion. By using a highly sensitive nonisotopic in situ hybridization method and immunostaining, we demonstrate marked differences in the expression patterns for the two transporters. In the three sensory circumventricular organs that contain neuronal elements, i.e., the subfornical organ, the vascular organ of the lamina terminalis, and the area postrema, GLAST is strongly expressed, whereas GLT-1 is faintly expressed or absent. Both transporters are absent from the choroid plexus, and only GLAST mRNA is found in the subcommisural organ. In the pineal gland, GLAST is expressed by astrocytic cells near the pineal stalk, whereas GLT-1 is expressed by pinealocytes throughout the gland. In the pituitary gland, GLAST is likely expressed by folliculo-stellate cells in the anterior lobe, by a group of astrocyte-like cells and by marginal cells in the intermediate lobe, and by pituicytes in the posterior lobe, whereas GLT-1 is expressed only by the astrocyte-like cells in the intermediate lobe. Finally, GLAST, but not GLT-1, is expressed by specific layers of the meninges, and by satellite cells in the dorsal root ganglion. These results show that GLAST is the primary glutamate transporter in the circumventricular organs. The data provide further evidence that these two glutamate transporters fulfill markedly different functions in the nervous system.  相似文献   

At present, the ability of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) to regulate individual glutamate transporter subtypes is poorly understood and very little information exists on the mechanism(s) by which PUFAs achieve their effects on the transport process. Here we investigate the effect of cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on the activity of the mammalian glutamate transporter subtypes, GLT1, GLAST and EAAC1 individually expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. Exposure of cells to 100 muM DHA increased the rate of d-[(3)H]aspartate uptake by over 72% of control in HEK(GLT1) cells, and by 45% of control in HEK(EAAC1) cells. In contrast, exposure of HEK(GLAST) cells to 200 muM DHA resulted in almost 40% inhibition of d-[(3)H]aspartate transport. Removal of extracellular calcium increased the inhibitory potential of DHA in HEK(GLAST) cells. In contrast, in the absence of extracellular calcium, the stimulatory effect of DHA on d-[(3)H]aspartate uptake in HEK(GLT1) and HEK(EAAC1) cells was abolished, and significant inhibition of the transport process by DHA was observed. Inhibition of CaM kinase II or PKC had no effect on the ability of DHA to inhibit transport into HEK(GLAST) cells but abolished the stimulatory effect of DHA on d-[(3)H]aspartate transport into HEK(GLT1) and HEK(EAAC1) cells. Inhibition of PKA had no effect on the modulation of d-[(3)H]aspartate transport by DHA in any of the cell lines. We conclude that DHA differentially modulates the GLT1, GLAST and EAAC1 glutamate transporter subtypes via different mechanisms. In the case of GLT1 and EAAC1, DHA appears to stimulate d-[(3)H]aspartate uptake via a mechanism requiring extracellular calcium and involving CaM kinase II and PKC, but not PKA. In contrast, the inhibitory effect of DHA on GLAST does not require extracellular calcium and does not involve CaM kinase II, PKC or PKA.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of microglial activation on microglial glutamate transporters in vitro. Stimuli known to activate microglia and/or to be associated with pathological conditions with an impaired astroglial glutamate uptake were compared. Morphological changes and marked increases in ED1 antigen expression were found after 8-h incubation of rat microglia in 56 mM KCl, 1 ng/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and 100 microM glutamate, as well as in acidic and basic conditions, showing that the cells were activated. Of the stimuli used, only LPS induced a significant release of the proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), and was the only stimulus that increased microglial GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake capacity after 12-h incubation. This effect was probably mediated by TNF-alpha, since this cytokine mimicked the effect of LPS. Furthermore, the effect of LPS was blocked by thalidomide, an inhibitor of TNF-alpha synthesis. Additionally, neutralizing antibodies against TNF-alpha also blocked the increase, indicating TNF-alpha as an inducer of GLT-1 expression in microglia. It was also found that preincubation with glutamate dose-dependently inhibited the microglial glutamate uptake. This could suggest different physiological functions for microglial and astroglial glutamate uptake and might indicate a reciprocal control of GLT-1 expression between microglia and astrocytes.  相似文献   

Summary. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission and induces the expression of glutamate transporters EAAT1 and EAAT2 in newborn mouse astroglial cell cultures. Since nanomolar concentrations of PACAP exert this effect, signal transduction via the high affinity PACAP-type I-receptor PAC1 was assumed. To test this hypothesis and to assess the importance of PAC1-signalling in vivo, we analyzed glutamate transporter expression in mice with a PAC1 knockout.EAAT1 and EAAT2 expression was investigated in the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex of PAC1 mutant mice and wildtype littermates by semiquantitative in-situ-hybridization.PAC1-knockout mice show a subtle but significant reduction of EAAT1 expression in the dentate gyrus. In contrast, reduced expression levels of EAAT1 in the cerebral cortex did not reach statistical significance and EAAT2 expression was unchanged in CA3 and cerebral cortex of PAC1 mutant mice.Our data confirm the previously reported in-vitro-regulation of EAAT1 in the adult nervous system in vivo. EAAT2 expression, however, is unchanged in PAC1 knockout mice, most likely due to counterbalancing factors.  相似文献   

Reye P  Sullivan R  Scott H  Pow DV 《Glia》2002,38(3):246-255
We have performed immunocytochemistry on rat brains using a highly specific antiserum directed against the originally described form of the glutamate transporter GLT-1 (referred to hereafter as GLT-1alpha), and another against a C-terminal splice variant of this protein, GLT-1B. Both forms of GLT-1 were abundant in rat brain, especially in regions such as the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, and macroscopic examination of sections suggested that both forms were generally regionally coexistent. However, disparities were evident; GLT-1alpha was present in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland, whereas GLT-1B was absent. Similar marked disparities were also noted in the external capsule, where GLT1A labeling was abundant but GLT-1B was only occasionally encountered. Conversely, GLT-1B was more extensively distributed, relative to GLT-1alpha, in areas such as the deep cerebellar nuclei. In most regions, such as the olfactory bulbs, both splice variants were present but differences were evident in their distribution. In cerebral cortex, patches were evident where GLT-1B was absent, whereas no such patches were evident for GLT-1alpha. At high resolution, other discrepancies were evident; double-labeling of areas such as hippocampus indicated that the two splice variants may either be differentially expressed by closely apposed glial elements or that the two splice variants may be differentially targeted to distinct membrane domains of individual glial cells.  相似文献   

Vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) are responsible for glutamate trafficking and for the subsequent regulated release of this excitatory neurotransmitter at the synapse. Three isoforms of the VGLUT have been identified, now known as VGLUT1, VGLUT2, and VGLUT3. Both VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 have been considered definitive markers of glutamatergic neurons, whereas VGLUT3 is expressed in nonglutamatergic neurons such as cholinergic striatal interneurons. It is widely believed that VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 are expressed in a complementary manner at the cortical and thalamic levels, suggesting that these glutamatergic neurons fulfill different physiological functions. In the present work, we analyzed the pattern of VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 mRNA expression at the thalamic level by using single and dual in situ hybridization. In accordance with current beliefs, we found significant expression of VGLUT2 mRNA in all the thalamic nuclei, while moderate expression of VGLUT1 mRNA was consistently found in both the principal relay and the association thalamic nuclei. Interestingly, individual neurons within these nuclei coexpressed both VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 mRNAs, suggesting that these individual thalamic neurons may have different ways of trafficking glutamate. These results call for a reappraisal of the previously held concept regarding the mutually exclusive distribution of VGLUT transporters in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Estrogen influences neuronal development and a broad spectrum of neural functions. In addition, several lines of evidence suggest a role as neuroprotective factor for estrogen in the CNS. Neuroprotection can result from direct estrogen-neuron interactions or be mediated indirectly involving the regulation of physiological properties of nonneuronal cells, such as astrocytes and microglia. Increased l-glutamate levels are associated with neurotoxic and neurodegenerative processes in the brain. Thus, the removal of l-glutamate from the extracellular space by astrocytes through the astroglial glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST appears essential for maintaining a homeostatic milieu for neighboring neurons. We have therefore studied the influence of 17beta-estradiol on l-glutamate metabolism in cultured astrocytes from the neonate mouse midbrain using quantitative RT-PCR and Western blotting for both transporters as well as functional l-glutamate uptake studies. The administration of estrogen significantly increased the expression of GLT-1 and GLAST on the mRNA and protein level. Likewise, specific l-glutamate uptake by astrocytes was elevated after estrogen exposure and mimicked by dbcAMP stimulation. Induction of transporter expression and l-glutamate uptake were sensitive to ICI 182,780 treatment suggesting estrogen action through nuclear estrogen receptors. These findings indicate that estrogen can prevent l-glutamate-related cell death by decreasing extracellular l-glutamate levels through an increased l-glutamate uptake capacity by astrocytes.  相似文献   

The GABA-synthesizing enzymes glutamate decarboxylase (GAD)1 and GAD2 are universally contained in GABAergic neurons in the central nervous system of the mouse and rat. The two isoforms are almost identically expressed throughout the brain and spinal cord. By using in situ hybridization, we found that the mouse lateral striatum concentrates medium-sized projection neurons with high-level expression of GAD1, but not of GAD2, mRNA. This was confirmed with several types of riboprobe, including those directed to the 5'-noncoding, 3'-noncoding and coding regions. Immunohistochemical localization of GAD1 also revealed predominant localization of the enzyme in the same striatal region. The lateral region of the mouse striatum, harboring such neurons, is ovoid in shape and extends between interaural +4.8 and +2.8, and at lateral 2.8 and dorsoventral 2.0. This intriguing region corresponds to the area that receives afferent inputs from the primary motor and sensory cortex that are presumably related to mouth and forelimb representations. The lateral striatum is included in the basal ganglia-thalamocortical loop, and is most vulnerable to various noxious stimuli in the neurodegeneration processes involving the basal ganglia. We have confirmed elevated expression of GAD1 mRNA, but not of GAD2 mRNA, also in the rat lateral striatum. Image analysis favored the view that the regional increase is caused by elevated cellular expression, and that the greatest number of medium-sized spiny neurons were positive for GAD1 mRNA. The GAD1 mRNA distribution in the mouse lateral striatum partially resembled those of GPR155 and cannabinoid receptor type 1 mRNAs, suggesting functional cooperation in some neurons.  相似文献   

Using western blottings, microdialysis, and functional assays we tested the hypothesis that phencyclidine (PCP) modifies the expression and function of glutamate (Glu) transporters in the rat frontal cortex. Western blotting studies revealed that administration of PCP (10 mg/kg/day; 7 days) increased significantly the expression of the astrocytic Glu transporter GLT-1/EAAT2. Functional studies showed that PCP increased significantly Na+-dependent Glu uptake in slices and in neuron/astrocyte co-cultures, and microdialysis studies evidenced that PCP treatment reduced basal Glu output. In our experimental conditions, PCP did not induce toxicity. These studies show that PCP increases the expression of GLT-1 in the cerebral cortex, thereby increasing Glu uptake and reducing extracellular [Glu].  相似文献   

Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the auditory system, but associations between glutamatergic neuronal populations and the distribution of their synaptic terminations have been difficult. Different subsets of glutamatergic terminals employ one of three vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT) to load synaptic vesicles. Recently, VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 terminals were found to have different patterns of organization in the inferior colliculus, suggesting that there are different types of glutamatergic neurons in the brainstem auditory system with projections to the colliculus. To positively identify VGLUT-expressing neurons as well as inhibitory neurons in the auditory brainstem, we used in situ hybridization to identify the mRNA for VGLUT1, VGLUT2, and VIAAT (the vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter used by GABAergic and glycinergic terminals). Similar expression patterns were found in subsets of glutamatergic and inhibitory neurons in the auditory brainstem and thalamus of adult rats and mice. Four patterns of gene expression were seen in individual neurons. 1) VGLUT2 expressed alone was the prevalent pattern. 2) VGLUT1 coexpressed with VGLUT2 was seen in scattered neurons in most nuclei but was common in the medial geniculate body and ventral cochlear nucleus. 3) VGLUT1 expressed alone was found only in granule cells. 4) VIAAT expression was common in most nuclei but dominated in some. These data show that the expression of the VGLUT1/2 and VIAAT genes can identify different subsets of auditory neurons. This may facilitate the identification of different components in auditory circuits.  相似文献   

A role for kinin B1 receptors was suggested in the spinal cord and peripheral organs of streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats. The present study aims at determining whether B1 receptors are also induced and over-expressed in the brain of STZ-rats at 2, 7, and 21 days post-treatment. This was addressed by in situ hybridization using the [35S]-UTPalphaS-labeled riboprobe and by in vitro autoradiography with the radioligand [125I]-HPP-des-Arg10-Hoe 140. In control rats, B1 receptor mRNA was found widely distributed in many brain regions. Low mRNA levels were found in thalamus and hypothalamus (7-12 nCi/g) while high mRNA signals were detected in cortical regions and hippocampus (18-29 nCi/g). In diabetic rats, B1 receptor mRNA was markedly increased in hippocampus, temporal/parietal cortices and amygdala at 2 and 7 days (+88 to +150%). Low densities of B1 receptor binding sites were detected in all analyzed regions in control rats (0.18-0.37 fmol/mg tissue). In diabetic rats, B1 receptor binding sites were significantly increased in hippocampus, amygdala, temporal/parietal, and perhinal/piriform cortices (+ 55 to + 165 %) at 7 days only. Results highlight an early but transient and reversible up-regulation of B1 receptors in specific brain regions of STZ-diabetic rats. This may offer the advantage of reducing putative central side effects with B1 receptor antagonists if used for the treatment of diabetic complications in the periphery.  相似文献   

Oestrogen exerts its effects in the brain by binding to and activating two members of the nuclear receptor family, oestrogen receptor (ER)-alpha and ER-beta. Evidence suggests that oestrogen-receptive neurones participate in the generation of reproductive behaviours and that they convey the oestrogen message to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurones. The aim of the present study was to identify the neurochemical phenotype of a subset of oestrogen receptor-expressing neurones. To this aim, we focused on the glutamate neuronal system, which is one of the most important stimulators of GnRH synthesis and release. We used the presence of vesicular glutamate transporter-2 (VGLUT2) mRNA as a specific marker to identify glutamate neurones and employed dual in situ hybridization to localize ERalpha mRNA-(35S-labelling) and VGLUT2 mRNA-(digoxigenin-labelling) expressing neurones within the hypothalamus. The results show that the overall distribution of VGLUT2 mRNA and ERalpha mRNA are consistent with previous data in the literature. Dual-labelled neurones were localized in the ventrolateral part of the ventromedial nucleus where 81.3 +/- 3.4% of the ERalpha mRNA containing neurones expressed VGLUT2 mRNA, in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (30% colocalization) and in the medial preoptic nucleus (19% colocalization). Only 4.4% of the ERalpha expressing neurones in the arcuate nucleus contained VGLUT2 mRNA. These findings reveal that certain subpopulations of oestrogen-receptive neurones are glutamatergic in select hypothalamic areas that are known to regulate reproductive behaviour and GnRH neurones in the female rat. Thus, the oestrogen signal could be propagated through glutamate neurones to distant sites and influence the activity of the postsynaptic neurones.  相似文献   

目的通过应用共聚焦激光扫描显微镜技术(confocal laser scanning microscope, CLSM)观察脑缺血后谷氨酸载体GLAST mRNA和EAAT1蛋白表达的细胞定位,探讨CLSM技术中三维重建和三维显示在观察基因和蛋白在神经细胞上空间定位的应用.方法对脑缺血后采用原位杂交和免疫组织化学相结合的荧光双标技术标记的脑片进行双通道断层扫描以及三维数据重组.结果脑缺血后,荧光免疫组化双标显示大脑皮质缺血半暗区内的谷氨酸载体EAAT1蛋白与星形胶质细胞和神经元均有共表达;原位杂交结合免疫组化的荧光双标显示缺血周边区谷氨酸载体GLAST mRNA与星形胶质细胞和神经元有明显的共表达.结论共聚焦激光扫描显微镜观察脑缺血后谷氨酸载体GLAST mRNA和EAAT1蛋白在神经胶质细胞和神经元上的空间定位,为进一步研究脑缺血后谷氨酸载体系统作用机制提供了更为准确的形态依据.  相似文献   

Wernicke encephalopathy (WE), a neurological disorder caused by thiamine deficiency (TD), is characterized by structural damage in brain regions that include the thalamus and cerebral cortex. The basis for these lesions is unclear, but may involve a disturbance of glutamatergic neurotransmission. We have therefore investigated levels of the astrocytic glutamate transporters EAAT1 and EAAT2 in order to evaluate their role in the pathophysiology of this disorder. Histological assessment of the frontal cortex revealed a significant loss of neurons in neuropathologically confirmed cases of WE compared with age‐matched controls, concomitant with decreases in α‐internexin and synaptophysin protein content of 67 and 52% by immunoblotting. EAAT2 levels were diminished by 71% in WE, with levels of EAAT1 also reduced by 62%. Loss of both transporter sites was confirmed by immunohistochemical methods. Development of TD in rats caused a profound loss of EAAT1 and EAAT2 in the thalamus accompanied by decreases in other astrocyte‐specific proteins. Treatment of TD rats with N‐acetylcysteine prevented the downregulation of EAAT2 in the medial thalamus, and ameliorated the loss of several other astrocyte proteins, concomitant with increased neuronal survival. Our results suggest that (1) loss of EAAT1 and EAAT2 glutamate transporters is associated with structural damage to the frontal cortex in patients with WE, (2) oxidative stress plays an important role in this process, and (3) TD has a profound effect on the functional integrity of astrocytes. Based on these findings, we recommend that early treatment using a combination of thiamine AND antioxidant approaches should be an important consideration in cases of WE. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The high affinity, Na(+)-dependent, electrogenic glial L-glutamate transporters GLAST1 and GLT1, and two neuronal EAAC1 and EAAT4, regulate the neurotransmitter concentration in excitatory synapses of the central nervous system. We dissected the function of the individual transporters in the monogenic null allelic mouse lines, glast1(-/-) and eaac1(-/-), and the derived double mutant glast(-/-)eaac1(-/-). Unexpectedly, the biochemical analysis and the behavioral phenotypes of these null allelic mouse lines were inconspicuous. Inhibition studies of the Na(+)-dependent glutamate transport by plasma membrane vesicles and by isolated astrocytes of wt and glast1(-/-) mouse brains indicated the pivotal compensatory role of GLT1 in the absence particularly of GLAST1 and GLAST1 and EAAC1 mutant mice. In electrophysiological studies, the decay rate of excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) of Purkinje cells (PC) after selective activation of parallel and climbing fibers proved to be similar in wt and eaac1(-/-), but was significantly prolonged in glast1(-/-) PCs. Bath application of the glutamate uptake blocker SYM2081 prolonged EPSC decay profiles in both wt and double mutant glast1(-/-)eaac1(-/-) PCs by 286% and 229%, respectively, indicating a prominent role of compensatory glutamate transport in shaping glast1(-/-)eaac1(-/-) EPSCs.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the molecular mechanism underlying high seizure susceptibility of GLAST knockout mice, we carried out Western blotting for the expression of GLT-1, EAAC-1, and several kinds of glutamate receptors in the hippocampus and the cortex. Although no significant difference was observed between GLAST (+/+) and (-/-) mice in terms of expression of GLT-1 and EAAC-1 in the hippocampus, these proteins were over-expressed in the frontal cortex in GLAST (-/-) mice (GLT-1, about 210% increase; EAAC-1, about 180% increase). Expression of hippocampal Glu-R1 and Glu-R2 in GLAST (-/-) mice was remarkably increased (Glu-R1, about 140% increase; Glu-R2, about 160% increase), while Glu-R3 and NMDA receptors levels (NMDA-R1, 2A and 2B) were equal to those in control. Cortical levels of Glu-R1, -R2 and -R3 receptors in GLAST (-/-) mice were remarkably decreased (Glu-R1, about 60% decrease; Glu-R2, about 60% decrease; Glu-R3, about 70% decrease), while NMDA receptors were remarkably increased in comparison to those in GLAST (+/+) mice (N-R1, about 150% increase; N-R2A, about 150% increase; N-R2B, about 140% increase). These data suggest that the increased susceptibility to seizures in GLAST (-/-) mice might be derived from increased expression of Glu-R1 in the hippocampus coupled with decreased cortical expression of Glu-R2 and increased NMDA-R1 and -2A, -2B expression.  相似文献   

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