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通过收集村镇垃圾收运相关研究文献总结了研究概况;根据研究具体内容的不同将村镇垃圾收运研究分为村镇垃圾的收运模式研究、收运模式影响因素研究、源头收集研究、中转站选址及收运路线优化研究4个方面;介绍了当前村镇垃圾收运的研究现状,分析了当前研究中仍存在的问题,并提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

病例对照研究的设计原理及其进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文重新审视了传统病例对照研究的缺陷,深层次地探讨了巢式病例对照研究、病例队列研究与队列研究之间的关系,阐述了病例对照研究是队列研究的有效实现形式这一现代观念。  相似文献   

国内对公共卫生财政支付的研究分为3类:支付力度研究、专项资金管理和评价研究以及基层公共卫生服务支付方式研究。总结了目前研究主要结论和方法,分析了研究中的不足,提出了今后应该深入研究的领域。  相似文献   

形成研究网络进行合作研究,是医疗卫生领域科研创新的趋势,而协同效应是研究网络合作研究中的客观存在,决定着研究网络合作模式的成败。本文对北京市医疗卫生领域的研究网络进行了调研,以协同效应划分为互补效应、整合效应、学习效应三个层次为理论基础,对其研究网络的协同效应进行了分析,探索了医疗卫生领域研究网络合作模式的运行“黑箱”,为更好的促进研究网络合作研究,进一步发挥研究网络的协同效应提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

本文回顾了近年来性取向与人格的相关研究,简要介绍了已有研究中与性取向有关的人格特质,特别是与性别有关的人格特质。随后在回顾了性取向与人格的刻板印象的基础上进一步讨论了性取向与人格的实证研究。最后归纳了性取向与人格关系的研究结果,提出了进一步的研究展望。  相似文献   

本文回顾了近年来性取向与人格的相关研究,简要介绍了已有研究中与性取向有关的人格特质,特别是与性别有关的人格特质。随后在回顾了性取向与人格的刻板印象的基础上进一步讨论了性取向与人格的实证研究。最后归纳了性取向与人格关系的研究结果,提出了进一步的研究展望。  相似文献   

文章阐述了安徽省农村卫生基础设施现状研究的研究背景,依此提出了相应研究设计,包括研究理论依据、研究目标和内容、研究方法、质量控制以及技术路线。  相似文献   

介绍了机动手术室的主要形式、特点以及国内外研究现状,提出了机动手术室研究的关键技术,对相关技术研究进行了讨论分析,结合固定手术室的研究和发展阐述了机动手术室的发展方向。  相似文献   

为了研究食用槟榔的主要成分及其对人体健康的影响,近年来,许多学者对食用槟榔进行了大量的研究,作者在上述研究的基础上对食用槟榔的研究现状进行了综合分析,并对食用槟榔加工的污染其及控制措施的研究进行了探讨,为今后食用槟榔的研究提出了方向。  相似文献   

本文对慢性病病因学研究中出现的新一类研究设计进行了系统的介绍和讨论。主要介绍了两大类混合型或综合式研究设计,即在队列研究中开展嵌入式病例对照研究设计与病例-队列研究设计。从具体的设计过程和方案到相对应的统计方法做了详细的说明和比较。同时对两类研究设计的特点进行了概括和总结  相似文献   

Maternal and Child Health Journal - Health disparities research has demonstrated a negative relationship between racial discrimination and African American women’s maternal health outcomes....  相似文献   

In two prior papers in our series on qualitative research [Frankel & Devers (2000a, 2000b) Qualitative research: a consumer's guide, Education for Health, 13, 113-123; Frankel & Devers (2000) Study design in qualitative research-1: developing research questions and assessing research needs, Education for Health, 13, 251-261], we examine two critical issues in qualitative research design: sampling, including identifying and negotiating access to research sites and subjects, and data collection and management. We describe these two key steps in the qualitative research design process, discuss challenges that often emerge when pursuing these steps, and provide guidelines for addressing them. Qualitative research most often uses "purposive," rather than random, sampling strategies. A good understanding of these sampling strategies and why they are used is central to designing a credible qualitative study. In addition, given the real-world context in which most qualitative research is carried out, identifying and negotiating access to research sites and subjects are critical parts of the process. We also provide suggestions for developing and maintaining productive and mutually satisfying research relationships with sites and subjects. Finally, data collection and management are often neglected subjects in qualitative research. We offer practical advice on how to collect and manage qualitative data, including factors to consider when deciding how structured the data collection process should be, the pros and cons of audio- and/or videotaping compared with note-taking, and tips for writing up field notes and document management. A forthcoming, final paper in the series will focus on qualitative data analysis and the publication of qualitative research results.  相似文献   

The Medical Outcomes Study Instrument (MOSI), a 20 item functional health status measure was sent to all women aged 30-40 years (n = 486) in a General Practice (list size 6447). There was a 73% response rate to two mailings. Lower scores on all six dimensions of the MOSI were associated with the number of diagnoses and identified mental illness on the patient summaries, unemployment and with positive scores on the Nottingham Health Profile. In two categories, General Health Perceptions and Mental Health, the scores were lower for those on long-term medication. The paper suggests that the MOSI may be a candidate for Health Status measurement in research and audit in primary care, but further research is required.  相似文献   

What information and skills do older persons need in order to enhance their health? What obstacles stand in the way of promoting their health? One way to find out is simply to ask them, as the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, did in a study undertaken as part of the Health Promotion and Aging Initiative sponsored by th Public Health Service nd Administration on Aging. Following are excerpts from an executive summary of "Aging and Health Promotion: Market Research for Public Education," a report of a research study that involved 15 focus groups of persons aged 58 and over, as well as a review of data on the media habits and the demographic characteristics of older Americans. The study, which was undertaken to serve as the basis for recommendations for national action, also offers insights that should be useful to program planners interested in meeting the needs and capturing the interest of older persons.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To present a set of multi-item indicators and associated reliability estimates derived from early research with survey data from adolescents participating in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). METHODS: Add Health provides information on the health and health-related behaviors of a nationally representative sample of U.S. adolescents, as well as on individual-level and contextual factors that either promote young peoples' health or increase their health risk. Specifically, the 135-page in-home adolescent survey instrument includes multiple items intended to measure individual-level and social-environmental constructs relevant to adolescent health and well-being. This article details the development of a set of multi-item scales and indices from Add Health in-home adolescent survey data. These steps include identification of inconsistent responders, use of a split-halves approach to measurement validation, and use of a deductive approach in the development of scales and item composites. RESULTS: Estimates of internal consistency reliability suggest that many of the multi-item measures have acceptable levels of internal consistency across grade, gender, and race/ethnic groups included in this nationally representative sample of adolescents. In addition, moderate to high bivariate correlations between selected measures provide initial evidence of underlying latent constructs. CONCLUSIONS: This article provides adolescent health researchers with a set of methodologic procedures and measures developed in early research on the Add Health core adolescent data set.  相似文献   

Investigators examined how often validity and reliability measures were reported for research articles in three health education journals: Health Education, Health Education Quarterly, and the Journal of School Health. Articles published from 1980 to 1987 were considered in the analysis. Of the 611 articles published by Health Education during the period used for analysis, 128 (21%) met the criteria of a research article. Reliability was reported for 22 (17%) articles, and validity was reported for 78 (61%) articles. Health Education Quarterly published 212 articles; 74 (35%) were research articles. Reliability was reported for 16 (21%) articles and validity was reported for 40 (54%) articles. The Journal of School Health published 778 articles, of which 243 (31%) were research articles. Reliability was reported for 62 (25%), and validity was reported for 164 (67%) of the research articles. A chi-square test found a significant difference among the number of research articles published by the journals. Chi-square tests also found significant differences among the journals in the proportion of research articles that reported reliability information and the proportion that reported validity. A significant trend was noted for Health Education Quarterly and the Journal of School Health; the proportion of research articles that reported validity and reliability increased over time for both publications.  相似文献   

Maternal and Child Health Journal - Objectives Our research provides evidence on the intergenerational fetal programming effect by examining associations in the low birth weight (LBW, birth weight...  相似文献   

根据长期与世界卫生组织、国家卫生部以及上海市卫生局合作的重点项目研究,结合嘉定区新型农村合作医疗运行的实践,对我国新型农村合作医疗运行的基本模式、补偿的效果和病人就医的流向等进行研究与评估,提出"保两头、放中间"是我国新型农村合作医疗的基本运行模式。该模式保障目标明确,基金使用合理,保障效果显著,是一个适宜于我国实行新型农村合作医疗地区推广的可行性模式,也为我国其他社会医疗保险制度的完善提供了科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

世界银行—云南省妇幼卫生扶贫资金研究的背景及目的   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界银行-云南省妇幼卫生扶贫资金运作式研究是在卫Ⅵ项目的有效地改善了贫困农村妇幼卫生服务的基础上,进一步探索对贫困妇女及儿童提高医疗救助的有效途径。通过探讨,比较不同模式下妇幼卫生扶盆资金服务的提供与利用情况。更好地理解对贫困人群提供医疗救助的关键问题及其解决的策略,探索扶贫资金有效的运作管理模式。为贫困人群的医疗救助提供经验及决策依据。简要介绍了世界银行-云南省妇幼卫生扶贫资金运作式研究的背景及目的。  相似文献   

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